view lisp/mule/kinsoku.el @ 5518:3cc7470ea71c

gnuclient: if TMPDIR was set and connect failed, try again with /tmp 2011-06-03 Aidan Kehoe <> * gnuslib.c (connect_to_unix_server): Retry with /tmp as a directory in which to search for Unix sockets if an attempt to connect with some other directory failed (which may be because gnuclient and gnuserv don't share an environment value for TMPDIR, or because gnuserv was compiled with USE_TMPDIR turned off).
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Fri, 03 Jun 2011 18:40:57 +0100
parents 4dee0387b9de
line wrap: on
line source

;; kinsoku.el -- Kinsoku (line wrap) processing for XEmacs/Mule -*- coding: iso-2022-7bit; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of Mule (MULtilingual Enhancement of XEmacs).
;; This file contains Japanese and Chinese characters.

;; XEmacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
;; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
;; option) any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.

;; Written by Jareth Hein ( based off of
;; code by S.Tomura, Electrotechnical Lab. ( from
;; Mule-2.3

;;;    Special characters for JIS code
;;;     "$B!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B"
;;;   "$B!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!>!?(B"
;;;   "$B!@!A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!J!K!L!M!N!O(B"
;;;   "$B!P!Q!R!S!T!U!V!W!X!Y!Z![!\!]!^!_(B"
;;;   "$B!`!a!b!c!d!e!f!g!h!i!j!k!l!m!n!o(B"
;;;   "$B!p!q!r!s!t!u!v!w!x!y!z!{!|!}!~(B"
;;;     "$B"!"""#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","-".(B "
;;;     "$B&!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&.&/(B"
;;;   "$B&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8(B"
;;;     "$B&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J&K&L&M&N&O(B"
;;;   "$B&P&Q&R&S&T&U&V&W&X(B"
;;;     "$B'!'"'#'$'%'&'''(')'*'+','-'.'/(B"
;;;   "$B'0'1'2'3'4'5'6'7'8'9':';'<'='>'?(B"
;;;   "$B'@'A(B"
;;;     "$B'Q'R'S'T'U'V'W'X'Y'Z'['\']'^'_!I(B
;;;   "$B'`'a'b'c'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'k'l'm'n'o(B"
;;;   "$B'p'q(B"
;;;    $B#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#A#B#C#D#E#F(B
;;;   "$B$!$#$%$'$)$C$c$e$g$n(B"
;;;   "$B%!%#%%%'%)%C%c%e%g%n%u%v(B"

;;; Special characters for GB
;;;  $A!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B
;;;  $A"1"2"3"4"5"6"7"8"9":";"<"=">"?(B
;;;  $A#!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/(B
;;;  $A$!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/(B
;;;  $A%!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/(B
;;;  $A&!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&.&/(B
;;;  $A'!'"'#'$'%'&'''(')'*'+','-'.'/(B
;;;  $A(!("(#($(%(&('((()(*(+(,(-(.(/(B

;;; Special characters for BIG5
;;;  $(0!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B
;;;  $(0"!"""#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","-"."/(B
;;;  $(0#!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/(B
;;;  $(0$!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/(B
;;;  $(0%!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/(B

(defvar kinsoku-ascii nil "Do kinsoku-processing for ASCII.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-ascii)
(set-default 'kinsoku-ascii nil)
(defvar kinsoku-jis t "Do kinsoku-processing for JISX0208.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-jis)
(set-default 'kinsoku-jis t)
(defvar kinsoku-gb t "Do kinsoku-processing for GB2312.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-gb)
(set-default 'kinsoku-gb t)
(defvar kinsoku-big5 t "Do kinsoku-processing for Big5..")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-big5)
(set-default 'kinsoku-big5 t)

(defvar kinsoku-ascii-bol "!)-_~}]:;',.?" "BOL kinsoku for ASCII.")
(defvar kinsoku-ascii-eol "({[" "EOL kinsoku for ASCII.")
(defvar kinsoku-jis-bol
  (concat  "$B!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!>(B"
  "BOL kinsoku for JISX0208.")
(defvar kinsoku-jis-eol
  "EOL kinsoku for JISX0208.")
(defvar kinsoku-gb-bol
  (concat  "$A!"!##.#,!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!/!1#)!3!5!7!9!;!=(B"
  "BOL kinsoku for GB2312.")
(defvar kinsoku-gb-eol
  (concat "$A!.!0#"#(!2!4!6!8!:!<!>!c!d!e#@!f!l(B"
  "EOL kinsoku for GB2312.")
(defvar kinsoku-big5-bol
  (concat  "$(0!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/!0!1!2(B"
 	   "$(0!M!O!Q(B	$(0!S!U!W!Y![!]!_!a!c!e!g!i!k!q(B"
  "BOL kinsoku for BIG5.")
(defvar kinsoku-big5-eol
  (concat "$(0!>!@!B!D!F!H!J!L!N!P!R!T!V!X!Z!\!^!`!b(B"
  "EOL kinsoku for BIG5.")

(define-category ?s "Kinsoku forbidden start of line characters")
(define-category ?e "Kinsoku forbidden end of line characters")

;; kinsoku ascii
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-ascii-bol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-ascii-eol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
;; kinsoku-jis
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-jis-bol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-jis-eol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
;; kinsoku-gb
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-gb-bol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-gb-eol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
;; kinsoku-big5
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-big5-bol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
(loop for char in (string-to-list kinsoku-big5-eol)
      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))

(defun kinsoku-bol-p ()
  "Check if point would break forbidden beginning-of-line rules
Uses category \'s\' to check.
  (let ((before (char-before))
	(after (char-after)))
    (if (and after
	      (and kinsoku-ascii (char-in-category-p after ?a))
	      (and kinsoku-jis (or (char-in-category-p after ?j)
				   (and before
					(char-in-category-p before ?j))))
	      (and kinsoku-gb (or (char-in-category-p after ?c)
				  (and before
				       (char-in-category-p before ?c))))
	      (and kinsoku-big5 (or (char-in-category-p after ?t)
				    (and before
					 (char-in-category-p before ?t))))))
	(char-in-category-p after ?s)

(defun kinsoku-eol-p ()
  "Check if point would break forbidden end-of-line rules
Uses category \'e\' to check.
  (let ((before (char-before))
	(after (char-after)))
    (if (and before
	      (and kinsoku-ascii (char-in-category-p before ?a))
	      (and kinsoku-jis (or (char-in-category-p before ?j)
				   (and after
					(char-in-category-p after ?j))))
	      (and kinsoku-gb (or (char-in-category-p before ?c)
				  (and after
				       (char-in-category-p after ?c))))
	      (and kinsoku-big5 (or (char-in-category-p before ?t)
				    (and after
					 (char-in-category-p after ?t))))))
	(char-in-category-p before ?e)

(defvar kinsoku-extend-limit nil
  "Defines how many characters kinsoku will search forward before giving up.
A value of nil equates to infinity.

(defun kinsoku-process ()
  "Move to a point that will not break forbidden line break rules.
  (let ((bol-kin nil) (eol-kin nil))
    (if (and (not (bolp))
	     (not (eolp))
	     (or (setq bol-kin (kinsoku-bol-p))
		 (setq eol-kin (kinsoku-eol-p))))
	(cond(bol-kin (kinsoku-process-extend))
	     (eol-kin (kinsoku-process-shrink))))))

(defun kinsoku-process-extend ()
  "Move point forward to a point permissible for line-breaking.
  (let ((max-column (+ fill-column 
		       (if (and (numberp kinsoku-extend-limit)
				(>= kinsoku-extend-limit 0))
			 10000)))  ;;; 10000 is deliberately unreasonably large
	ch1 ch2)
    (while (and (setq ch1 (char-after))
		(<= (+ (current-column)
		       (char-width ch1 ))
		(not (bolp))
		(not (eolp))
		(or (kinsoku-eol-p)
	            ;;; don't break in the middle of an English word
		    (and (char-in-category-p ch1 ?a)
			 (setq ch2 (char-before))
			 (char-in-category-p ch2 ?a)
			 (= ?w (char-syntax ch2))
			 (= ?w (char-syntax ch1)))))
    (if (or (kinsoku-eol-p) (kinsoku-bol-p))

(defun kinsoku-process-shrink ()
  "Move point backward to a point permissible for line-breaking.
  (let (ch1 ch2)
    (while (and (not (bolp))
		(not (eolp))
		(or (kinsoku-bol-p)
		;;; don't break in the middle of an English word
		     (char-in-category-p (setq ch1 (following-char)) ?a)
		     (char-in-category-p (setq ch2 (preceding-char)) ?a)
		     (= ?w (char-syntax ch2))
		     (= ?w (char-syntax ch1)))))