1 /* mswindows-specific Lisp objects.
2 Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois.
4 Copyright (C) 1995 Tinker Systems.
5 Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing.
6 Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7 Copyright (C) 1997 Jonathan Harris.
9 This file is part of XEmacs.
11 XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13 Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
14 later version.
16 XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
19 for more details.
21 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
23 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
26 /* Synched up with: Not in FSF. */
28 /* Authorship:
30 Jamie Zawinski, Chuck Thompson, Ben Wing
31 Rewritten for mswindows by Jonathan Harris, November 1997 for 21.0.
32 */
35 /* TODO: palette handling */
37 #include <config.h>
38 #include "lisp.h"
39 #include "hash.h"
41 #include "console-msw.h"
42 #include "objects-msw.h"
44 #ifdef MULE
45 #include "mule-charset.h"
46 #endif
48 #include "buffer.h"
49 #include "device.h"
50 #include "insdel.h"
52 #ifdef __CYGWIN32__
53 #define stricmp strcasecmp
54 #endif
56 typedef struct colormap_t
57 {
58 char *name;
59 COLORREF colorref;
60 } colormap_t;
62 /* Colors from X11R6 "XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp" */
63 static CONST colormap_t mswindows_X_color_map[] =
64 {
65 {"snow" , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
66 {"GhostWhite" , PALETTERGB (248, 248, 255) },
67 {"WhiteSmoke" , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
68 {"gainsboro" , PALETTERGB (220, 220, 220) },
69 {"FloralWhite" , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 240) },
70 {"OldLace" , PALETTERGB (253, 245, 230) },
71 {"linen" , PALETTERGB (250, 240, 230) },
72 {"AntiqueWhite" , PALETTERGB (250, 235, 215) },
73 {"PapayaWhip" , PALETTERGB (255, 239, 213) },
74 {"BlanchedAlmond" , PALETTERGB (255, 235, 205) },
75 {"bisque" , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
76 {"PeachPuff" , PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
77 {"NavajoWhite" , PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
78 {"moccasin" , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 181) },
79 {"cornsilk" , PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
80 {"ivory" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
81 {"LemonChiffon" , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
82 {"seashell" , PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
83 {"honeydew" , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
84 {"MintCream" , PALETTERGB (245, 255, 250) },
85 {"azure" , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
86 {"AliceBlue" , PALETTERGB (240, 248, 255) },
87 {"lavender" , PALETTERGB (230, 230, 250) },
88 {"LavenderBlush" , PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
89 {"MistyRose" , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
90 {"white" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
91 {"black" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
92 {"DarkSlateGray" , PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
93 {"DarkSlateGrey" , PALETTERGB (47, 79, 79) },
94 {"DimGray" , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
95 {"DimGrey" , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
96 {"SlateGray" , PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
97 {"SlateGrey" , PALETTERGB (112, 128, 144) },
98 {"LightSlateGray" , PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
99 {"LightSlateGrey" , PALETTERGB (119, 136, 153) },
100 {"gray" , PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
101 {"grey" , PALETTERGB (190, 190, 190) },
102 {"LightGrey" , PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
103 {"LightGray" , PALETTERGB (211, 211, 211) },
104 {"MidnightBlue" , PALETTERGB (25, 25, 112) },
105 {"navy" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
106 {"NavyBlue" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 128) },
107 {"CornflowerBlue" , PALETTERGB (100, 149, 237) },
108 {"DarkSlateBlue" , PALETTERGB (72, 61, 139) },
109 {"SlateBlue" , PALETTERGB (106, 90, 205) },
110 {"MediumSlateBlue" , PALETTERGB (123, 104, 238) },
111 {"LightSlateBlue" , PALETTERGB (132, 112, 255) },
112 {"MediumBlue" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
113 {"RoyalBlue" , PALETTERGB (65, 105, 225) },
114 {"blue" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
115 {"DodgerBlue" , PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
116 {"DeepSkyBlue" , PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
117 {"SkyBlue" , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 235) },
118 {"LightSkyBlue" , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 250) },
119 {"SteelBlue" , PALETTERGB (70, 130, 180) },
120 {"LightSteelBlue" , PALETTERGB (176, 196, 222) },
121 {"LightBlue" , PALETTERGB (173, 216, 230) },
122 {"PowderBlue" , PALETTERGB (176, 224, 230) },
123 {"PaleTurquoise" , PALETTERGB (175, 238, 238) },
124 {"DarkTurquoise" , PALETTERGB (0, 206, 209) },
125 {"MediumTurquoise" , PALETTERGB (72, 209, 204) },
126 {"turquoise" , PALETTERGB (64, 224, 208) },
127 {"cyan" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
128 {"LightCyan" , PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
129 {"CadetBlue" , PALETTERGB (95, 158, 160) },
130 {"MediumAquamarine" , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
131 {"aquamarine" , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
132 {"DarkGreen" , PALETTERGB (0, 100, 0) },
133 {"DarkOliveGreen" , PALETTERGB (85, 107, 47) },
134 {"DarkSeaGreen" , PALETTERGB (143, 188, 143) },
135 {"SeaGreen" , PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
136 {"MediumSeaGreen" , PALETTERGB (60, 179, 113) },
137 {"LightSeaGreen" , PALETTERGB (32, 178, 170) },
138 {"PaleGreen" , PALETTERGB (152, 251, 152) },
139 {"SpringGreen" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
140 {"LawnGreen" , PALETTERGB (124, 252, 0) },
141 {"green" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
142 {"chartreuse" , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
143 {"MediumSpringGreen" , PALETTERGB (0, 250, 154) },
144 {"GreenYellow" , PALETTERGB (173, 255, 47) },
145 {"LimeGreen" , PALETTERGB (50, 205, 50) },
146 {"YellowGreen" , PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
147 {"ForestGreen" , PALETTERGB (34, 139, 34) },
148 {"OliveDrab" , PALETTERGB (107, 142, 35) },
149 {"DarkKhaki" , PALETTERGB (189, 183, 107) },
150 {"khaki" , PALETTERGB (240, 230, 140) },
151 {"PaleGoldenrod" , PALETTERGB (238, 232, 170) },
152 {"LightGoldenrodYellow" , PALETTERGB (250, 250, 210) },
153 {"LightYellow" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
154 {"yellow" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
155 {"gold" , PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
156 {"LightGoldenrod" , PALETTERGB (238, 221, 130) },
157 {"goldenrod" , PALETTERGB (218, 165, 32) },
158 {"DarkGoldenrod" , PALETTERGB (184, 134, 11) },
159 {"RosyBrown" , PALETTERGB (188, 143, 143) },
160 {"IndianRed" , PALETTERGB (205, 92, 92) },
161 {"SaddleBrown" , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
162 {"sienna" , PALETTERGB (160, 82, 45) },
163 {"peru" , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
164 {"burlywood" , PALETTERGB (222, 184, 135) },
165 {"beige" , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 220) },
166 {"wheat" , PALETTERGB (245, 222, 179) },
167 {"SandyBrown" , PALETTERGB (244, 164, 96) },
168 {"tan" , PALETTERGB (210, 180, 140) },
169 {"chocolate" , PALETTERGB (210, 105, 30) },
170 {"firebrick" , PALETTERGB (178, 34, 34) },
171 {"brown" , PALETTERGB (165, 42, 42) },
172 {"DarkSalmon" , PALETTERGB (233, 150, 122) },
173 {"salmon" , PALETTERGB (250, 128, 114) },
174 {"LightSalmon" , PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
175 {"orange" , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
176 {"DarkOrange" , PALETTERGB (255, 140, 0) },
177 {"coral" , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 80) },
178 {"LightCoral" , PALETTERGB (240, 128, 128) },
179 {"tomato" , PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
180 {"OrangeRed" , PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
181 {"red" , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
182 {"HotPink" , PALETTERGB (255, 105, 180) },
183 {"DeepPink" , PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
184 {"pink" , PALETTERGB (255, 192, 203) },
185 {"LightPink" , PALETTERGB (255, 182, 193) },
186 {"PaleVioletRed" , PALETTERGB (219, 112, 147) },
187 {"maroon" , PALETTERGB (176, 48, 96) },
188 {"MediumVioletRed" , PALETTERGB (199, 21, 133) },
189 {"VioletRed" , PALETTERGB (208, 32, 144) },
190 {"magenta" , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
191 {"violet" , PALETTERGB (238, 130, 238) },
192 {"plum" , PALETTERGB (221, 160, 221) },
193 {"orchid" , PALETTERGB (218, 112, 214) },
194 {"MediumOrchid" , PALETTERGB (186, 85, 211) },
195 {"DarkOrchid" , PALETTERGB (153, 50, 204) },
196 {"DarkViolet" , PALETTERGB (148, 0, 211) },
197 {"BlueViolet" , PALETTERGB (138, 43, 226) },
198 {"purple" , PALETTERGB (160, 32, 240) },
199 {"MediumPurple" , PALETTERGB (147, 112, 219) },
200 {"thistle" , PALETTERGB (216, 191, 216) },
201 {"snow1" , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 250) },
202 {"snow2" , PALETTERGB (238, 233, 233) },
203 {"snow3" , PALETTERGB (205, 201, 201) },
204 {"snow4" , PALETTERGB (139, 137, 137) },
205 {"seashell1" , PALETTERGB (255, 245, 238) },
206 {"seashell2" , PALETTERGB (238, 229, 222) },
207 {"seashell3" , PALETTERGB (205, 197, 191) },
208 {"seashell4" , PALETTERGB (139, 134, 130) },
209 {"AntiqueWhite1" , PALETTERGB (255, 239, 219) },
210 {"AntiqueWhite2" , PALETTERGB (238, 223, 204) },
211 {"AntiqueWhite3" , PALETTERGB (205, 192, 176) },
212 {"AntiqueWhite4" , PALETTERGB (139, 131, 120) },
213 {"bisque1" , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 196) },
214 {"bisque2" , PALETTERGB (238, 213, 183) },
215 {"bisque3" , PALETTERGB (205, 183, 158) },
216 {"bisque4" , PALETTERGB (139, 125, 107) },
217 {"PeachPuff1" , PALETTERGB (255, 218, 185) },
218 {"PeachPuff2" , PALETTERGB (238, 203, 173) },
219 {"PeachPuff3" , PALETTERGB (205, 175, 149) },
220 {"PeachPuff4" , PALETTERGB (139, 119, 101) },
221 {"NavajoWhite1" , PALETTERGB (255, 222, 173) },
222 {"NavajoWhite2" , PALETTERGB (238, 207, 161) },
223 {"NavajoWhite3" , PALETTERGB (205, 179, 139) },
224 {"NavajoWhite4" , PALETTERGB (139, 121, 94) },
225 {"LemonChiffon1" , PALETTERGB (255, 250, 205) },
226 {"LemonChiffon2" , PALETTERGB (238, 233, 191) },
227 {"LemonChiffon3" , PALETTERGB (205, 201, 165) },
228 {"LemonChiffon4" , PALETTERGB (139, 137, 112) },
229 {"cornsilk1" , PALETTERGB (255, 248, 220) },
230 {"cornsilk2" , PALETTERGB (238, 232, 205) },
231 {"cornsilk3" , PALETTERGB (205, 200, 177) },
232 {"cornsilk4" , PALETTERGB (139, 136, 120) },
233 {"ivory1" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 240) },
234 {"ivory2" , PALETTERGB (238, 238, 224) },
235 {"ivory3" , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 193) },
236 {"ivory4" , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 131) },
237 {"honeydew1" , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 240) },
238 {"honeydew2" , PALETTERGB (224, 238, 224) },
239 {"honeydew3" , PALETTERGB (193, 205, 193) },
240 {"honeydew4" , PALETTERGB (131, 139, 131) },
241 {"LavenderBlush1" , PALETTERGB (255, 240, 245) },
242 {"LavenderBlush2" , PALETTERGB (238, 224, 229) },
243 {"LavenderBlush3" , PALETTERGB (205, 193, 197) },
244 {"LavenderBlush4" , PALETTERGB (139, 131, 134) },
245 {"MistyRose1" , PALETTERGB (255, 228, 225) },
246 {"MistyRose2" , PALETTERGB (238, 213, 210) },
247 {"MistyRose3" , PALETTERGB (205, 183, 181) },
248 {"MistyRose4" , PALETTERGB (139, 125, 123) },
249 {"azure1" , PALETTERGB (240, 255, 255) },
250 {"azure2" , PALETTERGB (224, 238, 238) },
251 {"azure3" , PALETTERGB (193, 205, 205) },
252 {"azure4" , PALETTERGB (131, 139, 139) },
253 {"SlateBlue1" , PALETTERGB (131, 111, 255) },
254 {"SlateBlue2" , PALETTERGB (122, 103, 238) },
255 {"SlateBlue3" , PALETTERGB (105, 89, 205) },
256 {"SlateBlue4" , PALETTERGB (71, 60, 139) },
257 {"RoyalBlue1" , PALETTERGB (72, 118, 255) },
258 {"RoyalBlue2" , PALETTERGB (67, 110, 238) },
259 {"RoyalBlue3" , PALETTERGB (58, 95, 205) },
260 {"RoyalBlue4" , PALETTERGB (39, 64, 139) },
261 {"blue1" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 255) },
262 {"blue2" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 238) },
263 {"blue3" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 205) },
264 {"blue4" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
265 {"DodgerBlue1" , PALETTERGB (30, 144, 255) },
266 {"DodgerBlue2" , PALETTERGB (28, 134, 238) },
267 {"DodgerBlue3" , PALETTERGB (24, 116, 205) },
268 {"DodgerBlue4" , PALETTERGB (16, 78, 139) },
269 {"SteelBlue1" , PALETTERGB (99, 184, 255) },
270 {"SteelBlue2" , PALETTERGB (92, 172, 238) },
271 {"SteelBlue3" , PALETTERGB (79, 148, 205) },
272 {"SteelBlue4" , PALETTERGB (54, 100, 139) },
273 {"DeepSkyBlue1" , PALETTERGB (0, 191, 255) },
274 {"DeepSkyBlue2" , PALETTERGB (0, 178, 238) },
275 {"DeepSkyBlue3" , PALETTERGB (0, 154, 205) },
276 {"DeepSkyBlue4" , PALETTERGB (0, 104, 139) },
277 {"SkyBlue1" , PALETTERGB (135, 206, 255) },
278 {"SkyBlue2" , PALETTERGB (126, 192, 238) },
279 {"SkyBlue3" , PALETTERGB (108, 166, 205) },
280 {"SkyBlue4" , PALETTERGB (74, 112, 139) },
281 {"LightSkyBlue1" , PALETTERGB (176, 226, 255) },
282 {"LightSkyBlue2" , PALETTERGB (164, 211, 238) },
283 {"LightSkyBlue3" , PALETTERGB (141, 182, 205) },
284 {"LightSkyBlue4" , PALETTERGB (96, 123, 139) },
285 {"SlateGray1" , PALETTERGB (198, 226, 255) },
286 {"SlateGray2" , PALETTERGB (185, 211, 238) },
287 {"SlateGray3" , PALETTERGB (159, 182, 205) },
288 {"SlateGray4" , PALETTERGB (108, 123, 139) },
289 {"LightSteelBlue1" , PALETTERGB (202, 225, 255) },
290 {"LightSteelBlue2" , PALETTERGB (188, 210, 238) },
291 {"LightSteelBlue3" , PALETTERGB (162, 181, 205) },
292 {"LightSteelBlue4" , PALETTERGB (110, 123, 139) },
293 {"LightBlue1" , PALETTERGB (191, 239, 255) },
294 {"LightBlue2" , PALETTERGB (178, 223, 238) },
295 {"LightBlue3" , PALETTERGB (154, 192, 205) },
296 {"LightBlue4" , PALETTERGB (104, 131, 139) },
297 {"LightCyan1" , PALETTERGB (224, 255, 255) },
298 {"LightCyan2" , PALETTERGB (209, 238, 238) },
299 {"LightCyan3" , PALETTERGB (180, 205, 205) },
300 {"LightCyan4" , PALETTERGB (122, 139, 139) },
301 {"PaleTurquoise1" , PALETTERGB (187, 255, 255) },
302 {"PaleTurquoise2" , PALETTERGB (174, 238, 238) },
303 {"PaleTurquoise3" , PALETTERGB (150, 205, 205) },
304 {"PaleTurquoise4" , PALETTERGB (102, 139, 139) },
305 {"CadetBlue1" , PALETTERGB (152, 245, 255) },
306 {"CadetBlue2" , PALETTERGB (142, 229, 238) },
307 {"CadetBlue3" , PALETTERGB (122, 197, 205) },
308 {"CadetBlue4" , PALETTERGB (83, 134, 139) },
309 {"turquoise1" , PALETTERGB (0, 245, 255) },
310 {"turquoise2" , PALETTERGB (0, 229, 238) },
311 {"turquoise3" , PALETTERGB (0, 197, 205) },
312 {"turquoise4" , PALETTERGB (0, 134, 139) },
313 {"cyan1" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 255) },
314 {"cyan2" , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 238) },
315 {"cyan3" , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 205) },
316 {"cyan4" , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
317 {"DarkSlateGray1" , PALETTERGB (151, 255, 255) },
318 {"DarkSlateGray2" , PALETTERGB (141, 238, 238) },
319 {"DarkSlateGray3" , PALETTERGB (121, 205, 205) },
320 {"DarkSlateGray4" , PALETTERGB (82, 139, 139) },
321 {"aquamarine1" , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 212) },
322 {"aquamarine2" , PALETTERGB (118, 238, 198) },
323 {"aquamarine3" , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 170) },
324 {"aquamarine4" , PALETTERGB (69, 139, 116) },
325 {"DarkSeaGreen1" , PALETTERGB (193, 255, 193) },
326 {"DarkSeaGreen2" , PALETTERGB (180, 238, 180) },
327 {"DarkSeaGreen3" , PALETTERGB (155, 205, 155) },
328 {"DarkSeaGreen4" , PALETTERGB (105, 139, 105) },
329 {"SeaGreen1" , PALETTERGB (84, 255, 159) },
330 {"SeaGreen2" , PALETTERGB (78, 238, 148) },
331 {"SeaGreen3" , PALETTERGB (67, 205, 128) },
332 {"SeaGreen4" , PALETTERGB (46, 139, 87) },
333 {"PaleGreen1" , PALETTERGB (154, 255, 154) },
334 {"PaleGreen2" , PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) },
335 {"PaleGreen3" , PALETTERGB (124, 205, 124) },
336 {"PaleGreen4" , PALETTERGB (84, 139, 84) },
337 {"SpringGreen1" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 127) },
338 {"SpringGreen2" , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 118) },
339 {"SpringGreen3" , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 102) },
340 {"SpringGreen4" , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 69) },
341 {"green1" , PALETTERGB (0, 255, 0) },
342 {"green2" , PALETTERGB (0, 238, 0) },
343 {"green3" , PALETTERGB (0, 205, 0) },
344 {"green4" , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 0) },
345 {"chartreuse1" , PALETTERGB (127, 255, 0) },
346 {"chartreuse2" , PALETTERGB (118, 238, 0) },
347 {"chartreuse3" , PALETTERGB (102, 205, 0) },
348 {"chartreuse4" , PALETTERGB (69, 139, 0) },
349 {"OliveDrab1" , PALETTERGB (192, 255, 62) },
350 {"OliveDrab2" , PALETTERGB (179, 238, 58) },
351 {"OliveDrab3" , PALETTERGB (154, 205, 50) },
352 {"OliveDrab4" , PALETTERGB (105, 139, 34) },
353 {"DarkOliveGreen1" , PALETTERGB (202, 255, 112) },
354 {"DarkOliveGreen2" , PALETTERGB (188, 238, 104) },
355 {"DarkOliveGreen3" , PALETTERGB (162, 205, 90) },
356 {"DarkOliveGreen4" , PALETTERGB (110, 139, 61) },
357 {"khaki1" , PALETTERGB (255, 246, 143) },
358 {"khaki2" , PALETTERGB (238, 230, 133) },
359 {"khaki3" , PALETTERGB (205, 198, 115) },
360 {"khaki4" , PALETTERGB (139, 134, 78) },
361 {"LightGoldenrod1" , PALETTERGB (255, 236, 139) },
362 {"LightGoldenrod2" , PALETTERGB (238, 220, 130) },
363 {"LightGoldenrod3" , PALETTERGB (205, 190, 112) },
364 {"LightGoldenrod4" , PALETTERGB (139, 129, 76) },
365 {"LightYellow1" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 224) },
366 {"LightYellow2" , PALETTERGB (238, 238, 209) },
367 {"LightYellow3" , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 180) },
368 {"LightYellow4" , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 122) },
369 {"yellow1" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 0) },
370 {"yellow2" , PALETTERGB (238, 238, 0) },
371 {"yellow3" , PALETTERGB (205, 205, 0) },
372 {"yellow4" , PALETTERGB (139, 139, 0) },
373 {"gold1" , PALETTERGB (255, 215, 0) },
374 {"gold2" , PALETTERGB (238, 201, 0) },
375 {"gold3" , PALETTERGB (205, 173, 0) },
376 {"gold4" , PALETTERGB (139, 117, 0) },
377 {"goldenrod1" , PALETTERGB (255, 193, 37) },
378 {"goldenrod2" , PALETTERGB (238, 180, 34) },
379 {"goldenrod3" , PALETTERGB (205, 155, 29) },
380 {"goldenrod4" , PALETTERGB (139, 105, 20) },
381 {"DarkGoldenrod1" , PALETTERGB (255, 185, 15) },
382 {"DarkGoldenrod2" , PALETTERGB (238, 173, 14) },
383 {"DarkGoldenrod3" , PALETTERGB (205, 149, 12) },
384 {"DarkGoldenrod4" , PALETTERGB (139, 101, 8) },
385 {"RosyBrown1" , PALETTERGB (255, 193, 193) },
386 {"RosyBrown2" , PALETTERGB (238, 180, 180) },
387 {"RosyBrown3" , PALETTERGB (205, 155, 155) },
388 {"RosyBrown4" , PALETTERGB (139, 105, 105) },
389 {"IndianRed1" , PALETTERGB (255, 106, 106) },
390 {"IndianRed2" , PALETTERGB (238, 99, 99) },
391 {"IndianRed3" , PALETTERGB (205, 85, 85) },
392 {"IndianRed4" , PALETTERGB (139, 58, 58) },
393 {"sienna1" , PALETTERGB (255, 130, 71) },
394 {"sienna2" , PALETTERGB (238, 121, 66) },
395 {"sienna3" , PALETTERGB (205, 104, 57) },
396 {"sienna4" , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 38) },
397 {"burlywood1" , PALETTERGB (255, 211, 155) },
398 {"burlywood2" , PALETTERGB (238, 197, 145) },
399 {"burlywood3" , PALETTERGB (205, 170, 125) },
400 {"burlywood4" , PALETTERGB (139, 115, 85) },
401 {"wheat1" , PALETTERGB (255, 231, 186) },
402 {"wheat2" , PALETTERGB (238, 216, 174) },
403 {"wheat3" , PALETTERGB (205, 186, 150) },
404 {"wheat4" , PALETTERGB (139, 126, 102) },
405 {"tan1" , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 79) },
406 {"tan2" , PALETTERGB (238, 154, 73) },
407 {"tan3" , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 63) },
408 {"tan4" , PALETTERGB (139, 90, 43) },
409 {"chocolate1" , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 36) },
410 {"chocolate2" , PALETTERGB (238, 118, 33) },
411 {"chocolate3" , PALETTERGB (205, 102, 29) },
412 {"chocolate4" , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 19) },
413 {"firebrick1" , PALETTERGB (255, 48, 48) },
414 {"firebrick2" , PALETTERGB (238, 44, 44) },
415 {"firebrick3" , PALETTERGB (205, 38, 38) },
416 {"firebrick4" , PALETTERGB (139, 26, 26) },
417 {"brown1" , PALETTERGB (255, 64, 64) },
418 {"brown2" , PALETTERGB (238, 59, 59) },
419 {"brown3" , PALETTERGB (205, 51, 51) },
420 {"brown4" , PALETTERGB (139, 35, 35) },
421 {"salmon1" , PALETTERGB (255, 140, 105) },
422 {"salmon2" , PALETTERGB (238, 130, 98) },
423 {"salmon3" , PALETTERGB (205, 112, 84) },
424 {"salmon4" , PALETTERGB (139, 76, 57) },
425 {"LightSalmon1" , PALETTERGB (255, 160, 122) },
426 {"LightSalmon2" , PALETTERGB (238, 149, 114) },
427 {"LightSalmon3" , PALETTERGB (205, 129, 98) },
428 {"LightSalmon4" , PALETTERGB (139, 87, 66) },
429 {"orange1" , PALETTERGB (255, 165, 0) },
430 {"orange2" , PALETTERGB (238, 154, 0) },
431 {"orange3" , PALETTERGB (205, 133, 0) },
432 {"orange4" , PALETTERGB (139, 90, 0) },
433 {"DarkOrange1" , PALETTERGB (255, 127, 0) },
434 {"DarkOrange2" , PALETTERGB (238, 118, 0) },
435 {"DarkOrange3" , PALETTERGB (205, 102, 0) },
436 {"DarkOrange4" , PALETTERGB (139, 69, 0) },
437 {"coral1" , PALETTERGB (255, 114, 86) },
438 {"coral2" , PALETTERGB (238, 106, 80) },
439 {"coral3" , PALETTERGB (205, 91, 69) },
440 {"coral4" , PALETTERGB (139, 62, 47) },
441 {"tomato1" , PALETTERGB (255, 99, 71) },
442 {"tomato2" , PALETTERGB (238, 92, 66) },
443 {"tomato3" , PALETTERGB (205, 79, 57) },
444 {"tomato4" , PALETTERGB (139, 54, 38) },
445 {"OrangeRed1" , PALETTERGB (255, 69, 0) },
446 {"OrangeRed2" , PALETTERGB (238, 64, 0) },
447 {"OrangeRed3" , PALETTERGB (205, 55, 0) },
448 {"OrangeRed4" , PALETTERGB (139, 37, 0) },
449 {"red1" , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 0) },
450 {"red2" , PALETTERGB (238, 0, 0) },
451 {"red3" , PALETTERGB (205, 0, 0) },
452 {"red4" , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
453 {"DeepPink1" , PALETTERGB (255, 20, 147) },
454 {"DeepPink2" , PALETTERGB (238, 18, 137) },
455 {"DeepPink3" , PALETTERGB (205, 16, 118) },
456 {"DeepPink4" , PALETTERGB (139, 10, 80) },
457 {"HotPink1" , PALETTERGB (255, 110, 180) },
458 {"HotPink2" , PALETTERGB (238, 106, 167) },
459 {"HotPink3" , PALETTERGB (205, 96, 144) },
460 {"HotPink4" , PALETTERGB (139, 58, 98) },
461 {"pink1" , PALETTERGB (255, 181, 197) },
462 {"pink2" , PALETTERGB (238, 169, 184) },
463 {"pink3" , PALETTERGB (205, 145, 158) },
464 {"pink4" , PALETTERGB (139, 99, 108) },
465 {"LightPink1" , PALETTERGB (255, 174, 185) },
466 {"LightPink2" , PALETTERGB (238, 162, 173) },
467 {"LightPink3" , PALETTERGB (205, 140, 149) },
468 {"LightPink4" , PALETTERGB (139, 95, 101) },
469 {"PaleVioletRed1" , PALETTERGB (255, 130, 171) },
470 {"PaleVioletRed2" , PALETTERGB (238, 121, 159) },
471 {"PaleVioletRed3" , PALETTERGB (205, 104, 137) },
472 {"PaleVioletRed4" , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 93) },
473 {"maroon1" , PALETTERGB (255, 52, 179) },
474 {"maroon2" , PALETTERGB (238, 48, 167) },
475 {"maroon3" , PALETTERGB (205, 41, 144) },
476 {"maroon4" , PALETTERGB (139, 28, 98) },
477 {"VioletRed1" , PALETTERGB (255, 62, 150) },
478 {"VioletRed2" , PALETTERGB (238, 58, 140) },
479 {"VioletRed3" , PALETTERGB (205, 50, 120) },
480 {"VioletRed4" , PALETTERGB (139, 34, 82) },
481 {"magenta1" , PALETTERGB (255, 0, 255) },
482 {"magenta2" , PALETTERGB (238, 0, 238) },
483 {"magenta3" , PALETTERGB (205, 0, 205) },
484 {"magenta4" , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
485 {"orchid1" , PALETTERGB (255, 131, 250) },
486 {"orchid2" , PALETTERGB (238, 122, 233) },
487 {"orchid3" , PALETTERGB (205, 105, 201) },
488 {"orchid4" , PALETTERGB (139, 71, 137) },
489 {"plum1" , PALETTERGB (255, 187, 255) },
490 {"plum2" , PALETTERGB (238, 174, 238) },
491 {"plum3" , PALETTERGB (205, 150, 205) },
492 {"plum4" , PALETTERGB (139, 102, 139) },
493 {"MediumOrchid1" , PALETTERGB (224, 102, 255) },
494 {"MediumOrchid2" , PALETTERGB (209, 95, 238) },
495 {"MediumOrchid3" , PALETTERGB (180, 82, 205) },
496 {"MediumOrchid4" , PALETTERGB (122, 55, 139) },
497 {"DarkOrchid1" , PALETTERGB (191, 62, 255) },
498 {"DarkOrchid2" , PALETTERGB (178, 58, 238) },
499 {"DarkOrchid3" , PALETTERGB (154, 50, 205) },
500 {"DarkOrchid4" , PALETTERGB (104, 34, 139) },
501 {"purple1" , PALETTERGB (155, 48, 255) },
502 {"purple2" , PALETTERGB (145, 44, 238) },
503 {"purple3" , PALETTERGB (125, 38, 205) },
504 {"purple4" , PALETTERGB (85, 26, 139) },
505 {"MediumPurple1" , PALETTERGB (171, 130, 255) },
506 {"MediumPurple2" , PALETTERGB (159, 121, 238) },
507 {"MediumPurple3" , PALETTERGB (137, 104, 205) },
508 {"MediumPurple4" , PALETTERGB (93, 71, 139) },
509 {"thistle1" , PALETTERGB (255, 225, 255) },
510 {"thistle2" , PALETTERGB (238, 210, 238) },
511 {"thistle3" , PALETTERGB (205, 181, 205) },
512 {"thistle4" , PALETTERGB (139, 123, 139) },
513 {"gray0" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
514 {"grey0" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 0) },
515 {"gray1" , PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
516 {"grey1" , PALETTERGB (3, 3, 3) },
517 {"gray2" , PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
518 {"grey2" , PALETTERGB (5, 5, 5) },
519 {"gray3" , PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
520 {"grey3" , PALETTERGB (8, 8, 8) },
521 {"gray4" , PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
522 {"grey4" , PALETTERGB (10, 10, 10) },
523 {"gray5" , PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
524 {"grey5" , PALETTERGB (13, 13, 13) },
525 {"gray6" , PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
526 {"grey6" , PALETTERGB (15, 15, 15) },
527 {"gray7" , PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
528 {"grey7" , PALETTERGB (18, 18, 18) },
529 {"gray8" , PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
530 {"grey8" , PALETTERGB (20, 20, 20) },
531 {"gray9" , PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
532 {"grey9" , PALETTERGB (23, 23, 23) },
533 {"gray10" , PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
534 {"grey10" , PALETTERGB (26, 26, 26) },
535 {"gray11" , PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
536 {"grey11" , PALETTERGB (28, 28, 28) },
537 {"gray12" , PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
538 {"grey12" , PALETTERGB (31, 31, 31) },
539 {"gray13" , PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
540 {"grey13" , PALETTERGB (33, 33, 33) },
541 {"gray14" , PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
542 {"grey14" , PALETTERGB (36, 36, 36) },
543 {"gray15" , PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
544 {"grey15" , PALETTERGB (38, 38, 38) },
545 {"gray16" , PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
546 {"grey16" , PALETTERGB (41, 41, 41) },
547 {"gray17" , PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
548 {"grey17" , PALETTERGB (43, 43, 43) },
549 {"gray18" , PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
550 {"grey18" , PALETTERGB (46, 46, 46) },
551 {"gray19" , PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
552 {"grey19" , PALETTERGB (48, 48, 48) },
553 {"gray20" , PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
554 {"grey20" , PALETTERGB (51, 51, 51) },
555 {"gray21" , PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
556 {"grey21" , PALETTERGB (54, 54, 54) },
557 {"gray22" , PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
558 {"grey22" , PALETTERGB (56, 56, 56) },
559 {"gray23" , PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
560 {"grey23" , PALETTERGB (59, 59, 59) },
561 {"gray24" , PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
562 {"grey24" , PALETTERGB (61, 61, 61) },
563 {"gray25" , PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
564 {"grey25" , PALETTERGB (64, 64, 64) },
565 {"gray26" , PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
566 {"grey26" , PALETTERGB (66, 66, 66) },
567 {"gray27" , PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
568 {"grey27" , PALETTERGB (69, 69, 69) },
569 {"gray28" , PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
570 {"grey28" , PALETTERGB (71, 71, 71) },
571 {"gray29" , PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
572 {"grey29" , PALETTERGB (74, 74, 74) },
573 {"gray30" , PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
574 {"grey30" , PALETTERGB (77, 77, 77) },
575 {"gray31" , PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
576 {"grey31" , PALETTERGB (79, 79, 79) },
577 {"gray32" , PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
578 {"grey32" , PALETTERGB (82, 82, 82) },
579 {"gray33" , PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
580 {"grey33" , PALETTERGB (84, 84, 84) },
581 {"gray34" , PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
582 {"grey34" , PALETTERGB (87, 87, 87) },
583 {"gray35" , PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
584 {"grey35" , PALETTERGB (89, 89, 89) },
585 {"gray36" , PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
586 {"grey36" , PALETTERGB (92, 92, 92) },
587 {"gray37" , PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
588 {"grey37" , PALETTERGB (94, 94, 94) },
589 {"gray38" , PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
590 {"grey38" , PALETTERGB (97, 97, 97) },
591 {"gray39" , PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
592 {"grey39" , PALETTERGB (99, 99, 99) },
593 {"gray40" , PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
594 {"grey40" , PALETTERGB (102, 102, 102) },
595 {"gray41" , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
596 {"grey41" , PALETTERGB (105, 105, 105) },
597 {"gray42" , PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
598 {"grey42" , PALETTERGB (107, 107, 107) },
599 {"gray43" , PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
600 {"grey43" , PALETTERGB (110, 110, 110) },
601 {"gray44" , PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
602 {"grey44" , PALETTERGB (112, 112, 112) },
603 {"gray45" , PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
604 {"grey45" , PALETTERGB (115, 115, 115) },
605 {"gray46" , PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
606 {"grey46" , PALETTERGB (117, 117, 117) },
607 {"gray47" , PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
608 {"grey47" , PALETTERGB (120, 120, 120) },
609 {"gray48" , PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
610 {"grey48" , PALETTERGB (122, 122, 122) },
611 {"gray49" , PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
612 {"grey49" , PALETTERGB (125, 125, 125) },
613 {"gray50" , PALETTERGB (127, 127, 127) },
614 {"grey50" , PALETTERGB (127, 127, 127) },
615 {"gray51" , PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
616 {"grey51" , PALETTERGB (130, 130, 130) },
617 {"gray52" , PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
618 {"grey52" , PALETTERGB (133, 133, 133) },
619 {"gray53" , PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
620 {"grey53" , PALETTERGB (135, 135, 135) },
621 {"gray54" , PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
622 {"grey54" , PALETTERGB (138, 138, 138) },
623 {"gray55" , PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
624 {"grey55" , PALETTERGB (140, 140, 140) },
625 {"gray56" , PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
626 {"grey56" , PALETTERGB (143, 143, 143) },
627 {"gray57" , PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
628 {"grey57" , PALETTERGB (145, 145, 145) },
629 {"gray58" , PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
630 {"grey58" , PALETTERGB (148, 148, 148) },
631 {"gray59" , PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
632 {"grey59" , PALETTERGB (150, 150, 150) },
633 {"gray60" , PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
634 {"grey60" , PALETTERGB (153, 153, 153) },
635 {"gray61" , PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
636 {"grey61" , PALETTERGB (156, 156, 156) },
637 {"gray62" , PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
638 {"grey62" , PALETTERGB (158, 158, 158) },
639 {"gray63" , PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
640 {"grey63" , PALETTERGB (161, 161, 161) },
641 {"gray64" , PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
642 {"grey64" , PALETTERGB (163, 163, 163) },
643 {"gray65" , PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
644 {"grey65" , PALETTERGB (166, 166, 166) },
645 {"gray66" , PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
646 {"grey66" , PALETTERGB (168, 168, 168) },
647 {"gray67" , PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
648 {"grey67" , PALETTERGB (171, 171, 171) },
649 {"gray68" , PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
650 {"grey68" , PALETTERGB (173, 173, 173) },
651 {"gray69" , PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
652 {"grey69" , PALETTERGB (176, 176, 176) },
653 {"gray70" , PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
654 {"grey70" , PALETTERGB (179, 179, 179) },
655 {"gray71" , PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
656 {"grey71" , PALETTERGB (181, 181, 181) },
657 {"gray72" , PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
658 {"grey72" , PALETTERGB (184, 184, 184) },
659 {"gray73" , PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
660 {"grey73" , PALETTERGB (186, 186, 186) },
661 {"gray74" , PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
662 {"grey74" , PALETTERGB (189, 189, 189) },
663 {"gray75" , PALETTERGB (191, 191, 191) },
664 {"grey75" , PALETTERGB (191, 191, 191) },
665 {"gray76" , PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
666 {"grey76" , PALETTERGB (194, 194, 194) },
667 {"gray77" , PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
668 {"grey77" , PALETTERGB (196, 196, 196) },
669 {"gray78" , PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
670 {"grey78" , PALETTERGB (199, 199, 199) },
671 {"gray79" , PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
672 {"grey79" , PALETTERGB (201, 201, 201) },
673 {"gray80" , PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
674 {"grey80" , PALETTERGB (204, 204, 204) },
675 {"gray81" , PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
676 {"grey81" , PALETTERGB (207, 207, 207) },
677 {"gray82" , PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
678 {"grey82" , PALETTERGB (209, 209, 209) },
679 {"gray83" , PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
680 {"grey83" , PALETTERGB (212, 212, 212) },
681 {"gray84" , PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
682 {"grey84" , PALETTERGB (214, 214, 214) },
683 {"gray85" , PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
684 {"grey85" , PALETTERGB (217, 217, 217) },
685 {"gray86" , PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
686 {"grey86" , PALETTERGB (219, 219, 219) },
687 {"gray87" , PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
688 {"grey87" , PALETTERGB (222, 222, 222) },
689 {"gray88" , PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
690 {"grey88" , PALETTERGB (224, 224, 224) },
691 {"gray89" , PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
692 {"grey89" , PALETTERGB (227, 227, 227) },
693 {"gray90" , PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
694 {"grey90" , PALETTERGB (229, 229, 229) },
695 {"gray91" , PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
696 {"grey91" , PALETTERGB (232, 232, 232) },
697 {"gray92" , PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
698 {"grey92" , PALETTERGB (235, 235, 235) },
699 {"gray93" , PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
700 {"grey93" , PALETTERGB (237, 237, 237) },
701 {"gray94" , PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
702 {"grey94" , PALETTERGB (240, 240, 240) },
703 {"gray95" , PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
704 {"grey95" , PALETTERGB (242, 242, 242) },
705 {"gray96" , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
706 {"grey96" , PALETTERGB (245, 245, 245) },
707 {"gray97" , PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
708 {"grey97" , PALETTERGB (247, 247, 247) },
709 {"gray98" , PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
710 {"grey98" , PALETTERGB (250, 250, 250) },
711 {"gray99" , PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
712 {"grey99" , PALETTERGB (252, 252, 252) },
713 {"gray100" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
714 {"grey100" , PALETTERGB (255, 255, 255) },
715 {"DarkGrey" , PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
716 {"DarkGray" , PALETTERGB (169, 169, 169) },
717 {"DarkBlue" , PALETTERGB (0, 0, 139) },
718 {"DarkCyan" , PALETTERGB (0, 139, 139) },
719 {"DarkMagenta" , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 139) },
720 {"DarkRed" , PALETTERGB (139, 0, 0) },
721 {"LightGreen" , PALETTERGB (144, 238, 144) }
722 };
724 static int
725 hexval (char c)
726 {
727 /* assumes ASCII and isxdigit(c) */
728 if (c >= 'a')
729 return c-'a' + 10;
730 else if (c >= 'A')
731 return c-'A' + 10;
732 else
733 return c-'0';
734 }
737 mswindows_string_to_color(CONST char *name)
738 {
739 int i;
741 if (*name == '#')
742 {
743 /* numeric names look like "#RRGGBB", "#RRRGGGBBB" or "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
744 or "rgb:rrrr/gggg/bbbb" */
745 unsigned int r, g, b;
747 for (i=1; i<strlen(name); i++)
748 {
749 if (!isxdigit ((int)name[i]))
750 return(-1);
751 }
752 if (strlen(name)==7)
753 {
754 r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
755 g = hexval (name[3]) * 16 + hexval (name[4]);
756 b = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
757 return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
758 }
759 else if (strlen(name)==10)
760 {
761 r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
762 g = hexval (name[4]) * 16 + hexval (name[5]);
763 b = hexval (name[7]) * 16 + hexval (name[8]);
764 return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
765 }
766 else if (strlen(name)==13)
767 {
768 r = hexval (name[1]) * 16 + hexval (name[2]);
769 g = hexval (name[5]) * 16 + hexval (name[6]);
770 b = hexval (name[9]) * 16 + hexval (name[10]);
771 return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
772 }
773 }
774 else if (!strncmp(name, "rgb:", 4))
775 {
776 unsigned int r,g,b;
778 if (sscanf(name, "rgb:%04x/%04x/%04x", &r, &g, &b) == 3)
779 {
780 int len = strlen (name);
781 if (len == 18)
782 {
783 r /= 257;
784 g /= 257;
785 b /= 257;
786 }
787 else if (len == 15)
788 {
789 r /= 17;
790 g /= 17;
791 b /= 17;
792 }
793 return (PALETTERGB (r, g, b));
794 }
795 else
796 return -1;
797 }
798 else if (*name) /* Can't be an empty string */
799 {
800 char *nospaces = alloca (strlen (name)+1);
801 char *c=nospaces;
802 while (*name)
803 if (*name != ' ')
804 *(c++) = *(name++);
805 else
806 name++;
807 *c = '\0';
809 for (i=0; i< countof (mswindows_X_color_map); i++)
810 if (!stricmp (nospaces, mswindows_X_color_map[i].name))
811 return (mswindows_X_color_map[i].colorref);
812 }
813 return(-1);
814 }
816 static int
817 mswindows_initialize_color_instance (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c, Lisp_Object name,
818 Lisp_Object device, Error_behavior errb)
819 {
820 CONST char *extname;
821 COLORREF color;
823 GET_C_STRING_CTEXT_DATA_ALLOCA (name, extname);
824 color = mswindows_string_to_color(extname);
825 if (color != -1)
826 {
827 c->data = xnew (struct mswindows_color_instance_data);
829 return 1;
830 }
831 maybe_signal_simple_error ("unrecognized color", name, Qcolor, errb);
832 return(0);
833 }
835 #if 0
836 static void
837 mswindows_mark_color_instance (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c,
838 void (*markobj) (Lisp_Object))
839 {
840 }
841 #endif
843 static void
844 mswindows_print_color_instance (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c,
845 Lisp_Object printcharfun,
846 int escapeflag)
847 {
848 char buf[32];
850 sprintf (buf, " %06ld=(%04X,%04X,%04X)", color & 0xffffff,
851 GetRValue(color)*257, GetGValue(color)*257, GetBValue(color)*257);
852 write_c_string (buf, printcharfun);
853 }
855 static void
856 mswindows_finalize_color_instance (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c)
857 {
858 if (c->data)
859 {
860 xfree (c->data);
861 c->data = 0;
862 }
863 }
865 static int
866 mswindows_color_instance_equal (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c1,
867 struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c2,
868 int depth)
869 {
871 }
873 static unsigned long
874 mswindows_color_instance_hash (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c, int depth)
875 {
876 return (unsigned long)(COLOR_INSTANCE_MSWINDOWS_COLOR(c));
877 }
879 static Lisp_Object
880 mswindows_color_instance_rgb_components (struct Lisp_Color_Instance *c)
881 {
883 return list3 (make_int (GetRValue (color) * 257),
884 make_int (GetGValue (color) * 257),
885 make_int (GetBValue (color) * 257));
886 }
888 static int
889 mswindows_valid_color_name_p (struct device *d, Lisp_Object color)
890 {
891 CONST char *extname;
893 GET_C_STRING_CTEXT_DATA_ALLOCA (color, extname);
894 return (mswindows_string_to_color(extname)!=-1);
895 }
899 static void
900 mswindows_finalize_font_instance (struct Lisp_Font_Instance *f)
901 {
902 if (f->data)
903 {
904 DeleteObject(f->data);
905 f->data=0;
906 }
907 }
909 static int
910 mswindows_initialize_font_instance (struct Lisp_Font_Instance *f, Lisp_Object name,
911 Lisp_Object device, Error_behavior errb)
912 {
913 CONST char *extname;
914 LOGFONT logfont;
915 int fields;
916 int pt;
917 char fontname[LF_FACESIZE], weight[32], *style, points[8], effects[32], charset[32];
919 GET_C_STRING_CTEXT_DATA_ALLOCA (f->name, extname);
921 /*
922 * mswindows fonts look like:
923 * fontname[:[weight ][style][:pointsize[:effects[:charset]]]]
924 * The font name field shouldn't be empty.
925 * #### Windows will substitute a default (monospace) font if the font name
926 * specifies a non-existent font. We don't catch this.
927 * effects and charset are currently ignored.
928 *
929 * ie:
930 * Lucida Console:Regular:10
931 * minimal:
932 * Courier New
933 * maximal:
934 * Courier New:Bold Italic:10:underline strikeout:ansi
935 */
936 fields = sscanf (extname, "%31[^:]:%31[^:]:%7[^:]:%31[^:]:%31s",
937 fontname, weight, points, effects, charset);
939 if (fields<0)
940 {
941 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Invalid font", f->name, Qfont, errb);
942 return (0);
943 }
945 if (fields>0 && strlen(fontname))
946 {
947 strncpy (logfont.lfFaceName, fontname, LF_FACESIZE);
948 logfont.lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE-1] = 0;
949 }
950 else
951 {
952 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Must specify a font name", f->name, Qfont, errb);
953 return (0);
954 }
956 if (fields > 1 && strlen(weight))
957 {
958 char *c;
959 /* Maybe split weight into weight and style */
960 if ((c=strchr(weight, ' ')))
961 {
962 *c = '\0';
963 style = c+1;
964 }
965 else
966 style = NULL;
968 /* weight: Most-often used (maybe) first */
969 if (stricmp (weight,"regular") == 0)
970 logfont.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR;
971 else if (stricmp (weight,"normal") == 0)
972 logfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
973 else if (stricmp (weight,"bold") == 0)
974 logfont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
975 else if (stricmp (weight,"medium") == 0)
976 logfont.lfWeight = FW_MEDIUM;
977 else if (stricmp (weight,"italic") == 0) /* Hack for early exit */
978 {
979 logfont.lfItalic = TRUE;
980 style=weight;
981 }
982 /* the rest */
983 else if (stricmp (weight,"black") == 0)
984 logfont.lfWeight = FW_BLACK;
985 else if (stricmp (weight,"heavy") == 0)
986 logfont.lfWeight = FW_HEAVY;
987 else if (stricmp (weight,"ultrabold") == 0)
988 logfont.lfWeight = FW_ULTRABOLD;
989 else if (stricmp (weight,"extrabold") == 0)
990 logfont.lfWeight = FW_EXTRABOLD;
991 else if (stricmp (weight,"demibold") == 0)
992 logfont.lfWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD;
993 else if (stricmp (weight,"semibold") == 0)
994 logfont.lfWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD;
995 else if (stricmp (weight,"light") == 0)
996 logfont.lfWeight = FW_LIGHT;
997 else if (stricmp (weight,"ultralight") == 0)
998 logfont.lfWeight = FW_ULTRALIGHT;
999 else if (stricmp (weight,"extralight") == 0)
1000 logfont.lfWeight = FW_EXTRALIGHT;
1001 else if (stricmp (weight,"thin") == 0)
1002 logfont.lfWeight = FW_THIN;
1003 else
1004 {
1005 logfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
1006 if (!style)
1007 style = weight; /* May have specified a style without a weight */
1008 else
1009 {
1010 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Invalid font weight", f->name, Qfont, errb);
1011 return (0); /* Invalid weight */
1012 }
1013 }
1015 if (style)
1016 {
1017 /* #### what about oblique? */
1018 if (stricmp (style,"italic") == 0)
1019 logfont.lfItalic = TRUE;
1020 else if (stricmp (style,"roman") == 0)
1021 logfont.lfItalic = FALSE;
1022 else
1023 {
1024 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Invalid font weight or style", f->name, Qfont, errb);
1025 return (0); /* Invalid weight or style */
1026 }
1027 }
1028 else
1029 {
1030 logfont.lfItalic = FALSE;
1031 }
1033 }
1034 else
1035 {
1036 logfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
1037 logfont.lfItalic = FALSE;
1038 }
1040 /* #### Should we reject strings that don't specify a size? */
1041 if (fields < 3 || !strlen(points) || (pt=atoi(points))==0)
1042 pt = 10;
1044 /* Formula for pointsize->height from LOGFONT docs in MSVC5 Platform SDK */
1045 logfont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(pt, DEVICE_MSWINDOWS_LOGPIXELSY(XDEVICE (device)), 72);
1046 logfont.lfWidth = 0;
1048 /* Default to monospaced if the specified font name is not found */
1049 logfont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_MODERN;
1051 /* ####: FIXME? */
1052 logfont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
1053 logfont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
1056 #define FROB(cs) \
1057 else if (stricmp (charset, #cs) == 0) \
1058 logfont.lfCharSet = cs##_CHARSET
1060 /* Charset aliases. Hangeul = Hangul is defined in windows.h.
1061 We do not use the name "russian", only "cyrillic", as it is
1062 the common name of this charset, used in other languages
1063 than Russian. */
1067 if (fields > 4)
1068 {
1069 if (charset[0] == '\0' || stricmp (charset, "ansi") == 0)
1070 logfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
1071 FROB (DEFAULT); /* #### Should we alow this? */
1074 FROB (GB2312);
1077 FROB (OEM);
1078 FROB (JOHAB);
1081 FROB (GREEK);
1083 FROB (THAI);
1087 FROB (MAC);
1089 else
1090 {
1091 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Invalid charset name", f->name, Qfont, errb);
1092 return 0;
1093 }
1094 }
1095 else
1096 logfont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
1098 #undef FROB
1100 /* Misc crud */
1101 logfont.lfEscapement = logfont.lfOrientation = 0;
1102 #if 1
1103 logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
1104 logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
1105 logfont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
1106 #else
1107 logfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_STROKE_PRECIS;
1108 logfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS;
1109 logfont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
1110 #endif
1112 if ((f->data = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont)) == NULL)
1113 {
1114 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Couldn't create font", f->name, Qfont, errb);
1115 return 0;
1116 }
1118 {
1119 HDC hdc;
1120 HFONT holdfont;
1121 TEXTMETRIC metrics;
1123 hdc = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL);
1124 if (hdc)
1125 {
1126 holdfont = SelectObject(hdc, f->data);
1127 if (holdfont)
1128 {
1129 GetTextMetrics (hdc, &metrics);
1130 SelectObject(hdc, holdfont);
1131 DeleteDC (hdc);
1132 f->width = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAveCharWidth;
1133 f->height = (unsigned short) metrics.tmHeight;
1134 f->ascent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmAscent;
1135 f->descent = (unsigned short) metrics.tmDescent;
1136 f->proportional_p = (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH);
1137 return 1;
1138 }
1139 DeleteDC (hdc);
1140 }
1141 mswindows_finalize_font_instance (f);
1142 maybe_signal_simple_error ("Couldn't map font", f->name, Qfont, errb);
1143 }
1144 return 0;
1145 }
1147 #if 0
1148 static void
1149 mswindows_mark_font_instance (struct Lisp_Font_Instance *f,
1150 void (*markobj) (Lisp_Object))
1151 {
1152 }
1153 #endif
1155 static void
1156 mswindows_print_font_instance (struct Lisp_Font_Instance *f,
1157 Lisp_Object printcharfun,
1158 int escapeflag)
1159 {
1160 }
1162 static Lisp_Object
1163 mswindows_list_fonts (Lisp_Object pattern, Lisp_Object device)
1164 {
1165 /* #### Implement me */
1166 return list1 (build_string ("Courier New:Regular:10"));
1167 }
1169 #ifdef MULE
1171 static int
1172 mswindows_font_spec_matches_charset (struct device *d, Lisp_Object charset,
1173 CONST Bufbyte *nonreloc, Lisp_Object reloc,
1174 Bytecount offset, Bytecount length)
1175 {
1176 /* #### Implement me */
1177 if (UNBOUNDP (charset))
1178 return 1;
1180 return 1;
1181 }
1183 /* find a font spec that matches font spec FONT and also matches
1184 (the registry of) CHARSET. */
1185 static Lisp_Object
1186 mswindows_find_charset_font (Lisp_Object device, Lisp_Object font,
1187 Lisp_Object charset)
1188 {
1189 /* #### Implement me */
1190 return build_string ("Courier New:Regular:10");
1191 }
1193 #endif /* MULE */
1196 /************************************************************************/
1197 /* initialization */
1198 /************************************************************************/
1200 void
1201 syms_of_objects_mswindows (void)
1202 {
1203 }
1205 void
1206 console_type_create_objects_mswindows (void)
1207 {
1208 /* object methods */
1209 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, initialize_color_instance);
1210 /* CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, mark_color_instance); */
1211 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_color_instance);
1212 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_color_instance);
1213 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_equal);
1214 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_hash);
1215 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, color_instance_rgb_components);
1216 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, valid_color_name_p);
1218 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, initialize_font_instance);
1219 /* CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, mark_font_instance); */
1220 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, print_font_instance);
1221 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, finalize_font_instance);
1222 /* CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_instance_truename); */
1223 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, list_fonts);
1224 #ifdef MULE
1225 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, font_spec_matches_charset);
1226 CONSOLE_HAS_METHOD (mswindows, find_charset_font);
1227 #endif
1228 }
1230 void
1231 vars_of_objects_mswindows (void)
1232 {
1233 }