diff lib-src/gnuclient.c @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children bcdc7deadc19
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib-src/gnuclient.c	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+/* -*-C-*-
+ Client code to allow local and remote editing of files by XEmacs.
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+This file is part of XEmacs.
+XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ Author: Andy Norman (ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com), based on 
+         'etc/emacsclient.c' from the GNU Emacs 18.52 distribution.
+ Please mail bugs and suggestions to the author at the above address.
+ * This file incorporates new features added by Bob Weiner <weiner@mot.com>,
+ * Darrell Kindred <dkindred@cmu.edu> and Arup Mukherjee <arup@cmu.edu>.
+ * GNUATTACH support added by Ben Wing <wing@xemacs.org>.
+ * Please see the note at the end of the README file for details.
+ *
+ * (If gnuserv came bundled with your emacs, the README file is probably
+ * ../etc/gnuserv.README relative to the directory containing this file)
+ */
+#if 0
+/* Hand-munged RCS header */
+static char rcsid [] = "!Header: gnuclient.c,v 2.2 95/12/12 01:39:21 wing nene !";
+#include "gnuserv.h"
+#include "getopt.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#if !defined(SYSV_IPC) && !defined(UNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKETS) && \
+main ()
+  fprintf (stderr, "Sorry, the Emacs server is only "
+	   "supported on systems that have\n");
+  fprintf (stderr, "Unix Domain sockets, Internet Domain "
+	   "sockets or System V IPC.\n");
+  exit (1);
+} /* main */
+static char cwd[MAXPATHLEN+2];	/* current working directory when calculated */
+static char *cp = NULL;		/* ptr into valid bit of cwd above */
+  get_current_working_directory -- return the cwd.
+static char *
+get_current_working_directory (void)
+  if (cp == NULL)
+    {				/* haven't calculated it yet */
+#ifdef BSD
+      if (getwd (cwd) == 0)
+#else /* !BSD */
+      if (getcwd (cwd,MAXPATHLEN) == NULL)
+#endif /* !BSD */
+	{
+	  perror (progname);
+	  fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to get current working directory\n",
+		   progname);
+	  exit (1);
+	} /* if */
+      /* on some systems, cwd can look like '@machine/' ... */
+      /* ignore everything before the first '/' */
+      for (cp = cwd; *cp && *cp != '/'; ++cp)
+	;
+    } /* if */
+  return cp;
+} /* get_current_working_directory */
+  filename_expand -- try to convert the given filename into a fully-qualified
+  		     pathname.
+static void
+filename_expand (char *fullpath, char *filename)
+  /* fullpath - returned full pathname */
+  /* filename - filename to expand */
+  int len;
+  fullpath[0] = '\0';
+  if (filename[0] && filename[0] != '/')
+    {	/* relative filename */
+      strcat (fullpath, get_current_working_directory ());
+      len = strlen (fullpath);
+      if (len > 0 && fullpath[len-1] == '/')	/* trailing slash already? */
+	;					/* yep */
+      else
+	strcat (fullpath, "/");		/* nope, append trailing slash */
+    } /* if */
+  strcat (fullpath,filename);
+} /* filename_expand */
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  int starting_line = 1;			/* line to start editing at */
+  char command[MAXPATHLEN+50];			/* emacs command buffer */
+  char fullpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];			/* full pathname to file */
+#ifndef GNUATTACH
+  int qflg = 0;					/* quick edit, don't wait for 
+						 * user to finish */
+  int errflg = 0;				/* option error */
+  int c;					/* char from getopt */
+  int s;					/* socket / msqid to server */
+  int connect_type;           			/* CONN_UNIX, CONN_INTERNET, or
+						 * CONN_IPC */
+  char *hostarg = NULL;				/* remote hostname */
+  char thishost[HOSTNAMSZ];			/* this hostname */
+  char remotepath[MAXPATHLEN+1];		/* remote pathname */
+  int rflg = 0;					/* pathname given on cmdline */
+  u_short portarg = 0;				/* port to server */
+  char *ptr;					/* return from getenv */
+#ifdef SYSV_IPC
+  struct msgbuf *msgp;				/* message */
+#endif /* SYSV_IPC */
+  char *tty;
+  memset (remotepath, 0, sizeof (remotepath));
+  progname = argv[0];
+  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv,
+# ifdef GNUATTACH
+		      "h:p:r"
+# else
+		      "h:p:r:q"
+# endif
+# ifdef GNUATTACH
+		      ""
+# else
+		      "q"
+# endif
+		      )) != EOF)
+    switch (c)
+      {
+#ifndef GNUATTACH
+      case 'q':					/* quick mode specified */
+	qflg++;
+	break;
+      case 'h':				/* server host name specified */
+	hostarg = optarg;
+	break;
+      case 'r':				/* remote path from server specifed */
+	strcpy (remotepath,optarg);
+	rflg++;
+	break;
+      case 'p':				/* port number specified */
+	portarg = atoi (optarg);
+	break;
+      case '?':
+	errflg++;
+      } /* switch */
+  if (errflg)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr,
+# ifdef GNUATTACH
+	       "usage: %s [-h hostname] [-p port] [-r pathname] "
+	       "[[+line] path] ...\n",
+# else
+	       "usage: %s [-q] [-h hostname] [-p port] [-r pathname] "
+	       "[[+line] path] ...\n",
+# endif
+# ifdef GNUATTACH
+	       "usage: %s [[+line] path] ...\n",
+# else
+	       "usage: %s [-q] [[+line] path] ...\n",
+# endif
+	       progname);
+      exit (1);
+    } /* if */
+  tty = ttyname (0);
+  if (!tty)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not connected to a tty", progname);
+      exit (1);
+    }
+  connect_type = make_connection (hostarg, portarg, &s);
+  connect_type = make_connection (NULL, (u_short) 0, &s);
+  if (connect_type == (int) CONN_INTERNET)
+    {
+      gethostname (thishost, HOSTNAMSZ);
+      if (!rflg)
+	{				/* attempt to generate a path 
+					 * to this machine */
+	  if ((ptr = getenv ("GNU_NODE")) != NULL)
+	    /* user specified a path */
+	    strcpy (remotepath, ptr);
+	}
+#if 0  /* This is really bogus... re-enable it if you must have it! */
+#if defined (hp9000s300) || defined (hp9000s800)
+      else if (strcmp (thishost,hostarg))
+	{	/* try /net/thishost */
+	  strcpy (remotepath, "/net/");		/* (this fails using internet 
+						   addresses) */
+	  strcat (remotepath, thishost);
+	}
+    }
+  else
+    {					/* same machines, no need for path */
+      remotepath[0] = '\0';		/* default is the empty path */
+    }
+#ifdef SYSV_IPC
+  if ((msgp = (struct msgbuf *) 
+       malloc (sizeof *msgp + GSERV_BUFSZ)) == NULL)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: not enough memory for message buffer\n", progname);
+      exit (1);
+    } /* if */
+  msgp->mtext[0] = '\0';			/* ready for later strcats */
+#endif /* SYSV_IPC */
+  ptr = getenv ("TERM");
+  if (!ptr)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown terminal type\n", progname);
+      exit (1);
+    }
+  sprintf (command, "(server-tty-edit-files \"%s\" \"%s\" '(", tty, ptr);
+  send_string (s, command);
+  if (qflg)
+    {
+      send_string (s, "(server-edit-files-quickly '(");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      send_string (s, "(server-edit-files '(");
+    }
+  for (; optind < argc; optind++)
+    {
+      if (*argv[optind] == '+')
+	starting_line = atoi (argv[optind]);
+      else
+	{
+	  filename_expand (fullpath, argv[optind]);
+	  sprintf (command, "(%d . \"%s%s\")", starting_line,
+		   remotepath,
+		   "",
+		   fullpath);
+	  send_string (s,command);
+	  starting_line = 1;
+	} /* else */
+    } /* for */
+  send_string (s,"))");
+#ifdef SYSV_IPC
+  if (connect_type == (int) CONN_IPC)
+    disconnect_from_ipc_server (s, msgp, FALSE);
+#else /* !SYSV_IPC */
+  if (connect_type != (int) CONN_IPC)
+    disconnect_from_server (s, FALSE);
+#endif /* !SYSV_IPC */
+  exit (0);
+} /* main */