view src/EmacsManager.c @ 63:310b3151a139

Added tag r19-16-pre6 for changeset 28a7c63c7e1e
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:59:14 +0200
parents 0293115a14e9
children e121b013d1f0
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line source

/* Emacs manager widget.
   Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1995 Ben Wing.

This file is part of XEmacs.

XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */

/* Written by Ben Wing, May, 1994. */

#include <config.h>

#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include "EmacsManagerP.h"
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>

/* For I, Emacs, am a kind god.  Unlike the goddess Athena and the
   Titan Motif, I require no ritual sacrifices to placate the lesser
   daemons of geometry management. */

static XtResource resources[] = {
#define offset(field) XtOffset(EmacsManagerWidget, emacs_manager.field)
  { XtNresizeCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
      offset(resize_callback), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 },
  { XtNqueryGeometryCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtCallbackList),
      offset(query_geometry_callback), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 },
  { XtNuserData, XtCUserData, XtRPointer, sizeof(XtPointer),
      offset(user_data), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0 },

 * Full class record constant

static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry (Widget wid,
				       XtWidgetGeometry *request,
				       XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
static void Resize (Widget w);
static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager (Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *request,
					 XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
static void ChangeManaged (Widget w);
static void Realize (Widget w, Mask *valueMask,
		     XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);
static void ClassInitialize (void);

EmacsManagerClassRec emacsManagerClassRec = {
/* core_class fields      */
    /* superclass         */    (WidgetClass) &xmManagerClassRec,
    /* superclass         */    (WidgetClass) &compositeClassRec,
    /* class_name         */    (String) "EmacsManager",
    /* widget_size        */    sizeof(EmacsManagerRec),
    /* class_initialize   */    ClassInitialize,
    /* class_part_init    */	NULL,
    /* class_inited       */	FALSE,
    /* initialize         */    NULL,
    /* initialize_hook    */	NULL,
    /* realize            */    Realize,
    /* actions            */    NULL,
    /* num_actions	  */	0,
    /* resources          */    resources,
    /* num_resources      */    XtNumber(resources),
    /* xrm_class          */    NULLQUARK,
    /* compress_motion	  */	TRUE,
    /* compress_exposure  */	TRUE,
    /* compress_enterleave*/	TRUE,
    /* visible_interest   */    FALSE,
    /* destroy            */    NULL,
    /* resize             */    Resize,
    /* expose             */    NULL,
    /* set_values         */    NULL,
    /* set_values_hook    */	NULL,
    /* set_values_almost  */    XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
    /* get_values_hook    */	NULL,
    /* accept_focus       */    NULL,
    /* version            */	XtVersion,
    /* callback_private   */    NULL,
    /* tm_table           */    XtInheritTranslations,
    /* query_geometry     */	QueryGeometry,
    /* display_accelerator*/	XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
    /* extension          */	NULL
/* composite_class fields */
    /* geometry_manager   */    GeometryManager,
    /* change_managed     */    ChangeManaged,
    /* insert_child	  */	XtInheritInsertChild,
    /* delete_child	  */	XtInheritDeleteChild,
    /* extension          */	NULL
  /* constraint_class fields */
      NULL,                                     /* resource list        */   
      0,                                        /* num resources        */   
      0,                                        /* constraint size      */   
      (XtInitProc)NULL,                         /* init proc            */   
      (XtWidgetProc)NULL,                       /* destroy proc         */   
      (XtSetValuesFunc)NULL,                    /* set values proc      */   
      NULL,                                     /* extension            */
/* manager_class fields */
    XtInheritTranslations,			/* translations           */
    NULL,					/* syn_resources      	  */
    0,						/* num_syn_resources 	  */
    NULL,					/* syn_cont_resources     */
    0,						/* num_syn_cont_resources */
    XmInheritParentProcess,			/* parent_process         */
    NULL,					/* extension           	  */
/* emacs_manager_class fields */
    /* empty		  */	0,

WidgetClass emacsManagerWidgetClass = (WidgetClass)&emacsManagerClassRec;

/* What is my preferred size?  A suggested size may be given. */

static XtGeometryResult
QueryGeometry (Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply)
  EmacsManagerWidget emw = (EmacsManagerWidget) w;
  EmacsManagerQueryGeometryStruct struc;
  int mask = request->request_mode & (CWWidth | CWHeight);

  struc.request_mode = mask;
  if (mask & CWWidth)  struc.proposed_width  = request->width;
  if (mask & CWHeight) struc.proposed_height = request->height;
  XtCallCallbackList (w, emw->emacs_manager.query_geometry_callback, &struc);
  reply->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
  reply->width  = struc.proposed_width;
  reply->height = struc.proposed_height;
  if (((mask & CWWidth)  && (request->width  != reply->width)) ||
      ((mask & CWHeight) && (request->height != reply->height)))
    return XtGeometryAlmost;
  return XtGeometryYes;

static void
Resize (Widget w)
  EmacsManagerWidget emw = (EmacsManagerWidget) w;
  EmacsManagerResizeStruct struc;

  struc.width  = w->core.width;
  struc.height = w->core.height;
  XtCallCallbackList (w, emw->emacs_manager.resize_callback, &struc);

static XtGeometryResult
GeometryManager (Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply)
  /* Sure, any changes are fine. */
#define COPY(field, mask) \
  if (request->request_mode & mask) w->core.field = request->field

  /* The Motif menubar will merrily request a new size every time a
     child is added or deleted.  Blow it off because it doesn't know
     what it's talking about. */
  if (!(XtClass (w) == xmRowColumnWidgetClass))
      COPY (width, CWWidth);
      COPY (height, CWHeight);
  COPY (border_width, CWBorderWidth);
  COPY (x, CWX);
  COPY (y, CWY);
#undef COPY

  return XtGeometryYes;

static void
ChangeManaged (Widget w)
  if (!XtIsRealized (w))
      XtWidgetGeometry req, repl;

      /* find out how big we'd like to be ... */

      req.request_mode = 0;
      XtQueryGeometry (w, &req, &repl);
      EmacsManagerChangeSize (w, repl.width, repl.height);

static void
Realize (Widget w, Mask *valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes)
  attributes->bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
  *valueMask |= CWBitGravity;
  XtCreateWindow (w, (unsigned) InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent,
		  *valueMask, attributes);

static void
ClassInitialize (void)

EmacsManagerChangeSize (Widget w, Dimension width, Dimension height)
  if (width == 0)
    width = w->core.width;
  if (height == 0)
    height = w->core.height;

  /* do nothing if we're already that size */
  if (w->core.width != width || w->core.height != height)
    if (XtMakeResizeRequest (w, width, height, &w->core.width, &w->core.height)
	== XtGeometryAlmost)
      XtMakeResizeRequest (w, w->core.width, w->core.height, NULL, NULL);

  Resize (w);