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view etc/sgml/html-cougar.dtd @ 121:419db647c998
Added tag r20-1b12 for changeset cca96a509cfe
author | cvs |
date | Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:25:31 +0200 |
parents | ac2d302a0011 |
children |
line wrap: on
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<!-- This is an EXPERIMENTAL version of HTML (code named Cougar) that extends HTML 3.2 to add support for work by the HTML ERB, including style sheets, scripting, the object tag, internationalization and some extensions to forms. The frame tags will probably be added once we have an agreed definition for them. Draft: Wednesday 12-July-96 Author: Dave Raggett <> This is SUBJECT TO CHANGE, pending final approval by member organizations of the World Wide Web Consortium. --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Version "-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19960712//EN" -- Typical usage: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19960712//EN"> <html> ... </html> -- > <!--================== Deprecated Features Switch =========================--> <!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "INCLUDE"> <!--================== Imported Names =====================================--> <!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA" -- meaning a MIME content type, as per RFC1521 --> <!ENTITY % HTTP-Method "GET | POST" -- as per HTTP specification --> <!ENTITY % URL "CDATA" -- The term URL means a CDATA attribute whose value is a Uniform Resource Locator, See RFC1808 (June 95) and RFC1738 (Dec 94). --> <!ENTITY % script "CDATA" -- scriptlet --> <!-- Parameter Entities --> <!ENTITY % head.misc "SCRIPT|STYLE|META|LINK" -- repeatable head elements --> <!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6"> <!ENTITY % list "UL | OL | DIR | MENU"> <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE | XMP | LISTING"> ]]> <!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE"> <!--================ Character mnemonic entities ==========================--> <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML"> %ISOlat1; <!--================ Entities for special symbols =========================--> <!ENTITY copy CDATA "©" -- copyright sign --> <!ENTITY reg CDATA "®" -- registered sign --> <!ENTITY amp CDATA "&" -- ampersand --> <!ENTITY gt CDATA ">" -- greater than --> <!ENTITY lt CDATA "<" -- less than --> <!ENTITY quot CDATA """ -- double quote --> <!ENTITY nbsp CDATA " " -- non breaking space --> <!ENTITY trade CDATA "™" -- trade mark symbol --> <!ENTITY shy CDATA "­" -- soft hyphen --> <!ENTITY thinsp CDATA " " -- thin space (1/6 em) --> <!ENTITY emsp CDATA " " -- em space --> <!ENTITY ensp CDATA " " -- en space (1/2 em) --> <!ENTITY mdash CDATA "—" -- em dash --> <!ENTITY ndash CDATA "–" -- en dash --> <!-- Language-dependent BIDI and contextual analysis --> <!ENTITY zwnj CDATA "‌" -- zero width non-joiner --> <!ENTITY zwj CDATA "‍" -- zero width joiner --> <!ENTITY lrm CDATA "‎" -- left-to-right mark --> <!ENTITY rlm CDATA "‏" -- right-to-left mark --> <!--=================== Generic Attributes ================================--> <!ENTITY % style "id ID #IMPLIED -- document wide unique id -- class CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma list of class values -- style CDATA #IMPLIED -- associated style info --" > <!ENTITY % i18n "lang NAME #IMPLIED -- RFC 1766 language value -- dir (ltr|rtl) #IMPLIED -- default directionality --" > <!ENTITY % attrs "%style %i18n"> <!ENTITY % just "align (left|center|right|justify) #IMPLIED" -- default is left for ltr paragraphs, right for rtl -- > <!--=================== Text Markup =======================================--> <!ENTITY % font "TT | I | B | U | S | BIG | SMALL | SUB | SUP"> <!ENTITY % phrase "EM | STRONG | DFN | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE | Q"> <!ENTITY % special "A|IMG|APPLET|OBJECT|FONT|BASEFONT|BR|SCRIPT|STYLE|MAP|SPAN|BDO"> <!ENTITY % form "INPUT | SELECT | TEXTAREA | LABEL"> <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | %font | %phrase | %special | %form"> <!ELEMENT (%font|%phrase) - - (%text)*> <!ATTLIST (%font|%phrase) %attrs> <!-- There are also 16 widely known color names: Black = #000000 Green = #008000 Silver = #C0C0C0 Lime = #00FF00 Gray = #808080 Olive = #808000 White = #FFFFFF Yellow = #FFFF00 Maroon = #800000 Navy = #000080 Red = #FF0000 Blue = #0000FF Purple = #800080 Teal = #008080 Fuchsia= #FF00FF Aqua = #00FFFF These colors were originally picked as being the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette. The above gives the sRGB values in hex (#RRGGBB). --> <!ELEMENT SPAN - - (%text)* -- generic language/style container --> <!ATTLIST SPAN %attrs> <!ELEMENT BDO - - (%text)* -- I18N BiDi over-ride --> <!ATTLIST BDO lang NAME #IMPLIED -- RFC 1766 language value -- dir (ltr|rtl) #REQUIRED -- directionality -- > <!ELEMENT BASEFONT - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BASEFONT size CDATA #REQUIRED -- base font size for FONT elements -- > <!ELEMENT FONT - - (%text)* -- local change to font --> <!ATTLIST FONT size CDATA #IMPLIED -- [+]nn e.g. size="+1", size=4 -- color CDATA #IMPLIED -- #RRGGBB in hex, e.g. red: color="#FF0000" -- face CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of font names -- > <!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY -- forced line break --> <!ATTLIST BR %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- clear (left|all|right|none) none -- control of text flow -- > <!--================== HTML content models ================================--> <!-- HTML has three basic content models: %text character level elements and text strings %flow block-like elements e.g. paragraphs and lists %bodytext as (b) plus headers and ADDRESS --> <!ENTITY % block "P | %list | %preformatted | DL | DIV | CENTER | BLOCKQUOTE | FORM | ISINDEX | HR | TABLE | FIELDSET"> <!-- %flow is used for DD and LI --> <!ENTITY % flow "(%text | %block)*"> <!--=================== Document Body =====================================--> <!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading | %text | %block | ADDRESS)*"> <!ENTITY % color "CDATA" -- a color specification: #HHHHHH @@ details? --> <!ENTITY % body-color-attrs " bgcolor %color #IMPLIED text %color #IMPLIED link %color #IMPLIED vlink %color #IMPLIED alink %color #IMPLIED "> <!ELEMENT BODY O O %body.content> <!ATTLIST BODY %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- background %URL #IMPLIED -- texture tile for document background -- %body-color-attrs; -- bgcolor, text, link, vlink, alink -- onLoad %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onUnload %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!ENTITY % address.content "((%text;) | P)*"> <!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - %address.content> <!ELEMENT DIV - - %body.content> <!ATTLIST DIV %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- %just; -- alignment of following text -- > <!-- CENTER is a shorthand for DIV with ALIGN=CENTER --> <!ELEMENT center - - %body.content> <!--================== The Anchor Element =================================--> <!-- see WD-object draft for OBJECT client-side imagemap extensions --> <!ENTITY % SHAPE "(rect|circle|poly|default)"> <!ENTITY % COORDS "CDATA" -- comma separated list of numbers --> <!ELEMENT A - - (%text)* -(A)> <!ATTLIST A %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- name CDATA #IMPLIED -- named link end -- href %URL #IMPLIED -- URL for linked resource -- rel CDATA #IMPLIED -- forward link types -- rev CDATA #IMPLIED -- reverse link types -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- accesskey CDATA #IMPLIED -- accessibility key character -- shape %SHAPE rect -- for use with OBJECT SHAPES -- coords %COORDS #IMPLIED -- for use with OBJECT SHAPES -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- onClick %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onMouseOver %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onMouseOut %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!--================== Client-side image maps ============================--> <!-- These can be placed in the same document or grouped in a separate document although this isn't yet widely supported --> <!ELEMENT MAP - - (AREA)*> <!ATTLIST MAP name CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT AREA - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST AREA shape %SHAPE rect coords %COORDS #IMPLIED -- always needed except for shape=default -- href %URL #IMPLIED -- this region acts as hypertext link -- nohref (nohref) #IMPLIED -- this region has no action -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string for balloon help -- alt CDATA #REQUIRED -- description for text only browsers -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- onClick %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onMouseOver %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onMouseOut %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!--================== The LINK Element ==================================--> <!ENTITY % Types "CDATA" -- See Internet Draft: draft-ietf-html-relrev-00.txt LINK has been part of HTML since the early days although few browsers as yet take advantage of it. Relationship values can be used in principle: a) for document specific toolbars/menus when used with the LINK element in document head: b) to link to a separate style sheet (rel=stylesheet) c) to make a link to a script (rel=script) d) by stylesheets to control how collections of html nodes are rendered into printed documents e) to make a link to a printable version of this document e.g. a postscript or pdf version (rel=print) --> <!ELEMENT LINK - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LINK %style; -- id, class, style -- href %URL #IMPLIED -- URL for linked resource -- rel %Types #IMPLIED -- forward link types -- rev %Types #IMPLIED -- reverse link types -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory Internet media type -- > <!--=================== Images ============================================--> <!ENTITY % Length "CDATA" -- nn for pixels or nn% for percentage length --> <!ENTITY % Pixels "CDATA" -- integer representing length in pixels --> <!-- Suggested widths are used for negotiating image size with the module responsible for painting the image. align=left or right cause image to float to margin and for subsequent text to wrap around image --> <!ENTITY % IAlign "(top|middle|bottom|left|right)" -- center? --> <!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY -- Embedded image --> <!ATTLIST IMG %style; -- id, class, style -- src %URL #REQUIRED -- URL of image to embed -- alt CDATA #IMPLIED -- for display in place of image -- align %IAlign #IMPLIED -- vertical or horizontal alignment -- height %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested height in pixels -- width %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested width in pixels -- border %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested link border width -- hspace %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested horizontal gutter -- vspace %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested vertical gutter -- usemap %URL #IMPLIED -- use client-side image map -- ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- use server image map -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- > <!-- USEMAP points to a MAP element which may be in this document or an external document, although the latter is not widely supported --> <!--=================== OBJECT tag ===================================--> <!-- OBJECT is a character-like element for inserting objects, see W3C working draft: --> <!ENTITY % OAlign "(texttop|middle|textmiddle|baseline| textbottom|left|center|right)"> <!ELEMENT OBJECT - - (param | %body.content)*> <!ATTLIST OBJECT %attrs -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- declare (declare) #IMPLIED -- declare but don't instantiate flag -- classid %URL #IMPLIED -- identifies an implementation -- codebase %URL #IMPLIED -- some systems need an additional URL -- data %URL #IMPLIED -- reference to object's data -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet media type for data -- codetype CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet media type for code -- standby CDATA #IMPLIED -- message to show while loading -- align %OAlign #IMPLIED -- positioning inside document -- height %Length #IMPLIED -- suggested height -- width %Length #IMPLIED -- suggested width -- border %Length #IMPLIED -- suggested link border width -- hspace %Length #IMPLIED -- suggested horizontal gutter -- vspace %Length #IMPLIED -- suggested vertical gutter -- usemap %URL #IMPLIED -- reference to image map -- shapes (shapes) #IMPLIED -- object has shaped hypertext links -- name %URL #IMPLIED -- submit as part of form -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- > <!ELEMENT param - O EMPTY -- named property value --> <!ATTLIST param name CDATA #REQUIRED -- property name -- value CDATA #IMPLIED -- property value -- valuetype (DATA|REF|OBJECT) DATA -- How to interpret value -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet media type -- > <!--=================== Java APPLET tag ===================================--> <!-- This tag is supported by all java enabled browsers. Applet resources (including their classes) are normally loaded relative to the document URL (or <BASE> element if it is defined). The CODEBASE attribute is used to change this default behavior. If the CODEBASE attribute is defined then it specifies a different location to find applet resources. The value can be an absolute URL or a relative URL. The absolute URL is used as is without modification and is not effected by the documents <BASE> element. When the codebase attribute is relative, then it is relative to the document URL (or <BASE> tag if defined). <TEXTFLOW> avoids the problems with SGML mixed content. It can always be omitted *except* when the APPLET element hasn't any content. White space, comments and PARAM elements don't count as content for this purpose. TEXTFLOW was introduced into the DTD to satisfy SGML parsers, but is ignored by current Web browsers. --> <!ELEMENT APPLET - - (PARAM*, TEXTFLOW)> <!ATTLIST APPLET %style; -- id, class, style -- codebase %URL #IMPLIED -- code base -- code CDATA #REQUIRED -- class file -- name CDATA #IMPLIED -- applet name -- alt CDATA #IMPLIED -- for display in place of applet -- align %IAlign #IMPLIED -- vertical or horizontal alignment -- height %Pixels #REQUIRED -- suggested height in pixels -- width %Pixels #REQUIRED -- suggested width in pixels -- hspace %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested horizontal gutter -- vspace %Pixels #IMPLIED -- suggested vertical gutter -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- download NUMBER #IMPLIED -- image download order -- > <!ELEMENT TEXTFLOW O O (%text)* -- needed to bypass mixed content model --> <!-- Here is an example: <applet codebase="applets/NervousText" code=NervousText.class width=300 height=50> <param name=text value="Java is Cool!"> <img src=sorry.gif alt="This looks better with Java support"> </applet> --> <!--=================== Horizontal Rule ===================================--> <!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST HR %style; -- id, class, style -- align (left|right|center) #IMPLIED noshade (noshade) #IMPLIED size %Pixels #IMPLIED width %Length #IMPLIED > <!--=================== Paragraphs =========================================--> <!ELEMENT P - O (%text)*> <!ATTLIST P %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- %just; -- text alignment -- > <!--=================== Headings ==========================================--> <!-- There are six levels of headers from H1 (the most important) to H6 (the least important). --> <!ELEMENT ( %heading ) - - (%text;)*> <!ATTLIST ( %heading ) %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- %just; -- text alignment -- > <!--=================== Preformatted Text =================================--> <!-- excludes images and changes in font size --> <!ENTITY % pre.exclusion "IMG|BIG|SMALL|SUB|SUP|FONT"> <!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text)* -(%pre.exclusion)> <!ATTLIST PRE %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- width NUMBER #implied -- is this widely supported? -- > <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % literal "CDATA" -- historical, non-conforming parsing mode where the only markup signal is the end tag in full --> <!ELEMENT (XMP|LISTING) - - %literal> <!ELEMENT PLAINTEXT - O %literal> ]]> <!--=================== Block-like Quotes =================================--> <!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - %body.content> <!ATTLIST BLOCKQUOTE %attrs> <!--=================== Lists =============================================--> <!-- HTML 3.2 allows you to control the sequence number for ordered lists. You can set the sequence number with the START and VALUE attributes. The TYPE attribute may be used to specify the rendering of ordered and unordered lists. --> <!-- definition lists - DT for term, DD for its definition --> <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD)*> <!ATTLIST DL %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- more compact style -- > <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text)*> <!ELEMENT DD - O %flow;> <!ATTLIST (DT|DD) %attrs> <!-- Ordered lists OL, and unordered lists UL --> <!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - - (LI)*> <!-- Numbering style 1 arablic numbers 1, 2, 3, ... a lower alpha a, b, c, ... A upper alpha A, B, C, ... i lower roman i, ii, iii, ... I upper roman I, II, III, ... The style is applied to the sequence number which by default is reset to 1 for the first list item in an ordered list. This can't be expressed directly in SGML due to case folding. --> <!ENTITY % OLStyle "CDATA" -- constrained to: [1|a|A|i|I] --> <!ATTLIST OL -- ordered lists -- %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- type %OLStyle #IMPLIED -- numbering style -- start NUMBER #IMPLIED -- starting sequence number -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing -- > <!-- bullet styles --> <!ENTITY % ULStyle "disc|square|circle"> <!ATTLIST UL -- unordered lists -- %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- type (%ULStyle) #IMPLIED -- bullet style -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing -- > <!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - - (LI)* -(%block)> <!ATTLIST DIR compact (compact) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST MENU compact (compact) #IMPLIED > <!-- <DIR> Directory list --> <!-- <DIR COMPACT> Compact list style --> <!-- <MENU> Menu list --> <!-- <MENU COMPACT> Compact list style --> <!-- The type attribute can be used to change the bullet style in unordered lists and the numbering style in ordered lists --> <!ENTITY % LIStyle "CDATA" -- constrained to: "(%ULStyle|%OLStyle)" --> <!ELEMENT LI - O %flow -- list item --> <!ATTLIST LI %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- type %LIStyle #IMPLIED -- list item style -- value NUMBER #IMPLIED -- reset sequence number -- > <!--================ Forms ===============================================--> <!ELEMENT FORM - - %body.content -(FORM)> <!ATTLIST FORM action %URL #REQUIRED -- server-side form handler -- method (%HTTP-Method) GET -- see HTTP specification -- enctype %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onSubmit %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!ELEMENT LABEL - - (%text)* -(LABEL) -- field label text --> <!ATTLIST LABEL %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- for IDREF #IMPLIED -- matches field ID value -- accesskey CDATA #IMPLIED -- accessibility key character -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- onClick %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!ENTITY % InputType "(TEXT | PASSWORD | CHECKBOX | RADIO | SUBMIT | RESET | FILE | HIDDEN | IMAGE | BUTTON)" > <!ELEMENT INPUT - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST INPUT %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- type %InputType TEXT -- what kind of widget is needed -- name CDATA #IMPLIED -- required for all but submit and reset -- value CDATA #IMPLIED -- required for radio and checkboxes -- checked (checked) #IMPLIED -- for radio buttons and check boxes -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- size CDATA #IMPLIED -- specific to each type of field -- maxlength NUMBER #IMPLIED src %URL #IMPLIED -- for fields with background images -- align (top|middle|bottom|left|right) top -- image alignment -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- onClick %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onFocus %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onBlur %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onSelect %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onChange %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTION+)> <!ATTLIST SELECT %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- name CDATA #REQUIRED size NUMBER #IMPLIED multiple (multiple) #IMPLIED title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- onFocus %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onBlur %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onChange %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!ELEMENT OPTION - O (#PCDATA)*> <!ATTLIST OPTION %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- selected (selected) #IMPLIED value CDATA #IMPLIED -- defaults to element content -- > <!-- Multi-line text input field. --> <!ELEMENT TEXTAREA - - (#PCDATA)*> <!ATTLIST TEXTAREA %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- name CDATA #REQUIRED rows NUMBER #REQUIRED cols NUMBER #REQUIRED title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string -- tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED -- position in tabbing order -- notab (notab) #IMPLIED -- exclude from tabbing order -- onFocus %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onBlur %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onSelect %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- onChange %script #IMPLIED -- intrinsic event -- > <!-- captioned set of related form fields --> <!ELEMENT FIELDSET - - (CAPTION?, %body.content)> <!ATTLIST FIELDSET %attrs; -- id, class, style, lang, dir -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title string --> <!--======================= Tables ========================================--> <!-- IETF HTML table standard, see RFC 1942 e.g. at --> <!-- The BORDER attribute sets the thickness of the frame around the table. The default units are screen pixels. The FRAME attribute specifies which parts of the frame around the table should be rendered. The values are not the same as CALS to avoid a name clash with the VALIGN attribute. The value "border" is included for backwards compatibility with <TABLE BORDER> which yields frame=border and border=implied For <TABLE BORDER=1> you get border=1 and frame=implied. In this case, its appropriate to treat this as frame=border for backwards compatibility with deployed browsers. --> <!ENTITY % Frame "(void|above|below|hsides|lhs|rhs|vsides|box|border)"> <!-- The RULES attribute defines which rules to draw between cells: If RULES is absent then assume: "none" if BORDER is absent or BORDER=0 otherwise "all" --> <!ENTITY % Rules "(none | groups | rows | cols | all)"> <!-- horizontal placement of table relative to window --> <!ENTITY % Where "(left|center|right)"> <!-- horizontal alignment attributes for cell contents --> <!ENTITY % cell.halign "align (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED -- alignment char, e.g. char=':' -- charoff CDATA #IMPLIED -- offset for alignment char --" > <!-- vertical alignment attributes for cell contents --> <!ENTITY % cell.valign "valign (top|middle|bottom|baseline) #IMPLIED" > <!ELEMENT table - - (caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, tbody+)> <!ELEMENT caption - - (%text;)+> <!ELEMENT thead - O (tr+)> <!ELEMENT tfoot - O (tr+)> <!ELEMENT tbody O O (tr+)> <!ELEMENT colgroup - O (col*)> <!ELEMENT col - O EMPTY> <!ELEMENT tr - O (th|td)+> <!ELEMENT (th|td) - O %body.content> <!ATTLIST table -- table element -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- align %Where; #IMPLIED -- table position relative to window -- width CDATA #IMPLIED -- table width relative to window -- cols NUMBER #IMPLIED -- used for immediate display mode -- border CDATA #IMPLIED -- controls frame width around table -- frame %Frame; #IMPLIED -- which parts of table frame to include -- rules %Rules; #IMPLIED -- rulings between rows and cols -- cellspacing CDATA #IMPLIED -- spacing between cells -- cellpadding CDATA #IMPLIED -- spacing within cells -- > <!-- ALIGN is used here for compatibility with deployed browsers --> <!ENTITY % Caption "(top|bottom|left|right)"> <!ATTLIST caption -- table caption -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- align %Caption; #IMPLIED -- relative to table -- accesskey CDATA #IMPLIED -- accessibility key character -- > <!-- COLGROUP groups a set of COL elements. It allows you to group several columns together. --> <!ATTLIST colgroup %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- span NUMBER 1 -- default number of columns in group -- width CDATA #IMPLIED -- default width for enclosed COLs -- %cell.halign; -- horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- vertical alignment in cells -- > <!-- COL elements define the alignment properties for cells in a given column or spanned columns. The WIDTH attribute specifies the width of the columns, e.g. width=64 width in screen pixels width=0.5* relative width of 0.5 --> <!ATTLIST col -- column groups and properties -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- span NUMBER 1 -- number of columns spanned by group -- width CDATA #IMPLIED -- column width specification -- %cell.halign; -- horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- vertical alignment in cells -- > <!-- Use THEAD to duplicate headers when breaking table across page boundaries, or for static headers when body sections are rendered in scrolling panel. Use TFOOT to duplicate footers when breaking table across page boundaries, or for static footers when body sections are rendered in scrolling panel. Use multiple TBODY sections when rules are needed between groups of table rows. --> <!ATTLIST (thead|tbody|tfoot) -- table section -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- %cell.halign; -- horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- vertical alignment in cells -- > <!ATTLIST tr -- table row -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- %cell.halign; -- horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- vertical alignment in cells -- > <!ATTLIST (th|td) -- header or data cell -- %attrs; -- id, lang, style, dir and class -- axis CDATA #IMPLIED -- defaults to cell content -- axes CDATA #IMPLIED -- list of axis names -- nowrap (nowrap) #IMPLIED -- suppress word wrap -- bgcolor %color #IMPLIED -- cell background color -- rowspan NUMBER 1 -- number of rows spanned by cell -- colspan NUMBER 1 -- number of cols spanned by cell -- %cell.halign; -- horizontal alignment in cells -- %cell.valign; -- vertical alignment in cells -- > <!--================ Document Head ========================================--> <!-- %head.misc defined earlier on as "SCRIPT|STYLE|META|LINK" --> <!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE?"> <!ELEMENT HEAD O O (%head.content) +(%head.misc)> <!ELEMENT TITLE - - (#PCDATA)* -(%head.misc) -- The TITLE element is not considered part of the flow of text. It should be displayed, for example as the page header or window title. --> <!ATTLIST TITLE %i18n> <!ELEMENT ISINDEX - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ISINDEX %i18n; -- lang, dir -- prompt CDATA #IMPLIED -- prompt message --> <!-- The BASE element gives an absolute URL for dereferencing relative URLs, e.g. <BASE href=""> ... <IMG SRC="images/bar.gif"> The image is deferenced to In the absence of a BASE element the document URL should be used. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the URL used to request the document, as the base URL may be overridden by an HTTP header accompanying the document. --> <!ELEMENT BASE - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BASE href %URL #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT META - O EMPTY -- Generic Metainformation --> <!ATTLIST META http-equiv NAME #IMPLIED -- HTTP response header name -- name NAME #IMPLIED -- metainformation name -- content CDATA #REQUIRED -- associated information -- > <!-- SCRIPT/STYLE are place holders for transition to next version of HTML --> <!ELEMENT STYLE - - CDATA -- style info --> <!ATTLIST STYLE %i18n; -- lang, dir for use with title string -- type CDATA #REQUIRED -- Internet media type for style notation -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- advisory title for this style -- > <!ELEMENT SCRIPT - - CDATA -- script statements --> <!ATTLIST SCRIPT type CDATA #IMPLIED -- Internet media type for style notation -- language CDATA #IMPLIED -- predefined script language name -- src %URL #IMPLIED -- URL for an external script -- > <!--================ Document Structure ===================================--> <!ENTITY % version.attr "VERSION CDATA #FIXED '%HTML.Version;'"> <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY, PLAINTEXT?"> ]]> <!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY"> <!ELEMENT HTML O O (%html.content)> <!ATTLIST HTML %version.attr; >