view lisp/mule/mule-category.el @ 4061:10c99e4eefae

[xemacs-hg @ 2007-07-15 21:51:42 by viteno] Update xemacs_extra_name.
author viteno
date Sun, 15 Jul 2007 21:51:42 +0000
parents 949ac151a10d
children d402d7b18bd8
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line source

;;; mule-category.el --- category functions for XEmacs/Mule. -*- coding: iso-2022-7bit; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 1992,93,94,95 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 1999 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Amdahl Corporation.
;; Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems.

;; This file is part of XEmacs.

;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; Functions for working with category tables, which are a particular
;; type of char table.  Some function names / arguments should be
;; parallel with syntax tables.

;; Written by Ben Wing <>.  The initialization code
;; at the end of this file comes from Mule.
;; Some bugfixes by Jareth Hein <>

;;; Code:

(defvar defined-category-hashtable (make-hash-table :size 50))

(defun define-category (designator doc-string &optional table)
  "Make a new category whose designator is DESIGNATOR.
DESIGNATOR should be a visible letter of ' ' thru '~'.
DOC-STRING is a doc string for the category.
Letters of 'a' thru 'z' are already used or kept for the system.
The category should be defined only in category table TABLE, which defaults
to the current buffer's category table, but this is not implemented.  "
  ;; #### Implement the limiting of the definition. 
  (check-argument-type 'category-designator-p designator)
  (check-argument-type 'stringp doc-string)
  (setq table (or table (category-table)))
  (check-argument-type 'category-table-p table)
  (puthash designator doc-string defined-category-hashtable))

(defun undefine-category (designator)
  "Undefine DESIGNATOR as a designator for a category."
  (check-argument-type 'category-designator-p designator)
  (remhash designator defined-category-hashtable))

(defun defined-category-p (designator)
  "Return non-nil if DESIGNATOR is a designator for a defined category."
  (and (category-designator-p designator)
       (gethash designator defined-category-hashtable)))

(defun defined-category-list ()
  "Return a list of the currently defined categories.
Categories are given by their designators."
  (let (list)
    (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
		 (setq list (cons key list)))
    (nreverse list)))

(defun undefined-category-designator ()
  "Return an undefined category designator, or nil if there are none."
  (let ((a 32) found)
    (while (and (< a 127) (not found))
      (unless (gethash a defined-category-hashtable)
	(setq found (make-char 'ascii a)))
      (setq a (1+ a)))

(defun category-doc-string (designator)
  "Return the doc-string for the category denoted by DESIGNATOR."
  (check-argument-type 'defined-category-p designator)
  (gethash designator defined-category-hashtable))

(defun modify-category-entry (char-range designator &optional category-table reset)
  "Add a category to the categories associated with CHAR-RANGE.
CHAR-RANGE is a single character or a range of characters,
 as per `put-char-table'.
The category is given by a designator character.
The changes are made in CATEGORY-TABLE, which defaults to the current
 buffer's category table.
If optional fourth argument RESET is non-nil, previous categories associated
 with CHAR-RANGE are removed before adding the specified category."
  (or category-table (setq category-table (category-table)))
  (check-argument-type 'category-table-p category-table)
  (check-argument-type 'defined-category-p designator)
  (if reset
      ;; clear all existing stuff.
      (put-char-table char-range nil category-table))
   #'(lambda (key value)
       ;; make sure that this range has a bit-vector assigned to it
       (if (not (bit-vector-p value))
	   (setq value (make-bit-vector 95 0))
	 (setq value (copy-sequence value)))
       ;; set the appropriate bit in that vector.
       (aset value (- designator 32) 1)
       ;; put the vector back, thus assuring we have a unique setting for this range
       (put-char-table key value category-table))
   category-table char-range))

(defun char-category-list (character &optional category-table)
  "Return a list of the categories that CHARACTER is in.
CATEGORY-TABLE defaults to the current buffer's category table.
The categories are given by their designators."
  (or category-table (setq category-table (category-table)))
  (check-argument-type 'category-table-p category-table)
  (let ((vec (get-char-table character category-table)))
    (if (null vec) nil
      (let ((a 32) list)
	(while (< a 127)
	  (if (= 1 (aref vec (- a 32)))
	      (setq list (cons (make-char 'ascii a) list)))
	  (setq a (1+ a)))
	(nreverse list)))))

;; implemented in C, file chartab.c (97/3/14
;(defun char-in-category-p (char category &optional table)
;  "Return non-nil if CHAR is in CATEGORY.
;TABLE defaults to the current buffer's category table.
;Categories are specified by their designators."
;  (or table (setq table (category-table)))
;  (check-argument-type 'category-table-p table)
;  (check-argument-type 'category-designator-p category)
;  (let ((vec (get-char-table char table)))
;    (if (null vec) nil
;      (= 1 (aref vec (- category 32))))))

(put 'with-category-table 'lisp-indent-function 1)

(defmacro with-category-table (category-table &rest body)
  `(let ((current-category-table (category-table)))
     (set-category-table ,category-table)
	 (progn ,@body)
       (set-category-table current-category-table))))

(defun make-category-table ()
  "Construct a new and empty category table and return it."
  (make-char-table 'category))

(defun describe-category ()
  "Describe the category specifications in the category table.
The descriptions are inserted in a buffer, which is then displayed."
   (lambda ()
     (describe-category-table (category-table) standard-output))))

(defun describe-category-table (table stream)
  (let (first-char
	 (lambda (first last value stream)
	   (if (and (bit-vector-p value)
		    (> (reduce '+ value) 0))
		 (if (equal first last)
		     (cond ((vectorp first)
			    (princ (format "%s, row %d"
					    (aref first 0))
					   (aref first 1))
			   ((charsetp first)
			    (princ (charset-name first) stream))
			   (t (princ first stream)))
		   (cond ((vectorp first)
			  (princ (format "%s, rows %d .. %d"
					  (aref first 0))
					 (aref first 1)
					 (aref last 1))
			  (princ (format "%s .. %s" first last)
		 (describe-category-code value stream))))))
     (lambda (range value)
       (if (and (or
		 (and (characterp range)
		      (characterp first-char)
		      (eq (char-charset range) (char-charset first-char))
		      (= (char-to-int last-char) (1- (char-to-int range))))
		 (and (vectorp range)
		      (vectorp first-char)
		      (eq (aref range 0) (aref first-char 0))
		      (= (aref last-char 1) (1- (aref range 1))))
		 (equal value prev-val)))
	   (setq last-char range)
	 (if first-char
	       (funcall describe-one first-char last-char prev-val stream)
	       (setq first-char nil)))
	 (funcall describe-one range range value stream))
    (if first-char
	(funcall describe-one first-char last-char prev-val stream))))

(defun describe-category-code (code stream)
  (let ((standard-output (or stream standard-output)))
    (princ "\tin categories: ")
    (if (not (bit-vector-p code))
	(princ "(none)")
      (let ((i 0)
	(while (< i 95)
	  (if (= 1 (aref code i))
		(if (not already-matched)
		    (setq already-matched t)
		  (princ " "))
		(princ (int-to-char (+ 32 i)))))
	  (setq i (1+ i)))
	(if (not already-matched)
	    (princ "(none)")))
      (let ((i 0))
	(while (< i 95)
	  (if (= 1 (aref code i))
	      (princ (format "\n\t\tmeaning: %s"
			    (category-doc-string (int-to-char (+ 32 i))))))
	  (setq i (1+ i)))))

(defconst predefined-category-list
  '((latin-iso8859-1	?l "Latin-1 through Latin-5 character set")
    (latin-iso8859-2	?l)
    (latin-iso8859-3	?l)
    (latin-iso8859-4	?l)
    (latin-iso8859-9	?l)
    (cyrillic-iso8859-5 ?y "Cyrillic character set")
    (arabic-iso8859-6	?b "Arabic character set")
    (greek-iso8859-7	?g "Greek character set")
    (hebrew-iso8859-8	?w "Hebrew character set")
    (katakana-jisx0201	?k "Japanese 1-byte Katakana character set")
    (latin-jisx0201	?r "Japanese 1-byte Roman character set")
    (japanese-jisx0208-1978 ?j "Japanese 2-byte character set (old)")
    (japanese-jisx0208	?j "Japanese 2-byte character set")
    (japanese-jisx0212	?j)
    (chinese-gb2312	?c "Chinese GB (China, PRC) 2-byte character set")
    (chinese-cns11643-1	?t "Chinese Taiwan (CNS or Big5) 2-byte character set")
    (chinese-cns11643-2	?t)
    (chinese-big5-1	?t)
    (chinese-big5-2	?t)
    (korean-ksc5601	?h "Hangul (Korean) 2-byte character set")
  "List of predefined categories.
Each element is a list of a charset, a designator, and maybe a doc string.")

(let (i l)
  (define-category ?a "ASCII character set.")
  (define-category ?l "Latin-1 through Latin-5 character set")
  (setq i 32)
  (while (< i 127)
    (modify-category-entry i ?a)
    (modify-category-entry i ?l)
    (setq i (1+ i)))
  (setq l predefined-category-list)
  (while l
    (if (and (nth 2 (car l))
	     (not (defined-category-p (nth 2 (car l)))))
	(define-category (nth 1 (car l)) (nth 2 (car l))))
    (modify-category-entry (car (car l)) (nth 1 (car l)) nil t)
    (setq l (cdr l))))

;;; Setting word boundary.

(setq word-combining-categories
      '((?l . ?l)))

(setq word-separating-categories	;  (2-byte character sets)
      '((?A . ?K)			; Alpha numeric - Katakana
	(?A . ?C)			; Alpha numeric - Chinese
	(?H . ?A)			; Hiragana - Alpha numeric
	(?H . ?K)			; Hiragana - Katakana
	(?H . ?C)			; Hiragana - Chinese
	(?K . ?A)			; Katakana - Alpha numeric
	(?K . ?C)			; Katakana - Chinese
	(?C . ?A)			; Chinese - Alpha numeric
	(?C . ?K)			; Chinese - Katakana

;;; At the present, I know Japanese and Chinese text can
;;; break line at any point under a restriction of 'kinsoku'.
;;; #### SJT this needs to be set by language environments and probably should
;;; be buffer-local---strategy for dealing with this: check all $language.el
;;; files and also mule-base/$language-utils.el files for variables set;
;;; these should be made buffer local and some kind of a- or p-list of vars
;;; to be set for a language environment created. 
(defvar word-across-newline "\\(\\cj\\|\\cc\\|\\ct\\)"
  "Regular expression of such characters which can be a word across newline.")

(defvar ascii-char "[\40-\176]")
(defvar ascii-space "[ \t]")
(defvar ascii-symbols "[\40-\57\72-\100\133-\140\173-\176]")
(defvar ascii-numeric "[\60-\71]")
(defvar ascii-English-Upper "[\101-\132]")
(defvar ascii-English-Lower "[\141-\172]")
(defvar ascii-alphanumeric "[\60-\71\101-\132\141-\172]")

(defvar kanji-char "\\cj")
(defvar kanji-space "$B!!(B")
(defvar kanji-symbols "\\cS")
(defvar kanji-numeric "[$B#0(B-$B#9(B]")
(defvar kanji-English-Upper "[$B#A(B-$B#Z(B]")
(defvar kanji-English-Lower  "[$B#a(B-$B#z(B]")
(defvar kanji-hiragana "\\cH")
(defvar kanji-katakana "\\cK")
(defvar kanji-Greek-Upper "[$B&!(B-$B&8(B]")
(defvar kanji-Greek-Lower "[$B&A(B-$B&X(B]")
(defvar kanji-Russian-Upper "[$B'!(B-$B'A(B]")
(defvar kanji-Russian-Lower "[$B'Q(B-$B'q(B]")
(defvar kanji-Kanji-1st-Level  "[$B0!(B-$BOS(B]")
(defvar kanji-Kanji-2nd-Level  "[$BP!(B-$Bt$(B]")

(defvar kanji-kanji-char "\\(\\cH\\|\\cK\\|\\cC\\)")