+ − 1 ;;; easymenu.el - Easy menu support for Emacs 19 and XEmacs.
+ − 2
+ − 3 ;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ − 4
+ − 5 ;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <abraham@dina.kvl.dk>
+ − 6 ;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
+ − 7 ;; Keywords: internal, extensions, dumped
+ − 8
+ − 9 ;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+ − 10
+ − 11 ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ − 12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ − 13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ − 14 ;; any later version.
+ − 15
+ − 16 ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ − 17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ − 20
+ − 21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ − 22 ;; along with XEmacs; if not, write to the Free Software
+ − 23 ;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ − 24 ;; 02111-1307, USA.
+ − 25
+ − 26 ;;; Synched up with: Not synched with FSF but coordinated with the FSF
+ − 27 ;;; easymenu maintainer for compatibility with FSF 20.4.
+ − 28 ;;; Please: Coordinate changes with Inge Frick <inge@nada.kth.se>
+ − 29
+ − 30 ;; Commentary:
+ − 31
+ − 32 ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+ − 33
+ − 34 ;; Easymenu allows you to define menus for both Emacs 19 and XEmacs.
+ − 35
+ − 36 ;; This file
+ − 37 ;; The advantages of using easymenu are:
+ − 38
+ − 39 ;; - Easier to use than either the Emacs 19 and XEmacs menu syntax.
+ − 40
+ − 41 ;; - Common interface for Emacs 18, Emacs 19, and XEmacs.
+ − 42 ;; (The code does nothing when run under Emacs 18).
+ − 43
+ − 44 ;; The public functions are:
+ − 45
+ − 46 ;; - Function: easy-menu-define SYMBOL MAPS DOC MENU
+ − 47 ;; SYMBOL is both the name of the variable that holds the menu and
+ − 48 ;; the name of a function that will present the menu.
+ − 49 ;; MAPS is a list of keymaps where the menu should appear in the menubar.
+ − 50 ;; DOC is the documentation string for the variable.
+ − 51 ;; MENU is an XEmacs style menu description.
+ − 52
+ − 53 ;; See the documentation for easy-menu-define for details.
+ − 54
+ − 55 ;; - Function: easy-menu-change PATH NAME ITEMS
+ − 56 ;; Change an existing menu.
+ − 57 ;; The menu must already exist and be visible on the menu bar.
+ − 58 ;; PATH is a list of strings used for locating the menu on the menu bar.
+ − 59 ;; NAME is the name of the menu.
+ − 60 ;; ITEMS is a list of menu items, as defined in `easy-menu-define'.
+ − 61
+ − 62 ;; - Function: easy-menu-add MENU [ MAP ]
+ − 63 ;; Add MENU to the current menubar in MAP.
+ − 64
+ − 65 ;; - Function: easy-menu-remove MENU
+ − 66 ;; Remove MENU from the current menubar.
+ − 67
+ − 68 ;; - Function: easy-menu-add-item
+ − 69 ;; Add item or submenu to existing menu
+ − 70
+ − 71 ;; - Function: easy-menu-item-present-p
+ − 72 ;; Locate item
+ − 73
+ − 74 ;; - Function: easy-menu-remove-item
+ − 75 ;; Delete item from menu.
+ − 76
+ − 77 ;; Emacs 19 never uses `easy-menu-add' or `easy-menu-remove', menus
+ − 78 ;; automatically appear and disappear when the keymaps specified by
+ − 79 ;; the MAPS argument to `easy-menu-define' are activated.
+ − 80
+ − 81 ;; XEmacs will bind the map to button3 in each MAPS, but you must
+ − 82 ;; explicitly call `easy-menu-add' and `easy-menu-remove' to add and
+ − 83 ;; remove menus from the menu bar.
+ − 84
+ − 85 ;;; Code:
+ − 86
+ − 87 ;; ;;;###autoload
+ − 88 (defmacro easy-menu-define (symbol maps doc menu)
+ − 89 "Define a menu bar submenu in maps MAPS, according to MENU.
+ − 90 The arguments SYMBOL and DOC are ignored; they are present for
+ − 91 compatibility only. SYMBOL is not evaluated. In other Emacs versions
+ − 92 these arguments may be used as a variable to hold the menu data, and a
+ − 93 doc string for that variable.
+ − 94
+ − 95 The first element of MENU must be a string. It is the menu bar item name.
+ − 96 The rest of the elements are menu items.
+ − 97
+ − 98 A menu item is usually a vector of three elements: [NAME CALLBACK ENABLE]
+ − 99
+ − 100 NAME is a string--the menu item name.
+ − 101
+ − 102 CALLBACK is a command to run when the item is chosen,
+ − 103 or a list to evaluate when the item is chosen.
+ − 104
+ − 105 ENABLE is an expression; the item is enabled for selection
+ − 106 whenever this expression's value is non-nil.
+ − 107
+ − 108 Alternatively, a menu item may have the form:
+ − 109
+ − 110 [ NAME CALLBACK [ KEYWORD ARG ] ... ]
+ − 111
+ − 112 Where KEYWORD is one of the symbol defined below.
+ − 113
+ − 114 :keys KEYS
+ − 115
+ − 116 KEYS is a string; a complex keyboard equivalent to this menu item.
+ − 117
+ − 118 :active ENABLE
+ − 119
+ − 120 ENABLE is an expression; the item is enabled for selection
+ − 121 whenever this expression's value is non-nil.
+ − 122
+ − 123 :suffix NAME
+ − 124
+ − 125 NAME is a string; the name of an argument to CALLBACK.
+ − 126
+ − 127 :style STYLE
+ − 128
+ − 129 STYLE is a symbol describing the type of menu item. The following are
+ − 130 defined:
+ − 131
+ − 132 toggle: A checkbox.
+ − 133 Currently just prepend the name with the string \"Toggle \".
+ − 134 radio: A radio button.
+ − 135 nil: An ordinary menu item.
+ − 136
+ − 137 :selected SELECTED
+ − 138
+ − 139 SELECTED is an expression; the checkbox or radio button is selected
+ − 140 whenever this expression's value is non-nil.
+ − 141 Currently just disable radio buttons, no effect on checkboxes.
+ − 142
+ − 143 A menu item can be a string. Then that string appears in the menu as
+ − 144 unselectable text. A string consisting solely of hyphens is displayed
+ − 145 as a solid horizontal line.
+ − 146
+ − 147 A menu item can be a list. It is treated as a submenu.
+ − 148 The first element should be the submenu name. That's used as the
+ − 149 menu item in the top-level menu. The cdr of the submenu list
+ − 150 is a list of menu items, as above."
+ − 151 `(progn
+ − 152 (defvar ,symbol nil ,doc)
+ − 153 (easy-menu-do-define (quote ,symbol) ,maps ,doc ,menu)))
+ − 154
+ − 155 (defun easy-menu-do-define (symbol maps doc menu)
+ − 156 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 157 (set symbol menu)
+ − 158 (fset symbol `(lambda (e)
+ − 159 ,doc
+ − 160 (interactive "@e")
+ − 161 (run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook)
+ − 162 (setq zmacs-region-stays t)
+ − 163 (popup-menu ,symbol)))))
+ − 164
+ − 165 (defun easy-menu-change (&rest args)
+ − 166 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 167 (apply 'add-menu args)))
+ − 168
+ − 169 ;; This variable hold the easy-menu mode menus of all major and
+ − 170 ;; minor modes currently in effect in the current buffer.
+ − 171 (defvar easy-menu-all-popups nil)
+ − 172 (make-variable-buffer-local 'easy-menu-all-popups)
+ − 173
+ − 174 (defun easy-menu-add (menu &optional map)
+ − 175 "Add MENU to the current menu bar."
+ − 176 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 177 (unless (member menu easy-menu-all-popups)
+ − 178 (push menu easy-menu-all-popups))
+ − 179 (setq mode-popup-menu (if (> (length easy-menu-all-popups) 1)
+ − 180 (cons (easy-menu-title)
+ − 181 (reverse easy-menu-all-popups))
+ − 182 (let ((same-as-menu
+ − 183 (car easy-menu-all-popups)))
+ − 184 (cons (normalize-menu-item-name
+ − 185 (car same-as-menu))
+ − 186 (cdr same-as-menu)))))
+ − 187
+ − 188 (cond ((null current-menubar)
+ − 189 ;; Don't add it to a non-existing menubar.
+ − 190 nil)
+ − 191 ((assoc (car menu) current-menubar)
+ − 192 ;; Already present.
+ − 193 nil)
+ − 194 ((equal current-menubar '(nil))
+ − 195 ;; Set at left if only contains right marker.
+ − 196 (set-buffer-menubar (list menu nil)))
+ − 197 (t
+ − 198 ;; Add at right.
+ − 199 (set-buffer-menubar (copy-sequence current-menubar))
+ − 200 (add-menu nil (car menu) (cdr menu))))))
+ − 201
+ − 202 (defun easy-menu-remove (menu)
+ − 203 "Remove MENU from the current menu bar."
+ − 204 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 205 (setq easy-menu-all-popups (delq menu easy-menu-all-popups)
+ − 206 mode-popup-menu (if (< (length easy-menu-all-popups) 1)
+ − 207 (cons (easy-menu-title)
+ − 208 (reverse easy-menu-all-popups))
+ − 209 (let ((same-as-menu
+ − 210 (car easy-menu-all-popups)))
+ − 211 (cons (normalize-menu-item-name
+ − 212 (car same-as-menu))
+ − 213 (cdr same-as-menu)))))
+ − 214
+ − 215 (and current-menubar
+ − 216 (assoc (car menu) current-menubar)
+ − 217 (delete-menu-item (list (car menu))))))
+ − 218
+ − 219 (defsubst easy-menu-normalize (menu)
+ − 220 (if (symbolp menu)
+ − 221 (symbol-value menu)
+ − 222 menu))
+ − 223
+ − 224 (defun easy-menu-add-item (menu path item &optional before)
+ − 225 "At the end of the submenu of MENU with path PATH, add ITEM.
+ − 226 If ITEM is already present in this submenu, then this item will be changed.
+ − 227 otherwise ITEM will be added at the end of the submenu, unless the optional
+ − 228 argument BEFORE is present, in which case ITEM will instead be added
+ − 229 before the item named BEFORE.
+ − 230 MENU is either a symbol, which have earlier been used as the first
+ − 231 argument in a call to `easy-menu-define', or the value of such a symbol
+ − 232 i.e. a menu, or nil, which stands for the current menubar.
+ − 233 PATH is a list of strings for locating the submenu where ITEM is to be
+ − 234 added. If PATH is nil, MENU itself is used. Otherwise, the first
+ − 235 element should be the name of a submenu directly under MENU. This
+ − 236 submenu is then traversed recursively with the remaining elements of PATH.
+ − 237 ITEM is either defined as in `easy-menu-define', a menu defined earlier
+ − 238 by `easy-menu-define' or `easy-menu-create-menu' or an item returned
+ − 239 from `easy-menu-item-present-p' or `easy-menu-remove-item'."
+ − 240 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 241 (add-menu-button path item before (easy-menu-normalize menu))))
+ − 242
+ − 243 (defun easy-menu-item-present-p (menu path name)
+ − 244 "In submenu of MENU with path PATH, return true iff item NAME is present.
+ − 245 MENU and PATH are defined as in `easy-menu-add-item'.
+ − 246 NAME should be a string, the name of the element to be looked for.
+ − 247
+ − 248 The return value can be used as an argument to `easy-menu-add-item'."
+ − 249 (if (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 250 (car (find-menu-item (or (easy-menu-normalize menu) current-menubar)
+ − 251 (append path (list name))))
+ − 252 nil))
+ − 253
+ − 254 (defun easy-menu-remove-item (menu path name)
+ − 255 "From submenu of MENU with path PATH, remove item NAME.
+ − 256 MENU and PATH are defined as in `easy-menu-add-item'.
+ − 257 NAME should be a string, the name of the element to be removed.
+ − 258
+ − 259 The return value can be used as an argument to `easy-menu-add-item'."
+ − 260 (when (featurep 'menubar)
+ − 261 (delete-menu-item (append path (list name))
+ − 262 (easy-menu-normalize menu))))
+ − 263
+ − 264
+ − 265
+ − 266
+ − 267 ;; Think up a good title for the menu. Take the major-mode of the
+ − 268 ;; buffer, strip the -mode part, convert hyphens to spaces, and
+ − 269 ;; capitalize it.
+ − 270 ;;
+ − 271 ;; If you can think of something smarter, feel free to replace it.
+ − 272 ;; Don't forget to mail the change to xemacs@xemacs.org where everyone
+ − 273 ;; can flame, er, praise your changes.
+ − 274 (defun easy-menu-title ()
+ − 275 (capitalize (replace-in-string (replace-in-string
+ − 276 (symbol-name major-mode) "-mode$" "")
+ − 277 "-" " ")))
+ − 278
+ − 279 (provide 'easymenu)
+ − 280
+ − 281 ;;; easymenu.el ends here