diff lisp/oobr/br-env.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 4103f0995bd7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/oobr/br-env.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
+;; FILE:         br-env.el
+;; SUMMARY:      OO-Browser Environment support functions.
+;; USAGE:        GNU Emacs Lisp Library
+;; KEYWORDS:     oop, tools
+;; AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner
+;; ORG:          Motorola Inc.
+;; ORIG-DATE:     8-Jun-90
+;; LAST-MOD:     20-Sep-95 at 14:59:03 by Bob Weiner
+;; Copyright (C) 1989-1995  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; See the file BR-COPY for license information.
+;; This file is part of the OO-Browser.
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Other required Elisp libraries
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(require 'hasht)
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar br-env-default-file "OOBR"
+  "*Standard file name for OO-Browser Environment storage.")
+(defvar br-env-file nil
+  "Default file into which to save a class Environment.
+Value is language-specific.")
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(if (fboundp 'file-relative-name)
+    nil
+  ;; For V18 Emacs
+  (defun file-relative-name (filename &optional directory)
+    "Convert FILENAME to be relative to DIRECTORY (default: default-directory)."
+    (setq filename (expand-file-name filename)
+	  directory (file-name-as-directory (if directory
+						(expand-file-name directory)
+					      default-directory)))
+    (while directory
+      (let ((up (file-name-directory (directory-file-name directory))))
+	(cond ((and (string-equal directory up)
+		    (file-name-absolute-p directory))
+	       ;; "/"
+	       (setq directory nil))
+	      ((string-match (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote directory))
+			     filename)
+	       (setq filename (substring filename (match-end 0)))
+	       (setq directory nil))
+	      (t
+	       ;; go up one level
+	       (setq directory up)))))
+    filename))
+(defun br-env-browse (env-file)
+  "Invoke the OO-Browser on an existing or to be created Environment ENV-FILE."
+  (interactive
+   (list (read-file-name "Load/Create OO-Browser Environment: "
+			 nil (or br-env-file br-env-default-file))))
+  (if (stringp env-file)
+	(setq env-file (expand-file-name env-file))
+    (error "(br-env-browse): Invalid env file: '%s'" env-file))
+  (if (string-match "-FTR$" env-file)
+      (setq env-file (substring env-file 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+  (cond ((and (file-exists-p env-file)
+	      (not (file-readable-p env-file)))
+	 (error "(br-env-browse): Env file '%s' is unreadable." env-file))
+	((not (file-exists-p env-file))
+	 ;; Specify a new Environment
+	 (funcall (intern-soft (concat (br-env-select-lang) "browse"))
+		  env-file))
+	(t ;; Existing Environment
+	 (let ((lang-string))
+	   (save-excursion
+	     (set-buffer (find-file-noselect env-file))
+	     (save-restriction
+	       (widen)
+	       (goto-char (point-min))
+	       (if (search-forward "br-lang-prefix" nil t)
+		   (progn (forward-line 1)
+			  ;; Eval removes quote from in front of lang-string
+			  ;; value which is read from the Env file.
+			  (setq lang-string (eval (read (current-buffer))))))))
+	   (if lang-string
+	       (funcall (intern-soft (concat lang-string "browse"))
+			env-file)
+	     (error "(br-env-browse): Invalid env file: '%s'" env-file))))))
+(defun br-env-build (&optional env-file background-flag)
+  "Build Environment from spec given by optional ENV-FILE or 'br-env-file'.
+If optional 2nd argument BACKGROUND-FLAG is t, build the Environment
+using a background process.  If it is nil, build in foreground.  Any other
+value prompts for whether to build in the background."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((env-file (br-env-default-file)))
+     (list (read-file-name
+	    (format "Build Environment (default \"%s\"): "
+		    (br-relative-path env-file))
+	    (file-name-directory env-file)
+	    env-file t)
+	   'prompt)))
+  (cond ((or (null background-flag) (eq background-flag t)))
+	(noninteractive
+	 (setq background-flag nil))
+	(t (setq background-flag
+		 (y-or-n-p "Build Environment in a background process? "))))
+  (if (or (not (stringp env-file)) (equal env-file ""))
+      (setq env-file br-env-file))
+  (setq env-file (expand-file-name env-file))
+  (or (not (file-exists-p env-file)) (file-readable-p env-file)
+      (error (format "Non-readable Environment file, %s" env-file)))
+  (or (file-writable-p env-file)
+      (error (format "Non-writable Environment file, %s" env-file)))
+  (if background-flag
+      (progn (setenv "OOBR_DIR" br-directory)
+	     (setenv "OOBR_ENV" env-file)
+	     (compile (format
+		       "make -f %s %s oobr-env"
+		       (expand-file-name "Makefile" br-directory)
+		       (if (and (boundp 'invocation-directory)
+				(boundp 'invocation-name)
+				(stringp invocation-directory)
+				(stringp invocation-name)
+				(file-directory-p invocation-directory)
+				(file-name-absolute-p invocation-directory))
+			   (concat "EMACS="
+				   (expand-file-name
+				    invocation-name invocation-directory))
+			 ""))))
+    (br-env-load env-file nil t)
+    ;; Detach unneeded data so can be garbage collected.
+    (br-env-create-alists)
+    (br-env-create-htables)
+    (if (and (boundp 'br-feature-tags-file) (stringp br-feature-tags-file))
+	(progn
+	  (if (not (file-writable-p br-feature-tags-file))
+	      (error
+	       "(br-env-build): %s is not writable" br-feature-tags-file))
+	  (set-buffer (find-file-noselect br-feature-tags-file))
+	  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+	  (erase-buffer)
+	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+    (br-build-sys-htable)
+    (br-build-lib-htable)
+    (setq br-env-spec nil)
+    (br-env-save)
+    ;; Detach unneeded data so can be garbage collected.
+    (br-env-create-alists)
+    (br-env-load env-file nil t)))
+(defun br-env-rebuild ()
+  "Rescan System and Library sources associated with the current Environment."
+  (interactive)
+  (cond ((interactive-p)
+	 (if (y-or-n-p "Rebuild current Environment? ")
+	     (br-env-build nil 'prompt)))
+	(t (error "(br-env-rebuild): This must be called interactively."))))
+(defun br-env-create (&optional env-file lang-prefix)
+  "Create and save the specification of a new OO-Browser Environment.
+Interactively prompt for the Environment file name or use optional ENV-FILE.
+Interactively prompt for the Environment language to use or use optional
+LANG-PREFIX as language indicator.
+If called non-interactively, do not build the Environment.
+If called interactively and presently in the OO-Browser and the current
+Environment is the one that has been re-specified, automatically rebuild it.
+Otherwise, prompt for whether to build the Environment. 
+Return the name of the Environment specification file that was created."
+  (interactive)
+  (if env-file
+      (read-string
+	(format "Please specify the \"%s\" Environment (Hit RTN to begin)."
+		(file-name-nondirectory env-file)))
+    (setq env-file (br-env-default-file)
+	  env-file (read-file-name
+		    (format "Create Env spec file (default \"%s\"): "
+			    (br-relative-path env-file))
+		    (file-name-directory env-file)
+		    env-file nil)))
+  (setq env-file (expand-file-name env-file))
+  ;; Display Env spec if previous one existed
+  (and (equal env-file br-env-file) (file-readable-p env-file) (br-env-stats))
+  (let ((prompt "System search dir #%d (RTN to end): ")
+	(br-env-spec t)
+	br-sys-search-dirs br-lib-search-dirs
+	br-lang-prefix
+	br-children-htable
+	br-sys-paths-htable
+	br-sys-parents-htable
+	br-lib-paths-htable
+	br-lib-parents-htable
+	br-paths-htable
+	br-parents-htable)
+    (br-env-create-htables)
+    (setq br-lang-prefix (or lang-prefix (br-env-select-lang))
+	  br-sys-search-dirs (br-env-get-dirs prompt)
+	  prompt "Library search dir #%d (RTN to end): "
+	  br-lib-search-dirs (br-env-get-dirs prompt))
+    ;; Now since user has not aborted, set real variables
+    (setq br-env-spec t)
+    (br-env-save env-file)
+    ;; If called interactively and re-specifying current Env, then also
+    ;; rebuild it.
+    (if (interactive-p)
+	(if (equal env-file br-env-file)
+	    (if (br-in-browser)
+		;; auto-build
+		(br-env-build
+		 nil (y-or-n-p "Environment will now be built.  Build in background? "))
+	      (call-interactively 'br-env-build))))
+    env-file))
+(defun br-env-load (&optional env-file prompt no-build)
+  "Load browser Environment or spec from optional ENV-FILE or 'br-env-file'.
+Non-nil PROMPT means prompt user before building tables.
+Non-nil NO-BUILD means skip build of Environment entirely.
+Return t if load is successful, else nil."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((env-file (br-env-default-file)))
+     (list (read-file-name
+	    (format "Environment file to load (default \"%s\"): "
+		    (br-relative-path env-file))
+	    (file-name-directory env-file)
+	    env-file t))))
+  (setq env-file (or (and (not (equal env-file "")) env-file)
+		     (br-env-default-file))
+	env-file (expand-file-name env-file)
+	br-env-file env-file)
+  (let ((buf (get-file-buffer env-file)))
+    (and buf (kill-buffer buf)))
+  (let ((br-loaded))
+    (if (file-readable-p env-file)
+	(unwind-protect
+	    (progn
+	      (message "Loading Environment...")
+	      (sit-for 1)
+	      ;; Ensure spec and version values are nil for old
+	      ;; Environment files that do not contain a setting for
+	      ;; these variables.
+	      (setq br-env-spec nil br-env-version nil)
+	      (load-file env-file)
+	      (if br-env-spec
+		  nil
+		(setq br-children-htable (hash-make br-children-alist)
+		      br-sys-paths-htable (hash-make br-sys-paths-alist)
+		      br-lib-paths-htable (hash-make br-lib-paths-alist)
+		      br-sys-parents-htable
+		      (hash-make br-sys-parents-alist)
+		      br-lib-parents-htable
+		      (hash-make br-lib-parents-alist)
+		      )
+		(br-env-set-htables))
+	      ;; Prevent rebuilding of Environment
+	      (setq br-lib-prev-search-dirs br-lib-search-dirs
+		    br-sys-prev-search-dirs br-sys-search-dirs)
+	      (setq br-loaded t)
+	      (message "Loading Environment...Done")
+	      (cond
+	       ((and br-env-spec (not no-build))
+		(setq br-loaded
+		      (br-env-cond-build
+		       env-file
+		       (if prompt "Build Environment from spec in file, \"%s\"? "))))
+	       ;; If Environment was built with a version of the OO-Browser
+	       ;; which did not add a version number to each Environment,
+	       ;; then it may use an obsolete format.  Offer to rebuild it.
+	       ((and (not no-build) (null br-env-version)
+		     (br-member br-lang-prefix '("c++-" "objc-" "eif-")))
+		(br-env-stats)
+		(br-env-cond-build
+		 env-file
+		 (if prompt
+		     "Environment file format is obsolete, rebuild it? ")))))
+	  nil)
+      (if (file-exists-p env-file)
+	  (progn (beep)
+		 (message "No read rights for Envir file, \"%s\"" env-file)
+		 (sit-for 4))
+	(message "\"%s\", no such file." env-file)
+	(sit-for 2)
+	(setq br-loaded (br-env-load
+			 (br-env-create env-file br-lang-prefix) t))))
+    br-loaded))
+(defun br-env-save (&optional save-file)
+  "Save changed Environment to file given by optional SAVE-FILE or 'br-env-file'."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((env-file (br-env-default-file)))
+     (list (read-file-name
+	    (format "Save Environment to (default \"%s\"): "
+		    (br-relative-path env-file))
+	    (file-name-directory env-file)
+	    env-file nil))))
+  (if (and (stringp save-file)
+	   (not (equal save-file br-env-file))
+	   (stringp br-feature-tags-file)
+	   (file-exists-p br-feature-tags-file))
+      ;; Copy feature tags file to new file name.
+      (copy-file br-feature-tags-file (br-feature-tags-file-name save-file)
+		 t t))
+  (if (or (not (stringp save-file)) (equal save-file ""))
+      (setq save-file br-env-file))
+  (setq save-file (expand-file-name save-file))
+  (or (file-writable-p save-file)
+      (error (format "Non-writable Environment file, \"%s\""
+		     save-file)))
+  (let ((buf (get-file-buffer save-file)))
+    (and buf (kill-buffer buf)))
+  (let ((dir (or (file-name-directory save-file)
+		 default-directory)))
+    (or (file-writable-p dir)
+	(error (format "Non-writable Environment directory, \"%s\"" dir))))
+  (save-window-excursion
+    (let ((standard-output
+	    (set-buffer (funcall br-find-file-noselect-function
+				 save-file)))
+	  (buffer-read-only)
+	  br-sym)
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (princ "\n(setq\nbr-env-version")
+      (print br-version)
+      (br-env-save-mult-vars (cons (car br-env-mult-vars) nil))
+      (mapcar (function
+		(lambda (nm)
+		  (setq br-sym (intern-soft (concat "br-" nm)))
+		  (let ((nm-mid (string-match "-htable$" nm)))
+		    (if nm-mid
+			(progn (princ "\nbr-") (princ (substring nm 0 nm-mid))
+			       (princ "-alist\n'")
+			       (hash-prin1 (symbol-value br-sym)))
+		      (princ "\n") (princ br-sym) (princ "\n'")
+		      (prin1 (symbol-value br-sym)) (princ "\n")))))
+	      br-env-single-vars)
+      (br-env-save-mult-vars (cdr br-env-mult-vars))
+      (princ ")\n")
+      (save-buffer)
+      (kill-buffer standard-output))))
+(defun br-env-stats (&optional arg)
+  "Display summary for current Environment in viewer window.
+With optional prefix ARG, display class totals in minibuffer."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((env-file (abbreviate-file-name br-env-file)))
+    (if arg
+	(message "Envir \"%s\": %s" env-file (br-env-totals))
+      (br-funcall-in-view-window
+       (concat br-buffer-prefix-info "Info")
+       (function
+	(lambda ()
+	  (insert (format "Environment: \"%s\"" env-file))
+	  (center-line)
+	  (insert "\n\n")
+	  (if (null br-env-spec)
+	      (insert (format "Built by version %s of the OO-Browser.\n\n"
+			      (or br-env-version "earlier than 02.09.03"))))
+	  (insert (br-env-totals) "\n\n")
+	  (let ((undefined (br-undefined-classes)))
+	    (if undefined
+		(insert (format "Undefined classes: %s\n\n" undefined))))
+	  (mapcar
+	   (function
+	    (lambda (sys-lib)
+	      (insert (format "Directories to search for %s classes:\n"
+			      (car sys-lib)))
+	      (if (cdr sys-lib)
+		  (progn (mapcar
+			  (function
+			   (lambda (dir)
+			     (or (equal dir "")
+				 (insert
+				  (format "\t%s\n"
+					  (abbreviate-file-name dir))))))
+				 (cdr sys-lib))
+			 (insert "\n"))
+		(insert "\t<None>\n\n"))))
+	   (list (cons "System" br-sys-search-dirs)
+		 (cons "Library"  br-lib-search-dirs)))
+	  (insert "Flag Settings:"
+		  "\n\tEnvironment built from specification: "
+		  (if br-env-spec "no" "yes")
+		  "\n")
+	  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun br-env-add-ref-classes (&optional htable-type)
+  "Add classes to Environment which are referenced in it but not defined.
+With optional HTABLE-TYPE, affect only that part of the Environment.
+HTABLE-TYPE may be \"sys\"or \"lib\".  By default, add to both Library and
+whole Environment tables."
+  ;;
+  ;; This function must NOT call any 'get-htable' type functions or it will
+  ;; cause an infinite loop.
+  (let ((classes (br-all-classes
+		  (symbol-value
+		   (intern-soft (concat "br-" htable-type
+					(if htable-type "-")
+					"paths-htable")))))
+	(pars (br-env-all-parents
+	       (symbol-value
+		(intern-soft (concat "br-" htable-type
+				     (if htable-type "-")
+				     "parents-htable")))))
+	(class))
+    (while pars
+      (setq class (car pars)
+	    pars (cdr pars))
+      (if (or (null class) (br-member class classes))
+	  nil
+	(setq classes (cons class classes))
+	(if (null htable-type) (setq htable-type "lib"))
+	(br-env-add-to-htables class (concat htable-type "-parents"))
+	(br-add-to-paths-htable
+	 class br-null-path
+	 (br-get-htable (concat htable-type "-paths")))))))
+(defun br-env-add-to-htables (class parents)
+  "Add CLASS to hash tables referenced by PARENTS name.
+PARENTS may be \"parents\", \"sys-parents\", or \"lib-parents\"."
+  (if (null class)
+      nil
+    (setq parents
+	  (symbol-value (intern-soft (concat "br-" parents "-htable"))))
+    (if parents (hash-add nil class parents))))
+(defun br-env-all-parents (&optional htable-type)
+  "Return list of all parent names in Environment or optional HTABLE-TYPE.
+HTABLE-TYPE may be \"sys\" or \"lib\". or an actual hash table."
+  (apply 'append
+	 (hash-map 'car
+		   (cond ((and (stringp htable-type)
+			       (not (string-equal htable-type "")))
+			  (br-get-htable (concat htable-type "-parents")))
+			 ((hashp htable-type) htable-type)
+			 (t (br-get-parents-htable))))))
+(defun br-env-batch-build ()
+  "Build Environments from specifications while running Emacs in batch mode.
+Invoke via a shell command line of the following form:
+emacs -batch -l <BR-DIR>/br-start.el <OO-Browser Env Spec File> ... <Spec File> -f br-env-batch-build"
+  (br-init-autoloads)
+  (if (or (not (boundp 'br-directory)) (null br-directory)
+	  (not (file-exists-p br-directory)))
+      (error "br-env-batch-build: Set 'br-directory' properly before use.")
+    (let ((spec-file)
+	  (files (delq nil (mapcar 'buffer-file-name (buffer-list)))))
+      (while (setq spec-file (car files))
+	(setq files (cdr files))
+	(load spec-file)
+	(or (featurep (intern-soft (concat br-lang-prefix "browse")))
+	    (featurep (intern-soft (concat br-lang-prefix "brows")))
+	    (load (expand-file-name
+		   (concat br-lang-prefix "browse") br-directory)
+		  t)
+	    (load (expand-file-name
+		   (concat br-lang-prefix "brows") br-directory)))
+	(funcall (intern (concat br-lang-prefix "browse-setup")))
+	(kill-buffer nil)
+	(br-env-build spec-file nil)))))
+;;; The following function is called by the compilation sentinel whenever a
+;;; compilation finishes under versions of Emacs 19.  (If you use Emacs 18,
+;;; you would have to edit compilation-sentinel to call the function stored
+;;; in 'compilation-finish-function' as Emacs 19, compile.el does.
+;;; If there already is a compilation-finish-function, save it and use it
+;;; when not in a batch environment build.
+(setq compilation-original-finish-function
+      (and (boundp 'compilation-finish-function)
+	   (not (eq compilation-finish-function 'br-env-batch-build-browse))
+	   compilation-finish-function)
+      compilation-finish-function 'br-env-batch-build-browse)
+(defun br-env-batch-build-browse (&rest args)
+  ;; This is only called when we are in the compilation buffer already.
+  (cond ((not (string-match "oobr-env" compile-command))
+	 ;; Some other type of build.
+	 (if compilation-original-finish-function
+	     (apply compilation-original-finish-function args)))
+	((not (and (stringp mode-line-process)
+		   (string-match "OK" mode-line-process)))
+	 ;; Build failed.
+	 nil)
+	(t ;; Environment build was successful.
+	 (beep)
+	 (let* ((env-file (getenv "OOBR_ENV"))
+		(prompt
+		 (format
+		  "(OO-Browser): Environment \"%s\" is built; browse it now? "
+		  (file-name-nondirectory env-file))))
+	   (if (y-or-n-p prompt)
+	       (br-env-browse env-file))))))
+(defun br-env-cond-build (env-file prompt)
+  "Build current Environment from its specification and save it in ENV-FILE.
+Non-nil PROMPT is used to prompt user before building Environment.  Return t
+iff current Environment gets built from specification."
+  (let ((dir (or (file-name-directory env-file)
+		 default-directory)))
+    (if (not (file-writable-p dir))
+	(progn (beep)
+	       (message "Unwritable Environment directory, \"%s\"" dir)
+	       (sit-for 4) nil)
+      (if (or (not prompt)
+	      (y-or-n-p (format prompt env-file)))
+	  (progn (br-env-build env-file 'prompt) t)))))
+(defun br-env-copy (to-br)
+  "Copy 'br-' Environment to or from 'br-lang-prefix' language variables.
+If TO-BR is non-nil, copy from language-specific variables to browser
+variables.  Otherwise, do copy in the reverse direction."
+  (let* ((var1) (var2)
+	 (copy-func
+	  (if to-br (function (lambda () (set var1 (symbol-value var2))))
+	    (function (lambda () (set var2 (symbol-value var1)))))))
+    (mapcar (function
+	      (lambda (nm)
+	       (setq var1 (intern (concat "br-" nm))
+		     var2 (intern (concat br-lang-prefix nm)))
+	       (funcall copy-func)))
+	    (append
+	      '("env-file" "env-version" "lib-search-dirs"
+		"lib-prev-search-dirs" "lib-parents-htable"
+		"lib-paths-htable" "sys-search-dirs"
+		"sys-prev-search-dirs" "sys-parents-htable"
+		"sys-paths-htable" "paths-htable" "parents-htable")
+	      br-env-single-vars))))
+(defun br-env-create-alists ()
+  "Create all empty Environment association lists."
+  (setq br-children-alist    nil
+	br-sys-paths-alist   nil  br-lib-paths-alist nil
+	br-sys-parents-alist nil  br-lib-parents-alist nil
+	br-paths-alist       nil  br-parents-alist nil))
+(defun br-env-create-htables ()
+  "Create all empty Environment hash tables."
+  (setq br-children-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-sys-paths-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-sys-parents-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-lib-paths-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-lib-parents-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-paths-htable (hash-make 0)
+	br-parents-htable (hash-make 0)))
+(defun br-env-default-file (&optional directory)
+  "Search up current or optional DIRECTORY tree for an OO-Browser environment file.
+Return file name found, the value of 'br-env-file' if non-nil, or else the
+value of 'br-env-default-file'.  All return values are expanded to absolute
+paths before being returned."
+  (let ((path directory)
+	(oobr-file))
+    (while (and (stringp path)
+		(setq path (file-name-directory path))
+		(setq path (directory-file-name path))
+		;; Not at root directory
+		(not (string-match ":?/\\'" path))
+		;; No environment file
+		(not (file-exists-p
+		      (setq oobr-file (expand-file-name
+				       br-env-default-file path)))))
+      (setq oobr-file nil))
+    (expand-file-name (or oobr-file br-env-file br-env-default-file))))
+(defun br-env-file-sym-val (symbol-name)
+  "Given a SYMBOL-NAME, a string, find its value in the current Environment file.
+Assume the Environment file to use is attached to the current buffer.
+Only search for the SYMBOL-NAME from the current point in the buffer.
+Return cons whose car is t iff SYMBOL-NAME was found and then whose cdr is the
+non-quoted value found."
+  (set-buffer (funcall br-find-file-noselect-function br-env-file))
+  (save-excursion
+    (if (search-forward symbol-name nil t)
+	(let ((standard-input (current-buffer)))
+	  (cons t (eval (read)))))))
+(defun br-env-try-load (env-file default-file)
+  "Try to load a complete Environment, initially given by ENV-FILE.
+If an Environment specification is selected, the user will be prompted
+whether or not to build it.  If ENV-FILE is not a string, the function will
+prompt for an Environment to load.  DEFAULT-FILE is the default file to use
+when an empty value is given at the Environment file prompt.
+Return the name of the Environment file that was loaded or nil."
+  (if (br-env-load
+       (if (stringp env-file)
+	   env-file
+	 (or (stringp default-file)
+	     (setq default-file (br-env-default-file)))
+	 (setq env-file
+	       (read-file-name
+		(format
+		 "OO-Browser Environment file (default \"%s\"): "
+		 (br-relative-path default-file))
+		nil
+		default-file nil)))
+       'prompt)
+      (if (stringp env-file)
+	  (setq br-env-file (expand-file-name env-file)))))
+(defun br-env-get-dirs (prompt)
+  "PROMPT for and return list of directory names.
+PROMPT must contain a %d somewhere in it, so dir # may be inserted."
+  (let ((dir) (dirs) (num 1) (default ""))
+    (while (not (string-equal "" (setq dir (read-file-name
+				       (format prompt num) default "" t))))
+      (if (file-directory-p dir)
+	  (setq dirs (cons dir dirs)
+		num (1+ num)
+		default "")
+	(beep)
+	(setq default dir)))
+    (nreverse dirs)))
+(defun br-env-init (env-file same-lang same-env)
+  "Load or build ENV-FILE if non-nil.
+Otherwise, use 'br-env-file' if non-nil or if not, interactively prompt for
+Environment name.  SAME-LANG should be non-nil if invoking the OO-Browser on
+the same language again.  SAME-ENV should be non-nil if invoking the
+OO-Browser on the same Environment again.  br-sys/lib-search-dirs variables
+should be set before this function is called.
+Return the name of the current Environment file unless load attempt fails,
+then return nil."
+  (cond 
+   ;; Specific environment requested
+   (env-file
+    ;; Create or load spec and load or build Environment
+    (setq env-file (br-env-try-load env-file br-env-file)))
+   ;; First invocation on this lang
+   ((and (null br-sys-search-dirs) (null br-lib-search-dirs))
+    ;; Create or load spec and load or build Environment
+    (setq env-file
+	  (br-env-try-load (or br-env-file (br-env-create)) br-env-file)))
+   ;; Non-first invocation, search paths have been set, possibly default Env
+   (t
+    (setq env-file br-env-file)
+    (cond
+     ;; Continue browsing an Environment
+     (same-env nil)
+     (same-lang
+      ;; But search paths have changed, so rebuild Env
+      (progn (or (eq br-sys-search-dirs br-sys-prev-search-dirs)
+		 (br-build-sys-htable))
+	     (or (eq br-lib-search-dirs br-lib-prev-search-dirs)
+		 (br-build-lib-htable))))
+     ;; Request to browse a different language Env
+     (t
+      (setq env-file (br-env-try-load
+		      (or br-env-file (br-env-create)) br-env-file))))))
+  ;; Return current Env file name unless load attempt failed, then return nil.
+  env-file)
+(defun *br-env-internal-structures* ()
+  "Display values of internal data structures in viewer buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (br-funcall-in-view-window
+   (concat br-buffer-prefix-info "Info")
+   (function
+    (lambda ()
+      (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
+	(mapcar
+	 (function
+	  (lambda (sym)
+	    (mapcar
+	     (function (lambda (obj)
+			 (princ obj)))
+	     (list "!!! " (symbol-name sym) " !!!\n\n" 
+		   (symbol-value sym) "\n\n"))
+	    ))
+	 '(br-children-htable
+	   br-parents-htable
+	   br-paths-htable
+	   br-sys-search-dirs
+	   br-sys-paths-htable
+	   br-sys-parents-htable
+	   br-lib-search-dirs
+	   br-lib-paths-htable
+	   br-lib-parents-htable
+	   br-lang-prefix
+	   br-env-spec)))))))
+(defun br-env-lang-dialog-box (dialog-box)
+  "Prompt user with DIALOG-BOX and return selected value.
+Assumes caller has checked that 'dialog-box' function exists."
+  (let ((echo-keystrokes 0)
+	event-obj
+	event)	 
+    ;; Add a cancel button to dialog box.
+    (setq dialog-box (append dialog-box (list nil '["Cancel" abort t])))
+    (popup-dialog-box dialog-box)
+    (catch 'br-env-done
+      (while t
+	(setq event (next-command-event event)
+	      event-obj (event-object event))
+	(cond ((and (menu-event-p event)
+		    (memq event-obj '(abort menu-no-selection-hook)))
+	       (signal 'quit nil))
+	      ((button-release-event-p event) ;; don't beep twice
+	       nil)
+	      ((menu-event-p event)
+	       (throw 'br-env-done (eval event-obj)))
+	      (t
+	       (beep)
+	       (message "Please answer the dialog box.")))))))
+(defun br-env-lang-var (lang-prefix)
+  "Create language-specific Environment variables for LANG-PREFIX."
+  (eval (list 'defvar (intern (concat lang-prefix "env-version"))
+	      nil
+	      "Version of the OO-Browser used to build the current Environment or nil."))
+  (eval (list 'defvar (intern (concat lang-prefix "env-file"))
+	      br-env-default-file
+	      "*File in which to save Environment.")))
+(defun br-env-load-matching-htables (changed-types-list)
+  (let ((still-changed-types))
+    (if (file-readable-p br-env-file)
+	(unwind-protect
+	    (progn
+	      (let ((buf (get-file-buffer br-env-file)))
+		(and buf (kill-buffer buf)))
+	      (set-buffer (funcall br-find-file-noselect-function br-env-file))
+	      (goto-char (point-min))
+	      (mapcar
+		(function
+		  (lambda (type)
+		    (let* ((search-dirs (concat "br-" type "-search-dirs"))
+			   (prev-dirs (concat "br-" type "-prev-search-dirs"))
+			   (paths (concat "br-" type "-paths-htable"))
+			   (parents (concat "br-" type "-parents-htable"))
+			   (dirs-val (cdr (br-env-file-sym-val search-dirs))))
+		      (if (equal dirs-val (symbol-value (intern search-dirs)))
+			  (and (br-member type changed-types-list)
+			       (progn (set (intern paths)
+					   (cdr (br-env-file-sym-val paths)))
+				      (set (intern parents)
+					   (cdr (br-env-file-sym-val parents)))
+				      (set (intern prev-dirs)
+					   (symbol-value
+					     (intern search-dirs)))))
+			(setq still-changed-types
+			      (cons type still-changed-types)))))) 
+		'("sys" "lib"))
+	      )
+	  nil))
+    (nreverse still-changed-types)))
+(defun br-env-save-mult-vars (mult-vars)
+  (let ((br-sym))
+    (mapcar
+      (function
+	(lambda (suffix)
+	  (mapcar
+	    (function
+	      (lambda (type-str)
+		(setq br-sym (intern-soft
+			       (concat "br-" type-str suffix)))
+		(if (and br-sym (boundp br-sym))
+		    (let* ((nm (symbol-name br-sym))
+			   (nm-mid (string-match "-htable$" nm)))
+		      (if nm-mid
+			  (progn (princ "\n") (princ (substring nm 0 nm-mid))
+				 (princ "-alist\n'")
+				 (hash-prin1 (symbol-value br-sym)))
+			(princ "\n") (princ br-sym) (princ "\n'")
+			(prin1 (symbol-value br-sym))
+			(princ "\n"))))))
+	    '("sys-" "lib-"))))
+      mult-vars)))
+(defun br-env-set-htables ()
+  (br-env-add-ref-classes "lib")
+  (br-env-add-ref-classes "sys")
+  ;; Make System entries override Library entries which they duplicate, since
+  ;; this is generally more desireable than merging the two.  Don't do this
+  ;; for the paths-htable, however, since the value is the union of both
+  ;; values.
+  (setq br-paths-htable (hash-merge br-sys-paths-htable br-lib-paths-htable))
+  (let ((hash-merge-values-function (function (lambda (val1 val2) val1))))
+    (setq br-parents-htable (hash-merge br-sys-parents-htable
+					br-lib-parents-htable))))
+(defun br-env-select-lang ()
+  "Interactively select and return value for 'br-lang-prefix'."
+  (let ((n 0) (nlangs (length br-env-lang-avector))
+	(lang-prompt)
+	;; Use dialog box if last user event involved the mouse.
+	(use-dialog-box (and (fboundp 'popup-dialog-box)
+			     (fboundp 'button-press-event-p)
+			     (or (button-press-event-p last-command-event)
+				 (button-release-event-p last-command-event)
+				 (menu-event-p last-command-event)))))
+    ;; Create a prompt numbering each OO-Browser language available.
+    (setq lang-prompt
+	  (if use-dialog-box
+	      (mapcar
+	       (function (lambda (lang)
+			   (setq n (1+ n))
+			   (vector lang (list 'identity n) 't)))
+	       (mapcar 'car br-env-lang-avector))
+	    (mapconcat
+	     (function (lambda (lang)
+			 (setq n (1+ n))
+			 (format "%d\) %s" n lang)))
+	     (mapcar 'car br-env-lang-avector)
+	     "; ")))
+    ;; Prompt user.
+    (while (progn
+	     (setq n (if use-dialog-box
+			 (br-env-lang-dialog-box
+			  (cons "Choose language to browse: " lang-prompt))
+		       ;; Otherwise, prompt in the minibuffer.
+		       (string-to-int
+			(read-string (concat "Choose: " lang-prompt ": ") ""))))
+	     (or (< n 1) (> n nlangs)))
+      (beep))
+    (cdr (aref br-env-lang-avector (1- n)))))
+(defun br-env-totals ()
+  "Return string of Environment class totals."
+  (let ((sys (length (br-all-classes "sys")))
+	(lib (length (br-all-classes "lib")))
+	(duplicates (car (br-all-classes nil t)))
+	count)
+    (format "%sTotal unique classes: %d; System: %d; Library: %d"
+	    (if (null duplicates)
+		""
+	      (setq count (length duplicates))
+	      (format "%d DUPLICATE CLASS%s TO CONSIDER ELIMINATING:\n\t%s\n\n"
+		      count (if (= count 1) "" "ES") duplicates))
+	    (+ sys lib) sys lib)))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Internal variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar br-env-version nil
+  "Version of the OO-Browser used to build the current Environment or nil.")
+(defconst br-env-mult-vars
+  '("search-dirs" "paths-htable" "parents-htable")
+  "Descriptors of multiple copy variables saved as part of an Environment.")
+(defconst br-env-single-vars
+  '("lang-prefix" "env-spec" "children-htable")
+  "Descriptors of singular variables saved as part of an Environment.")
+(defvar br-env-spec nil
+  "Non-nil value means Environment specification has been given but not yet built.
+Nil means current Environment has been built, though it may still require
+updating. Value is language-specific.")
+(defvar br-env-lang-avector
+  '[("C++"     . "c++-")
+    ("Eiffel"  . "eif-")
+    ("Info"    . "info-")
+    ("Java"    . "java-")
+    ("Lisp"    . "clos-")
+    ("Obj-C"   . "objc-")
+    ("Python"  . "python-")
+    ("Smalltalk" . "smt-")]
+  "Association vector of (LANGUAGE-NAME . LANGUAGE-PREFIX-STRING) elements of OO-Browser languages.")
+(mapcar 'br-env-lang-var (mapcar 'cdr br-env-lang-avector))
+(provide 'br-env)