diff lwlib/xlwmenu.c @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children ac2d302a0011
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lwlib/xlwmenu.c	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3249 @@
+/* Implements a lightweight menubar widget.  
+   Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Lucid, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems and INS Engineering Corp.
+This file is part of the Lucid Widget Library.
+The Lucid Widget Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+The Lucid Widget Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */
+/* Created by devin@lucid.com */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <X11/Xos.h>
+#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h>
+#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+#include <X11/bitmaps/gray>
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+#include <Xm/Xm.h>
+#include "xlwmenuP.h"
+static char 
+xlwMenuTranslations [] = 
+"<BtnDown>:	start()\n\
+<BtnMotion>:	drag()\n\
+<BtnUp>:	select()\n\
+#define offset(field) XtOffset(XlwMenuWidget, field)
+static XtResource 
+xlwMenuResources[] =
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  /* There are three font list resources, so that we can accept either of
+     the resources *fontList: or *font:, and so that we can tell the
+     difference between them being specified, and being defaulted to a
+     font from the XtRString specified here.
+   */
+  {XmNfontList,  XmCFontList, XmRFontList, sizeof(XmFontList),
+     offset(menu.font_list),  XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
+  {XtNfont,      XtCFont,     XmRFontList, sizeof(XmFontList),
+     offset(menu.font_list_2),XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
+  {XmNfontList,  XmCFontList, XmRFontList, sizeof(XmFontList),
+     offset(menu.fallback_font_list),
+     /* We must use an iso8859-1 font here, or people without $LANG set lose.
+	It's fair to assume that those who do have $LANG set also have the
+	*fontList resource set, or at least know how to deal with this.
+      */
+     XtRString, "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"},
+  {XtNfont,  XtCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof(XFontStruct *),
+     offset(menu.font),XtRString, "XtDefaultFont"},
+  {XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
+     offset(menu.foreground), XtRString, "XtDefaultForeground"},
+  {XtNbuttonForeground, XtCButtonForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
+     offset(menu.button_foreground), XtRString, "XtDefaultForeground"},
+  {XtNmargin, XtCMargin, XtRDimension,  sizeof(Dimension),
+     offset(menu.margin), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2},
+  {XmNmarginWidth, XmCMarginWidth, XmRHorizontalDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
+     offset(menu.horizontal_margin), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)2},
+  {XmNmarginHeight, XmCMarginHeight, XmRVerticalDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
+     offset(menu.vertical_margin), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)1},
+  {XmNspacing, XmCSpacing, XmRHorizontalDimension,  sizeof(Dimension),
+     offset(menu.column_spacing), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)4},
+  {XmNindicatorSize, XmCIndicatorSize, XtRDimension,  sizeof(Dimension),
+     offset(menu.indicator_size), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)0},
+  {XmNshadowThickness, XmCShadowThickness, XmRHorizontalDimension,
+     sizeof (Dimension), offset (menu.shadow_thickness),
+     XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2},
+  {XmNselectColor, XmCSelectColor, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
+     offset (menu.select_color), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)-1},
+  {XmNtopShadowColor, XmCTopShadowColor, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
+     offset (menu.top_shadow_color), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)-1},
+  {XmNbottomShadowColor, XmCBottomShadowColor, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
+     offset (menu.bottom_shadow_color), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)-1},
+  {XmNtopShadowPixmap, XmCTopShadowPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof (Pixmap),
+     offset (menu.top_shadow_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None},
+  {XmNbottomShadowPixmap, XmCBottomShadowPixmap, XtRPixmap, sizeof (Pixmap),
+     offset (menu.bottom_shadow_pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None},
+  {XtNopen, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), 
+     offset(menu.open), XtRCallback, (XtPointer)NULL},
+  {XtNselect, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(XtPointer), 
+     offset(menu.select), XtRCallback, (XtPointer)NULL},
+  {XtNmenu, XtCMenu, XtRPointer, sizeof(XtPointer),
+     offset(menu.contents), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL},
+  {XtNcursor, XtCCursor, XtRCursor, sizeof(Cursor),
+     offset(menu.cursor_shape), XtRString, (XtPointer)"right_ptr"},
+  {XtNhorizontal, XtCHorizontal, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
+     offset(menu.horizontal), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
+  {XtNuseBackingStore, XtCUseBackingStore, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
+     offset (menu.use_backing_store), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False},
+  {XtNbounceDown, XtCBounceDown, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
+     offset (menu.bounce_down), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
+  {XtNresourceLabels, XtCResourceLabels, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
+     offset (menu.lookup_labels), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)False},
+#undef offset
+static Boolean XlwMenuSetValues (Widget current, Widget request, Widget new,
+				 ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args);
+static void XlwMenuRealize (Widget w, Mask *valueMask,
+			    XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);
+static void XlwMenuRedisplay (Widget w, XEvent *ev, Region region);
+static void XlwMenuResize (Widget w);
+static void XlwMenuInitialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args,
+			       Cardinal *num_args);
+static void XlwMenuDestroy (Widget w);
+static void XlwMenuClassInitialize (void);
+static void Start (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
+static void Drag (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
+static void Select (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params,
+ Cardinal *num_params);
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+static XFontStruct *default_font_of_font_list (XmFontList);
+static XtActionsRec 
+xlwMenuActionsList [] =
+  {"start",		Start},
+  {"drag",		Drag},
+  {"select",		Select},
+#define SuperClass ((CoreWidgetClass)&coreClassRec)
+XlwMenuClassRec xlwMenuClassRec =
+  {  /* CoreClass fields initialization */
+    (WidgetClass) SuperClass,		/* superclass		  */	
+    "XlwMenu",				/* class_name		  */
+    sizeof(XlwMenuRec),			/* size			  */
+    XlwMenuClassInitialize,		/* class_initialize	  */
+    NULL,				/* class_part_initialize  */
+    FALSE,				/* class_inited		  */
+    XlwMenuInitialize,			/* initialize		  */
+    NULL,				/* initialize_hook	  */
+    XlwMenuRealize,			/* realize		  */
+    xlwMenuActionsList,			/* actions		  */
+    XtNumber(xlwMenuActionsList),	/* num_actions		  */
+    xlwMenuResources,			/* resources		  */
+    XtNumber(xlwMenuResources),		/* resource_count	  */
+    NULLQUARK,				/* xrm_class		  */
+    TRUE,				/* compress_motion	  */
+    TRUE,				/* compress_exposure	  */
+    TRUE,				/* compress_enterleave    */
+    FALSE,				/* visible_interest	  */
+    XlwMenuDestroy,			/* destroy		  */
+    XlwMenuResize,			/* resize		  */
+    XlwMenuRedisplay,			/* expose		  */
+    XlwMenuSetValues,			/* set_values		  */
+    NULL,				/* set_values_hook	  */
+    XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,		/* set_values_almost	  */
+    NULL,				/* get_values_hook	  */
+    NULL,			/* #### - should this be set for grabs? accept_focus		  */
+    XtVersion,				/* version		  */
+    NULL,				/* callback_private	  */
+    xlwMenuTranslations,		/* tm_table		  */
+    XtInheritQueryGeometry,		/* query_geometry	  */
+    XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,	/* display_accelerator	  */
+    NULL				/* extension		  */
+  },  /* XlwMenuClass fields initialization */
+  {
+    0					/* dummy */
+  },
+WidgetClass xlwMenuWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &xlwMenuClassRec;
+/* Utilities */
+#if 0 /* Apparently not used anywhere */
+static char *
+safe_strdup (char *s)
+  char *result;
+  if (! s) return 0;
+  result = (char *) malloc (strlen (s) + 1);
+  if (! result)
+    return 0;
+  strcpy (result, s);
+  return result;
+#endif /* 0 */
+/* Replacement for XAllocColor() that tries to return the nearest
+   available color if the colormap is full.  From FSF Emacs. */
+static int
+allocate_nearest_color (Display *display, Colormap screen_colormap,
+		        XColor *color_def)
+  int status;
+  status = XAllocColor (display, screen_colormap, color_def);
+  if (!status)
+    {
+      /* If we got to this point, the colormap is full, so we're
+	 going to try and get the next closest color.
+	 The algorithm used is a least-squares matching, which is
+	 what X uses for closest color matching with StaticColor visuals.  */
+      XColor *cells;
+      int no_cells;
+      int nearest;
+      long nearest_delta, trial_delta;
+      int x;
+      no_cells = XDisplayCells (display, XDefaultScreen (display));
+      /* Don't use alloca here because lwlib doesn't have the
+         necessary configuration information that src does. */
+      cells = (XColor *) malloc (sizeof (XColor) * no_cells);
+      for (x = 0; x < no_cells; x++)
+	cells[x].pixel = x;
+      XQueryColors (display, screen_colormap, cells, no_cells);
+      nearest = 0;
+      /* I'm assuming CSE so I'm not going to condense this. */
+      nearest_delta = ((((color_def->red >> 8) - (cells[0].red >> 8))
+			* ((color_def->red >> 8) - (cells[0].red >> 8)))
+		       +
+		       (((color_def->green >> 8) - (cells[0].green >> 8))
+			* ((color_def->green >> 8) - (cells[0].green >> 8)))
+		       +
+		       (((color_def->blue >> 8) - (cells[0].blue >> 8))
+			* ((color_def->blue >> 8) - (cells[0].blue >> 8))));
+      for (x = 1; x < no_cells; x++)
+	{
+	  trial_delta = ((((color_def->red >> 8) - (cells[x].red >> 8))
+			  * ((color_def->red >> 8) - (cells[x].red >> 8)))
+			 +
+			 (((color_def->green >> 8) - (cells[x].green >> 8))
+			  * ((color_def->green >> 8) - (cells[x].green >> 8)))
+			 +
+			 (((color_def->blue >> 8) - (cells[x].blue >> 8))
+			  * ((color_def->blue >> 8) - (cells[x].blue >> 8))));
+	  if (trial_delta < nearest_delta)
+	    {
+	      nearest = x;
+	      nearest_delta = trial_delta;
+	    }
+	}
+      color_def->red = cells[nearest].red;
+      color_def->green = cells[nearest].green;
+      color_def->blue = cells[nearest].blue;
+      status = XAllocColor (display, screen_colormap, color_def);
+      free (cells);
+    }
+  return status;
+static void
+push_new_stack (XlwMenuWidget mw, widget_value *val)
+  if (!mw->menu.new_stack)
+    {
+      mw->menu.new_stack_length = 10;
+      mw->menu.new_stack =
+	(widget_value**)XtCalloc (mw->menu.new_stack_length,
+				  sizeof (widget_value*));
+    }
+  else if (mw->menu.new_depth == mw->menu.new_stack_length)
+    {
+      mw->menu.new_stack_length *= 2;
+      mw->menu.new_stack =
+	(widget_value**)XtRealloc ((char*)mw->menu.new_stack,
+				   mw->menu.new_stack_length *
+				   sizeof (widget_value*));
+    }
+  mw->menu.new_stack [mw->menu.new_depth++] = val;
+static void
+pop_new_stack_if_no_contents (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  if (mw->menu.new_depth)
+    {
+      if (!mw->menu.new_stack [mw->menu.new_depth - 1]->contents)
+	{
+	  mw->menu.new_depth -= 1;
+	}
+    }
+static void
+make_old_stack_space (XlwMenuWidget mw, int n)
+  if (!mw->menu.old_stack)
+    {
+      mw->menu.old_stack_length = 10;
+      mw->menu.old_stack =
+	(widget_value**)XtCalloc (mw->menu.old_stack_length,
+				  sizeof (widget_value*));
+    }
+  else if (mw->menu.old_stack_length < n)
+    {
+      mw->menu.old_stack_length *= 2;
+      mw->menu.old_stack =
+	(widget_value**)XtRealloc ((char*)mw->menu.old_stack,
+				   mw->menu.old_stack_length *
+				   sizeof (widget_value*));
+    }
+static Boolean
+close_to_reference_time(Widget w, Time reference_time, XEvent *ev)
+  return (reference_time &&
+	  (ev->xbutton.time - reference_time
+	      < XtGetMultiClickTime (XtDisplay (w))));
+/* Size code */
+static int
+string_width (XlwMenuWidget mw,
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+	      XmString s
+	      char *s
+	      )
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  Dimension width, height;
+  XmStringExtent (mw->menu.font_list, s, &width, &height);
+  return width;
+  XCharStruct xcs;
+  int drop;
+  XTextExtents (mw->menu.font, s, strlen (s), &drop, &drop, &drop, &xcs);
+  return xcs.width;
+static void
+massage_resource_name (CONST char *in, char *out)
+  /* Turn a random string into something suitable for using as a resource.
+     For example:
+     "Kill Buffer"		->	"killBuffer"
+     "Find File..."		->	"findFile"
+     "Search and Replace..."	->	"searchAndReplace"
+   */
+# define GOOD_CHAR(c) (((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z') || \
+		       ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') || \
+		       ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') || \
+		       ((c) == '_') || \
+		       ((c) > 0240))
+  int firstp = 1;
+  while (*in)
+    {
+      if (GOOD_CHAR ((unsigned char) *in))
+	{
+	  if (firstp)
+	    *out = tolower (*in);
+	  else
+	    *out = toupper (*in);
+	  firstp = 0;
+	  in++;
+	  out++;
+	  while (GOOD_CHAR ((unsigned char) *in))
+	    {
+	      *out = *in;
+	      in++;
+	      out++;
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  /* A bogus char between words; skip it. */
+	  in++;
+	}
+    }
+  *out = 0;
+#undef GOOD_CHAR
+static XtResource
+nameResource[] =
+  { "labelString",  "LabelString", XtRString, sizeof(String),
+    0, XtRImmediate, 0 }
+ *    This function looks through string searching for parameter
+ *    inserts of the form:
+ *    %[padding]1
+ *    padding is space (' ') or dash ('-') characters meaning
+ *    padding to the left or right of the inserted parameter.
+ *    In essence all %1 strings are replaced by value in the return
+ *    value (which the caller is expected to free).
+ *    %% means insert one % (like printf).
+ *    %1 means insert value.
+ *    %-1 means insert value followed by one space. The latter is
+ *    not inserted if value is a zero length string.
+ */
+static char*
+parameterize_string (CONST char *string, CONST char *value)
+  char *percent;
+  char *result;
+  unsigned done = 0;
+  unsigned ntimes;
+  if (!string)
+    {
+      result = XtMalloc(1);
+      result[0] = '\0';
+      return (result);
+    }
+  if (!value)
+    value = "";
+  for (ntimes = 1, result = (char *) string; (percent = strchr(result, '%'));
+       ntimes++)
+    result = &percent[1];
+  result = XtMalloc((ntimes * strlen(value)) + strlen(string) + 4);
+  result[0] = '\0';
+  while ((percent = strchr(string, '%')))
+    {
+      unsigned left_pad;
+      unsigned right_pad;
+      char *p;
+      if (percent[1] == '%')
+	{	/* it's a real % */
+	  strncat(result, string, 1 + percent - string); /* incl % */
+	  string = &percent[2];	/* after the second '%' */
+	  continue;		/* with the while() loop */
+	}
+      left_pad = 0;
+      right_pad = 0;
+      for (p = &percent[1]; /* test *p inside the loop */ ; p++)
+	{
+	  if (*p == ' ')
+	    {			/* left pad */
+	      left_pad++;
+	    }
+	  else if (*p == '-')
+	    {			/* right pad */
+	      right_pad++;
+	    }
+	  else if (*p == '1')
+	    {			/* param and terminator */
+	      strncat(result, string, percent - string);
+	      if (value[0] != '\0')
+		{
+		  unsigned i;
+		  for (i = 0; i < left_pad; i++)
+		    strcat(result, " ");
+		  strcat(result, value);
+		  for (i = 0; i < right_pad; i++)
+		    strcat(result, " ");
+		}
+	      string = &p[1];	/* after the '1' */
+	      done++;		/* no need to do old way */
+	      break;		/* out of for() loop */
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {			/* bogus, copy the format as is */
+				/* out of for() loop */
+	      strncat(result, string, 1 + p - string);
+	      string= (*p ? &p[1] : p);
+	      break;		
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  /*
+   *    Copy the tail of the string
+   */
+  strcat(result, string);
+  /*
+   *    If we have not processed a % string, and we have a value, tail it.
+   */
+  if (!done && value[0] != '\0')
+    {
+      strcat(result, " ");
+      strcat(result, value);
+    }
+  return result;
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+static XmString
+resource_widget_value (XlwMenuWidget mw, widget_value *val)
+  if (!val->toolkit_data)
+    {
+      char *resourced_name = NULL;
+      char *converted_name, *str;
+      XmString complete_name;
+      char massaged_name [1024];
+      if (mw->menu.lookup_labels)
+	{
+	  /* Convert value style name into resource style name.
+	     eg: "Free Willy" becomes "freeWilly" */
+	  massage_resource_name (val->name, massaged_name);
+	  /* If we have a value (parameter) see if we can find a "Named"
+	     resource. */
+	  if (val->value)
+	    {
+	      char named_name[1024];
+	      sprintf(named_name, "%sNamed", massaged_name);
+	      XtGetSubresources ((Widget) mw,
+				 (XtPointer) &resourced_name,
+				 named_name, named_name,
+				 nameResource, 1, NULL, 0);
+	    }
+	  /* If nothing yet, try to load from the massaged name. */
+	  if (!resourced_name)
+	    {
+	      XtGetSubresources ((Widget) mw,
+				 (XtPointer) &resourced_name,
+				 massaged_name, massaged_name,
+				 nameResource, 1, NULL, 0);
+	    }
+	} /* if (mw->menu.lookup_labels) */
+      /* Still nothing yet, use the name as the value. */
+      if (!resourced_name)
+	resourced_name = val->name;
+      /* Parameterize the string. */
+      converted_name = parameterize_string(resourced_name, val->value);
+      /* nuke newline characters to prevent menubar screwups */
+      for ( str = converted_name ; *str ; str++ )
+	{
+	  if (str[0] == '\n') str[0] = ' ';
+	}
+      /* Improve OSF's bottom line. */
+#if (XmVersion >= 1002)
+      complete_name = XmStringCreateLocalized (converted_name);
+      complete_name = XmStringCreateLtoR (converted_name,
+      XtFree (converted_name);
+      val->toolkit_data = complete_name;
+      val->free_toolkit_data = True;
+    }
+  return ((XmString) val->toolkit_data);
+/* Unused */
+#if 0
+ *    These two routines should be a seperate file..djw
+ */
+static char *
+xlw_create_localized_string (Widget w,
+			     char *name,
+			     char **args,
+			     unsigned nargs)
+  char *string = NULL;
+  char *arg = NULL;
+  if (nargs > 0)
+    arg = args[0];
+  XtGetSubresources (w,
+		     (XtPointer)&string,
+		     name,
+		     name,
+		     nameResource, 1,
+		     NULL, 0
+		     );
+  if (!string)
+    string = name;
+  return parameterize_string (string, arg);
+static XmString
+xlw_create_localized_xmstring (Widget w,
+			       char *name,
+			       char **args,
+			       unsigned nargs)
+  char *   string = xlw_create_localized_string (w, name, args, nargs);
+  XmString xm_string = XmStringCreateLtoR (string, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
+  XtFree(string);
+  return xm_string;
+#endif /* 0 */
+#else /* !Motif */
+static char*
+resource_widget_value (XlwMenuWidget mw, widget_value *val)
+  if (!val->toolkit_data)
+    {
+      char *resourced_name = NULL;
+      char *complete_name;
+      char massaged_name [1024];
+      if (mw->menu.lookup_labels)
+	{
+	  massage_resource_name (val->name, massaged_name);
+	  XtGetSubresources ((Widget) mw,
+			     (XtPointer) &resourced_name,
+			     massaged_name, massaged_name,
+			     nameResource, 1, NULL, 0);
+	}
+      if (!resourced_name)
+	resourced_name = val->name;
+      complete_name = parameterize_string(resourced_name, val->value);
+      val->toolkit_data = complete_name;
+      /* nuke newline characters to prevent menubar screwups */
+      for ( ; *complete_name ; complete_name++ )
+	{
+	  if (complete_name[0] == '\n')
+	    complete_name[0] = ' ';
+	}
+      val->free_toolkit_data = True;
+    }
+  return (char*)val->toolkit_data;
+#endif /* !Motif */
+ *    Code for drawing strings.
+ */
+static void
+	    XlwMenuWidget mw,
+	    Window window,
+	    int x, int y,
+	    GC gc,
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+	    XmString string
+	    char *string
+) {
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  XmStringDraw (XtDisplay (mw), window,
+		mw->menu.font_list,
+		string, gc,
+		x, y,
+		1000,	/* ???? width */
+		0, /* ???? layout_direction */
+		0);
+  XDrawString (XtDisplay (mw), window, gc,
+	       x, y + mw->menu.font_ascent, string, strlen (string));
+static void 
+binding_draw (XlwMenuWidget mw, Window w, int x, int y, GC gc, char *value)
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  XmString xm_value = XmStringCreateLtoR(value, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
+  string_draw (mw, w, x, y, gc, xm_value);
+  XmStringFree (xm_value);
+  string_draw (mw, w, x, y, gc, value);
+ *    Low level code for drawing 3-D edges.
+ */
+static void
+shadow_rectangle_draw (
+		       Display *dpy,
+		       Window window,
+		       GC top_gc,
+		       GC bottom_gc,
+		       int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		       unsigned thickness
+		       )
+  XPoint points [4];
+  if (!thickness)
+    return;
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y;
+  points [1].x = x + width;
+  points [1].y = y;
+  points [2].x = x + width - thickness;
+  points [2].y = y + thickness;
+  points [3].x = x;
+  points [3].y = y + thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y + thickness;
+  points [1].x = x;
+  points [1].y = y + height;
+  points [2].x = x + thickness;
+  points [2].y = y + height - thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness;
+  points [3].y = y + thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x + width;
+  points [0].y = y;
+  points [1].x = x + width - thickness;
+  points [1].y = y + thickness;
+  points [2].x = x + width - thickness;
+  points [2].y = y + height - thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + width;
+  points [3].y = y + height - thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y + height;
+  points [1].x = x + width;
+  points [1].y = y + height;
+  points [2].x = x + width;
+  points [2].y = y + height - thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness;
+  points [3].y = y + height - thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+typedef enum e_shadow_type
+  /* these are Motif compliant */
+  /* these are all non-Motif */
+} shadow_type;
+static void
+shadow_draw (XlwMenuWidget mw,
+	     Window window,
+	     int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height,
+	     shadow_type type
+	     )
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay (mw);
+  GC top_gc;
+  GC bottom_gc;
+  int thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+#if 0
+  XPoint points [4];
+#endif /* 0 */
+  Boolean etched = False;
+  switch (type)
+    {
+      top_gc = bottom_gc = mw->menu.background_gc;
+      break;
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      etched = True;
+      break;
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      etched = True;
+      break;
+    case SHADOW_IN:
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      break;
+    case SHADOW_OUT:
+    default:
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      break;
+    }
+  if (etched)
+    {
+      unsigned half = thickness/2;
+      shadow_rectangle_draw (
+			     dpy,
+			     window,
+			     top_gc,
+			     top_gc,
+			     x, y,
+			     width - half, height - half,
+			     thickness - half
+			     );
+      shadow_rectangle_draw (
+			     dpy,
+			     window,
+			     bottom_gc,
+			     bottom_gc,
+			     x + half, y + half,
+			     width - half , height - half,
+			     half
+			     );
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      shadow_rectangle_draw (
+			     dpy,
+			     window,
+			     top_gc,
+			     bottom_gc,
+			     x, y,
+			     width, height,
+			     thickness
+			     );
+    }
+static void 
+arrow_decoration_draw (
+		       XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		       Window window,
+		       int x, int y,
+		       unsigned width,
+		       Boolean raised
+		       )
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay (mw);
+  GC top_gc;
+  GC bottom_gc;
+  GC select_gc;
+  int thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  XPoint points [4];
+  int half_width;
+  int length = (int)((double)width * 0.87);
+  int thick_med = (int)((double)thickness * 1.73);
+  if (width & 0x1)
+    half_width = width/2 + 1;
+  else
+    half_width = width/2;
+  select_gc = mw->menu.background_gc;
+  if (raised)
+    {
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+    }
+  /*
+   *    Fill internal area, we do this first so that the borders
+   *    have a nice sharp edge.
+   */
+  points [0].x = x + thickness;
+  points [0].y = y + thickness;
+  points [1].x = x + length - thickness;
+  points [1].y = y + half_width;
+  points [2].x = x + length - thickness;
+  points [2].y = y + half_width + thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness;
+  points [3].y = y + width - thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (
+		dpy,
+		window,
+		select_gc,
+		points,
+		4, 
+		Convex,
+		CoordModeOrigin
+		);
+  /* left border */
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y;
+  points [1].x = x + thickness;
+  points [1].y = y + thick_med;
+  points [2].x = x + thickness;
+  points [2].y = y + width - thick_med;
+  points [3].x = x;
+  points [3].y = y + width;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  /* top border */
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y + width;
+  points [1].x = x + length;
+  points [1].y = y + half_width;
+  points [2].x = x + length - (thickness + thickness);
+  points [2].y = y + half_width;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness;
+  points [3].y = y + width - thick_med;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  /* bottom shadow */
+  points [0].x = x;
+  points [0].y = y;
+  points [1].x = x + length;
+  points [1].y = y + half_width;
+  points [2].x = x + length - (thickness + thickness);
+  points [2].y = y + half_width;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness;
+  points [3].y = y + thick_med;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+static void
+toggle_decoration_draw (
+			XlwMenuWidget mw,
+			Window window,
+			int x, int y,
+			unsigned width,
+			Boolean set
+			)
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay (mw);
+  int thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  shadow_type type;
+  GC select_gc = mw->menu.select_gc;
+  if (set)
+    type = SHADOW_IN;
+  else
+    type = SHADOW_OUT;
+  /*
+   *    Fill internal area.
+   */
+  if (set) 
+    XFillRectangle (
+		    dpy,
+		    window,
+		    select_gc,
+		    x + thickness,
+		    y + thickness,
+		    width - (2*thickness),
+		    width - (2*thickness)
+		    );
+  shadow_draw(mw, window, x, y, width, width, type);
+static void
+radio_decoration_draw (
+		       XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		       Window window,
+		       int x, int y,
+		       unsigned width,
+		       Boolean enabled
+		       )
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay (mw);
+  GC top_gc;
+  GC bottom_gc;
+  GC select_gc = mw->menu.select_gc;
+  int thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  XPoint points[6];
+  int half_width;
+#if 0
+  int npoints;
+#endif /* 0 */
+  if (width & 0x1)
+    width++;
+  half_width = width/2;
+  if (enabled)
+    {
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+    }
+#if 1
+  /*
+   *    Draw the bottom first, just incase the regions overlap.
+   *    The top should cast the longer shadow.
+   */
+  points [0].x = x; /* left corner */
+  points [0].y = y + half_width;
+  points [1].x = x + half_width; /* bottom corner */
+  points [1].y = y + width;
+  points [2].x = x + half_width; /* bottom inside corner */
+  points [2].y = y + width - thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness; /* left inside corner */
+  points [3].y = y + half_width;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x + half_width; /* bottom corner */
+  points [0].y = y + width;
+  points [1].x = x + width; /* right corner */
+  points [1].y = y + half_width;
+  points [2].x = x + width - thickness; /* right inside corner */
+  points [2].y = y + half_width;
+  points [3].x = x + half_width; /* bottom inside corner */
+  points [3].y = y + width - thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x; /* left corner */
+  points [0].y = y + half_width;
+  points [1].x = x + half_width; /* top corner */
+  points [1].y = y;
+  points [2].x = x + half_width; /* top inside corner */
+  points [2].y = y + thickness;
+  points [3].x = x + thickness; /* left inside corner */
+  points [3].y = y + half_width;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  points [0].x = x + half_width; /* top corner */
+  points [0].y = y;
+  points [1].x = x + width; /* right corner */
+  points [1].y = y + half_width;
+  points [2].x = x + width - thickness; /* right inside corner */
+  points [2].y = y + half_width;
+  points [3].x = x + half_width; /* top inside corner */
+  points [3].y = y + thickness;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  /*
+   *    Draw the bottom first, just incase the regions overlap.
+   *    The top should cast the longer shadow.
+   */
+  npoints = 0;
+  points [npoints].x = x; /* left corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + half_width; /* bottom corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + width; /* right corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + width - thickness; /* right inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + half_width; /* bottom inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + width - thickness;
+  points [npoints].x = x + thickness; /* left inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, bottom_gc, 
+		points, npoints, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
+  npoints = 0;
+  points [npoints].x = x; /* left corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + half_width; /* top corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y;
+  points [npoints].x = x + width; /* right corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + width - thickness; /* right inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  points [npoints].x = x + half_width; /* top inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + thickness;
+  points [npoints].x = x + thickness; /* left inside corner */
+  points [npoints++].y = y + half_width;
+  XFillPolygon (dpy, window, top_gc, points, npoints, Nonconvex,
+		CoordModeOrigin);
+  /*
+   *    Fill internal area.
+   */
+  if (enabled)
+    {
+      points [0].x = x + thickness;
+      points [0].y = y + half_width;
+      points [1].x = x + half_width;
+      points [1].y = y + thickness;
+      points [2].x = x + width - thickness;
+      points [2].y = y + half_width;
+      points [3].x = x + half_width;
+      points [3].y = y + width - thickness;
+      XFillPolygon (dpy,
+		    window,
+		    select_gc,
+		    points,
+		    4, 
+		    Convex,
+		    CoordModeOrigin
+		    );
+    }
+static void
+separator_decoration_draw (
+			   XlwMenuWidget mw,
+			   Window window,
+			   int x, int y,
+			   unsigned width,
+			   Boolean vertical,
+			   shadow_type type
+			   )
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay (mw);
+  GC top_gc;
+  GC bottom_gc;
+  unsigned offset = 0;
+  unsigned num_separators = 1;
+  unsigned top_line_thickness = 0;
+  unsigned bottom_line_thickness = 0;
+  Boolean dashed = False;
+  int i;
+  switch (type)
+    {
+    case SHADOW_NO_LINE: /* nothing to do */
+      return; 
+      num_separators = 2;
+      top_gc = bottom_gc = mw->menu.foreground_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = 1;
+      break;
+      num_separators = 2;
+      top_gc = bottom_gc = mw->menu.foreground_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = 1;
+      dashed = True;
+      break;
+      num_separators = 2;
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness/2;
+      bottom_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness - top_line_thickness;
+      dashed = True;
+      break;
+      num_separators = 2;
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness/2;
+      bottom_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness - top_line_thickness;
+      dashed = True;
+      break;
+      num_separators = 2;
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness/2;
+      bottom_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness - top_line_thickness;
+      break;
+      num_separators = 2;
+    default:
+      top_gc = mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc;
+      bottom_gc = mw->menu.shadow_top_gc;
+      top_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness/2;
+      bottom_line_thickness = mw->menu.shadow_thickness - top_line_thickness;
+      break;
+    }
+  if (dashed)
+    {
+      XGCValues values;
+      values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
+      if (top_line_thickness > 0)
+	XChangeGC (dpy, top_gc, GCLineStyle, &values);
+      if (bottom_line_thickness > 0 && bottom_gc != top_gc)
+	XChangeGC (dpy, bottom_gc, GCLineStyle, &values);
+    }
+  while (num_separators--)
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < top_line_thickness; i++)
+	XDrawLine (dpy, window, top_gc, x, y + i, x + width, y + i);
+      for (i = 0; i < bottom_line_thickness; i++)
+	XDrawLine (
+		   dpy, window, bottom_gc, 
+		   x, y + top_line_thickness + offset + i,
+		   x + width, y + top_line_thickness + offset + i
+		   );
+      y += (top_line_thickness + offset + bottom_line_thickness + 1);
+    }
+  if (dashed)
+    {
+      XGCValues values;
+      values.line_style = LineSolid;
+      if (top_line_thickness > 0)
+	XChangeGC (dpy, top_gc, GCLineStyle, &values);
+      if (bottom_line_thickness > 0 && bottom_gc != top_gc)
+	XChangeGC (dpy, bottom_gc, GCLineStyle, &values);
+    }
+#define SLOPPY_TYPES 0		/* 0=off, 1=error check, 2=easy to please */
+static char *wv_types[] =
+  "BUTTON",
+  "TOGGLE",
+  "RADIO",
+  "TEXT",
+static void
+print_widget_value (widget_value *wv, int just_one, int depth)
+  char d [200];
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) d[i] = ' ';
+  d[depth]=0;
+  if (!wv)
+    {
+      printf ("%s(null widget value pointer)\n", d);
+      return;
+    }
+  printf ("%stype:    %s\n", d, wv_types [wv->type]);
+#if 0
+  printf ("%sname:    %s\n", d, (wv->name ? wv->name : "(null)"));
+  if (wv->name)  printf ("%sname:    %s\n", d, wv->name);
+  if (wv->value) printf ("%svalue:   %s\n", d, wv->value);
+  if (wv->key)   printf ("%skey:     %s\n", d, wv->key);
+  printf ("%senabled: %d\n", d, wv->enabled);
+  if (wv->contents)
+    {
+      printf ("\n%scontents: \n", d);
+      print_widget_value (wv->contents, 0, depth + 5);
+    }
+  if (!just_one && wv->next)
+    {
+      printf ("\n");
+      print_widget_value (wv->next, 0, depth);
+    }
+static Boolean
+all_dashes_p (char *s)
+  char *p;
+  if (!s || s[0] == '\0')
+    return False;
+  for (p = s; *p == '-'; p++);
+  if (*p == '!' || *p == '\0')
+    return True;
+  return False;
+static widget_value_type
+menu_item_type (widget_value *val)
+  if (val->type != UNSPECIFIED_TYPE)
+    return val->type;
+  else
+    {
+      if (all_dashes_p(val->name))
+      else if (val->name && val->name[0] == '\0') /* push right */
+      else if (val->contents) /* cascade */
+	return CASCADE_TYPE;
+      else if (val->call_data) /* push button */
+	return BUTTON_TYPE;
+      else
+	return TEXT_TYPE;
+    abort();
+    }
+static void
+label_button_size (
+		   XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		   widget_value *val,
+		   Boolean in_menubar,
+		   unsigned *toggle_width,
+		   unsigned *label_width,
+		   unsigned *bindings_width,
+		   unsigned *height
+		   )
+  *height = (mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent +
+	     2 * mw->menu.vertical_margin +
+	     2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness);
+  /* no left column decoration */
+  *toggle_width = mw->menu.horizontal_margin + mw->menu.shadow_thickness;;
+  *label_width  = string_width (mw, resource_widget_value (mw, val));
+  *bindings_width =  mw->menu.horizontal_margin + mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+static void
+label_button_draw (
+		   XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		   widget_value *val,
+		   Boolean       in_menubar,
+		   Boolean       highlighted,
+		   Window        window,
+		   int x, int y,
+		   unsigned width,
+		   unsigned height,
+		   unsigned label_offset,
+		   unsigned binding_tab
+		   )
+  int y_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.vertical_margin;
+  if (!label_offset)
+    label_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.horizontal_margin;
+  /*
+   *    Draw the label string.
+   */
+  string_draw (
+	       mw,
+	       window,
+	       x + label_offset, y + y_offset, 
+	       mw->menu.foreground_gc,
+	       resource_widget_value (mw, val)
+	       );
+static void
+push_button_size (
+		  XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		  widget_value *val,
+		  Boolean in_menubar,
+		  unsigned *toggle_width,
+		  unsigned *label_width,
+		  unsigned *bindings_width,
+		  unsigned *height
+		  )
+  /* inherit */
+  label_button_size (
+		     mw, val, in_menubar,
+		     toggle_width, label_width, bindings_width,
+		     height
+		     );
+  /* key bindings to display? */
+  if (!in_menubar && val->key)
+    {
+      int w;
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+      XmString key = XmStringCreateLtoR (val->key, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
+      w = string_width(mw, key);
+      XmStringFree (key);
+      char *key = val->key;
+      w = string_width (mw, key);
+      *bindings_width += w + mw->menu.column_spacing;
+    }
+static void
+push_button_draw (
+		  XlwMenuWidget mw, 
+		  widget_value *val,
+		  Boolean       in_menubar,
+		  Boolean       highlighted,
+		  Window        window, 
+		  int x, int y, 
+		  unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		  unsigned      label_offset,
+		  unsigned      binding_offset
+		  )
+  int y_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.vertical_margin;
+  GC gc;
+  shadow_type type;
+  Boolean menu_pb = in_menubar && (menu_item_type (val) == BUTTON_TYPE);
+  /*
+   *    Draw the label string.
+   */
+  if (!label_offset)
+    label_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.horizontal_margin;
+  if (menu_pb)
+    {
+      if (val->enabled)
+	gc = mw->menu.button_gc;
+      else
+	gc = mw->menu.inactive_button_gc;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (val->enabled)
+	gc = mw->menu.foreground_gc;
+      else
+	gc = mw->menu.inactive_gc;
+    }
+  string_draw (
+	       mw,
+	       window,
+	       x + label_offset, y + y_offset, 
+	       gc,
+	       resource_widget_value(mw, val)
+	       );
+  /*
+   *    Draw the keybindings
+   */
+  if (val->key)
+    {
+      if (!binding_offset)
+	{
+	  unsigned s_width = string_width (mw, resource_widget_value(mw, val));
+	  binding_offset = label_offset + s_width +  mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+	}
+      binding_draw (mw, window,
+		    x + binding_offset + mw->menu.column_spacing,
+		    y + y_offset, gc, val->key);
+    }
+  /*
+   *    Draw the shadow
+   */
+  if (menu_pb)
+    {
+      if (highlighted)
+	type = SHADOW_OUT;
+      else 
+	type = (val->selected ? SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT : SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (highlighted)
+	type = SHADOW_OUT;
+      else 
+    }
+  shadow_draw (mw, window, x, y, width, height, type);
+static unsigned int
+arrow_decoration_height (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  unsigned int result =
+    (mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent) / (unsigned int)2;
+  result += 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  if (result > (mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent))
+    result = mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent;
+  return result;
+static void
+cascade_button_size (
+		     XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		     widget_value *val,
+		     Boolean in_menubar,
+		     unsigned *toggle_width,
+		     unsigned *label_width,
+		     unsigned *arrow_width,
+		     unsigned *height
+		     )
+  /* inherit */
+  label_button_size (
+		     mw, val, in_menubar,
+		     toggle_width, label_width, arrow_width,
+		     height
+		     );
+  /* we have a pull aside arrow */
+  if (!in_menubar)
+    {
+      *arrow_width += arrow_decoration_height(mw) + mw->menu.column_spacing;
+    }
+static void
+cascade_button_draw (
+		     XlwMenuWidget mw, 
+		     widget_value *val,
+		     Boolean       in_menubar,
+		     Boolean       highlighted,
+		     Window        window, 
+		     int x, int y, 
+		     unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		     unsigned      label_offset,
+		     unsigned      binding_offset
+		     )
+  shadow_type type;
+  /*
+   *    Draw the label string.
+   */
+  label_button_draw (mw, val, in_menubar, highlighted,
+		     window, x, y, width, height, label_offset,
+		     binding_offset);
+  /*
+   *    Draw the pull aside arrow
+   */
+  if (!in_menubar && val->contents)
+    {
+      int y_offset;
+      unsigned arrow_height = arrow_decoration_height (mw);
+      y_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.vertical_margin +
+	(mw->menu.font_ascent+mw->menu.font_descent - arrow_height)/2;
+      if (!binding_offset)
+	{
+	  unsigned s_width = string_width(mw, resource_widget_value (mw, val));
+	  if (!label_offset)
+	    label_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness +
+	      mw->menu.horizontal_margin;
+	  binding_offset = label_offset + s_width +  mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+	}
+      arrow_decoration_draw (
+			     mw,
+			     window,
+			     x + binding_offset + mw->menu.column_spacing,
+			     y + y_offset,
+			     arrow_height,
+			     highlighted
+			     );
+    }
+  /*
+   *    Draw the shadow
+   */
+  if (highlighted)
+    type = SHADOW_OUT;
+  else
+  shadow_draw(mw, window, x, y, width, height, type);
+static unsigned
+toggle_decoration_height(XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  unsigned rv;
+  if (mw->menu.indicator_size > 0)
+    rv = mw->menu.indicator_size;
+  else
+    rv = mw->menu.font_ascent;
+  if (rv > (mw->menu.font_ascent+mw->menu.font_descent))
+    rv = mw->menu.font_ascent+mw->menu.font_descent;
+  return rv;
+static void
+toggle_button_size (
+		    XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		    widget_value *val,
+		    Boolean in_menubar,
+		    unsigned *toggle_width,
+		    unsigned *label_width,
+		    unsigned *bindings_width,
+		    unsigned *height
+		    )
+  /* inherit */
+  push_button_size (
+		    mw, val, in_menubar,
+		    toggle_width, label_width, bindings_width,
+		    height
+		    );
+  /* we have a toggle */
+  *toggle_width += toggle_decoration_height(mw) + mw->menu.column_spacing;
+static void
+toggle_button_draw (
+		    XlwMenuWidget mw, 
+		    widget_value *val,
+		    Boolean       in_menubar,
+		    Boolean highlighted,
+		    Window        window, 
+		    int x, int y, 
+		    unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		    unsigned      label_tab,
+		    unsigned      binding_tab
+		    )
+  int x_offset;
+  int y_offset;
+  unsigned t_height = toggle_decoration_height(mw);
+  /*
+   *    Draw a toggle.
+   */
+  x_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.horizontal_margin;
+  y_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.vertical_margin;
+  y_offset += (mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent - t_height)/2;
+  toggle_decoration_draw (mw, window, x + x_offset, y + y_offset,
+			  t_height, val->selected);
+  /*
+   *    Draw the pushbutton parts.
+   */
+  push_button_draw (mw, val, in_menubar, highlighted, window, x, y, width,
+		    height, label_tab, binding_tab);
+static unsigned
+radio_decoration_height(XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  return toggle_decoration_height(mw);
+static void
+radio_button_draw (
+		   XlwMenuWidget mw, 
+		   widget_value *val,
+		   Boolean       in_menubar,
+		   Boolean       highlighted,
+		   Window        window, 
+		   int x, int y, 
+		   unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		   unsigned      label_tab,
+		   unsigned      binding_tab
+		   )
+  int x_offset;
+  int y_offset;
+  unsigned r_height = radio_decoration_height(mw);
+  /*
+   *    Draw a toggle.
+   */
+  x_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.horizontal_margin;
+  y_offset = mw->menu.shadow_thickness + mw->menu.vertical_margin;
+  y_offset += (mw->menu.font_ascent + mw->menu.font_descent - r_height)/2;
+  radio_decoration_draw (mw, window, x + x_offset, y + y_offset, r_height,
+			 val->selected);
+  /*
+   *    Draw the pushbutton parts.
+   */
+  push_button_draw (mw, val, in_menubar, highlighted, window, x, y, width,
+		    height, label_tab, binding_tab);
+static struct _shadow_names
+  CONST char *      name;
+  shadow_type type;
+} shadow_names[] =
+  /* Motif */
+  { "singleLine", SHADOW_SINGLE_LINE },
+  { "doubleLine", SHADOW_DOUBLE_LINE },
+  { "singleDashedLine", SHADOW_SINGLE_DASHED_LINE },
+  { "doubleDashedLine", SHADOW_DOUBLE_DASHED_LINE },
+  { "noLine", SHADOW_NO_LINE },
+  { "shadowEtchedIn", SHADOW_ETCHED_IN },
+  { "shadowEtchedOut", SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT },
+  { "shadowEtchedInDash", SHADOW_ETCHED_IN_DASH },
+  { "shadowEtchedOutDash", SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT_DASH },
+  /* non-Motif */
+  { "shadowDoubleEtchedIn", SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_IN },
+  { "shadowDoubleEtchedOut", SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_OUT },
+  { "shadowDoubleEtchedInDash", SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_IN_DASH },
+  { "shadowDoubleEtchedOutDash", SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_OUT_DASH }
+static shadow_type
+separator_type (char *name)
+  int i;
+  if (name)
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(shadow_names); i++ )
+	{
+	  if (strcmp (name, shadow_names[i].name) == 0)
+	    return shadow_names[i].type;
+	}
+    }
+static unsigned
+separator_decoration_height (XlwMenuWidget mw, widget_value *val)
+  switch (separator_type(val->value))
+    {
+    case SHADOW_NO_LINE:
+      return 1;
+      return 3;
+      return (1 + 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness);
+    default:
+      return mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+    }
+static void
+separator_size (XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		widget_value *val,
+		Boolean in_menubar,
+		unsigned *toggle_width,
+		unsigned *label_width,
+		unsigned *rest_width,
+		unsigned *height
+		)
+  *height = separator_decoration_height (mw, val);
+  *label_width = 1;
+  *toggle_width = *rest_width = 0;
+static void
+separator_draw (XlwMenuWidget mw, 
+		widget_value *val,
+		Boolean       in_menubar,
+		Boolean       highlighted,
+		Window        window, 
+		int x, int y, 
+		unsigned width, unsigned height,
+		unsigned      label_tab,
+		unsigned      binding_tab
+		)
+  unsigned sep_width;
+  if (in_menubar)
+    sep_width = height;
+  else
+    sep_width = width;
+  separator_decoration_draw (mw,
+			     window,
+			     x,
+			     y,
+			     sep_width,
+			     in_menubar,
+			     separator_type(val->value)
+			     );
+static void
+pushright_size (XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		widget_value *val,
+		Boolean in_menubar,
+		unsigned *toggle_width,
+		unsigned *label_width,
+		unsigned *rest_width,
+		unsigned *height
+  *height = *label_width = *toggle_width = *rest_width = 0;
+static void
+size_menu_item (XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		widget_value *val,
+		int horizontal,
+		unsigned *toggle_width,
+		unsigned *label_width,
+		unsigned *rest_width,
+		unsigned *height
+  void (*function_ptr) (
+			XlwMenuWidget _mw,
+			widget_value *_val,
+			Boolean _in_menubar,
+			unsigned *_toggle_width,
+			unsigned *_label_width,
+			unsigned *_rest_width,
+			unsigned *_height
+			);
+  switch (menu_item_type (val))
+    {
+    case TOGGLE_TYPE:
+    case RADIO_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = toggle_button_size;
+      break;
+      function_ptr = separator_size;
+      break;
+    case CASCADE_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = cascade_button_size;
+      break;
+    case BUTTON_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = push_button_size;
+      break;
+      function_ptr = pushright_size;
+      break;
+    case TEXT_TYPE:
+    default:
+      function_ptr = label_button_size;
+      break;
+    }
+  (*function_ptr) (
+		   mw,
+		   val,
+		   horizontal,
+		   toggle_width,
+		   label_width,
+		   rest_width,
+		   height
+		   );
+static void
+display_menu_item (
+		   XlwMenuWidget mw,
+		   widget_value *val,
+		   window_state *ws,
+		   XPoint *where,
+		   Boolean highlighted,
+		   Boolean horizontal,
+		   Boolean just_compute
+		   )
+  int x = where->x /* + mw->menu.shadow_thickness */ ;
+  int y = where->y /* + mw->menu.shadow_thickness */ ;
+  unsigned toggle_width;
+  unsigned label_width;
+  unsigned binding_width;
+  unsigned width;
+  unsigned height;
+  unsigned label_tab;
+  unsigned binding_tab;
+  void (*function_ptr) (
+			XlwMenuWidget _mw,
+			widget_value *_val,
+			Boolean _in_menubar,
+			Boolean _highlighted,
+			Window        _window, 
+			int _x, int _y, 
+			unsigned _width, unsigned _height,
+			unsigned      _label_tab,
+			unsigned      _binding_tab
+			);
+  size_menu_item (
+		  mw, val, horizontal,
+		  &toggle_width, &label_width, &binding_width, &height
+		  );
+  if (horizontal)
+    {
+      width = toggle_width + label_width + binding_width;
+      height = ws->height - 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      width = ws->width - 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+      toggle_width = ws->toggle_width;
+      label_width = ws->label_width;
+    }
+  where->x += width;
+  where->y += height;
+  if (just_compute)
+    return;
+  label_tab = toggle_width;
+  binding_tab = toggle_width + label_width;
+  switch (menu_item_type (val))
+    {
+    case TOGGLE_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = toggle_button_draw;
+      break;
+    case RADIO_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = radio_button_draw;
+      break;
+      function_ptr = separator_draw;
+      break;
+    case CASCADE_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = cascade_button_draw;
+      break;
+    case BUTTON_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = push_button_draw;
+      break;
+    case TEXT_TYPE:
+      function_ptr = label_button_draw;
+      break;
+    default: /* do no drawing */
+      return;
+    }
+  (*function_ptr) (
+		   mw,
+		   val,
+		   horizontal,
+		   highlighted,
+		   ws->window, 
+		   x, y, 
+		   width, height,
+		   label_tab,
+		   binding_tab
+		   );
+static void
+size_menu (XlwMenuWidget mw, int level)
+  unsigned      toggle_width;
+  unsigned	label_width;
+  unsigned	rest_width;
+  unsigned	height;
+  unsigned	max_toggle_width = 0;
+  unsigned	max_label_width = 0;
+  unsigned	max_rest_width = 0;
+  unsigned	max_height = 0;
+  int		horizontal_p = mw->menu.horizontal && (level == 0);
+  widget_value*	val;
+  window_state*	ws;
+  if (level >= mw->menu.old_depth)
+    abort ();
+  ws = &mw->menu.windows [level];  
+  for (val = mw->menu.old_stack [level]->contents; val; val = val->next)
+    {
+      size_menu_item (
+		      mw,
+		      val,
+		      horizontal_p,
+		      &toggle_width,
+		      &label_width,
+		      &rest_width,
+		      &height
+		      );
+      if (horizontal_p)
+	{
+	  max_label_width += toggle_width + label_width + rest_width;
+	  if (height > max_height)
+	    max_height = height;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  if (toggle_width > max_toggle_width)
+	    max_toggle_width = toggle_width;
+	  if (label_width > max_label_width)
+	    max_label_width = label_width;
+	  if (rest_width > max_rest_width)
+	    max_rest_width = rest_width;
+	  max_height += height;
+	}
+    }
+  ws->height = max_height;
+  ws->width = max_label_width + max_rest_width + max_toggle_width;
+  ws->toggle_width = max_toggle_width;
+  ws->label_width = max_label_width;
+  ws->width += 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  ws->height += 2 * mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+static void
+display_menu (XlwMenuWidget mw, int level, Boolean just_compute_p,
+	      XPoint *highlighted_pos, XPoint *hit, widget_value **hit_return,
+	      widget_value *this, widget_value *that)
+  widget_value *val;
+  widget_value *following_item;
+  window_state *ws;
+  XPoint	where;
+  int horizontal_p = mw->menu.horizontal && (level == 0);
+  int highlighted_p;
+  int just_compute_this_one_p;
+  if (level >= mw->menu.old_depth)
+    abort ();
+  if (level < mw->menu.old_depth - 1)
+    following_item = mw->menu.old_stack [level + 1];
+  else 
+    following_item = NULL;
+#if SLOPPY_TYPES == 1
+  puts("===================================================================");
+  print_widget_value (following_item, 1, 0);
+  if (following_item
+      && following_item->type == CASCADE_TYPE
+      && following_item->contents
+      && following_item->contents->type == INCREMENTAL_TYPE)
+    {
+      /* okay, we're now doing a lisp callback to incrementally generate
+	 more of the menu. */
+      XtCallCallbackList ((Widget)mw,
+			  mw->menu.open,
+			  (XtPointer)following_item->contents);
+#if SLOPPY_TYPES == 1
+  puts("==== NEW ==== NEW ==== NEW ==== NEW ==== NEW ==== NEW ==== NEW ====");
+  print_widget_value(following_item, 1, 0);
+    }
+  if (hit)
+    *hit_return = NULL;
+  where.x = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  where.y = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  ws = &mw->menu.windows [level];
+  for (val = mw->menu.old_stack [level]->contents; val; val = val->next)
+    {
+      XPoint start;
+      highlighted_p = (val == following_item);
+      /* If this is the partition (the dummy item which says that menus
+	 after this should be flushright) then figure out how big the
+	 following items are.  This means we walk down the tail of the
+	 list twice, but that's no big deal - it's short.
+       */
+      if (horizontal_p && (menu_item_type (val) == PUSHRIGHT_TYPE))
+	{
+	  widget_value *rest;
+	  XPoint flushright_size;
+	  int new_x;
+	  flushright_size.x = 0;
+	  flushright_size.y = 0;
+	  for (rest = val; rest; rest = rest->next)
+	    display_menu_item (mw, rest, ws, &flushright_size,
+			       highlighted_p, horizontal_p, True);
+	  new_x = ws->width - (flushright_size.x + mw->menu.shadow_thickness);
+	  if (new_x > where.x)
+	    where.x = new_x;
+	  /* We know what we need; don't draw this item. */
+	  continue;
+	}
+      if (highlighted_p && highlighted_pos)
+	{
+	  if (horizontal_p)
+	    highlighted_pos->x = where.x;
+	  else
+	    highlighted_pos->y = where.y;
+	}
+      just_compute_this_one_p =
+	just_compute_p || ((this || that) && val != this &&  val != that);
+      start.x = where.x;
+      start.y = where.y;
+      display_menu_item (mw, val, ws, &where, highlighted_p, horizontal_p,
+			 just_compute_this_one_p);
+      if (highlighted_p && highlighted_pos)
+	{
+	  if (horizontal_p)
+	    highlighted_pos->y = ws->height;
+	  else
+	    highlighted_pos->x = ws->width;
+	}
+      if (hit && !*hit_return && (val->type != SEPARATOR_TYPE))
+	{
+	  if (horizontal_p && hit->x > start.x && hit->x < where.x)
+	    *hit_return = val;
+	  else if (!horizontal_p && hit->y > start.y && hit->y < where.y)
+	    *hit_return = val;
+	}
+      if (horizontal_p)
+	where.y = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+      else
+	where.x = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+    }
+  /* Draw slab edges around menu */
+  if (!just_compute_p)
+    shadow_draw(mw, ws->window, 0, 0, ws->width, ws->height, SHADOW_OUT);
+/* Motion code */
+static void
+set_new_state (XlwMenuWidget mw, widget_value *val, int level)
+  int i;
+  mw->menu.new_depth = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < level; i++)
+    push_new_stack (mw, mw->menu.old_stack [i]);
+  if (val)
+    push_new_stack (mw, val);
+static void
+make_windows_if_needed (XlwMenuWidget mw, int n)
+  int i;
+  int start_at;
+  XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
+  int mask;
+#define ROOT_PARENT
+  Window root = RootWindowOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (mw)));
+  window_state *windows;
+  if (mw->menu.windows_length >= n)
+    return;
+  xswa.save_under = True;
+  xswa.override_redirect = True;
+  xswa.background_pixel = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  xswa.border_pixel = mw->core.border_pixel;
+  xswa.event_mask = (ExposureMask | ButtonMotionMask
+		     | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask);
+  xswa.cursor = mw->menu.cursor_shape;
+  mask = CWSaveUnder | CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel
+    | CWEventMask | CWCursor;
+  if (mw->menu.use_backing_store)
+    {
+      xswa.backing_store = Always;
+      mask |= CWBackingStore;
+    }
+  if (!mw->menu.windows)
+    {
+      mw->menu.windows =
+	(window_state *) XtMalloc (n * sizeof (window_state));
+      start_at = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      mw->menu.windows =
+	(window_state *) XtRealloc ((char*)mw->menu.windows,
+				    n * sizeof (window_state));
+      start_at = mw->menu.windows_length;
+    }
+  mw->menu.windows_length = n;
+  windows = mw->menu.windows;
+  for (i = start_at; i < n; i++)
+   {
+     windows [i].x = 0;
+     windows [i].y = 0;
+     windows [i].width = 1;
+     windows [i].height = 1;
+     windows [i].window =
+       XCreateWindow (XtDisplay (mw),
+		      root,
+		      ((i >  0)
+		       ? windows[0].window
+		       : XtWindow (XtParent (mw))),
+		      0, 0, 1, 1,
+		      0, 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, mask, &xswa);
+  }
+/* Make the window fit in the screen */
+static void
+fit_to_screen (XlwMenuWidget mw, window_state *ws, window_state *previous_ws,
+	       Boolean horizontal_p)
+  int screen_width = WidthOfScreen (XtScreen (mw));
+  int screen_height = HeightOfScreen (XtScreen (mw));
+  if (ws->x < 0)
+    ws->x = 0;
+  else if ((int) (ws->x + ws->width) > screen_width)
+    {
+      if (!horizontal_p)
+	ws->x = previous_ws->x - ws->width;
+      else
+	{
+	  ws->x = screen_width - ws->width;
+	  /* This check is to make sure we cut off the right side
+             instead of the left side if the menu is wider than the
+             screen. */
+	  if (ws->x < 0)
+	    ws->x = 0;
+	}
+    }
+  if (ws->y < 0)
+    ws->y = 0;
+  else if ((int) (ws->y + ws->height) > screen_height)
+    {
+      if (horizontal_p)
+	{
+	  /* A pulldown must either be entirely above or below the menubar.
+	     If we're here, the pulldown doesn't fit below the menubar, so
+             let's determine if it will fit above the menubar.
+             Only put it above if there is more room above than below.
+	     Note shadow_thickness offset to allow for slab surround.
+	     */
+	  if (ws->y > (screen_height / 2))
+	    ws->y = previous_ws->y - ws->height + mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  ws->y = screen_height - ws->height;
+	   /* if it's taller than the screen, display the topmost part
+	      that will fit, beginning at the top of the screen. */
+	  if (ws->y < 0)
+	    ws->y = 0;
+	}
+    }
+/* Updates old_stack from new_stack and redisplays. */
+static void
+remap_menubar (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  int i;
+  int last_same;
+  XPoint selection_position;
+  int old_depth = mw->menu.old_depth;
+  int new_depth = mw->menu.new_depth;
+  widget_value **old_stack;
+  widget_value **new_stack;
+  window_state *windows;
+  widget_value *old_selection;
+  widget_value *new_selection;
+  /* Check that enough windows and old_stack are ready. */
+  make_windows_if_needed (mw, new_depth);
+  make_old_stack_space (mw, new_depth);
+  windows = mw->menu.windows;
+  old_stack = mw->menu.old_stack;
+  new_stack = mw->menu.new_stack;
+  /* compute the last identical different entry */
+  for (i = 1; i < old_depth && i < new_depth; i++)
+    if (old_stack [i] != new_stack [i])
+      break;
+  last_same = i - 1;
+  /* Memorize the previously selected item to be able to refresh it */
+  old_selection = last_same + 1 < old_depth ? old_stack [last_same + 1] : NULL;
+  if (old_selection && !old_selection->enabled)
+    old_selection = NULL;
+  new_selection = last_same + 1 < new_depth ? new_stack [last_same + 1] : NULL;
+  if (new_selection && !new_selection->enabled)
+    new_selection = NULL;
+  /* updates old_state from new_state.  It has to be done now because
+     display_menu (called below) uses the old_stack to know what to display. */
+  for (i = last_same + 1; i < new_depth; i++)
+    old_stack [i] = new_stack [i];
+  mw->menu.old_depth = new_depth;
+  /* refresh the last seletion */
+  selection_position.x = 0;
+  selection_position.y = 0;
+  display_menu (mw, last_same, new_selection == old_selection,
+		&selection_position, NULL, NULL, old_selection, new_selection);
+  /* Now popup the new menus */
+  for (i = last_same + 1; i < new_depth && new_stack [i]->contents; i++)
+    {
+      window_state *previous_ws = &windows [i - 1];
+      window_state *ws = &windows [i];
+      ws->x = previous_ws->x + selection_position.x;
+      ws->y = previous_ws->y + selection_position.y;
+      /* take into account the slab around the new menu */
+      ws->y -= mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+      size_menu (mw, i);
+      fit_to_screen (mw, ws, previous_ws, mw->menu.horizontal && i == 1);
+      XClearWindow (XtDisplay (mw), ws->window);
+      XMoveResizeWindow (XtDisplay (mw), ws->window, ws->x, ws->y,
+			 ws->width, ws->height);
+      XMapRaised (XtDisplay (mw), ws->window);
+      display_menu (mw, i, False, &selection_position, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+  /* unmap the menus that popped down */
+  for (i = new_depth - 1; i < old_depth; i++)
+    if (i >= new_depth || !new_stack [i]->contents)
+      XUnmapWindow (XtDisplay (mw), windows [i].window);
+static Boolean
+motion_event_is_in_menu (XlwMenuWidget mw, XMotionEvent *ev, int level,
+			 XPoint *relative_pos)
+  window_state *ws = &mw->menu.windows [level];
+  int x = level == 0 ? ws->x : ws->x + mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  int y = level == 0 ? ws->y : ws->y + mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  relative_pos->x = ev->x_root - x;
+  relative_pos->y = ev->y_root - y;
+  return (x < ev->x_root && ev->x_root < (int) (x + ws->width)
+	  && y < ev->y_root && ev->y_root < (int) (y + ws->height));
+static Boolean
+map_event_to_widget_value (XlwMenuWidget mw, XMotionEvent *ev,
+			   widget_value **val_ptr, int *level,
+			   Boolean *inside_menu)
+  int 		i;
+  XPoint	relative_pos;
+  window_state*	ws;
+  *val_ptr = NULL;
+  *inside_menu = False;
+  /* Find the window */
+  for (i = mw->menu.old_depth - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+    {
+      ws = &mw->menu.windows [i];
+      if (ws && motion_event_is_in_menu (mw, ev, i, &relative_pos))
+	{
+	  *inside_menu = True;	/* special logic for menubar below... */
+	  if ((ev->type == ButtonPress) ||
+	      (ev->state != 0))
+	    {
+	      display_menu (mw, i, True, NULL, &relative_pos,
+			    val_ptr, NULL, NULL);
+	      if (*val_ptr)
+		{
+		  *level = i + 1;
+		  *inside_menu = True;
+		  return True;
+		}
+	      else if (mw->menu.horizontal || i == 0)
+		{
+		  /* if we're clicking on empty part of the menubar, then
+		     unpost the stay-up menu */
+		  *inside_menu = False;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  return False;
+/* Procedures */
+static void
+make_drawing_gcs (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  XGCValues xgcv;
+  unsigned long flags = (GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground);
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  xgcv.font = default_font_of_font_list (mw->menu.font_list)->fid;
+  xgcv.font = mw->menu.font->fid;
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  xgcv.background = mw->menu.foreground;
+  mw->menu.background_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw, flags, &xgcv);
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.foreground;
+  xgcv.background = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  mw->menu.foreground_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw, flags, &xgcv);
+  if (mw->menu.select_color != (Pixel)-1)
+    {
+      xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.select_color;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      Display *dpy = XtDisplay(mw);
+      if (CellsOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy)) <= 2)
+	{ /* mono */
+	  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.foreground;
+	}
+      else
+	{ /* color */
+	  XColor xcolor;
+	  Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (XtScreen ((Widget) mw));
+	  xcolor.pixel = mw->core.background_pixel;
+	  XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &xcolor);
+	  xcolor.red   *= 0.85;
+	  xcolor.green *= 0.85;
+	  xcolor.blue  *= 0.85;
+	  if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &xcolor))
+	    xgcv.foreground = xcolor.pixel;
+	}
+    }
+  xgcv.background = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  mw->menu.select_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw, flags, &xgcv);
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.foreground;
+  xgcv.background = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  xgcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
+  xgcv.stipple = mw->menu.gray_pixmap;
+  mw->menu.inactive_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw,
+				  (flags | GCFillStyle | GCStipple),
+				  &xgcv);
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.button_foreground;
+  xgcv.background = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  mw->menu.button_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw, flags, &xgcv);
+  xgcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
+  xgcv.stipple = mw->menu.gray_pixmap;
+  mw->menu.inactive_button_gc = XtGetGC ((Widget)mw,
+				  (flags | GCFillStyle | GCStipple),
+					 &xgcv);
+static void
+release_drawing_gcs (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.foreground_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.button_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.inactive_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.inactive_button_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.background_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.select_gc);
+  /* let's get some segvs if we try to use these... */
+  mw->menu.foreground_gc = (GC) -1;
+  mw->menu.button_gc = (GC) -1;
+  mw->menu.inactive_gc = (GC) -1;
+  mw->menu.inactive_button_gc = (GC) -1;
+  mw->menu.background_gc = (GC) -1;
+  mw->menu.select_gc = (GC) -1;
+#define MINL(x,y) ((((unsigned long) (x)) < ((unsigned long) (y))) \
+		   ? ((unsigned long) (x)) : ((unsigned long) (y)))
+static void
+make_shadow_gcs (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  XGCValues xgcv;
+  unsigned long pm = 0;
+  Display *dpy = XtDisplay ((Widget) mw);
+  Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (XtScreen ((Widget) mw));
+  XColor topc, botc;
+  int top_frobbed = 0, bottom_frobbed = 0;
+  if (mw->menu.top_shadow_color == -1)
+    mw->menu.top_shadow_color = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  if (mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color == -1)
+    mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = mw->menu.foreground;
+  if (mw->menu.top_shadow_color == mw->core.background_pixel ||
+      mw->menu.top_shadow_color == mw->menu.foreground)
+    {
+      topc.pixel = mw->core.background_pixel;
+      XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &topc);
+      /* don't overflow/wrap! */
+      topc.red   = MINL (65535, topc.red   * 1.2);
+      topc.green = MINL (65535, topc.green * 1.2);
+      topc.blue  = MINL (65535, topc.blue  * 1.2);
+      if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &topc))
+	{
+          if (topc.pixel == mw->core.background_pixel)
+	    {
+	      XFreeColors( dpy, cmap, &topc.pixel, 1, 0);
+	      topc.red   = MINL (65535, topc.red   + 0x8000);
+	      topc.green = MINL (65535, topc.green + 0x8000);
+	      topc.blue  = MINL (65535, topc.blue  + 0x8000);
+	      if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &topc))
+		{
+		  mw->menu.top_shadow_color = topc.pixel;
+		}  
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      mw->menu.top_shadow_color = topc.pixel;
+	    }
+	  top_frobbed = 1;
+	}
+    }
+  if (mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color == mw->menu.foreground ||
+      mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color == mw->core.background_pixel)
+    {
+      botc.pixel = mw->core.background_pixel;
+      XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &botc);
+      botc.red   *= 0.6;
+      botc.green *= 0.6;
+      botc.blue  *= 0.6;
+      if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &botc))
+	{
+	  if (botc.pixel == mw->core.background_pixel)
+	    {
+	      XFreeColors (dpy, cmap, &botc.pixel, 1, 0);
+	      botc.red   = MINL (65535, botc.red   + 0x4000);
+	      botc.green = MINL (65535, botc.green + 0x4000);
+	      botc.blue  = MINL (65535, botc.blue  + 0x4000);
+	      if (allocate_nearest_color (dpy, cmap, &botc))
+		{
+		  mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = botc.pixel;
+		}  
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = botc.pixel;
+	    }
+          bottom_frobbed = 1;
+	}
+    }
+  if (top_frobbed && bottom_frobbed)
+    {
+      int top_avg = ((topc.red / 3) + (topc.green / 3) + (topc.blue / 3));
+      int bot_avg = ((botc.red / 3) + (botc.green / 3) + (botc.blue / 3));
+      if (bot_avg > top_avg)
+	{
+	  Pixel tmp = mw->menu.top_shadow_color;
+	  mw->menu.top_shadow_color = mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color;
+	  mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = tmp;
+	}
+      else if (topc.pixel == botc.pixel)
+	{
+	  if (botc.pixel == mw->menu.foreground)
+	    mw->menu.top_shadow_color = mw->core.background_pixel;
+	  else
+	    mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = mw->menu.foreground;
+	}
+    }
+  if (!mw->menu.top_shadow_pixmap &&
+      mw->menu.top_shadow_color == mw->core.background_pixel)
+    {
+      mw->menu.top_shadow_pixmap = mw->menu.gray_pixmap;
+      mw->menu.top_shadow_color = mw->menu.foreground;
+    }
+  if (!mw->menu.bottom_shadow_pixmap &&
+      mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color == mw->core.background_pixel)
+    {
+      mw->menu.bottom_shadow_pixmap = mw->menu.gray_pixmap;
+      mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color = mw->menu.foreground;
+    }
+  xgcv.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.top_shadow_color;
+  xgcv.background = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  xgcv.stipple = mw->menu.top_shadow_pixmap;
+  pm = (xgcv.stipple ? GCStipple|GCFillStyle : 0);
+  mw->menu.shadow_top_gc =
+    XtGetGC((Widget)mw, GCForeground|GCBackground|pm, &xgcv);
+  xgcv.foreground = mw->menu.bottom_shadow_color;
+  xgcv.stipple = mw->menu.bottom_shadow_pixmap;
+  pm = (xgcv.stipple ? GCStipple|GCFillStyle : 0);
+  mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc =
+    XtGetGC ((Widget)mw, GCForeground|GCBackground|pm, &xgcv);
+static void
+release_shadow_gcs (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.shadow_top_gc);
+  XtReleaseGC ((Widget) mw, mw->menu.shadow_bottom_gc);
+static void
+extract_font_extents (XlwMenuWidget mw)
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  /* Find the maximal ascent/descent of the fonts in the font list
+     so that all menu items can be the same height... */
+  mw->menu.font_ascent  = 0;
+  mw->menu.font_descent = 0;
+  {
+    XmFontContext context;
+#if (XmVersion >= 1002)
+    XmFontListEntry fontentry;
+    XmStringCharSet charset;
+    XFontStruct *font;
+    if (! XmFontListInitFontContext (&context, mw->menu.font_list))
+      abort ();
+#if (XmVersion >= 1002)
+    /* There is a BUG in the 1.2 version of XmFontListGetNextFont() (or more
+       specifically, in _XmGetFirstFont()) that can cause a null pointer to be
+       passed to XFontsOfFontSet.  Use XmFontListNextEntry(), which is the
+       newer equivalent, instead.  Also, it supports font sets, and the
+       older function doesn't. */
+    while ((fontentry = XmFontListNextEntry (context)))
+      {
+	char *one_of_them;
+	XmFontType rettype; 
+	one_of_them = XmFontListEntryGetFont (fontentry, &rettype);
+	if (rettype == XmFONT_IS_FONTSET)
+	  {
+	    XFontSet fontset = (XFontSet) one_of_them;
+	    XFontStruct **fontstruct_list;
+	    char **fontname_list;
+	    int fontcount = XFontsOfFontSet (fontset, &fontstruct_list,
+					     &fontname_list);
+	    while (--fontcount >= 0)
+	      {
+		font = fontstruct_list[fontcount];
+		if (font->ascent > (int) mw->menu.font_ascent)
+		  mw->menu.font_ascent = font->ascent;
+		if (font->descent > (int) mw->menu.font_descent)
+		  mw->menu.font_descent = font->descent;
+	      }
+	  }
+	else /* XmFONT_IS_FONT */
+	  {
+	    font = (XFontStruct *) one_of_them;
+	    if (font->ascent > (int) mw->menu.font_ascent)
+	      mw->menu.font_ascent = font->ascent;
+	    if (font->descent > (int) mw->menu.font_descent)
+	      mw->menu.font_descent = font->descent;
+	  }
+      }
+#else /* motif 1.1 */
+    while (XmFontListGetNextFont (context, &charset, &font))
+      {
+	if (font->ascent > (int) mw->menu.font_ascent)
+	  mw->menu.font_ascent = font->ascent;
+	if (font->descent > (int) mw->menu.font_descent)
+	  mw->menu.font_descent = font->descent;
+	XtFree (charset);
+      }
+#endif /* Motif version */
+    XmFontListFreeFontContext (context);
+  }
+#else /* Not Motif */
+  mw->menu.font_ascent  = mw->menu.font->ascent;
+  mw->menu.font_descent = mw->menu.font->descent;
+#endif /* NEED_MOTIF */
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+static XFontStruct *
+default_font_of_font_list (XmFontList font_list)
+  XFontStruct *font = 0;
+# if 0
+  /* Xm/Label.c does this: */
+  _XmFontListGetDefaultFont (font_list, &font);
+# else  /* !0 */
+  {
+    XmFontContext context;
+#if (XmVersion >= 1002)
+    XmFontListEntry fontentry;
+    XmFontType rettype;
+    char *one_of_them;
+    XmStringCharSet charset;
+    if (! XmFontListInitFontContext (&context, font_list))
+      abort ();
+#if (XmVersion >= 1002)
+    /* There is a BUG in the 1.2 version of XmFontListGetNextFont() (or more
+       specifically, in _XmGetFirstFont()) that can cause a null pointer to be
+       passed to XFontsOfFontSet.  Use XmFontListNextEntry(), which is the
+       newer equivalent, instead. */
+    fontentry = XmFontListNextEntry (context);
+    one_of_them = XmFontListEntryGetFont (fontentry, &rettype);
+    if (rettype == XmFONT_IS_FONTSET)
+      {
+	XFontSet fontset = (XFontSet) one_of_them;
+	XFontStruct **fontstruct_list;
+	char **fontname_list;
+	(void) XFontsOfFontSet (fontset, &fontstruct_list, &fontname_list);
+	font = fontstruct_list[0];
+      }
+    else /* XmFONT_IS_FONT */
+      {
+	font = (XFontStruct *) one_of_them;
+      }
+    if (! XmFontListGetNextFont (context, &charset, &font))
+      abort ();
+    XtFree (charset);
+    XmFontListFreeFontContext (context);
+  }
+# endif /* !0 */
+  if (! font) abort ();
+  return font;
+#endif /* NEED_MOTIF */
+static void
+XlwMenuInitialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args,
+		   Cardinal *num_args)
+  /* Get the GCs and the widget size */
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)new;
+  XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
+  int mask;
+  Window window = RootWindowOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (XtDisplay (mw)));
+  Display *display = XtDisplay (mw);
+/*  mw->menu.cursor = XCreateFontCursor (display, mw->menu.cursor_shape); */
+  mw->menu.cursor = mw->menu.cursor_shape;
+  mw->menu.gray_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (display, window,
+						      (char *) gray_bits,
+						      gray_width,
+						      gray_height, 1, 0, 1);
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+  /* The menu.font_list slot came from the *fontList resource (Motif standard.)
+     The menu.font_list_2 slot came from the *font resource, for backward
+     compatibility with older versions of this code, and consistency with the
+     rest of emacs.  If both font and fontList are specified, we use font.
+     If only one is specified, we use that.  If neither are specified, we
+     use the "fallback" value.  What a kludge!!!
+     Note that this has the bug that a more general wildcard like "*fontList:"
+     will override a more specific resource like "Emacs*menubar.font:".  But
+     I can't think of a way around that.
+   */
+  if (mw->menu.font_list)	  /* if *fontList is specified, use that */
+    ;
+  else if (mw->menu.font_list_2)  /* else if *font is specified, use that */
+    mw->menu.font_list = mw->menu.font_list_2;
+  else				  /* otherwise use default */
+    mw->menu.font_list = mw->menu.fallback_font_list;
+  make_drawing_gcs     (mw);
+  make_shadow_gcs      (mw);
+  extract_font_extents (mw);
+  xswa.background_pixel = mw->core.background_pixel;
+  xswa.border_pixel     = mw->core.border_pixel;
+  mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel;
+  mw->menu.popped_up              = False;
+  mw->menu.pointer_grabbed        = False;
+  mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = False;
+  mw->menu.old_depth = 1;
+  mw->menu.old_stack = (widget_value**)XtMalloc (sizeof (widget_value*));
+  mw->menu.old_stack_length = 1;
+  mw->menu.old_stack [0] = mw->menu.contents;
+  mw->menu.new_depth = 0;
+  mw->menu.new_stack = 0;
+  mw->menu.new_stack_length = 0;
+  push_new_stack (mw, mw->menu.contents);
+  mw->menu.windows = (window_state*)XtMalloc (sizeof (window_state));
+  mw->menu.windows_length = 1;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].x = 0;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].y = 0;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].width = 0;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].height = 0;
+  size_menu (mw, 0);
+  mw->core.width  = mw->menu.windows [0].width;
+  mw->core.height = mw->menu.windows [0].height;
+static void
+XlwMenuClassInitialize (void)
+static void
+XlwMenuRealize (Widget w, Mask *valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes *attributes)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
+  int mask;
+  (*xlwMenuWidgetClass->core_class.superclass->core_class.realize)
+    (w, valueMask, attributes);
+  xswa.save_under = True;
+  xswa.cursor = mw->menu.cursor_shape;
+  mask = CWSaveUnder | CWCursor;
+  if (mw->menu.use_backing_store)
+    {
+      xswa.backing_store = Always;
+      mask |= CWBackingStore;
+    }
+  XChangeWindowAttributes (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), mask, &xswa);
+  mw->menu.windows [0].window = XtWindow (w);
+  mw->menu.windows [0].x = w->core.x;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].y = w->core.y;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].width = w->core.width;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].height = w->core.height;
+/* Only the toplevel menubar/popup is a widget so it's the only one that
+   receives expose events through Xt.  So we repaint all the other panes
+   when receiving an Expose event. */
+static void 
+XlwMenuRedisplay (Widget w, XEvent *ev, Region region)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  int i;
+  if (mw->core.being_destroyed) return;
+  for (i = 0; i < mw->menu.old_depth; i++)
+    display_menu (mw, i, False, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  set_new_state (mw, NULL, mw->menu.old_depth); /* #### - ??? */
+  remap_menubar (mw);		/* #### - do these two lines do anything? */
+static void 
+XlwMenuDestroy (Widget w)
+  int i;
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget) w;
+  if (mw->menu.pointer_grabbed)
+    {
+      XtUngrabPointer (w, CurrentTime);
+      mw->menu.pointer_grabbed = False;
+    }
+  release_drawing_gcs (mw);
+  release_shadow_gcs (mw);
+  /* this doesn't come from the resource db but is created explicitly
+     so we must free it ourselves. */
+  XFreePixmap (XtDisplay (mw), mw->menu.gray_pixmap);
+  mw->menu.gray_pixmap = (Pixmap) -1;
+  /* Don't free mw->menu.contents because that comes from our creator.
+     The `*_stack' elements are just pointers into `contents' so leave
+     that alone too.  But free the stacks themselves. */
+  if (mw->menu.old_stack) XtFree ((char *) mw->menu.old_stack);
+  if (mw->menu.new_stack) XtFree ((char *) mw->menu.new_stack);
+  /* Remember, you can't free anything that came from the resource
+     database.  This includes:
+         mw->menu.cursor
+         mw->menu.top_shadow_pixmap
+         mw->menu.bottom_shadow_pixmap
+         mw->menu.font
+         mw->menu.font_set
+     Also the color cells of top_shadow_color, bottom_shadow_color,
+     foreground, and button_foreground will never be freed until this
+     client exits.  Nice, eh?
+   */
+  /* start from 1 because the one in slot 0 is w->core.window */
+  for (i = 1; i < mw->menu.windows_length; i++)
+    XDestroyWindow (XtDisplay (mw), mw->menu.windows [i].window);
+  if (mw->menu.windows)
+    XtFree ((char *) mw->menu.windows);
+static Boolean 
+XlwMenuSetValues (Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args,
+		  Cardinal *num_args)
+  XlwMenuWidget oldmw = (XlwMenuWidget)current;
+  XlwMenuWidget newmw = (XlwMenuWidget)new;
+  Boolean redisplay = False;
+  int i;
+  if (newmw->menu.contents
+      && newmw->menu.contents->contents
+      && newmw->menu.contents->contents->change >= VISIBLE_CHANGE)
+    redisplay = True;
+  if (newmw->core.background_pixel != oldmw->core.background_pixel
+      || newmw->menu.foreground != oldmw->menu.foreground
+      /* For the XEditResource protocol, which may want to change the font. */
+#ifdef NEED_MOTIF
+      || newmw->menu.font_list != oldmw->menu.font_list
+      || newmw->menu.font_list_2 != oldmw->menu.font_list_2
+      || newmw->menu.fallback_font_list != oldmw->menu.fallback_font_list
+      || newmw->menu.font != oldmw->menu.font
+      )
+    {
+      release_drawing_gcs (newmw);
+      make_drawing_gcs (newmw);
+      redisplay = True;
+      for (i = 0; i < oldmw->menu.windows_length; i++)
+	{
+	  XSetWindowBackground (XtDisplay (oldmw),
+				oldmw->menu.windows [i].window,
+				newmw->core.background_pixel);
+	  /* clear windows and generate expose events */
+	  XClearArea (XtDisplay (oldmw), oldmw->menu.windows[i].window,
+		      0, 0, 0, 0, True);
+	}
+    }
+  return redisplay;
+static void 
+XlwMenuResize (Widget w)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].width = mw->core.width;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].height = mw->core.height;
+/* Action procedures */
+static void
+handle_single_motion_event (XlwMenuWidget mw, XMotionEvent *ev,
+			    Boolean select_p)
+  widget_value *val;
+  Boolean      stay_up;
+  int	       level;
+  if (!map_event_to_widget_value (mw, ev, &val, &level, &stay_up))
+    {
+      /* we wind up here when: (a) the event is in the menubar, (b) the
+	 event isn't in the menubar or any of the panes, (c) the event is on
+	 a disabled menu item */
+      pop_new_stack_if_no_contents (mw);
+      if (select_p && !stay_up) {
+	/* pop down all menus and exit */
+	mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = True;
+	set_new_state(mw, (val = NULL), 1); 
+      }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* we wind up here when: (a) the event pops up a pull_right menu,
+	 (b) a menu item that is not disabled is highlighted */
+      if (select_p && mw->menu.bounce_down
+	       && close_to_reference_time((Widget)mw,
+					  mw->menu.menu_bounce_time,
+					  (XEvent *)ev))
+	{
+	  /* motion can cause more than one event.  Don't bounce right back
+	     up if we've just bounced down. */
+	  val = NULL;
+	}
+      else if (select_p && mw->menu.bounce_down &&
+	       mw->menu.last_selected_val &&
+	       (mw->menu.last_selected_val == val))
+	{
+	  val = NULL;		/* assigned to mw->last_selected_val below */
+	  mw->menu.menu_bounce_time = ev->time;
+	  /* popdown last menu if we're selecting the same menu item as we did
+	     last time and the XlwMenu.bounceDown resource is set, if the
+	     item is on the menubar itself, then exit. */
+	  if (level == (mw->menu.popped_up ? 0 : 1))
+	    mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = True;
+	}    
+      else
+	mw->menu.menu_bounce_time = 0;
+      set_new_state (mw, val, level);
+    }
+  mw->menu.last_selected_val = val;
+  remap_menubar (mw);
+  /* Sync with the display.  Makes it feel better on X terms. */
+  XFlush (XtDisplay (mw));
+static void
+handle_motion_event (XlwMenuWidget mw, XMotionEvent *ev,
+		     Boolean select_p)
+  int x = ev->x_root;
+  int y = ev->y_root;
+  int state = ev->state;
+  XMotionEvent *event= ev, dummy;
+  /* allow motion events to be generated again */
+  dummy.window = ev->window;
+  if (ev->is_hint
+      && XQueryPointer (XtDisplay (mw), dummy.window,
+			&dummy.root, &dummy.subwindow,
+			&dummy.x_root, &dummy.y_root,
+			&dummy.x, &dummy.y,
+			&dummy.state)
+      && dummy.state == state
+      && (dummy.x_root != x || dummy.y_root != y))
+    {
+      /* don't handle the event twice or that breaks bounce_down.  --Stig */
+      dummy.type = ev->type;
+      event = &dummy;
+    }
+  handle_single_motion_event (mw, event, select_p);
+static void 
+Start (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  if (!mw->menu.pointer_grabbed)
+    {
+      mw->menu.menu_post_time = ev->xbutton.time;
+      mw->menu.menu_bounce_time = 0;
+      mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = True;
+      mw->menu.last_selected_val = NULL;
+      XtCallCallbackList ((Widget)mw, mw->menu.open, NULL);
+      /* notes the absolute position of the menubar window */
+      mw->menu.windows [0].x = ev->xmotion.x_root - ev->xmotion.x;
+      mw->menu.windows [0].y = ev->xmotion.y_root - ev->xmotion.y;
+      XtGrabPointer ((Widget)mw, False,
+		     (ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask),
+		     GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
+		     None, mw->menu.cursor_shape,
+		     ((XButtonPressedEvent*)ev)->time);
+      mw->menu.pointer_grabbed = True;
+    }
+  /* handles the down like a move, slots are mostly compatible */
+  handle_motion_event (mw, &ev->xmotion, True);
+static void 
+Drag (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  handle_motion_event (mw, &ev->xmotion, False);
+static void 
+Select (Widget w, XEvent *ev, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
+  XlwMenuWidget mw = (XlwMenuWidget)w;
+  widget_value *selected_item = mw->menu.old_stack [mw->menu.old_depth - 1];
+  /* If user releases the button quickly, without selecting anything,
+     after the initial down-click that brought the menu up,
+     do nothing. */
+  if ((selected_item == 0 || selected_item->call_data == 0)
+      && (!mw->menu.next_release_must_exit
+	  || close_to_reference_time(w, mw->menu.menu_post_time, ev)))
+    {
+      mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = False;
+      return;
+    }
+  /* pop down everything */
+  mw->menu.new_depth = 1;
+  remap_menubar (mw);
+      /* Destroy() only gets called for popup menus.  Menubar widgets aren't
+	 destroyed when their menu panes get nuked. */
+  if (mw->menu.pointer_grabbed)
+    {
+      XtUngrabPointer ((Widget)w, ev->xmotion.time);
+      mw->menu.pointer_grabbed = False;
+    }
+  if (mw->menu.popped_up)
+    {
+      mw->menu.popped_up = False;
+      XtPopdown (XtParent (mw));
+    }
+  /* callback */
+  XtCallCallbackList ((Widget)mw, mw->menu.select, (XtPointer)selected_item);
+/* Special code to pop-up a menu */
+xlw_pop_up_menu (XlwMenuWidget mw, XButtonPressedEvent *event)
+  int		x = event->x_root;
+  int		y = event->y_root;
+  int		w;
+  int		h;
+  int		borderwidth = mw->menu.shadow_thickness;
+  Screen*	screen = XtScreen (mw);
+  mw->menu.menu_post_time = event->time;
+  mw->menu.menu_bounce_time = 0;
+  mw->menu.next_release_must_exit = True;
+  mw->menu.last_selected_val = NULL;
+  XtCallCallbackList ((Widget)mw, mw->menu.open, NULL);
+  size_menu (mw, 0);
+  w = mw->menu.windows [0].width;
+  h = mw->menu.windows [0].height;
+  x -= borderwidth;
+  y -= borderwidth;
+  if (x < borderwidth)
+    x = borderwidth;
+  if (x + w + 2 * borderwidth > WidthOfScreen (screen))
+    x = WidthOfScreen (screen) - w - 2 * borderwidth;
+  if (y < borderwidth)
+    y = borderwidth;
+  if (y + h + 2 * borderwidth> HeightOfScreen (screen))
+    y = HeightOfScreen (screen) - h - 2 * borderwidth;
+  mw->menu.popped_up = True;
+  XtConfigureWidget (XtParent (mw), x, y, w, h,
+		     XtParent (mw)->core.border_width);
+  XtPopup (XtParent (mw), XtGrabExclusive);
+  display_menu (mw, 0, False, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  if (!mw->menu.pointer_grabbed)
+    {
+      XtGrabPointer ((Widget)mw, False,
+		     (ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask),
+		     GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
+		     None, mw->menu.cursor_shape, event->time);
+      mw->menu.pointer_grabbed = True;
+    }
+  mw->menu.windows [0].x = x + borderwidth;
+  mw->menu.windows [0].y = y + borderwidth;
+  handle_motion_event (mw, (XMotionEvent *) event, True);
+/* #### unused */
+#if 0
+ *    This is a horrible function which should not be needed.
+ *    use it to put the resize method back the way the XlwMenu
+ *    class initializer put it. Motif screws with this when
+ *    the XlwMenu class gets instantiated.
+ */
+xlw_unmunge_class_resize (Widget w)
+  if (w->core.widget_class->core_class.resize != XlwMenuResize)
+    w->core.widget_class->core_class.resize = XlwMenuResize;
+#endif /* 0 */