diff lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el @ 422:95016f13131a r21-2-19

Import from CVS: tag r21-2-19
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:25:01 +0200 (2007-08-13)
parents da8ed4261e83
children 11054d720c21
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el	Mon Aug 13 11:24:10 2007 +0200
+++ b/lisp/mule/mule-cmds.el	Mon Aug 13 11:25:01 2007 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; mule-cmds.el --- Commands for multilingual environment
-;; Copyright (C) 1995 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
+;; Copyright (C) 1995,1999 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
 ;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 MORIOKA Tomohiko
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 ;;; MULE related key bindings and menus.
-(defvar mule-keymap (make-sparse-keymap "MULE")
-  "Keymap for MULE (Multilingual environment) specific commands.")
+(defvar mule-keymap (make-sparse-keymap "Mule")
+  "Keymap for Mule (Multilingual environment) specific commands.")
 ;; Keep "C-x C-m ..." for mule specific commands.
 (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-m" mule-keymap)
@@ -38,10 +38,12 @@
 (define-key mule-keymap "t" 'set-terminal-coding-system)
 (define-key mule-keymap "k" 'set-keyboard-coding-system)
 (define-key mule-keymap "p" 'set-buffer-process-coding-system)
-(define-key mule-keymap "\C-\\" 'select-input-method)
+(define-key mule-keymap "x" 'set-selection-coding-system)
+(define-key mule-keymap "X" 'set-next-selection-coding-system)
+(define-key mule-keymap "\C-\\" 'set-input-method)
 (define-key mule-keymap "c" 'universal-coding-system-argument)
 ;;(define-key mule-keymap "c" 'list-coding-system-briefly) ; XEmacs
-(define-key mule-keymap "C" 'list-coding-system)	 ; XEmacs
+(define-key mule-keymap "C" 'describe-coding-system)	 ; XEmacs
 (define-key mule-keymap "r" 'toggle-display-direction)	 ; XEmacs
 (define-key mule-keymap "l" 'set-language-environment)
@@ -63,18 +65,80 @@
 ;; but it won't be used that frequently.
 (define-key global-map "\C-\\" 'toggle-input-method)
+;;; This is no good because people often type Shift-SPC
+;;; meaning to type SPC.  -- rms.
+;;; ;; Here's an alternative key binding for X users (Shift-SPACE).
+;;; (define-key global-map [?\S- ] 'toggle-input-method)
+(defun coding-system-change-eol-conversion (coding-system eol-type)
+  "Return a coding system which differs from CODING-SYSTEM in eol conversion.
+The returned coding system converts end-of-line by EOL-TYPE
+but text as the same way as CODING-SYSTEM.
+EOL-TYPE should be `lf', `crlf', `cr' or nil.
+If EOL-TYPE is nil, the returned coding system detects
+how end-of-line is formatted automatically while decoding.
+EOL-TYPE can be specified by an symbol `unix', `dos' or `mac'.
+They means `lf', `crlf', and `cr' respectively."
+  (if (symbolp eol-type)
+      (setq eol-type (cond ((or (eq eol-type 'unix)
+				(eq eol-type 'lf))
+			    'eol-lf)
+                           ((or (eq eol-type 'dos)
+				(eq eol-type 'crlf))
+			    'eol-crlf)
+                           ((or (eq eol-type 'mac)
+				(eq eol-type 'cr))
+			    'eol-cr)
+                           (t eol-type))))
+  (let ((orig-eol-type (coding-system-eol-type coding-system)))
+    (if (null orig-eol-type)
+        (if (not eol-type)
+            coding-system
+          (coding-system-property coding-system eol-type))
+      (let ((base (coding-system-base coding-system)))
+        (if (not eol-type)
+            base
+          (if (= eol-type orig-eol-type)
+              coding-system
+            (setq orig-eol-type (coding-system-eol-type base))
+            (if (null orig-eol-type)
+                (coding-system-property base eol-type))))))))
+;; (defun coding-system-change-text-conversion (coding-system coding)
+;;   "Return a coding system which differs from CODING-SYSTEM in text conversion.
+;; The returned coding system converts text by CODING
+;; but end-of-line as the same way as CODING-SYSTEM.
+;; If CODING is nil, the returned coding system detects
+;; how text is formatted automatically while decoding."
+;;   (if (not coding)
+;;       (coding-system-base coding-system)
+;;     (let ((eol-type (coding-system-eol-type coding-system)))
+;;       (coding-system-change-eol-conversion
+;;        coding
+;;        (if (numberp eol-type) (aref [unix dos mac] eol-type))))))
 (defun view-hello-file ()
   "Display the HELLO file which list up many languages and characters."
   ;; We have to decode the file in any environment.
-  (let ((coding-system-for-read 'iso-2022-7))
+  (let ((coding-system-for-read 'iso-2022-7bit))
     (find-file-read-only (expand-file-name "HELLO" data-directory))))
 (defun universal-coding-system-argument ()
   "Execute an I/O command using the specified coding system."
-  (let* ((coding-system
-	  (read-coding-system "Coding system for following command: "))
+  (let* ((default (and buffer-file-coding-system
+		       (not (eq (coding-system-type buffer-file-coding-system)
+				t))
+		       (coding-system-name buffer-file-coding-system)))
+	 (coding-system
+	  (read-coding-system
+	   (if default
+	       (format "Coding system for following command (default, %s): "
+		       default)
+	     "Coding system for following command: ")
+	   default))
 	 (keyseq (read-key-sequence
 		  (format "Command to execute with %s:" coding-system)))
 	 (cmd (key-binding keyseq)))
@@ -85,15 +149,21 @@
 (defun set-default-coding-systems (coding-system)
   "Set default value of various coding systems to CODING-SYSTEM.
-The follwing coding systems are set:
+This sets the following coding systems:
   o coding system of a newly created buffer
   o default coding system for terminal output
   o default coding system for keyboard input
-  o default coding system for subprocess I/O"
+  o default coding system for subprocess I/O
+  o default coding system for converting file names."
   (check-coding-system coding-system)
   ;;(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system coding-system)
   (set-default-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system)
-  ;;(setq default-terminal-coding-system coding-system)
+  ;; (if default-enable-multibyte-characters
+  ;;     (setq default-file-name-coding-system coding-system))
+  ;; If coding-system is nil, honor that on MS-DOS as well, so
+  ;; that they could reset the terminal coding system.
+  ;; (unless (and (eq window-system 'pc) coding-system)
+  ;;   (setq default-terminal-coding-system coding-system))
   (setq terminal-coding-system coding-system)
   ;;(setq default-keyboard-coding-system coding-system)
   (setq keyboard-coding-system coding-system)
@@ -108,160 +178,471 @@
 (defun prefer-coding-system (coding-system)
   "Add CODING-SYSTEM at the front of the priority list for automatic detection.
-This also sets the following coding systems to CODING-SYSTEM:
+This also sets the following coding systems:
   o coding system of a newly created buffer
   o default coding system for terminal output
   o default coding system for keyboard input
-  o default coding system for subprocess I/O"
+  o default coding system for converting file names.
+If CODING-SYSTEM specifies a certain type of EOL conversion, the coding
+systems set by this function will use that type of EOL conversion.
+This command does not change the default value of terminal coding system
+for MS-DOS terminal, because DOS terminals only support a single coding
+system, and Emacs automatically sets the default to that coding system at
   (interactive "zPrefer coding system: ")
-  (if (not (and coding-system (coding-system-p coding-system)))
+  (if (not (and coding-system (find-coding-system coding-system)))
       (error "Invalid coding system `%s'" coding-system))
   (let ((coding-category (coding-system-category coding-system))
-	(parent (coding-system-parent coding-system)))
+	(base (coding-system-base coding-system))
+	(eol-type (coding-system-eol-type coding-system)))
     (if (not coding-category)
 	;; CODING-SYSTEM is no-conversion or undecided.
 	(error "Can't prefer the coding system `%s'" coding-system))
-    (set coding-category (or parent coding-system))
-    (if (not (eq coding-category (car coding-category-list)))
+    (set-coding-category-system coding-category (or base coding-system))
+    ;; (update-coding-systems-internal)
+    (or (eq coding-category (car (coding-category-list)))
 	;; We must change the order.
-	(setq coding-category-list
-	      (cons coding-category
-		    (delq coding-category coding-category-list))))
-    (if (and parent (interactive-p))
-	(message "Highest priority is set to %s (parent of %s)"
-		 parent coding-system))
-    (set-default-coding-systems (or parent coding-system))))
+	(set-coding-priority-list (list coding-category)))
+    (if (and base (interactive-p))
+	(message "Highest priority is set to %s (base of %s)"
+		 base coding-system))
+    ;; If they asked for specific EOL conversion, honor that.
+    (if (memq eol-type '(lf crlf mac))
+	(setq coding-system
+	      (coding-system-change-eol-conversion base eol-type))
+      (setq coding-system base))
+    (set-default-coding-systems coding-system)))
+;; (defun find-coding-systems-region-subset-p (list1 list2)
+;;   "Return non-nil if all elements in LIST1 are included in LIST2.
+;; Comparison done with EQ."
+;;   (catch 'tag
+;;     (while list1
+;;       (or (memq (car list1) list2)
+;;           (throw 'tag nil))
+;;       (setq list1 (cdr list1)))
+;;     t))
+;; (defun find-coding-systems-region (from to)
+;;   "Return a list of proper coding systems to encode a text between FROM and TO.
+;; All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters
+;; in the text.
+;; If the text contains no multibyte characters, return a list of a single
+;; element `undecided'."
+;;   (find-coding-systems-for-charsets (find-charset-region from to)))
+;; (defun find-coding-systems-string (string)
+;;   "Return a list of proper coding systems to encode STRING.
+;; All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters
+;; in STRING.
+;; If STRING contains no multibyte characters, return a list of a single
+;; element `undecided'."
+;;   (find-coding-systems-for-charsets (find-charset-string string)))
+;; (defun find-coding-systems-for-charsets (charsets)
+;;   "Return a list of proper coding systems to encode characters of CHARSETS.
+;; CHARSETS is a list of character sets."
+;;   (if (or (null charsets)
+;;           (and (= (length charsets) 1)
+;;                (eq 'ascii (car charsets))))
+;;       '(undecided)
+;;     (setq charsets (delq 'composition charsets))
+;;     (let ((l (coding-system-list 'base-only))
+;;           (charset-preferred-codings
+;;            (mapcar (function
+;;                     (lambda (x)
+;;                       (if (eq x 'unknown)
+;;                           'raw-text
+;;                         (get-charset-property x 'preferred-coding-system))))
+;;                    charsets))
+;;           (priorities (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (symbol-value x)))
+;;                               coding-category-list))
+;;           codings coding safe)
+;;       (if (memq 'unknown charsets)
+;;           ;; The region contains invalid multibyte characters.
+;;           (setq l '(raw-text)))
+;;       (while l
+;;         (setq coding (car l) l (cdr l))
+;;         (if (and (setq safe (coding-system-get coding 'safe-charsets))
+;;                  (or (eq safe t)
+;;                      (find-coding-systems-region-subset-p charsets safe)))
+;;             ;; We put the higher priority to coding systems included
+;;             ;; in CHARSET-PREFERRED-CODINGS, and within them, put the
+;;             ;; higher priority to coding systems which support smaller
+;;             ;; number of charsets.
+;;             (let ((priority
+;;                    (+ (if (coding-system-get coding 'mime-charset) 4096 0)
+;;                       (lsh (length (memq coding priorities)) 7)
+;;                       (if (memq coding charset-preferred-codings) 64 0)
+;;                       (if (> (coding-system-type coding) 0) 32 0)
+;;                       (if (consp safe) (- 32 (length safe)) 0))))
+;;               (setq codings (cons (cons priority coding) codings)))))
+;;       (mapcar 'cdr
+;;               (sort codings (function (lambda (x y) (> (car x) (car y))))))
+;;       )))
+;; (defun find-multibyte-characters (from to &optional maxcount excludes)
+;;   "Find multibyte characters in the region specified by FROM and TO.
+;; If FROM is a string, find multibyte characters in the string.
+;; The return value is an alist of the following format:
+;;   ((CHARSET COUNT CHAR ...) ...)
+;; where
+;;   CHARSET is a character set,
+;;   COUNT is a number of characters,
+;;   CHARs are found characters of the character set.
+;; Optional 3rd arg MAXCOUNT limits how many CHARs are put in the above list.
+;; Optional 4th arg EXCLUDE is a list of character sets to be ignored.
+;; For invalid characters, CHARs are actually strings."
+;;   (let ((chars nil)
+;;         charset char)
+;;     (if (stringp from)
+;;         (let ((idx 0))
+;;           (while (setq idx (string-match "[^\000-\177]" from idx))
+;;             (setq char (aref from idx)
+;;                   charset (char-charset char))
+;;             (if (eq charset 'unknown)
+;;                 (setq char (match-string 0)))
+;;             (if (or (eq charset 'unknown)
+;;                     (not (or (eq excludes t) (memq charset excludes))))
+;;                 (let ((slot (assq charset chars)))
+;;                   (if slot
+;;                       (if (not (memq char (nthcdr 2 slot)))
+;;                           (let ((count (nth 1 slot)))
+;;                             (setcar (cdr slot) (1+ count))
+;;                             (if (or (not maxcount) (< count maxcount))
+;;                                 (nconc slot (list char)))))
+;;                     (setq chars (cons (list charset 1 char) chars)))))
+;;             (setq idx (1+ idx))))
+;;       (save-excursion
+;;         (goto-char from)
+;;         (while (re-search-forward "[^\000-\177]" to t)
+;;           (setq char (preceding-char)
+;;                 charset (char-charset char))
+;;           (if (eq charset 'unknown)
+;;               (setq char (match-string 0)))
+;;           (if (or (eq charset 'unknown)
+;;                   (not (or (eq excludes t) (memq charset excludes))))
+;;               (let ((slot (assq charset chars)))
+;;                 (if slot
+;;                     (if (not (member char (nthcdr 2 slot)))
+;;                         (let ((count (nth 1 slot)))
+;;                           (setcar (cdr slot) (1+ count))
+;;                           (if (or (not maxcount) (< count maxcount))
+;;                               (nconc slot (list char)))))
+;;                   (setq chars (cons (list charset 1 char) chars))))))))
+;;     (nreverse chars)))
+;; (defvar last-coding-system-specified nil
+;;   "Most recent coding system explicitly specified by the user when asked.
+;; This variable is set whenever Emacs asks the user which coding system
+;; to use in order to write a file.  If you set it to nil explicitly,
+;; then call `write-region', then afterward this variable will be non-nil
+;; only if the user was explicitly asked and specified a coding system.")
+;; (defun select-safe-coding-system (from to &optional default-coding-system)
+;;   "Ask a user to select a safe coding system from candidates.
+;; The candidates of coding systems which can safely encode a text
+;; between FROM and TO are shown in a popup window.
+;; Optional arg DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM specifies a coding system to be
+;; checked at first.  If omitted, buffer-file-coding-system of the
+;; current buffer is used.
+;; If the text can be encoded safely by DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM, it is
+;; returned without any user interaction.
+;; Kludgy feature: if FROM is a string, the string is the target text,
+;; and TO is ignored."
+;;   (or default-coding-system
+;;       (setq default-coding-system buffer-file-coding-system))
+;;   (let* ((charsets (if (stringp from) (find-charset-string from)
+;;                      (find-charset-region from to)))
+;;          (safe-coding-systems (find-coding-systems-for-charsets charsets)))
+;;     (if (or (not enable-multibyte-characters)
+;;             (eq (car safe-coding-systems) 'undecided)
+;;             (eq default-coding-system 'no-conversion)
+;;             (and default-coding-system
+;;                  (memq (coding-system-base default-coding-system)
+;;                        safe-coding-systems)))
+;;         default-coding-system
+;;       ;; At first, change each coding system to the corresponding
+;;       ;; mime-charset name if it is also a coding system.
+;;       (let ((l safe-coding-systems)
+;;             mime-charset)
+;;         (while l
+;;           (setq mime-charset (coding-system-get (car l) 'mime-charset))
+;;           (if (and mime-charset (coding-system-p mime-charset))
+;;               (setcar l mime-charset))
+;;           (setq l (cdr l))))
+;;       (let ((non-safe-chars (find-multibyte-characters
+;;                              from to 3
+;;                              (and default-coding-system
+;;                                   (coding-system-get default-coding-system
+;;                                                      'safe-charsets))))
+;;             show-position overlays)
+;;         (save-excursion
+;;           ;; Highlight characters that default-coding-system can't encode.
+;;           (when (integerp from)
+;;             (goto-char from)
+;;             (let ((found nil))
+;;               (while (and (not found)
+;;                           (re-search-forward "[^\000-\177]" to t))
+;;                 (setq found (assq (char-charset (preceding-char))
+;;                                   non-safe-chars))))
+;;             (forward-line -1)
+;;             (setq show-position (point))
+;;             (save-excursion
+;;               (while (and (< (length overlays) 256)
+;;                           (re-search-forward "[^\000-\177]" to t))
+;;                 (let* ((char (preceding-char))
+;;                        (charset (char-charset char)))
+;;                   (when (assq charset non-safe-chars)
+;;                     (setq overlays (cons (make-overlay (1- (point)) (point))
+;;                                          overlays))
+;;                     (overlay-put (car overlays) 'face 'highlight))))))
+;;           ;; At last, ask a user to select a proper coding system.  
+;;           (unwind-protect
+;;               (save-window-excursion
+;;                 (when show-position
+;;                   ;; At first, be sure to show the current buffer.
+;;                   (set-window-buffer (selected-window) (current-buffer))
+;;                   (set-window-start (selected-window) show-position))
+;;                 ;; Then, show a helpful message.
+;;                 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Warning*"
+;;                   (save-excursion
+;;                     (set-buffer standard-output)
+;;                     (insert "The target text contains the following non ASCII character(s):\n")
+;;                     (let ((len (length non-safe-chars))
+;;                           (shown 0))
+;;                       (while (and non-safe-chars (< shown 3))
+;;                         (when (> (length (car non-safe-chars)) 2)
+;;                           (setq shown (1+ shown))
+;;                           (insert (format "%25s: " (car (car non-safe-chars))))
+;;                           (let ((l (nthcdr 2 (car non-safe-chars))))
+;;                             (while l
+;;                               (if (or (stringp (car l)) (char-valid-p (car l)))
+;;                                   (insert (car l)))
+;;                               (setq l (cdr l))))
+;;                           (if (> (nth 1 (car non-safe-chars)) 3)
+;;                               (insert "..."))
+;;                           (insert "\n"))
+;;                         (setq non-safe-chars (cdr non-safe-chars)))
+;;                       (if (< shown len)
+;;                           (insert (format "%27s\n" "..."))))
+;;                     (insert (format "\
+;; These can't be encoded safely by the coding system %s.
+;; Please select one from the following safe coding systems:\n"
+;;                                     default-coding-system))
+;;                     (let ((pos (point))
+;;                           (fill-prefix "  "))
+;;                       (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (princ "  ") (princ x)))
+;;                               safe-coding-systems)
+;;                       (fill-region-as-paragraph pos (point)))))
+;;                 ;; Read a coding system.
+;;                 (let* ((safe-names (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (symbol-name x)))
+;;                                            safe-coding-systems))
+;;                        (name (completing-read
+;;                               (format "Select coding system (default %s): "
+;;                                       (car safe-coding-systems))
+;;                               safe-names nil t nil nil
+;;                               (car (car safe-names)))))
+;;                   (setq last-coding-system-specified (intern name))
+;;                   (if (integerp (coding-system-eol-type default-coding-system))
+;;                       (setq last-coding-system-specified
+;;                             (coding-system-change-eol-conversion
+;;                              last-coding-system-specified
+;;                              (coding-system-eol-type default-coding-system))))
+;;                   last-coding-system-specified))
+;;             (kill-buffer "*Warning*")
+;;             (while overlays
+;;               (delete-overlay (car overlays))
+;;               (setq overlays (cdr overlays)))))))))
+;; (setq select-safe-coding-system-function 'select-safe-coding-system)
+;; (defun select-message-coding-system ()
+;;   "Return a coding system to encode the outgoing message of the current buffer.
+;; It at first tries the first coding system found in these variables
+;; in this order:
+;;   (1) local value of `buffer-file-coding-system'
+;;   (2) value of `sendmail-coding-system'
+;;   (3) value of `default-buffer-file-coding-system'
+;;   (4) value of `default-sendmail-coding-system'
+;; If the found coding system can't encode the current buffer,
+;; or none of them are bound to a coding system,
+;; it asks the user to select a proper coding system."
+;;   (let ((coding (or (and (local-variable-p 'buffer-file-coding-system)
+;;                          buffer-file-coding-system)
+;;                     sendmail-coding-system
+;;                     default-buffer-file-coding-system
+;;                     default-sendmail-coding-system)))
+;;     (if (eq coding 'no-conversion)
+;;         ;; We should never use no-conversion for outgoing mails.
+;;         (setq coding nil))
+;;     (if (fboundp select-safe-coding-system-function)
+;;         (funcall select-safe-coding-system-function
+;;                  (point-min) (point-max) coding)
+;;       coding)))
-;;; Language support staffs.
+;;; Language support stuff.
 (defvar language-info-alist nil
-  "Alist of language names vs the corresponding information of various kind.
+  "Alist of language environment definitions.
 Each element looks like:
 	(LANGUAGE-NAME . ((KEY . INFO) ...))
-where LANGUAGE-NAME is a string,
-KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information,
-INFO is any Lisp object which contains the actual information related
-to KEY.")
+where LANGUAGE-NAME is a string, the name of the language environment,
+KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information, and
+INFO is the data associated with KEY.
+Meaningful values for KEY include
-(defun get-language-info (language-name key)
-  "Return the information for LANGUAGE-NAME of the kind KEY.
-KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of required information."
-  (if (symbolp language-name)
-      (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
-  (let ((lang-slot (assoc-ignore-case language-name language-info-alist)))
+  documentation      value is documentation of what this language environment
+			is meant for, and how to use it.
+  charset	     value is a list of the character sets used by this
+			language environment.
+  sample-text	     value is one line of text,
+			written using those character sets,
+			appropriate for this language environment.
+  setup-function     value is a function to call to switch to this
+			language environment.
+  exit-function      value is a function to call to leave this
+		        language environment.
+  coding-system      value is a list of coding systems that are good
+			for saving text written in this language environment.
+			This list serves as suggestions to the user;
+			in effect, as a kind of documentation.
+  coding-priority    value is a list of coding systems for this language
+			environment, in order of decreasing priority.
+			This is used to set up the coding system priority
+			list when you switch to this language environment.
+  input-method       value is a default input method for this language
+			environment.
+  features           value is a list of features requested in this
+			language environment.
+  tutorial           value is a tutorial file name written in the language.")
+(defun get-language-info (lang-env key)
+  "Return information listed under KEY for language environment LANG-ENV.
+KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information.
+For a list of useful values for KEY and their meanings,
+see `language-info-alist'."
+  (if (symbolp lang-env)
+      (setq lang-env (symbol-name lang-env)))
+  (let ((lang-slot (assoc-ignore-case lang-env language-info-alist)))
     (if lang-slot
 	(cdr (assq key (cdr lang-slot))))))
-(defun set-language-info (language-name key info)
-  "Set for LANGUAGE-NAME the information INFO under KEY.
+(defun set-language-info (lang-env key info)
+  "Modify part of the definition of language environment LANG-ENV.
+Specifically, this stores the information INFO under KEY
+in the definition of this language environment.
 KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information.
-INFO is any Lisp object which contains the actual information.
-Currently, the following KEYs are used by Emacs:
-charset: list of symbols whose values are charsets specific to the language.
-coding-system: list of coding systems specific to the language.
-tutorial: a tutorial file name written in the language.
-sample-text: one line short text containing characters of the language.
-documentation: t or a string describing how Emacs supports the language.
-      If a string is specified, it is shown before any other information
-      of the language by the command `describe-language-environment'.
+INFO is the value for that information.
-setup-function: a function to call for setting up environment
-       convenient for a user of the language.
-If KEY is documentation or setup-function, you can also specify
-a cons cell as INFO, in which case, the car part should be
-a normal value as INFO for KEY (as described above),
-and the cdr part should be a symbol whose value is a menu keymap
-in which an entry for the language is defined.  But, only the car part
-is actually set as the information.
-We will define more KEYs in the future.  To avoid conflict,
-if you want to use your own KEY values, make them start with `user-'."
-  (if (symbolp language-name)
-      (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
+For a list of useful values for KEY and their meanings,
+see `language-info-alist'."
+  (if (symbolp lang-env)
+      (setq lang-env (symbol-name lang-env)))
   (let (lang-slot key-slot)
-    (setq lang-slot (assoc language-name language-info-alist))
+    (setq lang-slot (assoc lang-env language-info-alist))
     (if (null lang-slot)		; If no slot for the language, add it.
-	(setq lang-slot (list language-name)
+	(setq lang-slot (list lang-env)
 	      language-info-alist (cons lang-slot language-info-alist)))
     (setq key-slot (assq key lang-slot))
     (if (null key-slot)			; If no slot for the key, add it.
 	  (setq key-slot (list key))
 	  (setcdr lang-slot (cons key-slot (cdr lang-slot)))))
-    ;; Setup menu.
-    (cond ((eq key 'documentation)
-           ;; (define-key-after
-           ;;   (if (consp info)
-           ;;       (prog1 (symbol-value (cdr info))
-           ;;         (setq info (car info)))
-           ;;     describe-language-environment-map)
-           ;;   (vector (intern language-name))
-           ;;   (cons language-name 'describe-specified-language-support)
-           ;;   t)
-	   (if (consp info)
-	       (setq info (car info)))
-	   (when (featurep 'menubar)
-	     (eval-after-load
+    (setcdr key-slot info)))
+(defun set-language-info-alist (lang-env alist &optional parents)
+  "Store ALIST as the definition of language environment LANG-ENV.
+ALIST is an alist of KEY and INFO values.  See the documentation of
+`set-language-info' for the meanings of KEY and INFO."
+  (if (symbolp lang-env)
+      (setq lang-env (symbol-name lang-env)))
+  (let (; (describe-map describe-language-environment-map)
+	; (setup-map setup-language-environment-map)
+	)
+    ;; (if parents
+    ;;     (let ((l parents)
+    ;;           map parent-symbol parent)
+    ;;       (while l
+    ;;         (if (symbolp (setq parent-symbol (car l)))
+    ;;             (setq parent (symbol-name parent))
+    ;;           (setq parent parent-symbol parent-symbol (intern parent)))
+    ;;         (setq map (lookup-key describe-map (vector parent-symbol)))
+    ;;         (if (not map)
+    ;;             (progn
+    ;;               (setq map (intern (format "describe-%s-environment-map"
+    ;;                                         (downcase parent))))
+    ;;               (define-prefix-command map)
+    ;;               (define-key-after describe-map (vector parent-symbol)
+    ;;                 (cons parent map) t)))
+    ;;         (setq describe-map (symbol-value map))
+    ;;         (setq map (lookup-key setup-map (vector parent-symbol)))
+    ;;         (if (not map)
+    ;;             (progn
+    ;;               (setq map (intern (format "setup-%s-environment-map"
+    ;;                                         (downcase parent))))
+    ;;               (define-prefix-command map)
+    ;;               (define-key-after setup-map (vector parent-symbol)
+    ;;                 (cons parent map) t)))
+    ;;         (setq setup-map (symbol-value map))
+    ;;         (setq l (cdr l)))))
+    ;; Set up menu items for this language env.
+    (let ((doc (assq 'documentation alist)))
+      (when doc
+        ;; (define-key-after describe-map (vector (intern lang-env))
+        ;;   (cons lang-env 'describe-specified-language-support) t)
+	(when (featurep 'menubar)
+	  (eval-after-load
-	      `(add-menu-button
-		'("Mule" "Describe Language Support")
-		(vector ,language-name
-			'(describe-language-environment ,language-name)
-			t))))
-	   )
-	  ((eq key 'setup-function)
-           ;; (define-key-after
-           ;;   (if (consp info)
-           ;;       (prog1 (symbol-value (cdr info))
-           ;;         (setq info (car info)))
-           ;;     setup-language-environment-map)
-           ;;   (vector (intern language-name))
-           ;;   (cons language-name 'setup-specified-language-environment)
-           ;;   t)
-	   (if (consp info)
-	       (setq info (car info)))
-	   (when (featurep 'menubar)
-	     (eval-after-load
-	      "menubar-items.elc"
-	      `(add-menu-button
-		'("Mule" "Set Language Environment")
-		(vector ,language-name
-			'(set-language-environment ,language-name)
-			t))))
-           ))
+	    `(add-menu-button
+	      '("Mule" "Describe Language Support")
+	      (vector ,lang-env
+		      '(describe-language-environment ,lang-env)
+		      t))))
+	))
+    ;; (define-key-after setup-map (vector (intern lang-env))
+    ;;   (cons lang-env 'setup-specified-language-environment) t)
+    (when (featurep 'menubar)
+      (eval-after-load
+	  "menubar-items.elc"
+	`(add-menu-button
+	  '("Mule" "Set Language Environment")
+	  (vector ,lang-env
+		  '(set-language-environment ,lang-env)
+		  t))))
-    (setcdr key-slot info)
-    ))
-(defun set-language-info-alist (language-name alist)
-  "Set for LANGUAGE-NAME the information in ALIST.
-ALIST is an alist of KEY and INFO.  See the documentation of
-`set-language-info' for the meanings of KEY and INFO."
-  (if (symbolp language-name)
-      (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
-  (while alist
-    (set-language-info language-name (car (car alist)) (cdr (car alist)))
-    (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+    (while alist
+      (set-language-info lang-env (car (car alist)) (cdr (car alist)))
+      (setq alist (cdr alist)))))
 (defun read-language-name (key prompt &optional default)
-  "Read language name which has information for KEY, prompting with PROMPT.
-DEFAULT is the default choice of language.
-This returns a language name as a string."
+  "Read a language environment name which has information for KEY.
+If KEY is nil, read any language environment.
+Prompt with PROMPT.  DEFAULT is the default choice of language environment.
+This returns a language environment name as a string."
   (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
 	 (name (completing-read prompt
-				(function (lambda (elm) (assq key elm)))
-				t nil default)))
+				(and key
+				     (function (lambda (elm) (assq key elm))))
+				t nil nil default)))
     (if (and (> (length name) 0)
-	     (get-language-info name key))
+	     (or (not key)
+		 (get-language-info name key)))
 ;;; Multilingual input methods.
@@ -276,7 +657,7 @@
 ";;; %s -- list of LEIM (Library of Emacs Input Method)
 ;; This file contains a list of LEIM (Library of Emacs Input Method)
-;; in the same directory as this file.  Loading this file registeres
+;; in the same directory as this file.  Loading this file registers
 ;; the whole input methods in Emacs.
 ;; Each entry has the form:
@@ -321,10 +702,13 @@
 (put 'current-input-method-title 'permanent-local t)
 (defcustom default-input-method nil
-  "*Default input method for multilingual text.
+  "*Default input method for multilingual text (a string).
 This is the input method activated automatically by the command
 `toggle-input-method' (\\[toggle-input-method])."
-  :group 'mule)
+  :group 'mule
+  :type '(choice (const nil) string))
+(put 'input-method-function 'permanent-local t)
 (defvar input-method-history nil
   "History list for some commands that read input methods.")
@@ -348,26 +732,40 @@
 (put 'describe-current-input-method-function 'permanent-local t)
 (defvar input-method-alist nil
-  "Alist of input method names vs the corresponding information to use it.
+  "Alist of input method names vs how to use them.
 Each element has the form:
-See the function `register-input-method' for the meanings of each elements.")
+See the function `register-input-method' for the meanings of the elements.")
-(defun register-input-method (input-method language-name &rest args)
-  "Register INPUT-METHOD as an input method for LANGUAGE-NAME.
-INPUT-METHOD and LANGUAGE-NAME are symbols or strings.
+(defun register-input-method (input-method lang-env &rest args)
+  "Register INPUT-METHOD as an input method for language environment ENV.
+INPUT-METHOD and LANG-ENV are symbols or strings.
 The remaining arguments are:
- where,
-ACTIVATE-FUNC is a function to call for activating this method.
-TITLE is a string shown in mode-line while this method is active,
-DESCRIPTION is a string describing about this method,
-Arguments to ACTIVATE-FUNC are INPUT-METHOD and ARGs."
-  (if (symbolp language-name)
-      (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
+ACTIVATE-FUNC is a function to call to activate this method.
+TITLE is a string to show in the mode line when this method is active.
+DESCRIPTION is a string describing this method and what it is good for.
+The ARGS, if any, are passed as arguments to ACTIVATE-FUNC.
+All told, the arguments to ACTIVATE-FUNC are INPUT-METHOD and the ARGS.
+This function is mainly used in the file \"leim-list.el\" which is
+created at building time of emacs, registering all quail input methods
+contained in the emacs distribution.
+In case you want to register a new quail input method by yourself, be
+careful to use the same input method title as given in the third
+parameter of `quail-define-package' (if the values are different, the
+string specified in this function takes precedence).
+The commands `describe-input-method' and `list-input-methods' need
+this duplicated values to show some information about input methods
+without loading the affected quail packages."
+  (if (symbolp lang-env)
+      (setq lang-env (symbol-name lang-env)))
   (if (symbolp input-method)
       (setq input-method (symbol-name input-method)))
-  (let ((info (cons language-name args))
+  (let ((info (cons lang-env args))
 	(slot (assoc input-method input-method-alist)))
     (if slot
 	(setcdr slot info)
@@ -387,32 +785,39 @@
 	 ;; This binding is necessary because input-method-history is
 	 ;; buffer local.
 	 (input-method (completing-read prompt input-method-alist
-					nil t nil 'input-method-history)
-		       ;;default)
-		       ))
-    (if (string-equal input-method "")
-	(setq input-method default))
+					nil t nil 'input-method-history
+					default)))
     (if (> (length input-method) 0)
       (if inhibit-null
 	  (error "No valid input method is specified")))))
 (defun activate-input-method (input-method)
-  "Turn INPUT-METHOD on.
-If some input method is already on, turn it off at first."
-  (if (symbolp input-method)
+  "Switch to input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer.
+If some other input method is already active, turn it off first.
+If INPUT-METHOD is nil, deactivate any current input method."
+  (if (and input-method (symbolp input-method))
       (setq input-method (symbol-name input-method)))
   (if (and current-input-method
 	   (not (string= current-input-method input-method)))
-    (inactivate-input-method))
-  (unless current-input-method
+      (inactivate-input-method))
+  (unless (or current-input-method (null input-method))
     (let ((slot (assoc input-method input-method-alist)))
       (if (null slot)
 	  (error "Can't activate input method `%s'" input-method))
-      (apply (nth 2 slot) input-method (nthcdr 5 slot))
+      (let ((func (nth 2 slot)))
+	(if (functionp func)
+	    (apply (nth 2 slot) input-method (nthcdr 5 slot))
+	  (if (and (consp func) (symbolp (car func)) (symbolp (cdr func)))
+	      (progn
+		(require (cdr func))
+		(apply (car func) input-method (nthcdr 5 slot)))
+	    (error "Can't activate input method `%s'" input-method))))
       (setq current-input-method input-method)
       (setq current-input-method-title (nth 3 slot))
-      (run-hooks 'input-method-activate-hook))))
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (run-hooks 'input-method-activate-hook)
+	(force-mode-line-update)))))
 (defun inactivate-input-method ()
   "Turn off the current input method."
@@ -428,12 +833,12 @@
 	  (run-hooks 'input-method-inactivate-hook)
 	(setq current-input-method nil
-	      current-input-method-title nil)))))
+	      current-input-method-title nil)
+	(force-mode-line-update)))))
-(defun select-input-method (input-method)
-  "Select and turn on INPUT-METHOD.
-This sets the default input method to what you specify,
-and turn it on for the current buffer."
+(defun set-input-method (input-method)
+  "Select and activate input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer.
+This also sets the default input method to the one you specify."
    (let* ((default (or (car input-method-history) default-input-method)))
      (list (read-input-method-name
@@ -445,28 +850,35 @@
 (defun toggle-input-method (&optional arg)
   "Turn on or off a multilingual text input method for the current buffer.
-With arg, read an input method from minibuffer and turn it on.
+With no prefix argument, if an input method is currently activated,
+turn it off.  Otherwise, activate an input method -- the one most
+recently used, or the one specified in `default-input-method', or
+the one read from the minibuffer.
-Without arg, if some input method is currently activated, turn it off,
-else turn on an input method selected last time
-or the default input method (see `default-input-method').
+With a prefix argument, read an input method from the minibuffer and
+turn it on.
-When there's no input method to turn on, turn on what read from minibuffer."
+The default is to use the most recent input method specified
+\(not including the currently active input method, if any)."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let* ((default (or (car input-method-history) default-input-method)))
-    (if (and current-input-method (not arg))
-	(inactivate-input-method)
+  (if (and current-input-method (not arg))
+      (inactivate-input-method)
+    (let ((default (or (car input-method-history) default-input-method)))
+      (if (and arg default (equal current-input-method default)
+	       (> (length input-method-history) 1))
+	  (setq default (nth 1 input-method-history)))
        (if (or arg (not default))
-	   (read-input-method-name
-	    (if default "Input method (default %s): " "Input method: " )
-	    default t)  
+	   (progn
+	     (read-input-method-name
+	      (if default "Input method (default %s): " "Input method: " )
+	      default t))
       (or default-input-method
 	  (setq default-input-method current-input-method)))))
 (defun describe-input-method (input-method)
-  "Describe  input method INPUT-METHOD."
+  "Describe input method INPUT-METHOD."
    (list (read-input-method-name
 	  "Describe input method (default, current choice): ")))
@@ -486,12 +898,11 @@
 	       (fboundp describe-current-input-method-function))
 	  (funcall describe-current-input-method-function)
 	(message "No way to describe the current input method `%s'"
-		 (cdr current-input-method))
+		 current-input-method)
     (error "No input method is activated now")))
-(defun read-multilingual-string (prompt &optional initial-input
-					input-method)
+(defun read-multilingual-string (prompt &optional initial-input input-method)
   "Read a multilingual string from minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
 The input method selected last time is activated in minibuffer.
 If optional second arg INITIAL-INPUT is non-nil, insert it in the minibuffer
@@ -501,37 +912,51 @@
 or a string."
   (setq input-method
 	(or input-method
+	    current-input-method
 	    (read-input-method-name "Input method: " nil t)))
   (if (and input-method (symbolp input-method))
       (setq input-method (symbol-name input-method)))
-  (let ((current-input-method input-method))
-    ;; FSFmacs
-    ;; (read-string prompt initial-input nil nil t)))
-    (read-string prompt initial-input nil)))
+  (let ((prev-input-method current-input-method))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn
+	  (activate-input-method input-method)
+	  ;; FSF Emacs
+	  ;; (read-string prompt initial-input nil nil t)
+	  (read-string prompt initial-input nil))
+      (activate-input-method prev-input-method))))
 ;; Variables to control behavior of input methods.  All input methods
 ;; should react to these variables.
-(defcustom input-method-verbose-flag t
-  "*If this flag is non-nil, input methods give extra guidance.
+(defcustom input-method-verbose-flag 'default
+  "*A flag to control extra guidance given by input methods.
+The value should be nil, t, `complex-only', or `default'.
 The extra guidance is done by showing list of available keys in echo
+area.  When you use the input method in the minibuffer, the guidance
+is shown at the bottom short window (split from the existing window).
+If the value is t, extra guidance is always given, if the value is
+nil, extra guidance is always suppressed.
-For complex input methods such as `chinese-py' and `japanese',
-when you use the input method in the minibuffer, the guidance is
-shown at the bottom short window (split from the existing window).
-For simple input methods, guidance is not shown
-when you are in the minibuffer."
-  :type 'boolean
+If the value is `complex-only', only complex input methods such as
+`chinese-py' and `japanese' give extra guidance.
+If the value is `default', complex input methods always give extra
+guidance, but simple input methods give it only when you are not in
+the minibuffer.
+See also the variable `input-method-highlight-flag'."
+  :type '(choice (const t) (const nil) (const complex-only) (const default))
   :group 'mule)
 (defcustom input-method-highlight-flag t
   "*If this flag is non-nil, input methods highlight partially-entered text.
 For instance, while you are in the middle of a Quail input method sequence,
 the text inserted so far is temporarily underlined.
-The underlining goes away when you finish or abort the input method sequence."
+The underlining goes away when you finish or abort the input method sequence.
+See also the variable `input-method-verbose-flag'."
   :type 'boolean
   :group 'mule)
@@ -545,22 +970,53 @@
   "Normal hook run just after an input method is inactivated.
 The variable `current-input-method' still keeps the input method name
-just inacitvated.")
+just inactivated.")
 (defvar input-method-after-insert-chunk-hook nil
   "Normal hook run just after an input method insert some chunk of text.")
+(defvar input-method-exit-on-first-char nil
+  "This flag controls a timing when an input method returns.
+Usually, the input method does not return while there's a possibility
+that it may find a different translation if a user types another key.
+But, it this flag is non-nil, the input method returns as soon as
+the current key sequence gets long enough to have some valid translation.")
+(defvar input-method-use-echo-area nil
+  "This flag controls how an input method shows an intermediate key sequence.
+Usually, the input method inserts the intermediate key sequence,
+or candidate translations corresponding to the sequence,
+at point in the current buffer.
+But, if this flag is non-nil, it displays them in echo area instead.")
 (defvar input-method-exit-on-invalid-key nil
   "This flag controls the behaviour of an input method on invalid key input.
 Usually, when a user types a key which doesn't start any character
 handled by the input method, the key is handled by turning off the
-input method temporalily.  After the key is handled, the input method is 
-back on.
+input method temporarily.  After that key, the input method is re-enabled.
 But, if this flag is non-nil, the input method is never back on.")
+(defvar set-language-environment-hook nil
+  "Normal hook run after some language environment is set.
+When you set some hook function here, that effect usually should not
+be inherited to another language environment.  So, you had better set
+another function in `exit-language-environment-hook' (which see) to
+cancel the effect.")
+(defvar exit-language-environment-hook nil
+  "Normal hook run after exiting from some language environment.
+When this hook is run, the variable `current-language-environment'
+is still bound to the language environment being exited.
+This hook is mainly used for canceling the effect of
+`set-language-environment-hook' (which-see).")
+(put 'setup-specified-language-environment 'apropos-inhibit t)
 (defun setup-specified-language-environment ()
-  "Set up multi-lingual environment convenient for the specified language."
+  "Switch to a specified language environment."
   (let (language-name)
     (if (and (symbolp last-command-event)
@@ -570,30 +1026,246 @@
 	(set-language-environment language-name)
       (error "Bogus calling sequence"))))
-(defvar current-language-environment "English"
-  "The last language environment specified with `set-language-environment'.")
+(defcustom current-language-environment "English"
+  "The last language environment specified with `set-language-environment'.
+This variable should be set only with \\[customize], which is equivalent
+to using the function `set-language-environment'."
+  :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Language Environments")
+  :set (lambda (symbol value) (set-language-environment value))
+  :get (lambda (x)
+	 (or (car-safe (assoc-ignore-case
+			(if (symbolp current-language-environment)
+			    (symbol-name current-language-environment)
+			  current-language-environment)
+			language-info-alist))
+	     "English"))
+  :type (cons 'choice (mapcar (lambda (lang)
+				(list 'const (car lang)))
+			      language-info-alist))
+  :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+  :group 'mule
+  :type 'string)
+(defun reset-language-environment ()
+  "Reset multilingual environment of Emacs to the default status.
+The default status is as follows:
+  The default value of buffer-file-coding-system is nil.
+  The default coding system for process I/O is nil.
+  The default value for the command `set-terminal-coding-system' is nil.
+  The default value for the command `set-keyboard-coding-system' is nil.
+  The order of priorities of coding categories and the coding system
+  bound to each category are as follows
+	coding category		coding system
+	--------------------------------------------------
+	iso-8-2			iso-8859-1
+	iso-8-1			iso-8859-1
+	iso-7			iso-2022-7bit
+	iso-lock-shift		iso-2022-lock
+	iso-8-designate		iso-2022-8bit-ss2
+	no-conversion		raw-text
+	shift-jis		shift_jis
+	big5			big5
+	ucs-4			----
+	utf-8			----
+  (interactive)
+  ;; This function formerly set default-enable-multibyte-characters to t,
+  ;; but that is incorrect.  It should not alter the unibyte/multibyte choice.
+  (set-coding-category-system 'iso-7		'iso-2022-7bit)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-1		'iso-8859-1)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-2		'iso-8859-1)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'iso-lock-shift	'iso-2022-lock)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-designate	'iso-2022-8bit-ss2)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'no-conversion	'raw-text)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'shift-jis	'shift_jis)
+  (set-coding-category-system 'big5		'big5)
+  (cond ((eq (coding-system-type (coding-category-system 'utf-8)) 'utf-8)
+	 (set-coding-category-system 'ucs-4 'iso-10646-ucs-4)
+	 (set-coding-category-system 'utf-8 'utf-8)
+	 (set-coding-priority-list
+	  '(iso-8-1
+	    iso-8-2
+	    iso-7
+	    iso-lock-shift
+	    iso-8-designate
+	    utf-8
+	    ucs-4
+	    no-conversion
+	    shift-jis
+	    big5))
+	 )
+	(t
+	 (set-coding-priority-list
+	  '(iso-8-1
+	    iso-8-2
+	    iso-7
+	    iso-lock-shift
+	    iso-8-designate
+	    no-conversion
+	    shift-jis
+	    big5))
+	 ))
+  ;; (update-coding-systems-internal)
+  (set-default-coding-systems nil)
+  ;; Don't alter the terminal and keyboard coding systems here.
+  ;; The terminal still supports the same coding system
+  ;; that it supported a minute ago.
+;;;  (set-terminal-coding-system-internal nil)
+;;;  (set-keyboard-coding-system-internal nil)
+  ;; (setq nonascii-translation-table nil
+  ;;       nonascii-insert-offset 0)
+  )
 (defun set-language-environment (language-name)
   "Set up multi-lingual environment for using LANGUAGE-NAME.
 This sets the coding system priority and the default input method
-and sometimes other things."
-  (interactive (list (read-language-name 'setup-function
-					 "Set language environment: ")))
+and sometimes other things.  LANGUAGE-NAME should be a string
+which is the name of a language environment.  For example, \"Latin-1\"
+specifies the character set for the major languages of Western Europe."
+  (interactive (list (read-language-name
+		      nil
+		      "Set language environment (default, English): ")))
   (if language-name
       (if (symbolp language-name)
 	  (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
     (setq language-name "English"))
-  (if (null (get-language-info language-name 'setup-function))
+  (or (assoc-ignore-case language-name language-info-alist)
       (error "Language environment not defined: %S" language-name))
-  (funcall (get-language-info language-name 'setup-function))
-  (setq current-language-environment language-name)
+  (if current-language-environment
+      (let ((func (get-language-info current-language-environment
+				     'exit-function)))
+	(run-hooks 'exit-language-environment-hook)
+	(if (fboundp func) (funcall func))))
+  (let ((default-eol-type (coding-system-eol-type
+			   default-buffer-file-coding-system)))
+    (reset-language-environment)
+    (setq current-language-environment language-name)
+    (set-language-environment-coding-systems language-name default-eol-type))
+  (let ((input-method (get-language-info language-name 'input-method)))
+    (when input-method
+      (setq default-input-method input-method)
+      (if input-method-history
+	  (setq input-method-history
+		(cons input-method
+		      (delete input-method input-method-history))))))
+  ;; (let ((nonascii (get-language-info language-name 'nonascii-translation))
+  ;;       (dos-table
+  ;;        (if (eq window-system 'pc)
+  ;;            (intern
+  ;;             (concat "cp" dos-codepage "-nonascii-translation-table")))))
+  ;;   (cond
+  ;;    ((char-table-p nonascii)
+  ;;     (setq nonascii-translation-table nonascii))
+  ;;    ((and (eq window-system 'pc) (boundp dos-table))
+  ;;     ;; DOS terminals' default is to use a special non-ASCII translation
+  ;;     ;; table as appropriate for the installed codepage.
+  ;;     (setq nonascii-translation-table (symbol-value dos-table)))
+  ;;    ((charsetp nonascii)
+  ;;     (setq nonascii-insert-offset (- (make-char nonascii) 128)))))
+  ;; (setq charset-origin-alist
+  ;;       (get-language-info language-name 'charset-origin-alist))
+  ;; Unibyte setups if necessary.
+  ;; (unless default-enable-multibyte-characters
+  ;;   ;; Syntax and case table.
+  ;;   (let ((syntax (get-language-info language-name 'unibyte-syntax)))
+  ;;     (if syntax
+  ;;         (let ((set-case-syntax-set-multibyte nil))
+  ;;           (load syntax nil t))
+  ;;       ;; No information for syntax and case.  Reset to the defaults.
+  ;;       (let ((syntax-table (standard-syntax-table))
+  ;;             (case-table (standard-case-table))
+  ;;             (ch (if (eq window-system 'pc) 128 160)))
+  ;;         (while (< ch 256)
+  ;;           (modify-syntax-entry ch " " syntax-table)
+  ;;           (aset case-table ch ch)
+  ;;           (setq ch (1+ ch)))
+  ;;         (set-char-table-extra-slot case-table 0 nil)
+  ;;         (set-char-table-extra-slot case-table 1 nil)
+  ;;         (set-char-table-extra-slot case-table 2 nil))
+  ;;       (set-standard-case-table (standard-case-table))
+  ;;       (let ((list (buffer-list)))
+  ;;         (while list
+  ;;           (with-current-buffer (car list)
+  ;;             (set-case-table (standard-case-table)))
+  ;;           (setq list (cdr list))))))
+  ;;   ;; Display table and coding system for terminal.
+  ;;   (let ((coding (get-language-info language-name 'unibyte-display)))
+  ;;     (if coding
+  ;;         (standard-display-european-internal)
+  ;;       (standard-display-default (if (eq window-system 'pc) 128 160) 255)
+  ;;       (aset standard-display-table 146 nil))
+  ;;     (or (eq window-system 'pc)
+  ;;         (set-terminal-coding-system coding))))
+  (let ((required-features (get-language-info language-name 'features)))
+    (while required-features
+      (require (car required-features))
+      (setq required-features (cdr required-features))))
+  (let ((func (get-language-info language-name 'setup-function)))
+    (if (fboundp func)
+	(funcall func)))
+  (run-hooks 'set-language-environment-hook)
   (force-mode-line-update t))
+;; (defun standard-display-european-internal ()
+;;   ;; Actually set up direct output of non-ASCII characters.
+;;   (standard-display-8bit (if (eq window-system 'pc) 128 160) 255)
+;;   ;; Unibyte Emacs on MS-DOS wants to display all 8-bit characters with
+;;   ;; the native font, and codes 160 and 146 stand for something very
+;;   ;; different there.
+;;   (or (and (eq window-system 'pc) (not default-enable-multibyte-characters))
+;;       (progn
+;;         ;; Make non-line-break space display as a plain space.
+;;         ;; Most X fonts do the wrong thing for code 160.
+;;         (aset standard-display-table 160 [32])
+;;         ;; Most Windows programs send out apostrophe's as \222.  Most X fonts
+;;         ;; don't contain a character at that position.  Map it to the ASCII
+;;         ;; apostrophe.
+;;         (aset standard-display-table 146 [39]))))
+(defun set-language-environment-coding-systems (language-name
+						&optional eol-type)
+  "Do various coding system setups for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.
+The optional arg EOL-TYPE specifies the eol-type of the default value
+of buffer-file-coding-system set by this function."
+  (let* ((priority (get-language-info language-name 'coding-priority))
+	 (default-coding (car priority)))
+    (if priority
+	(let ((categories (mapcar 'coding-system-category priority))
+	      category checked-categories)
+	  (set-default-coding-systems
+	   (if (memq eol-type '(lf crlf cr unix dos mac))
+	       (coding-system-change-eol-conversion default-coding eol-type)
+	     default-coding))
+          ;; (setq default-sendmail-coding-system default-coding)
+	  (while priority
+	    (unless (memq (setq category (car categories)) checked-categories)
+	      (set-coding-category-system category (car priority))
+	      (setq checked-categories (cons category checked-categories)))
+	    (setq priority (cdr priority)
+		  categories (cdr categories)))
+	  (set-coding-priority-list (nreverse checked-categories))
+          ;; (update-coding-systems-internal)
+	  ))))
 ;; Print all arguments with `princ', then print "\n".
 (defsubst princ-list (&rest args)
   (while args (princ (car args)) (setq args (cdr args)))
   (princ "\n"))
+(put 'describe-specified-language-support 'apropos-inhibit t)
 ;; Print a language specific information such as input methods,
 ;; charsets, and coding systems.  This function is intended to be
 ;; called from the menu:
@@ -613,7 +1285,7 @@
    (list (read-language-name
-	  "Describe language environment (default, current choise): ")))
+	  "Describe language environment (default, current choice): ")))
   (if (null language-name)
       (setq language-name current-language-environment))
   (if (or (null language-name)
@@ -623,8 +1295,9 @@
       (setq language-name (symbol-name language-name)))
   (let ((doc (get-language-info language-name 'documentation)))
     (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+      (princ-list language-name " language environment" "\n")
       (if (stringp doc)
-  	  (progn
+	  (progn
 	    (princ-list doc)
       (let ((str (get-language-info language-name 'sample-text)))
@@ -633,9 +1306,15 @@
 	      (princ "Sample text:\n")
 	      (princ-list "  " str)
-      (princ "Input methods:\n")
-      (let ((l input-method-alist))
-  	(while l
+      (let ((input-method (get-language-info language-name 'input-method))
+	    (l (copy-sequence input-method-alist)))
+	(princ "Input methods")
+	(when input-method
+	  (princ (format " (default, %s)" input-method))
+	  (setq input-method (assoc input-method input-method-alist))
+	  (setq l (cons input-method (delete input-method l))))
+	(princ ":\n")
+	(while l
 	  (if (string= language-name (nth 1 (car l)))
 	      (princ-list "  " (car (car l))
 			  (format " (`%s' in mode line)" (nth 3 (car l)))))
@@ -658,9 +1337,14 @@
 	    (princ ; (format "  %s (`%c' in mode line):\n\t%s\n"
 	     ;; In XEmacs, `coding-system-mnemonic' returns string.
 	     (format "  %s (`%s' in mode line):\n\t%s\n"
-		     (car l)
-		     (coding-system-mnemonic (car l))
-		     (coding-system-doc-string (car l))))
+			   (car l)
+			   (coding-system-mnemonic (car l))
+			   (coding-system-doc-string (car l))))
+            ;; (let ((aliases (coding-system-get (car l) 'alias-coding-systems)))
+            ;;   (when aliases
+            ;;     (princ "\t")
+            ;;     (princ (cons 'alias: (cdr aliases)))
+            ;;     (terpri)))
 	    (setq l (cdr l))))))))
 ;;; Charset property
@@ -680,7 +1364,7 @@
 (defvar char-code-property-table
   (make-char-table 'generic)
   "Char-table containing a property list of each character code.
 See also the documentation of `get-char-code-property' and
 ;;   (let ((plist (aref char-code-property-table char)))
@@ -701,8 +1385,70 @@
 	    (nconc plist (list propname value))))
       (put-char-table char (list propname value) char-code-property-table)
-;;               (setcar (cdr slot) value)
-;;             (nconc plist (list propname value))))
-;;       (aset char-code-property-table char (list propname value)))))
+;; Pretty description of encoded string
+;; Alist of ISO 2022 control code vs the corresponding mnemonic string.
+;; (defvar iso-2022-control-alist
+;;   '((?\x1b . "ESC")
+;;     (?\x0e . "SO")
+;;     (?\x0f . "SI")
+;;     (?\x8e . "SS2")
+;;     (?\x8f . "SS3")
+;;     (?\x9b . "CSI")))
+;; (defun encoded-string-description (str coding-system)
+;;   "Return a pretty description of STR that is encoded by CODING-SYSTEM."
+;;   (setq str (string-as-unibyte str))
+;;   (let ((char (aref str 0))
+;;         desc)
+;;     (when (< char 128)
+;;       (setq desc (or (cdr (assq char iso-2022-control-alist))
+;;                      (char-to-string char)))
+;;       (let ((i 1)
+;;             (len (length str))) 
+;;         (while (< i len)
+;;           (setq char (aref str i))
+;;           (if (>= char 128)
+;;               (setq desc nil i len)
+;;             (setq desc (concat desc " "
+;;                                (or (cdr (assq char iso-2022-control-alist))
+;;                                    (char-to-string char)))
+;;                   i (1+ i))))))
+;;     (or desc
+;;         (mapconcat (function (lambda (x) (format "0x%02x" x))) str " "))))
+;; (defun encode-coding-char (char coding-system)
+;;   "Encode CHAR by CODING-SYSTEM and return the resulting string.
+;; If CODING-SYSTEM can't safely encode CHAR, return nil."
+;;   (if (cmpcharp char)
+;;       (setq char (car (decompose-composite-char char 'list))))
+;;   (let ((str1 (char-to-string char))
+;;         (str2 (make-string 2 char))
+;;         (safe-charsets (and coding-system
+;;                             (coding-system-get coding-system 'safe-charsets)))
+;;         enc1 enc2 i1 i2)
+;;     (when (or (eq safe-charsets t)
+;;               (memq (char-charset char) safe-charsets))
+;;       ;; We must find the encoded string of CHAR.  But, just encoding
+;;       ;; CHAR will put extra control sequences (usually to designate
+;;       ;; ASCII charaset) at the tail if type of CODING is ISO 2022.
+;;       ;; To exclude such tailing bytes, we at first encode one-char
+;;       ;; string and two-char string, then check how many bytes at the
+;;       ;; tail of both encoded strings are the same.
+;;       (setq enc1 (string-as-unibyte (encode-coding-string str1 coding-system))
+;;             i1 (length enc1)
+;;             enc2 (string-as-unibyte (encode-coding-string str2 coding-system))
+;;             i2 (length enc2))
+;;       (while (and (> i1 0) (= (aref enc1 (1- i1)) (aref enc2 (1- i2))))
+;;         (setq i1 (1- i1) i2 (1- i2)))
+;;       ;; Now (substring enc1 i1) and (substring enc2 i2) are the same,
+;;       ;; and they are the extra control sequences at the tail to
+;;       ;; exclude.
+;;       (substring enc2 0 i2))))
 ;;; mule-cmds.el ends here