view lisp/startup.el @ 305:18920a7e9a86

Added tag r21-0b50 for changeset c6de09ad3017
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:41:13 +0200
parents 4b85ae5eabfb
children 33bdb3d4b97f
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line source

;;; startup.el --- process XEmacs shell arguments

;; Copyright (C) 1985-1986, 1990, 1992-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois

;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
;; Keywords: internal, dumped

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Synched up with: FSF 19.34.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.

;; -batch, -t, and -nw are processed by main() in emacs.c and are 
;; never seen by lisp code.

;; -version and -help are special-cased as well: they imply -batch,
;; but are left on the list for lisp code to process.

;;; Code:
(setq top-level '(normal-top-level))

(defvar command-line-processed nil "t once command line has been processed")

(defconst startup-message-timeout 12000) ; More or less disable the timeout

(defconst inhibit-startup-message nil
  "*Non-nil inhibits the initial startup message.
This is for use in your personal init file, once you are familiar
with the contents of the startup message.")

;; #### FSFmacs randomness
;;(defconst inhibit-startup-echo-area-message nil
;;  "*Non-nil inhibits the initial startup echo area message.
;;Inhibition takes effect only if your `.emacs' file contains
;;a line of this form:
;; (setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message \"YOUR-USER-NAME\")
;;If your `.emacs' file is byte-compiled, use the following form instead:
;; (eval '(setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message \"YOUR-USER-NAME\"))
;;Thus, someone else using a copy of your `.emacs' file will see
;;the startup message unless he personally acts to inhibit it.")

(defconst inhibit-default-init nil
  "*Non-nil inhibits loading the `default' library.")

(defvar command-line-args-left nil
  "List of command-line args not yet processed.") ; bound by `command-line'

(defvar command-line-default-directory nil
  "Default directory to use for command line arguments.
This is normally copied from `default-directory' when XEmacs starts.")

(defvar before-init-hook nil
  "Functions to call after handling urgent options but before init files.
The frame system uses this to open frames to display messages while
XEmacs loads the user's initialization file.")

(defvar after-init-hook nil
  "*Functions to call after loading the init file (`.emacs').
The call is not protected by a condition-case, so you can set `debug-on-error'
in `.emacs', and put all the actual code on `after-init-hook'.")

(defvar term-setup-hook nil
  "*Functions to be called after loading terminal-specific Lisp code.
See `run-hooks'.  This variable exists for users to set, so as to
override the definitions made by the terminal-specific file.  XEmacs
never sets this variable itself.")

(defvar keyboard-type nil
  "The brand of keyboard you are using.
This variable is used to define the proper function and keypad keys
for use under X.  It is used in a fashion analogous to the environment
value TERM.")

(defvar window-setup-hook nil
  "Normal hook run to initialize window system display.
XEmacs runs this hook after processing the command line arguments and loading
the user's init file.")

(defconst initial-major-mode 'lisp-interaction-mode
  "Major mode command symbol to use for the initial *scratch* buffer.")

(defvar emacs-roots nil
  "List of plausible roots of the XEmacs hierarchy.")

(defvar init-file-user nil
  "Identity of user whose `.emacs' file is or was read.
The value is nil if no init file is being used; otherwise, it may be either
the null string, meaning that the init file was taken from the user that
originally logged in, or it may be a string containing a user's name.

In either of the latter cases, `(concat \"~\" init-file-user \"/\")'
evaluates to the name of the directory in which the `.emacs' file was
searched for.

Setting `init-file-user' does not prevent Emacs from loading
`site-start.el'.  The only way to do that is to use `--no-site-file'.")

;; #### called `site-run-file' in FSFmacs

(defvar site-start-file (purecopy "site-start")
  "File containing site-wide run-time initializations.
This file is loaded at run-time before `.emacs'.  It
contains inits that need to be in place for the entire site, but
which, due to their higher incidence of change, don't make sense to
load into XEmacs' dumped image.  Thus, the run-time load order is:

  1. file described in this variable, if non-nil;
  2. `.emacs';
  3. `/path/to/xemacs/lisp/default.el'.

Don't use the `site-start.el' file for things some users may not like.
Put them in `default.el' instead, so that users can more easily
override them.  Users can prevent loading `default.el' with the `-q'
option or by setting `inhibit-default-init' in their own init files,
but inhibiting `site-start.el' requires `--no-site-file', which
is less convenient.")

;;(defconst iso-8859-1-locale-regexp "8859[-_]?1"
;;  "Regexp that specifies when to enable the ISO 8859-1 character set.
;;We do that if this regexp matches the locale name
;;specified by the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables.")

(defvar mail-host-address nil
  "*Name of this machine, for purposes of naming users.")

(defvar user-mail-address nil
  "*Full mailing address of this user.
This is initialized based on `mail-host-address',
after your init file is read, in case it sets `mail-host-address'.")

(defvar auto-save-list-file-prefix "~/.saves-"
  "Prefix for generating auto-save-list-file-name.
Emacs's pid and the system name will be appended to
this prefix to create a unique file name.")

(defvar init-file-debug nil)

(defvar init-file-had-error nil)

(defvar init-file-loaded nil
  "True after the user's init file has been loaded (or suppressed with -q).
This will be true when `after-init-hook' is run and at all times
after, and will not be true at any time before.")

(defvar initial-frame-unmapped-p nil)


(defvar command-switch-alist
   '(("-help"	. command-line-do-help)
     ("-version". command-line-do-version)
     ("-V"	. command-line-do-version)
     ("-funcall". command-line-do-funcall)
     ("-f"	. command-line-do-funcall)
     ("-e"	. command-line-do-funcall-1)
     ("-eval"	. command-line-do-eval)
     ("-load"	. command-line-do-load)
     ("-l"	. command-line-do-load)
     ("-insert"	. command-line-do-insert)
     ("-i"	. command-line-do-insert)
     ("-kill"	. command-line-do-kill)
     ;; Options like +35 are handled specially.
     ;; Window-system, site, or package-specific code might add to this.
     ;; X11 handles its options by letting Xt remove args from this list.
  "Alist of command-line switches.
HANDLER-FUNCTION receives switch name as sole arg;
remaining command-line args are in the variable `command-line-args-left'.")

;;; default switches
;;; Note: these doc strings are semi-magical.

(defun command-line-do-help (arg)
  "Print the XEmacs usage message and exit."
  (let ((standard-output 'external-debugging-output))
    (princ (concat "\n" (emacs-version) "\n\n"))
     (if (featurep 'x)
	 (concat (emacs-name)
		 " accepts all standard X Toolkit command line options.\n"
		 "In addition, the")
    (princ " following options are accepted:

  -t <device>           Use TTY <device> instead of the terminal for input
                        and output.  This implies the -nw option.
  -nw                   Inhibit the use of any window-system-specific
                        display code: use the current tty.
  -batch                Execute noninteractively (messages go to stderr).
  -debug-init           Enter the debugger if an error in the init file occurs.
  -unmapped             Do not map the initial frame.
  -no-site-file         Do not load the site-specific init file (site-start.el).
  -no-init-file         Do not load the user-specific init file (~/.emacs).
  -no-early-packages	Do not process early packages.
  -no-autoloads		Do not load global symbol files (auto-autoloads) at
			startup.  Also implies `-vanilla'.
  -vanilla		Equivalent to -q -no-site-file -no-early-packages.
  -q                    Same as -no-init-file.
  -user <user>          Load user's init file instead of your own.
  -u <user>             Same as -user.\n")
   (let ((l command-switch-alist)
	  (insert (lambda (&rest x)
		    (princ "  ")
		    (let ((len 2))
		      (while x
			(princ (car x))
			(incf len (length (car x)))
			(setq x (cdr x)))
		      (when (>= len 24)
			(terpri) (setq len 0))
		      (while (< len 24)
			(princ " ")
			(incf len))))))
      (while l
        (let ((name (car (car l)))
              (fn (cdr (car l)))
	      doc arg cons)
	   ((and (symbolp fn) (get fn 'undocumented)) nil)
	    (setq doc (documentation fn))
	    (if (member doc '(nil "")) (setq doc "(undocumented)"))
	    (cond ((string-match "\n\\(<.*>\\)\n?\\'" doc)
		   ;; Doc of the form "The frobber switch\n<arg1> <arg2>"
		   (setq arg (substring doc (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
			 doc (substring doc 0 (match-beginning 0))))
		  ((string-match "\n+\\'" doc)
		   (setq doc (substring doc 0 (match-beginning 0)))))
	    (if (and (setq cons (rassq fn command-switch-alist))
		     (not (eq cons (car l))))
		(setq doc (format "Same as %s." (car cons))))
	    (if arg
		(funcall insert name " " arg)
	      (funcall insert name))
	    (princ doc)
        (setq l (cdr l))))
    (princ (concat "\
  +N <file>             Start displaying <file> at line N.

Anything else is considered a file name, and is placed into a buffer for

" (emacs-name) " has an online tutorial and manuals.  Type ^Ht (Control-h t) after
starting XEmacs to run the tutorial.  Type ^Hi to enter the manual browser.
Type ^H^H^H (Control-h Control-h Control-h) to get more help options.\n")

    (kill-emacs 0))))

(defun command-line-do-funcall (arg)
  "Invoke the named lisp function with no arguments.
  (funcall (intern (pop command-line-args-left))))
(fset 'command-line-do-funcall-1 'command-line-do-funcall)
(put 'command-line-do-funcall-1 'undocumented t)

(defun command-line-do-eval (arg)
  "Evaluate the lisp form.  Quote it carefully.
  (eval (read (pop command-line-args-left))))

(defun command-line-do-load (arg)
  "Load the named file of Lisp code into XEmacs.
  (let ((file (pop command-line-args-left)))
    ;; Take file from default dir if it exists there;
    ;; otherwise let `load' search for it.
    (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name file))
	(setq file (expand-file-name file)))
    (load file nil t)))

(defun command-line-do-insert (arg)
  "Insert file into the current buffer.
  (insert-file-contents (pop command-line-args-left)))

(defun command-line-do-kill (arg)
  "Exit XEmacs."
  (kill-emacs t))

(defun command-line-do-version (arg)
  "Print version info and exit."
  (princ (concat (emacs-version) "\n"))
  (kill-emacs 0))

;;; Processing the command line and loading various init files

(defun early-error-handler (&rest debugger-args)
  "You should probably not be using this."
  ;; Used as the debugger during XEmacs initialization; if an error occurs,
  ;; print some diagnostics, and kill XEmacs.

  ;; output the contents of the warning buffer, since it won't be seen
  ;; otherwise.
  ;; #### kludge!  The call to Feval forces the pending warnings to
  ;; get output.  There definitely needs to be a better way.
  (let ((buffer (eval (get-buffer-create "*Warnings*"))))
    (princ (buffer-substring (point-min buffer) (point-max buffer) buffer)

  (let ((string "Initialization error")
	(error (nth 1 debugger-args))
	(debug-on-error nil)
	(stream 'external-debugging-output))
    (if (null error)
	(princ string stream)
      (princ (concat "\n" string ": ") stream)
      (condition-case ()
	  (display-error error stream)
	(error (princ "<<< error printing error message >>>" stream)))
      (princ "\n" stream)
      (if (memq (car-safe error) '(void-function void-variable))
	  (princ "
	This probably means that XEmacs is picking up an old version of
	the lisp library, or that some .elc files are not up-to-date.\n"
    (when (not suppress-early-error-handler-backtrace)
      (let ((print-length 1000)
	    (print-level 1000)
	    (print-escape-newlines t)
	    (print-readably nil))
	(when (getenv "EMACSLOADPATH")
	  (princ (format "\n$EMACSLOADPATH is %s" (getenv "EMACSLOADPATH"))
	(princ (format "\nexec-directory is %S" exec-directory) stream)
	(princ (format "\ndata-directory is %S" data-directory) stream)
	(princ (format "\ndata-directory-list is %S" data-directory-list) stream)
	(princ (format "\ndoc-directory is %S" doc-directory) stream)
	(princ (format "\nload-path is %S" load-path) stream)
	(princ "\n\n" stream)))
    (when (not suppress-early-error-handler-backtrace)
      (backtrace stream t)))
  (kill-emacs -1))

(defvar lock-directory)
(defvar superlock-file)

(defun normal-top-level ()
  (if command-line-processed
      (message "Back to top level.")
    (setq command-line-processed t)
    ;; Canonicalize HOME (PWD is canonicalized by init_buffer in buffer.c)
    (unless (eq system-type 'vax-vms)
      (let ((value (user-home-directory)))
	(if (and value
		 (< (length value) (length default-directory))
		 (equal (file-attributes default-directory)
			(file-attributes value)))
	    (setq default-directory (file-name-as-directory value)))))
    (setq default-directory (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))


    (let ((debug-paths (or debug-paths
			   (and (getenv "EMACSDEBUGPATHS")

      (setq emacs-roots (paths-find-emacs-roots invocation-directory
      (if debug-paths
	  (princ (format "emacs-roots:\n%S\n" emacs-roots)
      (if (null emacs-roots)
	(startup-setup-paths emacs-roots

    (if (and (not inhibit-autoloads)
	(load (expand-file-name (file-name-sans-extension autoload-file-name)
				lisp-directory) nil t))
    (if (not inhibit-autoloads)
	  (packages-load-package-auto-autoloads last-package-load-path)
	  (packages-load-package-auto-autoloads late-package-load-path)
	  (if (not inhibit-early-packages)
	      (packages-load-package-auto-autoloads early-package-load-path))))

      ;; Do this again, in case .emacs defined more abbreviations.
      (setq default-directory (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))
      ;; Specify the file for recording all the auto save files of
      ;; this session.  This is used by recover-session.
      (setq auto-save-list-file-name
	     (format "%s%d-%s"
      (run-hooks 'emacs-startup-hook)
      (and term-setup-hook
	   (run-hooks 'term-setup-hook))
      (setq term-setup-hook nil)
      ;;      ;; Modify the initial frame based on what .emacs puts into
      ;;      ;; ...-frame-alist.
      ;;      ;;####FSFmacs junk
      ;;      ;; Now we know the user's default font, so add it to the menu.
      ;;      (if (fboundp 'font-menu-add-default)
      ;;	  (font-menu-add-default))
      (when window-setup-hook
	(run-hooks 'window-setup-hook))
      (setq window-setup-hook nil))
    ;;####FSFmacs junk
    ;;      (or menubar-bindings-done
    ;;	  (precompute-menubar-bindings))

;;####FSFmacs junk
;;; Precompute the keyboard equivalents in the menu bar items.
;;(defun precompute-menubar-bindings ()
;;  (if (eq window-system 'x)
;;      (let ((submap (lookup-key global-map [menu-bar])))
;;	(while submap
;;	  (and (consp (car submap))
;;	       (symbolp (car (car submap)))
;;	       (stringp (car-safe (cdr (car submap))))
;;	       (keymapp (cdr (cdr (car submap))))
;;	       (x-popup-menu nil (cdr (cdr (car submap)))))
;;	  (setq submap (cdr submap))))))

(defun command-line-early (args)
  ;; This processes those switches which need to be processed before
  ;; starting up the window system.

  (setq command-line-default-directory default-directory)

  ;; See if we should import version-control from the environment variable.
  (let ((vc (getenv "VERSION_CONTROL")))
    (cond ((eq vc nil))			;don't do anything if not set
	  ((or (string= vc "t")
	       (string= vc "numbered"))
	   (setq version-control t))
	  ((or (string= vc "nil")
	       (string= vc "existing"))
	   (setq version-control nil))
	  ((or (string= vc "never")
	       (string= vc "simple"))
	   (setq version-control 'never))))

  ;;  (if (let ((ctype
  ;;	     ;; Use the first of these three envvars that has a nonempty value.
  ;;	     (or (let ((string (getenv "LC_ALL")))
  ;;		   (and (not (equal string "")) string))
  ;;		 (let ((string (getenv "LC_CTYPE")))
  ;;		   (and (not (equal string "")) string))
  ;;		 (let ((string (getenv "LANG")))
  ;;		   (and (not (equal string "")) string)))))
  ;;	(and ctype
  ;;	     (string-match iso-8859-1-locale-regexp ctype)))
  ;;      (progn 
  ;;	(standard-display-european t)
  ;;	(require 'iso-syntax)))

  ;; Figure out which user's init file to load,
  ;; either from the environment or from the options.
  (setq init-file-user (if (noninteractive) nil (user-login-name)))
  ;; If user has not done su, use current $HOME to find .emacs.
  (and init-file-user (string= init-file-user (user-real-login-name))
       (setq init-file-user ""))

  ;; Allow (at least) these arguments anywhere in the command line
  (let ((new-args nil)
	(arg      nil))
    (while args
      (setq arg (pop args))
       ((or (string= arg "-q")
	    (string= arg "-no-init-file"))
	(setq init-file-user nil))
       ((string= arg "-no-site-file")
	(setq site-start-file nil))
       ((or (string= arg "-no-early-packages")
	    (string= arg "--no-early-packages"))
	(setq inhibit-early-packages t))
       ((or (string= arg "-vanilla")
	    (string= arg "--vanilla")
	    ;; Some work on this one already done in emacs.c.
	    (string= arg "-no-autoloads")
	    (string= arg "--no-autoloads"))
	(setq init-file-user nil
	      site-start-file nil))
       ((or (string= arg "-u")
	    (string= arg "-user"))
	(setq init-file-user (pop args)))
       ((string= arg "-debug-init")
	(setq init-file-debug t))
       ((string= arg "-unmapped")
	(setq initial-frame-unmapped-p t))
       ((or (string= arg "-debug-paths")
	    (string= arg "--debug-paths"))
       ((or (string= arg "--") (string= arg "-"))
	(while args
	  (push (pop args) new-args)))
       (t (push arg new-args))))
    (nreverse new-args)))

(defconst initial-scratch-message "\
;; This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; If you want to create a file, first visit that file with C-x C-f,
;; then enter the text in that file's own buffer.

  "Initial message displayed in *scratch* buffer at startup.
If this is nil, no message will be displayed.")

(defun command-line ()
  (let ((command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args)))

    (let ((debugger 'early-error-handler)
	  (debug-on-error t))

      ;; Process magic command-line switches like -q and -u.  Do this
      ;; before creating the first frame because some of these switches
      ;; may affect that.  I think it's ok to do this before establishing
      ;; the X connection, and maybe someday things like -nw can be
      ;; handled here instead of down in C.
      (setq command-line-args-left (command-line-early command-line-args-left))

      ;; Setup the toolbar icon directory
      (when (featurep 'toolbar)

      ;; Run the window system's init function.  tty is considered to be
      ;; a type of window system for this purpose.  This creates the
      ;; initial (non stdio) device.
      (when (and initial-window-system (not noninteractive))
	(funcall (intern (concat "init-"
				 (symbol-name initial-window-system)

      ;; When not in batch mode, this creates the first visible frame,
      ;; and deletes the stdio device.

    ;; We have normality, I repeat, we have normality.  Anything you still
    ;; can't cope with is therefore your own problem.  (And we don't need
    ;; to kill XEmacs for it.)

    ;;; Load init files.
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*")
      ;; (insert initial-scratch-message)
      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
      (when (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
	(funcall initial-major-mode)))

    ;; Load library for our terminal type.
    ;; User init file can set term-file-prefix to nil to prevent this.
    ;; Note that for any TTY's opened subsequently, the TTY init
    ;; code will run this.
    (when (and (eq 'tty (console-type))
	       (not (noninteractive)))

    ;; Process the remaining args.

    ;; it was turned on by default so that the warnings don't get displayed
    ;; until after the splash screen.
    (setq inhibit-warning-display nil)
    ;; If -batch, terminate after processing the command options.
    (when (noninteractive) (kill-emacs t))))

(defun load-terminal-library ()	      
  (when term-file-prefix
    (let ((term (getenv "TERM"))
      (while (and term
		  (not (load (concat term-file-prefix term) t t)))
	;; Strip off last hyphen and what follows, then try again
	(if (setq hyphend (string-match "[-_][^-_]+\\'" term))
	    (setq term (substring term 0 hyphend))
	  (setq term nil))))))

(defconst user-init-directory "/.xemacs/"
  "Directory where user-installed packages may go.")

(defun load-user-init-file (init-file-user)
  "This function actually reads the init file, .emacs."
  (when init-file-user
;; purge references to init.el and options.el
;; convert these to use paths-construct-path for eventual migration to init.el
;; needs to be converted when idiom for constructing "~user" paths is created
;    (setq user-init-file
;	  (paths-construct-path (list (concat "~" init-file-user)
;				      user-init-directory
;				      "init.el")))
;    (unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name user-init-file))
    (setq user-init-file
	  (paths-construct-path (list (concat "~" init-file-user)
				       ((eq system-type 'ms-dos) "_emacs")
				       (t ".emacs")))))
;    )
    (load user-init-file t t t)
;; This should not be loaded since custom stuff currently goes into .emacs
;    (let ((default-custom-file
;	    (paths-construct-path (list (concat "~" init-file-user)
;				        user-init-directory
;				        "options.el")))
;      (when (string= custom-file default-custom-file)
;	(load default-custom-file t t)))
    (unless inhibit-default-init
      (let ((inhibit-startup-message nil))
	;; Users are supposed to be told their rights.
	;; (Plus how to get help and how to undo.)
	;; Don't you dare turn this off for anyone except yourself.
	(load "default" t t)))))

;;; Load user's init file and default ones.
(defun load-init-file ()
  (run-hooks 'before-init-hook)

  ;; Run the site-start library if it exists.  The point of this file is
  ;; that it is run before .emacs.  There is no point in doing this after
  ;; .emacs; that is useless.
  (when site-start-file
    (load site-start-file t t))

  ;; Sites should not disable this.  Only individuals should disable
  ;; the startup message.
  (setq inhibit-startup-message nil)

  (let (debug-on-error-from-init-file
	 (if (eq init-file-debug t) 'startup init-file-debug)))
    (let ((debug-on-error debug-on-error-initial))
      (if init-file-debug
	  ;; Do this without a condition-case if the user wants to debug.
	  (load-user-init-file init-file-user)
	(condition-case error
	      (load-user-init-file init-file-user)
	      (setq init-file-had-error nil))
	   (message "Error in init file: %s" (error-message-string error))
	   (display-warning 'initialization
	     (format "\
An error has occured while loading %s:


To ensure normal operation, you should investigate the cause of the error
in your initialization file and remove it.  Use the `-debug-init' option
to XEmacs to view a complete error backtrace."
		     user-init-file (error-message-string error))
	   (setq init-file-had-error t))))
      ;; If we can tell that the init file altered debug-on-error,
      ;; arrange to preserve the value that it set up.
      (or (eq debug-on-error debug-on-error-initial)
	  (setq debug-on-error-should-be-set t
		debug-on-error-from-init-file debug-on-error)))
    (when debug-on-error-should-be-set
      (setq debug-on-error debug-on-error-from-init-file)))

  (setq init-file-loaded t)

  ;; Do this here in case the init file sets mail-host-address.
  ;; Don't do this here unless noninteractive, it is frequently wrong. -sb
  ;; (or user-mail-address
  (when noninteractive
    (setq user-mail-address (concat (user-login-name) "@"
				    (or mail-host-address

  (run-hooks 'after-init-hook)

(defun load-options-file (filename)
  "Load the file of saved options (from the Options menu) called FILENAME.
Currently this does nothing but call `load', but it might be redefined
in the future to support automatically converting older options files to
a new format, when variables have changed, etc."
  (load filename))

(defun command-line-1 ()
   ((null command-line-args-left)
    (unless noninteractive
      ;; If there are no switches to process, run the term-setup-hook
      ;; before displaying the copyright notice; there may be some need
      ;; to do it before doing any output.  If we're not going to
      ;; display a copyright notice (because other options are present)
      ;; then this is run after those options are processed.
      (run-hooks 'term-setup-hook)
      ;; Don't let the hook be run twice.
      (setq term-setup-hook nil)

      ;; Don't clobber a non-scratch buffer if init file
      ;; has selected it.
      (when (string= (buffer-name) "*scratch*")
	(unless (or inhibit-startup-message
	  (let ((timeout nil))
		;; Guts of with-timeout
		(catch 'timeout
		  (setq timeout (add-timeout startup-message-timeout
					     (lambda (ignore)
					       (condition-case nil
						   (throw 'timeout t)
						 (error nil)))
		  (or nil;; (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-min))
		      (goto-char (point-min)))
		  (sit-for 0)
		  (setq unread-command-event (next-command-event)))
	      (when timeout (disable-timeout timeout)))))
	(with-current-buffer (get-buffer "*scratch*")
	  ;; In case the XEmacs server has already selected
	  ;; another buffer, erase the one our message is in.
	  (when (stringp initial-scratch-message)
	    (insert initial-scratch-message))
	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))

    ;; Command-line-options exist
    (let ((dir command-line-default-directory)
	  (file-count 0)
	  (line nil)
	  (end-of-options nil)
	  first-file-buffer file-p arg tem)
      (while command-line-args-left
	(setq arg (pop command-line-args-left))
	  (setq file-p t))
	 ((setq tem (when (eq (aref arg 0) ?-)
		      (or (assoc arg command-switch-alist)
			  (assoc (substring arg 1)
	  (funcall (cdr tem) arg))
	 ((string-match "\\`\\+[0-9]+\\'" arg)
	  (setq line (string-to-int arg)))
	 ;; "- file" means don't treat "file" as a switch
	 ;;  ("+0 file" has the same effect; "-" added
	 ;;   for unixoidiality).
	 ;; This is worthless; the `unixoid' way is "./file". -jwz
	 ((or (string= arg "-") (string= arg "--"))
	  (setq end-of-options t))
	  (setq file-p t)))
	(when file-p
	  (setq file-p nil)
	  (incf file-count)
	  (setq arg (expand-file-name arg dir))
	   ((= file-count 1) (setq first-file-buffer
				   (progn (find-file arg) (current-buffer))))
	   (noninteractive (find-file arg))
	   (t (find-file-other-window arg)))
	  (when line
	    (goto-line line)
	    (setq line nil))))))))

(defvar startup-presentation-hack-keymap
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (set-keymap-name map 'startup-presentation-hack-keymap)
    (define-key map '[button1] 'startup-presentation-hack)
    (define-key map '[button2] 'startup-presentation-hack)
  "Putting yesterday in the future tomorrow.")

(defun startup-presentation-hack ()
  (let ((e last-command-event))
    (and (button-press-event-p e)
         (setq e (extent-at (event-point e)
                            (event-buffer e)
         (setq e (extent-property e 'startup-presentation-hack))
         (if (consp e)
             (apply (car e) (cdr e))
	   (while (keymapp (indirect-function e))
	     (let ((map e)
		   (overriding-local-map (indirect-function e)))
	       (setq e (read-key-sequence
			(let ((p (keymap-prompt map t)))
			  (cond ((symbolp map)
				 (if p 
				     (format "%s %s " map p)
				   (format "%s " map)))
				 (prin1-to-string map))))))
	       (if (and (button-release-event-p (elt e 0))
			(null (key-binding e)))
		   (setq e map)		; try again
		 (setq e (key-binding e)))))
	   (call-interactively e)))))

(defun startup-presentation-hack-help (e)
  (setq e (extent-property e 'startup-presentation-hack))
  (if (consp e)
      (format "Evaluate %S" e)
    (symbol-name e)))

(defun splash-frame-present-hack (e v)
  ;;  (set-extent-property e 'mouse-face 'highlight)
  ;;  (set-extent-property e 'keymap
  ;;                       startup-presentation-hack-keymap)
  ;;  (set-extent-property e 'startup-presentation-hack v)
  ;;  (set-extent-property e 'help-echo
  ;;                       'startup-presentation-hack-help))

(defun splash-hack-version-string ()
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward "^XEmacs" nil t)
      (narrow-to-region (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (when (re-search-forward " \\[Lucid\\]" nil t)
	(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
      (when (re-search-forward "[^(][^)]*-[^)]*-" nil t)
	(delete-region (1+ (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0))
	(insert "("))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (search-backward " " nil t)
      (when (search-forward "." nil t)
	(delete-region (1- (point)) (point-max))))))

(defun splash-frame-present (l)
  (cond ((stringp l)
         (insert l))
        ((eq (car-safe l) 'face)
         ;; (face name string)
         (let ((p (point)))
           (splash-frame-present (elt l 2))
           (if (fboundp 'set-extent-face)
               (set-extent-face (make-extent p (point))
                                (elt l 1)))))
        ((eq (car-safe l) 'key)
         (let* ((c (elt l 1))
                (p (point))
                (k (where-is-internal c nil t)))
           (insert (if k (key-description k)
		     (format "M-x %s" c)))
           (if (fboundp 'set-extent-face)
               (let ((e (make-extent p (point))))
                 (set-extent-face e 'bold)
                 (splash-frame-present-hack e c)))))
        ((eq (car-safe l) 'funcall)
         ;; (funcall (fun . args) string)
         (let ((p (point)))
           (splash-frame-present (elt l 2))
           (if (fboundp 'set-extent-face)
               (splash-frame-present-hack (make-extent p (point))
					  (elt l 1)))))
	((consp l)
	 (mapcar 'splash-frame-present l))
         (error "WTF!?"))))

(defun startup-center-spaces (glyph)
  ;; Return the number of spaces to insert in order to center
  ;; the given glyph (may be a string or a pixmap).
  ;; Assume spaces are as wide as avg-pixwidth.  
  ;; Won't be quite right for proportional fonts, but it's the best we can do.
  ;; Maybe the new redisplay will export something a glyph-width function.
  ;;; #### Yes, there is a glyph-width function but it isn't quite what
  ;;; #### this was expecting.  Or is it?
  ;; (An alternate way to get avg-pixwidth would be to use x-font-properties
  ;; and calculate RESOLUTION_X * AVERAGE_WIDTH / 722.7, but it's no better.)

  ;; This function is used in about.el too.
  (let* ((avg-pixwidth     (round (/ (frame-pixel-width) (frame-width))))
	 (fill-area-width  (* avg-pixwidth (- fill-column left-margin)))
	 (glyph-pixwidth   (cond ((stringp glyph) 
				  (* avg-pixwidth (length glyph)))
				 ;; #### the pixmap option should be removed
				 ;;((pixmapp glyph)
				 ;; (pixmap-width glyph))
				 ((glyphp glyph)
				  (glyph-width glyph))
				  (error "startup-center-spaces: bad arg")))))
    (+ left-margin
       (round (/ (/ (- fill-area-width glyph-pixwidth) 2) avg-pixwidth)))))

(defun startup-splash-frame-body ()
  `("\n" ,(emacs-version) "\n"
    ,@(if (string-match "beta" emacs-version)
	  `( (face (bold blue) ( "This is an Experimental version of XEmacs. "
				 " Type " (key describe-beta)
				 " to see what this means.\n")))
	`( "\n"))
    (face bold-italic "\
Copyright (C) 1985-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1990-1994 Lucid, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois
Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Ben Wing\n\n")
    ,@(if (featurep 'sparcworks)
          `( "\
Sun provides support for the WorkShop/XEmacs integration package only.
All other XEmacs packages are provided to you \"AS IS\".
For full details, type " (key describe-no-warranty)
" to refer to the GPL Version 2, dated June 1991.\n\n"
,@(let ((lang (or (getenv "LC_ALL") (getenv "LC_MESSAGES") (getenv "LANG"))))
    (if (and
         (not (featurep 'mule))         ; Already got mule?
         (not (eq 'tty (console-type))) ; No Mule support on tty's yet
         lang                           ; Non-English locale?
         (not (string= lang "C"))
         (not (string-match "^en" lang))
         (locate-file "xemacs-mule" exec-path)) ; Comes with Sun WorkShop
        '( "\
This version of XEmacs has been built with support for Latin-1 languages only.
To handle other languages you need to run a Multi-lingual (`Mule') version of
XEmacs, by either running the command `xemacs-mule', or by using the X resource
`ESERVE*defaultXEmacsPath: xemacs-mule' when starting XEmacs from Sun WorkShop.\n\n"))))

        '("XEmacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type "
          (key describe-no-warranty) " for full details.\n"))
    "You may give out copies of XEmacs; type "
    (key describe-copying) " to see the conditions.\n"
    "Type " (key describe-distribution)
    " for information on getting the latest version.\n\n"

    "Type " (key help-command) " or use the " (face bold "Help") " menu to get help.\n"
    "Type " (key advertised-undo) " to undo changes  (`C-' means use the Control key).\n"
    "To get out of XEmacs, type " (key save-buffers-kill-emacs) ".\n"
    "Type " (key help-with-tutorial) " for a tutorial on using XEmacs.\n"
    "Type " (key info) " to enter Info, "
    "which you can use to read online documentation.\n"
    (face (bold red) ( "\
For tips and answers to frequently asked questions, see the XEmacs FAQ.
\(It's on the Help menu, or type " (key xemacs-local-faq) " [a capital F!].\)"))))

;; I really hate global variables, oh well.
;(defvar xemacs-startup-logo-function nil
;  "If non-nil, function called to provide the startup logo.
;This function should return an initialized glyph if it is used.")

(defun startup-splash-frame ()
  (let ((p (point))
;	(logo (cond (xemacs-startup-logo-function
;		     (funcall xemacs-startup-logo-function))
;		    (t xemacs-logo)))
	(logo xemacs-logo)
        (cramped-p (eq 'tty (console-type))))
    (unless cramped-p (insert "\n"))
    (indent-to (startup-center-spaces logo))
    (set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent (point) (point)) logo)
    (insert (if cramped-p "\n" "\n\n"))
    (splash-frame-present-hack (make-extent p (point)) 'about-xemacs))

  (let ((after-change-functions nil))	; no font-lock, thank you
    (dolist (l (startup-splash-frame-body))
      (splash-frame-present l)))
  (set-buffer-modified-p nil))

;;  (let ((present-file
;;         #'(lambda (f)
;;             (splash-frame-present
;;	      (list 'funcall
;;		    (list 'find-file-other-window
;;			  (expand-file-name f data-directory))
;;		    f)))))
;;    (insert "For customization examples, see the files ")
;;    (funcall present-file "sample.emacs")
;;    (insert " and ")
;;    (funcall present-file "sample.Xdefaults")
;;    (insert (format "\nin the directory %s." data-directory)))

(defun startup-set-invocation-environment ()
  ;; XEmacs -- Steven Baur says invocation directory is nil if you
  ;; try to use XEmacs as a login shell.
  (or invocation-directory (setq invocation-directory default-directory))
  (setq invocation-directory
	;; don't let /tmp_mnt/... get into the load-path or exec-path.
	(abbreviate-file-name invocation-directory)))

(defun startup-setup-paths (roots &optional
				  inhibit-early-packages inhibit-site-lisp
  "Setup all the various paths.
ROOTS is a list of plausible roots of the XEmacs directory hierarchy.
If INHIBIT-PACKAGES is non-NIL, don't do packages.
If INHIBIT-SITE-LISP is non-NIL, don't do site-lisp.
If DEBUG-PATHS is non-NIL, print paths as they are detected.
It's idempotent, so call this as often as you like!"

  (apply #'(lambda (early late last)
	     (setq early-packages (and (not inhibit-early-packages)
	     (setq late-packages late)
	     (setq last-packages last))
	 (packages-find-packages roots))

  (setq early-package-load-path (packages-find-package-load-path early-packages))
  (setq late-package-load-path (packages-find-package-load-path late-packages))
  (setq last-package-load-path (packages-find-package-load-path last-packages))

  (if debug-paths
	(princ (format "configure-package-path:\n%S\n" configure-package-path)
	(princ (format "early-packages and early-package-load-path:\n%S\n%S\n"
		       early-packages early-package-load-path)
	(princ (format "late-packages and late-package-load-path:\n%S\n%S\n"
		       late-packages late-package-load-path)
	(princ (format "last-packages and last-package-load-path:\n%S\n%S\n"
		       last-packages last-package-load-path)

  (setq lisp-directory (paths-find-lisp-directory roots))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "lisp-directory:\n%S\n" lisp-directory)

  (setq site-directory (and (null inhibit-site-lisp)
			    (paths-find-site-lisp-directory roots)))

  (if (and debug-paths (null inhibit-site-lisp))
      (princ (format "site-directory:\n%S\n" site-directory)

  (setq load-path (paths-construct-load-path roots

  (setq Info-directory-list
	(paths-construct-info-path roots
				   early-packages late-packages last-packages))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "Info-directory-list:\n%S\n" Info-directory-list)

  (if (boundp 'lock-directory)
	(setq lock-directory (paths-find-lock-directory roots))
	(setq superlock-file (paths-find-superlock-file lock-directory))
	(if debug-paths
	      (princ (format "lock-directory:\n%S\n" lock-directory)
	      (princ (format "superlock-file:\n%S\n" superlock-file)

  (setq exec-directory (paths-find-exec-directory roots))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "exec-directory:\n%s\n" exec-directory)

  (setq exec-path
	(paths-construct-exec-path roots exec-directory
				   early-packages late-packages last-packages))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "exec-path:\n%S\n" exec-path)
  (setq doc-directory (paths-find-doc-directory roots))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "doc-directory:\n%S\n" doc-directory)

  (setq data-directory (paths-find-data-directory roots))

  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "data-directory:\n%S\n" data-directory)

  (setq data-directory-list (paths-construct-data-directory-list data-directory
  (if debug-paths
      (princ (format "data-directory-list:\n%S\n" data-directory-list)

(defun startup-find-roots-warning ()
    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *warning-tmp*"))
    (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))

    (insert "Couldn't find an obvious default for the root of the\n"
	    "XEmacs hierarchy.")

    (princ "\nWARNING:\n" 'external-debugging-output)
    (princ (buffer-string) 'external-debugging-output)))

(defun startup-setup-paths-warning ()
  (let ((lock (if (boundp 'lock-directory) lock-directory 't))
	(warnings '()))
    (if (and (stringp lock) (null (file-directory-p lock)))
	(setq lock nil))
     ((null (and lisp-directory exec-directory data-directory doc-directory
	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *warning-tmp*"))
	(buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
	(if (null lisp-directory) (push "lisp-directory" warnings))
	(if (null lock)           (push "lock-directory" warnings))
	(if (null exec-directory) (push "exec-directory" warnings))
	(if (null data-directory) (push "data-directory" warnings))
	(if (null doc-directory)  (push "doc-directory"  warnings))
	(if (null load-path)      (push "load-path"      warnings))

	(insert "Couldn't find obvious defaults for:\n")
	(while warnings
	  (insert (car warnings) "\n")
	  (setq warnings (cdr warnings)))
	(insert "Perhaps some directories don't exist, "
		"or the XEmacs executable,\n" (concat invocation-directory
		"\nis in a strange place?")

	(princ "\nWARNING:\n" 'external-debugging-output)
	(princ (buffer-string) 'external-debugging-output)

;;; startup.el ends here