+ − 1 The files in this directory were converted from data in the mule-ucs
+ − 2 package (mule-ucs/lisp/reldata/*), using this code:
+ − 3
+ − 4 (defun convert-mule-ucs-file (start end)
+ − 5 (interactive "r")
+ − 6 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*mule-ucs-convert*"
+ − 7 (save-excursion
+ − 8 (goto-char start)
+ − 9 (while (re-search-forward "(\\?\\(.\\) \\. \"\\(.*\\)\") ;+ \\(.*\\)$"
+ − 10 end t)
+ − 11 (let ((ch (string-to-char (match-string 1)))
+ − 12 (codepoint (match-string 2))
+ − 13 (name (match-string 3)))
+ − 14 (if (= 1 (charset-dimension (char-charset ch)))
+ − 15 (princ (format "0x%x %s # %s\n" (char-octet ch) codepoint name))
+ − 16 (princ (format "0x%x%x %s # %s\n" (char-octet ch 0) (char-octet ch 1) codepoint name))))))))
+ − 17
+ − 18 Each file is named after the XEmacs charset it represents. The CNS files
+ − 19 contain more codepoints than those in unicode-consortium/ because they list
+ − 20 codepoints above 0xFFFF, those handled by surrogates (supported starting in
+ − 21 Windows 2000, I think, but not yet by XEmacs).