view netinstall/resource.h @ 4539:061e030e3270

Fix some bugs in load-history construction, built-in symbol file names. lib-src/ChangeLog addition: 2008-12-27 Aidan Kehoe <> * make-docfile.c (main): Allow more than one -d argument, followed by a directory to change to. (put_filename): Don't strip directory information; with previous change, allows retrieval of Lisp function and variable origin files from #'built-in-symbol-file relative to lisp-directory. (scan_lisp_file): Don't add an extraneous newline after the file name, put_filename has added the newline already. lisp/ChangeLog addition: 2008-12-27 Aidan Kehoe <> * loadup.el (load-history): Add the contents of current-load-list to load-history before clearing it. Move the variable declarations earlier in the file to a format understood by make-docfile.c. * custom.el (custom-declare-variable): Add the variable's symbol to the current file's load history entry correctly, don't use a cons. Eliminate a comment that we don't need to worry about, we don't need to check the `initialized' C variable in Lisp. * bytecomp.el (byte-compile-output-file-form): Merge Andreas Schwab's pre-GPLv3 GNU change of 19970831 here; treat #'custom-declare-variable correctly, generating the docstrings in a format understood by make-docfile.c. * loadhist.el (symbol-file): Correct behaviour for checking autoloaded macros and functions when supplied with a TYPE argument. Accept fully-qualified paths from #'built-in-symbol-file; if a path is not fully-qualified, return it relative to lisp-directory if the filename corresponds to a Lisp file, and relative to (concat source-directory "/src/") otherwise. * make-docfile.el (preloaded-file-list): Rationalise some let bindings a little. Use the "-d" argument to make-docfile.c to supply Lisp paths relative to lisp-directory, not absolutely. Add in loadup.el explicitly to the list of files to be processed by make-docfile.c--it doesn't make sense to add it to preloaded-file-list, since that is used for purposes of byte-compilation too. src/ChangeLog addition: 2008-12-27 Aidan Kehoe <> * doc.c (Fbuilt_in_symbol_file): Return a subr's filename immediately if we've found it. Check for compiled function and compiled macro docstrings in DOC too, and return them if they exist. The branch of the if statement focused on functions may have executed, but we may still want to check variable bindings; an else clause isn't appropriate.
author Aidan Kehoe <>
date Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:05:50 +0000
parents 943eaba38521
line wrap: on
line source

// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by res.rc
#define IDS_ROOT_SLASH                  1
#define IDS_ROOT_SPACE                  2
#define IDS_CWD_NONEMPTY                3
#define IDS_MIRROR_LST                  6
#define IDS_DIALOG_FAILED               7
#define IDS_CYGWIN_FUNC_MISSING         8
#define IDS_DOWNLOAD_SHORT              9
#define IDS_ERR_OPEN_WRITE              10
#define IDS_SETUPINI_MISSING            11
#define IDS_OLD_SETUPINI                12
#define IDS_ERR_RENAME                  13
#define IDS_NOTHING_INSTALLED           14
#define IDS_INSTALL_COMPLETE            15
#define IDS_ERR_OPEN_READ               16
#define IDS_ROOT_ABSOLUTE               17
#define IDS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE           18
#define IDS_CVSID                       19
#define IDS_NOLOGFILE                   20
#define IDS_UNINSTALL_COMPLETE          21
#define IDS_WININET                     22
#define IDS_ERR_CHDIR                   23
#define IDS_OLD_SETUP_VERSION           24
#define IDS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED             25
#define IDS_DOWNLOAD_INCOMPLETE         26
#define IDS_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE          27
#define IDS_ROOT_NOCYGWIN               28
#define IDS_CREATE_DIR   29
#define IDD_ROOT                        101
#define IDD_SOURCE                      102
#define IDD_OTHER_URL                   103
#define IDD_SITE                        104
#define IDD_NET                         105
#define IDD_DLSTATUS                    106
#define IDD_S_LOAD_INI                  107
#define IDD_S_FROM_CWD                  108
#define IDD_CHOOSE                      109
#define IDD_S_DOWNLOAD                  110
#define IDD_S_INSTALL                   111
#define IDD_INSTATUS                    112
#define IDD_DESKTOP                     113
#define IDD_PROXY_AUTH                  114
#define IDD_S_POSTINSTALL               115
#define IDD_NET_AUTH                    116
#define IDD_SPLASH                      117
#define IDB_SPIN                        118
#define IDB_RTARROW                     119
#define IDI_SPIN                        120
#define IDI_XEMACS                      121
#define IDD_LOCAL_DIR                   122
#define IDB_CHECK_YES                   123
#define IDB_CHECK_NO                    124
#define IDB_CHECK_NA                    125
#define IDB_GNU                         126
#define IDD_UNINSTALL                   127
#define IDC_SOURCE_DOWNLOAD             1000
#define IDC_SOURCE_NETINST              1001
#define IDC_SOURCE_CWD                  1002
#define IDC_ROOT_DIR                    1003
#define IDC_ROOT_BROWSE                 1004
#define IDC_ROOT_TEXT                   1005
#define IDC_ROOT_BINARY                 1006
#define IDC_URL_LIST                    1007
#define IDC_SITE_NEXT                   1008
#define IDC_BACK                        1009
#define IDC_OTHER_URL                   1010
#define IDC_NET_IE5                     1011
#define IDC_NET_DIRECT                  1012
#define IDC_NET_PROXY                   1013
#define IDC_PROXY_HOST                  1014
#define IDC_PROXY_PORT                  1015
#define IDC_PROXY_USER                  1016
#define IDC_DLS_PROGRESS                1019
#define IDC_DLS_URL                     1020
#define IDC_DLS_RATE                    1021
#define IDC_INS_PKG                     1022
#define IDC_INS_FILE                    1023
#define IDC_INS_DISKFULL                1024
#define IDC_INS_IPROGRESS               1025
#define IDC_INS_PPROGRESS               1026
#define IDC_ROOT_SYSTEM                 1028
#define IDC_ROOT_USER                   1029
#define IDC_NET_USER                    1030
#define IDC_NET_PASSWD                  1031
#define IDC_VERSION                     1033
#define IDC_LISTVIEW_POS                1034
#define IDC_CHOOSE_FULLPART             1035
#define IDC_CHOOSE_EXP                  1036
#define IDC_CHOOSE_CURR                 1037
#define IDC_CHOOSE_PREV                 1038
#define IDC_CHOOSE_LIST                 1039
#define IDC_INS_ACTION                  1040
#define IDC_ROOT_DESKTOP                1041
#define IDC_ROOT_MENU                   1042
#define IDC_LOCAL_DIR_BROWSE            1043
#define IDC_TXT_TYPE                    1043
#define IDC_LOCAL_DIR                   1044
#define IDC_JAVA_TYPE                   1044
#define IDC_INSTALL_NATIVE              1045
#define IDC_C_TYPE                      1045
#define IDC_INSTALL_CYGWIN              1046
#define IDC_CPP_TYPE                    1046
#define IDC_UNINS_PKG                   1047
#define IDC_ELISP_TYPE                  1047
#define IDC_UNINS_FILE                  1048
#define IDC_IDL_TYPE                    1048
#define IDC_UNINS_DISKFULL              1049
#define IDC_UNINS_IPROGRESS             1050
#define IDC_UNINS_PPROGRESS             1051
#define IDC_UNINS_ACTION                1052
#define IDC_STATIC                      -1

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NO_MFC                     1
#define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        127
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40003
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1050
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101