diff lisp/setup-paths.el @ 265:8efd647ea9ca r20-5b31

Import from CVS: tag r20-5b31
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:25:37 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 966663fcf606
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/setup-paths.el	Mon Aug 13 10:25:37 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+;;; setup-paths.el --- setup various XEmacs paths
+;; Copyright (C) 1985-1986, 1990, 1992-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois
+;; Author: Mike Sperber <sperber@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
+;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
+;; Keywords: internal, dumped
+;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
+;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+;; This file contains the machinery necessary to find the various
+;; paths into the XEmacs hierarchy.
+(defvar paths-version-control-bases '("RCS" "CVS" "SCCS")
+  "File bases associated with version control.")
+(defun paths-find-recursive-path (directories &optional exclude)
+  "Return a list of the directory hierarchy underneath DIRECTORIES.
+The returned list is sorted by pre-order and lexicographically."
+  (let ((path '()))
+    (while directories
+      (let ((directory (file-name-as-directory
+			(expand-file-name
+			 (car directories)))))
+	(if (file-directory-p directory)
+	    (let ((raw-dirs (directory-files directory nil "^[^-.]" nil 'dirs-only))
+		  (reverse-dirs '()))
+	      (while raw-dirs
+		(if (null (member (car raw-dirs) exclude))
+		    (setq reverse-dirs
+			  (cons (expand-file-name (car raw-dirs) directory)
+				reverse-dirs)))
+		(setq raw-dirs (cdr raw-dirs)))
+	      (let ((sub-path
+		     (paths-find-recursive-path (reverse reverse-dirs) exclude)))
+		(setq path (nconc path
+				  (list directory)
+				  sub-path))))))
+      (setq directories (cdr directories)))
+    path))
+(defun paths-find-recursive-load-path (directories)
+  "Construct a recursive load path underneath DIRECTORIES."
+  (paths-find-recursive-path directories paths-version-control-bases))
+(defun paths-emacs-root-p (directory)
+  "Check if DIRECTORY is a plausible installation root for XEmacs."
+  (or
+   ;; installed
+   (and (boundp 'emacs-version)
+	(file-directory-p
+	 (concat directory "lib/xemacs-" (construct-emacs-version))))
+   ;; in-place
+   (and 
+    (file-directory-p (concat directory "lib-src"))
+    (file-directory-p (concat directory "lisp"))
+    (file-directory-p (concat directory "src")))))
+(defun paths-find-emacs-root
+  (invocation-directory invocation-name)
+  "Find the run-time root of XEmacs."
+  (let ((maybe-root-1 (file-name-as-directory
+		       (expand-file-name ".." invocation-directory)))
+	(maybe-root-2 (file-name-as-directory
+		       (expand-file-name "../.." invocation-directory))))
+    (cond
+     ((paths-emacs-root-p maybe-root-1)
+      maybe-root-1)
+     ((paths-emacs-root-p maybe-root-2)
+      maybe-root-2)
+     (t
+      (let ((maybe-symlink (file-symlink-p (concat invocation-directory
+						   invocation-name))))
+	(if maybe-symlink
+	    (let ((directory (file-name-directory maybe-symlink)))
+	      (paths-find-emacs-root directory invocation-name))
+	  nil))))))
+(defun paths-construct-emacs-directory (root suffix base)
+  "Construct a directory name within the XEmacs hierarchy."
+  (file-name-as-directory
+   (expand-file-name 
+    (concat
+     (file-name-as-directory root)
+     suffix
+     base))))
+(defun paths-find-emacs-directory (roots suffix base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a directory in the XEmacs hierarchy.
+ROOTS must be a list of installation roots.
+SUFFIX is the subdirectory from there.
+BASE is the base to look for.
+ENVVAR is the name of the environment variable that might also
+specify the directory.
+DEFAULT is a fall-back value."
+  (let ((envvar-value (and envvar (getenv envvar))))
+    (if (and envvar-value
+	     (file-directory-p envvar-value))
+	(file-name-as-directory envvar-value)
+      (catch 'gotcha
+	(while roots
+	  (let* ((root (car roots))
+		 (path (paths-construct-emacs-directory root suffix base)))
+	    ;; installed
+	    (if (file-directory-p path)
+		(throw 'gotcha path)
+	      (let ((path (paths-construct-emacs-directory root "" base)))
+		;; in-place
+		(if (file-directory-p path)
+		    (throw 'gotcha path)))))
+	  (setq roots (cdr roots)))
+	(if (and default
+		 (file-directory-p default))
+	    (file-name-as-directory default)
+	  nil)))))
+(defun paths-find-site-directory (roots base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a site-specific directory in the XEmacs hierarchy."
+  (paths-find-emacs-directory roots "lib/xemacs/" base envvar default))
+(defun paths-find-version-directory (roots base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a version-specific directory in the XEmacs hierarchy."
+  (paths-find-emacs-directory roots
+			      (concat "lib/xemacs-" (construct-emacs-version) "/")
+			      base
+			      envvar default))
+(defun paths-find-architecture-directory (roots base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find an architecture-specific directory in the XEmacs hierarchy."
+  (or
+   ;; from more to less specific
+   (paths-find-version-directory roots
+				 (concat base system-configuration)
+				 envvar default)
+   (paths-find-version-directory roots
+				 system-configuration
+				 envvar default)
+   (paths-find-version-directory roots
+				 base
+				 envvar default)))
+(defvar paths-path-emacs-version nil
+  "Emacs version as it appears in paths.")
+(defun construct-emacs-version ()
+  "Construct the raw version number of XEmacs in the form XX.XX."
+  ;; emacs-version isn't available early, but we really don't care then
+  (if (null (boundp 'emacs-version))
+      ""
+  (or paths-path-emacs-version		; cache
+      (progn
+	(string-match "\\`[^0-9]*\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\)" emacs-version)
+	(let ((version (substring emacs-version
+				  (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
+	  (if (string-match "(beta *\\([0-9]+\\))" emacs-version)
+	      (setq version (concat version
+				    "-b"
+				    (substring emacs-version
+					       (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
+	  (setq paths-path-emacs-version version)
+	  version)))))
+(defun paths-find-emacs-path (roots suffix base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a path in the XEmacs hierarchy.
+ROOTS must be a list of installation roots.
+SUFFIX is the subdirectory from there.
+BASE is the base to look for.
+ENVVAR is the name of the environment variable that might also
+specify the path.
+DEFAULT is a fall-back value."
+  (let ((envvar-value (and envvar (getenv envvar))))
+    (if (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) envvar-value)
+	(parse-colon-path envvar-value)
+      (let ((directory (paths-find-emacs-directory roots base suffix)))
+	(if (and directory (file-directory-p directory))
+	    (list directory)
+	  (paths-directories-which-exist default))))))
+(defun paths-directories-which-exist (directories)
+  "Return the directories among DIRECTORIES."
+  (let ((reverse-directories '()))
+    (while directories
+      (if (file-directory-p (car directories))
+	  (setq reverse-directories 
+		(cons (car directories)
+		      reverse-directories)))
+      (setq directories (cdr directories)))
+    (reverse reverse-directories)))
+(defun paths-find-site-path (roots base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a path underneath the site hierarchy."
+  (paths-find-emacs-path roots "lib/xemacs/" base envvar default))
+(defun paths-find-version-path (roots base &optional envvar default)
+  "Find a path underneath the site hierarchy."
+  (paths-find-emacs-path roots
+			 (concat "lib/xemacs-" (construct-emacs-version) "/")
+			 base
+			 envvar default))
+; Packages are special ...
+(defun paths-find-package-path (roots)
+  "Construct the package path underneath installation roots ROOTS."
+  (let ((envvar-value (getenv "EMACSPACKAGEPATH")))
+    (if (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) envvar-value)
+	(parse-colon-path envvar-value)
+      (let ((base-directory (paths-find-site-directory roots "packages")))
+	(if base-directory
+	    (let ((mule-directory (and (featurep 'mule)
+				       (paths-find-site-directory roots
+								  "mule-packages"))))
+	      (append '("~/.xemacs/")
+		      '(nil)
+		      (and mule-directory
+			   (list mule-directory))
+		      (list base-directory)))
+	  configure-package-path)))))
+(defvar paths-package-special-bases '("etc" "info" "lisp" "lib-src" "bin")
+  "Special subdirectories of packages.")
+(defun paths-find-packages-in-directories (directories)
+  "Find all packages underneath directories in DIRECTORIES."
+  (paths-find-recursive-path directories
+			     (append paths-version-control-bases
+				     paths-package-special-bases)))
+(defun paths-split-path (path)
+  "Split PATH at NIL, return pair with two components.
+The second component is shared with PATH."
+  (let ((reverse-early '()))
+    (while (and path (null (null (car path))))
+      (setq reverse-early (cons (car path) reverse-early))
+      (setq path (cdr path)))
+    (if (null path)
+	(cons nil path)
+      (cons (reverse reverse-early) (cdr path)))))
+(defun paths-find-packages (package-path)
+  "Search for all packages in PACKAGE-PATH.
+PACKAGE-PATH may distinguish (by NIL-separation) between early
+and late packages.
+  (let* ((stuff (paths-split-path package-path))
+	 (early (car stuff))
+	 (late (cdr stuff)))
+    (cons (paths-find-packages-in-directories early)
+	  (paths-find-packages-in-directories late))))
+(defun paths-find-package-library-path (packages suffixes)
+  "Construct a path into a component of the packages hierarchy.
+PACKAGES is a list of package directories.
+SUFFIXES is a list of names of package subdirectories to look for."
+  (let ((directories
+	 (apply
+	  #'append
+	  (mapcar #'(lambda (package)
+		      (mapcar #'(lambda (suffix)
+				  (concat package suffix))
+			      suffixes))
+		  packages))))
+    (paths-directories-which-exist directories)))
+(defun paths-find-package-load-path (packages)
+  "Construct the load-path component for packages.
+PACKAGES is a list of package directories."
+  (paths-find-recursive-load-path
+   (paths-find-package-library-path packages '("lisp/"))))
+(defun paths-find-package-exec-path (packages)
+  (paths-find-package-library-path packages
+				   (list (concat "bin/" system-configuration "/")
+					 "lib-src/")))
+(defun paths-find-package-info-path (packages)
+  (paths-find-package-library-path packages '("info/")))
+(defun paths-find-package-data-path (packages)
+  (paths-find-package-library-path packages '("etc/")))
+(defun paths-find-emacs-roots (invocation-directory
+			       invocation-name)
+  "Find all plausible installation roots for XEmacs."
+  (let ((invocation-root
+	 (paths-find-emacs-root invocation-directory invocation-name))
+	(installation-root
+	 (if (and configure-prefix-directory
+		  (file-directory-p configure-prefix-directory))
+	     configure-prefix-directory)))
+    (append (and invocation-root
+		 (list invocation-root))
+	    (and installation-root
+		 (list installation-root)))))
+(defun paths-find-load-path (roots early-package-load-path late-package-load-path)
+  "Construct the load path."
+  (let ((envvar-value (getenv "EMACSLOADPATH")))
+    (if (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) envvar-value)
+	(parse-colon-path envvar-value)
+      (let* ((site-lisp-directory
+	      (and allow-site-lisp
+		   (paths-find-site-directory roots "site-lisp"
+					      nil
+					      configure-site-directory)))
+	     (site-lisp-load-path
+	      (and site-lisp-directory
+		   (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list site-lisp-directory))))
+	     (lisp-directory
+	      (paths-find-version-directory roots "lisp"
+					    nil
+					    configure-lisp-directory))
+	     (lisp-load-path
+	      (paths-find-recursive-load-path (list lisp-directory))))
+	(nconc early-package-load-path
+	       site-lisp-load-path
+	       late-package-load-path
+	       lisp-load-path)))))
+(defun paths-find-info-path (roots early-packages late-packages)
+  "Construct the info path."
+  (append
+   (paths-find-package-info-path early-packages)
+   (paths-find-package-info-path late-packages)
+   (let ((info-directory
+	  (paths-find-version-directory roots "info"
+					nil
+					(append
+					 (and configure-info-directory
+					      (list configure-info-directory))
+					 configure-info-path))))
+     (and info-directory
+	  (list info-directory)))
+   (let ((info-path-envval (getenv "INFOPATH")))
+     (if (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) info-path-envval)
+	 (parse-colon-path info-path-envval)))))
+(defun paths-find-doc-directory (roots)
+  "Find the documentation directory."
+  (paths-find-architecture-directory roots "lib-src"))
+(defun paths-find-lock-directory (roots)
+  "Find the lock directory."
+  (paths-find-site-path roots "lock" "EMACSLOCKDIR" configure-lock-directory))
+(defun paths-find-superlock-file (lock-directory)
+  "Find the superlock file."
+  (cond
+   ((null lock-directory)
+    nil)
+   ((and configure-superlock-file
+	 (file-directory-p (file-name-directory configure-superlock-file)))
+    configure-superlock-file)
+   (t
+    (expand-file-name "!!!SuperLock!!!" lock-directory))))
+(defun paths-find-exec-directory (roots)
+  "Find the binary directory."
+  (paths-find-architecture-directory roots "lib-src"))
+(defun paths-find-exec-path (roots exec-directory early-packages late-packages)
+  "Find the binary path."
+  (append
+   (let ((path-envval (getenv "PATH")))
+     (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) path-envval
+	  (parse-colon-path path-envval)))
+   (paths-find-package-exec-path early-packages)
+   (paths-find-package-exec-path late-packages)
+   (let ((emacspath-envval (getenv "EMACSPATH")))
+     (if (and (fboundp 'parse-colon-path) emacspath-envval)
+	 (parse-colon-path path-envval)
+       (paths-directories-which-exist configure-exec-path)))
+   (and exec-directory
+	(list exec-directory))))
+(defun paths-find-data-directory (roots)
+  "Find the data directory."
+  (paths-find-version-directory roots "etc" "EMACSDATA" configure-data-directory))
+(defun paths-find-data-directory-list (data-directory early-packages late-packages)
+  "Find the data path."
+  (append
+   (paths-find-package-data-path early-packages)
+   (paths-find-package-data-path late-packages)
+   (list data-directory)))
+(defun paths-setup-paths ()
+  "Setup all the various paths.
+Call this as often as you like!"
+  ;; XEmacs -- Steven Baur says invocation directory is nil if you
+  ;; try to use XEmacs as a login shell.
+  (or invocation-directory (setq invocation-directory default-directory))
+  (if (fboundp 'abbreviate-file-name)
+      ;; No abbreviate-file-name in temacs
+      (setq invocation-directory
+	    ;; don't let /tmp_mnt/... get into the load-path or exec-path.
+	    (abbreviate-file-name invocation-directory)))
+  (let ((roots (paths-find-emacs-roots invocation-directory invocation-name)))
+    (setq package-path (paths-find-package-path roots))
+    (let ((stuff (paths-find-packages package-path)))
+      (setq early-packages (car stuff))
+      (setq late-packages (cdr stuff)))
+    (setq early-package-load-path (paths-find-package-load-path early-packages))
+    (setq late-package-load-path (paths-find-package-load-path late-packages))
+    (setq load-path (paths-find-load-path roots
+					  early-package-load-path
+					  late-package-load-path))
+    (setq info-path (paths-find-info-path roots early-packages late-packages))
+    (if (boundp 'lock-directory)
+	(progn
+	  (setq lock-directory (paths-find-lock-directory roots))
+	  (setq superlock-file (paths-find-superlock-file lock-directory))))
+    (setq exec-directory (paths-find-exec-directory roots))
+    (setq exec-path (paths-find-exec-path roots exec-directory
+					  early-packages late-packages))
+    (setq doc-directory (paths-find-doc-directory roots))
+    (setq data-directory (paths-find-data-directory roots))
+    (setq data-directory-list (paths-find-data-directory-list data-directory
+							      early-packages
+							      late-packages))))
+(defun paths-setup-paths-warning ()
+  (let ((lock (if (boundp 'lock-directory) lock-directory 't))
+	warnings message guess)
+    (if (and (stringp lock) (null (file-directory-p lock)))
+	(setq lock nil))
+    (cond
+     ((null (and exec-directory data-directory doc-directory load-path lock))
+      (save-excursion
+	(set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *warning-tmp*"))
+	(erase-buffer)
+	(buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
+	(if (null lock)           (push "lock-directory" warnings))
+	(if (null exec-directory) (push "exec-directory" warnings))
+	(if (null data-directory) (push "data-directory" warnings))
+	(if (null doc-directory)  (push "doc-directory"  warnings))
+	(if (null load-path)      (push "load-path"      warnings))
+	(cond ((cdr (cdr warnings))
+	       (setq message (apply 'format "%s, %s, and %s" warnings)))
+	      ((cdr warnings)
+	       (setq message (apply 'format "%s and %s" warnings)))
+	      (t (setq message (format "variable %s" (car warnings)))))
+	(insert "couldn't find an obvious default for " message
+		", and there were no defaults specified in paths.h when "
+		"XEmacs was built.  Perhaps some directories don't exist, "
+		"or the XEmacs executable, " (concat invocation-directory
+						     invocation-name)
+		" is in a strange place?")
+	(if (fboundp 'fill-region)
+	    ;; Might not be bound in the cold load environment...
+	    (let ((fill-column 76))
+	      (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+	(goto-char (point-min))
+	(princ "\nWARNING:\n" 'external-debugging-output)
+	(princ (buffer-string) 'external-debugging-output)
+	(erase-buffer)
+	t)))))
+(defun paths-load-package-lisps (package-load-path base)
+  "Load all Lisp files of a certain name along a load path.
+BASE is the base name of the files."
+  (mapc #'(lambda (dir)
+	    (let ((file-name (expand-file-name base dir)))
+	      (if (file-exists-p file-name)
+		  (condition-case error
+		      (load file-name)
+		    (error
+		     (warn (format "Autoload error in: %s:\n\t%s"
+				   file-name
+				   (with-output-to-string
+				     (display-error error nil)))))))))
+	package-load-path))
+(defun paths-load-package-auto-autoloads (package-load-path)
+  "Load auto-autoload files along a load path."
+  (paths-load-package-lisps package-load-path
+			    (file-name-sans-extension autoload-file-name)))
+(defun paths-load-package-dumped-lisps (package-load-path)
+  "Load dumped-lisp.el files along a load path."
+  (mapc #'(lambda (dir)
+	    (let ((file-name (expand-file-name "dumped-lisp.el" dir)))
+	      (if (file-exists-p file-name)
+		  (let (package-lisp
+			;; 20.4 packages could set this
+			preloaded-file-list)
+		    (load file-name)
+		    ;; dumped-lisp.el could have set this ...
+		    (if package-lisp
+			(mapc #'(lambda (base)
+				  (load (expand-file-name base dir)))
+			      package-lisp))))))
+	package-load-path))
+;;; setup-paths.el ends here