diff lisp/menubar-items.el @ 771:943eaba38521

[xemacs-hg @ 2002-03-13 08:51:24 by ben] The big ben-mule-21-5 check-in! Various files were added and deleted. See CHANGES-ben-mule. There are still some test suite failures. No crashes, though. Many of the failures have to do with problems in the test suite itself rather than in the actual code. I'll be addressing these in the next day or so -- none of the test suite failures are at all critical. Meanwhile I'll be trying to address the biggest issues -- i.e. build or run failures, which will almost certainly happen on various platforms. All comments should be sent to ben@xemacs.org -- use a Cc: if necessary when sending to mailing lists. There will be pre- and post- tags, something like pre-ben-mule-21-5-merge-in, and post-ben-mule-21-5-merge-in.
author ben
date Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:54:06 +0000 (2002-03-13)
parents b9b8621c2439
children 026c5bf9c134
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/menubar-items.el	Fri Mar 08 13:33:14 2002 +0000
+++ b/lisp/menubar-items.el	Wed Mar 13 08:54:06 2002 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 1991-1995, 1997-1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems and INS Engineering Corp.
 ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems.
-;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2000 Ben Wing.
+;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ben Wing.
 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 MORIOKA Tomohiko.
 ;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
@@ -128,6 +128,107 @@
 	(t "")))
+(defcustom menu-max-items 25
+  "*Maximum number of items in generated menus.
+If number of entries in such a menu is larger than this value, split menu
+into submenus of nearly equal length (see `menu-submenu-max-items').  If
+nil, never split menu into submenus."
+  :group 'menu
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "no submenus" nil)
+		 (integer)))
+(defcustom menu-submenu-max-items 20
+  "*Maximum number of items in submenus when splitting menus.
+We split large menus into submenus of this many items, and then balance
+them out as much as possible (otherwise the last submenu may have very few
+  :group 'menu
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom menu-submenu-name-format "%-12.12s ... %.12s"
+  "*Format specification of the submenu name when splitting menus.
+Used by `menu-split-long-menu' if the number of entries in a menu is
+larger than `menu-menu-max-items'.
+This string should contain one %s for the name of the first entry and
+one %s for the name of the last entry in the submenu.
+If the value is a function, it should return the submenu name.  The
+function is be called with two arguments, the names of the first and
+the last entry in the menu."
+  :group 'menu
+  :type '(choice (string :tag "Format string")
+		 (function)))
+(defun menu-split-long-menu (menu)
+  "Split MENU according to `menu-max-items' and add accelerator specs."
+  (let ((len (length menu)))
+    (if (or (null menu-max-items)
+	    (<= len menu-max-items))
+	(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec menu)
+      (let* ((outer (/ (+ len (1- menu-submenu-max-items))
+		       menu-submenu-max-items))
+	     (inner (/ (+ len (1- outer)) outer))
+	     (result nil))
+	(while menu
+	  (let ((sub nil)
+		(from (car menu)))
+	    (dotimes (foo (min inner len))
+	      (setq sub  (cons (car menu) sub)
+		    menu (cdr menu)))
+	    (setq len (- len inner))
+	    (let ((to (car sub)))
+	      (setq sub (nreverse sub))
+	      (setq result
+		    (cons (cons (if (stringp menu-submenu-name-format)
+				    (format menu-submenu-name-format
+					    (menu-item-strip-accelerator-spec
+					     (aref from 0))
+					    (menu-item-strip-accelerator-spec
+					     (aref to 0)))
+				  (funcall menu-submenu-name-format
+					   (menu-item-strip-accelerator-spec
+					    (aref from 0))
+					   (menu-item-strip-accelerator-spec
+					    (aref to 0))))
+				(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec sub))
+			  result)))))
+	(submenu-generate-accelerator-spec (nreverse result))))))
+(defun menu-sort-menu (menu)
+  "Sort MENU alphabetically."
+  (sort menu
+	#'(lambda (a b) (string-lessp (aref a 0) (aref b 0)))))
+(defun coding-system-menu-filter (fun active &optional dots)
+  "Filter for menu entries with a submenu listing all coding systems.
+This is for operations that take a coding system as an argument.  FUN
+should be a function of one argument, which will be a coding system symbol.
+ACTIVE should be a function one argument (again, a coding system symbol),
+indicating whether the entry is active.  If DOTS is given, the menu entries
+will have three dots appended.
+Write your filter like this:
+  (lambda (menu)
+    (lambda (entry) ...)
+    (lambda (entry) ...))
+  (menu-split-long-menu
+   (menu-sort-menu
+    (mapcar
+     #'(lambda (_csmf_entry)
+	 `[ ,(concat (coding-system-description _csmf_entry)
+		     (if dots "..." ""))
+	    (funcall ,fun ',_csmf_entry)
+	    :active (funcall ,active ',_csmf_entry)
+	    ])
+     (delete-if
+      #'(lambda (name)
+	  (or (coding-system-alias-p name)
+	      (not (eq name (coding-system-name
+			     (coding-system-base name))))))
+      (coding-system-list))))))
 (defconst default-menubar
 ; (purecopy-menubar ;purespace is dead
    ;; note backquote.
@@ -136,6 +237,16 @@
       ["%_Open..." find-file]
       ["Open in Other %_Window..." find-file-other-window]
       ["Open in New %_Frame..." find-file-other-frame]
+      ("Open with Specified %_Encoding"
+       :filter
+       (lambda (menu)
+	 (coding-system-menu-filter
+	  (lambda (entry)
+	    (let ((coding-system-for-read entry))
+	      (call-interactively 'find-file)))
+	  (lambda (entry) t)
+	  t))
+       )
       ["%_Hex Edit File..." hexl-find-file
        :active (fboundp 'hexl-find-file)]
       ["%_Insert File..." insert-file]
@@ -164,19 +275,27 @@
       ["%_Revert Buffer" revert-buffer
        :active (or buffer-file-name revert-buffer-function)
        :suffix (if put-buffer-names-in-file-menu (buffer-name) "")]
+      ("Rever%_t Buffer with Specified Encoding"
+       :filter
+       (lambda (menu)
+	 (coding-system-menu-filter
+	  (lambda (entry)
+	    (let ((coding-system-for-read entry))
+	      (revert-buffer)))
+	  (lambda (entry) (or buffer-file-name revert-buffer-function))
+	  t))
+       )
       ["Re%_cover File..." recover-file]
-      ["Recover S%_ession..." recover-session]
+      ["Recover Sessio%_n..." recover-session]
       ["E%_xit XEmacs" save-buffers-kill-emacs]
-      ["%_Undo" advertised-undo
+      ["%_Undo" undo
        :active (and (not (eq buffer-undo-list t))
 		    (or buffer-undo-list pending-undo-list))
-       :suffix (if (or (eq last-command 'undo)
-		       (eq last-command 'advertised-undo))
-		   "More" "")]
+       :suffix (if (eq last-command 'undo) "More" "")]
       ["%_Redo" redo
        :included (fboundp 'redo)
        :active (not (or (eq buffer-undo-list t)
@@ -206,36 +325,7 @@
       ["%_Find..." make-search-dialog]
       ["R%_eplace..." query-replace]
       ["Replace (Rege%_xp)..." query-replace-regexp]
-      ["%_List Matching Lines..." list-matching-lines]
-      ,@(when (featurep 'mule)
-	 '("----"
-	   ("%_Multilingual (\"Mule\")"
-	    ("%_Describe Language Support")
-	    ("%_Set Language Environment")
-	    "--"
-	    ["T%_oggle Input Method" toggle-input-method]
-	    ["Select %_Input Method" set-input-method]
-	    ["D%_escribe Input Method" describe-input-method]
-	    "--"
-	    ["Describe Current %_Coding Systems"
-	     describe-current-coding-system]
-	    ["Set Coding System of %_Buffer File..."
-	     set-buffer-file-coding-system]
-	    ;; not implemented yet
-	    ["Set Coding System of %_Terminal..."
-	     set-terminal-coding-system :active nil]
-	    ;; not implemented yet
-	    ["Set Coding System of %_Keyboard..."
-	     set-keyboard-coding-system :active nil]
-	    ["Set Coding System of %_Process..."
-	     set-buffer-process-coding-system
-	     :active (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))]
-	    "--"
-	    ["Show Cha%_racter Table" view-charset-by-menu]
-	    ;; not implemented yet
-	    ["Show Dia%_gnosis for MULE" mule-diag :active nil]
-	    ["Show \"%_hello\" in Many Languages" view-hello-file]))
-	 )
+      ["List %_Matching Lines..." list-matching-lines]
@@ -469,13 +559,12 @@
 		       (and buffer (get-buffer-process buffer))))]
        ["Grep %_All Files in Current Directory..."
-	(progn
-	  (require 'compile)
-	  (let ((grep-command
-		 (cons (concat grep-command " *")
-		       (length grep-command))))
-	    (call-interactively 'grep)))
-	:active (fboundp 'grep)]
+	grep-all-files-in-current-directory
+	:active (fboundp 'grep-all-files-in-current-directory)]
+       ["G%_rep All Files in Current Directory and Below..."
+	grep-all-files-in-current-directory-and-below
+	:active (fboundp 'grep-all-files-in-current-directory-and-below)]
+       "---"
        ["Grep %_C and C Header Files in Current Directory..."
 	  (require 'compile)
@@ -900,24 +989,87 @@
 	:active (and (boundp 'send-mail-function)
 		     (eq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it))])
-       ["%_Debug on Error"
-	(customize-set-variable 'debug-on-error (not debug-on-error))
+       ["%_Debug on Error [not saved]"
+	(setq debug-on-error (not debug-on-error))
 	:style toggle :selected debug-on-error]
-       ["Debug on %_Quit"
-	(customize-set-variable 'debug-on-quit (not debug-on-quit))
+       ["Debug on %_Quit [not saved]"
+	(setq debug-on-quit (not debug-on-quit))
 	:style toggle :selected debug-on-quit]
-       ["Debug on S%_ignal"
-	(customize-set-variable 'debug-on-signal (not debug-on-signal))
+       ["Debug on S%_ignal [not saved]"
+	(setq debug-on-signal (not debug-on-signal))
 	:style toggle :selected debug-on-signal]
-       ["%_Stack Trace on Error"
-	(customize-set-variable 'stack-trace-on-error
-				(not stack-trace-on-error))
+       ["%_Stack Trace on Error [not saved]"
+	(setq stack-trace-on-error (not stack-trace-on-error))
 	:style toggle :selected stack-trace-on-error]
-       ["Stack Trace on Si%_gnal"
-	(customize-set-variable 'stack-trace-on-signal
-				(not stack-trace-on-signal))
+       ["Stack Trace on Si%_gnal [not saved]"
+	(setq stack-trace-on-signal (not stack-trace-on-signal))
 	:style toggle :selected stack-trace-on-signal]
+      ("Encodin%_g"
+       ["Automatic %_EOL Detection"
+	(customize-set-variable 'eol-detection-enabled-p
+				(not eol-detection-enabled-p))
+	:style toggle
+	:selected eol-detection-enabled-p
+	:included (not (memq system-type '(windows-nt cygwin32)))]
+       ("Set Coding System of %_Buffer File"
+	:filter
+	(lambda (menu)
+	  (coding-system-menu-filter
+	   (lambda (entry)
+	     (set-buffer-file-coding-system entry))
+	   (lambda (entry) t)
+	   ))
+	)
+       ;; not implemented yet
+       ("Set Coding System of %_Terminal"
+	:filter
+	(lambda (menu)
+	  (coding-system-menu-filter
+	   (lambda (entry)
+	     (set-terminal-coding-system entry))
+	   (lambda (entry) nil)
+	   ))
+	)
+       ;; not implemented yet
+       ("Set Coding System of %_Keyboard"
+	:filter
+	(lambda (menu)
+	  (coding-system-menu-filter
+	   (lambda (entry)
+	     (set-keyboard-coding-system entry))
+	   (lambda (entry) nil)
+	   ))
+	)
+       ("Set Coding System of %_Process"
+	:filter
+	(lambda (menu)
+	  (coding-system-menu-filter
+	   (lambda (entry)
+	     (set-buffer-process-coding-system entry))
+	   (lambda (entry) (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+	   ))
+	)
+       )
+      ,@(when (featurep 'mule)
+	  '(("Internationa%_l"
+	     ("Set %_Language Environment"
+	      :filter
+	      (lambda (menu)
+		(menu-split-long-menu
+		 (menu-sort-menu
+		  (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
+			      `[ ,(car entry)
+				 (set-language-environment ',(car entry))
+				 :style radio
+				 :selected
+				 ,(equal (car entry)
+					 current-language-environment)])
+			  language-info-alist)
+		  ))))
+	     ["%_Toggle Input Method" toggle-input-method]
+	     ["Select %_Input Method" set-input-method]
+	     )))
        ,@(if (featurep 'scrollbar)
@@ -1439,6 +1591,31 @@
        ["Describe %_Function..." describe-function]
        ["Describe %_Variable..." describe-variable]
        ["%_Locate Command in Keymap..." where-is])
+      ,@(when (featurep 'mule)
+	  '(("Internationa%_l"
+	     ("Describe %_Language Support"
+	      :filter
+	      (lambda (menu)
+		(menu-split-long-menu
+		 (menu-sort-menu
+		  (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
+			      `[ ,(car entry)
+				 (describe-language-environment
+				  ',(car entry))
+				:style radio
+				:selected
+				,(equal (car entry)
+					current-language-environment)])
+			  language-info-alist)
+		  ))))
+	     ["Describe %_Input Method" describe-input-method]
+	     ["Describe Current %_Coding Systems"
+	      describe-current-coding-system]
+	     ["Show Character %_Table" view-charset-by-menu]
+	     ;; not implemented yet
+	     ["Show %_Diagnosis for MULE" mule-diag :active nil]
+	     ["Show \"%_hello\" in Many Languages" view-hello-file]
+	     )))
        ["%_Current Installation Info" describe-installation
 	:active (boundp 'Installation-string)]
@@ -1453,7 +1630,7 @@
        :active (fboundp 'report-xemacs-bug)])))
-(defun maybe-add-init-button ()
+(defun init-menubar-at-startup ()
   "Don't call this.
 Adds `Load .emacs' button to menubar when starting up with -q."
   (when (and (not load-user-init-file-p)
@@ -1470,8 +1647,6 @@
-(add-hook 'before-init-hook 'maybe-add-init-button)
 ;;; The File menu
@@ -1811,17 +1986,6 @@
     (append menu buffers)
-(defun language-environment-menu-filter (menu)
-  "This is the menu filter for the \"Language Environment\" submenu."
-  (declare (special language-environment-list))
-  (let ((n 0))
-    (mapcar (lambda (env-sym)
-	      (setq n (1+ n))
-	      `[ ,(concat (menu-item-generate-accelerator-spec n)
-			  (capitalize (symbol-name env-sym)))
-		 (set-language-environment ',env-sym)])
-	    language-environment-list)))
 ;;; The Options menu
@@ -1877,13 +2041,12 @@
 			   (not (string= (car lang)
 			   `([,(car lang)
-			      (help-with-tutorial nil ,(cdr tut))]))))
+			      (help-with-tutorial nil ,(car lang))]))))
       ;; Non mule tutorials.
       (mapcar #'(lambda (lang)
 		  `[,(car lang)
-		    (help-with-tutorial ,(format "TUTORIAL.%s"
-						 (cadr lang)))])
+		    (help-with-tutorial nil ,(car lang))])
 (set-menubar default-menubar)