diff src/objects-msw.c @ 442:abe6d1db359e r21-2-36

Import from CVS: tag r21-2-36
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:35:02 +0200 (2007-08-13)
parents 8de8e3f6228a
children 183866b06e0b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/objects-msw.c	Mon Aug 13 11:33:40 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/objects-msw.c	Mon Aug 13 11:35:02 2007 +0200
@@ -49,690 +49,692 @@
 #include "device.h"
 #include "insdel.h"
-#if (defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__MINGW32__)) && \
-#define stricmp strcasecmp
-#define ntmTm ntmentm
-typedef struct colormap_t 
+typedef struct colormap_t
-  CONST char *name;
-  CONST COLORREF colorref;
+  const char *name;
+  COLORREF colorref;
 } colormap_t;
 /* Colors from X11R6 "XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp" */
-static CONST colormap_t mswindows_X_color_map[] = 
+/* MSWindows tends to round up the numbers in it's palette, ie where X uses
+ * 127, MSWindows uses 128. Colors commented as "Adjusted" are tweaked to
+ * match the Windows standard palette to increase the likelihood of
+ * mswindows_color_to_string() finding a named match.
+ */
+static const colormap_t mswindows_X_color_map[] =
-  {"snow"			, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
-  {"GhostWhite"			, PALETTERGB (248, 248, 255) },
-  {"WhiteSmoke"			, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
-  {"gainsboro"			, PALETTERGB (220, 220, 220) },
-  {"FloralWhite"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 240) },
-  {"OldLace"			, PALETTERGB (253, 245, 230) },
-  {"linen"			, PALETTERGB (250, 240, 230) },
-  {"AntiqueWhite"		, PALETTERGB (250, 235, 215) },
-  {"PapayaWhip"			, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 213) },
-  {"BlanchedAlmond"		, PALETTERGB (255, 235, 205) },
-  {"bisque"			, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
-  {"PeachPuff"			, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
-  {"NavajoWhite"		, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
-  {"moccasin"			, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 181) },
-  {"cornsilk"			, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
-  {"ivory"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
-  {"LemonChiffon"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
-  {"seashell"			, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
-  {"honeydew"			, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
-  {"MintCream"			, PALETTERGB (245, 255, 250) },
-  {"azure"			, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
-  {"AliceBlue"			, PALETTERGB (240, 248, 255) },
-  {"lavender"			, PALETTERGB (230, 230, 250) },
-  {"LavenderBlush"		, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
-  {"MistyRose"			, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
-  {"white"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
-  {"black"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
-  {"DarkSlateGray"		, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
-  {"DarkSlateGrey"		, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
-  {"DimGray"			, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
-  {"DimGrey"			, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
-  {"SlateGray"			, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
-  {"SlateGrey"			, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
-  {"LightSlateGray"		, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
-  {"LightSlateGrey"		, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
-  {"gray"			, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
-  {"grey"			, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
-  {"LightGrey"			, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
-  {"LightGray"			, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
-  {"MidnightBlue"		, PALETTERGB (25, 25, 112) },
-  {"navy"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
-  {"NavyBlue"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
-  {"CornflowerBlue"		, PALETTERGB (100, 149, 237) },
-  {"DarkSlateBlue"		, PALETTERGB (72, 61, 139) },
-  {"SlateBlue"			, PALETTERGB (106, 90, 205) },
-  {"MediumSlateBlue"		, PALETTERGB (123, 104, 238) },
-  {"LightSlateBlue"		, PALETTERGB (132, 112, 255) },
-  {"MediumBlue"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
-  {"RoyalBlue"			, PALETTERGB (65, 105, 225) },
-  {"blue"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
-  {"DodgerBlue"			, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
-  {"DeepSkyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
-  {"SkyBlue"			, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 235) },
-  {"LightSkyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 250) },
-  {"SteelBlue"			, PALETTERGB (70, 130, 180) },
-  {"LightSteelBlue"		, PALETTERGB (176, 196, 222) },
-  {"LightBlue"			, PALETTERGB (173, 216, 230) },
-  {"PowderBlue"			, PALETTERGB (176, 224, 230) },
-  {"PaleTurquoise"		, PALETTERGB (175, 238, 238) },
-  {"DarkTurquoise"		, PALETTERGB (0, 206, 209) },
-  {"MediumTurquoise"		, PALETTERGB (72, 209, 204) },
-  {"turquoise"			, PALETTERGB (64, 224, 208) },
-  {"cyan"			, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
-  {"LightCyan"			, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
-  {"CadetBlue"			, PALETTERGB (95, 158, 160) },
-  {"MediumAquamarine"		, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
-  {"aquamarine"			, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
-  {"DarkGreen"			, PALETTERGB (0, 100, 0) },
-  {"DarkOliveGreen"		, PALETTERGB (85, 107, 47) },
-  {"DarkSeaGreen"		, PALETTERGB (143, 188, 143) },
-  {"SeaGreen"			, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
-  {"MediumSeaGreen"		, PALETTERGB (60, 179, 113) },
-  {"LightSeaGreen"		, PALETTERGB (32, 178, 170) },
-  {"PaleGreen"			, PALETTERGB (152, 251, 152) },
-  {"SpringGreen"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
-  {"LawnGreen"			, PALETTERGB (124, 252, 0) },
-  {"green"			, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
-  {"chartreuse"			, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
-  {"MediumSpringGreen"		, PALETTERGB (0, 250, 154) },
-  {"GreenYellow"		, PALETTERGB (173, 255, 47) },
-  {"LimeGreen"			, PALETTERGB (50, 205, 50) },
-  {"YellowGreen"		, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
-  {"ForestGreen"		, PALETTERGB (34, 139, 34) },
-  {"OliveDrab"			, PALETTERGB (107, 142, 35) },
-  {"DarkKhaki"			, PALETTERGB (189, 183, 107) },
-  {"khaki"			, PALETTERGB (240, 230, 140) },
-  {"PaleGoldenrod"		, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 170) },
-  {"LightGoldenrodYellow"	, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 210) },
-  {"LightYellow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
-  {"yellow"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
-  {"gold"			, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
-  {"LightGoldenrod"		, PALETTERGB (238, 221, 130) },
-  {"goldenrod"			, PALETTERGB (218, 165, 32) },
-  {"DarkGoldenrod"		, PALETTERGB (184, 134, 11) },
-  {"RosyBrown"			, PALETTERGB (188, 143, 143) },
-  {"IndianRed"			, PALETTERGB (205, 92, 92) },
-  {"SaddleBrown"		, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
-  {"sienna"			, PALETTERGB (160, 82, 45) },
-  {"peru"			, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
-  {"burlywood"			, PALETTERGB (222, 184, 135) },
-  {"beige"			, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 220) },
-  {"wheat"			, PALETTERGB (245, 222, 179) },
-  {"SandyBrown"			, PALETTERGB (244, 164, 96) },
-  {"tan"			, PALETTERGB (210, 180, 140) },
-  {"chocolate"			, PALETTERGB (210, 105, 30) },
-  {"firebrick"			, PALETTERGB (178, 34, 34) },
-  {"brown"			, PALETTERGB (165, 42, 42) },
-  {"DarkSalmon"			, PALETTERGB (233, 150, 122) },
-  {"salmon"			, PALETTERGB (250, 128, 114) },
-  {"LightSalmon"		, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
-  {"orange"			, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
-  {"DarkOrange"			, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 0) },
-  {"coral"			, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 80) },
-  {"LightCoral"			, PALETTERGB (240, 128, 128) },
-  {"tomato"			, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
-  {"OrangeRed"			, PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
-  {"red"			, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
-  {"HotPink"			, PALETTERGB (255, 105, 180) },
-  {"DeepPink"			, PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
-  {"pink"			, PALETTERGB (255, 192, 203) },
-  {"LightPink"			, PALETTERGB (255, 182, 193) },
-  {"PaleVioletRed"		, PALETTERGB (219, 112, 147) },
-  {"maroon"			, PALETTERGB (176, 48, 96) },
-  {"MediumVioletRed"		, PALETTERGB (199, 21, 133) },
-  {"VioletRed"			, PALETTERGB (208, 32, 144) },
-  {"magenta"			, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
-  {"violet"			, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 238) },
-  {"plum"			, PALETTERGB (221, 160, 221) },
-  {"orchid"			, PALETTERGB (218, 112, 214) },
-  {"MediumOrchid"		, PALETTERGB (186, 85, 211) },
-  {"DarkOrchid"			, PALETTERGB (153, 50, 204) },
-  {"DarkViolet"			, PALETTERGB (148, 0, 211) },
-  {"BlueViolet"			, PALETTERGB (138, 43, 226) },
-  {"purple"			, PALETTERGB (160, 32, 240) },
-  {"MediumPurple"		, PALETTERGB (147, 112, 219) },
-  {"thistle"			, PALETTERGB (216, 191, 216) },
-  {"snow1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
-  {"snow2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 233) },
-  {"snow3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 201) },
-  {"snow4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 137) },
-  {"seashell1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
-  {"seashell2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 229, 222) },
-  {"seashell3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 197, 191) },
-  {"seashell4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 130) },
-  {"AntiqueWhite1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 219) },
-  {"AntiqueWhite2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 223, 204) },
-  {"AntiqueWhite3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 192, 176) },
-  {"AntiqueWhite4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 120) },
-  {"bisque1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
-  {"bisque2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 183) },
-  {"bisque3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 158) },
-  {"bisque4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 107) },
-  {"PeachPuff1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
-  {"PeachPuff2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 203, 173) },
-  {"PeachPuff3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 175, 149) },
-  {"PeachPuff4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 119, 101) },
-  {"NavajoWhite1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
-  {"NavajoWhite2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 207, 161) },
-  {"NavajoWhite3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 179, 139) },
-  {"NavajoWhite4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 121, 94) },
-  {"LemonChiffon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
-  {"LemonChiffon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 191) },
-  {"LemonChiffon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 165) },
-  {"LemonChiffon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 112) },
-  {"cornsilk1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
-  {"cornsilk2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 205) },
-  {"cornsilk3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 200, 177) },
-  {"cornsilk4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 136, 120) },
-  {"ivory1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
-  {"ivory2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 224) },
-  {"ivory3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 193) },
-  {"ivory4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 131) },
-  {"honeydew1"			, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
-  {"honeydew2"			, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 224) },
-  {"honeydew3"			, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 193) },
-  {"honeydew4"			, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 131) },
-  {"LavenderBlush1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
-  {"LavenderBlush2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 224, 229) },
-  {"LavenderBlush3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 193, 197) },
-  {"LavenderBlush4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 134) },
-  {"MistyRose1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
-  {"MistyRose2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 210) },
-  {"MistyRose3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 181) },
-  {"MistyRose4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 123) },
-  {"azure1"			, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
-  {"azure2"			, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 238) },
-  {"azure3"			, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 205) },
-  {"azure4"			, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 139) },
-  {"SlateBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (131, 111, 255) },
-  {"SlateBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (122, 103, 238) },
-  {"SlateBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (105, 89, 205) },
-  {"SlateBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (71, 60, 139) },
-  {"RoyalBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (72, 118, 255) },
-  {"RoyalBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (67, 110, 238) },
-  {"RoyalBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (58, 95, 205) },
-  {"RoyalBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (39, 64, 139) },
-  {"blue1"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
-  {"blue2"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 238) },
-  {"blue3"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
-  {"blue4"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
-  {"DodgerBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
-  {"DodgerBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (28, 134, 238) },
-  {"DodgerBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (24, 116, 205) },
-  {"DodgerBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (16, 78, 139) },
-  {"SteelBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (99, 184, 255) },
-  {"SteelBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (92, 172, 238) },
-  {"SteelBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (79, 148, 205) },
-  {"SteelBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (54, 100, 139) },
-  {"DeepSkyBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
-  {"DeepSkyBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 178, 238) },
-  {"DeepSkyBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 154, 205) },
-  {"DeepSkyBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 104, 139) },
-  {"SkyBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 255) },
-  {"SkyBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (126, 192, 238) },
-  {"SkyBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (108, 166, 205) },
-  {"SkyBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (74, 112, 139) },
-  {"LightSkyBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (176, 226, 255) },
-  {"LightSkyBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (164, 211, 238) },
-  {"LightSkyBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (141, 182, 205) },
-  {"LightSkyBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (96, 123, 139) },
-  {"SlateGray1"			, PALETTERGB (198, 226, 255) },
-  {"SlateGray2"			, PALETTERGB (185, 211, 238) },
-  {"SlateGray3"			, PALETTERGB (159, 182, 205) },
-  {"SlateGray4"			, PALETTERGB (108, 123, 139) },
-  {"LightSteelBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (202, 225, 255) },
-  {"LightSteelBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (188, 210, 238) },
-  {"LightSteelBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (162, 181, 205) },
-  {"LightSteelBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (110, 123, 139) },
-  {"LightBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (191, 239, 255) },
-  {"LightBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (178, 223, 238) },
-  {"LightBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (154, 192, 205) },
-  {"LightBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (104, 131, 139) },
-  {"LightCyan1"			, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
-  {"LightCyan2"			, PALETTERGB (209, 238, 238) },
-  {"LightCyan3"			, PALETTERGB (180, 205, 205) },
-  {"LightCyan4"			, PALETTERGB (122, 139, 139) },
-  {"PaleTurquoise1"		, PALETTERGB (187, 255, 255) },
-  {"PaleTurquoise2"		, PALETTERGB (174, 238, 238) },
-  {"PaleTurquoise3"		, PALETTERGB (150, 205, 205) },
-  {"PaleTurquoise4"		, PALETTERGB (102, 139, 139) },
-  {"CadetBlue1"			, PALETTERGB (152, 245, 255) },
-  {"CadetBlue2"			, PALETTERGB (142, 229, 238) },
-  {"CadetBlue3"			, PALETTERGB (122, 197, 205) },
-  {"CadetBlue4"			, PALETTERGB (83, 134, 139) },
-  {"turquoise1"			, PALETTERGB (0, 245, 255) },
-  {"turquoise2"			, PALETTERGB (0, 229, 238) },
-  {"turquoise3"			, PALETTERGB (0, 197, 205) },
-  {"turquoise4"			, PALETTERGB (0, 134, 139) },
-  {"cyan1"			, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
-  {"cyan2"			, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 238) },
-  {"cyan3"			, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 205) },
-  {"cyan4"			, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
-  {"DarkSlateGray1"		, PALETTERGB (151, 255, 255) },
-  {"DarkSlateGray2"		, PALETTERGB (141, 238, 238) },
-  {"DarkSlateGray3"		, PALETTERGB (121, 205, 205) },
-  {"DarkSlateGray4"		, PALETTERGB (82, 139, 139) },
-  {"aquamarine1"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
-  {"aquamarine2"		, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 198) },
-  {"aquamarine3"		, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
-  {"aquamarine4"		, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 116) },
-  {"DarkSeaGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (193, 255, 193) },
-  {"DarkSeaGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (180, 238, 180) },
-  {"DarkSeaGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (155, 205, 155) },
-  {"DarkSeaGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 105) },
-  {"SeaGreen1"			, PALETTERGB (84, 255, 159) },
-  {"SeaGreen2"			, PALETTERGB (78, 238, 148) },
-  {"SeaGreen3"			, PALETTERGB (67, 205, 128) },
-  {"SeaGreen4"			, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
-  {"PaleGreen1"			, PALETTERGB (154, 255, 154) },
-  {"PaleGreen2"			, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
-  {"PaleGreen3"			, PALETTERGB (124, 205, 124) },
-  {"PaleGreen4"			, PALETTERGB (84, 139, 84) },
-  {"SpringGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
-  {"SpringGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 118) },
-  {"SpringGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 102) },
-  {"SpringGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 69) },
-  {"green1"			, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
-  {"green2"			, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 0) },
-  {"green3"			, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 0) },
-  {"green4"			, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 0) },
-  {"chartreuse1"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
-  {"chartreuse2"		, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 0) },
-  {"chartreuse3"		, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 0) },
-  {"chartreuse4"		, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 0) },
-  {"OliveDrab1"			, PALETTERGB (192, 255, 62) },
-  {"OliveDrab2"			, PALETTERGB (179, 238, 58) },
-  {"OliveDrab3"			, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
-  {"OliveDrab4"			, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 34) },
-  {"DarkOliveGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (202, 255, 112) },
-  {"DarkOliveGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (188, 238, 104) },
-  {"DarkOliveGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (162, 205, 90) },
-  {"DarkOliveGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (110, 139, 61) },
-  {"khaki1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 246, 143) },
-  {"khaki2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 230, 133) },
-  {"khaki3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 198, 115) },
-  {"khaki4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 78) },
-  {"LightGoldenrod1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 236, 139) },
-  {"LightGoldenrod2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 220, 130) },
-  {"LightGoldenrod3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 190, 112) },
-  {"LightGoldenrod4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 129, 76) },
-  {"LightYellow1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
-  {"LightYellow2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 209) },
-  {"LightYellow3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 180) },
-  {"LightYellow4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 122) },
-  {"yellow1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
-  {"yellow2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 0) },
-  {"yellow3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 0) },
-  {"yellow4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 0) },
-  {"gold1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
-  {"gold2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 201, 0) },
-  {"gold3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 173, 0) },
-  {"gold4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 117, 0) },
-  {"goldenrod1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 37) },
-  {"goldenrod2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 34) },
-  {"goldenrod3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 29) },
-  {"goldenrod4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 20) },
-  {"DarkGoldenrod1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 185, 15) },
-  {"DarkGoldenrod2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 173, 14) },
-  {"DarkGoldenrod3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 149, 12) },
-  {"DarkGoldenrod4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 101, 8) },
-  {"RosyBrown1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 193) },
-  {"RosyBrown2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 180) },
-  {"RosyBrown3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 155) },
-  {"RosyBrown4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 105) },
-  {"IndianRed1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 106, 106) },
-  {"IndianRed2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 99, 99) },
-  {"IndianRed3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 85, 85) },
-  {"IndianRed4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 58) },
-  {"sienna1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 71) },
-  {"sienna2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 66) },
-  {"sienna3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 57) },
-  {"sienna4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 38) },
-  {"burlywood1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 211, 155) },
-  {"burlywood2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 197, 145) },
-  {"burlywood3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 170, 125) },
-  {"burlywood4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 115, 85) },
-  {"wheat1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 231, 186) },
-  {"wheat2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 216, 174) },
-  {"wheat3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 186, 150) },
-  {"wheat4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 126, 102) },
-  {"tan1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 79) },
-  {"tan2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 73) },
-  {"tan3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
-  {"tan4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 43) },
-  {"chocolate1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 36) },
-  {"chocolate2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 33) },
-  {"chocolate3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 29) },
-  {"chocolate4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
-  {"firebrick1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 48, 48) },
-  {"firebrick2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 44, 44) },
-  {"firebrick3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 38, 38) },
-  {"firebrick4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 26, 26) },
-  {"brown1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 64, 64) },
-  {"brown2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 59, 59) },
-  {"brown3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 51, 51) },
-  {"brown4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 35, 35) },
-  {"salmon1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 105) },
-  {"salmon2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 98) },
-  {"salmon3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 112, 84) },
-  {"salmon4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 76, 57) },
-  {"LightSalmon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
-  {"LightSalmon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 149, 114) },
-  {"LightSalmon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 129, 98) },
-  {"LightSalmon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 87, 66) },
-  {"orange1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
-  {"orange2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 0) },
-  {"orange3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 0) },
-  {"orange4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 0) },
-  {"DarkOrange1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 0) },
-  {"DarkOrange2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 0) },
-  {"DarkOrange3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 0) },
-  {"DarkOrange4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 0) },
-  {"coral1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 114, 86) },
-  {"coral2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 80) },
-  {"coral3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 91, 69) },
-  {"coral4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 62, 47) },
-  {"tomato1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
-  {"tomato2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 92, 66) },
-  {"tomato3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 79, 57) },
-  {"tomato4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 54, 38) },
-  {"OrangeRed1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
-  {"OrangeRed2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 64, 0) },
-  {"OrangeRed3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 55, 0) },
-  {"OrangeRed4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 37, 0) },
-  {"red1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
-  {"red2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 0) },
-  {"red3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 0) },
-  {"red4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
-  {"DeepPink1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
-  {"DeepPink2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 18, 137) },
-  {"DeepPink3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 16, 118) },
-  {"DeepPink4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 10, 80) },
-  {"HotPink1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 110, 180) },
-  {"HotPink2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 167) },
-  {"HotPink3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 96, 144) },
-  {"HotPink4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 98) },
-  {"pink1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 181, 197) },
-  {"pink2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 169, 184) },
-  {"pink3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 145, 158) },
-  {"pink4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 99, 108) },
-  {"LightPink1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 174, 185) },
-  {"LightPink2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 162, 173) },
-  {"LightPink3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 140, 149) },
-  {"LightPink4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 95, 101) },
-  {"PaleVioletRed1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 171) },
-  {"PaleVioletRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 159) },
-  {"PaleVioletRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 137) },
-  {"PaleVioletRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 93) },
-  {"maroon1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 52, 179) },
-  {"maroon2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 48, 167) },
-  {"maroon3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 41, 144) },
-  {"maroon4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 28, 98) },
-  {"VioletRed1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 62, 150) },
-  {"VioletRed2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 58, 140) },
-  {"VioletRed3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 50, 120) },
-  {"VioletRed4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 34, 82) },
-  {"magenta1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
-  {"magenta2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 238) },
-  {"magenta3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 205) },
-  {"magenta4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
-  {"orchid1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 131, 250) },
-  {"orchid2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 122, 233) },
-  {"orchid3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 105, 201) },
-  {"orchid4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 137) },
-  {"plum1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 187, 255) },
-  {"plum2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 174, 238) },
-  {"plum3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 150, 205) },
-  {"plum4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 102, 139) },
-  {"MediumOrchid1"		, PALETTERGB (224, 102, 255) },
-  {"MediumOrchid2"		, PALETTERGB (209, 95, 238) },
-  {"MediumOrchid3"		, PALETTERGB (180, 82, 205) },
-  {"MediumOrchid4"		, PALETTERGB (122, 55, 139) },
-  {"DarkOrchid1"		, PALETTERGB (191, 62, 255) },
-  {"DarkOrchid2"		, PALETTERGB (178, 58, 238) },
-  {"DarkOrchid3"		, PALETTERGB (154, 50, 205) },
-  {"DarkOrchid4"		, PALETTERGB (104, 34, 139) },
-  {"purple1"			, PALETTERGB (155, 48, 255) },
-  {"purple2"			, PALETTERGB (145, 44, 238) },
-  {"purple3"			, PALETTERGB (125, 38, 205) },
-  {"purple4"			, PALETTERGB (85, 26, 139) },
-  {"MediumPurple1"		, PALETTERGB (171, 130, 255) },
-  {"MediumPurple2"		, PALETTERGB (159, 121, 238) },
-  {"MediumPurple3"		, PALETTERGB (137, 104, 205) },
-  {"MediumPurple4"		, PALETTERGB (93, 71, 139) },
-  {"thistle1"			, PALETTERGB (255, 225, 255) },
-  {"thistle2"			, PALETTERGB (238, 210, 238) },
-  {"thistle3"			, PALETTERGB (205, 181, 205) },
-  {"thistle4"			, PALETTERGB (139, 123, 139) },
-  {"gray0"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
-  {"grey0"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
-  {"gray1"			, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
-  {"grey1"			, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
-  {"gray2"			, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
-  {"grey2"			, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
-  {"gray3"			, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
-  {"grey3"			, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
-  {"gray4"			, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
-  {"grey4"			, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
-  {"gray5"			, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
-  {"grey5"			, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
-  {"gray6"			, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
-  {"grey6"			, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
-  {"gray7"			, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
-  {"grey7"			, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
-  {"gray8"			, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
-  {"grey8"			, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
-  {"gray9"			, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
-  {"grey9"			, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
-  {"gray10"			, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
-  {"grey10"			, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
-  {"gray11"			, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
-  {"grey11"			, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
-  {"gray12"			, PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
-  {"grey12"			, PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
-  {"gray13"			, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
-  {"grey13"			, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
-  {"gray14"			, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
-  {"grey14"			, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
-  {"gray15"			, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
-  {"grey15"			, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
-  {"gray16"			, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
-  {"grey16"			, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
-  {"gray17"			, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
-  {"grey17"			, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
-  {"gray18"			, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
-  {"grey18"			, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
-  {"gray19"			, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
-  {"grey19"			, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
-  {"gray20"			, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
-  {"grey20"			, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
-  {"gray21"			, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
-  {"grey21"			, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
-  {"gray22"			, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
-  {"grey22"			, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
-  {"gray23"			, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
-  {"grey23"			, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
-  {"gray24"			, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
-  {"grey24"			, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
-  {"gray25"			, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
-  {"grey25"			, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
-  {"gray26"			, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
-  {"grey26"			, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
-  {"gray27"			, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
-  {"grey27"			, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
-  {"gray28"			, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
-  {"grey28"			, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
-  {"gray29"			, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
-  {"grey29"			, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
-  {"gray30"			, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
-  {"grey30"			, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
-  {"gray31"			, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
-  {"grey31"			, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
-  {"gray32"			, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
-  {"grey32"			, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
-  {"gray33"			, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
-  {"grey33"			, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
-  {"gray34"			, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
-  {"grey34"			, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
-  {"gray35"			, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
-  {"grey35"			, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
-  {"gray36"			, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
-  {"grey36"			, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
-  {"gray37"			, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
-  {"grey37"			, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
-  {"gray38"			, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
-  {"grey38"			, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
-  {"gray39"			, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
-  {"grey39"			, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
-  {"gray40"			, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
-  {"grey40"			, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
-  {"gray41"			, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
-  {"grey41"			, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
-  {"gray42"			, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
-  {"grey42"			, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
-  {"gray43"			, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
-  {"grey43"			, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
-  {"gray44"			, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
-  {"grey44"			, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
-  {"gray45"			, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
-  {"grey45"			, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
-  {"gray46"			, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
-  {"grey46"			, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
-  {"gray47"			, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
-  {"grey47"			, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
-  {"gray48"			, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
-  {"grey48"			, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
-  {"gray49"			, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
-  {"grey49"			, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
-  {"gray50"			, PALETTERGB (127, 127, 127) },
-  {"grey50"			, PALETTERGB (127, 127, 127) },
-  {"gray51"			, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
-  {"grey51"			, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
-  {"gray52"			, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
-  {"grey52"			, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
-  {"gray53"			, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
-  {"grey53"			, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
-  {"gray54"			, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
-  {"grey54"			, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
-  {"gray55"			, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
-  {"grey55"			, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
-  {"gray56"			, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
-  {"grey56"			, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
-  {"gray57"			, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
-  {"grey57"			, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
-  {"gray58"			, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
-  {"grey58"			, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
-  {"gray59"			, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
-  {"grey59"			, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
-  {"gray60"			, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
-  {"grey60"			, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
-  {"gray61"			, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
-  {"grey61"			, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
-  {"gray62"			, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
-  {"grey62"			, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
-  {"gray63"			, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
-  {"grey63"			, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
-  {"gray64"			, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
-  {"grey64"			, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
-  {"gray65"			, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
-  {"grey65"			, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
-  {"gray66"			, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
-  {"grey66"			, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
-  {"gray67"			, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
-  {"grey67"			, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
-  {"gray68"			, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
-  {"grey68"			, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
-  {"gray69"			, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
-  {"grey69"			, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
-  {"gray70"			, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
-  {"grey70"			, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
-  {"gray71"			, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
-  {"grey71"			, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
-  {"gray72"			, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
-  {"grey72"			, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
-  {"gray73"			, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
-  {"grey73"			, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
-  {"gray74"			, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
-  {"grey74"			, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
-  {"gray75"			, PALETTERGB (191, 191, 191) },
-  {"grey75"			, PALETTERGB (191, 191, 191) },
-  {"gray76"			, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
-  {"grey76"			, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
-  {"gray77"			, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
-  {"grey77"			, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
-  {"gray78"			, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
-  {"grey78"			, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
-  {"gray79"			, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
-  {"grey79"			, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
-  {"gray80"			, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
-  {"grey80"			, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
-  {"gray81"			, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
-  {"grey81"			, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
-  {"gray82"			, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
-  {"grey82"			, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
-  {"gray83"			, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
-  {"grey83"			, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
-  {"gray84"			, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
-  {"grey84"			, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
-  {"gray85"			, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
-  {"grey85"			, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
-  {"gray86"			, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
-  {"grey86"			, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
-  {"gray87"			, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
-  {"grey87"			, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
-  {"gray88"			, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
-  {"grey88"			, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
-  {"gray89"			, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
-  {"grey89"			, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
-  {"gray90"			, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
-  {"grey90"			, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
-  {"gray91"			, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
-  {"grey91"			, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
-  {"gray92"			, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
-  {"grey92"			, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
-  {"gray93"			, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
-  {"grey93"			, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
-  {"gray94"			, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
-  {"grey94"			, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
-  {"gray95"			, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
-  {"grey95"			, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
-  {"gray96"			, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
-  {"grey96"			, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
-  {"gray97"			, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
-  {"grey97"			, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
-  {"gray98"			, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
-  {"grey98"			, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
-  {"gray99"			, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
-  {"grey99"			, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
-  {"gray100"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
-  {"grey100"			, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
-  {"DarkGrey"			, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
-  {"DarkGray"			, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
-  {"DarkBlue"			, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
-  {"DarkCyan"			, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
-  {"DarkMagenta"		, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
-  {"DarkRed"			, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
-  {"LightGreen"			, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) }
+  {"white"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
+  {"black"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
+  {"snow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
+  {"GhostWhite"		, PALETTERGB (248, 248, 255) },
+  {"WhiteSmoke"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
+  {"gainsboro"		, PALETTERGB (220, 220, 220) },
+  {"FloralWhite"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 240) },
+  {"OldLace"		, PALETTERGB (253, 245, 230) },
+  {"linen"		, PALETTERGB (250, 240, 230) },
+  {"AntiqueWhite"	, PALETTERGB (250, 235, 215) },
+  {"PapayaWhip"		, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 213) },
+  {"BlanchedAlmond"	, PALETTERGB (255, 235, 205) },
+  {"bisque"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
+  {"PeachPuff"		, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
+  {"NavajoWhite"	, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
+  {"moccasin"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 181) },
+  {"cornsilk"		, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
+  {"ivory"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
+  {"LemonChiffon"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
+  {"seashell"		, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
+  {"honeydew"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
+  {"MintCream"		, PALETTERGB (245, 255, 250) },
+  {"azure"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
+  {"AliceBlue"		, PALETTERGB (240, 248, 255) },
+  {"lavender"		, PALETTERGB (230, 230, 250) },
+  {"LavenderBlush"	, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
+  {"MistyRose"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
+  {"DarkSlateGray"	, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
+  {"DarkSlateGrey"	, PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
+  {"DimGray"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
+  {"DimGrey"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
+  {"SlateGray"		, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
+  {"SlateGrey"		, PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
+  {"LightSlateGray"	, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
+  {"LightSlateGrey"	, PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
+  {"gray"		, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
+  {"grey"		, PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
+  {"LightGrey"		, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
+  {"LightGray"		, PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
+  {"MidnightBlue"	, PALETTERGB (25, 25, 112) },
+  {"navy"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
+  {"NavyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
+  {"CornflowerBlue"	, PALETTERGB (100, 149, 237) },
+  {"DarkSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (72, 61, 139) },
+  {"SlateBlue"		, PALETTERGB (106, 90, 205) },
+  {"MediumSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (123, 104, 238) },
+  {"LightSlateBlue"	, PALETTERGB (132, 112, 255) },
+  {"MediumBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
+  {"RoyalBlue"		, PALETTERGB (65, 105, 225) },
+  {"blue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
+  {"DodgerBlue"		, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
+  {"DeepSkyBlue"	, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
+  {"SkyBlue"		, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 235) },
+  {"LightSkyBlue"	, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 250) },
+  {"SteelBlue"		, PALETTERGB (70, 130, 180) },
+  {"LightSteelBlue"	, PALETTERGB (176, 196, 222) },
+  {"LightBlue"		, PALETTERGB (173, 216, 230) },
+  {"PowderBlue"		, PALETTERGB (176, 224, 230) },
+  {"PaleTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (175, 238, 238) },
+  {"DarkTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (0, 206, 209) },
+  {"MediumTurquoise"	, PALETTERGB (72, 209, 204) },
+  {"turquoise"		, PALETTERGB (64, 224, 208) },
+  {"cyan"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
+  {"LightCyan"		, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
+  {"CadetBlue"		, PALETTERGB (95, 158, 160) },
+  {"MediumAquamarine"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
+  {"aquamarine"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
+  {"DarkGreen"		, PALETTERGB (0, 128, 0) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"DarkOliveGreen"	, PALETTERGB (85, 107, 47) },
+  {"DarkSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (143, 188, 143) },
+  {"SeaGreen"		, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
+  {"MediumSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (60, 179, 113) },
+  {"LightSeaGreen"	, PALETTERGB (32, 178, 170) },
+  {"PaleGreen"		, PALETTERGB (152, 251, 152) },
+  {"SpringGreen"	, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
+  {"LawnGreen"		, PALETTERGB (124, 252, 0) },
+  {"green"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
+  {"chartreuse"		, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
+  {"MediumSpringGreen"	, PALETTERGB (0, 250, 154) },
+  {"GreenYellow"	, PALETTERGB (173, 255, 47) },
+  {"LimeGreen"		, PALETTERGB (50, 205, 50) },
+  {"YellowGreen"	, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
+  {"ForestGreen"	, PALETTERGB (34, 139, 34) },
+  {"OliveDrab"		, PALETTERGB (107, 142, 35) },
+  {"DarkKhaki"		, PALETTERGB (189, 183, 107) },
+  {"khaki"		, PALETTERGB (240, 230, 140) },
+  {"PaleGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 170) },
+  {"LightGoldenrodYellow", PALETTERGB (250, 250, 210) },
+  {"LightYellow"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
+  {"LightYellow"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 225) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"yellow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
+  {"gold"		, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
+  {"LightGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (238, 221, 130) },
+  {"goldenrod"		, PALETTERGB (218, 165, 32) },
+  {"DarkGoldenrod"	, PALETTERGB (184, 134, 11) },
+  {"RosyBrown"		, PALETTERGB (188, 143, 143) },
+  {"IndianRed"		, PALETTERGB (205, 92, 92) },
+  {"SaddleBrown"	, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
+  {"sienna"		, PALETTERGB (160, 82, 45) },
+  {"peru"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
+  {"burlywood"		, PALETTERGB (222, 184, 135) },
+  {"beige"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 220) },
+  {"wheat"		, PALETTERGB (245, 222, 179) },
+  {"SandyBrown"		, PALETTERGB (244, 164, 96) },
+  {"tan"		, PALETTERGB (210, 180, 140) },
+  {"chocolate"		, PALETTERGB (210, 105, 30) },
+  {"firebrick"		, PALETTERGB (178, 34, 34) },
+  {"brown"		, PALETTERGB (165, 42, 42) },
+  {"DarkSalmon"		, PALETTERGB (233, 150, 122) },
+  {"salmon"		, PALETTERGB (250, 128, 114) },
+  {"LightSalmon"	, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
+  {"orange"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
+  {"DarkOrange"		, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 0) },
+  {"coral"		, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 80) },
+  {"LightCoral"		, PALETTERGB (240, 128, 128) },
+  {"tomato"		, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
+  {"OrangeRed"		, PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
+  {"red"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
+  {"HotPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 105, 180) },
+  {"DeepPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
+  {"pink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 192, 203) },
+  {"LightPink"		, PALETTERGB (255, 182, 193) },
+  {"PaleVioletRed"	, PALETTERGB (219, 112, 147) },
+  {"maroon"		, PALETTERGB (176, 48, 96) },
+  {"MediumVioletRed"	, PALETTERGB (199, 21, 133) },
+  {"VioletRed"		, PALETTERGB (208, 32, 144) },
+  {"magenta"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
+  {"violet"		, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 238) },
+  {"plum"		, PALETTERGB (221, 160, 221) },
+  {"orchid"		, PALETTERGB (218, 112, 214) },
+  {"MediumOrchid"	, PALETTERGB (186, 85, 211) },
+  {"DarkOrchid"		, PALETTERGB (153, 50, 204) },
+  {"DarkViolet"		, PALETTERGB (148, 0, 211) },
+  {"BlueViolet"		, PALETTERGB (138, 43, 226) },
+  {"purple"		, PALETTERGB (160, 32, 240) },
+  {"MediumPurple"	, PALETTERGB (147, 112, 219) },
+  {"thistle"		, PALETTERGB (216, 191, 216) },
+  {"snow1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
+  {"snow2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 233) },
+  {"snow3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 201) },
+  {"snow4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 137) },
+  {"seashell1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
+  {"seashell2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 229, 222) },
+  {"seashell3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 197, 191) },
+  {"seashell4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 130) },
+  {"AntiqueWhite1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 239, 219) },
+  {"AntiqueWhite2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 223, 204) },
+  {"AntiqueWhite3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 192, 176) },
+  {"AntiqueWhite4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 120) },
+  {"bisque1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
+  {"bisque2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 183) },
+  {"bisque3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 158) },
+  {"bisque4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 107) },
+  {"PeachPuff1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
+  {"PeachPuff2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 203, 173) },
+  {"PeachPuff3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 175, 149) },
+  {"PeachPuff4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 119, 101) },
+  {"NavajoWhite1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
+  {"NavajoWhite2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 207, 161) },
+  {"NavajoWhite3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 179, 139) },
+  {"NavajoWhite4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 121, 94) },
+  {"LemonChiffon1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
+  {"LemonChiffon2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 233, 191) },
+  {"LemonChiffon3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 201, 165) },
+  {"LemonChiffon4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 137, 112) },
+  {"cornsilk1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
+  {"cornsilk2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 232, 205) },
+  {"cornsilk3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 200, 177) },
+  {"cornsilk4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 136, 120) },
+  {"ivory1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
+  {"ivory2"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 208) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"ivory3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 193) },
+  {"ivory4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 131) },
+  {"honeydew1"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
+  {"honeydew2"		, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 224) },
+  {"honeydew3"		, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 193) },
+  {"honeydew4"		, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 131) },
+  {"LavenderBlush1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
+  {"LavenderBlush2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 224, 229) },
+  {"LavenderBlush3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 193, 197) },
+  {"LavenderBlush4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 131, 134) },
+  {"MistyRose1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
+  {"MistyRose2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 213, 210) },
+  {"MistyRose3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 183, 181) },
+  {"MistyRose4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 125, 123) },
+  {"azure1"		, PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
+  {"azure2"		, PALETTERGB (224, 238, 238) },
+  {"azure3"		, PALETTERGB (193, 205, 205) },
+  {"azure4"		, PALETTERGB (131, 139, 139) },
+  {"SlateBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (131, 111, 255) },
+  {"SlateBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (122, 103, 238) },
+  {"SlateBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (105, 89, 205) },
+  {"SlateBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (71, 60, 139) },
+  {"RoyalBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (72, 118, 255) },
+  {"RoyalBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (67, 110, 238) },
+  {"RoyalBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (58, 95, 205) },
+  {"RoyalBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (39, 64, 139) },
+  {"blue1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
+  {"blue2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 238) },
+  {"blue3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
+  {"blue4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
+  {"DodgerBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
+  {"DodgerBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (28, 134, 238) },
+  {"DodgerBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (24, 116, 205) },
+  {"DodgerBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (16, 78, 139) },
+  {"SteelBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (99, 184, 255) },
+  {"SteelBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (92, 172, 238) },
+  {"SteelBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (79, 148, 205) },
+  {"SteelBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (54, 100, 139) },
+  {"DeepSkyBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
+  {"DeepSkyBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (0, 178, 238) },
+  {"DeepSkyBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (0, 154, 205) },
+  {"DeepSkyBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (0, 104, 139) },
+  {"SkyBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (135, 206, 255) },
+  {"SkyBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (126, 192, 238) },
+  {"SkyBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (108, 166, 205) },
+  {"SkyBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (74, 112, 139) },
+  {"LightSkyBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (176, 226, 255) },
+  {"LightSkyBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (164, 211, 238) },
+  {"LightSkyBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (141, 182, 205) },
+  {"LightSkyBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (96, 123, 139) },
+  {"SlateGray1"		, PALETTERGB (198, 226, 255) },
+  {"SlateGray2"		, PALETTERGB (185, 211, 238) },
+  {"SlateGray3"		, PALETTERGB (159, 182, 205) },
+  {"SlateGray4"		, PALETTERGB (108, 123, 139) },
+  {"LightSteelBlue1"	, PALETTERGB (202, 225, 255) },
+  {"LightSteelBlue2"	, PALETTERGB (188, 210, 238) },
+  {"LightSteelBlue3"	, PALETTERGB (162, 181, 205) },
+  {"LightSteelBlue4"	, PALETTERGB (110, 123, 139) },
+  {"LightBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (191, 239, 255) },
+  {"LightBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (178, 223, 238) },
+  {"LightBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (154, 192, 205) },
+  {"LightBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (104, 131, 139) },
+  {"LightCyan1"		, PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
+  {"LightCyan2"		, PALETTERGB (209, 238, 238) },
+  {"LightCyan3"		, PALETTERGB (180, 205, 205) },
+  {"LightCyan4"		, PALETTERGB (122, 139, 139) },
+  {"PaleTurquoise1"	, PALETTERGB (187, 255, 255) },
+  {"PaleTurquoise2"	, PALETTERGB (174, 238, 238) },
+  {"PaleTurquoise3"	, PALETTERGB (150, 205, 205) },
+  {"PaleTurquoise4"	, PALETTERGB (102, 139, 139) },
+  {"CadetBlue1"		, PALETTERGB (152, 245, 255) },
+  {"CadetBlue2"		, PALETTERGB (144, 220, 240) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"CadetBlue3"		, PALETTERGB (122, 197, 205) },
+  {"CadetBlue4"		, PALETTERGB (83, 134, 139) },
+  {"turquoise1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 245, 255) },
+  {"turquoise2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 229, 238) },
+  {"turquoise3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 197, 205) },
+  {"turquoise4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 134, 139) },
+  {"cyan1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
+  {"cyan2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 238) },
+  {"cyan3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 205) },
+  {"cyan4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
+  {"DarkSlateGray1"	, PALETTERGB (151, 255, 255) },
+  {"DarkSlateGray2"	, PALETTERGB (141, 238, 238) },
+  {"DarkSlateGray3"	, PALETTERGB (121, 205, 205) },
+  {"DarkSlateGray4"	, PALETTERGB (82, 139, 139) },
+  {"aquamarine1"	, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
+  {"aquamarine2"	, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 198) },
+  {"aquamarine3"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
+  {"aquamarine4"	, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 116) },
+  {"DarkSeaGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (193, 255, 193) },
+  {"DarkSeaGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (180, 238, 180) },
+  {"DarkSeaGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (155, 205, 155) },
+  {"DarkSeaGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 105) },
+  {"SeaGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (84, 255, 159) },
+  {"SeaGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (78, 238, 148) },
+  {"SeaGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (67, 205, 128) },
+  {"SeaGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
+  {"PaleGreen1"		, PALETTERGB (154, 255, 154) },
+  {"PaleGreen2"		, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
+  {"PaleGreen3"		, PALETTERGB (124, 205, 124) },
+  {"PaleGreen4"		, PALETTERGB (84, 139, 84) },
+  {"SpringGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
+  {"SpringGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 118) },
+  {"SpringGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 102) },
+  {"SpringGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 69) },
+  {"green1"		, PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
+  {"green2"		, PALETTERGB (0, 238, 0) },
+  {"green3"		, PALETTERGB (0, 205, 0) },
+  {"green4"		, PALETTERGB (0, 139, 0) },
+  {"chartreuse1"	, PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
+  {"chartreuse2"	, PALETTERGB (118, 238, 0) },
+  {"chartreuse3"	, PALETTERGB (102, 205, 0) },
+  {"chartreuse4"	, PALETTERGB (69, 139, 0) },
+  {"OliveDrab1"		, PALETTERGB (192, 255, 62) },
+  {"OliveDrab2"		, PALETTERGB (179, 238, 58) },
+  {"OliveDrab3"		, PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
+  {"OliveDrab4"		, PALETTERGB (105, 139, 34) },
+  {"DarkOliveGreen1"	, PALETTERGB (202, 255, 112) },
+  {"DarkOliveGreen2"	, PALETTERGB (188, 238, 104) },
+  {"DarkOliveGreen3"	, PALETTERGB (162, 205, 90) },
+  {"DarkOliveGreen4"	, PALETTERGB (110, 139, 61) },
+  {"khaki1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 246, 143) },
+  {"khaki2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 230, 133) },
+  {"khaki3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 198, 115) },
+  {"khaki4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 134, 78) },
+  {"LightGoldenrod1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 236, 139) },
+  {"LightGoldenrod2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 220, 130) },
+  {"LightGoldenrod3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 190, 112) },
+  {"LightGoldenrod4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 129, 76) },
+  {"LightYellow1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
+  {"LightYellow2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 209) },
+  {"LightYellow3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 180) },
+  {"LightYellow4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 122) },
+  {"yellow1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
+  {"yellow2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 238, 0) },
+  {"yellow3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 205, 0) },
+  {"yellow4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 139, 0) },
+  {"gold1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
+  {"gold2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 201, 0) },
+  {"gold3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 173, 0) },
+  {"gold4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 117, 0) },
+  {"goldenrod1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 37) },
+  {"goldenrod2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 34) },
+  {"goldenrod3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 29) },
+  {"goldenrod4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 20) },
+  {"DarkGoldenrod1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 185, 15) },
+  {"DarkGoldenrod2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 173, 14) },
+  {"DarkGoldenrod3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 149, 12) },
+  {"DarkGoldenrod4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 101, 8) },
+  {"RosyBrown1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 193, 193) },
+  {"RosyBrown2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 180, 180) },
+  {"RosyBrown3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 155, 155) },
+  {"RosyBrown4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 105, 105) },
+  {"IndianRed1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 106, 106) },
+  {"IndianRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 99, 99) },
+  {"IndianRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 85, 85) },
+  {"IndianRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 58) },
+  {"sienna1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 71) },
+  {"sienna2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 66) },
+  {"sienna3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 57) },
+  {"sienna4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 38) },
+  {"burlywood1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 211, 155) },
+  {"burlywood2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 197, 145) },
+  {"burlywood3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 170, 125) },
+  {"burlywood4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 115, 85) },
+  {"wheat1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 231, 186) },
+  {"wheat2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 216, 174) },
+  {"wheat3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 186, 150) },
+  {"wheat4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 126, 102) },
+  {"tan1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 79) },
+  {"tan2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 73) },
+  {"tan3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
+  {"tan4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 43) },
+  {"chocolate1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 36) },
+  {"chocolate2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 33) },
+  {"chocolate3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 29) },
+  {"chocolate4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
+  {"firebrick1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 48, 48) },
+  {"firebrick2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 44, 44) },
+  {"firebrick3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 38, 38) },
+  {"firebrick4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 26, 26) },
+  {"brown1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 64, 64) },
+  {"brown2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 59, 59) },
+  {"brown3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 51, 51) },
+  {"brown4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 35, 35) },
+  {"salmon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 140, 105) },
+  {"salmon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 130, 98) },
+  {"salmon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 112, 84) },
+  {"salmon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 76, 57) },
+  {"LightSalmon1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
+  {"LightSalmon2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 149, 114) },
+  {"LightSalmon3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 129, 98) },
+  {"LightSalmon4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 87, 66) },
+  {"orange1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
+  {"orange2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 154, 0) },
+  {"orange3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 133, 0) },
+  {"orange4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 90, 0) },
+  {"DarkOrange1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 127, 0) },
+  {"DarkOrange2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 118, 0) },
+  {"DarkOrange3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 102, 0) },
+  {"DarkOrange4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 69, 0) },
+  {"coral1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 114, 86) },
+  {"coral2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 80) },
+  {"coral3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 91, 69) },
+  {"coral4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 62, 47) },
+  {"tomato1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
+  {"tomato2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 92, 66) },
+  {"tomato3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 79, 57) },
+  {"tomato4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 54, 38) },
+  {"OrangeRed1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
+  {"OrangeRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 64, 0) },
+  {"OrangeRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 55, 0) },
+  {"OrangeRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 37, 0) },
+  {"red1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
+  {"red2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 0) },
+  {"red3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 0) },
+  {"red4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
+  {"DeepPink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
+  {"DeepPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 18, 137) },
+  {"DeepPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 16, 118) },
+  {"DeepPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 10, 80) },
+  {"HotPink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 110, 180) },
+  {"HotPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 106, 167) },
+  {"HotPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 96, 144) },
+  {"HotPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 58, 98) },
+  {"pink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 181, 197) },
+  {"pink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 169, 184) },
+  {"pink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 145, 158) },
+  {"pink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 99, 108) },
+  {"LightPink1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 174, 185) },
+  {"LightPink2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 162, 173) },
+  {"LightPink3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 140, 149) },
+  {"LightPink4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 95, 101) },
+  {"PaleVioletRed1"	, PALETTERGB (255, 130, 171) },
+  {"PaleVioletRed2"	, PALETTERGB (238, 121, 159) },
+  {"PaleVioletRed3"	, PALETTERGB (205, 104, 137) },
+  {"PaleVioletRed4"	, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 93) },
+  {"maroon1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 52, 179) },
+  {"maroon2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 48, 167) },
+  {"maroon3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 41, 144) },
+  {"maroon4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 28, 98) },
+  {"VioletRed1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 62, 150) },
+  {"VioletRed2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 58, 140) },
+  {"VioletRed3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 50, 120) },
+  {"VioletRed4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 34, 82) },
+  {"magenta1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
+  {"magenta2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 0, 238) },
+  {"magenta3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 0, 205) },
+  {"magenta4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
+  {"orchid1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 131, 250) },
+  {"orchid2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 122, 233) },
+  {"orchid3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 105, 201) },
+  {"orchid4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 71, 137) },
+  {"plum1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 187, 255) },
+  {"plum2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 174, 238) },
+  {"plum3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 150, 205) },
+  {"plum4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 102, 139) },
+  {"MediumOrchid1"	, PALETTERGB (224, 102, 255) },
+  {"MediumOrchid2"	, PALETTERGB (209, 95, 238) },
+  {"MediumOrchid3"	, PALETTERGB (180, 82, 205) },
+  {"MediumOrchid4"	, PALETTERGB (122, 55, 139) },
+  {"DarkOrchid1"	, PALETTERGB (191, 62, 255) },
+  {"DarkOrchid2"	, PALETTERGB (178, 58, 238) },
+  {"DarkOrchid3"	, PALETTERGB (154, 50, 205) },
+  {"DarkOrchid4"	, PALETTERGB (104, 34, 139) },
+  {"purple1"		, PALETTERGB (155, 48, 255) },
+  {"purple2"		, PALETTERGB (145, 44, 238) },
+  {"purple3"		, PALETTERGB (125, 38, 205) },
+  {"purple4"		, PALETTERGB (85, 26, 139) },
+  {"MediumPurple1"	, PALETTERGB (171, 130, 255) },
+  {"MediumPurple2"	, PALETTERGB (159, 121, 238) },
+  {"MediumPurple3"	, PALETTERGB (137, 104, 205) },
+  {"MediumPurple4"	, PALETTERGB (93, 71, 139) },
+  {"thistle1"		, PALETTERGB (255, 225, 255) },
+  {"thistle2"		, PALETTERGB (238, 210, 238) },
+  {"thistle3"		, PALETTERGB (205, 181, 205) },
+  {"thistle4"		, PALETTERGB (139, 123, 139) },
+  {"gray0"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
+  {"grey0"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
+  {"gray1"		, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
+  {"grey1"		, PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
+  {"gray2"		, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
+  {"grey2"		, PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
+  {"gray3"		, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
+  {"grey3"		, PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
+  {"gray4"		, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
+  {"grey4"		, PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
+  {"gray5"		, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
+  {"grey5"		, PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
+  {"gray6"		, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
+  {"grey6"		, PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
+  {"gray7"		, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
+  {"grey7"		, PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
+  {"gray8"		, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
+  {"grey8"		, PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
+  {"gray9"		, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
+  {"grey9"		, PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
+  {"gray10"		, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
+  {"grey10"		, PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
+  {"gray11"		, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
+  {"grey11"		, PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
+  {"gray12"		, PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
+  {"grey12"		, PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
+  {"gray13"		, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
+  {"grey13"		, PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
+  {"gray14"		, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
+  {"grey14"		, PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
+  {"gray15"		, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
+  {"grey15"		, PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
+  {"gray16"		, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
+  {"grey16"		, PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
+  {"gray17"		, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
+  {"grey17"		, PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
+  {"gray18"		, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
+  {"grey18"		, PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
+  {"gray19"		, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
+  {"grey19"		, PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
+  {"gray20"		, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
+  {"grey20"		, PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
+  {"gray21"		, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
+  {"grey21"		, PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
+  {"gray22"		, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
+  {"grey22"		, PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
+  {"gray23"		, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
+  {"grey23"		, PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
+  {"gray24"		, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
+  {"grey24"		, PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
+  {"gray25"		, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
+  {"grey25"		, PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
+  {"gray26"		, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
+  {"grey26"		, PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
+  {"gray27"		, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
+  {"grey27"		, PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
+  {"gray28"		, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
+  {"grey28"		, PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
+  {"gray29"		, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
+  {"grey29"		, PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
+  {"gray30"		, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
+  {"grey30"		, PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
+  {"gray31"		, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
+  {"grey31"		, PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
+  {"gray32"		, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
+  {"grey32"		, PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
+  {"gray33"		, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
+  {"grey33"		, PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
+  {"gray34"		, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
+  {"grey34"		, PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
+  {"gray35"		, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
+  {"grey35"		, PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
+  {"gray36"		, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
+  {"grey36"		, PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
+  {"gray37"		, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
+  {"grey37"		, PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
+  {"gray38"		, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
+  {"grey38"		, PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
+  {"gray39"		, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
+  {"grey39"		, PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
+  {"gray40"		, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
+  {"grey40"		, PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
+  {"gray41"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
+  {"grey41"		, PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
+  {"gray42"		, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
+  {"grey42"		, PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
+  {"gray43"		, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
+  {"grey43"		, PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
+  {"gray44"		, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
+  {"grey44"		, PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
+  {"gray45"		, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
+  {"grey45"		, PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
+  {"gray46"		, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
+  {"grey46"		, PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
+  {"gray47"		, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
+  {"grey47"		, PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
+  {"gray48"		, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
+  {"grey48"		, PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
+  {"gray49"		, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
+  {"grey49"		, PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
+  {"gray50"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"grey50"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"gray51"		, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
+  {"grey51"		, PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
+  {"gray52"		, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
+  {"grey52"		, PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
+  {"gray53"		, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
+  {"grey53"		, PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
+  {"gray54"		, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
+  {"grey54"		, PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
+  {"gray55"		, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
+  {"grey55"		, PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
+  {"gray56"		, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
+  {"grey56"		, PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
+  {"gray57"		, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
+  {"grey57"		, PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
+  {"gray58"		, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
+  {"grey58"		, PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
+  {"gray59"		, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
+  {"grey59"		, PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
+  {"gray60"		, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
+  {"grey60"		, PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
+  {"gray61"		, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
+  {"grey61"		, PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
+  {"gray62"		, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
+  {"grey62"		, PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
+  {"gray63"		, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
+  {"grey63"		, PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
+  {"gray64"		, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
+  {"grey64"		, PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
+  {"gray65"		, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
+  {"grey65"		, PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
+  {"gray66"		, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
+  {"grey66"		, PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
+  {"gray67"		, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
+  {"grey67"		, PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
+  {"gray68"		, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
+  {"grey68"		, PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
+  {"gray69"		, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
+  {"grey69"		, PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
+  {"gray70"		, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
+  {"grey70"		, PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
+  {"gray71"		, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
+  {"grey71"		, PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
+  {"gray72"		, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
+  {"grey72"		, PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
+  {"gray73"		, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
+  {"grey73"		, PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
+  {"gray74"		, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
+  {"grey74"		, PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
+  {"gray75"		, PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"grey75"		, PALETTERGB (192, 192, 192) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"gray76"		, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
+  {"grey76"		, PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
+  {"gray77"		, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
+  {"grey77"		, PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
+  {"gray78"		, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
+  {"grey78"		, PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
+  {"gray79"		, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
+  {"grey79"		, PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
+  {"gray80"		, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
+  {"grey80"		, PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
+  {"gray81"		, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
+  {"grey81"		, PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
+  {"gray82"		, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
+  {"grey82"		, PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
+  {"gray83"		, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
+  {"grey83"		, PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
+  {"gray84"		, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
+  {"grey84"		, PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
+  {"gray85"		, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
+  {"grey85"		, PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
+  {"gray86"		, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
+  {"grey86"		, PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
+  {"gray87"		, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
+  {"grey87"		, PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
+  {"gray88"		, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
+  {"grey88"		, PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
+  {"gray89"		, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
+  {"grey89"		, PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
+  {"gray90"		, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
+  {"grey90"		, PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
+  {"gray91"		, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
+  {"grey91"		, PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
+  {"gray92"		, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
+  {"grey92"		, PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
+  {"gray93"		, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
+  {"grey93"		, PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
+  {"gray94"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
+  {"grey94"		, PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
+  {"gray95"		, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
+  {"grey95"		, PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
+  {"gray96"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
+  {"grey96"		, PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
+  {"gray97"		, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
+  {"grey97"		, PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
+  {"gray98"		, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
+  {"grey98"		, PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
+  {"gray99"		, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
+  {"grey99"		, PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
+  {"gray100"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
+  {"grey100"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
+  {"DarkGrey"		, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
+  {"DarkGray"		, PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
+  {"DarkBlue"		, PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },	/* Adjusted == Navy */
+  {"DarkCyan"		, PALETTERGB (0, 128, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"DarkMagenta"	, PALETTERGB (128, 0, 128) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"DarkRed"		, PALETTERGB (128, 0, 0) },	/* Adjusted */
+  {"LightGreen"		, PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
+  /* Added to match values in the default Windows palette: */
+  {"DarkYellow"		, PALETTERGB (128, 128, 0) },
+  {"PaleYellow"		, PALETTERGB (255, 255, 128) }
-typedef struct fontmap_t 
+typedef struct fontmap_t
-  CONST char *name;
-  CONST int value;
+  const char *name;
+  int value;
 } fontmap_t;
 /* Default weight first, preferred names listed before synonyms */
-static CONST fontmap_t fontweight_map[] = 
+static const fontmap_t fontweight_map[] =
   {"Regular"		, FW_REGULAR},	/* The standard font weight */
   {"Thin"		, FW_THIN},
@@ -750,9 +752,9 @@
   {"Black"		, FW_BLACK}
-/* Default charset first, no synonyms allowed because these names are 
+/* Default charset first, no synonyms allowed because these names are
  * matched against the names reported by win32 by match_font() */
-static CONST fontmap_t charset_map[] = 
+static const fontmap_t charset_map[] =
   {"Western"		, ANSI_CHARSET},
   {"Symbol"		, SYMBOL_CHARSET},
@@ -782,7 +784,7 @@
 static int
-hexval (char c) 
+hexval (char c)
   /* assumes ASCII and isxdigit(c) */
   if (c >= 'a')
@@ -794,7 +796,7 @@
-mswindows_string_to_color(CONST char *name)
+mswindows_string_to_color(const char *name)
   int i;
@@ -803,7 +805,7 @@
       /* numeric names look like "#RRGGBB", "#RRRGGGBBB" or "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
 	 or "rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb" */
       unsigned int r, g, b;
       for (i=1; i<strlen(name); i++)
 	  if (!isxdigit ((int)name[i]))
@@ -852,27 +854,44 @@
 	  return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
-      else 
+      else
 	return (COLORREF) -1;
   else if (*name)	/* Can't be an empty string */
-      char *nospaces = alloca (strlen (name)+1);
-      char *c=nospaces;
+      char *nospaces = (char*) alloca (strlen (name)+1);
+      char *c = nospaces;
       while (*name)
 	if (*name != ' ')
-	  *(c++) = *(name++);
+	  *c++ = *name++;
       *c = '\0';
-      for (i=0; i< countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
+      for (i = 0; i < countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
 	if (!stricmp (nospaces, mswindows_X_color_map[i].name))
 	  return (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref);
   return (COLORREF) -1;
+mswindows_color_to_string (COLORREF color)
+  int i;
+  char buf[8];
+  COLORREF pcolor = PALETTERGB (GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color),
+				GetBValue (color));
+  for (i=0; i < countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
+    if (pcolor == (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref))
+      return  build_string (mswindows_X_color_map[i].name);
+  sprintf (buf, "#%02X%02X%02X",
+	   GetRValue (color), GetGValue (color), GetBValue (color));
+  return build_string (buf);
  * Returns non-zero if the two supplied font patterns match.
  * If they match and fontname is not NULL, copies the logical OR of the
@@ -942,7 +961,70 @@
 static int CALLBACK
-font_enum_callback_2 (ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, 
+old_font_enum_callback_2 (ENUMLOGFONT FAR *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR *lpntme,
+			  int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
+  char fontname[MSW_FONTSIZE];
+  Lisp_Object fontname_lispstr;
+  int i;
+  /*
+   * The enumerated font weights are not to be trusted because:
+   *  a) lpelfe->elfStyle is only filled in for TrueType fonts.
+   *  b) Not all Bold and Italic styles of all fonts (including some Vector,
+   *     Truetype and Raster fonts) are enumerated.
+   * I guess that fonts for which Bold and Italic styles are generated
+   * 'on-the-fly' are not enumerated. It would be overly restrictive to
+   * disallow Bold And Italic weights for these fonts, so we just leave
+   * weights unspecified. This means that we have to weed out duplicates of
+   * those fonts that do get enumerated with different weights.
+   */
+  if (FontType == 0 /*vector*/ || FontType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)
+    /* Scalable, so leave pointsize blank */
+    sprintf (fontname, "%s::::", lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName);
+  else
+    /* Formula for pointsize->height from LOGFONT docs in Platform SDK */
+    sprintf (fontname, "%s::%d::", lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName,
+	     MulDiv (lpntme->tmHeight - lpntme->tmInternalLeading,
+	             72, GetDeviceCaps (font_enum->hdc, LOGPIXELSY)));
+  /*
+   * The enumerated font character set strings are not to be trusted because
+   * lpelfe->elfScript is returned in the host language and not in English.
+   * We can't know a priori the translations of "Western", "Central European"
+   * etc into the host language, so we must use English. The same argument
+   * applies to the font weight string when matching fonts.
+   */
+  for (i=0; i<countof (charset_map); i++)
+    if (lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfCharSet == charset_map[i].value)
+      {
+	strcat (fontname, charset_map[i].name);
+	break;
+      }
+  if (i==countof (charset_map))
+    strcpy (fontname, charset_map[0].name);
+  /* Add the font name to the list if not already there */
+  fontname_lispstr = build_string (fontname);
+  if (NILP (memq_no_quit (fontname_lispstr, font_enum->list)))
+    font_enum->list = Fcons (fontname_lispstr, font_enum->list);
+  return 1;
+static int CALLBACK
+old_font_enum_callback_1 (ENUMLOGFONT FAR *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRIC FAR *lpntme,
+			  int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
+  /* This function gets called once per facename per character set.
+   * We call a second callback to enumerate the fonts in each facename */
+  return EnumFontFamilies (font_enum->hdc, lpelfe->elfLogFont.lfFaceName,
+			   (FONTENUMPROC) old_font_enum_callback_2,
+			   (LPARAM) font_enum);
+static int CALLBACK
+font_enum_callback_2 (ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme,
 		      int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
   char fontname[MSW_FONTSIZE];
@@ -952,7 +1034,7 @@
    * The enumerated font weights are not to be trusted because:
    *  a) lpelfe->elfStyle is only filled in for TrueType fonts.
-   *  b) Not all Bold and Italic styles of all fonts (inluding some Vector,
+   *  b) Not all Bold and Italic styles of all fonts (including some Vector,
    *     Truetype and Raster fonts) are enumerated.
    * I guess that fonts for which Bold and Italic styles are generated
    * 'on-the-fly' are not enumerated. It would be overly restrictive to
@@ -994,14 +1076,14 @@
 static int CALLBACK
-font_enum_callback_1 (ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, 
+font_enum_callback_1 (ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme,
 		      int FontType, struct font_enum_t *font_enum)
   /* This function gets called once per facename per character set.
    * We call a second callback to enumerate the fonts in each facename */
-  return EnumFontFamiliesEx (font_enum->hdc, &lpelfe->elfLogFont,
-			     (FONTENUMPROC) font_enum_callback_2,
-			     (LPARAM) font_enum, 0);
+  return xEnumFontFamiliesExA (font_enum->hdc, &lpelfe->elfLogFont,
+			       (FONTENUMPROC) font_enum_callback_2,
+			       (LPARAM) font_enum, 0);
@@ -1021,12 +1103,17 @@
   logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
   font_enum.hdc = hdc;
   font_enum.list = Qnil;
-  EnumFontFamiliesEx (hdc, &logfont, (FONTENUMPROC) font_enum_callback_1,
-		      (LPARAM) (&font_enum), 0);
+  if (xEnumFontFamiliesExA)
+    xEnumFontFamiliesExA (hdc, &logfont, (FONTENUMPROC) font_enum_callback_1,
+			  (LPARAM) (&font_enum), 0);
+  else /* NT 3.5x */
+    EnumFontFamilies (hdc, 0, (FONTENUMPROC) old_font_enum_callback_1,
+		      (LPARAM) (&font_enum));
   return font_enum.list;
-static void
+static HFONT
 mswindows_create_font_variant (Lisp_Font_Instance* f,
 			       int under, int strike)
@@ -1053,6 +1140,7 @@
   FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f, under, strike) = hfont;
+  return hfont;
@@ -1060,14 +1148,10 @@
 		     int under, int strike)
   /* Cannot GC */
-  HFONT hfont;
-    mswindows_create_font_variant (f, under, strike);
-  assert (FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f, under, strike) != NULL);
-  hfont = FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f, under, strike);
+  if (hfont == NULL)
+    hfont = mswindows_create_font_variant (f, under, strike);
   /* If strikeout/underline variant of the font could not be
      created, then use the base version of the font */
@@ -1087,7 +1171,7 @@
 mswindows_initialize_color_instance (Lisp_Color_Instance *c, Lisp_Object name,
 			       Lisp_Object device, Error_behavior errb)
-  CONST char *extname;
+  const char *extname;
   COLORREF color;
@@ -1159,7 +1243,7 @@
 static int
 mswindows_valid_color_name_p (struct device *d, Lisp_Object color)
-  CONST char *extname;
+  const char *extname;
 		      C_STRING_ALLOCA, extname,
@@ -1173,7 +1257,7 @@
 mswindows_finalize_font_instance (Lisp_Font_Instance *f);
- * This is a work horse for both mswindows_initialize_font_instanc and
+ * This is a work horse for both mswindows_initialize_font_instance and
  * msprinter_initialize_font_instance.
 static int
@@ -1181,14 +1265,14 @@
 			  Lisp_Object device_font_list, HDC hdc,
 			  Error_behavior errb)
-  CONST char *extname;
+  const char *extname;
   LOGFONT logfont;
   int fields, i;
   int pt;
   char fontname[LF_FACESIZE], weight[LF_FACESIZE], *style, points[8];
   char effects[LF_FACESIZE], charset[LF_FACESIZE];
   char *c;
-  HFONT hfont, holdfont;
+  HFONT hfont, hfont2;
   TEXTMETRIC metrics;
   extname = XSTRING_DATA (name);
@@ -1247,7 +1331,7 @@
   for (i=0; i<countof (fontweight_map); i++)
     if (!stricmp (weight, fontweight_map[i].name))
-      {	
+      {
 	logfont.lfWeight = fontweight_map[i].value;
@@ -1350,7 +1434,7 @@
     effects[0] = '\0';
   /* Charset */
-  /* charset can be specified even if earlier fields havn't been */
+  /* charset can be specified even if earlier fields haven't been */
   if (fields < 5)
       if ((c=strchr (extname, ':')) && (c=strchr (c+1, ':')) &&
@@ -1390,15 +1474,11 @@
   /* Default to monospaced if the specified fontname doesn't exist. */
   logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_MODERN;
-  /* Windows will silently substitute a default font if the fontname
-   specifies a non-existent font. So we check the font against the
-   device's list of font patterns to make sure that at least one of
-   them matches.
-   Personally, I do not like the idea - it is better to come out with
-   some font than completely without one. The diversity of printer
-   fonts is much greater than that of screen font. We can tread on
-   that. -- kkm. */
+  /* Windows will silently substitute a default font if the fontname specifies
+     a non-existent font. This is bad for screen fonts because it doesn't
+     allow higher-level code to see the error and to act appropriately.
+     For instance complex_vars_of_faces() sets up a fallback list of fonts
+     for the default face. */
   if (!NILP (device_font_list))
@@ -1426,28 +1506,29 @@
   f->data = xnew_and_zero (struct mswindows_font_instance_data);
-  holdfont = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
-  if (!holdfont)
+  /* Some underlined fonts have the descent of one pixel more than their
+     non-underlined counterparts. Font variants though are assumed to have
+     identical metrics. So get the font metrics from the underlined variant
+     of the font */
+  hfont2 = mswindows_create_font_variant (f, 1, 0);
+  if (hfont2 != MSWINDOWS_BAD_HFONT)
+    hfont = hfont2;
+  hfont2 = (HFONT) SelectObject (hdc, hfont);
+  if (!hfont2)
       mswindows_finalize_font_instance (f);
       maybe_signal_simple_error ("Couldn't map font", name, Qfont, errb);
       return 0;
   GetTextMetrics (hdc, &metrics);
-  SelectObject(hdc, holdfont);
+  SelectObject(hdc, hfont2);
   f->width = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAveCharWidth;
   f->height = (unsigned short) metrics.tmHeight;
-  /* Font variant metrics hack. The problem is that in Windows
-     some underlined fonts have the descent of one pixel more
-     than their non-underlined counterparts.  Font variants
-     though are assumed to have identical metrics. Lowering
-     the font's baseline one pixel down cures the problem, and
-     is visually undetectable. - kkm */
-  f->ascent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAscent - 1;
-  f->descent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmDescent + 1;
+  f->ascent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAscent;
+  f->descent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmDescent;
   f->proportional_p = (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
   return 1;
@@ -1505,7 +1586,7 @@
 			       int escapeflag)
   char buf[10];
-  sprintf (buf, " 0x%lx", 
+  sprintf (buf, " 0x%lx",
 	   (unsigned long)FONT_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_HFONT_VARIANT (f,0,0));
   write_c_string (buf, printcharfun);
@@ -1545,7 +1626,7 @@
   int nsep=0;
   char *name = (char *) XSTRING_DATA (f->name);
   char* ptr = name;
-  char* extname = alloca (strlen (name) + 19);
+  char* extname = (char*) alloca (strlen (name) + 19);
   strcpy (extname, name);
   while ((ptr = strchr (ptr, ':')) != 0)
@@ -1570,7 +1651,7 @@
   return build_ext_string (extname, Qnative);
@@ -1578,13 +1659,13 @@
 static int
 mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset (struct device *d, Lisp_Object charset,
-			     CONST Bufbyte *nonreloc, Lisp_Object reloc,
+			     const Bufbyte *nonreloc, Lisp_Object reloc,
 			     Bytecount offset, Bytecount length)
   /* #### Implement me */
   if (UNBOUNDP (charset))
     return 1;
   return 1;
@@ -1648,7 +1729,7 @@
 /*  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, mark_font_instance); */
   CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_font_instance);
   CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_font_instance);
-  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_instance_truename); 
+  CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_instance_truename);
   CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, list_fonts);
 #ifdef MULE
   CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_spec_matches_charset);
@@ -1671,7 +1752,7 @@
 /*  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, mark_font_instance); */
   CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, print_font_instance);
   CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, finalize_font_instance);
-  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, font_instance_truename); 
+  CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, font_instance_truename);
   CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, list_fonts);
 #ifdef MULE
   CONSOLE_INHERITS_METHOD (msprinter, mswindows, font_spec_matches_charset);