+ − 1 ;;; bg-mouse.el --- GNU Emacs code for BBN Bitgraph mouse.
+ − 2
+ − 3 ;; Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc. Oct 1985.
+ − 4
+ − 5 ;; Author: John Robinson <jr@bbn-unix.arpa>
+ − 6 ;; Stephen Gildea <gildea@bbn.com>
+ − 7 ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ − 8 ;; Keywords: hardware
+ − 9
+ − 10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ − 11
+ − 12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ − 13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ − 14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ − 15 ;; any later version.
+ − 16
+ − 17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ − 18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ − 21
+ − 22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ − 23 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ − 24 ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ − 25
+ − 26 ;;; Code:
+ − 27
+ − 28 ;;; #### utterly broken. I've put in hacks so we don't get byte-comp
+ − 29 ;;; warnings, but this shit should go NOW. --ben
+ − 30
+ − 31 ;;; Original version by John Robinson (jr@bbn-unix.arpa, bbncca!jr), Oct 1985
+ − 32 ;;; Modularized and enhanced by gildea@bbn.com Nov 1987
+ − 33 ;;; Time stamp <89/03/21 14:27:08 gildea>
+ − 34
+ − 35 ;;; User customization option:
+ − 36
+ − 37 (defvar bg-mouse-fast-select-window nil
+ − 38 "*Non-nil for mouse hits to select new window, then execute; else just select.")
+ − 39
+ − 40 ;;; These numbers are summed to make the index into the mouse-map.
+ − 41 ;;; The low three bits correspond to what the mouse actually sends.
+ − 42 (defconst bg-button-r 1)
+ − 43 (defconst bg-button-m 2)
+ − 44 (defconst bg-button-c 2)
+ − 45 (defconst bg-button-l 4)
+ − 46 (defconst bg-in-modeline 8)
+ − 47 (defconst bg-in-scrollbar 16)
+ − 48 (defconst bg-in-minibuf 24)
+ − 49
+ − 50 ;;; semicolon screws up indenting, so use this instead
+ − 51 (defconst semicolon ?\;)
+ − 52
+ − 53 ;;; Defuns:
+ − 54
+ − 55 ;; #### bunch of crap.
+ − 56 (globally-declare-boundp 'mouse-map)
+ − 57
+ − 58 (defun bg-window-edges (&optional win)
+ − 59 (error "not implemented")
+ − 60 (window-pixel-edges win))
+ − 61
+ − 62 (defun bg-mouse-report (prefix-arg)
+ − 63 "Read, parse, and execute a BBN BitGraph mouse click.
+ − 64
+ − 65 L-- move point | These apply for mouse click in a window.
+ − 66 --R set mark | If bg-mouse-fast-select-window is nil,
+ − 67 L-R kill region | these commands on a nonselected window
+ − 68 -C- move point and yank | just select that window.
+ − 69 LC- yank-pop |
+ − 70 -CR or LCR undo | \"Scroll bar\" is right-hand window column.
+ − 71
+ − 72 on modeline: on \"scroll bar\": in minibuffer:
+ − 73 L-- scroll-up line to top execute-extended-command
+ − 74 --R scroll-down line to bottom eval-expression
+ − 75 -C- proportional goto-char line to middle suspend-emacs
+ − 76
+ − 77 To reinitialize the mouse if the terminal is reset, type ESC : RET"
+ − 78 (interactive "P")
+ − 79 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y bg-cursor-window))
+ − 80 (bg-get-tty-num semicolon)
+ − 81 (let*
+ − 82 ((screen-mouse-x (min (1- (frame-width)) ;don't hit column 86!
+ − 83 (/ (bg-get-tty-num semicolon) 9)))
+ − 84 (screen-mouse-y (- (1- (frame-height)) ;assume default font size.
+ − 85 (/ (bg-get-tty-num semicolon) 16)))
+ − 86 (bg-mouse-buttons (% (bg-get-tty-num ?c) 8))
+ − 87 (bg-mouse-window (bg-window-from-x-y screen-mouse-x screen-mouse-y))
+ − 88 (bg-cursor-window (selected-window))
+ − 89 (edges (bg-window-edges bg-mouse-window))
+ − 90 (minibuf-p (= screen-mouse-y (1- (frame-height))))
+ − 91 (in-modeline-p (and (not minibuf-p)
+ − 92 (= screen-mouse-y (1- (nth 3 edges)))))
+ − 93 (in-scrollbar-p (and (not minibuf-p) (not in-modeline-p)
+ − 94 (>= screen-mouse-x (1- (nth 2 edges)))))
+ − 95 (same-window-p (eq bg-mouse-window bg-cursor-window))
+ − 96 (in-minibuf-p (and minibuf-p
+ − 97 (not bg-mouse-window))) ;minibuf must be inactive
+ − 98 (bg-mode-bits (+ (if in-minibuf-p bg-in-minibuf 0)
+ − 99 (if in-modeline-p bg-in-modeline 0)
+ − 100 (if in-scrollbar-p bg-in-scrollbar 0)))
+ − 101 (bg-command
+ − 102 (lookup-key mouse-map
+ − 103 (char-to-string (+ bg-mode-bits bg-mouse-buttons))))
+ − 104 (bg-mouse-x (- screen-mouse-x (nth 0 edges)))
+ − 105 (bg-mouse-y (- screen-mouse-y (nth 1 edges))))
+ − 106 (cond ((or in-modeline-p in-scrollbar-p)
+ − 107 (select-window bg-mouse-window)
+ − 108 (bg-command-execute bg-command)
+ − 109 (select-window bg-cursor-window))
+ − 110 ((or same-window-p in-minibuf-p)
+ − 111 (bg-command-execute bg-command))
+ − 112 (t ;in another window
+ − 113 (select-window bg-mouse-window)
+ − 114 (if bg-mouse-fast-select-window
+ − 115 (bg-command-execute bg-command)))
+ − 116 )))
+ − 117
+ − 118
+ − 119 ;;; Library of commands:
+ − 120
+ − 121 (defun bg-set-point ()
+ − 122 "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse."
+ − 123 (interactive)
+ − 124 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 125 (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
+ − 126 (setq this-command 'next-line) ;make subsequent line moves work
+ − 127 (setq temporary-goal-column bg-mouse-x))
+ − 128
+ − 129 (defun bg-set-mark ()
+ − 130 "Set mark at location of BitGraph mouse."
+ − 131 (interactive)
+ − 132 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 133 (push-mark)
+ − 134 (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
+ − 135 (exchange-point-and-mark))
+ − 136
+ − 137 (defun bg-yank ()
+ − 138 "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank."
+ − 139 (interactive "*")
+ − 140 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 141 (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
+ − 142 (setq this-command 'yank)
+ − 143 (yank))
+ − 144
+ − 145 (defun yank-pop-1 ()
+ − 146 (interactive "*")
+ − 147 (yank-pop 1))
+ − 148
+ − 149 (defun bg-yank-or-pop ()
+ − 150 "Move point to location of BitGraph mouse and yank. If last command
+ − 151 was a yank, do a yank-pop."
+ − 152 (interactive "*")
+ − 153 (if (eql last-command 'yank)
+ − 154 (yank-pop 1)
+ − 155 (bg-yank)))
+ − 156
+ − 157 ;;; In 18.51, Emacs Lisp doesn't provide most-positive-fixnum
+ − 158 (defconst bg-most-positive-fixnum 8388607)
+ − 159
+ − 160 (defun bg-move-by-percentage ()
+ − 161 "Go to location in buffer that is the same percentage of the way
+ − 162 through the buffer as the BitGraph mouse's X position in the window."
+ − 163 (interactive)
+ − 164 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 165 ;; check carefully for overflow in intermediate calculations
+ − 166 (goto-char
+ − 167 (cond ((zerop bg-mouse-x)
+ − 168 0)
+ − 169 ((< (buffer-size) (/ bg-most-positive-fixnum bg-mouse-x))
+ − 170 ;; no danger of overflow: compute it exactly
+ − 171 (/ (* bg-mouse-x (buffer-size))
+ − 172 (1- (window-width))))
+ − 173 (t
+ − 174 ;; overflow possible: approximate
+ − 175 (* (/ (buffer-size) (1- (window-width)))
+ − 176 bg-mouse-x))))
+ − 177 (beginning-of-line)
+ − 178 (what-cursor-position))
+ − 179
+ − 180 (defun bg-mouse-line-to-top ()
+ − 181 "Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the top of the window."
+ − 182 (interactive)
+ − 183 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 184 (scroll-up bg-mouse-y))
+ − 185
+ − 186 (defun bg-mouse-line-to-center ()
+ − 187 "Scroll the line pointed to by the BitGraph mouse to the center
+ − 188 of the window."
+ − 189 (interactive)
+ − 190 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 191 (scroll-up (/ (+ 2 bg-mouse-y bg-mouse-y (- (window-height))) 2)))
+ − 192
+ − 193 (defun bg-mouse-line-to-bottom ()
+ − 194 "Scroll the line pointed to by the mouse to the bottom of the window."
+ − 195 (interactive)
+ − 196 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y))
+ − 197 (scroll-up (+ bg-mouse-y (- 2 (window-height)))))
+ − 198
+ − 199 (defun bg-kill-region ()
+ − 200 (interactive "*")
+ − 201 (kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+ − 202
+ − 203 (defun bg-insert-moused-sexp ()
+ − 204 "Insert a copy of the word (actually sexp) that the mouse is pointing at.
+ − 205 Sexp is inserted into the buffer at point (where the text cursor is)."
+ − 206 (interactive)
+ − 207 (declare (special bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y bg-cursor-window))
+ − 208 (let ((moused-text
+ − 209 (save-excursion
+ − 210 (bg-move-point-to-x-y bg-mouse-x bg-mouse-y)
+ − 211 (if (looking-at "\\s)")
+ − 212 (forward-char 1)
+ − 213 (forward-sexp 1))
+ − 214 (buffer-substring (save-excursion (backward-sexp 1) (point))
+ − 215 (point)))))
+ − 216 (select-window bg-cursor-window)
+ − 217 (delete-horizontal-space)
+ − 218 (cond
+ − 219 ((bolp)
+ − 220 (indent-according-to-mode))
+ − 221 ;; In Lisp assume double-quote is closing; in Text assume opening.
+ − 222 ;; Why? Because it does the right thing most often.
+ − 223 ((save-excursion (backward-char 1)
+ − 224 (and (not (looking-at "\\s\""))
+ − 225 (looking-at "[`'\"\\]\\|\\s(")))
+ − 226 nil)
+ − 227 (t
+ − 228 (insert-string " ")))
+ − 229 (insert-string moused-text)
+ − 230 (or (eolp)
+ − 231 (looking-at "\\s.\\|\\s)")
+ − 232 (and (looking-at "'") (looking-at "\\sw")) ;hack for text mode
+ − 233 (save-excursion (insert-string " ")))))
+ − 234
+ − 235 ;;; Utility functions:
+ − 236
+ − 237 (defun bg-get-tty-num (term-char)
+ − 238 "Read from terminal until TERM-CHAR is read, and return intervening number.
+ − 239 If non-numeric not matching TERM-CHAR, reprogram the mouse and signal an error."
+ − 240 (let
+ − 241 ((num 0)
+ − 242 (char (- (read-char) 48)))
+ − 243 (while (and (>= char 0)
+ − 244 (<= char 9))
+ − 245 (setq num (+ (* num 10) char))
+ − 246 (setq char (- (read-char) 48)))
+ − 247 (or (eq term-char (+ char 48))
+ − 248 (progn
+ − 249 (bg-program-mouse)
+ − 250 (error
+ − 251 "Invalid data format in bg-mouse command: mouse reinitialized.")))
+ − 252 num))
+ − 253
+ − 254 ;;; Note that this fails in the minibuf because move-to-column doesn't
+ − 255 ;;; allow for the width of the prompt.
+ − 256 (defun bg-move-point-to-x-y (x y)
+ − 257 "Position cursor in window coordinates.
+ − 258 X and Y are 0-based character positions in the window."
+ − 259 (move-to-window-line y)
+ − 260 ;; if not on a wrapped line, zero-column will be 0
+ − 261 (let ((zero-column (current-column))
+ − 262 (scroll-offset (window-hscroll)))
+ − 263 ;; scrolling takes up column 0 to display the $
+ − 264 (if (> scroll-offset 0)
+ − 265 (setq scroll-offset (1- scroll-offset)))
+ − 266 (move-to-column (+ zero-column scroll-offset x))
+ − 267 ))
+ − 268
+ − 269 ;;; Returns the window that screen position (x, y) is in or nil if none,
+ − 270 ;;; meaning we are in the echo area with a non-active minibuffer.
+ − 271 ;;; If coordinates-in-window-p were not in an X-windows-specific file
+ − 272 ;;; we could use that. In Emacs 19 can even use locate-window-from-coordinates
+ − 273 (defun bg-window-from-x-y (x y)
+ − 274 "Find window corresponding to screen coordinates.
+ − 275 X and Y are 0-based character positions on the screen."
+ − 276 (let ((edges (bg-window-edges))
+ − 277 (window nil))
+ − 278 (while (and (not (eq window (selected-window)))
+ − 279 (or (< y (nth 1 edges))
+ − 280 (>= y (nth 3 edges))
+ − 281 (< x (nth 0 edges))
+ − 282 (>= x (nth 2 edges))))
+ − 283 (setq window (next-window window))
+ − 284 (setq edges (bg-window-edges window)))
+ − 285 (cond ((eq window (selected-window))
+ − 286 nil) ;we've looped: not found
+ − 287 ((not window)
+ − 288 (selected-window)) ;just starting: current window
+ − 289 (t
+ − 290 window))
+ − 291 ))
+ − 292
+ − 293 (defun bg-command-execute (bg-command)
+ − 294 (if (commandp bg-command)
+ − 295 (command-execute bg-command)
+ − 296 (ding)))
+ − 297
+ − 298 (defun bg-program-mouse ()
+ − 299 (send-string-to-terminal "\e:0;7;;;360;512;9;16;9;16c"))
+ − 300
+ − 301 ;;; Note that the doc string for mouse-map (as defined in subr.el)
+ − 302 ;;; says it is for the X-window mouse. This is wrong; that keymap
+ − 303 ;;; should be used for your mouse no matter what terminal you have.
+ − 304
+ − 305 (or (keymapp mouse-map)
+ − 306 (setq mouse-map (make-keymap)))
+ − 307
+ − 308 (defun bind-bg-mouse-click (click-code function)
+ − 309 "Bind bg-mouse CLICK-CODE to run FUNCTION."
+ − 310 (define-key mouse-map (char-to-string click-code) function))
+ − 311
+ − 312 (bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-l 'bg-set-point)
+ − 313 (bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-m 'bg-yank)
+ − 314 (bind-bg-mouse-click bg-button-r 'bg-set-mark)
+ − 315 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-m) 'yank-pop-1)
+ − 316 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-r) 'bg-kill-region)
+ − 317 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-m bg-button-r) 'undo)
+ − 318 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-button-l bg-button-m bg-button-r) 'undo)
+ − 319 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-l) 'scroll-up)
+ − 320 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-m) 'bg-move-by-percentage)
+ − 321 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-modeline bg-button-r) 'scroll-down)
+ − 322 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-l) 'bg-mouse-line-to-top)
+ − 323 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-m) 'bg-mouse-line-to-center)
+ − 324 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-scrollbar bg-button-r) 'bg-mouse-line-to-bottom)
+ − 325 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-l) 'execute-extended-command)
+ − 326 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-m) 'suspend-emacs)
+ − 327 (bind-bg-mouse-click (+ bg-in-minibuf bg-button-r) 'eval-expression)
+ − 328
+ − 329 (provide 'bg-mouse)
+ − 330
+ − 331 ;;; bg-mouse.el ends here