+ − 1 ;;; cl.el --- Common Lisp extensions for XEmacs Lisp
+ − 2
+ − 3 ;; Copyright (C) 1993, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ − 4
+ − 5 ;; Author: Dave Gillespie <daveg@synaptics.com>
+ − 6 ;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team
+ − 7 ;; Version: 2.02
+ − 8 ;; Keywords: extensions, dumped, lisp
+ − 9
+ − 10 ;; This file is part of XEmacs.
+ − 11
+ − 12 ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ − 13 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ − 14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ − 15 ;; any later version.
+ − 16
+ − 17 ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ − 18 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 20 ;; General Public License for more details.
+ − 21
+ − 22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ − 23 ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+ − 24 ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ − 25 ;; 02111-1307, USA.
+ − 26
+ − 27 ;;; Synched up with: FSF 21.3.
+ − 28
+ − 29 ;;; Commentary:
+ − 30
+ − 31 ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs.
+ − 32
+ − 33 ;; These are extensions to Emacs Lisp that provide a degree of
+ − 34 ;; Common Lisp compatibility, beyond what is already built-in
+ − 35 ;; in Emacs Lisp.
+ − 36 ;;
+ − 37 ;; This package was written by Dave Gillespie; it is a complete
+ − 38 ;; rewrite of Cesar Quiroz's original cl.el package of December 1986.
+ − 39 ;;
+ − 40 ;; Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are welcome!
+ − 41
+ − 42 ;; This file contains the portions of the Common Lisp extensions
+ − 43 ;; package which should always be present.
+ − 44
+ − 45
+ − 46 ;;; Future notes:
+ − 47
+ − 48 ;; Once Emacs 19 becomes standard, many things in this package which are
+ − 49 ;; messy for reasons of compatibility can be greatly simplified. For now,
+ − 50 ;; I prefer to maintain one unified version.
+ − 51
+ − 52
+ − 53 ;;; Change Log:
+ − 54
+ − 55 ;; Version 2.02 (30 Jul 93):
+ − 56 ;; * Added "cl-compat.el" file, extra compatibility with old package.
+ − 57 ;; * Added `lexical-let' and `lexical-let*'.
+ − 58 ;; * Added `define-modify-macro', `callf', and `callf2'.
+ − 59 ;; * Added `ignore-errors'.
+ − 60 ;; * Changed `(setf (nthcdr N PLACE) X)' to work when N is zero.
+ − 61 ;; * Merged `*gentemp-counter*' into `*gensym-counter*'.
+ − 62 ;; * Extended `subseq' to allow negative START and END like `substring'.
+ − 63 ;; * Added `in-ref', `across-ref', `elements of-ref' loop clauses.
+ − 64 ;; * Added `concat', `vconcat' loop clauses.
+ − 65 ;; * Cleaned up a number of compiler warnings.
+ − 66
+ − 67 ;; Version 2.01 (7 Jul 93):
+ − 68 ;; * Added support for FSF version of Emacs 19.
+ − 69 ;; * Added `add-hook' for Emacs 18 users.
+ − 70 ;; * Added `defsubst*' and `symbol-macrolet'.
+ − 71 ;; * Added `maplist', `mapc', `mapl', `mapcan', `mapcon'.
+ − 72 ;; * Added `map', `concatenate', `reduce', `merge'.
+ − 73 ;; * Added `revappend', `nreconc', `tailp', `tree-equal'.
+ − 74 ;; * Added `assert', `check-type', `typecase', `typep', and `deftype'.
+ − 75 ;; * Added destructuring and `&environment' support to `defmacro*'.
+ − 76 ;; * Added destructuring to `loop', and added the following clauses:
+ − 77 ;; `elements', `frames', `overlays', `intervals', `buffers', `key-seqs'.
+ − 78 ;; * Renamed `delete' to `delete*' and `remove' to `remove*'.
+ − 79 ;; * Completed support for all keywords in `remove*', `substitute', etc.
+ − 80 ;; * Added `most-positive-float' and company.
+ − 81 ;; * Fixed hash tables to work with latest Lucid Emacs.
+ − 82 ;; * `proclaim' forms are no longer compile-time-evaluating; use `declaim'.
+ − 83 ;; * Syntax for `warn' declarations has changed.
+ − 84 ;; * Improved implementation of `random*'.
+ − 85 ;; * Moved most sequence functions to a new file, cl-seq.el.
+ − 86 ;; * Moved `eval-when' into cl-macs.el.
+ − 87 ;; * Moved `pushnew' and `adjoin' to cl.el for most common cases.
+ − 88 ;; * Moved `provide' forms down to ends of files.
+ − 89 ;; * Changed expansion of `pop' to something that compiles to better code.
+ − 90 ;; * Changed so that no patch is required for Emacs 19 byte compiler.
+ − 91 ;; * Made more things dependent on `optimize' declarations.
+ − 92 ;; * Added a partial implementation of struct print functions.
+ − 93 ;; * Miscellaneous minor changes.
+ − 94
+ − 95 ;; Version 2.00:
+ − 96 ;; * First public release of this package.
+ − 97
+ − 98
+ − 99 ;;; Code:
+ − 100
+ − 101 (defvar cl-emacs-type (cond ((or (and (fboundp 'epoch::version)
+ − 102 (symbol-value 'epoch::version))
+ − 103 (string-lessp emacs-version "19")) 18)
+ − 104 ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+ − 105 'lucid)
+ − 106 (t 19)))
+ − 107
+ − 108 (defvar cl-optimize-speed 1)
+ − 109 (defvar cl-optimize-safety 1)
+ − 110
+ − 111
+ − 112 (defvar custom-print-functions nil
+ − 113 "This is a list of functions that format user objects for printing.
+ − 114 Each function is called in turn with three arguments: the object, the
+ − 115 stream, and the print level (currently ignored). If it is able to
+ − 116 print the object it returns true; otherwise it returns nil and the
+ − 117 printer proceeds to the next function on the list.
+ − 118
+ − 119 This variable is not used at present, but it is defined in hopes that
+ − 120 a future Emacs interpreter will be able to use it.")
+ − 121
+ − 122
+ − 123 ;;; Predicates.
+ − 124
+ − 125 (defun eql (a b) ; See compiler macro in cl-macs.el
+ − 126 "Return t if the two args are the same Lisp object.
+ − 127 Floating-point numbers of equal value are `eql', but they may not be `eq'."
+ − 128 (or (eq a b)
+ − 129 (and (numberp a) (numberp b) (equal a b))))
+ − 130
+ − 131 ;;; Generalized variables. These macros are defined here so that they
+ − 132 ;;; can safely be used in .emacs files.
+ − 133
+ − 134 (defmacro incf (place &optional x)
+ − 135 "Increment PLACE by X (1 by default).
+ − 136 PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ − 137 The return value is the incremented value of PLACE."
+ − 138 (if (symbolp place)
+ − 139 (list 'setq place (if x (list '+ place x) (list '1+ place)))
+ − 140 ;; XEmacs byte-compiler optimizes (+ FOO 1) to (1+ FOO), so this
+ − 141 ;; is OK.
+ − 142 (list 'callf '+ place (or x 1))))
+ − 143
+ − 144 (defmacro decf (place &optional x)
+ − 145 "Decrement PLACE by X (1 by default).
+ − 146 PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ − 147 The return value is the decremented value of PLACE."
+ − 148 (if (symbolp place)
+ − 149 (list 'setq place (if x (list '- place x) (list '1- place)))
+ − 150 (list 'callf '- place (or x 1))))
+ − 151
+ − 152 (defmacro pop (place)
+ − 153 "Remove and return the head of the list stored in PLACE.
+ − 154 Analogous to (prog1 (car PLACE) (setf PLACE (cdr PLACE))), though more
+ − 155 careful about evaluating each argument only once and in the right order.
+ − 156 PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'."
+ − 157 (if (symbolp place)
+ − 158 `(car (prog1 ,place (setq ,place (cdr ,place))))
+ − 159 (cl-do-pop place)))
+ − 160
+ − 161 (defmacro push (newelt listname)
+ − 162 "Add NEWELT at the beginning of the list stored in LISTNAME.
+ − 163 Analogous to (setf LISTNAME (cons NEWELT LISTNAME)), though more careful
+ − 164 about evaluating each argument only once and in the right order. LISTNAME
+ − 165 may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'; that is, it
+ − 166 does not necessarily have to be a list, though `push' is most often used on
+ − 167 lists. "
+ − 168 (if (symbolp listname) `(setq ,listname (cons ,newelt ,listname))
+ − 169 (list 'callf2 'cons newelt listname)))
+ − 170
+ − 171 (defmacro pushnew (newelt listname &rest keys)
+ − 172 "Add NEWELT at the beginning of LISTNAME, unless it's already in LISTNAME.
+ − 173 Like (push NEWELT LISTNAME), except that the list is unmodified if NEWELT is
+ − 174 `eql' to an element already on the list.
+ − 175 Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key"
+ − 176 (if (symbolp listname) (list 'setq listname
+ − 177 (list* 'adjoin newelt listname keys))
+ − 178 (list* 'callf2 'adjoin newelt listname keys)))
+ − 179
+ − 180 (defun cl-set-elt (seq n val)
+ − 181 (if (listp seq) (setcar (nthcdr n seq) val) (aset seq n val)))
+ − 182
+ − 183 (defun cl-set-nthcdr (n list x)
+ − 184 (if (<= n 0) x (setcdr (nthcdr (1- n) list) x) list))
+ − 185
+ − 186 (defun cl-set-buffer-substring (start end val)
+ − 187 (save-excursion (delete-region start end)
+ − 188 (goto-char start)
+ − 189 (insert val)
+ − 190 val))
+ − 191
+ − 192 (defun cl-set-substring (str start end val)
+ − 193 (if end (if (< end 0) (incf end (length str)))
+ − 194 (setq end (length str)))
+ − 195 (if (< start 0) (incf start (length str)))
+ − 196 (concat (and (> start 0) (substring str 0 start))
+ − 197 val
+ − 198 (and (< end (length str)) (substring str end))))
+ − 199
+ − 200
+ − 201 ;;; Control structures.
+ − 202
+ − 203 ;; The macros `when' and `unless' are so useful that we want them to
+ − 204 ;; ALWAYS be available. So they've been moved from cl.el to eval.c.
+ − 205 ;; Note: FSF Emacs moved them to subr.el in FSF 20.
+ − 206
+ − 207 (defalias 'cl-map-extents 'map-extents)
+ − 208
+ − 209
+ − 210 ;;; Blocks and exits.
+ − 211
+ − 212 (defalias 'cl-block-wrapper 'identity)
+ − 213 (defalias 'cl-block-throw 'throw)
+ − 214
+ − 215
+ − 216 ;;; Multiple values. True multiple values are not supported, or even
+ − 217 ;;; simulated. Instead, multiple-value-bind and friends simply expect
+ − 218 ;;; the target form to return the values as a list.
+ − 219
+ − 220 (defsubst values (&rest values)
+ − 221 "Return multiple values, Common Lisp style.
+ − 222 The arguments of `values' are the values
+ − 223 that the containing function should return."
+ − 224 values)
+ − 225
+ − 226 (defsubst values-list (list)
+ − 227 "Return multiple values, Common Lisp style, taken from a list.
+ − 228 LIST specifies the list of values
+ − 229 that the containing function should return."
+ − 230 list)
+ − 231
+ − 232 (defsubst multiple-value-list (expression)
+ − 233 "Return a list of the multiple values produced by EXPRESSION.
+ − 234 This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not
+ − 235 work right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function
+ − 236 that returns just one value."
+ − 237 expression)
+ − 238
+ − 239 (defsubst multiple-value-apply (function expression)
+ − 240 "Evaluate EXPRESSION to get multiple values and apply FUNCTION to them.
+ − 241 This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not work
+ − 242 right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function that returns just
+ − 243 one value."
+ − 244 (apply function expression))
+ − 245
+ − 246 (defalias 'multiple-value-call 'apply) ; only works for one arg
+ − 247
+ − 248 (defsubst nth-value (n expression)
+ − 249 "Evaluate EXPRESSION to get multiple values and return the Nth one.
+ − 250 This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not work
+ − 251 right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function that returns just
+ − 252 one value."
+ − 253 (nth n expression))
+ − 254
+ − 255 ;;; Macros.
+ − 256
+ − 257 (defvar cl-macro-environment nil)
+ − 258 ;; XEmacs: we renamed the internal function to macroexpand-internal
+ − 259 ;; to avoid doc-file problems.
+ − 260 (defvar cl-old-macroexpand (prog1 (symbol-function 'macroexpand-internal)
+ − 261 (defalias 'macroexpand 'cl-macroexpand)))
+ − 262
+ − 263 (defun cl-macroexpand (cl-macro &optional cl-env)
+ − 264 "Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
+ − 265 If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
+ − 266 Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is considered
+ − 267 in place of FORM. When a non-macro-call results, it is returned.
+ − 268
+ − 269 The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
+ − 270 definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation."
+ − 271 (let ((cl-macro-environment cl-env))
+ − 272 (while (progn (setq cl-macro (funcall cl-old-macroexpand cl-macro cl-env))
+ − 273 (and (symbolp cl-macro)
+ − 274 (cdr (assq (symbol-name cl-macro) cl-env))))
+ − 275 (setq cl-macro (cadr (assq (symbol-name cl-macro) cl-env))))
+ − 276 cl-macro))
+ − 277
+ − 278
+ − 279 ;;; Declarations.
+ − 280
+ − 281 (defvar cl-compiling-file nil)
+ − 282 (defun cl-compiling-file ()
+ − 283 (or cl-compiling-file
+ − 284 ;; XEmacs change
+ − 285 ; (and (boundp 'outbuffer) (bufferp (symbol-value 'outbuffer))
+ − 286 ; (equal (buffer-name (symbol-value 'outbuffer))
+ − 287 ; " *Compiler Output*"))
+ − 288 (and (boundp 'byte-compile-outbuffer)
+ − 289 (bufferp (symbol-value 'byte-compile-outbuffer))
+ − 290 (equal (buffer-name (symbol-value 'byte-compile-outbuffer))
+ − 291 " *Compiler Output*"))
+ − 292 ))
+ − 293
+ − 294 (defvar cl-proclaims-deferred nil)
+ − 295
+ − 296 (defun proclaim (spec)
+ − 297 (if (fboundp 'cl-do-proclaim) (cl-do-proclaim spec t)
+ − 298 (push spec cl-proclaims-deferred))
+ − 299 nil)
+ − 300
+ − 301 (defmacro declaim (&rest specs)
+ − 302 (let ((body (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (list 'proclaim (list 'quote x))))
+ − 303 specs)))
+ − 304 (if (cl-compiling-file) (list* 'eval-when '(compile load eval) body)
+ − 305 (cons 'progn body)))) ; avoid loading cl-macs.el for eval-when
+ − 306
+ − 307
+ − 308 ;;; Symbols.
+ − 309
+ − 310 (defun cl-random-time ()
+ − 311 (let* ((time (copy-sequence (current-time-string))) (i (length time)) (v 0))
+ − 312 (while (>= (decf i) 0) (setq v (+ (* v 3) (aref time i))))
+ − 313 (if-fboundp 'coerce-number
+ − 314 (coerce-number v 'fixnum)
+ − 315 v)))
+ − 316
+ − 317 (defvar *gensym-counter* (* (logand (cl-random-time) 1023) 100))
+ − 318
+ − 319 ;; XEmacs change: gensym and gentemp moved here from cl-macs.el
+ − 320 (defun gensym (&optional arg)
+ − 321 "Generate a new uninterned symbol.
+ − 322 The name is made by appending a number to a prefix. If ARG is a string, it
+ − 323 is the prefix, otherwise the prefix defaults to \"G\". If ARG is an integer,
+ − 324 the internal counter is reset to that number before creating the name.
+ − 325 There is no way to specify both using this function."
+ − 326 (let ((prefix (if (stringp arg) arg "G"))
+ − 327 (num (if (integerp arg) arg
+ − 328 (prog1 *gensym-counter*
+ − 329 (setq *gensym-counter* (1+ *gensym-counter*))))))
+ − 330 (make-symbol (format "%s%d" prefix num))))
+ − 331
+ − 332 (defun gentemp (&optional arg)
+ − 333 "Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
+ − 334 The name is made by appending a number to ARG, default \"G\".
+ − 335 If ARG is not a string, it is ignored."
+ − 336 (let ((prefix (if (stringp arg) arg "G"))
+ − 337 name)
+ − 338 (while (intern-soft (setq name (format "%s%d" prefix *gensym-counter*)))
+ − 339 (setq *gensym-counter* (1+ *gensym-counter*)))
+ − 340 (intern name)))
+ − 341
+ − 342 ;;; Numbers.
+ − 343
+ − 344 ;; XEmacs change: use floatp, which is right even in the presence of ratios
+ − 345 ;; and bigfloats
+ − 346 (defun floatp-safe (object)
+ − 347 "Return t if OBJECT is a floating point number."
+ − 348 (floatp object))
+ − 349
+ − 350 (defun plusp (number)
+ − 351 "Return t if NUMBER is positive."
+ − 352 (> number 0))
+ − 353
+ − 354 (defun minusp (number)
+ − 355 "Return t if NUMBER is negative."
+ − 356 (< number 0))
+ − 357
+ − 358 (defun oddp (integer)
+ − 359 "Return t if INTEGER is odd."
+ − 360 (eq (logand integer 1) 1))
+ − 361
+ − 362 (defun evenp (integer)
+ − 363 "Return t if INTEGER is even."
+ − 364 (eq (logand integer 1) 0))
+ − 365
+ − 366 ;; XEmacs addition
+ − 367 (defalias 'cl-abs 'abs)
+ − 368
+ − 369 (defvar *random-state* (vector 'cl-random-state-tag -1 30 (cl-random-time)))
+ − 370
+ − 371 ;; XEmacs: These constants are defined in C when 'number-types is provided.
+ − 372 ;; They are always defined in C on Emacs. Maybe we should, too.
+ − 373 (unless (featurep 'number-types)
+ − 374 ;;; We use `eval' in case VALBITS differs from compile-time to load-time.
+ − 375 (defconst most-positive-fixnum (eval '(lsh -1 -1))
+ − 376 "The integer closest in value to positive infinity.")
+ − 377 (defconst most-negative-fixnum (eval '(- -1 (lsh -1 -1)))
+ − 378 "The integer closest in value to negative infinity."))
+ − 379
+ − 380 ;;; The following are set by code in cl-extra.el
+ − 381 (defconst most-positive-float nil
+ − 382 "The float closest in value to positive infinity.")
+ − 383 (defconst most-negative-float nil
+ − 384 "The float closest in value to negative infinity.")
+ − 385 (defconst least-positive-float nil
+ − 386 "The positive float closest in value to 0.")
+ − 387 (defconst least-negative-float nil
+ − 388 "The negative float closest in value to 0.")
+ − 389 (defconst least-positive-normalized-float nil)
+ − 390 (defconst least-negative-normalized-float nil)
+ − 391 (defconst float-epsilon nil)
+ − 392 (defconst float-negative-epsilon nil)
+ − 393
+ − 394
+ − 395 ;;; Sequence functions.
+ − 396
+ − 397 (defalias 'copy-seq 'copy-sequence)
+ − 398
+ − 399 (defun mapcar* (cl-func cl-x &rest cl-rest)
+ − 400 "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ, and make a list of the results.
+ − 401 If there are several SEQs, FUNCTION is called with that many arguments,
+ − 402 and mapping stops as soon as the shortest list runs out. With just one
+ − 403 SEQ, this is like `mapcar'. With several, it is like the Common Lisp
+ − 404 `mapcar' function extended to arbitrary sequence types."
+ − 405 (if cl-rest
+ − 406 (if (or (cdr cl-rest) (nlistp cl-x) (nlistp (car cl-rest)))
+ − 407 (cl-mapcar-many cl-func (cons cl-x cl-rest))
+ − 408 (let ((cl-res nil) (cl-y (car cl-rest)))
+ − 409 (while (and cl-x cl-y)
+ − 410 (push (funcall cl-func (pop cl-x) (pop cl-y)) cl-res))
+ − 411 (nreverse cl-res)))
+ − 412 (mapcar cl-func cl-x)))
+ − 413
+ − 414 (defalias 'svref 'aref)
+ − 415
+ − 416 ;;; List functions.
+ − 417
+ − 418 ;; These functions are made known to the byte-compiler by cl-macs.el
+ − 419 ;; and turned into efficient car and cdr bytecodes.
+ − 420
+ − 421 (defalias 'first 'car)
+ − 422 (defalias 'rest 'cdr)
+ − 423 (defalias 'endp 'null)
+ − 424
+ − 425 ;; XEmacs change: make it a real function
+ − 426 (defun second (x)
+ − 427 "Return the second element of the list LIST."
+ − 428 (car (cdr x)))
+ − 429
+ − 430 (defun third (x)
+ − 431 "Return the third element of the list X."
+ − 432 (car (cdr (cdr x))))
+ − 433
+ − 434 (defun fourth (x)
+ − 435 "Return the fourth element of the list X."
+ − 436 (nth 3 x))
+ − 437
+ − 438 (defun fifth (x)
+ − 439 "Return the fifth element of the list X."
+ − 440 (nth 4 x))
+ − 441
+ − 442 (defun sixth (x)
+ − 443 "Return the sixth element of the list X."
+ − 444 (nth 5 x))
+ − 445
+ − 446 (defun seventh (x)
+ − 447 "Return the seventh element of the list X."
+ − 448 (nth 6 x))
+ − 449
+ − 450 (defun eighth (x)
+ − 451 "Return the eighth element of the list X."
+ − 452 (nth 7 x))
+ − 453
+ − 454 (defun ninth (x)
+ − 455 "Return the ninth element of the list X."
+ − 456 (nth 8 x))
+ − 457
+ − 458 (defun tenth (x)
+ − 459 "Return the tenth element of the list X."
+ − 460 (nth 9 x))
+ − 461
+ − 462 ;; XEmacs change: Emacs defines caar, cadr, cdar, and cddr in subr.el.
+ − 463 (defun caar (x)
+ − 464 "Return the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 465 (car (car x)))
+ − 466
+ − 467 (defun cadr (x)
+ − 468 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 469 (car (cdr x)))
+ − 470
+ − 471 (defun cdar (x)
+ − 472 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 473 (cdr (car x)))
+ − 474
+ − 475 (defun cddr (x)
+ − 476 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 477 (cdr (cdr x)))
+ − 478
+ − 479 (defun caaar (x)
+ − 480 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 481 (car (car (car x))))
+ − 482
+ − 483 (defun caadr (x)
+ − 484 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 485 (car (car (cdr x))))
+ − 486
+ − 487 (defun cadar (x)
+ − 488 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 489 (car (cdr (car x))))
+ − 490
+ − 491 (defun caddr (x)
+ − 492 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 493 (car (cdr (cdr x))))
+ − 494
+ − 495 (defun cdaar (x)
+ − 496 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 497 (cdr (car (car x))))
+ − 498
+ − 499 (defun cdadr (x)
+ − 500 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 501 (cdr (car (cdr x))))
+ − 502
+ − 503 (defun cddar (x)
+ − 504 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 505 (cdr (cdr (car x))))
+ − 506
+ − 507 (defun cdddr (x)
+ − 508 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 509 (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
+ − 510
+ − 511 (defun caaaar (x)
+ − 512 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 513 (car (car (car (car x)))))
+ − 514
+ − 515 (defun caaadr (x)
+ − 516 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 517 (car (car (car (cdr x)))))
+ − 518
+ − 519 (defun caadar (x)
+ − 520 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 521 (car (car (cdr (car x)))))
+ − 522
+ − 523 (defun caaddr (x)
+ − 524 "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 525 (car (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
+ − 526
+ − 527 (defun cadaar (x)
+ − 528 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 529 (car (cdr (car (car x)))))
+ − 530
+ − 531 (defun cadadr (x)
+ − 532 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 533 (car (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
+ − 534
+ − 535 (defun caddar (x)
+ − 536 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 537 (car (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
+ − 538
+ − 539 (defun cadddr (x)
+ − 540 "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 541 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
+ − 542
+ − 543 (defun cdaaar (x)
+ − 544 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 545 (cdr (car (car (car x)))))
+ − 546
+ − 547 (defun cdaadr (x)
+ − 548 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 549 (cdr (car (car (cdr x)))))
+ − 550
+ − 551 (defun cdadar (x)
+ − 552 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 553 (cdr (car (cdr (car x)))))
+ − 554
+ − 555 (defun cdaddr (x)
+ − 556 "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 557 (cdr (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
+ − 558
+ − 559 (defun cddaar (x)
+ − 560 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
+ − 561 (cdr (cdr (car (car x)))))
+ − 562
+ − 563 (defun cddadr (x)
+ − 564 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 565 (cdr (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
+ − 566
+ − 567 (defun cdddar (x)
+ − 568 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
+ − 569 (cdr (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
+ − 570
+ − 571 (defun cddddr (x)
+ − 572 "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
+ − 573 (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
+ − 574
+ − 575 ;;; `last' is implemented as a C primitive, as of 1998-11
+ − 576 ;;(defun last* (x &optional n)
+ − 577 ;; "Returns the last link in the list LIST.
+ − 578 ;;With optional argument N, returns Nth-to-last link (default 1)."
+ − 579 ;; (if n
+ − 580 ;; (let ((m 0) (p x))
+ − 581 ;; (while (consp p) (incf m) (pop p))
+ − 582 ;; (if (<= n 0) p
+ − 583 ;; (if (< n m) (nthcdr (- m n) x) x)))
+ − 584 ;; (while (consp (cdr x)) (pop x))
+ − 585 ;; x))
+ − 586
+ − 587 (defun list* (arg &rest rest) ; See compiler macro in cl-macs.el
+ − 588 "Return a new list with specified args as elements, cons'd to last arg.
+ − 589 Thus, `(list* A B C D)' is equivalent to `(nconc (list A B C) D)', or to
+ − 590 `(cons A (cons B (cons C D)))'."
+ − 591 (cond ((not rest) arg)
+ − 592 ((not (cdr rest)) (cons arg (car rest)))
+ − 593 (t (let* ((n (length rest))
+ − 594 (copy (copy-sequence rest))
+ − 595 (last (nthcdr (- n 2) copy)))
+ − 596 (setcdr last (car (cdr last)))
+ − 597 (cons arg copy)))))
+ − 598
+ − 599 (defun ldiff (list sublist)
+ − 600 "Return a copy of LIST with the tail SUBLIST removed."
+ − 601 (let ((res nil))
+ − 602 (while (and (consp list) (not (eq list sublist)))
+ − 603 (push (pop list) res))
+ − 604 (nreverse res)))
+ − 605
+ − 606 ;;; `copy-list' is implemented as a C primitive, as of 1998-11
+ − 607
+ − 608 ;(defun copy-list (list)
+ − 609 ; "Return a copy of a list, which may be a dotted list.
+ − 610 ;The elements of the list are not copied, just the list structure itself."
+ − 611 ; (if (consp list)
+ − 612 ; (let ((res nil))
+ − 613 ; (while (consp list) (push (pop list) res))
+ − 614 ; (prog1 (nreverse res) (setcdr res list)))
+ − 615 ; (car list)))
+ − 616
+ − 617 (defun cl-maclisp-member (item list)
+ − 618 (while (and list (not (equal item (car list)))) (setq list (cdr list)))
+ − 619 list)
+ − 620
+ − 621 (defalias 'cl-member 'memq) ; for compatibility with old CL package
+ − 622 (defalias 'cl-floor 'floor*)
+ − 623 (defalias 'cl-ceiling 'ceiling*)
+ − 624 (defalias 'cl-truncate 'truncate*)
+ − 625 (defalias 'cl-round 'round*)
+ − 626 (defalias 'cl-mod 'mod*)
+ − 627
+ − 628 (defun adjoin (cl-item cl-list &rest cl-keys) ; See compiler macro in cl-macs
+ − 629 "Return ITEM consed onto the front of LIST only if it's not already there.
+ − 630 Otherwise, return LIST unmodified.
+ − 631 Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key"
+ − 632 (cond ((or (equal cl-keys '(:test eq))
+ − 633 (and (null cl-keys) (not (numberp cl-item))))
+ − 634 (if (memq cl-item cl-list) cl-list (cons cl-item cl-list)))
+ − 635 ((or (equal cl-keys '(:test equal)) (null cl-keys))
+ − 636 (if (member cl-item cl-list) cl-list (cons cl-item cl-list)))
+ − 637 (t (apply 'cl-adjoin cl-item cl-list cl-keys))))
+ − 638
+ − 639 (defun subst (cl-new cl-old cl-tree &rest cl-keys)
+ − 640 "Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (non-destructively).
+ − 641 Return a copy of TREE with all elements `eql' to OLD replaced by NEW.
+ − 642 Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key"
+ − 643 (if (or cl-keys (and (numberp cl-old) (not (integerp cl-old))))
+ − 644 (apply 'sublis (list (cons cl-old cl-new)) cl-tree cl-keys)
+ − 645 (cl-do-subst cl-new cl-old cl-tree)))
+ − 646
+ − 647 (defun cl-do-subst (cl-new cl-old cl-tree)
+ − 648 (cond ((eq cl-tree cl-old) cl-new)
+ − 649 ((consp cl-tree)
+ − 650 (let ((a (cl-do-subst cl-new cl-old (car cl-tree)))
+ − 651 (d (cl-do-subst cl-new cl-old (cdr cl-tree))))
+ − 652 (if (and (eq a (car cl-tree)) (eq d (cdr cl-tree)))
+ − 653 cl-tree (cons a d))))
+ − 654 (t cl-tree)))
+ − 655
+ − 656 (defun acons (a b c)
+ − 657 "Return a new alist created by adding (KEY . VALUE) to ALIST."
+ − 658 (cons (cons a b) c))
+ − 659
+ − 660 (defun pairlis (a b &optional c) (nconc (mapcar* 'cons a b) c))
+ − 661
+ − 662
+ − 663 ;;; Miscellaneous.
+ − 664
+ − 665 ;; XEmacs change
+ − 666 (define-error 'cl-assertion-failed "Assertion failed")
+ − 667
+ − 668 ;; XEmacs change: omit the autoload rules; we handle those a different way
+ − 669
+ − 670 ;;; Define data for indentation and edebug.
+ − 671 (mapcar
+ − 672 #'(lambda (entry)
+ − 673 (mapcar
+ − 674 #'(lambda (func)
+ − 675 (put func 'lisp-indent-function (nth 1 entry))
+ − 676 (put func 'lisp-indent-hook (nth 1 entry))
+ − 677 (or (get func 'edebug-form-spec)
+ − 678 (put func 'edebug-form-spec (nth 2 entry))))
+ − 679 (car entry)))
+ − 680 '(((defun* defmacro*) defun)
+ − 681 ((function*) nil
+ − 682 (&or symbolp ([&optional 'macro] 'lambda (&rest sexp) &rest form)))
+ − 683 ((eval-when) 1 (sexp &rest form))
+ − 684 ((when unless) 1 (&rest form))
+ − 685 ((declare) nil (&rest sexp))
+ − 686 ((the) 1 (sexp &rest form))
+ − 687 ((case ecase typecase etypecase) 1 (form &rest (sexp &rest form)))
+ − 688 ((block return-from) 1 (sexp &rest form))
+ − 689 ((return) nil (&optional form))
+ − 690 ((do do*) 2 ((&rest &or symbolp (symbolp &optional form form))
+ − 691 (form &rest form)
+ − 692 &rest form))
+ − 693 ((dolist dotimes) 1 ((symbolp form &rest form) &rest form))
+ − 694 ((do-symbols) 1 ((symbolp form &optional form form) &rest form))
+ − 695 ((do-all-symbols) 1 ((symbolp form &optional form) &rest form))
+ − 696 ((psetq setf psetf) nil edebug-setq-form)
+ − 697 ((progv) 2 (&rest form))
+ − 698 ((flet labels macrolet) 1
+ − 699 ((&rest (sexp sexp &rest form)) &rest form))
+ − 700 ((symbol-macrolet lexical-let lexical-let*) 1
+ − 701 ((&rest &or symbolp (symbolp form)) &rest form))
+ − 702 ((multiple-value-bind) 2 ((&rest symbolp) &rest form))
+ − 703 ((multiple-value-setq) 1 ((&rest symbolp) &rest form))
+ − 704 ((incf decf remf pop push pushnew shiftf rotatef) nil (&rest form))
+ − 705 ((letf letf*) 1 ((&rest (&rest form)) &rest form))
+ − 706 ((callf destructuring-bind) 2 (sexp form &rest form))
+ − 707 ((callf2) 3 (sexp form form &rest form))
+ − 708 ((loop) defun (&rest &or symbolp form))
+ − 709 ((ignore-errors) 0 (&rest form))))
+ − 710
+ − 711
+ − 712 ;;; This goes here so that cl-macs can find it if it loads right now.
+ − 713 (provide 'cl-19) ; usage: (require 'cl-19 "cl")
+ − 714
+ − 715
+ − 716 ;;; Things to do after byte-compiler is loaded.
+ − 717 ;;; As a side effect, we cause cl-macs to be loaded when compiling, so
+ − 718 ;;; that the compiler-macros defined there will be present.
+ − 719
+ − 720 (defvar cl-hacked-flag nil)
+ − 721 (defun cl-hack-byte-compiler ()
+ − 722 (if (and (not cl-hacked-flag) (fboundp 'byte-compile-file-form))
+ − 723 (progn
+ − 724 (setq cl-hacked-flag t) ; Do it first, to prevent recursion.
+ − 725 (when (not (fboundp 'cl-compile-time-init))
+ − 726 (load "cl-macs" nil t))
+ − 727 (cl-compile-time-init)))) ; In cl-macs.el.
+ − 728
+ − 729 ;;; Try it now in case the compiler has already been loaded.
+ − 730 (cl-hack-byte-compiler)
+ − 731
+ − 732 ;;; Also make a hook in case compiler is loaded after this file.
+ − 733 ;;; The compiler doesn't call any hooks when it loads or runs, but
+ − 734 ;;; we can take advantage of the fact that emacs-lisp-mode will be
+ − 735 ;;; called when the compiler reads in the file to be compiled.
+ − 736 ;;; BUG: If the first compilation is `byte-compile' rather than
+ − 737 ;;; `byte-compile-file', we lose. Emacs has fixed this by hanging it
+ − 738 ;;; on `bytecomp-load-hook' instead, which we do not have.
+ − 739 (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'cl-hack-byte-compiler)
+ − 740
+ − 741
+ − 742 ;;; The following ensures that packages which expect the old-style cl.el
+ − 743 ;;; will be happy with this one.
+ − 744
+ − 745 (provide 'cl)
+ − 746
+ − 747 (run-hooks 'cl-load-hook)
+ − 748
+ − 749 ;;; arch-tag: 5f07fa74-f153-4524-9303-21f5be125851
+ − 750 ;;; cl.el ends here