diff lisp/hyperbole/hbdata.el @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/hyperbole/hbdata.el	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+;; FILE:         hbdata.el
+;; SUMMARY:      Hyperbole button attribute accessor methods.
+;; USAGE:        GNU Emacs Lisp Library
+;; KEYWORDS:     hypermedia
+;; AUTHOR:       Bob Weiner
+;; ORG:          Brown U.
+;; ORIG-DATE:     2-Apr-91
+;; LAST-MOD:     14-Apr-95 at 15:59:49 by Bob Weiner
+;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
+;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
+;; Copyright (C) 1991-1995, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Developed with support from Motorola Inc.
+;;  This module handles Hyperbole button data/attribute storage.  In
+;;  general, it should not be extended by anyone other than Hyperbole
+;;  maintainers.  If you alter the formats or accessors herein, you are
+;;  likely to make your buttons incompatible with future releases.
+;;  System developers should instead work with and extend the "hbut.el"
+;;  module which provides much of the Hyperbole application programming
+;;  interface and which hides the low level details handled by this
+;;  module.
+;;  Button data is typically stored within a file that holds the button
+;;  data for all files within that directory.  The name of this file is
+;;  given by the variable 'hattr:filename,' usually it is ".hypb".
+;;  Here is a sample from a Hyperbole V2 button data file.  Each button
+;;  data entry is a list of fields:
+;;    "TO-DO"
+;;    (Key            Placeholders  LinkType      <arg-list>             creator and modifier with times)
+;;    ("alt.mouse.el" nil nil       link-to-file  ("./ell/alt-mouse.el") "zzz@cs.brown.edu" "19911027:09:19:26" "zzz" "19911027:09:31:36")
+;;  which means:  button \<(alt.mouse.el)> found in file "TO-DO" in the current
+;;  directory provides a link to the local file "./ell/alt-mouse.el".  It was
+;;  created and last modified by zzz@cs.brown.edu.
+;;  All link entries that originate from the same source file are stored
+;;  contiguously, one per line, in reverse order of creation.
+;;  Preceding all such entries is the source name (in the case of a file
+;;  used as a source, no directory information is included, since only
+;;  sources within the same directory as the button data file are used as
+;;  source files within it.
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Other required Elisp libraries
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(require 'hbmap)
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Public functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Button data accessor functions
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun hbdata:action (hbdata)
+  "[Hyp V2] Returns action overriding button's action type or nil."
+  (nth 1 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:actype (hbdata)
+  "Returns the action type in HBDATA as a string."
+  (let ((nm (symbol-name (nth 3 hbdata))))
+    (and nm (if (or (= (length nm) 2) (string-match "::" nm))
+		nm (concat "actypes::" nm)))))
+(defun hbdata:args (hbdata)
+  "Returns the list of any arguments given in HBDATA."
+  (nth 4 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:categ (hbdata)
+  "Returns the category of HBDATA's button."
+  'explicit)
+(defun hbdata:creator (hbdata)
+  "Returns the user-id of the original creator of HBDATA's button."
+  (nth 5 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:create-time (hbdata)
+  "Returns the original creation time given for HBDATA's button."
+  (nth 6 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:key (hbdata)
+  "Returns the indexing key in HBDATA as a string."
+  (car hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:loc-p (hbdata)
+  "[Hyp V1] Returns 'L iff HBDATA referent is within a local file system.
+Returns 'R if remote and nil if irrelevant for button action type."
+  (nth 1 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:modifier (hbdata)
+  "Returns the user-id of the most recent modifier of HBDATA's button.
+Nil is returned when button has not been modified."
+  (nth 7 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:mod-time (hbdata)
+  "Returns the time of the most recent change to HBDATA's button.
+Nil is returned when button has not beened modified."
+  (nth 8 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:referent (hbdata)
+  "Returns the referent name in HBDATA."
+  (nth 2 hbdata))
+(defun hbdata:search (buf label partial)
+  "Go to Hyperbole hbdata BUF and find LABEL whole or PARTIAL matches.
+ Search is case-insensitive.  Returns list with elements:
+ (<button-src> <label-key1> ... <label-keyN>)."
+  (set-buffer buf)
+  (let ((case-fold-search t) (src-matches) (src) (matches) (end))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (re-search-forward "^\^L\n\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" nil t)
+      (setq src (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
+				  (match-end 1))
+	    matches nil)
+      (save-excursion
+	(setq end (if (re-search-forward "^\^L" nil t)
+		      (1- (point)) (point-max))))
+      (while (re-search-forward
+	      (concat "^(\"\\(" (if partial "[^\"]*")
+		      (regexp-quote (ebut:label-to-key label))
+		      (if partial "[^\"]*") "\\)\"") nil t)
+	(setq matches (cons
+		       (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
+					 (match-end 1))
+		       matches)))
+      (if matches
+	  (setq src-matches (cons (cons src matches) src-matches)))
+      (goto-char end))
+    src-matches))
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Button data operators
+;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun hbdata:build (&optional mod-lbl-key but-sym)
+  "Tries to construct button data from optional MOD-LBL-KEY and BUT-SYM.
+MOD-LBL-KEY nil means create a new entry, otherwise modify existing one.
+BUT-SYM nil means use 'hbut:current'.  If successful, returns a cons of
+ (button-data . button-instance-str), else nil."
+  (let* ((but) 
+	 (b (hattr:copy (or but-sym 'hbut:current) 'but))
+	 (l (hattr:get b 'loc))
+	 (key (or mod-lbl-key (hattr:get b 'lbl-key)))
+	 (new-key (if mod-lbl-key (hattr:get b 'lbl-key) key))
+	 (lbl-instance) (creator) (create-time) (modifier) (mod-time)
+	 (entry) loc dir)
+    (if (null l)
+	nil
+      (setq loc (if (bufferp l) l (file-name-nondirectory l))
+	    dir (if (bufferp l) nil (file-name-directory l)))
+      (if (setq entry (hbdata:to-entry key loc dir (not mod-lbl-key)))
+	  (if mod-lbl-key
+	      (progn
+		(setq creator     (hbdata:creator entry)
+		      create-time (hbdata:create-time entry)
+		      modifier    (let* ((user (user-login-name))
+					 (addr (concat user
+						       hyperb:host-domain)))
+				    (if (equal creator addr)
+					user addr))
+		      mod-time    (htz:date-sortable-gmt)
+		      entry       (cons new-key (cdr entry)))
+		(hbdata:delete-entry-at-point)
+		(if (setq lbl-instance (hbdata:instance-last new-key loc dir))
+		    (progn
+		      (setq lbl-instance (concat ebut:instance-sep
+						 (1+ lbl-instance)))
+		      ;; This line is needed to ensure that the highest
+		      ;; numbered instance of a label appears before
+		      ;; other instances, so 'hbdata:instance-last' will work.
+		      (if (hbdata:to-entry-buf loc dir) (forward-line 1))))
+		)
+	    (let ((inst-num (hbdata:instance-last new-key loc dir)))
+	      (setq lbl-instance (if inst-num
+				     (hbdata:instance-next 
+				      (concat new-key ebut:instance-sep
+					      (int-to-string inst-num))))))
+	    ))
+      (if (or entry (not mod-lbl-key))
+	  (cons
+	   (list (concat new-key lbl-instance)
+		 (hattr:get b 'action)
+		 ;; Hyperbole V1 referent compatibility, always nil in V2
+		 (hattr:get b 'referent)
+		 ;; Save actype without class prefix
+		 (let ((actype (hattr:get b 'actype)))
+		   (and actype (symbolp actype)
+			(setq actype (symbol-name actype))
+			(intern
+			 (substring actype (if (string-match "::" actype)
+					       (match-end 0) 0)))))
+		 (let ((mail-dir (and (fboundp 'hmail:composing-dir)
+				      (hmail:composing-dir l)))
+		       (args (hattr:get b 'args)))
+		   ;; Replace matches for Emacs Lisp directory variable
+		   ;; values with their variable names in any pathname args.
+		   (mapcar 'hpath:substitute-var
+			   (if mail-dir
+			       ;; Make pathname args absolute for outgoing mail and
+			       ;; news messages.
+			       (action:path-args-abs args mail-dir)
+			     args)))
+		 (or creator (concat (user-login-name) hyperb:host-domain))
+		 (or create-time (htz:date-sortable-gmt))
+		 modifier
+		 mod-time)
+	   lbl-instance)
+	))))
+(defun hbdata:get-entry (lbl-key key-src &optional directory)
+  "Returns button data entry given by LBL-KEY, KEY-SRC and optional DIRECTORY.
+Returns nil if no matching entry is found.
+A button data entry is a list of attribute values.  Use methods from
+class 'hbdata' to operate on the entry."
+  (hbdata:apply-entry
+   (function (lambda () (read (current-buffer))))
+   lbl-key key-src directory))
+(defun hbdata:instance-next (lbl-key)
+  "Returns string for button instance number following LBL-KEY's.
+nil if LBL-KEY is nil."
+  (and lbl-key
+       (if (string-match
+	    (concat (regexp-quote ebut:instance-sep) "[0-9]+$") lbl-key)
+	   (concat ebut:instance-sep
+		   (int-to-string
+		    (1+ (string-to-int
+			 (substring lbl-key (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))))
+	 ":2")))
+(defun hbdata:instance-last (lbl-key key-src &optional directory)
+  "Returns highest instance number for repeated button label.
+1 if not repeated, nil if no instance.
+Takes arguments LBL-KEY, KEY-SRC and optional DIRECTORY."
+  (hbdata:apply-entry
+   (function (lambda () 
+	       (if (looking-at "[0-9]+")
+		   (string-to-int (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
+						    (match-end 0)))
+		 1)))
+   lbl-key key-src directory nil 'instance))
+(defun hbdata:delete-entry (lbl-key key-src &optional directory)
+  "Deletes button data entry given by LBL-KEY, KEY-SRC and optional DIRECTORY.
+Returns entry deleted (a list of attribute values) or nil.
+Use methods from class 'hbdata' to operate on the entry."
+  (hbdata:apply-entry
+   (function
+    (lambda ()
+      (prog1 (read (current-buffer))
+	(let ((empty-file-entry "[ \t\n]*\\(\^L\\|\\'\\)")
+	      (kill))
+	  (beginning-of-line)
+	  (hbdata:delete-entry-at-point)
+	  (if (looking-at empty-file-entry)
+	      (let ((end (point))
+		    (empty-hbdata-file "[ \t\n]*\\'"))
+		(forward-line -1)
+		(if (= (following-char) ?\")
+		    ;; Last button entry for filename, so del filename.
+		    (progn (forward-line -1) (delete-region (point) end)))
+		(save-excursion
+		  (goto-char (point-min))
+		  (if (looking-at empty-hbdata-file)
+		      (setq kill t)))
+		(if kill
+		    (let ((fname buffer-file-name))
+		      (erase-buffer) (save-buffer) (kill-buffer nil)
+		      (hbmap:dir-remove (file-name-directory fname))
+		      (call-process "rm" nil 0 nil "-f" fname)))))))))
+   lbl-key key-src directory))
+(defun hbdata:delete-entry-at-point ()
+  (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+(defun hbdata:to-entry (but-key key-src &optional directory instance)
+  "Returns button data entry indexed by BUT-KEY, KEY-SRC, optional DIRECTORY.
+Returns nil if entry is not found.  Leaves point at start of entry when
+successful or where entry should be inserted if unsuccessful.
+A button entry is a list.  Use methods from class 'hbdata' to operate on the
+entry.  Optional INSTANCE non-nil means search for any button instance matching
+  (let ((pos-entry-cons
+	 (hbdata:apply-entry
+	  (function
+	   (lambda ()
+	     (beginning-of-line)
+	     (cons (point) (read (current-buffer)))))
+	  but-key key-src directory 'create instance)))
+    (hbdata:to-entry-buf key-src directory)
+    (forward-line 1)
+    (if pos-entry-cons
+	(progn
+	  (goto-char (car pos-entry-cons))
+	  (cdr pos-entry-cons)))))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private functions
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(defun hbdata:apply-entry (function lbl-key key-src &optional directory
+			   create instance)
+  "Invokes FUNCTION with point at hbdata entry given by LBL-KEY, KEY-SRC, optional DIRECTORY.
+With optional CREATE, if no such line exists, inserts a new file entry at the
+beginning of the hbdata file (which is created if necessary).
+INSTANCE non-nil means search for any button instance matching LBL-KEY and
+call FUNCTION with point right after any 'ebut:instance-sep' in match.
+Returns value of evaluation when a matching entry is found or nil."
+  (let ((found)
+	(rtn)
+	(opoint)
+	(end-func))
+    (save-excursion
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (progn
+	    (if (not (bufferp key-src))
+		nil
+	      (set-buffer key-src)
+	      (cond ((hmail:editor-p)
+		     (setq end-func (function (lambda ()
+						(hmail:msg-narrow)))))
+		    ((and (hmail:lister-p)
+			  (progn (rmail:summ-msg-to) (rmail:to)))
+		     (setq opoint (point)
+			   key-src (current-buffer)
+			   end-func (function (lambda ()
+						(hmail:msg-narrow)
+						(goto-char opoint)
+						(lmail:to)))))
+		    ((and (hnews:lister-p)
+			  (progn (rnews:summ-msg-to) (rnews:to)))
+		     (setq opoint (point)
+			   key-src (current-buffer)
+			   end-func (function (lambda ()
+						(hmail:msg-narrow)
+						(goto-char opoint)
+						(lnews:to)))))))
+	    (setq found (hbdata:to-entry-buf key-src directory create)))
+	(if found
+	    (let ((case-fold-search t)
+		  (qkey (regexp-quote lbl-key))
+		  (end (save-excursion (if (search-forward "\n\^L" nil t)
+					   (point) (point-max)))))
+	      (if (if instance
+		      (re-search-forward
+		       (concat "\n(\"" qkey "["
+			       ebut:instance-sep "\"]") end t)
+		    (search-forward (concat "\n(\"" lbl-key "\"") end t))
+		  (progn
+		    (or instance (beginning-of-line))
+		    (let (buffer-read-only)
+		      (setq rtn (funcall function)))))))
+	(if end-func (funcall end-func))))
+    rtn))
+(defun hbdata:to-hbdata-buffer (dir &optional create)
+  "Reads in the file containing DIR's button data, if any, and returns buffer.
+If it does not exist and optional CREATE is non-nil, creates a new
+one and returns buffer, otherwise returns nil."
+  (let* ((file (expand-file-name hattr:filename (or dir default-directory)))
+	 (existing-file (or (file-exists-p file) (get-file-buffer file)))
+	 (buf (or (get-file-buffer file)
+		  (and (or create existing-file)
+		       (find-file-noselect file)))))
+    (if buf
+	(progn (set-buffer buf)
+	       (or (verify-visited-file-modtime (get-file-buffer file))
+		   (cond ((yes-or-no-p
+			   "Hyperbole button data file has changed, read new contents? ") 
+			  (revert-buffer t t)
+			  )))
+	       (or (= (point-max) 1) (eq (char-after 1) ?\^L)
+		   (error "File %s is not a valid Hyperbole button data table." file))
+	       (or (equal (buffer-name) file) (rename-buffer file))
+	       (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+	       (or existing-file (hbmap:dir-add (file-name-directory file)))
+	       buf))))
+(defun hbdata:to-entry-buf (key-src &optional directory create)
+  "Moves point to end of line in but data buffer matching KEY-SRC.
+Uses hbdata file in KEY-SRC's directory, or optional DIRECTORY or if nil, uses
+With optional CREATE, if no such line exists, inserts a new file entry at the
+beginning of the hbdata file (which is created if necessary).
+Returns non-nil if KEY-SRC is found or created, else nil."
+  (let ((rtn) (ln-dir))
+    (if (bufferp key-src)
+	;; Button buffer has no file attached
+	(progn (setq rtn (set-buffer key-src)
+		     buffer-read-only nil)
+	       (if (not (hmail:hbdata-to-p))
+		   (insert "\n" hmail:hbdata-sep "\n"))
+	       (backward-char 1)
+	       )
+      (setq directory (or (file-name-directory key-src) directory))
+      (let ((ln-file) (link-p key-src))
+	(while (setq link-p (file-symlink-p link-p))
+	  (setq ln-file link-p))
+	(if ln-file
+	    (setq ln-dir (file-name-directory ln-file)
+		  key-src (file-name-nondirectory ln-file))
+	  (setq key-src (file-name-nondirectory key-src))))
+      (if (or (hbdata:to-hbdata-buffer directory create)
+	      (and ln-dir (hbdata:to-hbdata-buffer ln-dir nil)
+		   (setq create nil
+			 directory ln-dir)))
+	  (progn
+	    (goto-char 1)
+	    (cond ((search-forward (concat "\^L\n\"" key-src "\"")
+				   nil t)
+		   (setq rtn t))
+		  (create
+		   (setq rtn t)
+		   (insert "\^L\n\"" key-src "\"\n")
+		   (backward-char 1))
+		  ))))
+    rtn
+    ))
+(defun hbdata:write (&optional orig-lbl-key but-sym)
+  "Tries to write Hyperbole button data from optional ORIG-LBL-KEY and BUT-SYM.
+ORIG-LBL-KEY nil means create a new entry, otherwise modify existing one.
+BUT-SYM nil means use 'hbut:current'.  If successful, returns 
+a button instance string to append to button label or t when first instance.
+On failure, returns nil."
+  (let ((cns (hbdata:build orig-lbl-key but-sym))
+	entry lbl-instance)
+    (if (or (and buffer-file-name
+		 (not (file-writable-p buffer-file-name)))
+	    (null cns))
+	nil
+      (setq entry (car cns) lbl-instance (cdr cns))
+      (prin1 entry (current-buffer))
+      (terpri (current-buffer))
+      (or lbl-instance t)
+      )))
+;;; ************************************************************************
+;;; Private variables
+;;; ************************************************************************
+(provide 'hbdata)