diff src/ExternalShell.c @ 428:3ecd8885ac67 r21-2-22

Import from CVS: tag r21-2-22
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:28:15 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 8de8e3f6228a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ExternalShell.c	Mon Aug 13 11:28:15 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+/* External shell widget.
+   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+/* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */
+/* Written by Ben Wing, September 1993. */
+/* This is a special Shell that is designed to use an externally-
+   provided window created by someone else (possibly another process).
+   That other window should have an associated widget of class
+   ExternalClient.  The two widgets communicate with each other using
+   ClientMessage events and properties on the external window.
+   Ideally this feature should be independent of Emacs.  Unfortunately
+   there are lots and lots of specifics that need to be dealt with
+   for this to work properly, and some of them can't conveniently
+   be handled within the widget's methods.  Some day the code may
+   be rewritten so that the embedded-widget feature can be used by
+   any application, with appropriate entry points that are called
+   at specific points within the application.
+   This feature is similar to the OLE (Object Linking & Embedding)
+   feature provided by MS Windows.
+ */
+#ifdef emacs
+#include <config.h>
+ERROR!  This ought not be getting compiled if EXTERNAL_WIDGET is undefined
+#endif /* emacs */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
+#include "xintrinsicp.h"
+#include <X11/Shell.h>
+#include <X11/ShellP.h>
+#include <X11/Vendor.h>
+#include <X11/VendorP.h>
+#include "ExternalShellP.h"
+#include "extw-Xt.h"
+#ifdef emacs
+extern void emacs_Xt_handle_focus_event (XEvent *event);
+/* Communication between this shell and the client widget:
+   Communication is through ClientMessage events with message_type
+   EXTW_NOTIFY and format 32.  Both the shell and the client widget
+   communicate with each other by sending the message to the same
+   window (the "external window" below), and the data.l[0] value is
+   used to determine who sent the message.
+   The data is formatted as follows:
+   data.l[0] = who sent this message: external_shell_send (0) or
+               external_client_send (1)
+   data.l[1] = message type (see enum en_extw_notify below)
+   data.l[2-4] = data associated with this message
+   EventHandler() handles messages from the other side.
+   extw_send_notify_3() sends a message to the other side.
+   extw_send_geometry_value() is used when an XtWidgetGeometry structure
+      needs to be sent.  This is too much data to fit into a
+      ClientMessage, so the data is stored in a property and then
+      extw_send_notify_3() is called.
+   extw_get_geometry_value() receives an XtWidgetGeometry structure from a
+      property.
+   extw_wait_for_response() is used when a response to a sent message
+      is expected.  It looks for a matching event within a
+      particular timeout.
+   The particular message types are as follows:
+1) extw_notify_init (event_window, event_mask)
+   This is sent from the shell to the client after the shell realizes
+   its EmacsFrame widget on the client's "external window".  This
+   tells the client that it should start passing along events of the
+   types specified in event_mask.  event_window specifies the window
+   of the EmacsFrame widget, which is a child of the client's
+   external window.
+   extw_notify_init (client_type)
+   When the client receives an extw_notify_init message from the
+   shell, it sends back a message of the same sort specifying the type
+   of the toolkit used by the client (Motif, generic Xt, or Xlib).
+2) extw_notify_end ()
+   This is sent from the shell to the client when the shell's
+   EmacsFrame widget is destroyed, and tells the client to stop
+   passing events along.
+3) extw_notify_qg (result)
+   This is sent from the client to the shell when a QueryGeometry
+   request is received on the client.  The XtWidgetGeometry structure
+   specified in the QueryGeometry request is passed on in the
+   EXTW_QUERY_GEOMETRY property (of type EXTW_WIDGET_GEOMETRY) on the
+   external window.  result is unused.
+   In response, the shell passes the QueryGeometry request down the
+   widget tree, and when a response is received, sends a message of
+   type extw_notify_qg back to the client, with result specifying the
+   GeometryResult value.  If this value is XtGeometryAlmost, the
+   returned XtWidgetGeometry structure is stored into the same property
+   as above. [BPW is there a possible race condition here?]
+4) extw_notify_gm (result)
+   A very similar procedure to that for extw_notify_qg is followed
+   when the shell's RootGeometryManager method is called, indicating
+   that a child widget wishes to change the shell's geometry.  The
+   XtWidgetGeometry structure is stored in the EXTW_GEOMETRY_MANAGER
+   property.
+5) extw_notify_focus_in (), extw_notify_focus_out ()
+   These are sent from the client to the shell when the client gains
+   or loses the keyboard focus.  It is done this way because Xt
+   maintains its own concept of keyboard focus and only the client
+   knows this information.
+#define NOTIFY(w, type, l0, l1, l2) \
+  extw_send_notify_3(XtDisplay((Widget)(w)),\
+   (w)->externalShell.external_window, type, l0, l1, l2)
+static void ExternalShellInitialize (Widget req, Widget new, ArgList args,
+				     Cardinal *num_args);
+static void ExternalShellRealize (Widget wid, Mask *vmask, XSetWindowAttributes
+				  *attr);
+static void ExternalShellDestroy (Widget w);
+static void ChangeManaged (Widget wid);
+static XtGeometryResult ExternalShellRootGeometryManager (Widget gw,
+  XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
+static void EventHandler (Widget wid, XtPointer closure, XEvent *event,
+			  Boolean *continue_to_dispatch);
+# define DEFAULT_WM_TIMEOUT 5000
+void ExternalShellUnrealize (Widget w);
+static XtResource resources[] = {
+#define offset(field) XtOffset(ExternalShellWidget, externalShell.field)
+  { XtNwindow, XtCWindow, XtRWindow, sizeof (Window),
+      offset (external_window), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
+  { XtNclientTimeout, XtCClientTimeout, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+      offset(client_timeout), XtRImmediate,(XtPointer)DEFAULT_WM_TIMEOUT},
+  { XtNdeadClient, XtCDeadClient, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+      offset(dead_client), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False},
+static CompositeClassExtensionRec compositeClassExtRec = {
+    NULL,
+    XtCompositeExtensionVersion,
+    sizeof(CompositeClassExtensionRec),
+    TRUE,
+static ShellClassExtensionRec shellClassExtRec = {
+    NULL,
+    XtShellExtensionVersion,
+    sizeof(ShellClassExtensionRec),
+    ExternalShellRootGeometryManager
+ExternalShellClassRec externalShellClassRec = {
+    { /*
+       *	core_class fields
+       */
+    /* superclass	  */	(WidgetClass) &shellClassRec,
+    /* class_name	  */	"ExternalShell",
+    /* size		  */	sizeof(ExternalShellRec),
+    /* Class Initializer  */	NULL,
+    /* class_part_initialize*/	NULL, /* XtInheritClassPartInitialize, */
+    /* Class init'ed ?	  */	FALSE,
+    /* initialize	  */	ExternalShellInitialize,
+    /* initialize_notify  */	NULL,
+    /* realize		  */	ExternalShellRealize,
+    /* actions		  */	NULL,
+    /* num_actions	  */	0,
+    /* resources	  */	resources,
+    /* resource_count	  */	XtNumber (resources),
+    /* xrm_class	  */	NULLQUARK,
+    /* compress_motion	  */	FALSE,
+    /* compress_exposure  */	TRUE,
+    /* compress_enterleave*/	FALSE,
+    /* visible_interest	  */	TRUE,
+    /* destroy		  */	ExternalShellDestroy, /* XtInheritDestroy, */
+    /* resize		  */	XtInheritResize,
+    /* expose		  */	NULL,
+    /* set_values	  */	NULL, /* XtInheritSetValues, */
+    /* set_values_hook	  */	NULL,			
+    /* set_values_almost  */	XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,  
+    /* get_values_hook	  */	NULL,			
+    /* accept_focus	  */	NULL,
+    /* intrinsics version */	XtVersion,
+    /* callback offsets	  */	NULL,
+    /* tm_table		  */	NULL,
+    /* query_geometry	  */	NULL,
+    /* display_accelerator*/	NULL,
+    /* extension	  */	NULL
+  },{ /* Composite */
+    /* geometry_manager	  */	XtInheritGeometryManager,
+    /* change_managed	  */	ChangeManaged,  /* XtInheritChangeManaged */
+    /* insert_child	  */	XtInheritInsertChild,
+    /* delete_child	  */	XtInheritDeleteChild,
+    /* extension	  */	(XtPointer)&compositeClassExtRec
+  },{ /* Shell */
+    /* extension	  */	(XtPointer)&shellClassExtRec
+  },{ /* ExternalShell */
+    0
+  }
+WidgetClass externalShellWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &externalShellClassRec;
+static void
+ExternalShellInitialize (Widget req, Widget new, ArgList args,
+			 Cardinal *num_args)
+  XtAddEventHandler(new, 0,
+		    TRUE, EventHandler, (XtPointer) NULL);
+  extw_initialize_atoms(XtDisplay(req));
+  extw_which_side = extw_shell_send;
+static Widget
+find_managed_child (CompositeWidget w)
+  int i;
+  Widget *childP = w->composite.children;
+  for (i = w->composite.num_children; i; i--, childP++)
+    if (XtIsWidget(*childP) && XtIsManaged(*childP))
+      return *childP;
+  return NULL;
+#ifndef XtCXtToolkitError
+# define XtCXtToolkitError "XtToolkitError"
+static void EventHandler(wid, closure, event, continue_to_dispatch)
+     Widget wid;
+     XtPointer closure;	/* unused */
+     XEvent *event;
+     Boolean *continue_to_dispatch; /* unused */
+  ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget) wid;
+  if(w->core.window != event->xany.window) {
+    XtAppErrorMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(wid),
+		  "invalidWindow","eventHandler",XtCXtToolkitError,
+		  "Event with wrong window",
+		  (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (event->type == ClientMessage &&
+      event->xclient.data.l[0] == extw_client_send &&
+      event->xclient.message_type == a_EXTW_NOTIFY)
+    switch (event->xclient.data.l[1]) {
+    case extw_notify_gm:
+      /* client is alive again. */
+      w->externalShell.dead_client = False;
+      break;
+    case extw_notify_qg: {
+      XtWidgetGeometry xwg, xwg_return;
+      XtGeometryResult result;
+      Widget child = find_managed_child((CompositeWidget) w);
+      if (child) {
+	extw_get_geometry_value(XtDisplay(wid), XtWindow(wid),
+				a_EXTW_QUERY_GEOMETRY, &xwg);
+	result = XtQueryGeometry(child, &xwg, &xwg_return);
+      } else
+	result = XtGeometryYes;
+      extw_send_geometry_value(XtDisplay(wid), XtWindow(wid),
+			       a_EXTW_QUERY_GEOMETRY, extw_notify_qg,
+			       result == XtGeometryAlmost ? &xwg_return :
+			       NULL, result);
+      break;
+    }
+    case extw_notify_focus_in: {
+      XFocusChangeEvent evnt;
+      evnt.type = FocusIn;
+      evnt.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed (XtDisplay (wid));
+      evnt.send_event = True;
+      evnt.display = XtDisplay (wid);
+      evnt.window = XtWindow (wid);
+      evnt.mode = NotifyNormal;
+      evnt.detail = NotifyAncestor;
+#ifdef emacs
+      emacs_Xt_handle_focus_event ((XEvent *) &evnt);
+      XtDispatchEvent ((XEvent *) &evnt);
+      break;
+    }
+    case extw_notify_focus_out: {
+      XFocusChangeEvent evnt;
+      evnt.type = FocusOut;
+      evnt.serial = LastKnownRequestProcessed (XtDisplay (wid));
+      evnt.send_event = True;
+      evnt.display = XtDisplay (wid);
+      evnt.window = XtWindow (wid);
+      evnt.mode = NotifyNormal;
+      evnt.detail = NotifyAncestor;
+#ifdef emacs
+      emacs_Xt_handle_focus_event ((XEvent *) &evnt);
+      XtDispatchEvent ((XEvent *) &evnt);
+      break;
+    }
+    case extw_notify_end:
+      /* frame should be destroyed. */
+      break;
+    }
+/* Lifted almost entirely from GetGeometry() in Shell.c
+ */
+static void
+GetGeometry (Widget W, Widget child)
+    ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget)W;
+    int x, y, win_gravity = -1, flag;
+    XSizeHints hints;
+    Window win = w->externalShell.external_window;
+    {
+      Window dummy_root;
+      unsigned int dummy_bd_width, dummy_depth, width, height;
+      /* determine the existing size of the window. */
+      XGetGeometry(XtDisplay(W), win, &dummy_root, &x, &y, &width,
+		   &height, &dummy_bd_width, &dummy_depth);
+      w->core.width = width;
+      w->core.height = height;
+    }
+    if(w->shell.geometry != NULL) {
+	char def_geom[128];
+	int width, height;
+	x = w->core.x;
+	y = w->core.y;
+	width = w->core.width;
+	height = w->core.height;
+	hints.flags = 0;
+	sprintf( def_geom, "%dx%d+%d+%d", width, height, x, y );
+	flag = XWMGeometry( XtDisplay(W),
+			    XScreenNumberOfScreen(XtScreen(W)),
+			    w->shell.geometry, def_geom,
+			    (unsigned int)w->core.border_width,
+			    &hints, &x, &y, &width, &height,
+			    &win_gravity
+			   );
+	if (flag) {
+	    if (flag & XValue) w->core.x = (Position)x;
+	    if (flag & YValue) w->core.y = (Position)y;
+	    if (flag & WidthValue) w->core.width = (Dimension)width;
+	    if (flag & HeightValue) w->core.height = (Dimension)height;
+	}
+	else {
+	    String params[2];
+	    Cardinal num_params = 2;
+	    params[0] = XtName(W);
+	    params[1] = w->shell.geometry;
+	    XtAppWarningMsg(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(W),
+       "badGeometry", "shellRealize", XtCXtToolkitError,
+       "Shell widget \"%s\" has an invalid geometry specification: \"%s\"",
+			    params, &num_params);
+	}
+    }
+    else
+	flag = 0;
+    w->shell.client_specified |= _XtShellGeometryParsed;
+/* Lifted almost entirely from Realize() in Shell.c
+ */
+static void ExternalShellRealize (Widget wid, Mask *vmask,
+				  XSetWindowAttributes *attr)
+	ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget) wid;
+        Mask mask = *vmask;
+	Window win = w->externalShell.external_window;
+	if (!win) {
+	  Cardinal count = 1;
+	  XtErrorMsg("invalidWindow","shellRealize", XtCXtToolkitError,
+		     "No external window specified for ExternalShell widget %s",
+		     &wid->core.name, &count);
+	}
+	if (! (w->shell.client_specified & _XtShellGeometryParsed)) {
+	    /* we'll get here only if there was no child the first
+	       time we were realized.  If the shell was Unrealized
+	       and then re-Realized, we probably don't want to
+	       re-evaluate the defaults anyway.
+	     */
+	    GetGeometry(wid, (Widget)NULL);
+	}
+	else if (w->core.background_pixmap == XtUnspecifiedPixmap) {
+	    /* I attempt to inherit my child's background to avoid screen flash
+	     * if there is latency between when I get resized and when my child
+	     * is resized.  Background=None is not satisfactory, as I want the
+	     * user to get immediate feedback on the new dimensions (most
+	     * particularly in the case of a non-reparenting wm).  It is
+	     * especially important to have the server clear any old cruft
+	     * from the display when I am resized larger.
+	     */
+	    Widget *childP = w->composite.children;
+	    int i;
+	    for (i = w->composite.num_children; i; i--, childP++) {
+		if (XtIsWidget(*childP) && XtIsManaged(*childP)) {
+		    if ((*childP)->core.background_pixmap
+			    != XtUnspecifiedPixmap) {
+			mask &= ~(CWBackPixel);
+			mask |= CWBackPixmap;
+			attr->background_pixmap =
+			    w->core.background_pixmap =
+				(*childP)->core.background_pixmap;
+		    } else {
+			attr->background_pixel = 
+			    w->core.background_pixel = 
+				(*childP)->core.background_pixel;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if(w->shell.save_under) {
+		mask |= CWSaveUnder;
+		attr->save_under = TRUE;
+	}
+	if(w->shell.override_redirect) {
+		mask |= CWOverrideRedirect;
+		attr->override_redirect = TRUE;
+	}
+	if (wid->core.width == 0 || wid->core.height == 0) {
+	    Cardinal count = 1;
+	    XtErrorMsg("invalidDimension", "shellRealize", XtCXtToolkitError,
+		       "Shell widget %s has zero width and/or height",
+		       &wid->core.name, &count);
+	}
+	wid->core.window = win;
+	XChangeWindowAttributes(XtDisplay(wid), wid->core.window,
+				mask, attr);
+static void ExternalShellDestroy(wid)
+	Widget wid;
+  ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget)wid;
+  if (XtIsRealized(wid))
+    ExternalShellUnrealize(wid);
+  NOTIFY(w, extw_notify_end, 0, 0, 0);
+/* Invoke matching routine from superclass, but first override its
+   geometry opinions with our own routine */
+static void ChangeManaged(wid)
+    Widget wid;
+  if (!XtIsRealized (wid))
+    GetGeometry(wid, (Widget)NULL);
+  (*((ShellClassRec*)externalShellClassRec.core_class.superclass)->
+   composite_class.change_managed)(wid);
+/* Based on RootGeometryManager() in Shell.c */
+static XtGeometryResult ExternalShellRootGeometryManager(gw, request, reply)
+    Widget gw;
+    XtWidgetGeometry *request, *reply;
+    ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget)gw;
+    unsigned int mask = request->request_mode;
+    XEvent event;
+    int oldx, oldy, oldwidth, oldheight, oldborder_width;
+    unsigned long request_num;
+    XtWidgetGeometry req = *request; /* don't modify caller's structure */
+    oldx = w->core.x;
+    oldy = w->core.y;
+    oldwidth = w->core.width;
+    oldheight = w->core.height;
+    oldborder_width = w->core.border_width;
+#define PutBackGeometry() \
+	{ w->core.x = oldx; \
+	  w->core.y = oldy; \
+	  w->core.width = oldwidth; \
+	  w->core.height = oldheight; \
+	  w->core.border_width = oldborder_width; }
+    if (mask & CWX) {
+      if (w->core.x == request->x) mask &= ~CWX;
+      else
+	w->core.x = request->x;
+    }
+    if (mask & CWY) {
+      if (w->core.y == request->y) mask &= ~CWY;
+      else w->core.y = request->y;
+    }
+    if (mask & CWBorderWidth) {
+      if (w->core.border_width == request->border_width)
+	      mask &= ~CWBorderWidth;
+      else w->core.border_width = request->border_width;
+    }
+    if (mask & CWWidth) {
+      if (w->core.width == request->width) mask &= ~CWWidth;
+      else w->core.width = request->width;
+    }
+    if (mask & CWHeight) {
+      if (w->core.height == request->height) mask &= ~CWHeight;
+      else w->core.height = request->height;
+    }
+    if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)w)) return XtGeometryYes;
+    req.sibling = None;
+    req.request_mode = mask & ~CWSibling;
+    request_num = NextRequest(XtDisplay(w));
+    extw_send_geometry_value(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
+			     extw_notify_gm, &req, 0);
+    if (w->externalShell.dead_client == TRUE) {
+      /* The client is sick.  Refuse the request.
+       * If the client recovers and decides to honor the
+       * request, it will be handled by Shell's EventHandler().
+       */
+      PutBackGeometry();
+      return XtGeometryNo;
+    }
+    if (extw_wait_for_response(gw, &event, request_num, extw_notify_gm,
+			       w->externalShell.client_timeout)) {
+      XtGeometryResult result = (XtGeometryResult) event.xclient.data.l[2];
+      if (result != XtGeometryYes)
+	PutBackGeometry();
+      if (result == XtGeometryAlmost) {
+	extw_get_geometry_value(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
+      }
+      return result;
+    } else {
+      w->externalShell.dead_client = TRUE; /* timed out; must be broken */
+      PutBackGeometry();
+      return XtGeometryNo;
+    }
+#undef PutBackGeometry
+static void
+hack_event_masks_1 (Display *display, Window w, int this_window_propagate)
+  Window root, parent, *children;
+  unsigned int nchildren;
+  int i;
+  if (!XQueryTree (display, w, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren))
+    return;
+  for (i=0; i<nchildren; i++)
+    hack_event_masks_1 (display, children[i], 1);
+  if (children)
+    XFree (children);
+  {
+    XWindowAttributes xwa;
+    XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
+    if (XGetWindowAttributes (display, w, &xwa)) {
+      xswa.event_mask = xwa.your_event_mask & ~KeyPressMask;
+      if (this_window_propagate)
+	xswa.do_not_propagate_mask = xwa.do_not_propagate_mask & ~KeyPressMask;
+      XChangeWindowAttributes (display, w, CWEventMask, &xswa);
+    }
+  }
+/* fix all event masks on all subwindows of the specified window so that
+   all key presses in any subwindow filter up to the specified window.
+   We have to do this cruftiness with external widgets so that we don't
+   step on Motif's concept of keyboard focus.  (Due to the nature of
+   Xt and Motif, X's idea of who gets the keyboard events may not jive
+   with Xt's idea of same, and Xt redirects the events to the proper
+   window.  This occurs on the client side and we have no knowledge
+   of it, so we have to rely on a SendEvent from the client side to
+   receive our keyboard events.)
+static void
+hack_event_masks (Display *display, Window w)
+  hack_event_masks_1 (display, w, 0);
+/* external entry points */
+ExternalShellReady (Widget w, Window win, long event_mask)
+  ExternalShellWidget ew = (ExternalShellWidget) w;
+  XEvent event;
+  unsigned long request_num;
+  request_num = NextRequest(XtDisplay(w));
+  NOTIFY(ew, extw_notify_init, (long) win, event_mask, 0);
+  if (extw_wait_for_response(w, &event, request_num, extw_notify_init,
+			     ew->externalShell.client_timeout))
+    {
+      /* Xt/Xm extw's have more elaborate focus needs than mere
+	 Xlib ones.
+	 Rather independently, they *don't* need the
+	 ConfigureNotify event, having fixed up the window size in
+	 ChangeManaged, above, but Xlib extw's do need this.
+      */
+      ew->externalShell.client_type = event.xclient.data.l[2];
+      if (ew->externalShell.client_type != EXTW_TYPE_XLIB)
+	{
+	  hack_event_masks (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w));
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  XConfigureEvent ev;
+	  XWindowAttributes xwa;
+	  ev.type = ConfigureNotify;
+	  ev.display = XtDisplay (w);
+	  ev.event = ev.window = XtWindow (w);
+	  XGetWindowAttributes (ev.display, ev.window, &xwa);
+	  ev.x = xwa.x; ev.y = xwa.y;
+	  ev.width = xwa.width; ev.height = xwa.height;
+	  ev.border_width = xwa.border_width;
+	  ev.above = None;
+	  ev.override_redirect = xwa.override_redirect;
+	  XtDispatchEvent ((XEvent *) &ev);
+	}
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  else
+    return FALSE;
+ExternalShellSetFocus (Widget wid)
+  ExternalShellWidget w = (ExternalShellWidget) wid;
+  NOTIFY(w, extw_notify_set_focus, 0, 0, 0);
+extern void _XtUnregisterWindow (Window, Widget);
+ExternalShellUnrealize (Widget w)
+#if (XT_REVISION > 5)
+  XtUnregisterDrawable (XtDisplay (w), w->core.window);
+  extern void _XtUnregisterWindow (Window, Widget);
+  _XtUnregisterWindow (w->core.window, w);
+  w->core.window = 0;