diff lisp/mule/kinsoku.el @ 110:fe104dbd9147 r20-1b7

Import from CVS: tag r20-1b7
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:19:45 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 7d55a9ba150c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/mule/kinsoku.el	Mon Aug 13 09:19:45 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+;; kinsoku.el -- Kinsoku (line wrap) processing for XEmacs/Mule
+;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of Mule (MULtilingual Enhancement of XEmacs).
+;; This file contains Japanese and Chinese characters.
+;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; Written by Jareth Hein (jhod@po.iijnet.or.jp) based off of
+;; code by S.Tomura, Electrotechnical Lab. (tomura@etl.go.jp) from
+;; Mule-2.3
+;;;    Special characters for JIS code
+;;;     "$B!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B"
+;;;   "$B!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!>!?(B"
+;;;   "$B!@!A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!J!K!L!M!N!O(B"
+;;;   "$B!P!Q!R!S!T!U!V!W!X!Y!Z![!\!]!^!_(B"
+;;;   "$B!`!a!b!c!d!e!f!g!h!i!j!k!l!m!n!o(B"
+;;;   "$B!p!q!r!s!t!u!v!w!x!y!z!{!|!}!~(B"
+;;;     "$B"!"""#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","-".(B "
+;;;     "$B&!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&.&/(B"
+;;;   "$B&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8(B"
+;;;     "$B&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J&K&L&M&N&O(B"
+;;;   "$B&P&Q&R&S&T&U&V&W&X(B"
+;;;     "$B'!'"'#'$'%'&'''(')'*'+','-'.'/(B"
+;;;   "$B'0'1'2'3'4'5'6'7'8'9':';'<'='>'?(B"
+;;;   "$B'@'A(B"
+;;;     "$B'Q'R'S'T'U'V'W'X'Y'Z'['\']'^'_!I(B
+;;;   "$B'`'a'b'c'd'e'f'g'h'i'j'k'l'm'n'o(B"
+;;;   "$B'p'q(B"
+;;;    $B#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#A#B#C#D#E#F(B
+;;;   "$B$!$#$%$'$)$C$c$e$g$n(B"
+;;;   "$B%!%#%%%'%)%C%c%e%g%n%u%v(B"
+;;; Special characters for GB
+;;;  $A!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B
+;;;  $A"1"2"3"4"5"6"7"8"9":";"<"=">"?(B
+;;;  $A#!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/(B
+;;;  $A$!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/(B
+;;;  $A%!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/(B
+;;;  $A&!&"&#&$&%&&&'&(&)&*&+&,&-&.&/(B
+;;;  $A'!'"'#'$'%'&'''(')'*'+','-'.'/(B
+;;;  $A(!("(#($(%(&('((()(*(+(,(-(.(/(B
+;;; Special characters for BIG5
+;;;  $(0!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B
+;;;  $(0"!"""#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","-"."/(B
+;;;  $(0#!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/(B
+;;;  $(0$!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/(B
+;;;  $(0%!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/(B
+(defvar kinsoku-ascii nil "Do kinsoku-processing for ASCII.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-ascii)
+(set-default 'kinsoku-ascii nil)
+(defvar kinsoku-jis t "Do kinsoku-processing for JISX0208.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-jis)
+(set-default 'kinsoku-jis t)
+(defvar kinsoku-gb t "Do kinsoku-processing for GB2312.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-gb)
+(set-default 'kinsoku-gb t)
+(defvar kinsoku-big5 t "Do kinsoku-processing for Big5..")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'kinsoku-big5)
+(set-default 'kinsoku-big5 t)
+(defvar kinsoku-ascii-bol "!)-_~}]:;',.?" "BOL kinsoku for ASCII.")
+(defvar kinsoku-ascii-eol "({[" "EOL kinsoku for ASCII.")
+(defvar kinsoku-jis-bol
+  (concat  "$B!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!>(B"
+	   "$B!?!@!A!B!C!D!E!G!I!K!M!O!Q!S!U!W!Y![!k!l!m!n(B"
+	   "$B$!$#$%$'$)$C$c$e$g$n%!%#%%%'%)%C%c%e%g%n%u%v(B")
+  "BOL kinsoku for JISX0208.")
+(defvar kinsoku-jis-eol
+  "$B!F!H!J!L!N!P!R!T!V!X!Z!k!l!m!n!w!x(B"
+  "EOL kinsoku for JISX0208.")
+(defvar kinsoku-gb-bol
+  (concat  "$A!"!##.#,!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!/!1#)!3!5!7!9!;!=(B"
+	   "$A!?#;#:#?#!!@!A!B!C!c!d!e!f#/#\#"#_#~#|(e(B")
+  "BOL kinsoku for GB2312.")
+(defvar kinsoku-gb-eol
+  (concat "$A!.!0#"#(!2!4!6!8!:!<!>!c!d!e#@!f!l(B"
+	  "$A(E(F(G(H(I(J(K(L(M(N(O(P(Q(R(S(T(U(V(W(X(Y(h(B")
+  "EOL kinsoku for GB2312.")
+(defvar kinsoku-big5-bol
+  (concat  "$(0!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/!0!1!2(B"
+ 	   "$(0!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!?!A!C!E!G!I!K(B"
+ 	   "$(0!M!O!Q(B	$(0!S!U!W!Y![!]!_!a!c!e!g!i!k!q(B"
+ 	   "$(0"#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","2"3"4"j"k"l"x%7(B")
+  "BOL kinsoku for BIG5.")
+(defvar kinsoku-big5-eol
+  (concat "$(0!>!@!B!D!F!H!J!L!N!P!R!T!V!X!Z!\!^!`!b(B"
+ 	  "$(0!d!f!h!j!k!q!p"i"j"k"n"x$u$v$w$x$y$z${(B"
+ 	  "$(0$|$}$~%!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%:(B")
+  "EOL kinsoku for BIG5.")
+(define-category ?s "Kinsoku forbidden start of line characters")
+(define-category ?e "Kinsoku forbidden end of line characters")
+;; kinsoku ascii
+(loop for char in (string-to-char-list kinsoku-ascii-bol)
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
+(loop for char in kinsoku-ascii-eol
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
+;; kinsoku-jis
+(loop for char in (string-to-char-list kinsoku-jis-bol)
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
+(loop for char in (string-to-char-list kinsoku-jis-eol)
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
+;; kinsoku-gb
+(loop for char in kinsoku-gb-bol
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
+(loop for char in kinsoku-gb-eol
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
+;; kinsoku-big5
+(loop for char in kinsoku-big5-bol
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?s))
+(loop for char in kinsoku-big5-eol
+      do (modify-category-entry char ?e))
+(defun kinsoku-bol-p ()
+  "Check if point would break forbidden beginning-of-line rules
+Uses category \'s\' to check.
+  (let ((ch (following-char)))
+    (if (or
+	 (and kinsoku-ascii (char-in-category-p ch ?a))
+	 (and kinsoku-jis (char-in-category-p ch ?j))
+	 (and kinsoku-gb (char-in-category-p ch ?c))
+	 (and kinsoku-big5 (char-in-category-p ch ?t)))
+	(char-in-category-p ch ?s)
+      nil)))
+(defun kinsoku-eol-p ()
+  "Check if point would break forbidden end-of-line rules
+Uses category \'e\' to check.
+  (let ((ch (preceding-char)))
+    (if (or
+	 (and kinsoku-ascii (char-in-category-p ch ?a))
+	 (and kinsoku-jis (char-in-category-p ch ?j))
+	 (and kinsoku-gb (char-in-category-p ch ?c))
+	 (and kinsoku-big5 (char-in-category-p ch ?t)))
+	(char-in-category-p ch ?e)
+      nil)))
+(defvar kinsoku-extend-limit nil
+  "Defines how many characters kinsoku will search forward before giving up.
+A value of nil equates to infinity.
+(defun kinsoku-process ()
+  "Move to a point that will not break forbidden line break rules.
+  (let ((bol-kin nil) (eol-kin nil))
+    (if (and (not (bolp))
+	     (not (eolp))
+	     (or (setq bol-kin (kinsoku-bol-p))
+		 (setq eol-kin (kinsoku-eol-p))))
+	(cond(bol-kin (kinsoku-process-extend))
+	     (eol-kin (kinsoku-process-shrink))))))
+(defun kinsoku-process-extend ()
+  "Move point forward to a permissable for line-breaking.
+  (let ((max-column (+ fill-column 
+		       (if (and (numberp kinsoku-extend-limit)
+				(>= kinsoku-extend-limit 0))
+			   kinsoku-extend-limit
+			 10000)))  ;;; 10000 is deliberatly unreasonably large
+	ch1 ch2)
+    (while (and (<= (+ (current-column)
+		       (char-width (setq ch1 (following-char))))
+		    max-column)
+		(not (bolp))
+		(not (eolp))
+		(or (kinsoku-eol-p)
+		    (kinsoku-bol-p)
+	            ;;; don't break in the middle of an English word
+		    (and (char-in-category-p ch1 ?a)
+			 (char-in-category-p (setq ch2 (preceding-char)) ?a)
+			 (= ?w (char-syntax ch2))
+			 (= ?w (char-syntax ch1)))))
+      (forward-char))
+    (if (or (kinsoku-eol-p) (kinsoku-bol-p))
+	(kinsoku-process-shrink))))
+(defun kinsoku-process-shrink ()
+  "Move point backward to a point permissable for line-breaking.
+  (let (ch1 ch2)
+    (while (and (not (bolp))
+		(not (eolp))
+		(or (kinsoku-bol-p)
+		    (kinsoku-eol-p)
+		;;; don't break in the middle of an English word
+		    (and
+		     (char-in-category-p (setq ch1 (following-char)) ?a)
+		     (char-in-category-p (setq ch2 (preceding-char)) ?a)
+		     (= ?w (char-syntax ch2))
+		     (= ?w (char-syntax ch1)))))
+      (backward-char))))