diff lisp/custom.el @ 209:41ff10fd062f r20-4b3

Import from CVS: tag r20-4b3
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:04:58 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children d44af0c54775
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/custom.el	Mon Aug 13 10:04:58 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+;;; custom.el -- Tools for declaring and initializing options.
+;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <abraham@dina.kvl.dk>
+;; Maintainer: Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic@srce.hr>
+;; Keywords: help, faces, dumped
+;; Version: 1.9960-x
+;; X-URL: http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~abraham/custom/
+;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+;; This file only contain the code needed to declare and initialize
+;; user options.  The code to customize options is autoloaded from
+;; `cus-edit.el'. 
+;; The code implementing face declarations is in `cus-face.el'
+;;; Code:
+(require 'widget)
+(defvar custom-define-hook nil
+  ;; Customize information for this option is in `cus-edit.el'.
+  "Hook called after defining each customize option.")
+;;; The `defcustom' Macro.
+(defun custom-initialize-default (symbol value)
+  "Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
+This will do nothing if symbol already has a default binding.
+Otherwise, if symbol has a `saved-value' property, it will evaluate
+the car of that and used as the default binding for symbol.
+Otherwise, VALUE will be evaluated and used as the default binding for
+  (unless (default-boundp symbol)
+    ;; Use the saved value if it exists, otherwise the standard setting.
+    (set-default symbol (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
+			    (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+			  (eval value)))))
+(defun custom-initialize-set (symbol value)
+  "Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
+Like `custom-initialize-default', but use the function specified by
+`:set' to initialize SYMBOL."
+  (unless (default-boundp symbol)
+    (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-set) 'set-default)
+	     symbol 
+	     (if (get symbol 'saved-value)
+		 (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value)))
+	       (eval value)))))
+(defun custom-initialize-reset (symbol value)
+  "Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
+Like `custom-initialize-set', but use the function specified by
+`:get' to reinitialize SYMBOL if it is already bound."
+    (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-set) 'set-default)
+	     symbol 
+	     (cond ((default-boundp symbol)
+		    (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-get) 'default-value)
+			     symbol))
+		   ((get symbol 'saved-value)
+		    (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value))))
+		   (t
+		    (eval value)))))
+(defun custom-initialize-changed (symbol value)
+  "Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
+Like `custom-initialize-reset', but only use the `:set' function if the 
+not using the standard setting.  Otherwise, use the `set-default'."
+  (cond ((default-boundp symbol)
+	 (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-set) 'set-default)
+		  symbol
+		  (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-get) 'default-value)
+			   symbol)))
+	((get symbol 'saved-value)
+	 (funcall (or (get symbol 'custom-set) 'set-default)
+		  symbol
+		  (eval (car (get symbol 'saved-value)))))
+	(t
+	 (set-default symbol (eval value)))))
+(defun custom-declare-variable (symbol value doc &rest args)
+  "Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated as normal arguments."
+  ;; Remember the standard setting.
+  (put symbol 'standard-value (list value))
+  ;; Maybe this option was rogue in an earlier version.  It no longer is.
+  (when (get symbol 'force-value)
+    ;; It no longer is.    
+    (put symbol 'force-value nil))
+  (when doc
+    (put symbol 'variable-documentation doc))
+  (let ((initialize 'custom-initialize-reset)
+	(requests nil))
+    (while args 
+      (let ((arg (car args)))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(unless (symbolp arg)
+	  (error "Junk in args %S" args))
+	(let ((keyword arg)
+	      (value (car args)))
+	  (unless args
+	    (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	  (setq args (cdr args))
+	  (cond ((eq keyword :initialize)
+		 (setq initialize value))
+		((eq keyword :set)
+		 (put symbol 'custom-set value))
+		((eq keyword :get)
+		 (put symbol 'custom-get value))
+		((eq keyword :require)
+		 (setq requests (cons value requests)))
+		((eq keyword :type)
+		 (put symbol 'custom-type value))
+		((eq keyword :options)
+		 (if (get symbol 'custom-options)
+		     ;; Slow safe code to avoid duplicates.
+		     (mapc (lambda (option)
+			     (custom-add-option symbol option))
+			   value)
+		   ;; Fast code for the common case.
+		   (put symbol 'custom-options (copy-sequence value))))
+		(t
+		 (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
+					'custom-variable))))))
+    (put symbol 'custom-requests requests)
+    ;; Do the actual initialization.
+    (funcall initialize symbol value))
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
+  symbol)
+(defmacro defcustom (symbol value doc &rest args)
+  "Declare SYMBOL as a customizable variable that defaults to VALUE.
+DOC is the variable documentation.
+Neither SYMBOL nor VALUE needs to be quoted.
+If SYMBOL is not already bound, initialize it to VALUE.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:type	VALUE should be a widget type for editing the symbols value.
+	The default is `sexp'.
+:options VALUE should be a list of valid members of the widget type.
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.  
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+:initialize VALUE should be a function used to initialize the
+	variable.  It takes two arguments, the symbol and value
+	given in the `defcustom' call.  The default is
+	`custom-initialize-set' 
+:set	VALUE should be a function to set the value of the symbol. 
+	It takes two arguments, the symbol to set and the value to
+	give it.  The default is `set-default'.
+:get	VALUE should be a function to extract the value of symbol.
+	The function takes one argument, a symbol, and should return
+	the current value for that symbol.  The default is
+	`default-value'. 
+:require VALUE should be a feature symbol.  Each feature will be
+	required after initialization, of the the user have saved this
+	option.
+Read the section about customization in the Emacs Lisp manual for more
+  `(custom-declare-variable (quote ,symbol) (quote ,value) ,doc ,@args))
+;;; The `defface' Macro.
+(defmacro defface (face spec doc &rest args)
+  "Declare FACE as a customizable face that defaults to SPEC.
+FACE does not need to be quoted.
+Third argument DOC is the face documentation.
+If FACE has been set with `custom-set-face', set the face attributes
+as specified by that function, otherwise set the face attributes
+according to SPEC.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORDs are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add FACE to that group.
+SPEC should be an alist of the form ((DISPLAY ATTS)...).
+ATTS is a list of face attributes and their values.  The possible
+attributes are defined in the variable `custom-face-attributes'.
+The ATTS of the first entry in SPEC where the DISPLAY matches the
+frame should take effect in that frame.  DISPLAY can either be the
+symbol t, which will match all frames, or an alist of the form
+\((REQ ITEM...)...)
+For the DISPLAY to match a FRAME, the REQ property of the frame must
+match one of the ITEM.  The following REQ are defined:
+`type' (the value of `window-system')
+  Should be one of `x' or `tty'.
+`class' (the frame's color support)
+  Should be one of `color', `grayscale', or `mono'.
+`background' (what color is used for the background text)
+  Should be one of `light' or `dark'.
+Read the section about customization in the Emacs Lisp manual for more
+  `(custom-declare-face (quote ,face) ,spec ,doc ,@args))
+;;; The `defgroup' Macro.
+(defun custom-declare-group (symbol members doc &rest args)
+  "Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument."
+  (while members 
+    (apply 'custom-add-to-group symbol (car members))
+    (pop members))
+  (put symbol 'custom-group (nconc members (get symbol 'custom-group)))
+  (when doc
+    (put symbol 'group-documentation doc))
+  (while args
+    (let ((arg (car args)))
+      (setq args (cdr args))
+      (unless (symbolp arg)
+	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
+      (let ((keyword arg)
+	    (value (car args)))
+	(unless args
+	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(cond ((eq keyword :prefix)
+	       (put symbol 'custom-prefix value))
+	      (t
+	       (custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value
+				      'custom-group))))))
+  (run-hooks 'custom-define-hook)
+  symbol)
+(defmacro defgroup (symbol members doc &rest args)
+  "Declare SYMBOL as a customization group containing MEMBERS.
+SYMBOL does not need to be quoted.
+Third arg DOC is the group documentation.
+MEMBERS should be an alist of the form ((NAME WIDGET)...) where NAME
+is a symbol and WIDGET is a widget for editing that symbol.  Useful
+widgets are `custom-variable' for editing variables, `custom-face' for
+edit faces, and `custom-group' for editing groups.
+The remaining arguments should have the form
+The following KEYWORD's are defined:
+:group  VALUE should be a customization group.
+        Add SYMBOL to that group.
+Read the section about customization in the Emacs Lisp manual for more
+  `(custom-declare-group (quote ,symbol) ,members ,doc ,@args))
+;; This is preloaded very early, so we avoid using CL features.
+(defvar custom-group-hash-table (make-hashtable 300 'eq)
+  "Hash-table of non-empty groups.")
+(defun custom-add-to-group (group option widget)
+  "To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET.
+If there already is an entry for that option, overwrite it."
+  (let* ((members (get group 'custom-group))
+	 (old (assq option members)))
+    (if old
+	(setcar (cdr old) widget)
+      (put group 'custom-group (nconc members (list (list option widget))))))
+  (puthash group t custom-group-hash-table))
+;;; Properties.
+(defun custom-handle-all-keywords (symbol args type)
+  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle keyword arguments ARGS.
+Third argument TYPE is the custom option type."
+  (while args 
+    (let ((arg (car args)))
+      (setq args (cdr args))
+      (unless (symbolp arg)
+	(error "Junk in args %S" args))
+      (let ((keyword arg)
+	    (value (car args)))
+	(unless args
+	  (error "Keyword %s is missing an argument" keyword))
+	(setq args (cdr args))
+	(custom-handle-keyword symbol keyword value type)))))  
+(defun custom-handle-keyword (symbol keyword value type)
+  "For customization option SYMBOL, handle KEYWORD with VALUE.
+Fourth argument TYPE is the custom option type."
+  (cond ((eq keyword :group)
+	 (custom-add-to-group value symbol type))
+	((eq keyword :link)
+	 (custom-add-link symbol value))
+	((eq keyword :load)
+	 (custom-add-load symbol value))
+	((eq keyword :tag)
+	 (put symbol 'custom-tag value))
+	(t
+	 (error "Unknown keyword %s" symbol))))  
+(defun custom-add-option (symbol option)
+  "To the variable SYMBOL add OPTION.
+If SYMBOL is a hook variable, OPTION should be a hook member.
+For other types variables, the effect is undefined."
+  (let ((options (get symbol 'custom-options)))
+    (unless (member option options)
+      (put symbol 'custom-options (cons option options)))))
+(defun custom-add-link (symbol widget)
+  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the link WIDGET."
+  (let ((links (get symbol 'custom-links)))
+    (unless (member widget links)
+      (put symbol 'custom-links (cons widget links)))))
+(defun custom-add-load (symbol load)
+  "To the custom option SYMBOL add the dependency LOAD.
+LOAD should be either a library file name, or a feature name."
+  (let ((loads (get symbol 'custom-loads)))
+    (unless (member load loads)
+      (put symbol 'custom-loads (cons load loads)))))
+;;; Initializing.
+(defun custom-set-variables (&rest args)
+  "Initialize variables according to user preferences.  
+The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:
+The unevaluated VALUE is stored as the saved value for SYMBOL.
+If NOW is present and non-nil, VALUE is also evaluated and bound as
+the default value for the SYMBOL."
+  (while args 
+    (let ((entry (car args)))
+      (if (listp entry)
+	  (let* ((symbol (nth 0 entry))
+		 (value (nth 1 entry))
+		 (now (nth 2 entry))
+		 (requests (nth 3 entry))
+		 (set (or (get symbol 'custom-set) 'set-default)))
+	    (put symbol 'saved-value (list value))
+	    (cond (now 
+		   ;; Rogue variable, set it now.
+		   (put symbol 'force-value t)
+		   (funcall set symbol (eval value)))
+		  ((default-boundp symbol)
+		   ;; Something already set this, overwrite it.
+		   (funcall set symbol (eval value))))
+	    (when requests
+	      (put symbol 'custom-requests requests)
+	      (mapc 'require requests))
+	    (setq args (cdr args)))
+	;; Old format, a plist of SYMBOL VALUE pairs.
+	(message "Warning: old format `custom-set-variables'")
+	(ding)
+	(sit-for 2)
+	(let ((symbol (nth 0 args))
+	      (value (nth 1 args)))
+	  (put symbol 'saved-value (list value)))
+	(setq args (cdr (cdr args)))))))
+;;; The End.
+(provide 'custom)
+;; custom.el ends here