diff lib-src/rcs2log @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 929b76928fce
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib-src/rcs2log	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# RCS to ChangeLog generator
+# Generate a change log prefix from RCS files and the ChangeLog (if any).
+# Output the new prefix to standard output.
+# You can edit this prefix by hand, and then prepend it to ChangeLog.
+# Ignore log entries that start with `#'.
+# Clump together log entries that start with `{topic} ',
+# where `topic' contains neither white space nor `}'.
+# Author: Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>
+# !Id: rcs2log,v 1.18 1994/08/15 22:44:10 eggert Exp !
+# Copyright 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Parse options.
+# defaults
+: ${TMPDIR=/tmp}
+hostname= # name of local host (if empty, will deduce it later)
+indent=8 # indent of log line
+initialize_fullname= # awk assignments to set up fullname array
+initialize_mailaddr= # awk assignments to set up mailaddr array
+length=79 # suggested max width of log line
+logins= # login names for people we know fullnames and mailaddresses of
+loginsout= # temporary file holding sorted logins
+rlog_options= # options to pass to rlog
+tabwidth=8 # width of horizontal tab
+while :
+	case $1 in
+	-i)	indent=${2?};;
+	-h)	hostname=${2?};;
+	-l)	length=${2?};;
+	-n)	logins=$logins$nl${2?}
+		loginsout=$TMPDIR/rcs2log$$l
+		case $2${3?}${4?} in
+		*\"* | *\\* | *"$nl"*)
+			echo >&2 "$0: -n '$2' '$3' '$4': special characters not allowed"
+			exit 1
+		esac
+		initialize_fullname="$initialize_fullname
+			fullname[\"$2\"] = \"$3\""
+		initialize_mailaddr="$initialize_mailaddr
+			mailaddr[\"$2\"] = \"$4\""
+		shift; shift;;
+	-r)	rlog_options=$rlog_options$nl${2?};;
+	-t)	tabwidth=${2?};;
+	-*)	echo >&2 "$0: usage: $0 [options] [file ...]
+	[-h hostname] [-i indent] [-l length] [-n login fullname mailaddr]...
+	[-r rlog_option]... [-t tabwidth]"
+		exit 1;;
+	*)	break
+	esac
+	shift; shift
+	m[0]="Jan"; m[1]="Feb"; m[2]="Mar"
+	m[3]="Apr"; m[4]="May"; m[5]="Jun"
+	m[6]="Jul"; m[7]="Aug"; m[8]="Sep"
+	m[9]="Oct"; m[10]="Nov"; m[11]="Dec"
+	# days in non-leap year thus far, indexed by month (0-12)
+	mo[0]=0; mo[1]=31; mo[2]=59; mo[3]=90
+	mo[4]=120; mo[5]=151; mo[6]=181; mo[7]=212
+	mo[8]=243; mo[9]=273; mo[10]=304; mo[11]=334
+	mo[12]=365
+# Log into $rlogout the revisions checked in since the first ChangeLog entry.
+if test -s ChangeLog
+	# Add 1 to seconds to avoid duplicating most recent log.
+	e='
+		/^... ... [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] [0-9]+ /{
+			'"$month_data"'
+			year = $5
+			for (i=0; i<=11; i++) if (m[i] == $2) break
+			dd = $3
+			hh = substr($0,12,2)
+			mm = substr($0,15,2)
+			ss = substr($0,18,2)
+			ss++
+			if (ss == 60) {
+				ss = 0
+				mm++
+				if (mm == 60) {
+					mm = 0
+					hh++
+					if (hh == 24) {
+						hh = 0
+						dd++
+						monthdays = mo[i+1] - mo[i]
+						if (i == 1 && year%4 == 0 && (year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0)) monthdays++
+						if (dd == monthdays + 1) {
+							dd = 1
+							i++
+							if (i == 12) {
+								i = 0
+								year++
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			printf "%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", year, i+1, dd, hh, mm, ss
+			exit
+		}
+	'
+	d=`awk "$e" <ChangeLog` || exit
+	case $d in
+	?*) date=$d
+	esac
+case $CVSROOT in
+	if test -d "$CVSROOT" && test -f CVS/Repository
+	then
+		r=`cat <CVS/Repository` || exit
+		if test -d "$CVSROOT/$r"
+		then
+			repository=$CVSROOT/$r
+			rlog='cvs log'
+		fi
+	fi
+# With no arguments, examine all files under the RCS directory.
+case $# in
+	case $repository in
+	'')
+		files=
+		for file in RCS/.* RCS/* .*,v *,v
+		do
+			case $file in
+			RCS/. | RCS/..) continue;;
+			RCS/.\* | RCS/\* | .\*,v | \*,v) test -f "$file" || continue
+			esac
+			files=$files$nl$file
+		done
+		case $files in
+		'') exit 0
+		esac
+		oldIFS=$IFS
+		IFS=$nl
+		set $files
+		IFS=$oldIFS
+	esac
+trap exit 1 2 13 15
+trap "rm -f $loginsout $rlogout; exit 1" 0
+$rlog "$datearg" $rlog_options ${1+"$@"} >$rlogout || exit
+# Get the full name of each author the logs mention, and set initialize_fullname
+# to awk code that initializes the `fullname' awk associative array.
+# Warning: foreign authors (i.e. not known in the passwd file) are mishandled;
+# you have to fix the resulting output by hand.
+case $loginsout in
+?*) sort -u -o $loginsout <<EOF || exit
+	sed -n 's|^date: *[0-9]*[-/][0-9][0-9][-/][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9][-+0-9]*; *author: *\([^; ]*\).*|\1|p' <$rlogout |
+	case $loginsout in
+	'') sort -u;;
+	?*) sort -u | comm -23 - $loginsout
+	esac
+case $authors in
+	initialize_author=
+	for author in $authors
+	do
+		initialize_author="$initialize_author
+			author[\"$author\"] = 1
+		"
+	done
+	awkscript='
+		BEGIN {
+			alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+			'"$initialize_author"'
+		}
+		{
+			if (author[$1]) {
+				fullname = $5
+				if (fullname ~ /[0-9]+-[^(]*\([0-9]+\)$/) {
+					# Remove the junk from fullnames like "0000-Admin(0000)".
+					fullname = substr(fullname, index(fullname, "-") + 1)
+					fullname = substr(fullname, 1, index(fullname, "(") - 1)
+				}
+				if (fullname ~ /,[^ ]/) {
+					# Some sites put comma-separated junk after the fullname.
+					# Remove it, but leave "Bill Gates, Jr" alone.
+					fullname = substr(fullname, 1, index(fullname, ",") - 1)
+				}
+				abbr = index(fullname, "&")
+				if (abbr) {
+					a = substr($1, 1, 1)
+					A = a
+					i = index(alphabet, a)
+					if (i) A = substr(ALPHABET, i, 1)
+					fullname = substr(fullname, 1, abbr-1) A substr($1, 2) substr(fullname, abbr+1)
+				}
+				printf "fullname[\"%s\"] = \"%s\"\n", $1, fullname
+				author[$1] = 0
+			}
+		}
+	'
+	initialize_fullname=`
+		(cat /etc/passwd; ypmatch $authors passwd) 2>/dev/null |
+		awk -F: "$awkscript"
+	`$initialize_fullname
+# Function to print a single log line.
+# We don't use awk functions, to stay compatible with old awk versions.
+# `Log' is the log message (with \n replaced by \r).
+# `files' contains the affected files.
+	# Following the GNU coding standards, rewrite
+	#	* file: (function): comment
+	# to
+	#	* file (function): comment
+	if (Log ~ /^\([^)]*\): /) {
+		i = index(Log, ")")
+		files = files " " substr(Log, 1, i)
+		Log = substr(Log, i+3)
+	}
+	# If "label: comment" is too long, break the line after the ":".
+	sep = " "
+	if ('"$length"' <= '"$indent"' + 1 + length(files) + index(Log, CR)) sep = "\n" indent_string
+	# Print the label.
+	printf "%s*%s:", indent_string, files
+	# Print each line of the log, transliterating \r to \n.
+	while ((i = index(Log, CR)) != 0) {
+		logline = substr(Log, 1, i-1)
+		if (logline ~ /[^	 ]/) {
+			printf "%s%s\n", sep, logline
+		} else {
+			print ""
+		}
+		sep = indent_string
+		Log = substr(Log, i+1)
+	}
+case $hostname in
+	hostname=`(
+		hostname || uname -n || uuname -l || cat /etc/whoami
+	) 2>/dev/null` || {
+		echo >&2 "$0: cannot deduce hostname"
+		exit 1
+	}
+# Process the rlog output, generating ChangeLog style entries.
+# First, reformat the rlog output so that each line contains one log entry.
+# Transliterate \n to \r so that multiline entries fit on a single line.
+# Discard irrelevant rlog output.
+awk <$rlogout '
+	/^Working file:/ { filename = $3 }
+	/^date: /, /^(-----------*|===========*)$/ {
+		if ($0 ~ /^branches: /) { next }
+		if ($0 ~ /^date: [0-9][- +\/0-9:]*;/) {
+			date = $2
+			if (date ~ /-/) {
+				# An ISO format date.  Replace all "-"s with "/"s.
+				newdate = ""
+				while ((i = index(date, "-")) != 0) {
+					newdate = newdate substr(date, 1, i-1) "/"
+					date = substr(date, i+1)
+				}
+				date = newdate date
+			}
+			# Ignore any time zone; ChangeLog has no room for it.
+			time = substr($3, 1, 8)
+			author = substr($5, 1, length($5)-1)
+			printf "%s %s %s %s %c", filename, date, time, author, 13
+			next
+		}
+		if ($0 ~ /^(-----------*|===========*)$/) { print ""; next }
+		printf "%s%c", $0, 13
+	}
+' |
+# Now each line is of the form
+#	where \r stands for a carriage return,
+#	and each line of the log is terminated by \r instead of \n.
+# Sort the log entries, first by date+time (in reverse order),
+# then by author, then by log entry, and finally by file name (just in case).
+sort +1 -3r +3 +0 |
+# Finally, reformat the sorted log entries.
+awk '
+		# Some awks do not understand "\r" or "\013", so we have to
+		# put a carriage return directly in the file.
+		CR="
" # <-- There is a single CR between the " chars here.
+		# Initialize the fullname and mailaddr associative arrays.
+		'"$initialize_fullname"'
+		'"$initialize_mailaddr"'
+		# Initialize indent string.
+		indent_string = ""
+		i = '"$indent"'
+		if (0 < '"$tabwidth"')
+			for (;  '"$tabwidth"' <= i;  i -= '"$tabwidth"')
+				indent_string = indent_string "\t"
+		while (1 <= i--)
+			indent_string = indent_string " "
+		# Set up date conversion tables.
+		# RCS uses a nice, clean, sortable format,
+		# but ChangeLog wants the traditional, ugly ctime format.
+		# January 1, 0 AD (Gregorian) was Saturday = 6
+		# Of course, there was no 0 AD, but the algorithm works anyway.
+		w[0]="Sun"; w[1]="Mon"; w[2]="Tue"; w[3]="Wed"
+		w[4]="Thu"; w[5]="Fri"; w[6]="Sat"
+		'"$month_data"'
+	}
+	{
+		newlog = substr($0, 1 + index($0, CR))
+		# Ignore log entries prefixed by "#".
+		if (newlog ~ /^#/) { next }
+		if (Log != newlog || date != $2 || author != $4) {
+			# The previous log and this log differ.
+			# Print the old log.
+			if (date != "") '"$printlogline"'
+			# Logs that begin with "{clumpname} " should be grouped together,
+			# and the clumpname should be removed.
+			# Extract the new clumpname from the log header,
+			# and use it to decide whether to output a blank line.
+			newclumpname = ""
+			sep = "\n"
+			if (date == "") sep = ""
+			if (newlog ~ /^\{[^	 }]*}[	 ]/) {
+				i = index(newlog, "}")
+				newclumpname = substr(newlog, 1, i)
+				while (substr(newlog, i+1) ~ /^[	 ]/) i++
+				newlog = substr(newlog, i+1)
+				if (clumpname == newclumpname) sep = ""
+			}
+			printf sep
+			clumpname = newclumpname
+			# Get ready for the next log.
+			Log = newlog
+			if (files != "")
+				for (i in filesknown)
+					filesknown[i] = 0
+			files = ""
+		}
+		if (date != $2  ||  author != $4) {
+			# The previous date+author and this date+author differ.
+			# Print the new one.
+			date = $2
+			author = $4
+			# Convert nice RCS date like "1992/01/03 00:03:44"
+			# into ugly ctime date like "Fri Jan  3 00:03:44 1992".
+			# Calculate day of week from Gregorian calendar.
+			i = index($2, "/")
+			year = substr($2, 1, i-1) + 0
+			monthday = substr($2, i+1)
+			i = index(monthday, "/")
+			month = substr(monthday, 1, i-1) + 0
+			day = substr(monthday, i+1) + 0
+			leap = 0
+			if (2 < month && year%4 == 0 && (year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0)) leap = 1
+			days_since_Sunday_before_epoch = EPOCH_WEEKDAY + year * 365 + int((year + 3) / 4) - int((year + 99) / 100) + int((year + 399) / 400) + mo[month-1] + leap + day - 1
+			# Print "date  fullname  (email address)".
+			# Get fullname and email address from associative arrays;
+			# default to author and author@hostname if not in arrays.
+			if (fullname[author])
+				auth = fullname[author]
+			else
+				auth = author
+			printf "%s %s %2d %s %d  %s  ", w[days_since_Sunday_before_epoch%7], m[month-1], day, $3, year, auth
+			if (mailaddr[author])
+				printf "<%s>\n\n", mailaddr[author]
+			else
+				printf "<%s@%s>\n\n", author, "'"$hostname"'"
+		}
+		if (! filesknown[$1]) {
+			filesknown[$1] = 1
+			if (files == "") files = " " $1
+			else files = files ", " $1
+		}
+	}
+	END {
+		# Print the last log.
+		if (date != "") {
+			'"$printlogline"'
+			printf "\n"
+		}
+	}
+' &&
+# Exit successfully.
+exec rm -f $loginsout $rlogout