+ − 1 ;;; packages.el --- Low level support for XEmacs packages
+ − 2
+ − 3 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ − 4 ;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Ben Wing.
+ − 5
+ − 6 ;; Author: Steven L Baur <steve@xemacs.org>
+ − 7 ;; Maintainer: Steven L Baur <steve@xemacs.org>
+ − 8 ;; Keywords: internal, lisp, dumped
+ − 9
+ − 10 ;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+ − 11
+ − 12 ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ − 13 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ − 14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ − 15 ;; any later version.
+ − 16
+ − 17 ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ − 18 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 20 ;; General Public License for more details.
+ − 21
+ − 22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ − 23 ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ − 24 ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ − 25 ;; 02111-1307, USA.
+ − 26
+ − 27 ;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF
+ − 28
+ − 29 ;;; Commentary:
+ − 30
+ − 31 ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+ − 32
+ − 33 ;; This file provides low level facilities for XEmacs startup --
+ − 34 ;; particularly regarding the package setup. This code has to run in
+ − 35 ;; what we call "bare temacs" -- i.e. XEmacs without the usual Lisp
+ − 36 ;; environment. Pay special attention:
+ − 37
+ − 38 ;; - not to use the `lambda' macro. Use #'(lambda ...) instead.
+ − 39 ;; (this goes for any package loaded before `subr.el'.)
+ − 40 ;;
+ − 41 ;; - not to use macros, because they are not yet available (and this
+ − 42 ;; file must be loadable uncompiled.) Built in macros, such as
+ − 43 ;; `when' and `unless' are fine, of course.
+ − 44 ;;
+ − 45 ;; - not to use `defcustom'. If you must add user-customizable
+ − 46 ;; variables here, use `defvar', and add the variable to
+ − 47 ;; `cus-start.el'.
+ − 48
+ − 49 ;; Because of all this, make sure that the stuff you put here really
+ − 50 ;; belongs here.
+ − 51
+ − 52 ;; This file requires find-paths.el.
+ − 53
+ − 54 ;;; Code:
+ − 55
+ − 56 ;;; Package versioning
+ − 57
+ − 58 (defvar packages-package-list nil
+ − 59 "Database of installed packages and version numbers")
+ − 60
+ − 61 (defvar packages-hierarchy-depth 1
+ − 62 "Depth of package hierarchies.")
+ − 63
+ − 64 (defvar packages-load-path-depth 1
+ − 65 "Depth of load-path search in package hierarchies.")
+ − 66
+ − 67 (defvar packages-data-path-depth 1
+ − 68 "Depth of data-path search in package hierarchies.")
+ − 69
+ − 70 (defvar early-packages nil
+ − 71 "Packages early in the load path.")
+ − 72
+ − 73 (defvar early-package-load-path nil
+ − 74 "Load path for packages early in the load path.")
+ − 75
+ − 76 (defvar late-packages nil
+ − 77 "Packages late in the load path.")
+ − 78
+ − 79 (defvar late-package-load-path nil
+ − 80 "Load path for packages late in the load path.")
+ − 81
+ − 82 (defvar last-packages nil
+ − 83 "Packages last in the load path.")
+ − 84
+ − 85 (defvar last-package-load-path nil
+ − 86 "Load path for packages last in the load path.")
+ − 87
+ − 88 (defun packages-compute-package-locations (user-init-directory)
+ − 89 "Compute locations of the various package directories.
+ − 90 This is a list each of whose elements describes one directory.
+ − 91 A directory description is a three-element list.
+ − 92 The first element is either an absolute path or a subdirectory
+ − 93 in the XEmacs hierarchy.
+ − 94 The second component is one of the symbols EARLY, LATE, LAST,
+ − 95 depending on the load-path segment the hierarchy is supposed to
+ − 96 show up in.
+ − 97 The third component is a thunk which, if it returns NIL, causes
+ − 98 the directory to be ignored."
+ − 99 (list
+ − 100 (list (paths-construct-path (list user-init-directory "site-packages"))
+ − 101 'early #'(lambda () t))
+ − 102 (list (paths-construct-path (list user-init-directory "infodock-packages"))
+ − 103 'early #'(lambda () (featurep 'infodock)))
+ − 104 (list (paths-construct-path (list user-init-directory "mule-packages"))
+ − 105 'early #'(lambda () (featurep 'mule)))
+ − 106 (list (paths-construct-path (list user-init-directory "xemacs-packages"))
+ − 107 'early #'(lambda () t))
+ − 108 (list "site-packages" 'late #'(lambda () t))
+ − 109 (list "infodock-packages" 'late #'(lambda () (featurep 'infodock)))
+ − 110 (list "mule-packages" 'late #'(lambda () (featurep 'mule)))
+ − 111 (list "xemacs-packages" 'late #'(lambda () t))))
+ − 112
+ − 113 (defun package-get-key-1 (info key)
+ − 114 "Locate keyword `key' in list."
+ − 115 (cond ((null info)
+ − 116 nil)
+ − 117 ((eq (car info) key)
+ − 118 (nth 1 info))
+ − 119 (t (package-get-key-1 (cddr info) key))))
+ − 120
+ − 121 (defun package-get-key (name key)
+ − 122 "Get info `key' from package `name'."
+ − 123 (let ((info (assq name packages-package-list)))
+ − 124 (when info
+ − 125 (package-get-key-1 (cdr info) key))))
+ − 126
+ − 127 (defun package-provide (name &rest attributes)
+ − 128 (let ((info (if (and attributes (floatp (car attributes)))
+ − 129 (list :version (car attributes))
+ − 130 attributes)))
+ − 131 (setq packages-package-list
+ − 132 (cons (cons name info) (remassq name packages-package-list)))))
+ − 133
+ − 134 (defun package-require (name version)
+ − 135 (let ((pkg (assq name packages-package-list)))
+ − 136 (cond ((null pkg)
+ − 137 (error 'invalid-state
+ − 138 (format "Package %s has not been loaded into this XEmacsen"
+ − 139 name)))
+ − 140 ((< (package-get-key name :version) version)
+ − 141 (error 'search-failed
+ − 142 (format "Need version %g of package %s, got version %g"
+ − 143 version name (package-get-key name :version))))
+ − 144 (t t))))
+ − 145
+ − 146 (defun package-delete-name (name)
+ − 147 (let (pkg)
+ − 148 ;; Delete ALL versions of package.
+ − 149 ;; This is pretty memory-intensive, as we use copy-alist when deleting
+ − 150 ;; package entries, to prevent side-effects in functions that call this
+ − 151 ;; one.
+ − 152 (while (setq pkg (assq name packages-package-list))
+ − 153 (setq packages-package-list (delete pkg (copy-alist
+ − 154 packages-package-list))))))
+ − 155
+ − 156 ;;; Build time stuff
+ − 157
+ − 158 (defvar autoload-file-name "auto-autoloads.el"
+ − 159 "Filename that autoloads are expected to be found in.")
+ − 160
+ − 161 ;; Moved from help.el.
+ − 162 ;; Unlike the FSF version, our `locate-library' uses the `locate-file'
+ − 163 ;; primitive, which should make it lightning-fast.
+ − 164
+ − 165 (defun locate-library (library &optional nosuffix path interactive-call)
+ − 166 "Show the precise file name of Emacs library LIBRARY.
+ − 167 This command searches the directories in `load-path' like `M-x load-library'
+ − 168 to find the file that `M-x load-library RET LIBRARY RET' would load.
+ − 169 Optional second arg NOSUFFIX non-nil means don't add suffixes `.elc' or `.el'
+ − 170 to the specified name LIBRARY.
+ − 171
+ − 172 If the optional third arg PATH is specified, that list of directories
+ − 173 is used instead of `load-path'."
+ − 174 (interactive (list (read-library-name "Locate library: ")
+ − 175 nil nil
+ − 176 t))
+ − 177 (let ((result
+ − 178 (locate-file
+ − 179 library
+ − 180 (or path load-path)
+ − 181 (cond ((or (rassq 'jka-compr-handler file-name-handler-alist)
+ − 182 (and (boundp 'find-file-hooks)
+ − 183 (member 'crypt-find-file-hook find-file-hooks)))
+ − 184 ;; Compression involved.
+ − 185 (if nosuffix
+ − 186 '("" ".gz" ".Z" ".bz2")
+ − 187 '(".elc" ".elc.gz" "elc.Z" ".elc.bz2"
+ − 188 ".el" ".el.gz" ".el.Z" ".el.bz2"
+ − 189 "" ".gz" ".Z" ".bz2")))
+ − 190 (t
+ − 191 ;; No compression.
+ − 192 (if nosuffix
+ − 193 ""
+ − 194 '(".elc" ".el" "")))))))
+ − 195 (and interactive-call
+ − 196 (if result
+ − 197 (message "Library is file %s" result)
+ − 198 (message "No library %s in search path" library)))
+ − 199 result))
+ − 200
+ − 201 (defun packages-add-suffix (str)
+ − 202 (if (null (string-match "\\.el\\'" str))
+ − 203 (concat str ".elc")
+ − 204 str))
+ − 205
+ − 206 (defun packages-list-autoloads-path ()
+ − 207 "List autoloads from precomputed load-path."
+ − 208 (let ((path load-path)
+ − 209 autoloads)
+ − 210 (while path
+ − 211 (if (file-exists-p (concat (car path)
+ − 212 autoload-file-name))
+ − 213 (setq autoloads (cons (concat (car path)
+ − 214 autoload-file-name)
+ − 215 autoloads)))
+ − 216 (setq path (cdr path)))
+ − 217 autoloads))
+ − 218
+ − 219 (defun packages-list-autoloads (source-directory)
+ − 220 "List autoload files in (what will be) the normal lisp search path.
+ − 221 This function is used during build to find where the global symbol files so
+ − 222 they can be perused for their useful information."
+ − 223 (let ((files (directory-files (file-name-as-directory source-directory)
+ − 224 t ".*"))
+ − 225 file autolist)
+ − 226 ;; (print (prin1-to-string source-directory))
+ − 227 ;; (print (prin1-to-string files))
+ − 228 (while (setq file (car-safe files))
+ − 229 (if (and (file-directory-p file)
+ − 230 (file-exists-p (concat (file-name-as-directory file)
+ − 231 autoload-file-name)))
+ − 232 (setq autolist (cons (concat (file-name-as-directory file)
+ − 233 autoload-file-name)
+ − 234 autolist)))
+ − 235 (setq files (cdr files)))
+ − 236 autolist))
+ − 237
+ − 238 ;; The following function cannot be called from a bare temacs
+ − 239 (defun packages-new-autoloads ()
+ − 240 "Return autoloads files that have been added or modified since XEmacs dump."
+ − 241 (require 'loadhist)
+ − 242 (let ((me (concat invocation-directory invocation-name))
+ − 243 (path load-path)
+ − 244 result dir)
+ − 245 (while path
+ − 246 (setq dir (file-truename (car path)))
+ − 247 (let ((autoload-file (file-name-sans-extension (concat
+ − 248 dir
+ − 249 autoload-file-name))))
+ − 250 ;; Check for:
+ − 251 ;; 1. An auto-autoload file that hasn't provided a feature (because
+ − 252 ;; it has been installed since XEmacs was dumped).
+ − 253 ;; 2. auto-autoload.el being newer than the executable
+ − 254 ;; 3. auto-autoload.elc being newer than the executable (the .el
+ − 255 ;; could be missing or compressed)
+ − 256 (when (or (and (null (file-provides autoload-file))
+ − 257 (or (file-exists-p (concat autoload-file ".elc"))
+ − 258 (file-exists-p (concat autoload-file ".el"))))
+ − 259 (and (file-newer-than-file-p (concat autoload-file ".el") me)
+ − 260 (setq autoload-file (concat autoload-file ".el")))
+ − 261 (and (file-newer-than-file-p (concat autoload-file
+ − 262 ".elc")
+ − 263 me)
+ − 264 (setq autoload-file (concat autoload-file ".elc"))))
+ − 265 (push autoload-file result)))
+ − 266 (setq path (cdr path)))
+ − 267 result))
+ − 268
+ − 269 ;; The following function cannot be called from a bare temacs
+ − 270 (defun packages-reload-autoloads ()
+ − 271 "Reload new or updated auto-autoloads files.
+ − 272 This is an extremely dangerous function to call after the user-init-files
+ − 273 is run. Don't call it or you'll be sorry."
+ − 274 (let ((autoload-list (packages-new-autoloads)))
+ − 275 (while autoload-list
+ − 276 (let* ((autoload-file (car autoload-list))
+ − 277 (feature (car-safe (file-provides autoload-file))))
+ − 278 (when feature
+ − 279 ;; (message "(unload-feature %S)" feature)
+ − 280 (unload-feature feature))
+ − 281 (condition-case nil
+ − 282 (load autoload-file)
+ − 283 (t nil)))
+ − 284 (setq autoload-list (cdr autoload-list)))))
+ − 285
+ − 286 ;; Data-directory is really a list now. Provide something to search it for
+ − 287 ;; directories.
+ − 288
+ − 289 (defun locate-data-directory-list (name &optional dir-list)
+ − 290 "Locate the matching list of directories in a search path DIR-LIST.
+ − 291 If no DIR-LIST is supplied, it defaults to `data-directory-list'."
+ − 292 (unless dir-list
+ − 293 (setq dir-list data-directory-list))
+ − 294 (let (found found-dir found-dir-list)
+ − 295 (while dir-list
+ − 296 (setq found (file-name-as-directory (concat (car dir-list) name))
+ − 297 found-dir (file-directory-p found))
+ − 298 (and found-dir
+ − 299 (setq found-dir-list (cons found found-dir-list)))
+ − 300 (setq dir-list (cdr dir-list)))
+ − 301 (nreverse found-dir-list)))
+ − 302
+ − 303 ;; Data-directory is really a list now. Provide something to search it for
+ − 304 ;; a directory.
+ − 305
+ − 306 (defun locate-data-directory (name &optional dir-list)
+ − 307 "Locate a directory in a search path DIR-LIST (a list of directories).
+ − 308 If no DIR-LIST is supplied, it defaults to `data-directory-list'."
+ − 309 (unless dir-list
+ − 310 (setq dir-list data-directory-list))
+ − 311 (let (found found-dir)
+ − 312 (while (and (null found-dir) dir-list)
+ − 313 (setq found (file-name-as-directory (concat (car dir-list) name))
+ − 314 found-dir (file-directory-p found))
+ − 315 (or found-dir
+ − 316 (setq found nil))
+ − 317 (setq dir-list (cdr dir-list)))
+ − 318 found))
+ − 319
+ − 320 ;; Data-directory is really a list now. Provide something to search it for
+ − 321 ;; files.
+ − 322
+ − 323 (defun locate-data-file (name &optional dir-list)
+ − 324 "Locate a file in a search path DIR-LIST (a list of directories).
+ − 325 If no DIR-LIST is supplied, it defaults to `data-directory-list'.
+ − 326 This function is basically a wrapper over `locate-file'."
+ − 327 (locate-file name (or dir-list data-directory-list)))
+ − 328
+ − 329 ;; Path setup
+ − 330
+ − 331 (defun packages-find-package-directories (roots base)
+ − 332 "Find a set of package directories."
+ − 333 ;; make sure paths-find-version-directory and paths-find-site-directory
+ − 334 ;; don't both pick up version-independent directories ...
+ − 335 (let ((version-directory (paths-find-version-directory roots base nil nil t))
+ − 336 (site-directory (paths-find-site-directory roots base)))
+ − 337 (paths-uniq-append
+ − 338 (and version-directory (list version-directory))
+ − 339 (and site-directory (list site-directory)))))
+ − 340
+ − 341 (defvar packages-special-base-regexp "^\\(etc\\|info\\|man\\|lisp\\|lib-src\\|bin\\|pkginfo\\)$"
+ − 342 "Special subdirectories of packages.")
+ − 343
+ − 344 (defvar packages-no-package-hierarchy-regexp
+ − 345 (concat "\\(" paths-version-control-filename-regexp "\\)"
+ − 346 "\\|"
+ − 347 "\\(" packages-special-base-regexp "\\)")
+ − 348 "Directories which can't be the roots of package hierarchies.")
+ − 349
+ − 350 (defun packages-find-packages-in-directories (directories)
+ − 351 "Find all packages underneath directories in DIRECTORIES."
+ − 352 (paths-find-recursive-path directories
+ − 353 packages-hierarchy-depth
+ − 354 packages-no-package-hierarchy-regexp))
+ − 355
+ − 356 (defun packages-split-path (path)
+ − 357 "Split PATH at \"\", return pair with two components.
+ − 358 The second component is shared with PATH."
+ − 359 (let ((reverse-tail '())
+ − 360 (rest path))
+ − 361 (while (and rest (null (string-equal "" (car rest))))
+ − 362 (setq reverse-tail (cons (car rest) reverse-tail))
+ − 363 (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+ − 364 (if (null rest)
+ − 365 (cons path nil)
+ − 366 (cons (nreverse reverse-tail) (cdr rest)))))
+ − 367
+ − 368 (defun packages-split-package-path (package-path)
+ − 369 "Split up PACKAGE-PATH into early, late and last components.
+ − 370 The separation is by \"\" components.
+ − 372 ;; When in doubt, it's late
+ − 373 (let* ((stuff (packages-split-path package-path))
+ − 374 (early (and (cdr stuff) (car stuff)))
+ − 375 (late+last (or (cdr stuff) (car stuff)))
+ − 376 (stuff (packages-split-path late+last))
+ − 377 (late (car stuff))
+ − 378 (last (cdr stuff)))
+ − 379 (list (packages-find-packages-in-directories early)
+ − 380 (packages-find-packages-in-directories late)
+ − 381 (packages-find-packages-in-directories last))))
+ − 382
+ − 383 (defun packages-deconstruct (list consumer)
+ − 384 "Deconstruct LIST and feed it to CONSUMER."
+ − 385 (apply consumer list))
+ − 386
+ − 387 (defun packages-find-packages-by-name (roots name)
+ − 388 "Find a package hierarchy by its name."
+ − 389 (packages-find-packages-in-directories
+ − 390 (if (and (file-name-absolute-p name)
+ − 391 (file-name-directory (expand-file-name name)))
+ − 392 (list (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name name)))
+ − 393 (packages-find-package-directories roots name))))
+ − 394
+ − 395 (defun packages-find-packages-at-time
+ − 396 (roots package-locations time &optional default)
+ − 397 "Find packages at given time.
+ − 398 For the format of PACKAGE-LOCATIONS, see the global variable of the same name.
+ − 399 TIME is either 'EARLY, 'LATE, or 'LAST.
+ − 400 DEFAULT is a default list of packages."
+ − 401 (or default
+ − 402 (let ((packages '()))
+ − 403 (while package-locations
+ − 404 (packages-deconstruct
+ − 405 (car package-locations)
+ − 406 #'(lambda (name a-time thunk)
+ − 407 (if (and (eq time a-time)
+ − 408 (funcall thunk))
+ − 409 (setq packages
+ − 410 (nconc packages
+ − 411 (packages-find-packages-by-name roots name))))))
+ − 412 (setq package-locations (cdr package-locations)))
+ − 413 packages)))
+ − 414
+ − 415 (defun packages-find-packages (roots package-locations)
+ − 416 "Find the packages."
+ − 417 (let ((envvar-value (getenv "EMACSPACKAGEPATH")))
+ − 418 (if envvar-value
+ − 419 (packages-split-package-path (paths-decode-directory-path envvar-value))
+ − 420 (packages-deconstruct
+ − 421 (packages-split-package-path configure-package-path)
+ − 422 #'(lambda (configure-early-packages
+ − 423 configure-late-packages
+ − 424 configure-last-packages)
+ − 425 (list (packages-find-packages-at-time roots package-locations 'early
+ − 426 configure-early-packages)
+ − 427 (packages-find-packages-at-time roots package-locations 'late
+ − 428 configure-late-packages)
+ − 429 (packages-find-packages-at-time roots package-locations 'last
+ − 430 configure-last-packages)))))))
+ − 431
+ − 432 (defun packages-find-package-library-path (packages suffixes)
+ − 433 "Construct a path into a component of the packages hierarchy.
+ − 434 PACKAGES is a list of package directories.
+ − 435 SUFFIXES is a list of names of package subdirectories to look for."
+ − 436 (let ((directories
+ − 437 (apply
+ − 438 #'nconc
+ − 439 (mapcar #'(lambda (package)
+ − 440 (mapcar #'(lambda (suffix)
+ − 441 (file-name-as-directory (concat package suffix)))
+ − 442 suffixes))
+ − 443 packages))))
+ − 444 (paths-directories-which-exist directories)))
+ − 445
+ − 446 (defun packages-find-package-load-path (packages)
+ − 447 "Construct the load-path component for packages.
+ − 448 PACKAGES is a list of package directories."
+ − 449 (paths-find-recursive-load-path
+ − 450 (packages-find-package-library-path packages
+ − 451 '("lisp"))
+ − 452 packages-load-path-depth))
+ − 453
+ − 454 (defun packages-find-package-exec-path (packages)
+ − 455 "Construct the exec-path component for packages.
+ − 456 PACKAGES is a list of package directories."
+ − 457 (packages-find-package-library-path packages
+ − 458 (list (paths-construct-path
+ − 459 (list "bin" system-configuration))
+ − 460 "lib-src")))
+ − 461
+ − 462 (defun packages-find-package-info-path (packages)
+ − 463 "Construct the info-path component for packages.
+ − 464 PACKAGES is a list of package directories."
+ − 465 (packages-find-package-library-path packages '("info")))
+ − 466
+ − 467 (defun packages-find-package-data-path (packages)
+ − 468 "Construct the data-path component for packages.
+ − 469 PACKAGES is a list of package directories."
+ − 470 (paths-find-recursive-load-path
+ − 471 (packages-find-package-library-path packages
+ − 472 '("etc"))
+ − 473 packages-data-path-depth))
+ − 474
+ − 475 ;; Loading package initialization files
+ − 476
+ − 477 (defun packages-load-package-lisps (package-load-path base)
+ − 478 "Load all Lisp files of a certain name along a load path.
+ − 479 BASE is the base name of the files."
+ − 480 (mapcar #'(lambda (dir)
+ − 481 (let ((file-name (expand-file-name base dir)))
+ − 482 (with-trapping-errors
+ − 483 :operation (format "Autoload %s" file-name)
+ − 484 :class 'packages
+ − 485 (load file-name t t))))
+ − 486 package-load-path))
+ − 487
+ − 488 (defun packages-load-package-auto-autoloads (package-load-path)
+ − 489 "Load auto-autoload files along a load path."
+ − 490 (packages-load-package-lisps package-load-path
+ − 491 (file-name-sans-extension autoload-file-name)))
+ − 492
+ − 493 (defun packages-handle-package-dumped-lisps (handle package-load-path)
+ − 494 "Load dumped-lisp.el files along a load path.
+ − 495 Call HANDLE on each file off definitions of PACKAGE-LISP there."
+ − 496 (mapcar #'(lambda (dir)
+ − 497 (let ((file-name (expand-file-name "dumped-lisp.el" dir)))
+ − 498 (if (file-exists-p file-name)
+ − 499 (let (package-lisp
+ − 500 ;; 20.4 packages could set this
+ − 501 preloaded-file-list)
+ − 502 (load file-name)
+ − 503 ;; dumped-lisp.el could have set this ...
+ − 504 (if package-lisp
+ − 505 (mapcar #'(lambda (base)
+ − 506 (funcall handle base))
+ − 507 package-lisp))))))
+ − 508 package-load-path))
+ − 509
+ − 510 (defun packages-load-package-dumped-lisps (package-load-path)
+ − 511 "Load dumped-lisp.el files along a load path.
+ − 512 Also load files off PACKAGE-LISP definitions there."
+ − 513 (packages-handle-package-dumped-lisps #'load package-load-path))
+ − 514
+ − 515 (defun packages-collect-package-dumped-lisps (package-load-path)
+ − 516 "Load dumped-lisp.el files along a load path.
+ − 517 Return list of files off PACKAGE-LISP definitions there."
+ − 518 (let ((*files* '()))
+ − 519 (packages-handle-package-dumped-lisps
+ − 520 #'(lambda (file)
+ − 521 (setq *files* (cons file *files*)))
+ − 522 package-load-path)
+ − 523 (reverse *files*)))
+ − 524
+ − 525 (provide 'packages)
+ − 526
+ − 527 ;;; packages.el ends here