view src/balloon_help.c @ 134:34a5b81f86ba r20-2b1

Import from CVS: tag r20-2b1
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:30:11 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children b980b6286996
line wrap: on
line source
 * Balloon Help
 * Version: 1.337 (Sun Apr 13 04:52:10 1997)
 * Written by Douglas Keller <>

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>

#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>

#include "balloon_help.h"

#define max(x,y) (x>y?x:y)

#undef bool
#define bool int

#define MARGIN_WIDTH      4
#define POINTER_OFFSET    8
#define BORDER_WIDTH      2

#define CONE_HEIGHT    20
#define CONE_WIDTH     50

#define SHAPE_CONE_TOP          (1<<0)
#define SHAPE_CONE_LEFT         (1<<1)
#define SHAPE_CONE_FREE         (-1)

static Display* b_dpy;

static XFontStruct* b_fontStruct;
static GC b_gc;

static GC b_shineGC;
static GC b_shadowGC;

static Window b_win;
static bool   b_winMapped;

static Pixmap b_mask;
static int    b_maskWidth, b_maskHeight;
static GC     b_maskGC;

static const char* b_text;
static int b_width, b_height;

static int b_lastX, b_lastY;

static XtIntervalId b_timer;
static unsigned long b_delay;

static int b_screenWidth, b_screenHeight;

static int b_lastShape;



static GC create_gc( Display* dpy, Window win, unsigned long fg, unsigned long bg,
                     XFontStruct* fontStruct )
  XGCValues gcv;
  unsigned long mask;

  gcv.foreground = fg;
  gcv.background = bg;
  gcv.font       = fontStruct->fid;
  gcv.join_style = JoinMiter;
  gcv.line_width = BORDER_WIDTH;

  mask = GCFont | GCBackground | GCForeground | GCJoinStyle | GCLineWidth;

  return XCreateGC( dpy, win, mask, &gcv );

static void destroy_gc( Display* dpy, GC gc )
  if( gc )
    XFreeGC( dpy, gc );



static Window create_window( Display* dpy, unsigned long bg )
  Window win;
  XSetWindowAttributes attr;
  unsigned long attr_mask;

  attr_mask              = CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel | CWSaveUnder;
  attr.override_redirect = True;
  attr.background_pixel  = bg;
  attr.save_under        = True;

  win =
    XCreateWindow( dpy,
                   DefaultRootWindow( dpy ),
                   0, 0, 1, 1,
                   CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
                   attr_mask, &attr );

  XSelectInput( dpy, win,
                SubstructureRedirectMask |
                SubstructureNotifyMask |
                ExposureMask |
                EnterWindowMask |
                LeaveWindowMask );
  return win;

static void destroy_window( Display* dpy, Window win )
  if( win )
    XDestroyWindow( dpy, win );



static void get_pointer_xy( Display* dpy, int* x_return, int* y_return )
  int dummy;
  unsigned int mask;
  Window dummy_win;

  XQueryPointer( dpy, RootWindow(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)), &dummy_win, &dummy_win,
                 x_return, y_return, &dummy, &dummy, &mask );



static void create_pixmap_mask( int width, int height )
  b_maskWidth  = width;
  b_maskHeight = height;
  b_mask = XCreatePixmap( b_dpy, b_win, width, height, 1 );

static void destroy_pixmap_mask( void )
  XFreePixmap( b_dpy, b_mask );

static void grow_pixmap_mask( int width, int height )
  if( width > b_maskWidth || height > b_maskHeight )
    create_pixmap_mask( width, height );



static void text_extent( XFontStruct* fontStruct, const char* text, int len,
                         int* width, int* height )
  XCharStruct extent;
  int dummy;

  XTextExtents( fontStruct, text, len, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &extent );

  *width  = extent.width;
  *height = fontStruct->ascent + fontStruct->descent;

static void get_text_size( Display* dpy, XFontStruct* fontStruct, const char* text,
                           int* max_width, int* max_height )
  int width;
  int height;
  const char* start;
  const char* end;

  *max_width = *max_height = 0;

  start = text;
  while( (end = strchr(start, '\n')) )
    text_extent( fontStruct, start, end - start, &width, &height );
    *max_width  = max( width, *max_width );
    *max_height += height;

    start = end + 1;
  text_extent( fontStruct, start, strlen(start), &width, &height );
  *max_width  = max( width, *max_width );
  *max_height += height;

  /* Min width */
  *max_width  = max( *max_width, CONE_WIDTH / 2 * 3 );


static void draw_text( Display* dpy, Window win, GC gc, XFontStruct* fontStruct,
                       int x, int y, const char* text )
  const char* start;
  const char* end;
  int font_height;

  y += fontStruct->ascent;

  font_height = fontStruct->ascent + fontStruct->descent;

  start = text;
  while( (end = strchr(start, '\n')) )
    XDrawString( dpy, win, gc, x, y, start, end - start );

    start = end + 1;
    y += font_height;
  XDrawString( dpy, win, gc, x, y, start, strlen(start) );



static int get_shape( int last_shape, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                      int screen_width, int screen_height )
  /* Can we use last_shape */
  if( SHAPE_CONE_TOP_LEFT == last_shape )
    if( (x + width < screen_width) && (y + height < screen_height) )
      return last_shape;
  else if( SHAPE_CONE_TOP_RIGHT == last_shape )
    if( (x - width > 0) && (y + height < screen_height) )
      return last_shape;
  else if( SHAPE_CONE_BOTTOM_LEFT == last_shape )
    if( (x + width < screen_width) && (y - height > 0) )
      return last_shape;
  else if( SHAPE_CONE_BOTTOM_RIGHT == last_shape )
    if( (x - width > 0) && (y - height > 0) )
      return last_shape;

  /* Try to pick a shape that will not get changed, ie if top left quadrant, top_left */
  if( x < screen_width / 2 )
    if( y < screen_height / 2 )
      return SHAPE_CONE_TOP_LEFT;
    if( y < screen_height / 2 )
      return SHAPE_CONE_TOP_RIGHT;

  /* ### if width or height is greater than 1/2 the width or height then we might
     run off the screen */


  return 0;

static void make_mask( int shape, int x, int y, int width, int height )
  XPoint cone[ 3 ];

  grow_pixmap_mask( width, height );

  /* Clear mask */
  XSetForeground( b_dpy, b_maskGC, 0 );
  XFillRectangle( b_dpy, b_mask, b_maskGC,
                  0, 0, width, height );

  /* Enable text area */
  XSetForeground( b_dpy, b_maskGC, 1 );
  XFillRectangle( b_dpy, b_mask, b_maskGC,
                  0, shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP ? CONE_HEIGHT : 0, width, height - CONE_HEIGHT );

  /* Enable for cone area */
  cone[0].x = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_LEFT) ? CONE_WIDTH / 2 : width - (CONE_WIDTH / 2);
  cone[0].y = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP)  ? CONE_HEIGHT    : height - CONE_HEIGHT;
  cone[1].x = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_LEFT) ? 0              : width;
  cone[1].y = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP)  ? 0              : height;
  cone[2].x = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_LEFT) ? CONE_WIDTH     : width - CONE_WIDTH;
  cone[2].y = (shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP)  ? CONE_HEIGHT    : height - CONE_HEIGHT;

  XFillPolygon( b_dpy, b_mask, b_maskGC, cone, 3, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin );


static void show_help( XtPointer data, XtIntervalId* id )
  int x, y;
  int shape;
  XPoint border[ 3 ];

  if( id == NULL || (id && b_timer) && b_text )
    b_timer = None;

    /* size */
    get_text_size( b_dpy, b_fontStruct, b_text, &b_width, &b_height );
    b_width  += 2 * MARGIN_WIDTH + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH;
    b_height += 2 * MARGIN_WIDTH + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH + CONE_HEIGHT;

    /* origin */
    get_pointer_xy( b_dpy, &x, &y );

    /* guess at shape */
    shape = get_shape( b_lastShape, x, y, b_width, b_height, b_screenWidth, b_screenHeight );


    /* make sure it is still ok with offset */
    shape = get_shape( shape, x, y, b_width, b_height, b_screenWidth, b_screenHeight );

    b_lastX = x;
    b_lastY = y;
    b_lastShape = shape;

    make_mask( shape, x, y, b_width, b_height );

    XShapeCombineMask( b_dpy, b_win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, b_mask, ShapeSet );

    XMoveResizeWindow( b_dpy, b_win,
                       (shape & SHAPE_CONE_LEFT) ? x : x - b_width,
                       (shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP)  ? y : y - b_height,
                       b_width, b_height );

    XClearWindow( b_dpy, b_win );

    XMapRaised( b_dpy, b_win );
    b_winMapped = True;

    draw_text( b_dpy, b_win, b_gc, b_fontStruct,
               BORDER_WIDTH + MARGIN_WIDTH + ((shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP) ? CONE_HEIGHT : 0),
               b_text );

    /* 3d border */
    /* shine- top left */
    border[0].x = 0 + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[0].y = ((shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP) ? b_height : b_height - CONE_HEIGHT) - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[1].x = 0 + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[1].y = ((shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP) ? CONE_HEIGHT : 0) + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[2].x = b_width - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[2].y = border[1].y;
    XDrawLines( b_dpy, b_win, b_shineGC, border, 3, CoordModeOrigin );

    /* shadow- bottom right */
    border[0].x = 0 + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[0].y = ((shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP) ? b_height : b_height - CONE_HEIGHT) - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[1].x = b_width - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[1].y = border[0].y;
    border[2].x = b_width - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    border[2].y = ((shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP) ? CONE_HEIGHT : 0) + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF;
    XDrawLines( b_dpy, b_win, b_shadowGC, border, 3, CoordModeOrigin );

    /* cone */
    if( SHAPE_CONE_TOP_LEFT == shape )
      XClearArea( b_dpy, b_win,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 + BORDER_WIDTH,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH,
                  BORDER_WIDTH, False );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shadowGC,
                 CONE_WIDTH / 2 + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF,
                 CONE_HEIGHT );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shineGC,
                 CONE_WIDTH - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF,
                 CONE_HEIGHT );
    else if( SHAPE_CONE_TOP_RIGHT == shape )
      XClearArea( b_dpy, b_win,
                  b_width - CONE_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH,
                  BORDER_WIDTH, False );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shadowGC,
                 b_width - CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH_HALF,
                 CONE_HEIGHT );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shineGC,
                 b_width - CONE_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH_HALF,
                 CONE_HEIGHT );
    else if( SHAPE_CONE_BOTTOM_LEFT == shape )
      XClearArea( b_dpy, b_win,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 + BORDER_WIDTH,
                  b_height - CONE_HEIGHT - BORDER_WIDTH,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH,
                  BORDER_WIDTH, False );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shadowGC,
                 b_height - 1,
                 b_height - 1 - CONE_HEIGHT );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shineGC,
                 b_height - 1,
                 CONE_WIDTH / 2 + BORDER_WIDTH,
                 b_height - 1 - CONE_HEIGHT );
    else if( SHAPE_CONE_BOTTOM_RIGHT == shape )
      XClearArea( b_dpy, b_win,
                  b_width - 1 - CONE_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH,
                  b_height - CONE_HEIGHT - BORDER_WIDTH,
                  CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH - 1,
                  BORDER_WIDTH, False );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shadowGC,
                 b_width - 1,
                 b_height - 1,
                 b_width - 1 - CONE_WIDTH,
                 b_height - 1 - CONE_HEIGHT );
      XDrawLine( b_dpy, b_win, b_shineGC,
                 b_width - 1,
                 b_height - 1,
                 b_width - 1 - CONE_WIDTH / 2 - BORDER_WIDTH,
                 b_height - 1 - CONE_HEIGHT);




void balloon_help_create( Display* dpy,
                          Pixel fg, Pixel bg, Pixel shine, Pixel shadow,
                          XFontStruct* font )
  if( b_dpy ) balloon_help_destroy();

  b_dpy = dpy;

  b_fontStruct = font;

  b_win = create_window( dpy, bg );
  b_gc  = create_gc( dpy, b_win, fg, bg, b_fontStruct );

  b_shineGC  = create_gc( dpy, b_win, shine, bg, b_fontStruct );
  b_shadowGC = create_gc( dpy, b_win, shadow, bg, b_fontStruct );

  create_pixmap_mask( 1, 1 );
  b_maskGC = create_gc( dpy, b_mask, bg, fg, b_fontStruct );

  b_winMapped = False;
  b_timer     = None;
  b_delay     = 500;

  b_screenWidth  = DisplayWidth( b_dpy, DefaultScreen(b_dpy) );
  b_screenHeight = DisplayHeight( b_dpy, DefaultScreen(b_dpy) );

  b_lastShape = SHAPE_CONE_FREE;

void balloon_help_destroy( void )
  assert( b_dpy != NULL );
  b_dpy = NULL;

  destroy_window( b_dpy, b_win );
  destroy_gc( b_dpy, b_gc );

  destroy_gc( b_dpy, b_shineGC );
  destroy_gc( b_dpy, b_shadowGC );

  destroy_gc( b_dpy, b_maskGC );

  if( b_timer ) XtRemoveTimeOut( b_timer );

void balloon_help_set_delay( unsigned long milliseconds )
  b_delay = milliseconds;

void balloon_help_show( const char* text )
  assert( b_dpy != NULL );

  /* We don't copy the text */
  b_text = text;
  b_lastShape = SHAPE_CONE_FREE;

  if( b_winMapped )
    /* If help is already being shown, don't delay just update */
    show_help( NULL, NULL );
    b_timer =
      XtAppAddTimeOut( XtDisplayToApplicationContext(b_dpy),
                       b_delay, show_help, NULL );

void balloon_help_hide( void )
  assert( b_dpy != NULL );

  b_text = NULL;
  XUnmapWindow( b_dpy, b_win );
  b_winMapped = False;
  if( b_timer )
    XtRemoveTimeOut( b_timer );
    b_timer = None;

void balloon_help_move_to_pointer( void )
  assert( b_dpy != NULL );

  if( b_winMapped )
    int x, y;
    int shape = b_lastShape;

    get_pointer_xy( b_dpy, &x, &y );


    shape = get_shape( shape, x, y, b_width, b_height, b_screenWidth, b_screenHeight );

    if( shape == b_lastShape )
      b_lastX = x;
      b_lastY = y;

      XMoveWindow( b_dpy, b_win,
                   shape & SHAPE_CONE_LEFT ? x : x - b_width,
                   shape & SHAPE_CONE_TOP  ? y : y - b_height );
      /* text would be off screen, rebuild with new shape */
      b_lastShape = SHAPE_CONE_FREE;
      show_help( NULL, NULL );