1 ;;; tibetan.el --- Support for Tibetan language
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
6 ;; Keywords: multilingual, Tibetan
8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13 ;; any later version.
15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
22 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
23 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 ;; Author: Toru TOMABECHI, <Toru.Tomabechi@orient.unil.ch>
27 ;; Created: Feb. 17. 1997
29 ;; History:
30 ;; 1997.03.13 Modification for special signs and punctuations.
32 ;;; Code:
34 ;;; Tibetan Character set.
35 ;;; \x2130 -- \x234a is a subset of Unicode v.2 \x0f00 - \x0fb9
36 ;;; with a slight modification. And there are some subjoined
37 ;;; consonants which are not specified in Unicode.
38 ;;; I hope I can add missing characters later.
39 ;;;
40 ;;; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
41 ;;;2120 // $(7!!(B $(7!"(B $(7!#(B $(7!$(B $(7!%(B $(7!&(B $(7!'(B $(7!((B $(7!)(B $(7!*(B $(7!+(B $(7!,(B $(7!-(B $(7!.(B $(7!/(B ;
42 ;;;2130 $(7!0(B $(7!1(B $(7!2(B $(7!3(B $(7!4(B $(7!5(B $(7!6(B $(7!7(B $(7!8(B $(7!9(B $(7!:(B $(7!;(B $(7!<(B $(7!=(B $(7!>(B $(7!?(B ; Punctuations,
43 ;;;2140 $(7!@(B $(7!A(B $(7!B(B $(7!C(B $(7!D(B $(7!E(B $(7!F(B $(7!G(B $(7!H(B $(7!I(B $(7!J(B $(7!K(B $(7!L(B $(7!M(B $(7!N(B $(7!O(B ; Digits and
44 ;;;2150 $(7!P(B $(7!Q(B $(7!R(B $(7!S(B $(7!T(B $(7!U(B $(7!V(B $(7!W(B $(7!X(B $(7!Y(B $(7!Z(B $(7![(B $(7!\(B $(7!](B $(7!^(B $(7!_(B ; Special signs.
45 ;;;2160 $(7!`(B $(7!a(B $(7!b(B $(7!c(B $(7!d(B $(7!e(B $(7!f(B $(7!g(B $(7!h(B $(7!i(B $(7!j(B $(7!k(B $(7!l(B $(7!m(B $(7!n(B $(7!o(B ;
46 ;;;2170 $(7!p(B $(7!q(B $(7!r(B $(7!s(B $(7!t(B $(7!u(B $(7!v(B $(7!w(B $(7!x(B $(7!y(B $(7!z(B $(7!{(B $(7!|(B $(7!}(B $(7!~(B // ;
47 ;;;
48 ;;; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
49 ;;;2220 // $(7"!(B $(7""(B $(7"#(B $(7"$(B $(7"%(B $(7"&(B $(7"'(B $(7"((B $(7")(B $(7"*(B $(7"+(B $(7",(B $(7"-(B $(7".(B $(7"/(B ; Base consonants
50 ;;;2230 $(7"0(B $(7"1(B $(7"2(B $(7"3(B $(7"4(B $(7"5(B $(7"6(B $(7"7(B $(7"8(B $(7"9(B $(7":(B $(7";(B $(7"<(B $(7"=(B $(7">(B $(7"?(B ; and
51 ;;;2240 $(7"@(B $(7"A(B $(7"B(B $(7"C(B $(7"D(B $(7"E(B $(7"F(B $(7"G(B $(7"H(B $(7"I(B $(7"J(B $(7"K(B $(7"L(B $(7"M(B $(7"N(B $(7"O(B ; Vowel signs.
52 ;;;2250 $(7"P(B $(7"Q(B $(7"R(B $(7"S(B $(7"T(B $(7"U(B $(7"V(B $(7"W(B $(7"X(B $(7"Y(B $(7"Z(B $(7"[(B $(7"\(B $(7"](B $(7"^(B $(7"_(B ; (\x2251 = vowel a)
53 ;;;2260 $(7"`(B $(7"a(B $(7"b(B $(7"c(B $(7"d(B $(7"e(B $(7"f(B $(7"g(B $(7"h(B $(7"i(B $(7"j(B $(7"k(B $(7"l(B $(7"m(B $(7"n(B $(7"o(B ; Long vowels and
54 ;;;2270 $(7"p(B $(7"q(B $(7"r(B $(7"s(B $(7"t(B $(7"u(B $(7"v(B $(7"w(B $(7"x(B $(7"y(B $(7"z(B $(7"{(B $(7"|(B $(7"}(B $(7"~(B // ; vocalic r, l are
55 ;;; ; not atomically
56 ;;; ; encoded.
57 ;;; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
58 ;;;2320 // $(7#!(B $(7#"(B $(7##(B $(7#$(B $(7#%(B $(7#&(B $(7#'(B $(7#((B $(7#)(B $(7#*(B $(7#+(B $(7#,(B $(7#-(B $(7#.(B $(7#/(B ; Subjoined consonants
59 ;;;2330 $(7#0(B $(7#1(B $(7#2(B $(7#3(B $(7#4(B $(7#5(B $(7#6(B $(7#7(B $(7#8(B $(7#9(B $(7#:(B $(7#;(B $(7#<(B $(7#=(B $(7#>(B $(7#?(B ;
60 ;;;2340 $(7#@(B $(7#A(B $(7#B(B $(7#C(B $(7#D(B $(7#E(B $(7#F(B $(7#G(B $(7#H(B $(7#I(B $(7#J(B $(7#K(B $(7#L(B $(7#M(B $(7#N(B $(7#O(B ; 'a chung (\x2341)is
61 ;;; ; here,
62 ;;; ; while in Unicode
63 ;;; ; it is classified
64 ;;; ; as a vowel sign
65 ;;; ; (\x0f71).
66 ;;;
67 ;;;2350 $(7#P(B $(7#Q(B $(7#R(B $(7#S(B $(7#T(B $(7#U(B $(7#V(B $(7#W(B $(7#X(B $(7#Y(B $(7#Z(B $(7#[(B $(7#\(B $(7#](B $(7#^(B $(7#_(B ; Hereafter, the chars
68 ;;;2360 $(7#`(B $(7#a(B $(7#b(B $(7#c(B $(7#d(B $(7#e(B $(7#f(B $(7#g(B $(7#h(B $(7#i(B $(7#j(B $(7#k(B $(7#l(B $(7#m(B $(7#n(B $(7#o(B ; are not specified
69 ;;;2370 $(7#p(B $(7#q(B $(7#r(B $(7#s(B $(7#t(B $(7#u(B $(7#v(B $(7#w(B $(7#x(B $(7#y(B $(7#z(B $(7#{(B $(7#|(B $(7#}(B $(7#~(B // ; in Unicode.
70 ;;; ; The character \x2351
71 ;;; ; is not used in our
72 ;;; ; implementation.
73 ;;; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
74 ;;;2420 // $(7$!(B $(7$"(B $(7$#(B $(7$$(B $(7$%(B $(7$&(B $(7$'(B $(7$((B $(7$)(B $(7$*(B $(7$+(B $(7$,(B $(7$-(B $(7$.(B $(7$/(B ; Precomposed
75 ;;;2430 $(7$0(B $(7$1(B $(7$2(B $(7$3(B $(7$4(B $(7$5(B $(7$6(B $(7$7(B $(7$8(B $(7$9(B $(7$:(B $(7$;(B $(7$<(B $(7$=(B $(7$>(B $(7$?(B ; consonants for
76 ;;;2440 $(7$@(B $(7$A(B $(7$B(B $(7$C(B $(7$D(B $(7$E(B $(7$F(B $(7$G(B $(7$H(B $(7$I(B $(7$J(B $(7$K(B $(7$L(B $(7$M(B $(7$N(B $(7$O(B ; ordinary Tibetan.
77 ;;;2450 $(7$P(B $(7$Q(B $(7$R(B $(7$S(B $(7$T(B $(7$U(B $(7$V(B $(7$W(B $(7$X(B $(7$Y(B $(7$Z(B $(7$[(B $(7$\(B $(7$](B $(7$^(B $(7$_(B ; They are decomposed
78 ;;;2460 $(7$`(B $(7$a(B $(7$b(B $(7$c(B $(7$d(B $(7$e(B $(7$f(B $(7$g(B $(7$h(B $(7$i(B $(7$j(B $(7$k(B $(7$l(B $(7$m(B $(7$n(B $(7$o(B ; into base and
79 ;;;2470 $(7$p(B $(7$q(B $(7$r(B $(7$s(B $(7$t(B $(7$u(B $(7$v(B $(7$w(B $(7$x(B $(7$y(B $(7$z(B $(7${(B $(7$|(B $(7$}(B $(7$~(B // ; subjoined consonants
80 ;;; ; when written on a
81 ;;; 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ; file in Tibetan
82 ;;;2520 // $(7%!(B $(7%"(B $(7%#(B $(7%$(B $(7%%(B $(7%&(B $(7%'(B $(7%((B $(7%)(B $(7%*(B $(7%+(B $(7%,(B $(7%-(B $(7%.(B $(7%/(B ; coding system.
83 ;;;2530 $(7%0(B $(7%1(B $(7%2(B $(7%3(B $(7%4(B $(7%5(B $(7%6(B $(7%7(B $(7%8(B $(7%9(B $(7%:(B $(7%;(B $(7%<(B $(7%=(B $(7%>(B $(7%?(B ;
84 ;;;2540 $(7%@(B $(7%A(B $(7%B(B $(7%C(B $(7%D(B $(7%E(B $(7%F(B $(7%G(B $(7%H(B $(7%I(B $(7%J(B $(7%K(B $(7%L(B $(7%M(B $(7%N(B $(7%O(B ;
85 ;;;2550 $(7%P(B $(7%Q(B $(7%R(B $(7%S(B $(7%T(B $(7%U(B $(7%V(B $(7%W(B $(7%X(B $(7%Y(B $(7%Z(B $(7%[(B $(7%\(B $(7%](B $(7%^(B $(7%_(B ;
86 ;;;2560 $(7%`(B $(7%a(B $(7%b(B $(7%c(B $(7%d(B $(7%e(B $(7%f(B $(7%g(B $(7%h(B $(7%i(B $(7%j(B $(7%k(B $(7%l(B $(7%m(B $(7%n(B $(7%o(B ;
87 ;;;2570 $(7%p(B $(7%q(B $(7%r(B $(7%s(B $(7%t(B $(7%u(B $(7%v(B $(7%w(B $(7%x(B $(7%y(B $(7%z(B $(7%{(B $(7%|(B $(7%}(B $(7%~(B // ;
88 ;;;
91 (make-coding-system
92 'tibetan 2 ?Q
93 "Coding-system used for ASCII(MSB=0) & TIBETAN(MSB=1)."
94 '((ascii t) (tibetan t) nil nil
95 nil ascii-eol))
97 (put 'tibetan 'post-read-conversion 'tibetan-post-read-conversion)
98 (put 'tibetan 'pre-write-conversion 'tibetan-pre-write-conversion)
100 (register-input-method
101 "Tibetan" '("quail-tibetan-wylie" quail-use-package "quail/tibetan"))
102 (register-input-method
103 "Tibetan" '("quail-tibetan-tibkey" quail-use-package "quail/tibetan"))
105 (defun setup-tibetan-environment ()
106 (setq coding-category-iso-7 'tibetan)
108 (set-coding-priority
109 '(coding-category-iso-7
110 coding-category-iso-8-1))
112 (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'iso-2022-7)
114 (setq default-input-method '("Tibetan" . "quail-tibetan-wylie")))
116 (set-language-info-alist
117 "Tibetan" '((setup-function . setup-tibetan-environment)
118 (charset . (tibetan tibetan-1-column))
119 (coding-system . (tibetan))
120 (documentation . t)
121 (sample-text .
122 "Tibetan (2$(7"70"]1"2$(8!;2$(7%P`"Q1"2$(8!;(B) 2$(7#RP#SP#S1!>"72$P`"Q1$(8!;2$(7"E0"S1"G$(8!;$(7"72"20"[1$(8!;2$(7"D0"[1"#"G!>2"I0"]0"_1$(8!;2$(7"9`"Q1$(8!;2$(7"/0"S1$(8!;2$(7"5`"Q12#2`#90"[1$(8!;2$(7"H`#A`"U0"c1!>(B")))
125 ;;;
126 ;;; Definitions of conversion data.
127 ;;;
130 ;;; alists for tibetan char <-> transcription conversion
131 ;;; longer transcription should come first
132 (defconst tibetan-consonant-transcription-alist
133 '(("tsh" . "$(7";(B")
134 ("dzh" . "$(7"=(B")
135 ("kSH" . "$(7"J(B")
136 ("kh" . "$(7""(B")
137 ("gh" . "$(7"$(B")
138 ("ng" . "$(7"%(B")
139 ("ch" . "$(7"'(B")
140 ("ny" . "$(7"*(B")
141 ("TH" . "$(7",(B")
142 ("DH" . "$(7".(B")
143 ("th" . "$(7"1(B")
144 ("dh" . "$(7"3(B")
145 ("ph" . "$(7"6(B")
146 ("bh" . "$(7"8(B")
147 ("ts" . "$(7":(B")
148 ("dz" . "$(7"<(B")
149 ("zh" . "$(7"?(B")
150 ("sh" . "$(7"E(B")
151 ("SH" . "$(7"F(B")
152 ("k" . "$(7"!(B")
153 ("g" . "$(7"#(B")
154 ("c" . "$(7"&(B")
155 ("j" . "$(7"((B")
156 ("T" . "$(7"+(B")
157 ("D" . "$(7"-(B")
158 ("N" . "$(7"/(B")
159 ("t" . "$(7"0(B")
160 ("d" . "$(7"2(B")
161 ("n" . "$(7"4(B")
162 ("p" . "$(7"5(B")
163 ("b" . "$(7"7(B")
164 ("m" . "$(7"9(B")
165 ("w" . "$(7">(B")
166 ("z" . "$(7"@(B")
167 ("'" . "$(7"A(B")
168 ("y" . "$(7"B(B")
169 ("r" . "$(7"C(B")
170 ("l" . "$(7"D(B")
171 ("s" . "$(7"G(B")
172 ("h" . "$(7"H(B")
173 ("H" . "$(7"H(B")
174 ("A" . "$(7"I(B")))
177 (defconst tibetan-vowel-transcription-alist
178 '(("ai" . "$(7"\(B")
179 ("au" . "$(7"^(B")
180 ("ee" . "$(7"\(B")
181 ("oo" . "$(7"^(B")
182 ("a" . "$(7"Q(B") ; invisible vowel sign (\x2251)
183 ("i" . "$(7"S(B")
184 ("u" . "$(7"U(B")
185 ("e" . "$(7"[(B")
186 ("o" . "$(7"](B")
187 ("E" . "$(7"\(B")
188 ("O" . "$(7"^(B")
189 ("I" . "$(7"a(B")
190 ("M" . "$(7"_(B")
191 ("~" . "$(7"c(B") ; not specified in Ext.wylie
192 ("`" . "$(7"d(B") ; idem.
193 ("," . "$(7"e(B") ; idem.
194 ("v" . "$(7"g(B") ; idem.
195 ("V" . "$(7"h(B") ; idem.
196 ("x" . "$(7"i(B") ; idem.
197 ("X" . "$(7"j(B") ; idem.
198 ("q" . "$(7"k(B") ; idem.
199 ("Q" . "$(7"l(B") ; idem.
200 ("_o" . "$(7!g(B") ; idem.
201 ("_O" . "$(7!e(B") ; idem.
202 ("_/" . "$(7!I(B") ; idem.
203 ))
205 (defconst tibetan-precomposed-transcription-alist
206 '(("phyw" . "$(7$G(B")
207 ("tshw" . "$(7$)(B")
208 ("rtsw" . "$(7%.(B")
209 ("khw" . "$(7$"(B")
210 ("nyw" . "$(7$%(B")
211 ("tsw" . "$(7$((B")
212 ("zhw" . "$(7$*(B")
213 ("shw" . "$(7$.(B")
214 ("khy" . "$(7$A(B")
215 ("phy" . "$(7$D(B")
216 ("khr" . "$(7$Q(B")
217 ("thr" . "$(7$T(B")
218 ("phr" . "$(7$W(B")
219 ("shr" . "$(7$Z(B")
220 ("dzr" . "$(7$^(B")
221 ("grw" . "$(7$_(B")
222 ("rng" . "$(7%#(B")
223 ("rny" . "$(7%%(B")
224 ("rts" . "$(7%+(B")
225 ("rdz" . "$(7%,(B")
226 ("rgw" . "$(7%-(B")
227 ("rky" . "$(7%0(B")
228 ("rgy" . "$(7%1(B")
229 ("rmy" . "$(7%2(B")
230 ("lng" . "$(7%B(B")
231 ("sng" . "$(7%R(B")
232 ("sny" . "$(7%S(B")
233 ("sts" . "$(7%Z(B")
234 ("sky" . "$(7%`(B")
235 ("sgy" . "$(7%a(B")
236 ("spy" . "$(7%b(B")
237 ("sby" . "$(7%c(B")
238 ("smy" . "$(7%d(B")
239 ("skr" . "$(7%p(B")
240 ("sgr" . "$(7%q(B")
241 ("snr" . "$(7%r(B")
242 ("spr" . "$(7%s(B")
243 ("sbr" . "$(7%t(B")
244 ("smr" . "$(7%u(B")
245 ("kw" . "$(7$!(B")
246 ("gw" . "$(7$#(B")
247 ("cw" . "$(7$$(B")
248 ("tw" . "$(7$&(B")
249 ("dw" . "$(7$'(B")
250 ("zw" . "$(7$+(B")
251 ("rw" . "$(7$,(B")
252 ("lw" . "$(7$-(B")
253 ("sw" . "$(7$/(B")
254 ("hw" . "$(7$0(B")
255 ("ky" . "$(7$@(B")
256 ("gy" . "$(7$B(B")
257 ("py" . "$(7$C(B")
258 ("by" . "$(7$E(B")
259 ("my" . "$(7$F(B")
260 ("kr" . "$(7$P(B")
261 ("gr" . "$(7$R(B")
262 ("tr" . "$(7$S(B")
263 ("dr" . "$(7$U(B")
264 ("pr" . "$(7$V(B")
265 ("brk" . "$(7"7%!(B")
266 ("brg" . "$(7"7%"(B")
267 ("brng" . "$(7"7%#(B")
268 ("brj" . "$(7"7%$(B")
269 ("brny" . "$(7"7%%(B")
270 ("brt" . "$(7"7%&(B")
271 ("brd" . "$(7"7%'(B")
272 ("brn" . "$(7"7%((B")
273 ("brts" . "$(7"7%+(B")
274 ("brdz" . "$(7"7%,(B")
275 ("brl" . "$(7"7$d(B")
276 ("br" . "$(7$X(B")
277 ("mr" . "$(7$Y(B")
278 ("sr" . "$(7$[(B")
279 ("hr" . "$(7$\(B")
280 ("jr" . "$(7$](B")
281 ("kl" . "$(7$`(B")
282 ("gl" . "$(7$a(B")
283 ("blt" . "$(7"7%E(B")
284 ("bld" . "$(7"7%F(B")
285 ("bl" . "$(7$b(B")
286 ("zl" . "$(7$c(B")
287 ("rl" . "$(7$d(B")
288 ("sl" . "$(7$e(B")
289 ("rk" . "$(7%!(B")
290 ("rg" . "$(7%"(B")
291 ("rj" . "$(7%$(B")
292 ("rt" . "$(7%&(B")
293 ("rd" . "$(7%'(B")
294 ("rn" . "$(7%((B")
295 ("rb" . "$(7%)(B")
296 ("rm" . "$(7%*(B")
297 ("lk" . "$(7%@(B")
298 ("lg" . "$(7%A(B")
299 ("lc" . "$(7%C(B")
300 ("lj" . "$(7%D(B")
301 ("lt" . "$(7%E(B")
302 ("ld" . "$(7%F(B")
303 ("ln" . "$(7!!(B") ; dummy \x2121
304 ("lp" . "$(7%G(B")
305 ("lb" . "$(7%H(B")
306 ("lh" . "$(7%I(B")
307 ("sk" . "$(7%P(B")
308 ("sg" . "$(7%Q(B")
309 ("st" . "$(7%T(B")
310 ("sd" . "$(7%U(B")
311 ("sn" . "$(7%V(B")
312 ("sp" . "$(7%W(B")
313 ("sb" . "$(7%X(B")
314 ("sm" . "$(7%Y(B")))
316 (defconst tibetan-subjoined-transcription-alist
317 '(("+k" . "$(7#!(B")
318 ("+kh" . "$(7#"(B")
319 ("+g" . "$(7##(B")
320 ("+gh" . "$(7#$(B")
321 ("+ng" . "$(7#%(B")
322 ("+c" . "$(7#&(B")
323 ("+ch" . "$(7#'(B")
324 ("+j" . "$(7#((B")
325 ("+ny" . "$(7#*(B")
326 ("+T" . "$(7#+(B")
327 ("+TH" . "$(7#,(B")
328 ("+D" . "$(7#-(B")
329 ("+DH" . "$(7#.(B")
330 ("+N" . "$(7#/(B")
331 ("+t" . "$(7#0(B")
332 ("+th" . "$(7#1(B")
333 ("+d" . "$(7#2(B")
334 ("+dh" . "$(7#3(B")
335 ("+n" . "$(7#4(B")
336 ("+p" . "$(7#5(B")
337 ("+ph" . "$(7#6(B")
338 ("+b" . "$(7#7(B")
339 ("+bh" . "$(7#8(B")
340 ("+m" . "$(7#9(B")
341 ("+ts" . "$(7#:(B")
342 ("+tsh" . "$(7#;(B")
343 ("+dz" . "$(7#<(B")
344 ("+dzh" . "$(7#=(B")
345 ("+w" . "$(7#>(B")
346 ("+zh" . "$(7#?(B")
347 ("+z" . "$(7#@(B")
348 ("+'" . "$(7#A(B")
349 ("+y" . "$(7#B(B")
350 ("+r" . "$(7#C(B")
351 ("+l" . "$(7#D(B")
352 ("+sh" . "$(7#E(B")
353 ("+SH" . "$(7#F(B")
354 ("+s" . "$(7#G(B")
355 ("+h" . "$(7#H(B")
356 ("+A" . "$(7#I(B")
357 ("+kSH" . "$(7#J(B")
358 ("R" . "$(7#P(B")))
360 ;;;
361 ;;; alist for Tibetan base consonant <-> subjoined consonant conversion.
362 ;;;
363 (defconst tibetan-base-to-subjoined-alist
364 '(("$(7"!(B" . "$(7#!(B")
365 ("$(7""(B" . "$(7#"(B")
366 ("$(7"#(B" . "$(7##(B")
367 ("$(7"$(B" . "$(7#$(B")
368 ("$(7"%(B" . "$(7#%(B")
369 ("$(7"&(B" . "$(7#&(B")
370 ("$(7"'(B" . "$(7#'(B")
371 ("$(7"((B" . "$(7#((B")
372 ("$(7"*(B" . "$(7#*(B")
373 ("$(7"+(B" . "$(7#+(B")
374 ("$(7",(B" . "$(7#,(B")
375 ("$(7"-(B" . "$(7#-(B")
376 ("$(7".(B" . "$(7#.(B")
377 ("$(7"/(B" . "$(7#/(B")
378 ("$(7"0(B" . "$(7#0(B")
379 ("$(7"1(B" . "$(7#1(B")
380 ("$(7"2(B" . "$(7#2(B")
381 ("$(7"3(B" . "$(7#3(B")
382 ("$(7"4(B" . "$(7#4(B")
383 ("$(7"5(B" . "$(7#5(B")
384 ("$(7"6(B" . "$(7#6(B")
385 ("$(7"7(B" . "$(7#7(B")
386 ("$(7"8(B" . "$(7#8(B")
387 ("$(7"9(B" . "$(7#9(B")
388 ("$(7":(B" . "$(7#:(B")
389 ("$(7";(B" . "$(7#;(B")
390 ("$(7"<(B" . "$(7#<(B")
391 ("$(7"=(B" . "$(7#=(B")
392 ("$(7">(B" . "$(7#>(B")
393 ("$(7"?(B" . "$(7#?(B")
394 ("$(7"@(B" . "$(7#@(B")
395 ("$(7"A(B" . "$(7#A(B")
396 ("$(7"B(B" . "$(7#B(B")
397 ("$(7"C(B" . "$(7#C(B")
398 ("$(7"D(B" . "$(7#D(B")
399 ("$(7"E(B" . "$(7#E(B")
400 ("$(7"F(B" . "$(7#F(B")
401 ("$(7"G(B" . "$(7#G(B")
402 ("$(7"H(B" . "$(7#H(B")
403 ("$(7"I(B" . "$(7#I(B")
404 ("$(7"J(B" . "$(7#J(B")))
406 ;;;
407 ;;; alist for Tibetan consonantic components <-> precomposed glyph conversion.
408 ;;; (includes some punctuation conversion rules)
409 ;;;
410 (defconst tibetan-precomposition-rule-alist
411 '(("$(7"6#B#>(B" . "$(7$G(B")
412 ("$(7"##C#>(B" . "$(7$_(B")
413 ("$(7";#>(B" . "$(7$)(B")
414 ("$(7"C#:#>(B" . "$(7%.(B")
415 ("$(7"C###>(B" . "$(7%-(B")
416 ("$(7"C#!#B(B" . "$(7%0(B")
417 ("$(7"C###B(B" . "$(7%1(B")
418 ("$(7"C#9#B(B" . "$(7%2(B")
419 ("$(7"G#!#B(B" . "$(7%`(B")
420 ("$(7"G###B(B" . "$(7%a(B")
421 ("$(7"G#5#B(B" . "$(7%b(B")
422 ("$(7"G#7#B(B" . "$(7%c(B")
423 ("$(7"G#9#B(B" . "$(7%d(B")
424 ("$(7"G#!#C(B" . "$(7%p(B")
425 ("$(7"G###C(B" . "$(7%q(B")
426 ("$(7"G#4#C(B" . "$(7%r(B")
427 ("$(7"G#5#C(B" . "$(7%s(B")
428 ("$(7"G#7#C(B" . "$(7%t(B")
429 ("$(7"G#9#C(B" . "$(7%u(B")
430 ("$(7""#>(B" . "$(7$"(B")
431 ("$(7"*#>(B" . "$(7$%(B")
432 ("$(7":#>(B" . "$(7$((B")
433 ("$(7"?#>(B" . "$(7$*(B")
434 ("$(7"E#>(B" . "$(7$.(B")
435 ("$(7""#B(B" . "$(7$A(B")
436 ("$(7"6#B(B" . "$(7$D(B")
437 ("$(7""#C(B" . "$(7$Q(B")
438 ("$(7"1#C(B" . "$(7$T(B")
439 ("$(7"6#C(B" . "$(7$W(B")
440 ("$(7"E#C(B" . "$(7$Z(B")
441 ("$(7"<#C(B" . "$(7$^(B")
442 ("$(7"C#%(B" . "$(7%#(B")
443 ("$(7"C#*(B" . "$(7%%(B")
444 ("$(7"C#:(B" . "$(7%+(B")
445 ("$(7"C#<(B" . "$(7%,(B")
446 ("$(7"D#%(B" . "$(7%B(B")
447 ("$(7"G#%(B" . "$(7%R(B")
448 ("$(7"G#*(B" . "$(7%S(B")
449 ("$(7"G#:(B" . "$(7%Z(B")
450 ("$(7"!#>(B" . "$(7$!(B")
451 ("$(7"##>(B" . "$(7$#(B")
452 ("$(7"&#>(B" . "$(7$$(B")
453 ("$(7"0#>(B" . "$(7$&(B")
454 ("$(7"2#>(B" . "$(7$'(B")
455 ("$(7"@#>(B" . "$(7$+(B")
456 ("$(7"C#>(B" . "$(7$,(B")
457 ("$(7"D#>(B" . "$(7$-(B")
458 ("$(7"G#>(B" . "$(7$/(B")
459 ("$(7"H#>(B" . "$(7$0(B")
460 ("$(7"!#B(B" . "$(7$@(B")
461 ("$(7"##B(B" . "$(7$B(B")
462 ("$(7"5#B(B" . "$(7$C(B")
463 ("$(7"7#B(B" . "$(7$E(B")
464 ("$(7"9#B(B" . "$(7$F(B")
465 ("$(7"!#C(B" . "$(7$P(B")
466 ("$(7"##C(B" . "$(7$R(B")
467 ("$(7"0#C(B" . "$(7$S(B")
468 ("$(7"2#C(B" . "$(7$U(B")
469 ("$(7"5#C(B" . "$(7$V(B")
470 ("$(7"7#C(B" . "$(7$X(B")
471 ("$(7"9#C(B" . "$(7$Y(B")
472 ("$(7"G#C(B" . "$(7$[(B")
473 ("$(7"H#C(B" . "$(7$\(B")
474 ("$(7"(#C(B" . "$(7$](B")
475 ("$(7"!#D(B" . "$(7$`(B")
476 ("$(7"##D(B" . "$(7$a(B")
477 ("$(7"7#D(B" . "$(7$b(B")
478 ("$(7"@#D(B" . "$(7$c(B")
479 ("$(7"C#D(B" . "$(7$d(B")
480 ("$(7"G#D(B" . "$(7$e(B")
481 ("$(7"C#!(B" . "$(7%!(B")
482 ("$(7"C##(B" . "$(7%"(B")
483 ("$(7"C#((B" . "$(7%$(B")
484 ("$(7"C#0(B" . "$(7%&(B")
485 ("$(7"C#2(B" . "$(7%'(B")
486 ("$(7"C#4(B" . "$(7%((B")
487 ("$(7"C#7(B" . "$(7%)(B")
488 ("$(7"C#9(B" . "$(7%*(B")
489 ("$(7"D#!(B" . "$(7%@(B")
490 ("$(7"D##(B" . "$(7%A(B")
491 ("$(7"D#&(B" . "$(7%C(B")
492 ("$(7"D#((B" . "$(7%D(B")
493 ("$(7"D#0(B" . "$(7%E(B")
494 ("$(7"D#2(B" . "$(7%F(B")
495 ("$(7"D#5(B" . "$(7%G(B")
496 ("$(7"D#7(B" . "$(7%H(B")
497 ("$(7"D#H(B" . "$(7%I(B")
498 ("$(7"G#!(B" . "$(7%P(B")
499 ("$(7"G##(B" . "$(7%Q(B")
500 ("$(7"G#0(B" . "$(7%T(B")
501 ("$(7"G#2(B" . "$(7%U(B")
502 ("$(7"G#4(B" . "$(7%V(B")
503 ("$(7"G#5(B" . "$(7%W(B")
504 ("$(7"G#7(B" . "$(7%X(B")
505 ("$(7"G#9(B" . "$(7%Y(B")
506 ("$(7!=(B" . "$(8!=(B") ; 2 col <-> 1 col
507 ("$(7!?(B" . "$(8!?(B")
508 ("$(7!@(B" . "$(8!@(B")
509 ("$(7!A(B" . "$(8!A(B")
510 ("$(7"`(B" . "$(8"`(B")
511 ("$(7!;(B" . "$(8!;(B")
512 ("$(7!D(B" . "$(8!D(B")
513 ("$(7!>(B $(7!>(B" . "2$(7!>P(B P$(7!>1(B") ; Yes this is dirty. But ...
514 ("$(7!4!5!5(B" . "2$(7#RP#SP#SP#S1(B")
515 ("$(7!4!5(B" . "2$(7#RP#SP#S1(B")
516 ("$(7!6(B" . "2$(7#RP#S_!I1(B")
517 ("$(7!4(B" . "2$(7#RP#S1(B")))
519 (defvar tibetan-regexp
520 (let ((l (append tibetan-consonant-transcription-alist
521 tibetan-vowel-transcription-alist
522 tibetan-subjoined-transcription-alist))
523 temp)
524 (setq temp "\\(")
525 (setq temp (concat temp (car (car l))))
526 (setq l (cdr l))
527 (while l
528 (setq temp (concat temp "\\|" (car (car l))))
529 (setq l (cdr l)))
530 (concat temp "\\)$"))
531 "Regexp string to match a romanized Tibetan character component, i.e.,
532 base and subjoined consonant, vowel and vowel modifier. The result of matching
533 is to be used for indexing alists at conversion from a roman transcription to
534 the corresponding Tibetan character.")
536 (defvar tibetan-precomposed-regexp
537 (let ((l tibetan-precomposed-transcription-alist)
538 temp)
539 (setq temp "^\\(")
540 (setq temp
541 (concat temp (car (car l))))
542 (setq l (cdr l))
543 (while l
544 (setq temp
545 (concat temp "\\|" (car (car l))))
546 (setq l (cdr l)))
547 (concat temp "\\)"))
548 "Regexp string to match a romanized Tibetan complex consonant.
549 The result of matching is to be used for indexing alists when the input key
550 from an input method is converted to the corresponding precomposed glyph.")
552 (defvar tibetan-precomposition-rule-regexp
553 (let ((l tibetan-precomposition-rule-alist)
554 temp)
555 (setq temp "\\(")
556 (setq temp (concat temp (car (car l))))
557 (setq l (cdr l))
558 (while l
559 (setq temp (concat temp "\\|" (car (car l))))
560 (setq l (cdr l)))
561 (concat temp "\\)"))
562 "Regexp string to match a sequence of Tibetan consonantic components, i.e.,
563 one base consonant and one or more subjoined consonants.
564 The result of matching is to be used for indexing alist when the component
565 sequence is converted to the corresponding precomposed glyph.
566 This also matches some punctuation characters which need conversion.")
568 (defvar tibetan-decomposed nil)
569 (defvar tibetan-decomposed-temp nil)
571 ;;; language/tibetan.el ends here