diff lisp/modeline.el @ 428:3ecd8885ac67 r21-2-22

Import from CVS: tag r21-2-22
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:28:15 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 84b14dcb0985
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/modeline.el	Mon Aug 13 11:28:15 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+;;; modeline.el --- modeline hackery.
+;; Copyright (C) 1988, 1992-1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing.
+;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
+;; Keywords: extensions, dumped
+;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the 
+;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+;;; Code:
+;;;                     General mouse modeline stuff                    ;;;
+(defgroup modeline nil
+  "Modeline customizations."
+  :group 'environment)
+(defcustom drag-divider-event-lag 150
+  "*The pause (in msecs) between divider drag events before redisplaying.
+If this value is too small, dragging will be choppy because redisplay cannot
+keep up. If it is too large, dragging will be choppy because of the explicit
+redisplay delay specified."
+  :type 'integer
+  ;; #### Fix group.
+  :group 'modeline)
+  'drag-modeline-event-lag
+  'drag-divider-event-lag)
+(defcustom modeline-click-swaps-buffers nil
+  "*If non-nil, clicking on the modeline changes the current buffer.
+Click on the left half of the modeline cycles forward through the
+buffer list and clicking on the right half cycles backward."
+  :type 'boolean
+  :group 'modeline)
+(defun mouse-drag-modeline (event)
+  "Resize a window by dragging its modeline.
+This command should be bound to a button-press event in modeline-map.
+Holding down a mouse button and moving the mouse up and down will
+make the clicked-on window taller or shorter."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (or (button-press-event-p event)
+      (error "%s must be invoked by a mouse-press" this-command))
+  (or (event-over-modeline-p event)
+      (error "not over a modeline"))
+  ;; Give the modeline a "pressed" look.  --hniksic
+  (let-specifier ((modeline-shadow-thickness
+		   (- (specifier-instance modeline-shadow-thickness
+					  (event-window event)))
+		   (event-window event)))
+    (let ((done nil)
+	  (depress-line (event-y event))
+	  (start-event-frame (event-frame event))
+	  (start-event-window (event-window event))
+	  (start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+;;	  (hscroll-delta (face-width 'modeline))
+;;	  (start-hscroll (modeline-hscroll (event-window event)))
+;	  (start-x-pixel (event-x-pixel event))
+	  (last-timestamp 0)
+	  default-line-height
+	  modeline-height
+	  should-enlarge-minibuffer
+	  event min-height minibuffer y top bot edges wconfig growth)
+      (setq minibuffer (minibuffer-window start-event-frame)
+	    default-line-height (face-height 'default start-event-window)
+	    min-height (+ (* window-min-height default-line-height)
+			  ;; Don't let the window shrink by a
+			  ;; non-multiple of the default line
+			  ;; height.  (enlarge-window -1) will do
+			  ;; this if the difference between the
+			  ;; current window height and the minimum
+			  ;; window height is less than the height
+			  ;; of the default font.  These extra
+			  ;; lost pixels of height don't come back
+			  ;; if you grow the window again.  This
+			  ;; can make it impossible to drag back
+			  ;; to the exact original size, which is
+			  ;; disconcerting.
+			  (% (window-pixel-height start-event-window)
+			     default-line-height))
+	    modeline-height
+	    (if (specifier-instance has-modeline-p start-event-window)
+		(+ (face-height 'modeline start-event-window)
+		   (* 2 (specifier-instance modeline-shadow-thickness
+					    start-event-window)))
+	      (* 2 (specifier-instance modeline-shadow-thickness
+				       start-event-window))))
+      (if (not (eq (window-frame minibuffer) start-event-frame))
+	  (setq minibuffer nil))
+      (if (and (null minibuffer) (one-window-p t))
+	  (error "Attempt to resize sole window"))
+      ;; if this is the bottommost ordinary window, then to
+      ;; move its modeline the minibuffer must be enlarged.
+      (setq should-enlarge-minibuffer
+	    (and minibuffer (window-lowest-p start-event-window)))
+      ;; loop reading events
+      (while (not done)
+	(setq event (next-event event))
+	;; requeue event and quit if this is a misc-user, eval or
+	;;   keypress event.
+	;; quit if this is a button press or release event, or if the event
+	;;   occurred in some other frame.
+	;; drag if this is a mouse motion event and the time
+	;;   between this event and the last event is greater than
+	;;   drag-divider-event-lag.
+	;; do nothing if this is any other kind of event.
+	(cond ((or (misc-user-event-p event)
+		   (key-press-event-p event))
+	       (setq unread-command-events (nconc unread-command-events
+						  (list event))
+		     done t))
+	      ((button-release-event-p event)
+	       (setq done t)
+	       ;; Consider we have a mouse click neither X pos (modeline
+	       ;; scroll) nore Y pos (modeline drag) have changed.
+	       (and modeline-click-swaps-buffers
+		    (= depress-line (event-y event))
+;;		    (= start-hscroll (modeline-hscroll start-event-window))
+		    (modeline-swap-buffers event)))
+	      ((button-event-p event)
+	       (setq done t))
+	      ((not (motion-event-p event))
+	       (dispatch-event event))
+	      ((not (eq start-event-frame (event-frame event)))
+	       (setq done t))
+	      ((< (abs (- (event-timestamp event) last-timestamp))
+		  drag-divider-event-lag)
+	       nil)
+	      (t
+;;		 (set-modeline-hscroll start-event-window
+;;				       (+ (/ (- (event-x-pixel event) 
+;;						start-x-pixel)
+;;					     hscroll-delta)
+;;					  start-hscroll))
+	       (setq last-timestamp (event-timestamp event)
+		     y (event-y-pixel event)
+		     edges (window-pixel-edges start-event-window)
+		     top (nth 1 edges)
+		     bot (nth 3 edges))
+	       ;; scale back a move that would make the
+	       ;; window too short.
+	       (cond ((< (- y top (- modeline-height)) min-height)
+		      (setq y (+ top min-height (- modeline-height)))))
+	       ;; compute size change needed
+	       (setq growth (- y bot (/ (- modeline-height) 2))
+		     wconfig (current-window-configuration))
+	       ;; grow/shrink minibuffer?
+	       (if should-enlarge-minibuffer
+		   (progn
+		     ;; yes.  scale back shrinkage if it
+		     ;; would make the minibuffer less than 1
+		     ;; line tall.
+		     ;;
+		     ;; also flip the sign of the computed growth,
+		     ;; since if we want to grow the window with the
+		     ;; modeline we need to shrink the minibuffer
+		     ;; and vice versa.
+		     (if (and (> growth 0)
+			      (< (- (window-pixel-height minibuffer)
+				    growth)
+				 default-line-height))
+			 (setq growth
+			       (- (window-pixel-height minibuffer)
+				  default-line-height)))
+		     (setq growth (- growth))))
+	       ;; window grow and shrink by lines not pixels, so
+	       ;; divide the pixel height by the height of the
+	       ;; default face.
+	       (setq growth (/ growth default-line-height))
+	       ;; grow/shrink the window
+	       (enlarge-window growth nil (if should-enlarge-minibuffer
+					      minibuffer
+					    start-event-window))
+	       ;; if this window's growth caused another
+	       ;; window to be deleted because it was too
+	       ;; short, rescind the change.
+	       ;;
+	       ;; if size change caused space to be stolen
+	       ;; from a window above this one, rescind the
+	       ;; change, but only if we didn't grow/shrink
+	       ;; the minibuffer.  minibuffer size changes
+	       ;; can cause all windows to shrink... no way
+	       ;; around it.
+	       (if (or (/= start-nwindows (count-windows t))
+		       (and (not should-enlarge-minibuffer)
+			    (/= top (nth 1 (window-pixel-edges
+					    start-event-window)))))
+		   (set-window-configuration wconfig))))))))
+;; from Bob Weiner (bob_weiner@pts.mot.com)
+;; Whether this function should be called is now decided in
+;; mouse-drag-modeline - dverna feb. 98
+(defun modeline-swap-buffers (event)
+  "Handle mouse clicks on modeline by switching buffers.
+If click on left half of a frame's modeline, bury current buffer.
+If click on right half of a frame's modeline, raise bottommost buffer.
+Arg EVENT is the button release event that occurred on the modeline."
+  (or (event-over-modeline-p event)
+      (error "not over a modeline"))
+  (or (button-release-event-p event)
+      (error "not a button release event"))
+  (if (< (event-x event) (/ (window-width (event-window event)) 2))
+      ;; On left half of modeline, bury current buffer,
+      ;; displaying second buffer on list.
+      (mouse-bury-buffer event)
+    ;; On right half of modeline, raise and display bottommost
+    ;; buffer in buffer list.
+    (mouse-unbury-buffer event)))
+(defconst modeline-menu
+  '("Window Commands"
+    ["Delete Window Above"	 delete-window			t]
+    ["Delete Other Windows"	 delete-other-windows		t]
+    ["Split Window Above"	 split-window-vertically	t]
+    ["Split Window Horizontally" split-window-horizontally	t]
+    ["Balance Windows"		 balance-windows		t]
+    ))
+(defun modeline-menu (event)
+  (interactive "e")
+  (popup-menu-and-execute-in-window
+   (cons (format "Window Commands for %S:"
+		 (buffer-name (event-buffer event)))
+	 (cdr modeline-menu))
+   event))
+(defvar modeline-map (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-map)
+  "Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the modeline of a window.
+This variable may be buffer-local; its value will be looked up in
+the buffer of the window whose modeline was clicked upon.")
+(define-key modeline-map 'button1 'mouse-drag-modeline)
+;; button2 selects the window without setting point
+(define-key modeline-map 'button2 (lambda () (interactive "@")))
+(define-key modeline-map 'button3 'modeline-menu)
+(make-face 'modeline-mousable "Face for mousable portions of the modeline.")
+(set-face-parent 'modeline-mousable 'modeline nil '(default))
+(when (featurep 'window-system)
+  (set-face-foreground 'modeline-mousable 
+		       '(((default color x) . "firebrick")
+			 ((default color mswindows) . "firebrick"))
+			 'global))
+(when (featurep 'x)
+  (set-face-font 'modeline-mousable [bold] nil '(default mono x))
+  (set-face-font 'modeline-mousable [bold] nil '(default grayscale x)))
+(defmacro make-modeline-command-wrapper (command)
+  `#'(lambda (event)
+       (interactive "e")
+       (save-selected-window
+	 (select-window (event-window event))
+	 (call-interactively ',(eval command)))))
+;;;                            Minor modes                              ;;;
+(defvar minor-mode-alist nil
+  "Alist saying how to show minor modes in the modeline.
+Each element looks like (VARIABLE STRING);
+STRING is included in the modeline iff VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
+Actually, STRING need not be a string; any possible modeline element
+is okay.  See `modeline-format'.")
+;; Used by C code (lookup-key and friends) but defined here.
+(defvar minor-mode-map-alist nil
+  "Alist of keymaps to use for minor modes.
+Each element looks like (VARIABLE . KEYMAP); KEYMAP is used to read
+key sequences and look up bindings iff VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
+If two active keymaps bind the same key, the keymap appearing earlier
+in the list takes precedence.")
+(make-face 'modeline-mousable-minor-mode
+	   "Face for mousable minor-mode strings in the modeline.")
+(set-face-parent 'modeline-mousable-minor-mode 'modeline-mousable nil
+		 '(default))
+(when (featurep 'window-system)
+  (set-face-foreground 'modeline-mousable-minor-mode
+		       '(((default color x) . "green4")
+			 ((default color x) . "forestgreen")
+			 ((default color mswindows) . "green4")
+			 ((default color mswindows) . "forestgreen")) 
+		       'global))
+(defvar modeline-mousable-minor-mode-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+  ;; alliteration at its finest.
+  "Extent managing the mousable minor mode modeline strings.")
+(set-extent-face modeline-mousable-minor-mode-extent
+		 'modeline-mousable-minor-mode)
+;; This replaces the idiom
+;; (or (assq 'isearch-mode minor-mode-alist)
+;;     (setq minor-mode-alist
+;;           (purecopy
+;;            (append minor-mode-alist
+;;                    '((isearch-mode isearch-mode))))))
+(defun add-minor-mode (toggle name &optional keymap after toggle-fun)
+  "Add a minor mode to `minor-mode-alist' and `minor-mode-map-alist'.
+TOGGLE is a symbol whose value as a variable specifies whether the
+minor mode is active.
+NAME is the name that should appear in the modeline.  It should either
+be a string beginning with a space, or a symbol with a similar string
+as its value.
+KEYMAP is a keymap to make active when the minor mode is active.
+AFTER is the toggling symbol used for another minor mode.  If AFTER is
+non-nil, then it is used to position the new mode in the minor-mode
+TOGGLE-FUN specifies an interactive function that is called to toggle
+the mode on and off; this affects what happens when button2 is pressed
+on the mode, and when button3 is pressed somewhere in the list of
+modes.  If TOGGLE-FUN is nil and TOGGLE names an interactive function,
+TOGGLE is used as the toggle function.
+Example: (add-minor-mode 'view-minor-mode \" View\" view-mode-map)"
+  (let* ((add-elt #'(lambda (elt sym)
+		      (let (place)
+			(cond ((null after) ; add to front
+			       (push elt (symbol-value sym)))
+			      ((and (not (eq after t))
+				    (setq place (memq (assq after
+							    (symbol-value sym))
+						      (symbol-value sym))))
+			       (push elt (cdr place)))
+			      (t
+			       (set sym (append (symbol-value sym)
+						(list elt))))))
+		      (symbol-value sym)))
+	 el toggle-keymap)
+    (if toggle-fun
+	(check-argument-type 'commandp toggle-fun)
+      (when (commandp toggle)
+	(setq toggle-fun toggle)))
+    (when (and toggle-fun name)
+      (setq toggle-keymap (make-sparse-keymap
+			   (intern (concat "modeline-minor-"
+					   (symbol-name toggle)
+					   "-map"))))
+      (define-key toggle-keymap 'button2
+	;; defeat the DUMB-ASS byte-compiler, which tries to
+	;; expand the macro at compile time and fucks up.
+	(eval '(make-modeline-command-wrapper toggle-fun)))
+      (put toggle 'modeline-toggle-function toggle-fun))
+    (when name
+      (let ((hacked-name
+	     (if toggle-keymap
+		 (cons (let ((extent (make-extent nil nil)))
+			 (set-extent-keymap extent toggle-keymap)
+			 (set-extent-property
+			  extent 'help-echo
+			  (concat "button2 turns off "
+				  (if (symbolp toggle-fun)
+				      (symbol-name toggle-fun)
+				    (symbol-name toggle))))
+			 extent)
+		       (cons modeline-mousable-minor-mode-extent name))
+	       name)))
+	(if (setq el (assq toggle minor-mode-alist))
+	    (setcdr el (list hacked-name))
+	  (funcall add-elt 
+		   (list toggle hacked-name)
+		   'minor-mode-alist))))
+    (when keymap
+      (if (setq el (assq toggle minor-mode-map-alist))
+	  (setcdr el keymap)
+	(funcall add-elt
+		 (cons toggle keymap)
+		 'minor-mode-map-alist)))))
+;; #### TODO: Add `:menu-tag' keyword to add-minor-mode.  Or create a
+;; separate function to manage the minor mode menu.
+;(put 'abbrev-mode :menu-tag "Abbreviation Expansion")
+(add-minor-mode 'abbrev-mode " Abbrev")
+;; only when visiting a file...
+(add-minor-mode 'overwrite-mode 'overwrite-mode)
+;(put 'auto-fill-function :menu-tag "Auto Fill")
+(add-minor-mode 'auto-fill-function " Fill" nil nil 'auto-fill-mode)
+;(put 'defining-kbd-macro :menu-tag "Keyboard Macro")
+(add-minor-mode 'defining-kbd-macro " Def" nil nil
+		(lambda ()
+		  (interactive)
+		  (if defining-kbd-macro
+		      (progn
+			;; #### This means to disregard the last event.
+			;; It is needed because the last recorded
+			;; event is usually the mouse event that
+			;; invoked the menu item (and this function),
+			;; and having it in the macro causes problems.
+			(zap-last-kbd-macro-event)
+			(end-kbd-macro nil))
+		    (start-kbd-macro nil))))
+(defun modeline-minor-mode-menu (event)
+  "The menu that pops up when you press `button3' inside the
+parentheses on the modeline."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (event-buffer event))
+    (popup-menu-and-execute-in-window
+     (cons
+      "Minor Mode Toggles"
+      (sort
+       (delq nil (mapcar
+		 #'(lambda (x)
+		     (let* ((toggle-sym (car x))
+			    (toggle-fun (or (get toggle-sym
+						 'modeline-toggle-function)
+					    (and (commandp toggle-sym)
+						 toggle-sym)))
+			    (menu-tag (symbol-name (if (symbolp toggle-fun)
+						       toggle-fun
+						     toggle-sym))
+				      ;; Here a function should
+				      ;; maybe be invoked to
+				      ;; beautify the symbol's
+				      ;; menu appearance.
+				      ))
+		       (and toggle-fun
+			    (vector menu-tag
+				    toggle-fun
+				    ;; The following two are wrong
+				    ;; because of possible name
+				    ;; clashes.
+				    ;:active (get toggle-sym :active t)
+				    ;:included (get toggle-sym :included t)
+				    :style 'toggle
+				    :selected (and (boundp toggle-sym)
+						   toggle-sym)))))
+		 minor-mode-alist))
+       (lambda (e1 e2)
+	 (string< (aref e1 0) (aref e2 0)))))
+     event)))
+(defvar modeline-minor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-minor-mode-map)
+  "Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the minor-mode modeline list.")
+(define-key modeline-minor-mode-map 'button3 'modeline-minor-mode-menu)
+(defvar modeline-minor-mode-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+  "Extent covering the minor mode modeline strings.")
+(set-extent-face modeline-minor-mode-extent 'modeline-mousable)
+(set-extent-keymap modeline-minor-mode-extent modeline-minor-mode-map)
+;;;                              Other                                  ;;;
+(defun modeline-buffers-menu (event)
+  (interactive "e")
+  (popup-menu-and-execute-in-window
+   '("Buffers Popup Menu"
+     :filter buffers-menu-filter
+     ["List All Buffers" list-buffers t]
+     "--"
+     )
+   event))
+(defvar modeline-buffer-id-left-map
+  (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-buffer-id-left-map)
+"Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the left half of the buffer-id string.")
+(defvar modeline-buffer-id-right-map
+  (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-buffer-id-right-map)
+"Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the right half of the buffer-id string.")
+(define-key modeline-buffer-id-left-map 'button2 'mouse-unbury-buffer)
+(define-key modeline-buffer-id-right-map 'button2 'mouse-bury-buffer)
+(define-key modeline-buffer-id-left-map 'button3 'modeline-buffers-menu)
+(define-key modeline-buffer-id-right-map 'button3 'modeline-buffers-menu)
+(make-face 'modeline-buffer-id
+	   "Face for the buffer ID string in the modeline.")
+(set-face-parent 'modeline-buffer-id 'modeline nil '(default))
+(when (featurep 'window-system)
+  (set-face-foreground 'modeline-buffer-id 
+		       '(((default color x) . "blue4")
+			 ((default color mswindows) . "blue4"))
+		       'global))
+(when (featurep 'x)
+  (set-face-font 'modeline-buffer-id [bold-italic] nil '(default mono x))
+  (set-face-font 'modeline-buffer-id [bold-italic] nil '(default grayscale x)))
+(when (featurep 'tty)
+  (set-face-font 'modeline-buffer-id [bold-italic] nil '(default tty)))
+(defvar modeline-buffer-id-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+  "Extent covering the whole of the buffer-id string.")
+(set-extent-face modeline-buffer-id-extent 'modeline-buffer-id)
+(defvar modeline-buffer-id-left-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+"Extent covering the left half of the buffer-id string.")
+(set-extent-keymap modeline-buffer-id-left-extent
+		   modeline-buffer-id-left-map)
+(set-extent-property modeline-buffer-id-left-extent 'help-echo
+		     "button2 cycles to the previous buffer")
+(defvar modeline-buffer-id-right-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+"Extent covering the right half of the buffer-id string.")
+(set-extent-keymap modeline-buffer-id-right-extent
+		   modeline-buffer-id-right-map)
+(set-extent-property modeline-buffer-id-right-extent 'help-echo
+		     "button2 cycles to the next buffer")
+(defconst modeline-buffer-identification
+  (list (cons modeline-buffer-id-left-extent (purecopy "XEmacs%N:"))
+					; this used to be "XEmacs:"
+	(cons modeline-buffer-id-right-extent (purecopy " %17b")))
+  "Modeline control for identifying the buffer being displayed.
+Its default value is \"XEmacs: %17b\" (NOT!).  Major modes that edit things
+other than ordinary files may change this (e.g. Info, Dired,...)")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'modeline-buffer-identification)
+;; These are for the sake of minor mode menu.  #### All of this is
+;; kind of dirty.  `add-minor-mode' started out as a simple substitute
+;; for (or (assq ...) ...) FSF stuff, but now is used for all kind of
+;; stuff.  There should perhaps be a separate function to add toggles
+;; to the minor-mode-menu.
+(add-minor-mode 'line-number-mode "")
+(add-minor-mode 'column-number-mode "")
+(defconst modeline-process nil
+  "Modeline control for displaying info on process status.
+Normally nil in most modes, since there is no process to display.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'modeline-process)
+(defvar modeline-modified-map (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-modified-map)
+  "Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the modeline-modified string.")
+(define-key modeline-modified-map 'button2
+  (make-modeline-command-wrapper 'modeline-toggle-read-only))
+(defvar modeline-modified-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+  "Extent covering the modeline-modified string.")
+(set-extent-face modeline-modified-extent 'modeline-mousable)
+(set-extent-keymap modeline-modified-extent modeline-modified-map)
+(set-extent-property modeline-modified-extent 'help-echo
+		     "button2 toggles the buffer's read-only status")
+(defconst modeline-modified (purecopy '("--%1*%1+-"))
+  "Modeline control for displaying whether current buffer is modified.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'modeline-modified)
+(defvar modeline-narrowed-map (make-sparse-keymap 'modeline-narrowed-map)
+  "Keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the modeline-narrowed string.")
+(define-key modeline-narrowed-map 'button2
+  (make-modeline-command-wrapper 'widen))
+(defvar modeline-narrowed-extent (make-extent nil nil)
+  "Extent covering the modeline-narrowed string.")
+(set-extent-face modeline-narrowed-extent 'modeline-mousable)
+(set-extent-keymap modeline-narrowed-extent modeline-narrowed-map)
+(set-extent-property modeline-narrowed-extent 'help-echo
+		     "button2 widens the buffer")
+ modeline-format
+ (list
+  (purecopy "")
+  (cons modeline-modified-extent 'modeline-modified)
+  (cons modeline-buffer-id-extent 'modeline-buffer-identification)
+  (purecopy "   ")
+  'global-mode-string
+  (purecopy "   %[(")
+  (cons modeline-minor-mode-extent
+	(list (purecopy "") 'mode-name 'minor-mode-alist))
+  (cons modeline-narrowed-extent (purecopy "%n"))
+  'modeline-process
+  (purecopy ")%]----")
+  (list 'line-number-mode (purecopy "L%l--"))
+  (list 'column-number-mode (purecopy "C%c--"))
+  (cons -3 (purecopy "%p"))
+  (purecopy "-%-")))
+;;; Added for XEmacs 20.3.  Provide wrapper for vc since it may not always be
+;;; present, and its symbols are not visible this early in the dump if it
+;;; is.
+(defun modeline-toggle-read-only ()
+  "Change whether this buffer is visiting its file read-only.
+With arg, set read-only iff arg is positive.
+This function is designed to be called when the read-only indicator on the
+modeline is clicked.  It will call `vc-toggle-read-only' if available,
+otherwise it will call the usual `toggle-read-only'."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (fboundp 'vc-toggle-read-only)
+      (vc-toggle-read-only)
+    (toggle-read-only)))
+;;; modeline.el ends here