diff lisp/hyperbole/hui-xe-but.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200
children c53a95d3c46d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/hyperbole/hui-xe-but.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+;; FILE:         hui-xe-but.el
+;; SUMMARY:      XEmacs button highlighting and flashing support.
+;; USAGE:        XEmacs Lisp Library
+;; KEYWORDS:     faces, hypermedia
+;; AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner
+;; ORG:          Brown U.
+;; ORIG-DATE:    21-Aug-92
+;; LAST-MOD:     24-Oct-95 at 19:55:08 by Bob Weiner
+;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
+;; It is for use with XEmacs, a modified version of GNU Emacs V19.
+;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
+;; Copyright (C) 1992-1995, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Developed with support from Motorola Inc.
+;;   This is truly prototype code.
+;;   Can't use read-only buttons here because then outline-mode
+;;   becomes unusable.
+(or hyperb:lemacs-p
+    (error "(hui-xe-but.el):  Load only when running XEmacs."))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Other required Elisp libraries
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(require 'hbut)
+;;; XEmacs 19.12 renamed x-color-display-p to x-display-color-p.
+(if (and (fboundp 'x-color-display-p)
+	 (not (fboundp 'x-display-color-p)))
+    (fset 'x-display-color-p 'x-color-display-p))
+(defun hproperty:background ()
+  "Returns default background color for selected frame."
+  (face-background (get-face 'default)))
+(defun hproperty:foreground ()
+  "Returns default foreground color for selected frame."
+  (face-foreground (get-face 'default)))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar hproperty:but-emphasize-p nil
+  "*Non-nil means visually emphasize that button under mouse cursor is selectable.")
+(defvar hproperty:but-flash-time 1000
+  "*Machine specific value for empty loop counter, XEmacs button flash delay.")
+(defvar hproperty:item-highlight-color (hproperty:foreground)
+  "Color with which to highlight list/menu selections.
+Call (hproperty:set-item-highlight <color>) to change value.")
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun hproperty:but-add (start end face)
+  "Add between START and END a button using FACE in current buffer.
+If 'hproperty:but-emphasize-p' is non-nil when this is called, emphasize that
+button is selectable whenever the mouse cursor moves over it."
+  (let ((but (make-extent start end)))
+    (set-extent-face but face)
+    (set-extent-property but 'highlight hproperty:but-emphasize-p)))
+(defun hproperty:but-color ()
+  "Return current color of buffer's buttons."
+  (if hproperty:color-ptr
+      (car hproperty:color-ptr)
+    (hproperty:foreground)))
+(defun hproperty:but-clear ()
+  "Delete all Hyperbole buttons from current buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (map-extents (function (lambda (extent unused-arg)
+			   (if (eq (extent-face extent) 'hbut)
+			       (delete-extent extent))))))
+(defun hproperty:but-create (&optional start-delim end-delim regexp-match)
+  "Highlight all hyper-buttons in buffer using XEmacs extents.
+Will use optional strings START-DELIM and END-DELIM instead of default values.
+If END-DELIM is a symbol, e.g. t, then START-DELIM is taken as a regular
+expression which matches an entire button string.
+If REGEXP-MATCH is non-nil, only buttons matching this argument are
+If 'hproperty:but-emphasize-p' is non-nil when this is called, emphasize that
+button is selectable whenever the mouse cursor moves over it."
+  (interactive)
+  (hproperty:but-clear)
+  (hproperty:but-create-all start-delim end-delim regexp-match))
+(defun hproperty:but-create-all (&optional start-delim end-delim regexp-match)
+  "Mark all hyper-buttons in buffer as XEmacs buttons, for later highlighting.
+Will use optional strings START-DELIM and END-DELIM instead of default values.
+If END-DELIM is a symbol, e.g. t, then START-DELIM is taken as a regular
+expression which matches an entire button string.
+If REGEXP-MATCH is non-nil, only buttons matching this argument are
+  (ebut:map (function (lambda (lbl start end)
+			(hproperty:but-add start end hproperty:but-face)))
+	    start-delim end-delim regexp-match 'include-delims))
+(defun hproperty:but-delete (&optional pos)
+  (let ((extent (extent-at (or pos (point)))))
+    (if extent (delete-extent extent))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defmacro hproperty:list-cycle (list-ptr list)
+  "Move LIST-PTR to next element in LIST or when at end to first element."
+  (` (or (and (, list-ptr)
+	      (setq (, list-ptr) (cdr (, list-ptr))))
+	 (setq (, list-ptr) (, list)))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defconst hproperty:color-list '( "red" "blue" "paleturquoise4" "mediumpurple2"
+"lightskyblue3" "springgreen2" "salmon" "yellowgreen" "darkorchid2"
+"aquamarine4" "slateblue4" "slateblue1" "olivedrab1" "goldenrod4"
+"goldenrod3" "cadetblue2" "burlywood1" "slategrey" "mistyrose"
+"limegreen" "lightcyan" "goldenrod" "gainsboro" "skyblue1" "honeydew"
+"yellow2" "tomato3" "skyblue" "purple4" "orange3" "bisque3" "bisque2"
+"grey34" "gray99" "gray63" "gray44" "gray37" "gray33" "gray26" "azure1"
+"snow4" "peru" "red" "lightgoldenrod4" "mediumseagreen" "blush"
+"mediumorchid2" "lightskyblue1" "darkslateblue" "midnightblue"
+"lightsalmon1" "lemonchiffon" "yellow" "lightsalmon" "coral"
+"dodgerblue3" "darkorange4" "blue" "royalblue4" "red" "green" "cyan"
+"darkviolet" "darksalmon" "darkorange" "blue" "pink" "magenta2"
+"sienna4" "khaki2" "grey75" "grey74" "grey73" "grey69" "grey68" "grey35"
+"grey13" "gray90" "gray81" "gray55" "gray51" "gray31" "snow2" "pink3"
+"grey7" "gray1" "red4" "red3" "tan" "red" "yellow" "mediumvioletred"
+"lightslategrey" "lavenderblush4" "turquoise" "darkturquoise"
+"darkslategrey" "lightskyblue" "lightsalmon4" "lightsalmon3"
+"forestgreen" "dodgerblue4" "orchid" "rosybrown4" "brown" "peachpuff3"
+"palegreen3" "orangered2" "rose" "lightcyan4" "indianred4" "indianred3"
+"seagreen2" "indianred" "deeppink1" "navyblue" "lavender" "grey"
+"deeppink" "salmon4" "salmon3" "oldlace" "grey78" "grey77" "grey54"
+"grey45" "grey21" "gray97" "gray96" "gray95" "gray88" "gray87" "gray86"
+"gray70" "gray57" "gray38" "gray12" "gray11" "plum3" "linen" "gray9"
+"gray8" "blue4" "beige" "turquoise" "blue" "lemonchiffon4"
+"darkseagreen1" "antiquewhite3" "mediumorchid" "springgreen"
+"turquoise4" "steelblue3" "mistyrose2" "lightcyan2" "red" "firebrick2"
+"royalblue" "cadetblue" "skyblue3" "yellow3" "salmon1" "orange4"
+"hotpink" "grey90" "gray56" "gray39" "gray18" "gray14" "plum4" "grey6"
+"gray6" "gold3" "gold1" "blue2" "tan2" "cyan" "mediumspringgreen"
+"darkolivegreen2" "goldenrod" "lightsteelblue" "brown" "whip"
+"chartreuse3" "violetred4" "royalblue2" "royalblue1" "papayawhip"
+"mistyrose3" "lightcyan1" "aquamarine" "skyblue4" "hotpink4" "hotpink3"
+"hotpink2" "dimgray" "tomato" "grey66" "grey65" "grey64" "grey33"
+"grey27" "gray76" "gray69" "gray68" "grey0" "azure" "green"
+"darkgoldenrod4" "darkgoldenrod3" "darkgoldenrod2" "darkgoldenrod"
+"brown" "lightsalmon2" "deepskyblue4" "deepskyblue3" "deepskyblue2"
+"deepskyblue" "darkorange1" "violetred3" "violetred2" "violetred1"
+"slateblue3" "slateblue2" "drab" "indianred1" "firebrick1" "cadetblue4"
+"violetred" "rosybrown" "blue" "firebrick" "grey100" "wheat4" "grey79"
+"grey76" "grey61" "gray93" "gray84" "gray65" "gray36" "gray32" "gray13"
+"gray10" "azure3" "snow1" "tan1" "gray" "darkolivegreen1" "blue"
+"almond" "lavenderblush3" "lavenderblush2" "lavenderblush1"
+"darkolivegreen" "lavenderblush" "aquamarine2" "red" "olivedrab2"
+"mistyrose4" "mistyrose1" "lightcyan3" "lightcoral" "chartreuse"
+"peachpuff" "palegreen" "mintcream" "skyblue2" "moccasin" "tomato1"
+"orchid3" "maroon3" "salmon" "grey81" "grey62" "grey39" "grey38"
+"grey37" "gray92" "gray83" "gray66" "gray54" "gray50" "gray30" "gray19"
+"gray15" "azure4" "grey3" "tan3" "pink" "gray" "blue" "lightsteelblue2"
+"lightsteelblue1" "green" "lightslategray" "lemonchiffon2"
+"springgreen1" "greenyellow" "chartreuse2" "grey" "royalblue3"
+"powderblue" "peachpuff2" "palegreen2" "cream" "slateblue" "seashell2"
+"deeppink2" "darkkhaki" "maroon4" "sienna" "grey71" "grey67" "grey18"
+"gray59" "gray43" "gray25" "bisque" "red1" "mediumslateblue"
+"lightgoldenrod1" "goldenrod" "paleturquoise3" "lightskyblue4" "green"
+"yellow" "smoke" "blue" "white" "steelblue4" "rosybrown3" "peachpuff1"
+"palegreen1" "blueviolet" "seashell4" "sienna3" "grey40" "gray91"
+"gray82" "gray5" "cyan2" "cyan1" "blue1" "snow" "lightgoldenrod2"
+"lightslateblue" "mediumorchid3" "darkseagreen4" "springgreen3" "green"
+"slategray4" "slategray3" "slategray2" "blue" "peachpuff4" "palegreen4"
+"green" "orangered3" "goldenrod1" "ghostwhite" "firebrick4" "firebrick3"
+"cadetblue3" "slategray" "seashell3" "honeydew3" "cornsilk4" "cornsilk2"
+"purple1" "dimgrey" "khaki1" "ivory3" "grey70" "grey60" "grey32"
+"grey22" "grey12" "gray98" "gray89" "gray71" "gray64" "gray60" "gray49"
+"azure2" "gray3" "paleturquoise1" "mediumpurple1" "purple"
+"lemonchiffon1" "blue" "navajowhite3" "darkorchid1" "orange"
+"goldenrod2" "khaki" "chocolate2" "burlywood2" "honeydew1" "darkgreen"
+"thistle3" "thistle2" "thistle1" "thistle" "maroon2" "maroon1" "grey53"
+"grey44" "grey25" "gray74" "gray45" "gray41" "gray35" "gray27" "gray23"
+"gray16" "brown4" "wheat" "coral" "tan4" "lightgoldenrodyellow" "blue"
+"green" "gray" "palevioletred3" "mediumpurple4" "mediumpurple3"
+"saddlebrown" "blue" "darkorchid4" "darkorchid3" "puff" "olivedrab4"
+"lightblue4" "lightpink" "lightgray" "honeydew2" "cornsilk1" "lace"
+"sienna1" "bisque4" "orchid" "khaki3" "grey84" "grey83" "grey82"
+"grey72" "grey52" "grey43" "grey26" "grey14" "grey10" "gray75" "gray53"
+"gray21" "gray20" "brown3" "grey8" "red2" "navy" "grey" "gold"
+"mediumaquamarine" "lightgoldenrod" "darkslategray4" "darkseagreen3"
+"darkseagreen2" "antiquewhite4" "white" "springgreen4" "lightyellow4"
+"white" "aquamarine1" "turquoise3" "steelblue2" "rosybrown2" "pink"
+"gray" "indianred2" "dodgerblue" "green" "seagreen1" "deeppink4"
+"aliceblue" "magenta1" "pink" "sienna2" "orchid1" "gray100" "grey97"
+"grey94" "grey87" "grey86" "grey51" "grey42" "grey19" "gray94" "gray85"
+"gray61" "brown2" "khaki" "grey1" "gold4" "blue" "green" "grey"
+"turquoise" "paleturquoise" "mediumorchid4" "antiquewhite2"
+"lightyellow2" "violet" "salmon" "chartreuse1" "turquoise1" "sandybrown"
+"orangered1" "lightpink1" "lightblue2" "lightblue1" "grey" "seagreen4"
+"seagreen3" "lightblue" "deeppink3" "burlywood" "seashell" "hotpink1"
+"gray" "yellow4" "yellow" "purple" "orange" "ivory4" "grey99" "grey89"
+"grey63" "grey58" "grey49" "grey31" "grey24" "grey20" "green4" "green1"
+"gray73" "gray67" "coral3" "coral2" "plum2" "pink4" "ivory" "gray4"
+"gray2" "gold2" "aquamarine" "grey" "lightgoldenrod3" "darkolivegreen3"
+"darkgoldenrod1" "goldenrod" "orchid" "chiffon" "navajowhite4"
+"deepskyblue1" "lightyellow" "floralwhite" "blue" "mediumblue"
+"chocolate4" "chocolate3" "burlywood4" "turquoise" "steelblue" "green"
+"lawngreen" "honeydew4" "seagreen" "orchid4" "wheat1" "violet" "ivory1"
+"grey88" "grey85" "grey57" "grey56" "grey55" "grey48" "grey47" "grey46"
+"grey30" "grey17" "gray47" "gray29" "pink2" "grey5" "grey4" "green"
+"gray0" "brown" "lightsteelblue4" "darkolivegreen4" "palevioletred4"
+"blue" "darkslategray3" "darkslategray2" "darkslategray1"
+"blanchedalmond" "palegoldenrod" "blue" "lightseagreen" "lemonchiffon3"
+"darkslategray" "green" "darkseagreen" "antiquewhite" "darkorange2"
+"chartreuse4" "blue" "rosybrown1" "olivedrab3" "lightpink2" "orangered"
+"thistle4" "blue" "cornsilk" "salmon2" "orchid2" "ivory2" "grey93"
+"grey92" "grey91" "grey36" "grey29" "grey28" "grey16" "gray79" "gray78"
+"gray77" "gray48" "gray17" "coral4" "coral1" "plum1" "pink1" "grey9"
+"grey2" "gray7" "cyan4" "blue3" "plum" "cornflowerblue" "lightskyblue2"
+"antiquewhite1" "navajowhite2" "navajowhite1" "lightyellow3"
+"navajowhite" "darkorange3" "whitesmoke" "turquoise2" "steelblue1"
+"lightpink4" "lightblue3" "green" "chocolate1" "blue" "olivedrab"
+"lightgrey" "chocolate" "magenta4" "magenta3" "yellow1" "purple3"
+"purple2" "orange2" "orange1" "magenta" "bisque1" "wheat2" "maroon"
+"khaki4" "grey96" "grey95" "grey80" "grey50" "grey41" "grey15" "grey11"
+"gray80" "gray58" "gray40" "gray34" "gray22" "brown1" "snow3"
+"mediumturquoise" "lightsteelblue3" "palevioletred2" "palevioletred1"
+"paleturquoise2" "green" "palevioletred" "mediumorchid1" "white"
+"mediumpurple" "lightyellow1" "dodgerblue2" "dodgerblue1" "violet"
+"aquamarine3" "slategray1" "gray" "orangered4" "lightpink3" "blue"
+"darkorchid" "cadetblue1" "burlywood3" "seashell1" "cornsilk3" "tomato4"
+"tomato2" "wheat3" "grey98" "grey59" "grey23" "green3" "green2" "gray72"
+"gray62" "gray52" "gray46" "gray42" "gray28" "gray24" "white" "cyan3"
+"black" ))
+(defvar hproperty:color-ptr nil
+  "Pointer to current color name table to use for Hyperbole buttons in XEmacs.")
+(defconst hproperty:good-colors
+  '(
+    "medium violet red" "indianred4" "firebrick1" "DarkGoldenrod" "NavyBlue"
+    "darkorchid" "tomato3" "mediumseagreen" "deeppink" "forestgreen"
+    "mistyrose4" "slategrey" "purple4" "dodgerblue3" "mediumvioletred"
+    "lightsalmon3" "orangered2" "turquoise4" "Gray55"
+    )
+  "Good colors for contrast against wheat background and black foreground.")
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun hproperty:cycle-but-color (&optional color)
+  "Switches button color to optional COLOR name or next item referenced by hproperty:color-ptr."
+  (interactive "sHyperbole button color: ")
+  (if (not (x-display-color-p))
+      nil
+    (if color (setq hproperty:color-ptr nil))
+    (set-face-foreground
+     hproperty:but-face
+     (or color (car (hproperty:list-cycle
+		     hproperty:color-ptr hproperty:good-colors))))
+    (hproperty:set-flash-color)
+    (sit-for 0)  ;; Force display update
+    t))
+(defun hproperty:set-flash-color ()
+  "Set button flashing colors based upon current color set."
+  (if (not (x-display-color-p))
+      nil
+    (set-face-background hproperty:flash-face (hproperty:but-color))
+    (set-face-foreground hproperty:flash-face (hproperty:background))))
+(defun hproperty:but-flash ()
+  "Flash a XEmacs Hyperbole button at or near point to indicate selection."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((ibut) (prev)
+	(start (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-start))
+	(end   (hattr:get 'hbut:current 'lbl-end))
+	(b) (a))
+    (if (and start end (setq prev (extent-at start)
+			     ibut t))
+	(progn (if (not prev) (hproperty:but-add start end hproperty:but-face))
+	       (setq b (and start (extent-at start))))
+      (setq b (extent-at (point))))
+    (if (setq a (and (extentp b) (extent-face b)))
+	(progn
+	  (set-extent-face b hproperty:flash-face)
+	  (sit-for 0);; Force display update
+	  ;; Delay before redraw button
+	  (let ((i 0)) (while (< i hproperty:but-flash-time) (setq i (1+ i))))
+	  (set-extent-face b a)
+	  (sit-for 0);; Force display update
+	  ))
+    (if (and ibut (not prev)) (hproperty:but-delete start))
+    ))
+(defun hproperty:set-item-highlight (&optional background foreground)
+  "Setup or reset item highlight face using optional BACKGROUND and FOREGROUND."
+  (make-local-variable 'hproperty:item-face)
+  (if background (setq hproperty:item-highlight-color background))
+  (if (not hproperty:highlight-face)
+      (progn 
+	(setq hproperty:highlight-face
+	      (or (find-face 'hproperty:highlight-face)
+		  (face-name (make-face 'hproperty:highlight-face))))
+	(set-face-foreground hproperty:highlight-face
+			     (or foreground (hproperty:background)))
+	(set-face-underline-p hproperty:highlight-face nil)))
+  (let* ((tty (and (fboundp 'device-type)
+		   (eq 'tty (device-type (selected-device)))))
+	 (specifiers-function
+	  (if (fboundp 'specifier-specs) 'specifier-specs 'identity))
+	 (color-function
+	  (if (fboundp 'color-name) 'color-name 'identity))
+	 (update-rolo-highlight-flag
+	  (and (boundp 'rolo-highlight-face) (find-face rolo-highlight-face)
+	       (or (null 
+		    (funcall specifiers-function
+			     (face-foreground rolo-highlight-face)))
+		   (equal
+		    (funcall color-function
+			     (face-foreground rolo-highlight-face))
+		    (funcall color-function (face-foreground 'default)))
+		   (face-equal hproperty:highlight-face rolo-highlight-face)))))
+    (if tty
+	(copy-face 'italic 'hproperty:highlight-face)
+      (if (and (funcall specifiers-function
+			(face-background hproperty:highlight-face))
+	       (equal (funcall color-function
+			       (face-background hproperty:highlight-face))
+		      hproperty:item-highlight-color))
+	  nil
+	(set-face-background hproperty:highlight-face
+			     hproperty:item-highlight-color))
+      (and background (not (equal (face-background
+				   hproperty:highlight-face) background))
+	   (set-face-background hproperty:highlight-face background))
+      (and foreground (not (equal (face-foreground
+				   hproperty:highlight-face) foreground))
+	   (set-face-foreground hproperty:highlight-face foreground)))
+    (setq hproperty:item-face hproperty:highlight-face)
+    (if update-rolo-highlight-flag
+	(if tty
+	    (copy-face 'italic 'rolo-highlight-face)
+	  (copy-face hproperty:highlight-face rolo-highlight-face)))))
+(defun hproperty:select-item (&optional pnt)
+  "Select item in current buffer at optional position PNT using hproperty:item-face."
+  (if hproperty:item-button
+      nil
+    (set-extent-face (setq hproperty:item-button (make-extent (point) (point)))
+		     hproperty:item-face))
+  (if pnt (goto-char pnt))
+  (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+  (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n")
+  (let ((start (point)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
+      (set-extent-endpoints hproperty:item-button start (point))
+      ))
+  (sit-for 0)  ;; Force display update
+  )
+(defun hproperty:select-line (&optional pnt)
+  "Select line in current buffer at optional position PNT using hproperty:item-face."
+  (if hproperty:item-button
+      nil
+    (set-extent-face (setq hproperty:item-button (make-extent (point) (point)))
+		     hproperty:item-face))
+  (if pnt (goto-char pnt))
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (set-extent-endpoints hproperty:item-button (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
+    )
+  (sit-for 0)  ;; Force display update
+  )
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defvar hproperty:but-face (face-name (make-face 'hproperty:but-face))
+  "Face for hyper-buttons.")
+(setq hproperty:but hproperty:but-face)
+(if (and (fboundp 'device-type)
+	 (eq 'tty (device-type (selected-device))))
+    (copy-face 'italic 'hproperty:but-face)
+  (set-face-foreground hproperty:but-face (hproperty:but-color))
+  (set-face-background hproperty:but-face (hproperty:background)))
+(defvar hproperty:flash-face (face-name (make-face 'hproperty:flash-face))
+  "Face for flashing hyper-buttons.")
+(defvar hproperty:item-button nil
+  "Button used to highlight an item in a listing buffer.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'hproperty:item-button)
+(defvar hproperty:item-face nil "Item marking face.")
+(defvar hproperty:highlight-face nil
+  "Item highlighting face.  Use (hproperty:set-item-highlight) to set.")
+(if hproperty:highlight-face
+    nil
+  ;; Reverse foreground and background colors for default block-style highlighting.
+  (hproperty:set-item-highlight (hproperty:foreground) (hproperty:background)))
+(provide 'hui-xe-but)