diff lisp/w3/url-news.el @ 80:1ce6082ce73f r20-0b90

Import from CVS: tag r20-0b90
author cvs
date Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:06:37 +0200
parents 9ee227acff29
children 0293115a14e9
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/w3/url-news.el	Mon Aug 13 09:06:37 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+;;; url-news.el --- News Uniform Resource Locator retrieval code
+;; Author: wmperry
+;; Created: 1996/11/05 05:26:07
+;; Version: 1.5
+;; Keywords: comm, data, processes
+;;; Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by William M. Perry (wmperry@cs.indiana.edu)
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs, but the same permissions apply.
+;;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;;; any later version.
+;;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+(require 'url-vars)
+(require 'url-parse)
+(defun url-format-news ()
+  (url-clear-tmp-buffer)
+  (insert "HTTP/1.0 200 Retrieval OK\r\n"
+ 	  (save-excursion
+ 	    (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+ 	    (buffer-string)))
+  (url-parse-mime-headers)
+  (let* ((from  (cdr (assoc "from" url-current-mime-headers)))
+	 (qfrom (if from (url-insert-entities-in-string from) nil))
+	 (subj  (cdr (assoc "subject" url-current-mime-headers)))
+	 (qsubj (if subj (url-insert-entities-in-string subj) nil))
+	 (org   (cdr (assoc "organization" url-current-mime-headers)))
+	 (qorg  (if org (url-insert-entities-in-string org) nil))
+	 (typ   (or (cdr (assoc "content-type" url-current-mime-headers))
+		    "text/plain"))
+	 (qgrps (mapcar 'car
+			(url-split
+			 (url-insert-entities-in-string
+			  (or (cdr (assoc "newsgroups" 
+					  url-current-mime-headers))
+			      ""))
+			 "[ \t\n,]+")))
+	 (qrefs (delete "" 
+			(mapcar
+			 'url-insert-entities-in-string
+			 (mapcar 'car
+				 (url-split
+				  (or (cdr (assoc "references" 
+						  url-current-mime-headers))
+				      "")
+				  "[ \t,\n<>]+")))))
+	 (date  (cdr (assoc "date" url-current-mime-headers))))
+    (setq url-current-file ""
+ 	  url-current-type "")
+    (if (or (not (string-match "text/" typ))
+ 	    (string-match "text/html" typ))
+ 	nil				; Let natural content-type take over
+      (insert "<html>\n"
+ 	      " <head>\n"
+ 	      "  <title>" qsubj "</title>\n"
+ 	      "  <link rev=\"made\" href=\"mailto:" qfrom "\">\n"
+ 	      " </head>\n"
+ 	      " <body>\n"
+ 	      "  <div>\n"
+ 	      "   <h1 align=center>" qsubj "</h1>\n"
+ 	      "   <p role=\"headers\">\n"
+ 	      "    <b>From</b>: " qfrom "<br>\n"
+ 	      "    <b>Newsgroups</b>: "
+ 	      (mapconcat
+ 	       (function
+ 		(lambda (grp)
+ 		  (concat "<a href=\"" grp "\">" grp "</a>"))) qgrps ", ")
+ 	      "<br>\n"
+ 	      (if org
+ 		  (concat
+ 		   "    <b>Organization</b>: <i> " qorg "</i> <br>\n")
+ 		"")
+ 	      "    <b>Date</b>: <date> " date "</date> <br>\n"
+ 	      "   </p> <hr>\n"
+ 	      (if (null qrefs)
+ 		  ""
+ 		(concat
+ 		 "   <p>References\n"
+ 		 "    <ol>\n"
+ 		 (mapconcat
+ 		  (function
+ 		   (lambda (ref)
+ 		     (concat "     <li> <a href=\"" ref "\"> " 
+ 			     ref "</a></li>\n")))
+ 		  qrefs "")
+ 		 "    </ol>\n"
+		 "   </p>\n"
+ 		 "   <hr>\n"))
+ 	      "   <ul plain>\n"
+ 	      "    <li><a href=\"newspost:disfunctional\"> "
+ 	      "Post to this group </a></li>\n"
+ 	      "    <li><a href=\"mailto:" qfrom "\"> Reply to " qfrom
+ 	      "</a></li>\n"
+ 	      "   </ul>\n"
+ 	      "   <hr>"
+ 	      "   <pre>\n")
+      (let ((s (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
+	(delete-region (point) (point-max))
+	(insert (url-insert-entities-in-string s)))
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (setq url-current-mime-type "text/html"
+ 	    url-current-mime-viewer (mm-mime-info url-current-mime-type nil 5))
+      (let ((x (assoc "content-type" url-current-mime-headers)))
+ 	(if x
+ 	    (setcdr x "text/html")
+ 	  (setq url-current-mime-headers (cons (cons "content-type"
+ 						     "text/html")
+ 					       url-current-mime-headers))))
+      (insert "\n"
+ 	      "   </pre>\n"
+ 	      "  </div>\n"
+ 	      " </body>\n"
+ 	      "</html>\n"
+ 	      "<!-- Automatically generated by URL/" url-version
+ 	      "-->"))))
+(defun url-check-gnus-version ()
+  (require 'nntp)
+  (condition-case ()
+      (require 'gnus)
+    (error (setq gnus-version "GNUS not found")))
+  (if (or (not (boundp 'gnus-version))
+	  (string-match "v5.[.0-9]+$" gnus-version)
+	  (string-match "Red" gnus-version))
+      nil
+    (url-warn 'url (concat
+		    "The version of GNUS found on this system is too old and does\n"
+		    "not support the necessary functionality for the URL package.\n"
+		    "Please upgrade to version 5.x of GNUS.  This is bundled by\n"
+		    "default with Emacs 19.30 and XEmacs 19.14 and later.\n\n"
+		    "This version of GNUS is: " gnus-version "\n"))
+    (fset 'url-news 'url-news-version-too-old))
+  (fset 'url-check-gnus-version 'ignore))
+(defun url-news-version-too-old (article)
+  (set-buffer (get-buffer-create url-working-buffer))
+  (setq url-current-mime-headers '(("content-type" . "text/html"))
+	url-current-mime-type "text/html")
+  (insert "<html>\n"
+	  " <head>\n"
+	  "  <title>News Error</title>\n"
+	  " </head>\n"
+	  " <body>\n"
+	  "  <h1>News Error - too old</h1>\n"
+	  "  <p>\n"
+	  "   The version of GNUS found on this system is too old and does\n"
+	  "   not support the necessary functionality for the URL package.\n"
+	  "   Please upgrade to version 5.x of GNUS.  This is bundled by\n"
+	  "   default with Emacs 19.30 and XEmacs 19.14 and later.\n\n"
+	  "   This version of GNUS is: " gnus-version "\n"
+	  "  </p>\n"
+	  " </body>\n"
+	  "</html>\n"))
+(defun url-news-open-host (host port user pass)
+  (if (fboundp 'nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+      (nnheader-init-server-buffer))
+  (nntp-open-server host (list (string-to-int port)))
+  (if (and user pass)
+      (progn
+	(nntp-send-command "^.*\r?\n" "AUTHINFO USER" user)
+	(nntp-send-command "^.*\r?\n" "AUTHINFO PASS" pass)
+	(if (not (nntp-server-opened host))
+	    (url-warn 'url (format "NNTP authentication to `%s' as `%s' failed"
+				   host user))))))
+(defun url-news-fetch-article-number (newsgroup article)
+  (nntp-request-group newsgroup)
+  (nntp-request-article article))
+(defun url-news-fetch-message-id (host port message-id)
+  (if (eq ?> (aref message-id (1- (length message-id))))
+      nil
+    (setq message-id (concat "<" message-id ">")))
+  (if (nntp-request-article message-id)
+      (url-format-news)
+    (set-buffer (get-buffer-create url-working-buffer))
+    (setq url-current-can-be-cached nil)
+    (insert "<html>\n"
+	    " <head>\n"
+	    "  <title>Error</title>\n"
+	    " </head>\n"
+	    " <body>\n"
+	    "  <div>\n"
+	    "   <h1>Error requesting article...</h1>\n"
+	    "   <p>\n"
+	    "    The status message returned by the NNTP server was:"
+	    "<br><hr>\n"
+	    "    <xmp>\n"
+	    (nntp-status-message)
+	    "    </xmp>\n"
+	    "   </p>\n"
+	    "   <p>\n"
+	    "    If you If you feel this is an error, <a href=\""
+	    "mailto:" url-bug-address "\">send me mail</a>\n"
+	    "   </p>\n"
+	    "  </div>\n"
+	    " </body>\n"
+	    "</html>\n"
+	    "<!-- Automatically generated by URL v" url-version " -->\n"
+	    )))
+(defun url-news-fetch-newsgroup (newsgroup host)
+  (if (string-match "^/+" newsgroup)
+      (setq newsgroup (substring newsgroup (match-end 0))))
+  (if (string-match "/+$" newsgroup)
+      (setq newsgroup (substring newsgroup 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+  ;; This saves a bogus 'Untitled' buffer by Emacs-W3
+  (kill-buffer url-working-buffer)
+  ;; This saves us from checking new news if GNUS is already running
+  (if (or (not (get-buffer gnus-group-buffer))
+	  (save-excursion
+	    (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+	    (not (eq major-mode 'gnus-group-mode))))
+      (gnus))
+  (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (gnus-group-read-ephemeral-group newsgroup (list 'nntp host)
+				   nil
+				   (cons (current-buffer) 'browse)))
+(defun url-news (article)
+  ;; Find a news reference
+  (url-check-gnus-version)
+  (let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url article))
+	 (host (or (url-host urlobj) url-news-server))
+	 (port (or (url-port urlobj)
+		   (cdr-safe (assoc "news" url-default-ports))))
+	 (article-brackets nil)
+	 (article (url-filename urlobj)))
+    (url-news-open-host host port (url-user urlobj) (url-password urlobj))
+    (cond
+     ((string-match "@" article)	; Its a specific article
+      (url-news-fetch-message-id host port article))
+     ((string= article "")		; List all newsgroups
+      (gnus)
+      (kill-buffer url-working-buffer))
+     (t					; Whole newsgroup
+      (url-news-fetch-newsgroup article host)))
+    (setq url-current-type "news"
+	  url-current-server host
+	  url-current-user (url-user urlobj)
+	  url-current-port port
+	  url-current-file article)))
+(defun url-nntp (url)
+  ;; Find a news reference
+  (url-check-gnus-version)
+  (let* ((urlobj (url-generic-parse-url url))
+	 (host (or (url-host urlobj) url-news-server))
+	 (port (or (url-port urlobj)
+		   (cdr-safe (assoc "nntp" url-default-ports))))
+	 (article-brackets nil)
+	 (article (url-filename urlobj)))
+    (url-news-open-host host port (url-user urlobj) (url-password urlobj))
+    (cond
+     ((string-match "@" article)	; Its a specific article
+      (url-news-fetch-message-id host port article))
+     ((string-match "/\\([0-9]+\\)$" article)
+      (url-news-fetch-article-number (substring article 0
+						(match-beginning 0))
+				     (match-string 1 article)))
+     ((string= article "")		; List all newsgroups
+      (gnus)
+      (kill-buffer url-working-buffer))
+     (t					; Whole newsgroup
+      (url-news-fetch-newsgroup article)))
+    (setq url-current-type "news"
+	  url-current-server host
+	  url-current-user (url-user urlobj)
+	  url-current-port port
+	  url-current-file article)))
+(provide 'url-news)