diff lisp/vm/vm-search18.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/vm/vm-search18.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+;; Incremental search through a mail folder
+;; For version 18 of FSF Emacs only.
+;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
+;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
+;; License for full details.
+;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
+;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
+;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
+;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
+;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
+;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
+(provide 'vm-search)
+;; Adapted for the VM mail reader, Kyle Jones, May 1989
+;; This function does all the work of incremental search.
+;; The functions attached to ^R and ^S are trivial,
+;; merely calling this one, but they are always loaded by default
+;; whereas this file can optionally be autoloadable.
+;; This is the only entry point in this file.
+(defun vm-isearch (forward &optional regexp)
+  (let ((search-string "")
+	(search-message "")
+	(cmds nil)
+	(success t)
+	(wrapped nil)
+	(barrier (point))
+	adjusted
+	(invalid-regexp nil)
+	(slow-terminal-mode (and (<= (baud-rate) search-slow-speed)
+				 (> (window-height)
+				    (* 4 search-slow-window-lines))))
+	(other-end nil)    ;Start of last match if fwd, end if backwd.
+	(small-window nil)		;if t, using a small window
+	(found-point nil)		;to restore point from a small window
+	;; This is the window-start value found by the search.
+	(found-start nil)
+	(opoint (point))
+	(vm-ml-message-new vm-ml-message-new)
+	(vm-ml-message-unread vm-ml-message-unread)
+	(vm-ml-message-read vm-ml-message-read)
+	(vm-ml-message-edited vm-ml-message-edited)
+	(vm-ml-message-replied vm-ml-message-replied)
+	(vm-ml-message-forwarded vm-ml-message-forwarded)
+	(vm-ml-message-filed vm-ml-message-filed)
+	(vm-ml-message-written vm-ml-message-written)
+	(vm-ml-message-marked vm-ml-message-marked)
+	(vm-ml-message-deleted vm-ml-message-deleted)
+	(vm-ml-message-number vm-ml-message-number)
+	(vm-message-pointer vm-message-pointer)
+	(inhibit-quit t))  ;Prevent ^G from quitting immediately.
+    (vm-isearch-push-state)
+    (save-window-excursion
+     (catch 'search-done
+       (while t
+	 (or (>= unread-command-char 0)
+	     (progn
+	       (or (input-pending-p)
+		   (vm-isearch-message))
+	       (if (and slow-terminal-mode
+			(not (or small-window (pos-visible-in-window-p))))
+		   (progn
+		     (setq small-window t)
+		     (setq found-point (point))
+		     (move-to-window-line 0)
+		     (let ((window-min-height 1))
+		       (split-window nil (if (< search-slow-window-lines 0)
+					     (1+ (- search-slow-window-lines))
+					   (- (window-height)
+					      (1+ search-slow-window-lines)))))
+		     (if (< search-slow-window-lines 0)
+			 (progn (vertical-motion (- 1 search-slow-window-lines))
+				(set-window-start (next-window) (point))
+				(set-window-hscroll (next-window)
+						    (window-hscroll))
+				(set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 0))
+		       (other-window 1))
+		     (goto-char found-point)))))
+	 (let ((char (if quit-flag
+			 ?\C-g
+		       (read-char))))
+	   (setq quit-flag nil adjusted nil)
+	   ;; Meta character means exit search.
+	   (cond ((and (>= char 128)
+		       search-exit-option)
+		  (setq unread-command-char char)
+		  (throw 'search-done t))
+		 ((eq char search-exit-char)
+		  ;; Esc means exit search normally.
+		  ;; Except, if first thing typed, it means do nonincremental
+		  (if (= 0 (length search-string))
+		      (vm-nonincremental-search forward regexp))
+		  (throw 'search-done t))
+		 ((= char ?\C-g)
+		  ;; ^G means the user tried to quit.
+		  (ding)
+		  (discard-input)
+		  (if success
+		      ;; If search is successful, move back to starting point
+		      ;; and really do quit.
+		      (progn (goto-char opoint)
+			     (vm-update-search-position)
+			     (signal 'quit nil))
+		    ;; If search is failing, rub out until it is once more
+		    ;;  successful.
+		    (while (not success) (vm-isearch-pop))))
+		 ((or (eq char search-repeat-char)
+		      (eq char search-reverse-char))
+		  (if (eq forward (eq char search-repeat-char))
+		      ;; C-s in forward or C-r in reverse.
+		      (if (equal search-string "")
+			  ;; If search string is empty, use last one.
+			  (setq search-string
+				(if regexp
+				    search-last-regexp search-last-string)
+				search-message
+				(mapconcat 'text-char-description
+					   search-string ""))
+			;; If already have what to search for, repeat it.
+			(or success
+			    (progn (goto-char (if forward (point-min) (point-max)))
+				   (setq wrapped t))))
+		    ;; C-s in reverse or C-r in forward, change direction.
+		    (setq forward (not forward)))
+		  (setq barrier (point)) ; For subsequent \| if regexp.
+		  (setq success t)
+		  (or (equal search-string "")
+		      (vm-isearch-search))
+		  (vm-isearch-push-state))
+		 ((= char search-delete-char)
+		  ;; Rubout means discard last input item and move point
+		  ;; back.  If buffer is empty, just beep.
+		  (if (null (cdr cmds))
+		      (ding)
+		    (vm-isearch-pop)))
+		 (t
+		  (cond ((or (eq char search-yank-word-char)
+			     (eq char search-yank-line-char))
+			 ;; ^W means gobble next word from buffer.
+			 ;; ^Y means gobble rest of line from buffer.
+			 (let ((word (save-excursion
+				       (and (not forward) other-end
+					    (goto-char other-end))
+				       (buffer-substring
+					(point)
+					(save-excursion
+					  (if (eq char search-yank-line-char)
+					      (end-of-line)
+					    (forward-word 1))
+					  (point))))))
+			   (setq search-string (concat search-string word)
+				 search-message
+				   (concat search-message
+					   (mapconcat 'text-char-description
+						      word "")))))
+			 ;; Any other control char =>
+			 ;;  unread it and exit the search normally.
+			 ((and search-exit-option
+			       (/= char search-quote-char)
+			       (or (= char ?\177)
+				   (and (< char ? ) (/= char ?\t) (/= char ?\r))))
+			  (setq unread-command-char char)
+			  (throw 'search-done t))
+			 (t
+			  ;; Any other character => add it to the
+			  ;;  search string and search.
+			  (cond ((= char search-quote-char)
+				 (setq char (read-quoted-char
+					     (vm-isearch-message t))))
+				((= char ?\r)
+				 ;; unix braindeath
+				 (setq char ?\n)))
+			  (setq search-string (concat search-string
+						      (char-to-string char))
+				search-message (concat search-message
+						       (text-char-description char)))))
+		  (if (and (not success)
+			   ;; unsuccessful regexp search may become
+			   ;;  successful by addition of characters which
+			   ;;  make search-string valid
+			   (not regexp))
+		      nil
+		    ;; If a regexp search may have been made more
+		    ;; liberal, retreat the search start.
+		    ;; Go back to place last successful search started
+		    ;; or to the last ^S/^R (barrier), whichever is nearer.
+		    (and regexp success cmds
+			 (cond ((memq char '(?* ??))
+				(setq adjusted t)
+				(let ((cs (nth (if forward
+						   5 ; other-end
+						 2) ; saved (point)
+					       (car (cdr cmds)))))
+				  ;; (car cmds) is after last search;
+				  ;; (car (cdr cmds)) is from before it.
+				  (setq cs (or cs barrier))
+				  (goto-char
+				   (if forward
+				       (max cs barrier)
+				     (min cs barrier)))))
+			       ((eq char ?\|)
+				(setq adjusted t)
+				(goto-char barrier))))
+		    ;; In reverse regexp search, adding a character at
+		    ;; the end may cause zero or many more chars to be
+		    ;; matched, in the string following point.
+		    ;; Allow all those possibilities without moving point as
+		    ;; long as the match does not extend past search origin.
+		    (if (and regexp (not forward) (not adjusted)
+			     (condition-case ()
+				 (looking-at search-string)
+			       (error nil))
+			     (<= (match-end 0) (min opoint barrier)))
+			(setq success t invalid-regexp nil
+			      other-end (match-end 0))
+		      ;; Not regexp, not reverse, or no match at point.
+		      (if (and other-end (not adjusted))
+			  (goto-char (if forward other-end
+				       (min opoint barrier (1+ other-end)))))
+		      (vm-isearch-search)))
+		  (vm-isearch-push-state))))))
+     (setq found-start (window-start (selected-window)))
+     (setq found-point (point)))
+    (if (> (length search-string) 0)
+	(if regexp
+	    (setq search-last-regexp search-string)
+	    (setq search-last-string search-string)))
+    (message "")
+    (if small-window
+	(goto-char found-point)
+      ;; Exiting the save-window-excursion clobbers this; restore it.
+      (set-window-start (selected-window) found-start t))))
+(defun vm-isearch-message (&optional c-q-hack ellipsis)
+  ;; If about to search, and previous search regexp was invalid,
+  ;; check that it still is.  If it is valid now,
+  ;; let the message we display while searching say that it is valid.
+  (and invalid-regexp ellipsis
+       (condition-case ()
+	   (progn (re-search-forward search-string (point) t)
+		  (setq invalid-regexp nil))
+	 (error nil)))
+  ;; If currently failing, display no ellipsis.
+  (or success (setq ellipsis nil))
+  (let ((m (concat (if success "" "failing ")
+		   (if wrapped "wrapped ")
+		   (if regexp "regexp " "")
+		   "VM I-search"
+		   (if forward ": " " backward: ")
+		   search-message
+		   (if c-q-hack "^Q" "")
+		   (if invalid-regexp
+		       (concat " [" invalid-regexp "]")
+		     ""))))
+    (aset m 0 (upcase (aref m 0)))
+    (let ((cursor-in-echo-area ellipsis))
+      (if c-q-hack m (message "%s" m)))))
+(defun vm-isearch-pop ()
+  (setq cmds (cdr cmds))
+  (let ((cmd (car cmds)))
+    (setq search-string (car cmd)
+	  search-message (car (cdr cmd))
+	  success (nth 3 cmd)
+	  forward (nth 4 cmd)
+	  other-end (nth 5 cmd)
+	  invalid-regexp (nth 6 cmd)
+	  wrapped (nth 7 cmd)
+	  barrier (nth 8 cmd)
+; unused now
+;	  vm-ml-attributes-string (nth 9 cmd)
+	  vm-ml-message-number (nth 10 cmd)
+	  vm-message-pointer (nth 11 cmd))
+    (if vm-summary-buffer
+	(save-excursion
+	  (set-buffer vm-summary-buffer)
+	  (setq
+	   ; unused now
+	   ;vm-ml-attributes-string (nth 9 cmd)
+	   vm-ml-message-number (nth 10 cmd))))
+    (goto-char (car (cdr (cdr cmd))))
+    (vm-set-summary-pointer (car vm-message-pointer))))
+(defun vm-isearch-push-state ()
+  (setq cmds (cons (list search-string search-message (point)
+			 success forward other-end invalid-regexp
+			 wrapped barrier
+; unused now
+;			 vm-ml-attributes-string
+			 nil
+			 vm-ml-message-number
+			 vm-message-pointer)
+		   cmds)))
+(defun vm-isearch-search ()
+  (vm-isearch-message nil t)
+  (condition-case lossage
+      (let ((inhibit-quit nil))
+	(if regexp (setq invalid-regexp nil))
+	(setq success
+	      (funcall
+	       (if regexp
+		   (if forward 're-search-forward 're-search-backward)
+		 (if forward 'search-forward 'search-backward))
+	       search-string nil t))
+	(if success
+	    (setq other-end
+		  (if forward (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
+    (quit (setq unread-command-char ?\C-g)
+	  (setq success nil))
+    (invalid-regexp (setq invalid-regexp (car (cdr lossage)))
+		    (if (string-match "\\`Premature \\|\\`Unmatched \\|\\`Invalid "
+				      invalid-regexp)
+			(setq invalid-regexp "incomplete input"))))
+  (if success
+      (vm-update-search-position)
+    ;; Ding if failed this time after succeeding last time.
+    (and (nth 3 (car cmds))
+	 (ding))
+    (goto-char (nth 2 (car cmds)))))
+;; This is called from incremental-search
+;; if the first input character is the exit character.
+;; The interactive-arg-reader uses free variables `forward' and `regexp'
+;; which are bound by `incremental-search'.
+;; We store the search string in `search-string'
+;; which has been bound already by `incremental-search'
+;; so that, when we exit, it is copied into `search-last-string'.
+(defun vm-nonincremental-search (forward regexp)
+  (let (message char function string inhibit-quit
+		(cursor-in-echo-area t))
+    ;; Prompt assuming not word search,
+    (setq message (if regexp 
+		      (if forward "VM Regexp search: "
+			"VM Regexp search backward: ")
+		    (if forward "VM Search: " "VM Search backward: ")))
+    (message "%s" message)
+    ;; Read 1 char and switch to word search if it is ^W.
+    (setq char (read-char))
+    (if (eq char search-yank-word-char)
+	(setq message (if forward "VM Word search: " "VM Word search backward: "))
+      ;; Otherwise let that 1 char be part of the search string.
+      (setq unread-command-char char))
+    (setq function
+	  (if (eq char search-yank-word-char)
+	      (if forward 'word-search-forward 'word-search-backward)
+	    (if regexp
+		(if forward 're-search-forward 're-search-backward)
+	      (if forward 'search-forward 'search-backward))))
+    ;; Read the search string with corrected prompt.
+    (setq string (read-string message))
+    ;; Empty means use default.
+    (if (= 0 (length string))
+	(setq string search-last-string)
+      ;; Set last search string now so it is set even if we fail.
+      (setq search-last-string string))
+    ;; Since we used the minibuffer, we should be available for redo.
+    (setq command-history (cons (list function string) command-history))
+    ;; Go ahead and search.
+    (funcall function string)))
+(defun vm-update-search-position (&optional record-change)
+  (if (and (>= (point) (vm-start-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
+	   (<= (point) (vm-end-of (car vm-message-pointer))))
+      nil
+    (let ((mp vm-message-list)
+	  (point (point)))
+      (while mp
+	(if (and (>= point (vm-start-of (car mp)))
+		 (<= point (vm-end-of (car mp))))
+	    (if record-change
+		(progn
+		  (vm-record-and-change-message-pointer vm-message-pointer mp)
+		  (setq mp nil))
+	      (setq vm-message-pointer mp mp nil))
+	  (setq mp (cdr mp))))
+      (setq vm-need-summary-pointer-update t)
+      (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line))))
+(defun vm-isearch-forward (&optional arg)
+  "Incrementally search forward through the current folder's messages.
+Usage is identical to the standard Emacs incremental search.
+When the search terminates the message containing point will be selected.
+If the variable vm-search-using-regexps is non-nil, regular expressions
+are understood; nil means the search will be for the input string taken
+literally.  Specifying a prefix ARG interactively toggles the value of
+vm-search-using-regexps for this search."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
+  (vm-select-folder-buffer)
+  (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
+  (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
+  (vm-error-if-virtual-folder)
+  (vm-display (current-buffer) t '(vm-isearch-forward) '(vm-isearch-forward))
+  (let ((clip-head (point-min))
+	(clip-tail (point-max))
+	(old-w (selected-window)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn (select-window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+	       (widen)
+	       (vm-isearch t (if arg
+				 (not vm-search-using-regexps)
+			       vm-search-using-regexps))
+	       (vm-update-search-position t)
+	       ;; vm-show-current-message only adjusts (point-max),
+	       ;; it doesn't change (point-min).
+	       (narrow-to-region
+		(if (< (point) (vm-vheaders-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
+		    (vm-start-of (car vm-message-pointer))
+		  (vm-vheaders-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
+		(point-max))
+	       (vm-show-current-message)
+	       (setq vm-system-state 'reading)
+	       ;; turn the clipping unwind into a noop
+	       (setq clip-head (point-min))
+	       (setq clip-tail (point-max)))
+      (narrow-to-region clip-head clip-tail)
+      (select-window old-w))))
+(defun vm-isearch-backward (&optional arg)
+  "Incrementally search backward through the current folder's messages.
+Usage is identical to the standard Emacs incremental search.
+When the search terminates the message containing point will be selected.
+If the variable vm-search-using-regexps is non-nil, regular expressions
+are understood; nil means the search will be for the input string taken
+literally.  Specifying a prefix ARG interactively toggles the value of
+vm-search-using-regexps for this search."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
+  (vm-select-folder-buffer)
+  (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
+  (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
+  (vm-error-if-virtual-folder)
+  (vm-display (current-buffer) t '(vm-isearch-backward)
+	      (list 'vm-isearch-backward 'searching-message))
+  (let ((clip-head (point-min))
+	(clip-tail (point-max))
+	(old-w (selected-window)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn (select-window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
+	       (widen)
+	       (vm-isearch nil (if arg
+				 (not vm-search-using-regexps)
+			       vm-search-using-regexps))
+	       (vm-update-search-position t)
+	       ;; vm-show-current-message only adjusts (point-max),
+	       ;; it doesn't change (point-min).
+	       (narrow-to-region
+		(if (< (point) (vm-vheaders-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
+		    (vm-start-of (car vm-message-pointer))
+		  (vm-vheaders-of (car vm-message-pointer)))
+		(point-max))
+	       (vm-show-current-message)
+	       (setq vm-system-state 'reading)
+	       ;; turn the clipping unwind into a noop
+	       (setq clip-head (point-min))
+	       (setq clip-tail (point-max)))
+      (narrow-to-region clip-head clip-tail)
+      (select-window old-w))))