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4 <TITLE>charset/data/ucm/glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm - view - 1.1</TITLE></HEAD>
6 <table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor="#9999EE"><tr valign=bottom><td><a href="glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm#rev1.1"><IMG SRC="/icons/back.gif" ALT="[BACK]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="22"></a> <b>Return to <A HREF="glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm#rev1.1">glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm</A>
7 CVS log</b> <IMG SRC="/icons/text.gif" ALT="[TXT]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="22"></td><td align=right><IMG SRC="/icons/dir.gif" ALT="[DIR]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="22"> <b>Up to <a href="/cvs/icu/#dirlist">[ICU]</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/#dirlist">charset</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/data/#dirlist">data</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/data/ucm/#dirlist">ucm</a></b></td></tr></table><HR noshade><table width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">File: <a href="/cvs/icu/#dirlist">[ICU]</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/#dirlist">charset</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/data/#dirlist">data</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/data/ucm/#dirlist">ucm</a> / <a href="/cvs/icu/charset/data/ucm/glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm#dirlist">glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm</a></b> (<A HREF="/cvs/icu/~checkout~/charset/data/ucm/glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm?rev=1.1" target="cvs_checkout" onClick="window.open('/cvs/icu/~checkout~/charset/data/ucm/glibc-ISO_8859_6-2.1.2.ucm?rev=1.1','cvs_checkout','resizeable,scrollbars');"><b>download</b></A>)<BR>
8 Revision <B>1.1</B>, <i>Wed Apr 18 21:37:42 2001 UTC</i> (6 weeks, 3 days ago) by <i>grhoten</i>
9 <BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
10 <BR>CVS Tags: <b>HEAD</b><PRE>
11 <A HREF="http://www10.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/icu/bugs?findid=937">jitterbug 937</A>: Making the UCM form of these charsets available to the public
12 </PRE>
13 </td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>#________________________________________________________________________
14 #
15 # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001
16 # All Rights Reserved
17 #
18 #________________________________________________________________________
19 #
20 # File created on Thu Apr 05 09:38:40 PDT 2001
21 #
22 # File created by CharConv tool.
23 # Platform: Linux redhat2 2.2.12-20 #1 Mon Sep 27 10:40:35 EDT 1999 i686 unkglibc-
24 #
25 # Table Version : 1.0
26 # The 1st column is the Unicode scalar value.
27 # The 2nd column is the codepage byte sequence.
28 # The 3rd column is the fallback indicator.
29 # The fallback indicator can have one of the following values:
30 # |0 for exact 1-1 roundtrip mapping
31 # |1 for the best fallback codepage byte sequence.
32 # |2 for the substitution character
33 # |3 for the best reverse fallback Unicode scaler value
34 #
35 <code_set_name> "ISO_8859_6"
36 <mb_cur_max> 1
37 <mb_cur_min> 1
38 <uconv_class> "SBCS"
39 <subchar> \x1A
40 #
42 #
43 #
44 #UNICODE ISO_8859_6
45 #_______ _________
46 <U0000> \x00 |0
47 <U0001> \x01 |0
48 <U0002> \x02 |0
49 <U0003> \x03 |0
50 <U0004> \x04 |0
51 <U0005> \x05 |0
52 <U0006> \x06 |0
53 <U0007> \x07 |0
54 <U0008> \x08 |0
55 <U0009> \x09 |0
56 <U000A> \x0A |0
57 <U000B> \x0B |0
58 <U000C> \x0C |0
59 <U000D> \x0D |0
60 <U000E> \x0E |0
61 <U000F> \x0F |0
62 <U0010> \x10 |0
63 <U0011> \x11 |0
64 <U0012> \x12 |0
65 <U0013> \x13 |0
66 <U0014> \x14 |0
67 <U0015> \x15 |0
68 <U0016> \x16 |0
69 <U0017> \x17 |0
70 <U0018> \x18 |0
71 <U0019> \x19 |0
72 <U001A> \x1A |0
73 <U001B> \x1B |0
74 <U001C> \x1C |0
75 <U001D> \x1D |0
76 <U001E> \x1E |0
77 <U001F> \x1F |0
78 <U0020> \x20 |0
79 <U0021> \x21 |0
80 <U0022> \x22 |0
81 <U0023> \x23 |0
82 <U0024> \x24 |0
83 <U0025> \x25 |0
84 <U0026> \x26 |0
85 <U0027> \x27 |0
86 <U0028> \x28 |0
87 <U0029> \x29 |0
88 <U002A> \x2A |0
89 <U002B> \x2B |0
90 <U002C> \x2C |0
91 <U002D> \x2D |0
92 <U002E> \x2E |0
93 <U002F> \x2F |0
94 <U0030> \x30 |0
95 <U0031> \x31 |0
96 <U0032> \x32 |0
97 <U0033> \x33 |0
98 <U0034> \x34 |0
99 <U0035> \x35 |0
100 <U0036> \x36 |0
101 <U0037> \x37 |0
102 <U0038> \x38 |0
103 <U0039> \x39 |0
104 <U003A> \x3A |0
105 <U003B> \x3B |0
106 <U003C> \x3C |0
107 <U003D> \x3D |0
108 <U003E> \x3E |0
109 <U003F> \x3F |0
110 <U0040> \x40 |0
111 <U0041> \x41 |0
112 <U0042> \x42 |0
113 <U0043> \x43 |0
114 <U0044> \x44 |0
115 <U0045> \x45 |0
116 <U0046> \x46 |0
117 <U0047> \x47 |0
118 <U0048> \x48 |0
119 <U0049> \x49 |0
120 <U004A> \x4A |0
121 <U004B> \x4B |0
122 <U004C> \x4C |0
123 <U004D> \x4D |0
124 <U004E> \x4E |0
125 <U004F> \x4F |0
126 <U0050> \x50 |0
127 <U0051> \x51 |0
128 <U0052> \x52 |0
129 <U0053> \x53 |0
130 <U0054> \x54 |0
131 <U0055> \x55 |0
132 <U0056> \x56 |0
133 <U0057> \x57 |0
134 <U0058> \x58 |0
135 <U0059> \x59 |0
136 <U005A> \x5A |0
137 <U005B> \x5B |0
138 <U005C> \x5C |0
139 <U005D> \x5D |0
140 <U005E> \x5E |0
141 <U005F> \x5F |0
142 <U0060> \x60 |0
143 <U0061> \x61 |0
144 <U0062> \x62 |0
145 <U0063> \x63 |0
146 <U0064> \x64 |0
147 <U0065> \x65 |0
148 <U0066> \x66 |0
149 <U0067> \x67 |0
150 <U0068> \x68 |0
151 <U0069> \x69 |0
152 <U006A> \x6A |0
153 <U006B> \x6B |0
154 <U006C> \x6C |0
155 <U006D> \x6D |0
156 <U006E> \x6E |0
157 <U006F> \x6F |0
158 <U0070> \x70 |0
159 <U0071> \x71 |0
160 <U0072> \x72 |0
161 <U0073> \x73 |0
162 <U0074> \x74 |0
163 <U0075> \x75 |0
164 <U0076> \x76 |0
165 <U0077> \x77 |0
166 <U0078> \x78 |0
167 <U0079> \x79 |0
168 <U007A> \x7A |0
169 <U007B> \x7B |0
170 <U007C> \x7C |0
171 <U007D> \x7D |0
172 <U007E> \x7E |0
173 <U007F> \x7F |0
174 <U0080> \x80 |0
175 <U0081> \x81 |0
176 <U0082> \x82 |0
177 <U0083> \x83 |0
178 <U0084> \x84 |0
179 <U0085> \x85 |0
180 <U0086> \x86 |0
181 <U0087> \x87 |0
182 <U0088> \x88 |0
183 <U0089> \x89 |0
184 <U008A> \x8A |0
185 <U008B> \x8B |0
186 <U008C> \x8C |0
187 <U008D> \x8D |0
188 <U008E> \x8E |0
189 <U008F> \x8F |0
190 <U0090> \x90 |0
191 <U0091> \x91 |0
192 <U0092> \x92 |0
193 <U0093> \x93 |0
194 <U0094> \x94 |0
195 <U0095> \x95 |0
196 <U0096> \x96 |0
197 <U0097> \x97 |0
198 <U0098> \x98 |0
199 <U0099> \x99 |0
200 <U009A> \x9A |0
201 <U009B> \x9B |0
202 <U009C> \x9C |0
203 <U009D> \x9D |0
204 <U009E> \x9E |0
205 <U009F> \x9F |0
206 <U00A0> \xA0 |0
207 <U00A4> \xA4 |0
208 <U00AD> \xAD |0
209 <U060C> \xAC |0
210 <U061B> \xBB |0
211 <U061F> \xBF |0
212 <U0621> \xC1 |0
213 <U0622> \xC2 |0
214 <U0623> \xC3 |0
215 <U0624> \xC4 |0
216 <U0625> \xC5 |0
217 <U0626> \xC6 |0
218 <U0627> \xC7 |0
219 <U0628> \xC8 |0
220 <U0629> \xC9 |0
221 <U062A> \xCA |0
222 <U062B> \xCB |0
223 <U062C> \xCC |0
224 <U062D> \xCD |0
225 <U062E> \xCE |0
226 <U062F> \xCF |0
227 <U0630> \xD0 |0
228 <U0631> \xD1 |0
229 <U0632> \xD2 |0
230 <U0633> \xD3 |0
231 <U0634> \xD4 |0
232 <U0635> \xD5 |0
233 <U0636> \xD6 |0
234 <U0637> \xD7 |0
235 <U0638> \xD8 |0
236 <U0639> \xD9 |0
237 <U063A> \xDA |0
238 <U0640> \xE0 |0
239 <U0641> \xE1 |0
240 <U0642> \xE2 |0
241 <U0643> \xE3 |0
242 <U0644> \xE4 |0
243 <U0645> \xE5 |0
244 <U0646> \xE6 |0
245 <U0647> \xE7 |0
246 <U0648> \xE8 |0
247 <U0649> \xE9 |0
248 <U064A> \xEA |0
249 <U064B> \xEB |0
250 <U064C> \xEC |0
251 <U064D> \xED |0
252 <U064E> \xEE |0
253 <U064F> \xEF |0
254 <U0650> \xF0 |0
255 <U0651> \xF1 |0
256 <U0652> \xF2 |0
257 #
259 #
260 </PRE> |