+ − 1 ;;; toolbar-items.el -- Static initialization of XEmacs toolbar
+ − 2
+ − 3 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ − 4 ;; Copyright (C) 1994 Andy Piper <andyp@parallax.demon.co.uk>
+ − 5 ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois
+ − 6 ;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ben Wing <ben@xemacs.org>
+ − 7
+ − 8 ;; Maintainer: XEmacs development team
+ − 9 ;; Keywords: frames, dumped
+ − 10
+ − 11 ;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+ − 12
+ − 13 ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ − 14 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ − 15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ − 16 ;; any later version.
+ − 17
+ − 18 ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ − 19 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 21 ;; General Public License for more details.
+ − 22
+ − 23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ − 24 ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ − 25 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ − 26 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ − 27
+ − 28 ;;; Synched up: Not in FSF
+ − 29
+ − 30 ;;; Commentary:
+ − 31
+ − 32 ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs (when window system and toolbar support
+ − 33 ;; is compiled in).
+ − 34
+ − 35 ;; Miscellaneous toolbar functions, useful for users to redefine, in
+ − 36 ;; order to get different behavior.
+ − 37
+ − 38 ;;; Code:
+ − 39
+ − 40 (defgroup toolbar nil
+ − 41 "Configure XEmacs Toolbar functions and properties"
+ − 42 :group 'environment)
+ − 43
+ − 44 ;; #### The following function is slightly obnoxious as it stands. I
+ − 45 ;; think it should print a message like "Toolbar not configured; press
+ − 46 ;; me again to configure it", and when the button is pressed again
+ − 47 ;; (within a reasonable period of time), `customize-variable' should
+ − 48 ;; be invoked for the appropriate variable.
+ − 49
+ − 50 (defun toolbar-not-configured ()
+ − 51 (interactive)
+ − 52 ;; Note: we don't use `susbtitute-command-keys' here, because
+ − 53 ;; Customize is bound to `C-h C' by default, and that binding is not
+ − 54 ;; familiar to people. This is more descriptive.
+ − 55 (error
+ − 56 "Configure the item via `M-x customize RET toolbar RET'"))
+ − 57
+ − 58 (defcustom toolbar-open-function 'find-file
+ − 59 "*Function to call when the open icon is selected."
+ − 60 :type '(radio (function-item find-file)
+ − 61 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 62 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 63
+ − 64 (defun toolbar-open ()
+ − 65 (interactive)
+ − 66 (call-interactively toolbar-open-function))
+ − 67
+ − 68 (defcustom toolbar-dired-function 'dired
+ − 69 "*Function to call when the dired icon is selected."
+ − 70 :type '(radio (function-item dired)
+ − 71 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 72 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 73
+ − 74 (defun toolbar-dired (dir)
+ − 75 (interactive "DDired directory: ")
+ − 76 (funcall toolbar-dired-function dir))
+ − 77
+ − 78 (defcustom toolbar-save-function 'save-buffer
+ − 79 "*Function to call when the save icon is selected."
+ − 80 :type '(radio (function-item save-buffer)
+ − 81 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 82 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 83
+ − 84 (defun toolbar-save ()
+ − 85 (interactive)
+ − 86 (call-interactively toolbar-save-function))
+ − 87
+ − 88 (defcustom toolbar-print-function 'lpr-buffer
+ − 89 "*Function to call when the print icon is selected."
+ − 90 :type '(radio (function-item lpr-buffer)
+ − 91 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 92 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 93
+ − 94 (defun toolbar-print ()
+ − 95 (interactive)
+ − 96 (call-interactively toolbar-print-function))
+ − 97
+ − 98 (defcustom toolbar-cut-function 'kill-primary-selection
+ − 99 "*Function to call when the cut icon is selected."
+ − 100 :type '(radio (function-item kill-primary-selection)
+ − 101 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 102 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 103
+ − 104 (defun toolbar-cut ()
+ − 105 (interactive)
+ − 106 (call-interactively toolbar-cut-function))
+ − 107
+ − 108 (defcustom toolbar-copy-function 'copy-primary-selection
+ − 109 "*Function to call when the copy icon is selected."
+ − 110 :type '(radio (function-item copy-primary-selection)
+ − 111 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 112 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 113
+ − 114 (defun toolbar-copy ()
+ − 115 (interactive)
+ − 116 (call-interactively toolbar-copy-function))
+ − 117
+ − 118 (defcustom toolbar-paste-function 'yank-clipboard-selection
+ − 119 "*Function to call when the paste icon is selected."
+ − 120 :type '(radio (function-item yank-clipboard-selection)
+ − 121 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 122 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 123
+ − 124 (defun toolbar-paste ()
+ − 125 (interactive)
+ − 126 ;; This horrible kludge is for pending-delete to work correctly.
+ − 127 (and (boundp 'pending-delete-mode)
+ − 128 (declare-boundp pending-delete-mode)
+ − 129 (let ((this-command toolbar-paste-function))
+ − 130 (declare-fboundp (pending-delete-pre-hook))))
+ − 131 (call-interactively toolbar-paste-function))
+ − 132
+ − 133 (defcustom toolbar-undo-function 'undo
+ − 134 "*Function to call when the undo icon is selected."
+ − 135 :type '(radio (function-item undo)
+ − 136 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 137 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 138
+ − 139 (defun toolbar-undo ()
+ − 140 (interactive)
+ − 141 (call-interactively toolbar-undo-function))
+ − 142
+ − 143 (defcustom toolbar-replace-function 'query-replace
+ − 144 "*Function to call when the replace icon is selected."
+ − 145 :type '(radio (function-item query-replace)
+ − 146 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 147 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 148
+ − 149 (defun toolbar-replace ()
+ − 150 (interactive)
+ − 151 (call-interactively toolbar-replace-function))
+ − 152
+ − 153 ;;
+ − 154 ;; toolbar ispell variables and defuns
+ − 155 ;;
+ − 156
+ − 157 (defun toolbar-ispell-internal ()
+ − 158 (interactive)
+ − 159 (cond
+ − 160 ((region-active-p) (ispell-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+ − 161 ((eq major-mode 'mail-mode) (ispell-message))
+ − 162 ((eq major-mode 'message-mode) (ispell-message))
+ − 163 (t (ispell-buffer))))
+ − 164
+ − 165 (defcustom toolbar-ispell-function 'toolbar-ispell-internal
+ − 166 "*Function to call when the ispell icon is selected."
+ − 167 :type '(radio (function-item toolbar-ispell-internal)
+ − 168 (function :tag "Other"))
+ − 169 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 170
+ − 171 (defun toolbar-ispell ()
+ − 172 "Intelligently spell the region or buffer."
+ − 173 (interactive)
+ − 174 (call-interactively toolbar-ispell-function))
+ − 175
+ − 176 ;;
+ − 177 ;; toolbar mail variables and defuns
+ − 178 ;;
+ − 179
+ − 180 ;; This used to be a macro that expanded its arguments to a form that
+ − 181 ;; called `call-process'. With the advent of customize, it's better
+ − 182 ;; to have it as a defun, to make customization easier.
+ − 183 (defun toolbar-external (process &rest args)
+ − 184 (interactive)
+ − 185 (apply 'call-process process nil 0 nil args))
+ − 186
+ − 187 (defcustom toolbar-mail-commands-alist
+ − 188 `((not-configured . toolbar-not-configured)
+ − 189 (vm . vm)
+ − 190 (gnus . gnus-no-server)
+ − 191 (rmail . rmail)
+ − 192 (mh . mh-rmail)
+ − 193 (pine . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "pine")) ; *gag*
+ − 194 (elm . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "elm"))
+ − 195 (mutt . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "mutt"))
+ − 196 (exmh . (toolbar-external "exmh"))
+ − 197 (netscape . (toolbar-external "netscape" "mailbox:"))
+ − 198 (send . mail))
+ − 199 "*Alist of mail readers and their commands.
+ − 200 The car of each alist element is the mail reader, and the cdr is the form
+ − 201 used to start it."
+ − 202 :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
+ − 203 (symbol :tag "Mailer") (function :tag "Start with")))
+ − 204 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 205
+ − 206 (defcustom toolbar-mail-reader 'not-configured
+ − 207 "*Mail reader toolbar will invoke.
+ − 208 The legal values are the keys from `toolbar-mail-command-alist', which
+ − 209 should be used to add new mail readers.
+ − 210 Mail readers known by default are vm, gnus, rmail, mh, pine, elm,
+ − 211 mutt, exmh, netscape and send."
+ − 212 :type '(choice (const :tag "Not Configured" not-configured)
+ − 213 (const vm) (const gnus) (const rmail) (const mh)
+ − 214 (const pine) (const elm) (const mutt) (const exmh)
+ − 215 (const netscape)
+ − 216 (const send)
+ − 217 (symbol :tag "Other"
+ − 218 :validate (lambda (wid)
+ − 219 (if (assq (widget-value wid)
+ − 220 toolbar-mail-commands-alist)
+ − 221 nil
+ − 222 (widget-put wid :error
+ − 223 "Unknown mail reader")
+ − 224 wid))))
+ − 225 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 226
+ − 227
+ − 228 (defun toolbar-mail ()
+ − 229 "Run mail in a separate frame."
+ − 230 (interactive)
+ − 231 (let ((command (cdr (assq toolbar-mail-reader toolbar-mail-commands-alist))))
+ − 232 (or command
+ − 233 (error "Uknown mail reader %s" toolbar-mail-reader))
+ − 234 (if (symbolp command)
+ − 235 (call-interactively command)
+ − 236 (eval command))))
+ − 237
+ − 238 ;;
+ − 239 ;; toolbar info variables and defuns
+ − 240 ;;
+ − 241
+ − 242 (defcustom toolbar-info-use-separate-frame t
+ − 243 "*Whether Info is invoked in a separate frame."
+ − 244 :type 'boolean
+ − 245 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 246
+ − 247 (defcustom toolbar-info-frame-plist
+ − 248 ;; Info pages are 80 characters wide, so it makes a good default.
+ − 249 `(width 80 ,@(let ((h (plist-get default-frame-plist 'height)))
+ − 250 (and h `(height ,h))))
+ − 251 "*The properties of the frame in which news is displayed."
+ − 252 :type 'plist
+ − 253 :group 'info)
+ − 254
+ − 255 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'Info-frame-plist
+ − 256 'toolbar-info-frame-plist)
+ − 257
+ − 258 (defvar toolbar-info-frame nil
+ − 259 "The frame in which info is displayed.")
+ − 260
+ − 261 (defun toolbar-info ()
+ − 262 "Run info in a separate frame."
+ − 263 (interactive)
+ − 264 (when toolbar-info-use-separate-frame
+ − 265 (cond ((or (not toolbar-info-frame)
+ − 266 (not (frame-live-p toolbar-info-frame)))
+ − 267 ;; We used to raise frame here, but it's a bad idea,
+ − 268 ;; because raising is a matter of WM policy. However, we
+ − 269 ;; *must* select it, to ensure that the info buffer goes to
+ − 270 ;; the right frame.
+ − 271 (setq toolbar-info-frame (make-frame toolbar-info-frame-plist))
+ − 272 (select-frame toolbar-info-frame))
+ − 273 (t
+ − 274 ;; However, if the frame already exists, and the user
+ − 275 ;; clicks on info, it's OK to raise it.
+ − 276 (select-frame toolbar-info-frame)
+ − 277 (raise-frame toolbar-info-frame)))
+ − 278 (when (frame-iconified-p toolbar-info-frame)
+ − 279 (deiconify-frame toolbar-info-frame)))
+ − 280 (info))
+ − 281
+ − 282 ;;
+ − 283 ;; toolbar debug variables and defuns
+ − 284 ;;
+ − 285
+ − 286 (defun toolbar-debug ()
+ − 287 (interactive)
+ − 288 (if (featurep 'eos-debugger)
+ − 289 (call-interactively 'eos::start-debugger)
+ − 290 (require 'gdbsrc)
+ − 291 (call-interactively 'gdbsrc)))
+ − 292
+ − 293 (defun toolbar-compile ()
+ − 294 "Run compile without having to touch the keyboard."
+ − 295 (interactive)
+ − 296 (declare (special compile-command toolbar-compile-already-run))
+ − 297 (require 'compile)
+ − 298 (if (boundp 'toolbar-compile-already-run)
+ − 299 (compile compile-command)
+ − 300 (setq toolbar-compile-already-run t)
+ − 301 (if (should-use-dialog-box-p)
+ − 302 (make-dialog-box 'question
+ − 303 :question (concat "Compile:\n " compile-command)
+ − 304 :buttons
+ − 305 '(["Compile" (compile compile-command) t]
+ − 306 ["Edit command" compile t]
+ − 307 nil
+ − 308 ["Cancel" (message "Quit") t]))
+ − 309 (compile compile-command))))
+ − 310
+ − 311 ;;
+ − 312 ;; toolbar news variables and defuns
+ − 313 ;;
+ − 314
+ − 315 (defcustom toolbar-news-commands-alist
+ − 316 `((not-configured . toolbar-not-configured)
+ − 317 (gnus . toolbar-gnus) ; M-x all-hail-gnus
+ − 318 (rn . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "rn"))
+ − 319 (nn . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "nn"))
+ − 320 (trn . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "trn"))
+ − 321 (xrn . (toolbar-external "xrn"))
+ − 322 (slrn . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "slrn"))
+ − 323 (pine . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "pine")) ; *gag*
+ − 324 (tin . (toolbar-external "xterm" "-e" "tin")) ; *gag*
+ − 325 (netscape . (toolbar-external "netscape" "news:")))
+ − 326 "*Alist of news readers and their commands.
+ − 327 The car of each alist element the pair is the news reader, and the cdr
+ − 328 is the form used to start it."
+ − 329 :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
+ − 330 (symbol :tag "Reader") (sexp :tag "Start with")))
+ − 331 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 332
+ − 333 (defcustom toolbar-news-reader 'gnus
+ − 334 "*News reader toolbar will invoke.
+ − 335 The legal values are the keys from `toolbar-news-command-alist', which should
+ − 336 be used to add new news readers.
+ − 337 Newsreaders known by default are gnus, rn, nn, trn, xrn, slrn, pine
+ − 338 and netscape."
+ − 339 :type '(choice (const :tag "Not Configured" not-configured)
+ − 340 (const gnus) (const rn) (const nn) (const trn)
+ − 341 (const xrn) (const slrn) (const pine) (const tin)
+ − 342 (const netscape)
+ − 343 (symbol :tag "Other"
+ − 344 :validate (lambda (wid)
+ − 345 (if (assq (widget-value wid)
+ − 346 toolbar-news-commands-alist)
+ − 347 nil
+ − 348 (widget-put wid :error
+ − 349 "Unknown news reader")
+ − 350 wid))))
+ − 351 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 352
+ − 353 (defcustom toolbar-news-use-separate-frame t
+ − 354 "*Whether Gnus is invoked in a separate frame."
+ − 355 :type 'boolean
+ − 356 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 357
+ − 358 (defvar toolbar-news-frame nil
+ − 359 "The frame in which news is displayed.")
+ − 360
+ − 361 (defcustom toolbar-news-frame-plist nil
+ − 362 "*The properties of the frame in which news is displayed."
+ − 363 :type 'plist
+ − 364 :group 'toolbar)
+ − 365
+ − 366 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'toolbar-news-frame-properties
+ − 367 'toolbar-news-frame-plist)
+ − 368
+ − 369 (defun toolbar-gnus ()
+ − 370 "Run Gnus in a separate frame."
+ − 371 (interactive)
+ − 372 (if (not toolbar-news-use-separate-frame)
+ − 373 (gnus)
+ − 374 (unless (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 375 (setq toolbar-news-frame (make-frame toolbar-news-frame-plist))
+ − 376 (add-hook 'gnus-exit-gnus-hook
+ − 377 (lambda ()
+ − 378 (when (frame-live-p toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 379 (if (cdr (frame-list))
+ − 380 (delete-frame toolbar-news-frame))
+ − 381 (setq toolbar-news-frame nil))))
+ − 382 (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 383 (gnus))
+ − 384 (when (framep toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 385 (when (frame-iconified-p toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 386 (deiconify-frame toolbar-news-frame))
+ − 387 (select-frame toolbar-news-frame)
+ − 388 (raise-frame toolbar-news-frame))))
+ − 389
+ − 390 (defun toolbar-news ()
+ − 391 "Run News."
+ − 392 (interactive)
+ − 393 (let ((command (cdr-safe
+ − 394 (assq toolbar-news-reader toolbar-news-commands-alist))))
+ − 395 (or command
+ − 396 (error "Unkown news reader %s" toolbar-news-reader))
+ − 397 (if (symbolp command)
+ − 398 (call-interactively command)
+ − 399 (eval command))))
+ − 400
+ − 401 (defvar toolbar-last-win-icon nil "A `last-win' icon set.")
+ − 402 (defvar toolbar-next-win-icon nil "A `next-win' icon set.")
+ − 403 (defvar toolbar-file-icon nil "A `file' icon set.")
+ − 404 (defvar toolbar-folder-icon nil "A `folder' icon set")
+ − 405 (defvar toolbar-disk-icon nil "A `disk' icon set.")
+ − 406 (defvar toolbar-printer-icon nil "A `printer' icon set.")
+ − 407 (defvar toolbar-cut-icon nil "A `cut' icon set.")
+ − 408 (defvar toolbar-copy-icon nil "A `copy' icon set.")
+ − 409 (defvar toolbar-paste-icon nil "A `paste' icon set.")
+ − 410 (defvar toolbar-undo-icon nil "An `undo' icon set.")
+ − 411 (defvar toolbar-spell-icon nil "A `spell' icon set.")
+ − 412 (defvar toolbar-replace-icon nil "A `replace' icon set.")
+ − 413 (defvar toolbar-mail-icon nil "A `mail' icon set.")
+ − 414 (defvar toolbar-info-icon nil "An `info' icon set.")
+ − 415 (defvar toolbar-compile-icon nil "A `compile' icon set.")
+ − 416 (defvar toolbar-debug-icon nil "A `debugger' icon set.")
+ − 417 (defvar toolbar-news-icon nil "A `news' icon set.")
+ − 418
+ − 419 ;;; each entry maps a variable to the prefix used.
+ − 420
+ − 421 (defvar init-toolbar-list
+ − 422 '((toolbar-last-win-icon . "last-win")
+ − 423 (toolbar-next-win-icon . "next-win")
+ − 424 (toolbar-file-icon . "file")
+ − 425 (toolbar-folder-icon . "folder")
+ − 426 (toolbar-disk-icon . "disk")
+ − 427 (toolbar-printer-icon . "printer")
+ − 428 (toolbar-cut-icon . "cut")
+ − 429 (toolbar-copy-icon . "copy")
+ − 430 (toolbar-paste-icon . "paste")
+ − 431 (toolbar-undo-icon . "undo")
+ − 432 (toolbar-spell-icon . "spell")
+ − 433 (toolbar-replace-icon . "replace")
+ − 434 (toolbar-mail-icon . "mail")
+ − 435 (toolbar-info-icon . "info-def")
+ − 436 (toolbar-compile-icon . "compile")
+ − 437 (toolbar-debug-icon . "debug")
+ − 438 (toolbar-news-icon . "news")))
+ − 439
+ − 440 (defun init-toolbar ()
+ − 441 (toolbar-add-item-data init-toolbar-list)
+ − 442 ;; do this now because errors will occur if the icon symbols
+ − 443 ;; are not initted
+ − 444 (set-specifier default-toolbar initial-toolbar-spec))
+ − 445
+ − 446 (defun toolbar-add-item-data (icon-list &optional icon-dir)
+ − 447 (if (eq icon-dir nil)
+ − 448 (setq icon-dir toolbar-icon-directory))
+ − 449 (mapcar
+ − 450 (lambda (cons)
+ − 451 (let ((prefix (expand-file-name (cdr cons) icon-dir)))
+ − 452 ;; #### This should use a better mechanism for finding the
+ − 453 ;; glyphs, allowing for formats other than x[pb]m. Look at
+ − 454 ;; `widget-glyph-find' for an example how it might be done.
+ − 455 (set (car cons)
+ − 456 (if (featurep 'xpm)
+ − 457 (toolbar-make-button-list
+ − 458 (concat prefix "-up.xpm")
+ − 459 nil
+ − 460 (concat prefix "-xx.xpm")
+ − 461 (concat prefix "-cap-up.xpm")
+ − 462 nil
+ − 463 (concat prefix "-cap-xx.xpm"))
+ − 464 (toolbar-make-button-list
+ − 465 (concat prefix "-up.xbm")
+ − 466 (concat prefix "-dn.xbm")
+ − 467 (concat prefix "-xx.xbm"))))))
+ − 468 icon-list))
+ − 469
+ − 470 (defvar toolbar-vector-open
+ − 471 [toolbar-file-icon toolbar-open t "Open a file"]
+ − 472 "Define the vector for the \"Open\" toolbar button")
+ − 473
+ − 474 (defvar toolbar-vector-dired
+ − 475 [toolbar-folder-icon toolbar-dired t "Edit a directory"]
+ − 476 "Define the vector for the \"Dired\" toolbar button")
+ − 477
+ − 478 (defvar toolbar-vector-save
+ − 479 [toolbar-disk-icon toolbar-save t "Save buffer"]
+ − 480 "Define the vector for the \"Save\" toolbar button")
+ − 481
+ − 482 (defvar toolbar-vector-print
+ − 483 [toolbar-printer-icon toolbar-print t "Print buffer"]
+ − 484 "Define the vector for the \"Printer\" toolbar button")
+ − 485
+ − 486 (defvar toolbar-vector-cut
+ − 487 [toolbar-cut-icon toolbar-cut t "Kill region"]
+ − 488 "Define the vector for the \"Cut\" toolbar button")
+ − 489
+ − 490 (defvar toolbar-vector-copy
+ − 491 [toolbar-copy-icon toolbar-copy t "Copy region"]
+ − 492 "Define the vector for the \"Copy\" toolbar button")
+ − 493
+ − 494 (defvar toolbar-vector-paste
+ − 495 [toolbar-paste-icon toolbar-paste t "Paste from clipboard"]
+ − 496 "Define the vector for the \"Paste\" toolbar button")
+ − 497
+ − 498 (defvar toolbar-vector-undo
+ − 499 [toolbar-undo-icon toolbar-undo t "Undo edit"]
+ − 500 "Define the vector for the \"Undo\" toolbar button")
+ − 501
+ − 502 (defvar toolbar-vector-spell
+ − 503 [toolbar-spell-icon toolbar-ispell t "Check spelling"]
+ − 504 "Define the vector for the \"Spell\" toolbar button")
+ − 505
+ − 506 (defvar toolbar-vector-replace
+ − 507 [toolbar-replace-icon toolbar-replace t "Search & Replace"]
+ − 508 "Define the vector for the \"Replace\" toolbar button")
+ − 509
+ − 510 (defvar toolbar-vector-mail
+ − 511 [toolbar-mail-icon toolbar-mail t "Read mail"]
+ − 512 "Define the vector for the \"Mail\" toolbar button")
+ − 513
+ − 514 (defvar toolbar-vector-info
+ − 515 [toolbar-info-icon toolbar-info t "Info documentation"]
+ − 516 "Define the vector for the \"Info\" toolbar button")
+ − 517
+ − 518 (defvar toolbar-vector-compile
+ − 519 [toolbar-compile-icon toolbar-compile t "Start a compilation"]
+ − 520 "Define the vector for the \"Compile\" toolbar button")
+ − 521
+ − 522 (defvar toolbar-vector-debug
+ − 523 [toolbar-debug-icon toolbar-debug t "Start a debugger"]
+ − 524 "Define the vector for the \"Debug\" toolbar button")
+ − 525
+ − 526 (defvar toolbar-vector-news
+ − 527 [toolbar-news-icon toolbar-news t "Read news"]
+ − 528 "Define the vector for the \"News\" toolbar button")
+ − 529
+ − 530 (defvar initial-toolbar-spec
+ − 531 (list
+ − 532 ;;[toolbar-last-win-icon pop-window-configuration
+ − 533 ;;(frame-property (selected-frame)
+ − 534 ;; 'window-config-stack) t "Most recent window config"]
+ − 535 ;; #### Illicit knowledge?
+ − 536 ;; #### These don't work right - not consistent!
+ − 537 ;; I don't know what's wrong; perhaps `selected-frame' is wrong
+ − 538 ;; sometimes when this is evaluated. Note that I even tried to
+ − 539 ;; kludge-fix this by calls to `set-specifier-dirty-flag' in
+ − 540 ;; pop-window-configuration and such.
+ − 541
+ − 542 ;;[toolbar-next-win-icon unpop-window-configuration
+ − 543 ;;(frame-property (selected-frame)
+ − 544 ;; 'window-config-unpop-stack) t "Undo \"Most recent window config\""]
+ − 545 ;; #### Illicit knowledge?
+ − 546 toolbar-vector-open
+ − 547 toolbar-vector-dired
+ − 548 toolbar-vector-save
+ − 549 toolbar-vector-print
+ − 550 toolbar-vector-cut
+ − 551 toolbar-vector-copy
+ − 552 toolbar-vector-paste
+ − 553 toolbar-vector-undo
+ − 554 toolbar-vector-spell
+ − 555 toolbar-vector-replace
+ − 556 toolbar-vector-mail
+ − 557 toolbar-vector-info
+ − 558 toolbar-vector-compile
+ − 559 toolbar-vector-debug
+ − 560 toolbar-vector-news
+ − 561 )
+ − 562 "The initial toolbar for a buffer.")
+ − 563
+ − 564 ;;; toolbar-items.el ends here