diff site-lisp/emu.el @ 6:27bc7f280385 r19-15b4

Import from CVS: tag r19-15b4
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:47:15 +0200 (2007-08-13)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/site-lisp/emu.el	Mon Aug 13 08:47:15 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+;;; emu.el --- Emulation module for each Emacs variants
+;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <morioka@jaist.ac.jp>
+;; Version: $Id: emu.el,v 1996/12/18 04:06:19 steve Exp $
+;; Keywords: emulation, compatibility, NEmacs, MULE, Emacs/mule, XEmacs
+;; This file is part of emu.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(defmacro defun-maybe (name &rest everything-else)
+  (or (and (fboundp name)
+	   (not (get name 'defun-maybe))
+	   )
+      (` (or (fboundp (quote (, name)))
+	     (progn
+	       (defun (, name) (,@ everything-else))
+	       (put (quote (, name)) 'defun-maybe t)
+	       ))
+	 )))
+(put 'defun-maybe 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+(or (boundp 'emacs-major-version)
+    (defconst emacs-major-version (string-to-int emacs-version)))
+(or (boundp 'emacs-minor-version)
+    (defconst emacs-minor-version
+      (string-to-int
+       (substring
+	emacs-version
+	(string-match (format "%d\\." emacs-major-version) emacs-version)
+	))))
+(defvar running-emacs-18 (<= emacs-major-version 18))
+(defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version))
+(defvar running-mule-merged-emacs (and (not (boundp 'MULE))
+				       (not running-xemacs) (featurep 'mule)))
+(defvar running-xemacs-with-mule (and running-xemacs (featurep 'mule)))
+(defvar running-emacs-19 (and (not running-xemacs) (= emacs-major-version 19)))
+(defvar running-emacs-19_29-or-later
+  (or (and running-emacs-19 (>= emacs-minor-version 29))
+      (and (not running-xemacs)(>= emacs-major-version 20))))
+(defvar running-xemacs-19 (and running-xemacs
+			       (= emacs-major-version 19)))
+(defvar running-xemacs-20-or-later (and running-xemacs
+					(>= emacs-major-version 20)))
+(defvar running-xemacs-19_14-or-later
+  (or (and running-xemacs-19 (>= emacs-minor-version 14))
+      running-xemacs-20-or-later))
+(cond (running-mule-merged-emacs
+       ;; for mule merged EMACS
+       (require 'emu-e20)
+       )
+      (running-xemacs-with-mule
+       ;; for XEmacs/mule
+       (require 'emu-x20)
+       )
+      ((boundp 'MULE)
+       ;; for MULE 1.* and 2.*
+       (require 'emu-mule)
+       )
+      ((boundp 'NEMACS)
+       ;; for NEmacs and NEpoch
+       (require 'emu-nemacs)
+       )
+      (t
+       ;; for EMACS 19 and XEmacs 19 (without mule)
+       (require 'emu-e19)
+       ))
+;;; @ binary access
+(defun insert-binary-file-contents-literally
+  (filename &optional visit beg end replace)
+  "Like `insert-file-contents-literally', q.v., but don't code conversion.
+A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer due
+to advanced Emacs features, such as file-name-handlers, format decoding,
+find-file-hooks, etc.
+  This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place.
+  (as-binary-input-file
+   (insert-file-contents-literally filename visit beg end replace)
+   ))
+;;; @ MIME charset
+(defun charsets-to-mime-charset (charsets)
+  "Return MIME charset from list of charset CHARSETS.
+This function refers variable `charsets-mime-charset-alist'
+and `default-mime-charset'. [emu.el]"
+  (if charsets
+      (or (catch 'tag
+	    (let ((rest charsets-mime-charset-alist)
+		  cell csl)
+	      (while (setq cell (car rest))
+		(if (catch 'not-subset
+		      (let ((set1 charsets)
+			    (set2 (car cell))
+			    obj)
+			(while set1
+			  (setq obj (car set1))
+			  (or (memq obj set2)
+			      (throw 'not-subset nil)
+			      )
+			  (setq set1 (cdr set1))
+			  )
+			t))
+		    (throw 'tag (cdr cell))
+		  )
+		(setq rest (cdr rest))
+		)))
+	  default-mime-charset)))
+;;; @ EMACS 19.29 emulation
+(defvar path-separator ":"
+  "Character used to separate concatenated paths.")
+(defun-maybe buffer-substring-no-properties (beg end)
+  "Return the text from BEG to END, without text properties, as a string.
+\[emu.el; EMACS 19.29 emulating function]"
+  (let ((string (buffer-substring beg end)))
+    (tl:set-text-properties 0 (length string) nil string)
+    string))
+(defun-maybe match-string (num &optional string)
+  "Return string of text matched by last search.
+NUM specifies which parenthesized expression in the last regexp.
+ Value is nil if NUMth pair didn't match, or there were less than NUM pairs.
+Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string.
+STRING should be given if the last search was by `string-match' on STRING.
+\[emu.el; EMACS 19.29 emulating function]"
+  (if (match-beginning num)
+      (if string
+	  (substring string (match-beginning num) (match-end num))
+	(buffer-substring (match-beginning num) (match-end num)))))
+(or running-emacs-19_29-or-later
+    running-xemacs
+    ;; for Emacs 19.28 or earlier
+    (fboundp 'si:read-string)
+    (progn
+      (fset 'si:read-string (symbol-function 'read-string))
+      (defun read-string (prompt &optional initial-input history)
+	"Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
+If non-nil, second arg INITIAL-INPUT is a string to insert before reading.
+The third arg HISTORY, is dummy for compatibility. [emu.el]
+See `read-from-minibuffer' for details of HISTORY argument."
+	(si:read-string prompt initial-input)
+	)
+      ))
+;; This function was imported Emacs 19.30.
+(defun-maybe add-to-list (list-var element)
+  "Add to the value of LIST-VAR the element ELEMENT if it isn't there yet.
+If you want to use `add-to-list' on a variable that is not defined
+until a certain package is loaded, you should put the call to `add-to-list'
+into a hook function that will be run only after loading the package.
+\[emu.el; EMACS 19.30 emulating function]"
+  (or (member element (symbol-value list-var))
+      (set list-var (cons element (symbol-value list-var)))
+      ))
+;;; @ EMACS 19.30 emulation
+(cond ((fboundp 'insert-file-contents-literally)
+       )
+      ((boundp 'file-name-handler-alist)
+       (defun insert-file-contents-literally
+	 (filename &optional visit beg end replace)
+	 "Like `insert-file-contents', q.v., but only reads in the file.
+A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer due
+to advanced Emacs features, such as file-name-handlers, format decoding,
+find-file-hooks, etc.
+  This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place.
+\[emu.el; Emacs 19.30 emulating function]"
+	 (let (file-name-handler-alist)
+	   (insert-file-contents filename visit beg end replace)
+	   ))
+       )
+      (t
+       (defalias 'insert-file-contents-literally 'insert-file-contents)
+       ))
+;;; @ EMACS 19.31 emulation
+(defun-maybe buffer-live-p (object)
+  "Return non-nil if OBJECT is a buffer which has not been killed.
+Value is nil if OBJECT is not a buffer or if it has been killed.
+\[emu.el; EMACS 19.31 emulating function]"
+  (and object
+       (get-buffer object)
+       (buffer-name (get-buffer object))
+       ))
+(or (fboundp 'save-selected-window)
+    ;; This function was imported Emacs 19.33.
+    (defmacro save-selected-window (&rest body)
+      "Execute BODY, then select the window that was selected before BODY.
+\[emu.el; EMACS 19.31 emulating function]"
+      (list 'let
+	    '((save-selected-window-window (selected-window)))
+	    (list 'unwind-protect
+		  (cons 'progn body)
+		  (list 'select-window 'save-selected-window-window)))) 
+    )
+;;; @ XEmacs emulation
+(defun-maybe functionp (obj)
+  "Returns t if OBJ is a function, nil otherwise.
+\[emu.el; XEmacs emulating function]"
+  (or (subrp obj)
+      (byte-code-function-p obj)
+      (and (symbolp obj)(fboundp obj))
+      (and (consp obj)(eq (car obj) 'lambda))
+      ))
+;;; @ for XEmacs 20
+(or (fboundp 'char-int)
+    (fset 'char-int (symbol-function 'identity))
+    )
+(or (fboundp 'int-char)
+    (fset 'int-char (symbol-function 'identity))
+    )
+;;; @ for text/richtext and text/enriched
+(cond ((or running-emacs-19_29-or-later running-xemacs-19_14-or-later)
+       ;; have enriched.el
+       (autoload 'richtext-decode "richtext")
+       (or (assq 'text/richtext format-alist)
+	   (setq format-alist
+		 (cons
+		  (cons 'text/richtext
+			'("Extended MIME text/richtext format."
+			  "Content-[Tt]ype:[ \t]*text/richtext"
+			  richtext-decode richtext-encode t enriched-mode))
+		  format-alist)))
+       )
+      (t
+       ;; don't have enriched.el
+       (autoload 'richtext-decode "tinyrich")
+       (autoload 'enriched-decode "tinyrich")
+       ))
+;;; @ end
+(provide 'emu)
+;;; emu.el ends here