diff lisp/ilisp/ilisp-src.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children b82b59fe008d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ilisp/ilisp-src.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-
+;;; ilisp-src.el --
+;;; This file is part of ILISP.
+;;; Version: 5.7
+;;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Chris McConnell
+;;;               1993, 1994 Ivan Vasquez
+;;;               1994, 1995 Marco Antoniotti and Rick Busdiecker
+;;; Other authors' names for which this Copyright notice also holds
+;;; may appear later in this file.
+;;; Send mail to 'ilisp-request@lehman.com' to be included in the
+;;; ILISP mailing list. 'ilisp@lehman.com' is the general ILISP
+;;; mailing list were bugs and improvements are discussed.
+;;; ILISP is freely redistributable under the terms found in the file
+;;; See ilisp.el for more information.
+;;;%Source file operations
+(if (not (boundp 'tags-file-name)) (defvar tags-file-name nil))
+(defvar lisp-last-definition nil "Last definition (name type) looked for.")
+(defvar lisp-last-file nil "Last used source file.")
+(defvar lisp-first-point nil "First point found in last source file.")
+(defvar lisp-last-point nil "Last point in last source file.")
+(defvar lisp-last-locator nil "Last source locator used.")
+(defvar lisp-search nil "Set to T when searching for definitions.")
+(defvar lisp-using-tags nil "Set to T when using tags.")
+(defvar lisp-edit-files t
+  "If T, then buffers in one of lisp-source-modes will be searched by
+edit-definitions-lisp if the source cannot be found through the
+inferior LISP.  It can also be a list of files to edit definitions
+from set up by \(\\[lisp-directory]).  If it is set to nil, then no
+additional files will be searched.")
+(defun lisp-extensions ()
+  "Return a regexp for matching the extensions of files that enter one
+of lisp-source-modes according to auto-mode-alist."
+  (let ((entries auto-mode-alist)
+	(extensions nil))
+    (while entries
+      (let ((entry (car entries)))
+	(if (memq (cdr entry) lisp-source-modes)
+	    (setq extensions 
+		  (concat "\\|" (car entry) extensions))))
+      (setq entries (cdr entries)))
+  (substring extensions 2)))
+(defun lisp-directory (directory add)
+  "Edit the files in DIRECTORY that have an auto-mode alist entry in
+lisp-source-modes.  With a positive prefix, add the files on to the
+already existing files.  With a negative prefix, clear the list.  In
+either case set tags-file-name to nil so that tags are not used."
+  (interactive 
+   (list (if (not (eq current-prefix-arg '-))
+	     (read-file-name "Lisp Directory: "
+			     nil
+			     default-directory
+			     nil))
+	     current-prefix-arg))
+  (setq tags-file-name nil)
+  (if (eq add '-)
+      (progn (setq lisp-edit-files t)
+	     (message "No current lisp directory"))
+      (if add
+	  (message "Added %s as a lisp directory" directory)
+	  (message "%s is the lisp directory" directory))
+      (setq directory (expand-file-name directory))
+      (if (file-directory-p directory)
+	  (setq lisp-edit-files
+		(append
+		 (directory-files directory t (lisp-extensions))
+		 (if add (if (eq lisp-edit-files t) nil lisp-edit-files))))
+	  (error "%s is not a directory" directory))))
+(defun fix-source-filenames ()
+  "Apply the ilisp-source-directory-fixup-alist to the current buffer
+   (which will be *Edit-Definitions*) to change any pre-compiled
+   source-file locations to point to local source file locations.  
+   See ilisp-source-directory-fixup-alist."
+  (let ((alist (ilisp-value 'ilisp-source-directory-fixup-alist t))
+	cons)
+    (if alist
+	(save-excursion
+	  (while alist
+	    (setq cons (car alist))
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (if (re-search-forward (car cons) (point-max) t)
+		(replace-match (cdr cons)))
+	    (setq alist (cdr alist)))))))
+(defun lisp-setup-edit-definitions (message edit-files)
+  "Set up *Edit-Definitions* with MESSAGE. If EDIT-FILES is T, insert
+all buffer filenames that are in one of lisp-source-modes into the
+current buffer.  If it is a list of files set up by lisp-directory,
+insert those in the buffer.  If it is a string put that in the buffer."
+  (setq lisp-using-tags nil
+	lisp-search (not (stringp edit-files)))
+  (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Edit-Definitions*"))
+  (erase-buffer)
+  (insert message)
+  (insert "\n\n")
+  (if edit-files
+      (progn
+	(if (eq edit-files t)
+	    (let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
+	      (while buffers
+		(let ((buffer (car buffers)))
+		  (if (save-excursion 
+			(set-buffer buffer) 
+			(and (memq major-mode lisp-source-modes)
+			     (buffer-file-name buffer)))
+		      (progn (insert ?\") (insert (buffer-file-name buffer))
+			     (insert "\"\n"))))
+		(setq buffers (cdr buffers))))
+	    (if (stringp edit-files)
+		(progn (insert edit-files)
+		       	;; Remove garbage collection messages
+		       (replace-regexp "^;[^\n]*\n" "")
+		       (fix-source-filenames))
+		(let ((files edit-files))
+		  (while files
+		    (insert ?\")
+		    (insert (car files))
+		    (insert "\"\n")
+		    (setq files (cdr files))))))
+	(goto-char (point-min))
+	(forward-line 2)
+	(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
+      (error 
+       (substitute-command-keys
+	"Use \\[lisp-directory] to define source files."))))
+(defun lisp-locate-definition (locator definition file point 
+				       &optional
+				       back pop)
+  "Use LOCATOR to find the next DEFINITION (symbol . type) in FILE
+starting at POINT, optionally BACKWARDS and POP to buffer.  Return T
+if successful."
+  (if file 
+      (if (not (file-exists-p file))
+	  (progn
+	    (message "File %s doesn't exist!" file)
+	    (sit-for 1)
+	    nil)
+	  (let* ((symbol (car definition))
+		 (type (cdr definition))
+		 (first (not (eq lisp-last-file file)))
+		 (buffer (current-buffer))
+		 name)
+	    (lisp-find-file file pop)
+	    (if first (setq lisp-first-point (point)))
+	    (if back
+		(if first
+		    (goto-char (point-max))
+		    (goto-char point)
+		    (forward-line -1) 
+		    (end-of-line))
+		(goto-char point)
+		(if (not first) 
+		    (progn (forward-line 1) (beginning-of-line))))
+	    (if (eq type 't)
+		(message "Search %s for %s" file symbol)
+		(message "Searching %s for %s %s" file type
+			 (setq name (lisp-buffer-symbol symbol))))
+	    (if (funcall locator symbol type first back)
+		(progn
+		  (setq lisp-last-file file
+			lisp-last-point (point))
+		  (if (bolp)
+		      (forward-line -1)
+		      (beginning-of-line))
+		  (recenter 0)
+		  (if name 
+		      (message "Found %s %s definition" type name)
+		      (message "Found %s"))
+		  t)
+		(if first 
+		    (goto-char lisp-first-point)
+		    (set-buffer buffer)
+		    (goto-char point))
+		nil)))))
+(defun lisp-next-file (back)
+  "Return the next filename in *Edit-Definitions*, or nil if none."
+  (let ((file t) 
+	result)
+    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Edit-Definitions*"))
+    (if back 
+	(progn (forward-line -1)
+	       (if (looking-at "\n")
+		   (progn 
+		     (forward-line 1)
+		     (end-of-line)
+		     (setq file nil)))))
+  (if file
+      (progn
+	(skip-chars-forward "^\"")
+	(if (eobp)
+	    (progn (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
+		   (setq result nil))
+	    (let* ((start (progn (forward-char 1) (point))))
+	      (skip-chars-forward "^\"") 
+	      (setq file
+		    (prog1 (buffer-substring start (point))
+		      (end-of-line)))
+	      (bury-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+  (if (not (eq file 't)) file)))
+(defun lisp-next-definition (back pop)
+  "Go to the next definition from *Edit-Definitions* going BACK with
+prefix and POPPING.  Return 'first if found first time, 'none if no
+definition ever, T if another definition is found, and nil if no more
+definitions are found."
+  (let ((done nil)
+	(result nil))
+    (while
+	(not
+	 (or
+	  (setq result
+		(lisp-locate-definition	;Same file
+		 lisp-last-locator
+		 lisp-last-definition lisp-last-file lisp-last-point back))
+	  (let ((file (lisp-next-file back)))
+	    (if file
+		(if (lisp-locate-definition 
+		     lisp-last-locator lisp-last-definition 
+		     file 1 back 
+		     (prog1 pop (setq pop nil)))
+		    (setq result 'first)
+		    (setq result (if (not lisp-search) 'none)))
+		t)))))
+    (set-buffer (window-buffer (selected-window)))
+    result))
+(defun next-definition-lisp (back &optional pop)
+  "Edit the next definition from *Edit-Definitions* going BACK with
+prefix and optionally POPPING or call tags-loop-continue if using tags."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if lisp-using-tags
+      (tags-loop-continue)
+      (let* ((result (lisp-next-definition back pop))
+	     (symbol (car lisp-last-definition))
+	     (type (cdr lisp-last-definition))
+	     (name (if (not (eq type 't)) (lisp-buffer-symbol symbol))))
+	(cond ((or (eq result 'first) (eq result 't))
+	       (if name
+		   (message "Found %s %s definition" type name)
+		   (message "Found %s" symbol)))
+	      ((eq result 'none)
+	       (error "Can't find %s %s definition" type name))
+	      (t 
+	       (if name 
+		   (error "No more %s %s definitions" type name)
+		   (message "Done")))))))
+(defun edit-definitions-lisp (symbol type &optional stay search locator)
+  "Find the source files for the TYPE definitions of SYMBOL.  If STAY,
+use the same window.  If SEARCH, do not look for symbol in inferior
+LISP.  The definition will be searched for through the inferior LISP
+and if not found it will be searched for in the current tags file and
+if not found in the files in lisp-edit-files set up by
+\(\\[lisp-directory]) or the buffers in one of lisp-source-modes if
+lisp-edit-files is T.  If lisp-edit-files is nil, no search will be
+done if not found through the inferior LISP.  TYPES are from
+ilisp-source-types which is an alist of symbol strings or list
+strings.  With a negative prefix, look for the current symbol as the
+first type in ilisp-source-types."
+  (interactive 
+   (let* ((types (ilisp-value 'ilisp-source-types t))
+	  (default (if types (car (car types))))
+	  (function (lisp-function-name))
+	  (symbol (lisp-buffer-symbol function)))
+     (if (lisp-minus-prefix)
+	 (list function default)
+	 (list (ilisp-read-symbol 
+		(format "Edit Definition [%s]: " symbol)
+		function
+		nil
+		t)
+	       (if types 
+		   (ilisp-completing-read
+		    (format "Type [%s]: " default)
+		    types default))))))
+  (let* ((name (lisp-buffer-symbol symbol))
+	 (symbol-name (lisp-symbol-name symbol))
+	 (command (ilisp-value 'ilisp-find-source-command t))
+	 (source
+	  (if (and command (not search) (comint-check-proc ilisp-buffer))
+	      (ilisp-send
+	       (format command symbol-name
+		       (lisp-symbol-package symbol)
+		       type)
+	       (concat "Finding " type " " name " definitions")
+	       'source )
+	      "nil"))
+	 (result (and source (lisp-last-line source)))
+	 (source-ok (not (or (ilisp-value 'comint-errorp t)
+			     (null result)
+			     (string-match "nil" (car result)))))
+	 (case-fold-search t)
+	 (tagged nil))
+    (unwind-protect
+       (if (and tags-file-name (not source-ok))
+	   (progn (setq lisp-using-tags t)
+		  (if (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
+		      (find-tag symbol-name stay)
+		      (find-tag symbol-name nil stay))
+		  (setq tagged t)))
+       (if (not tagged)
+	   (progn
+	     (setq lisp-last-definition (cons symbol type)
+		   lisp-last-file nil
+		   lisp-last-locator (or locator (ilisp-value 'ilisp-locator)))
+	     (lisp-setup-edit-definitions
+	      (format "%s %s definitions:" type name)
+	      (if source-ok (cdr result) lisp-edit-files))
+	     (next-definition-lisp nil t))))))
+(defun lisp-locate-search (pattern type first back)
+  "Find PATTERN in the current buffer."
+  (if back
+      (search-backward pattern nil t)
+      (search-forward pattern nil t)))
+(defun lisp-locate-regexp (regexp type first back)
+  "Find REGEXP in the current buffer."
+  (if back
+      (re-search-backward regexp nil t)
+      (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))
+(defvar lisp-last-pattern nil "Last search regexp.")
+(defun search-lisp (pattern regexp)
+  "Search for PATTERN through the files in lisp-edit-files if it is a
+list and the current buffers in one of lisp-source-modes otherwise.
+If lisp-edit-files is nil, no search will be done.  If called with a
+prefix, search for regexp.  If there is a tags file, call tags-search instead."
+  (interactive
+   (list (read-string (if current-prefix-arg 
+			  "Search for regexp: "
+			  "Search for: ") lisp-last-pattern)
+	 current-prefix-arg))
+  (if tags-file-name
+      (progn (setq lisp-using-tags t)
+	     (tags-search (if regexp pattern (regexp-quote pattern))))
+      (setq lisp-last-pattern pattern
+	    lisp-last-definition (cons pattern t)
+	    lisp-last-file nil
+	    lisp-last-locator (if regexp
+				  'lisp-locate-regexp
+				  'lisp-locate-search))
+      (lisp-setup-edit-definitions (format "Searching for %s:" pattern) 
+				   lisp-edit-files)
+      (next-definition-lisp nil nil)))
+(defvar lisp-last-replace nil "Last replace regexp.")
+(defun replace-lisp (old new regexp)
+  "Query replace OLD by NEW through the files in lisp-edit-files if it
+is a list and the current buffers in one of lisp-source-modes
+otherwise.  If lisp-edit-files is nil, no search will be done.  If
+called with a prefix, replace regexps.  If there is a tags file, then
+call tags-query-replace instead."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((old (read-string (if current-prefix-arg
+			       "Replace regexp: "
+			       "Replace: ") lisp-last-pattern)))
+     (list old
+	   (read-string (if current-prefix-arg
+			    (format "Replace regexp %s by: " old)
+			    (format "Replace %s by: " old))
+			lisp-last-replace)
+	   current-prefix-arg)))
+  (if tags-file-name
+      (progn (setq lisp-using-tags t)
+	     (tags-query-replace (if regexp old (regexp-quote old))
+				 new))
+      (setq lisp-last-pattern old
+	    lisp-last-replace new)
+      (lisp-setup-edit-definitions 
+       (format "Replacing %s by %s:\n\n" old new)
+       lisp-edit-files)
+      (let (file)
+	(while (setq file (lisp-next-file nil))
+	  (lisp-find-file file)
+	  (let ((point (point)))
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (if (if regexp 
+		    (re-search-forward old nil t)
+		    (search-forward old nil t))
+		(progn (beginning-of-line)
+		       (if regexp
+			   (query-replace-regexp old new)
+			   (query-replace old new)))
+		(goto-char point)))))))
+(defvar lisp-callers nil 
+  "T if we found callers through inferior LISP.")
+(defun who-calls-lisp (function &optional no-show)
+  "Put the functions that call FUNCTION into the buffer *All-Callers*
+and show it unless NO-SHOW is T.  Return T if successful."
+  (interactive 
+   (let* ((function (lisp-defun-name))
+	  (symbol (lisp-buffer-symbol function)))
+     (if (lisp-minus-prefix)
+	 (list function)
+	 (list (ilisp-read-symbol 
+		(format "Who Calls [%s]: " symbol)
+		function
+		t t)))))
+  (let* ((name (lisp-buffer-symbol function))
+	 (command (ilisp-value 'ilisp-callers-command t))
+	 (callers
+	  (if command
+	      (ilisp-send
+	       (format command
+		       (lisp-symbol-name function)
+		       (lisp-symbol-package function))
+	       (concat "Finding callers of " name)
+	       'callers)))
+	 (last-line (lisp-last-line callers))
+	 (case-fold-search t))
+    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*All-Callers*"))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (insert (format "All callers of function %s:\n\n" name))
+    (if (and command (not (ilisp-value 'comint-errorp t)))
+	(if (string-match "nil" (car last-line))
+	    (error "%s has no callers" name)
+	    (message "")
+	    (insert (cdr last-line))
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    ;; Remove garbage collection messages
+	    (replace-regexp "^;[^\n]*\n" "")
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (forward-line 2)
+	    (if (not no-show) 
+		(if (ilisp-temp-buffer-show-function)
+		    (funcall (ilisp-temp-buffer-show-function)
+			     (get-buffer "*All-Callers*"))
+		    (view-buffer "*All-Callers*")))
+	    t)
+	(insert "Using the current source files to find callers.")
+	nil)))
+(defun next-caller-lisp (back &optional pop)
+  "Edit the next caller from *All-Callers*.  With prefix, edit
+the previous caller.  If it can't get caller information from the
+inferior LISP, this will search using the current source files.  See
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if (not lisp-callers)
+      (next-definition-lisp back pop)
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*All-Callers*"))
+      (if back (forward-line -1))
+      (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
+      (if (eobp)
+	  (progn
+	    (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
+	    (error "No more callers"))
+	  (let* ((start (point))
+		 (caller-function
+		  (progn
+		    (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
+		    (buffer-substring start (point)))))
+	    (bury-buffer (current-buffer))
+	    (edit-definitions-lisp (lisp-string-to-symbol caller-function) 
+				  (car (car (ilisp-value 'ilisp-source-types)))
+				  (not pop))))))
+(defun edit-callers-lisp (function)
+  "Edit the callers of FUNCTION.  With a minus prefix use the symbol
+at the start of the current defun."
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((function (lisp-defun-name)))
+     (if (lisp-minus-prefix)
+	 (list function)
+	 (list (ilisp-read-symbol 
+		(format "Edit callers of [%s]: "
+			(lisp-buffer-symbol function))
+		function
+		t)))))
+  (if (save-excursion (setq lisp-callers (who-calls-lisp function t)))
+      (progn 
+	(setq lisp-last-locator (ilisp-value 'ilisp-calls-locator))
+	(next-caller-lisp nil t))
+      (edit-definitions-lisp function "calls" nil t 
+			    (ilisp-value 'ilisp-calls-locator))))
+(defun lisp-re (back format &rest args)
+  "Search BACK if T using FORMAT applied to ARGS."
+  (let ((regexp (apply 'format format args)))
+    (if back
+	(re-search-backward regexp nil t)
+	(re-search-forward regexp nil t))))
+(defun lisp-locate-ilisp (symbol type first back)
+  "Find SYMBOL's TYPE definition in the current file and return T if
+successful.  A definition is of the form
+  (lisp-re back
+	   "^[ \t\n]*(def[^ \t\n]*[ \t\n]+(?%s[ \t\n(]+" 
+	   (regexp-quote (lisp-symbol-name symbol))))
+(defun lisp-locate-calls (symbol type first back)
+  "Locate calls to SYMBOL."
+  (lisp-re back "\\(#'\\|(\\|'\\)%s\\([ \t\n]+\\|)\\)"
+	   (regexp-quote (lisp-buffer-symbol symbol))))
+;;;%%Common LISP
+(defvar ilisp-cl-source-locater-patterns
+  '((setf
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(def[^ \t\n]*\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)(setf\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*)")
+    (function
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(defun\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n(]")
+    (macro
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(defmacro\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n(]")
+    (variable
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(def\\(\\(var\\)\\|\\(parameter\\)\\|constant\\)\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n(]")
+    (structure
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(defstruct\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)(?[ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*%s[ \t\n(]")
+    (type
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(deftype\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n(]")
+    (class
+     "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(defclass\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n(]")
+    ))
+(defun ilisp-locate-clisp-defn (name type back)
+  (let ((pattern (car (cdr (assoc (intern type) ilisp-cl-source-locater-patterns)))))
+    (if pattern
+	(lisp-re back pattern name))))
+(defun ilisp-locate-clos-method (name type back)
+  (if (string-match "(\\([^(]*\\)\\(([^)]*)\\)" type)
+      (let* ((quals (substring type (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+	     (class
+	      (read (substring type (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
+	     (class-re nil)
+	     (position 0))
+	(while (setq position (string-match 
+			       "\\([ \t\n]+.[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\|[ \t\n]+\\)"
+			       quals position))
+	  (setq quals
+		(concat (substring quals 0 position)
+			"\\([ \t\n]+.[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\|[ \t\n]+\\)"
+			(substring quals (match-end 0)))))
+	(while class
+	  (setq class-re 
+		(concat 
+		 class-re 
+		 (format
+		  "[ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*([ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*[^ \t\n]*\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*"
+		  (car class)))
+		class (cdr class)))
+	(lisp-re back 
+		 "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(def[^ \t\n]*\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[^ \t\n]*([^ \t\n]*%s"
+		 name quals class-re))))
+(defun lisp-locate-clisp (symbol type first back)
+  "Try to find SYMBOL's TYPE definition in the current buffer and return
+T if sucessful.  FIRST is T if this is the first time in a file.  BACK
+is T to go backwards."
+  (let* ((name (regexp-quote (lisp-symbol-name symbol)))
+	 (prefix 
+	  ;; Automatically generated defstruct accessors
+	  (if (string-match "-" name)
+	      (let ((struct (substring name 0 (1- (match-end 0)))))
+		(format 
+		 "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(def[^ \t\n]*\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?\\|\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)(?%s[ \t\n)]\\|:conc-name\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s-" 
+		 struct struct))))
+	 ;; Defclass accessors
+	 (class
+	  "\\(:accessor\\|:writer\\|:reader\\)\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?+[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)%s[ \t\n)]"))
+    (or
+     (if (equal type "any")
+	 (lisp-re 
+	  back
+	  (concat
+	   "^\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*(def[^ \t\n]*\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)\\((setf\\([ \t\n]+\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\|[ \t\n]*.[ \t\n]+\\)\\|(?[ \t\n]*\\(.\\)?[ \t\n]*\\)%s[ \t\n)]"
+	   (if prefix (concat "\\|" prefix))
+	   "\\|"
+	   class)
+	  name name))
+     ;; (qualifiers* (type1 type2 ...))
+     (ilisp-locate-clos-method name type back)
+     (ilisp-locate-clisp-defn name type back)
+     ;; Standard def form
+     (if first (lisp-locate-ilisp symbol type first back))
+     ;; Automatically generated defstruct accessors
+     (if (and first prefix) (lisp-re back prefix))
+     ;; Defclass accessors
+     (lisp-re back class name)
+     ;; Give up!
+     )))