view lisp/README @ 156:60baf0b43294

Added tag r20-3b4 for changeset 43dd3413c7c7
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:39:46 +0200
parents cca96a509cfe
children eb5470882647
line wrap: on
line source

The subdirectories of this directory contain source code for the XEmacs
facilities written in Emacs Lisp.  *.el files are Elisp source, and *.elc
files are byte-compiled versions of the corresponding *.el files.
Byte-compiled files are architecture-independent.

When XEmacs starts up, it adds all subdirectories of the site-lisp
directory.  The site-lisp directory normally exists only in
installation trees.  For more information about the site-lisp
directory see the NEWS file.

After XEmacs adds all subdirectories of the site-lisp directory, it
adds all subdirectories of this directory to the load-path (the list
of directories to be searched when loading files.)  To speed up this
process, this directory has been rearranged to have very few files at
the top-level, so that emacs doesn't have to stat() several hundred
files to find the dozen or so which are actually subdirectories.

Directories whose names begin with "-" or "." are not added to the default

The only files which remain at top-level are those which you might
reasonably want to alter when installing or customizing XEmacs at your
site.  The files which may appear at top level are:

	paths.el	You may need to change the default pathnames here,
			but probably not.  This is loaded before XEmacs is

	site-init.el	To pre-load additional libraries into XEmacs and dump
			them in the executable, load them from this file.
			Read the instructions in this file for a description
			of how to do this.

	site-load.el	This is like site-init.el, but if you want the 
			docstrings of your preloaded libraries to be kept in
			the DOC file instead of in the executable, you should
			load them from this file instead.  To do this, you must
			also cause them to be scanned when the DOC file is
			generated by editing ../src/ and
			rerunning configure.

	site-start.el	This is loaded each time XEmacs starts up, before the
			user's .emacs file.

	default.el	This is loaded each time XEmacs starts up, after the
			user's .emacs file, unless .emacs sets the variable
			inhibit-default-init to t.

	version.el	This contains the version information for XEmacs.

These are the main subdirectories:

	prim		Fundamental XEmacs functionality.  Some of this is
			pre-dumped with XEmacs, some is autoloaded.

	utils		Various utility functions that some other XEmacs
			packages build on.  These are not user commands.

	modes		Text-editing and programming-language-sensitive modes.

	emulators	XEmacs can emulate a few different editors.  These are
			a bit more than what `modes' generally are.

	term		Terminal-specific customization files.  When XEmacs
			starts, it checks the $TERM environment variable to
			see what type of terminal the user is running on, and
			loads a file named $TERM.el from this directory, if
			that file exists.

	x11		X Window System-specific code.

	games		Various ways to waste time.

	packages	Random other utilities that are not primarily about
			editing text.  For example, code for automatically
			uncompressing .Z files would be here.  This is an
			`everything else' sort of directory.

Some packages are fairly large; those have been given their own	directories:

	auctex		A package for editing TeX documents.

	bytecomp	The XEmacs-lisp compiler.

	calendar	A calendar and appointment manager.

	cl		Common Lisp compatibility code.

	comint		General code for interacting with inferior processes,
			like shell buffers and lisp interpreters.

	custom		User environment customization code.

	edebug		A source-level debugger for Elisp.

	ediff		A comprehensive visual interface to diff and patch.

	efs		The directory editor, remote FTP frontend.

	egg		MULE Input Method.

	electric	The "electric" commands; these implement temporary
			windows for help, list-buffers, etc.

	energize	An interface to the Lucid Energize system.

	eos		An interface to Sun's SparcWorks product.

	eterm		A merge of the comint shell mode with an
			ANSI-compatible terminal-emulator.

	gnats		Interface to XEmacs bug reporting system based on
			Cygnus GNATS.

	gnus		A network news and mail reader.

	hm--html-menus	Menu interface to html-mode.

	hyperbole	An information management and hypertext system.

	ilisp		A comint-based package for interacting with inferior
			lisp processes.

	iso		ISO Latin language support.

	its		MULE Input Method.

	locale		IE18N stuff.

	mailcrypt	Package for dealing with PGP encrypted messages.

	mel		MIME encoding library (part of the Tools for MIME).

	mh-e		An interface to the MH-E mail handling system.

	mu		Message Utilities library (part of the Tools for

	mule		Multi-lingual extensions for XEmacs.

	oobr		An Object-Oriented class browser.

	pcl-cvs		An interface to the Concurrent Version System.

	psgml		General purpose SGML editing support with extra
			support for editing HTML.

	quail		MULE Input Method. [NOT WORKING IN 20.1]

	rmail		A BABYL-format mail reader.

	sunpro		Additional code for interfacing with SunPro products.

	tl		Tiny Library (Part of the Tools for MIME).

	tm		Tools for MIME.  MIME support for emacs lisp based
			news and mail readers.

	tooltalk	An inteface to the ToolTalk communication protocol.

	viper		A full-featured VI emulator.

	vm		View Mail, an UNIX-format alternative to RMAIL.

	w3		A World Wide Web interface.