diff lisp/backquote.el @ 209:41ff10fd062f r20-4b3

Import from CVS: tag r20-4b3
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:04:58 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children c5d627a313b1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/backquote.el	Mon Aug 13 10:04:58 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+;;; backquote.el --- Full backquote support for elisp.  Reverse compatible too.
+;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
+;; Keywords: extensions, dumped
+;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not synched with FSF.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+;; The bulk of the code is originally from CMU Common Lisp (original notice
+;; below).
+;; It correctly supports nested backquotes and backquoted vectors.
+;; Converted to work with elisp by Miles Bader <miles@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
+;; Changes by Jonathan Stigelman <Stig@hackvan.com>:
+;;   - Documentation added
+;;   - support for old-backquote-compatibility-hook nixed because the
+;;	old-backquote compatibility is now done in the reader...
+;;   - nixed support for |,.| because
+;;	(a) it's not in CLtl2
+;;	(b) ",.foo" is the same as ". ,foo"
+;;	(c) because RMS isn't interested in using this version of backquote.el 
+;; wing@666.com; added ,. support back in:
+;;     (a) yes, it is in CLtl2.  Read closely on page 529.
+;;     (b) RMS in 19.30 adds C support for ,. even if it's not really
+;;         handled.
+;; **********************************************************************
+;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
+;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
+;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact
+;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group@cs.cmu.edu.
+;; **********************************************************************
+;;    BACKQUOTE: Code Spice Lispified by Lee Schumacher.
+;; The flags passed back by BQ-PROCESS-2 can be interpreted as follows:
+;;   |`,|: [a] => a
+;;    NIL: [a] => a		;the NIL flag is used only when a is NIL
+;;      T: [a] => a		;the T flag is used when a is self-evaluating
+;;  QUOTE: [a] => (QUOTE a)
+;; APPEND: [a] => (APPEND . a)
+;;  NCONC: [a] => (NCONC . a) 
+;;   LIST: [a] => (LIST . a)
+;;  LIST*: [a] => (LIST* . a)
+;; The flags are combined according to the following set of rules:
+;;  ([a] means that a should be converted according to the previous table)
+;;   \ car  ||   otherwise    |   QUOTE or     |    |`,@|      |    |`,.|     
+;;cdr \     ||                |   T or NIL     |               |              
+;;  |`,|    ||LIST* ([a] [d]) |LIST* ([a] [d]) |APPEND (a [d]) |NCONC  (a [d])
+;;  NIL     ||LIST    ([a])   |QUOTE    (a)    |<hair>    a    |<hair>    a   
+;;QUOTE or T||LIST* ([a] [d]) |QUOTE  (a . d)  |APPEND (a [d]) |NCONC (a [d]) 
+;; APPEND   ||LIST* ([a] [d]) |LIST* ([a] [d]) |APPEND (a . d) |NCONC (a [d]) 
+;; NCONC    ||LIST* ([a] [d]) |LIST* ([a] [d]) |APPEND (a [d]) |NCONC (a . d) 
+;;  LIST    ||LIST  ([a] . d) |LIST  ([a] . d) |APPEND (a [d]) |NCONC (a [d]) 
+;;  LIST*   ||LIST* ([a] . d) |LIST* ([a] . d) |APPEND (a [d]) |NCONC  (a [d])
+;;<hair> involves starting over again pretending you had read ".,a)" instead
+;; of ",@a)"
+;; These are the forms it expects:  |backquote|  |`|  |,|  |,@| and |,.|.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst bq-backquote-marker 'backquote) 
+(defconst bq-backtick-marker '\`)	; remnant of the old lossage
+(defconst bq-comma-marker '\,)
+(defconst bq-at-marker '\,@)
+(defconst bq-dot-marker '\,\.)
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(fset '\` 'backquote)
+(defmacro backquote (template)
+  "Expand the internal representation of a backquoted TEMPLATE into a lisp form.
+The backquote character is like the quote character in that it prevents the
+template which follows it from being evaluated, except that backquote
+permits you to evaluate portions of the quoted template.  A comma character
+inside TEMPLATE indicates that the following item should be evaluated.  A
+comma character may be followed by an at-sign, which indicates that the form
+which follows should be evaluated and inserted and \"spliced\" into the
+template.  Forms following ,@ must evaluate to lists.
+Here is how to use backquotes:
+  (setq p 'b
+        q '(c d e))
+  `(a ,p ,@q)   -> (a b c d e)
+  `(a . b)      -> (a . b)
+  `(a . ,p)     -> (a . b)
+The XEmacs lisp reader expands lisp backquotes as it reads them.
+  `atom             is read as (backquote atom)
+  `(a ,b ,@(c d e)) is read as (backquote (a (\\, b) (\\,\\@ (c d e))))
+  `(a . ,p)         is read as (backquote (a \\, p))
+\(backquote TEMPLATE) is a macro that produces code to construct TEMPLATE.
+Note that this is very slow in interpreted code, but fast if you compile.
+TEMPLATE is one or more nested lists or vectors, which are `almost quoted'.
+They are copied recursively, with elements preceded by comma evaluated.
+ (backquote (a b))     == (list 'a 'b)  
+ (backquote (a [b c])) == (list 'a (vector 'b 'c)) 
+However, certain special lists are not copied.  They specify substitution.
+Lists that look like (\\, EXP) are evaluated and the result is substituted.
+ (backquote (a (\\, (+ x 5)))) == (list 'a (+ x 5))
+Elements of the form (\\,\\@ EXP) are evaluated and then all the elements
+of the result are substituted.  This result must be a list; it may
+be `nil'.
+Elements of the form (\\,\\. EXP) are evaluated and then all the elements
+of the result are concatenated to the list of preceding elements in the list.
+They must occur as the last element of a list (not a vector).
+EXP may evaluate to nil.
+As an example, a simple macro `push' could be written:
+   (defmacro push (v l)
+     `(setq ,l (cons ,@(list v l))))
+or as
+   (defmacro push (v l)
+     `(setq ,l (cons ,v ,l)))
+For backwards compatibility, old-style emacs-lisp backquotes are still read.
+     OLD STYLE                        NEW STYLE
+     (` (foo (, bar) (,@ bing)))      `(foo ,bar ,@bing)
+Because of the old-style backquote support, you cannot use a new-style
+backquoted form as the first element of a list.  Perhaps some day this
+restriction will go away, but for now you should be wary of it:
+    (`(this ,will ,@fail))
+    ((` (but (, this) will (,@ work))))
+This is an extremely rare thing to need to do in lisp."
+  (bq-process template))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defconst bq-comma-flag 'unquote)
+(defconst bq-at-flag 'unquote-splicing)
+(defconst bq-dot-flag 'unquote-nconc-splicing)
+(defun bq-process (form)
+  (let* ((flag-result (bq-process-2 form))
+	 (flag (car flag-result))
+	 (result (cdr flag-result)))
+    (cond ((eq flag bq-at-flag)
+	   (error ",@ after ` in form: %s" form))
+	  ((eq flag bq-dot-flag)
+	   (error ",. after ` in form: %s" form))
+	  (t
+	   (bq-process-1 flag result)))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun bq-vector-contents (vec)
+  (let ((contents nil)
+	(n (length vec)))
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (setq n (1- n))
+      (setq contents (cons (aref vec n) contents)))
+    contents))
+;;; This does the expansion from table 2.
+(defun bq-process-2 (code)
+  (cond ((vectorp code)
+	 (let* ((dflag-d
+		 (bq-process-2 (bq-vector-contents code))))
+	   (cons 'vector (bq-process-1 (car dflag-d) (cdr dflag-d)))))  
+	((atom code)
+	 (cond ((null code) (cons nil nil))
+	       ((or (numberp code) (eq code t))
+		(cons t code))
+	       (t (cons 'quote code))))
+	((eq (car code) bq-at-marker)
+	 (cons bq-at-flag (nth 1 code)))
+	((eq (car code) bq-dot-marker)
+	 (cons bq-dot-flag (nth 1 code)))
+	((eq (car code) bq-comma-marker)
+	 (bq-comma (nth 1 code)))
+	((or (eq (car code) bq-backquote-marker)
+	     (eq (car code) bq-backtick-marker))	; old lossage
+	 (bq-process-2 (bq-process (nth 1 code))))
+	(t (let* ((aflag-a (bq-process-2 (car code)))
+		  (aflag (car aflag-a))
+		  (a (cdr aflag-a)))
+	     (let* ((dflag-d (bq-process-2 (cdr code)))
+		    (dflag (car dflag-d))
+		    (d (cdr dflag-d)))
+	       (if (eq dflag bq-at-flag)
+		   ;; get the errors later.
+		   (error ",@ after dot in %s" code))
+	       (if (eq dflag bq-dot-flag)
+		   (error ",. after dot in %s" code))
+	       (cond
+		((eq aflag bq-at-flag)
+		 (if (null dflag)
+		     (bq-comma a)
+		     (cons 'append
+			   (cond ((eq dflag 'append)
+				  (cons a d ))
+				 (t (list a (bq-process-1 dflag d)))))))
+                ((eq aflag bq-dot-flag)
+                 (if (null dflag)
+                     (bq-comma a)
+                     (cons 'nconc
+                           (cond ((eq dflag 'nconc)
+                                  (cons a d))
+                                 (t (list a (bq-process-1 dflag d)))))))
+		((null dflag)
+		 (if (memq aflag '(quote t nil))
+		     (cons 'quote (list a))
+		     (cons 'list (list (bq-process-1 aflag a)))))
+		((memq dflag '(quote t))
+		 (if (memq aflag '(quote t nil))
+		     (cons 'quote (cons a d ))
+		     (cons 'list* (list (bq-process-1 aflag a)
+					(bq-process-1 dflag d)))))
+		(t (setq a (bq-process-1 aflag a))
+		   (if (memq dflag '(list list*))
+		       (cons dflag (cons a d))
+		       (cons 'list*
+			     (list a (bq-process-1 dflag d)))))))))))
+;;; This handles the <hair> cases 
+(defun bq-comma (code)
+  (cond ((atom code)
+	 (cond ((null code)
+		(cons nil nil))
+	       ((or (numberp code) (eq code 't))
+		(cons t code))
+	       (t (cons bq-comma-flag code))))
+	((eq (car code) 'quote)
+	 (cons (car code) (car (cdr code))))
+	((memq (car code) '(append list list* nconc))
+	 (cons (car code) (cdr code)))
+	((eq (car code) 'cons)
+	 (cons 'list* (cdr code)))
+	(t (cons bq-comma-flag code))))
+;;; This handles table 1.
+(defun bq-process-1 (flag thing)
+  (cond ((or (eq flag bq-comma-flag)
+	     (memq flag '(t nil)))
+	 thing)
+	((eq flag 'quote)
+	 (list  'quote thing))
+	((eq flag 'vector)
+	 (list 'apply '(function vector) thing))
+	(t (cons (cdr
+		  (assq flag
+			'((cons . cons)
+			  (list* . bq-list*)
+			  (list . list)
+			  (append . append)
+			  (nconc . nconc))))
+		 thing))))
+;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
+(defmacro bq-list* (&rest args)
+  "Returns a list of its arguments with last cons a dotted pair."
+  (setq args (reverse args))
+  (let ((result (car args)))
+    (setq args (cdr args))
+    (while args
+      (setq result (list 'cons (car args) result))
+      (setq args (cdr args)))
+    result))
+(provide 'backquote)
+;;; backquote.el ends here