diff etc/DISTRIB @ 0:376386a54a3c r19-14

Import from CVS: tag r19-14
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:45:50 +0200 (2007-08-13)
children 131b0175ea99
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etc/DISTRIB	Mon Aug 13 08:45:50 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+								-*- text -*-
+	   XEmacs availability information.  Last Modified: 10-feb-96.
+XEmacs is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.xemacs.org (
+in the directory /pub/xemacs/.
+ftp.xemacs.org is the primary distribution point, but you may find
+copies of it at other sites as well.  Some sites to try include:
+	ftp.ai.mit.edu:/pub/xemacs/
+	ftp.uu.net:/systems/gnu/xemacs/
+	ftp.sunet.se:/pub/gnu/xemacs/
+	ftp.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr:/pub/Emacs/xemacs/
+	liasun3.epfl.ch:/pub/gnu/xemacs/
+	ftp.th-darmstadt.de:/pub/editors/xemacs/
+	audrey.levels.unisa.edu.au:/xemacs/
+	sunsite.auc.dk:/pub/emacs/xemacs/
+	sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk:/gnu/xemacs/
+	uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu:/pub/packages/xemacs/
+	ftp.technion.ac.il:/pub/unsupported/gnu/xemacs/
+	thphys.irb.hr:/pub/xemacs/
+The most up-to-date list of distribution sites can always be found on
+the XEmacs WWW page, http://www.xemacs.org/.  Try to pick a site
+that is networkologically close to you.  If you know of other mirrors
+of the XEmacs archives, please send us mail and we will list them here
+as well.
+There are mailing lists and newsgroups specifically for discussing and
+reporting bugs in XEmacs; see the file MAILINGLISTS in this directory.
+The FTP and ordering information in the remainder of this file applies
+to the versions of GNU Emacs distributed by the Free Software
+Foundation, not to XEmacs.
+For an order form for all Emacs and FSF distributions deliverable from
+the USA, see the file `ORDERS' in this directory (etc/ in the GNU
+Emacs distribution or /pub/gnu/GNUinfo on prep.ai.mit.edu).  For a
+European order form, see `ORDERS.EUROPE'.  For a Japan order form,
+	   GNU Emacs availability information, June 1995
+Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+	Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute
+	verbatim copies of this document provided that the
+	copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved.
+GNU Emacs is legally owned by the Free Software Foundation, but we
+regard the foundation more as its custodian on behalf of the public.
+In the GNU project, when we speak of "free software", this refers to
+liberty, not price.  Specifically, it refers to the users' freedom to
+study, copy, change and improve the software.  Sometimes users pay
+money for copies of GNU software, and sometimes they get copies at no
+charge.  But regardless of how they got the software, or whether it
+was modified by anyone else along the way, they have the freedom to
+copy and change it--those freedoms are what "free software" means.
+The precise conditions for copying and modification are stated in the
+document "GNU General Public License," a copy of which is required to
+be distributed with every copy of GNU Emacs.  It is usually in a file
+named `COPYING' in the same directory as this file.  These conditions
+are designed to make sure that everyone who has a copy of GNU Emacs
+(including modified versions) has the freedom to redistribute and
+change it.
+If you do not know anyone to get a copy of GNU Emacs from, you can
+order a tape, cd-rom, or floppy diskette from the Free Software
+Foundation.  We distribute Emacs version 18 and 19 in different
+formats for many machines.  We also distribute nicely typeset copies
+of the Emacs user manual, Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, the Emacs
+reference card, etc.  See file `ORDERS'.
+If you have Internet access, you can copy the latest Emacs
+distribution from hosts, such as prep.ai.mit.edu.  There are several
+ways to do this; see the file `FTP' for more information.  Even
+better, get the latest version of the file from `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/FTP'
+on prep.ai.mit.edu for the most current arrangements.  It may also be
+possible to copy Emacs via uucp; the file `FTP' contains information
+on that too.
+Emacs has been run on both Berkeley Unix and System V Unix, on a
+variety of types of cpu.  It also works on VMS and on Apollo
+computers, though with some deficiencies that reflect problems in
+these operating systems.  See the file `MACHINES' in this directory
+(see above) for a full list of machines that GNU Emacs has been tested
+on, with machine-specific installation notes and warnings.  There is
+also Demacs that works on newer MS-DOS machines (see file `ORDERS').
+Note that there is significant variation between Unix systems
+supposedly running the same version of Unix; it is possible that what
+works in GNU Emacs for me does not work on your system due to such an
+incompatibility.  Since I must avoid reading Unix source code, I
+cannot even guess what such problems may exist.
+GNU Emacs is distributed with no warranty (see the General Public
+License for full details, in the file `COPYING' in this directory (see
+above)), and neither I nor the Free Software Foundation promises any
+kind of support or assistance to users.  The foundation keeps a list
+of people who are willing to offer support and assistance for hire.
+See the file `SERVICE'.  You can get the latest version from
+prep.ai.mit.edu in file `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/SERVICE'.
+However, we plan to continue to improve GNU Emacs and keep it
+reliable, so please send me any complaints and suggestions you have.
+I will probably fix anything that I consider a malfunction.  I may
+make improvements that are suggested, but I may choose not to.
+Improving Emacs is not my highest priority now.
+If you are on the Internet, report bugs to
+bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu; on UUCP, use the address
+...!uunet!prep.ai.mit.edu!bug-gnu-emacs.  Otherwise, phone or write the
+foundation at:
+	Free Software Foundation
+	59 Temple Place - Suite 330
+	Boston, MA  02111-1307
+	Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
+	Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
+General questions about the GNU Project can be asked of
+If you are a computer manufacturer, I encourage you to ship a copy of
+GNU Emacs with every computer you deliver.  The same copying
+permission terms apply to computer manufacturers as to everyone else.
+You should consider making a donation to help support the GNU project;
+if you estimate what it would cost to distribute some commercial
+product and divide it by five, that is a good amount.
+If you like GNU Emacs, please express your satisfaction with a
+donation: send me or the Foundation what you feel Emacs has been worth
+to you.  If you are glad that I developed GNU Emacs and distribute it
+as freeware, rather than following the obstructive and antisocial
+practices typical of software developers, reward me.  If you would
+like the Foundation to develop more free software, contribute.
+Your donations will help to support the development of more useful
+software to be distributed on the same basis as GNU Emacs.  Eventually
+we will have a complete imitation of the Unix operating system, called
+GNU (Gnu's Not Unix), which will run Unix user programs.  For more
+information on GNU, see the file `GNU' in this directory (see above).
+			Richard M Stallman
+			Chief GNUisance,
+			President of the Free Software Foundation