1 ;;; Saving and piping messages under VM
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994 Kyle E. Jones
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
7 ;;; any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 (provide 'vm-save)
20 ;; (match-data) returns the match data as MARKERS, often corrupting
21 ;; it in the process due to buffer narrowing, and the fact that buffers are
22 ;; indexed from 1 while strings are indexed from 0. :-(
23 (defun vm-match-data ()
24 (let ((index '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
25 (list))
26 (while index
27 (setq list (cons (match-beginning (car index))
28 (cons (match-end (car index)) list))
29 index (cdr index)))
30 list ))
32 (defun vm-auto-select-folder (mp auto-folder-alist)
33 (condition-case error-data
34 (catch 'match
35 (let (header alist tuple-list)
36 (setq alist auto-folder-alist)
37 (while alist
38 (setq header (vm-get-header-contents (car mp) (car (car alist))
39 ", "))
40 (if (null header)
41 ()
42 (setq tuple-list (cdr (car alist)))
43 (while tuple-list
44 (if (let ((case-fold-search vm-auto-folder-case-fold-search))
45 (string-match (car (car tuple-list)) header))
46 ;; Don't waste time eval'ing an atom.
47 (if (atom (cdr (car tuple-list)))
48 (throw 'match (cdr (car tuple-list)))
49 (let* ((match-data (vm-match-data))
50 ;; allow this buffer to live forever
51 (buf (get-buffer-create " *vm-auto-folder*"))
52 (result))
53 ;; Set up a buffer that matches our cached
54 ;; match data.
55 (save-excursion
56 (set-buffer buf)
57 (widen)
58 (erase-buffer)
59 (insert header)
60 ;; It appears that get-buffer-create clobbers the
61 ;; match-data.
62 ;;
63 ;; The match data is off by one because we matched
64 ;; a string and Emacs indexes strings from 0 and
65 ;; buffers from 1.
66 ;;
67 ;; Also store-match-data only accepts MARKERS!!
68 ;; AUGHGHGH!!
69 (store-match-data
70 (mapcar
71 (function (lambda (n) (and n (vm-marker n))))
72 (mapcar
73 (function (lambda (n) (and n (1+ n))))
74 match-data)))
75 (setq result (eval (cdr (car tuple-list))))
76 (while (consp result)
77 (setq result (vm-auto-select-folder mp result)))
78 (if result
79 (throw 'match result))))))
80 (setq tuple-list (cdr tuple-list))))
81 (setq alist (cdr alist)))
82 nil ))
83 (error (error "error processing vm-auto-folder-alist: %s"
84 (prin1-to-string error-data)))))
86 (defun vm-auto-archive-messages (&optional arg)
87 "Save all unfiled messages that auto-match a folder via
88 vm-auto-folder-alist to their appropriate folders. Messages that
89 are flagged for deletion are not saved.
91 Prefix arg means to ask user for confirmation before saving each message.
93 When invoked on marked messages (via vm-next-command-uses-marks),
94 only marked messages are checked against vm-auto-folder-alist.
96 The saved messages are flagged as `filed'."
97 (interactive "P")
98 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
99 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
100 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
101 (message "Archiving...")
102 (let ((auto-folder)
103 (archived 0))
104 (unwind-protect
105 ;; Need separate (let ...) so vm-message-pointer can
106 ;; revert back in time for
107 ;; (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line).
108 ;; vm-last-save-folder is tucked away here since archives
109 ;; shouldn't affect its value.
110 (let ((vm-message-pointer
111 (if (eq last-command 'vm-next-command-uses-marks)
112 (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages 0)
113 vm-message-list))
114 (done nil)
115 stop-point
116 (vm-last-save-folder vm-last-save-folder)
117 (vm-move-after-deleting nil))
118 ;; mark the place where we should stop. otherwise if any
119 ;; messages in this folder are archived to this folder
120 ;; we would file messages into this folder forever.
121 (setq stop-point (vm-last vm-message-pointer))
122 (while (not done)
123 (and (not (vm-filed-flag (car vm-message-pointer)))
124 ;; don't archive deleted messages
125 (not (vm-deleted-flag (car vm-message-pointer)))
126 (setq auto-folder (vm-auto-select-folder
127 vm-message-pointer
128 vm-auto-folder-alist))
129 (or (null arg)
130 (y-or-n-p
131 (format "Save message %s in folder %s? "
132 (vm-number-of (car vm-message-pointer))
133 auto-folder)))
134 (let ((vm-delete-after-saving vm-delete-after-archiving))
135 (if (not (string-equal auto-folder "/dev/null"))
136 (vm-save-message auto-folder))
137 (vm-increment archived)
138 (message "%d archived, still working..."
139 archived)))
140 (setq done (eq vm-message-pointer stop-point)
141 vm-message-pointer (cdr vm-message-pointer))))
142 ;; fix mode line
143 (intern (buffer-name) vm-buffers-needing-display-update)
144 (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line))
145 (if (zerop archived)
146 (message "No messages were archived")
147 (message "%d message%s archived"
148 archived (if (= 1 archived) "" "s")))))
150 (defun vm-save-message (folder &optional count)
151 "Save the current message to a mail folder.
152 If the folder already exists, the message will be appended to it.
154 Prefix arg COUNT means save this message and the next COUNT-1
155 messages. A negative COUNT means save this message and the
156 previous COUNT-1 messages.
158 When invoked on marked messages (via vm-next-command-uses-marks),
159 all marked messages in the current folder are saved; other messages are
160 ignored.
162 The saved messages are flagged as `filed'."
163 (interactive
164 (list
165 ;; protect value of last-command
166 (let ((last-command last-command)
167 (this-command this-command))
168 (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
169 (let ((default (save-excursion
170 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
171 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
172 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
173 (or (vm-auto-select-folder vm-message-pointer
174 vm-auto-folder-alist)
175 vm-last-save-folder)))
176 (dir (or vm-folder-directory default-directory)))
177 (cond ((and default
178 (let ((default-directory dir))
179 (file-directory-p default)))
180 (vm-read-file-name "Save in folder: " dir nil nil default))
181 (default
182 (vm-read-file-name
183 (format "Save in folder: (default %s) " default)
184 dir default))
185 (t
186 (vm-read-file-name "Save in folder: " dir nil)))))
187 (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
188 (let (unexpanded-folder)
189 (setq unexpanded-folder folder)
190 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
191 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
192 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
193 (vm-display nil nil '(vm-save-message) '(vm-save-message))
194 (or count (setq count 1))
195 ;; Expand the filename, forcing relative paths to resolve
196 ;; into the folder directory.
197 (let ((default-directory
198 (expand-file-name (or vm-folder-directory default-directory))))
199 (setq folder (expand-file-name folder)))
200 ;; Confirm new folders, if the user requested this.
201 (if (and vm-confirm-new-folders (interactive-p)
202 (not (file-exists-p folder))
203 (or (not vm-visit-when-saving) (not (vm-get-file-buffer folder)))
204 (not (y-or-n-p (format "%s does not exist, save there anyway? "
205 folder))))
206 (error "Save aborted"))
207 ;; Check and see if we are currently visiting the folder
208 ;; that the user wants to save to.
209 (if (and (not vm-visit-when-saving) (vm-get-file-buffer folder))
210 (error "Folder %s is being visited, cannot save." folder))
211 (let ((mlist (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages count))
212 (m nil) (count 0) folder-buffer target-type)
213 (cond ((and mlist (eq vm-visit-when-saving t))
214 (setq folder-buffer (or (vm-get-file-buffer folder)
215 ;; avoid letter bombs
216 (let ((inhibit-local-variables t)
217 (enable-local-variables nil))
218 (find-file-noselect folder)))))
219 ((and mlist vm-visit-when-saving)
220 (setq folder-buffer (vm-get-file-buffer folder))))
221 (if (and mlist vm-check-folder-types)
222 (progn
223 (setq target-type (or (vm-get-folder-type folder)
224 vm-default-folder-type
225 (and mlist
226 (vm-message-type-of (car mlist)))))
227 (if (eq target-type 'unknown)
228 (error "Folder %s's type is unrecognized" folder))))
229 ;; if target folder is empty or nonexistent we need to
230 ;; write out the folder header first.
231 (if mlist
232 (let ((attrs (file-attributes folder)))
233 (if (or (null attrs) (= 0 (nth 7 attrs)))
234 (if (null folder-buffer)
235 (vm-write-string folder (vm-folder-header target-type))
236 (vm-write-string folder-buffer
237 (vm-folder-header target-type))))))
238 (save-excursion
239 (while mlist
240 (setq m (vm-real-message-of (car mlist)))
241 (set-buffer (vm-buffer-of m))
242 (vm-save-restriction
243 (widen)
244 ;; have to stuff the attributes in all cases because
245 ;; the deleted attribute may have been stuffed
246 ;; previously and we don't want to save that attribute.
247 ;; also we don't want to save out the cached summary entry.
248 (vm-stuff-attributes m t)
249 (if (null folder-buffer)
250 (if (or (null vm-check-folder-types)
251 (eq target-type (vm-message-type-of m)))
252 (write-region (vm-start-of m)
253 (vm-end-of m)
254 folder t 'quiet)
255 (if (null vm-convert-folder-types)
256 (if (not (vm-virtual-message-p (car mlist)))
257 (error "Folder type mismatch: %s, %s"
258 (vm-message-type-of m) target-type)
259 (error "Message %s type mismatches folder %s"
260 (vm-number-of (car mlist))
261 folder
262 (vm-message-type-of m)
263 target-type))
264 (vm-write-string
265 folder
266 (vm-leading-message-separator target-type m t))
267 (if (eq target-type 'From_-with-Content-Length)
268 (vm-write-string
269 folder
270 (concat vm-content-length-header " "
271 (vm-su-byte-count m) "\n")))
272 (write-region (vm-headers-of m)
273 (vm-text-end-of m)
274 folder t 'quiet)
275 (vm-write-string
276 folder
277 (vm-trailing-message-separator target-type))))
278 (save-excursion
279 (set-buffer folder-buffer)
280 ;; if the buffer is a live VM folder
281 ;; honor vm-folder-read-only.
282 (if vm-folder-read-only
283 (signal 'folder-read-only (list (current-buffer))))
284 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
285 (vm-save-restriction
286 (widen)
287 (save-excursion
288 (goto-char (point-max))
289 (if (or (null vm-check-folder-types)
290 (eq target-type (vm-message-type-of m)))
291 (insert-buffer-substring
292 (vm-buffer-of m)
293 (vm-start-of m) (vm-end-of m))
294 (if (null vm-convert-folder-types)
295 (if (not (vm-virtual-message-p (car mlist)))
296 (error "Folder type mismatch: %s, %s"
297 (vm-message-type-of m) target-type)
298 (error "Message %s type mismatches folder %s"
299 (vm-number-of (car mlist))
300 folder
301 (vm-message-type-of m)
302 target-type))
303 (vm-write-string
304 (current-buffer)
305 (vm-leading-message-separator target-type m t))
306 (if (eq target-type 'From_-with-Content-Length)
307 (vm-write-string
308 (current-buffer)
309 (concat vm-content-length-header " "
310 (vm-su-byte-count m) "\n")))
311 (insert-buffer-substring (vm-buffer-of m)
312 (vm-headers-of m)
313 (vm-text-end-of m))
314 (vm-write-string
315 (current-buffer)
316 (vm-trailing-message-separator target-type)))))
317 ;; vars should exist and be local
318 ;; but they may have strange values,
319 ;; so check the major-mode.
320 (cond ((eq major-mode 'vm-mode)
321 (vm-increment vm-messages-not-on-disk)
322 (vm-clear-modification-flag-undos)))))))
323 (if (null (vm-filed-flag m))
324 (vm-set-filed-flag m t))
325 (vm-increment count)
326 (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line)
327 (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))))
328 (if m
329 (if folder-buffer
330 (progn
331 (save-excursion
332 (set-buffer folder-buffer)
333 (if (eq major-mode 'vm-mode)
334 (progn
335 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
336 (vm-assimilate-new-messages)
337 (if (null vm-message-pointer)
338 (progn (setq vm-message-pointer vm-message-list
339 vm-need-summary-pointer-update t)
340 (intern (buffer-name)
341 vm-buffers-needing-display-update)
342 (vm-preview-current-message))
343 (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line)))))
344 (if (interactive-p)
345 (message "%d message%s saved to buffer %s"
346 count
347 (if (/= 1 count) "s" "")
348 (buffer-name folder-buffer))))
349 (if (interactive-p)
350 (message "%d message%s saved to %s"
351 count (if (/= 1 count) "s" "") folder)))))
352 (setq vm-last-save-folder unexpanded-folder)
353 (if vm-delete-after-saving
354 (vm-delete-message count))))
356 (defun vm-save-message-sans-headers (file &optional count)
357 "Save the current message to a file, without its header section.
358 If the file already exists, the message will be appended to it.
359 Prefix arg COUNT means save the next COUNT messages. A negative COUNT means
360 save the previous COUNT.
362 When invoked on marked messages (via vm-next-command-uses-marks),
363 all marked messages in the current folder are saved; other messages are
364 ignored.
366 The saved messages are flagged as `written'.
368 This command should NOT be used to save message to mail folders; use
369 vm-save-message instead (normally bound to `s')."
370 (interactive
371 ;; protect value of last-command
372 (let ((last-command last-command)
373 (this-command this-command))
374 (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
375 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
376 (list
377 (vm-read-file-name
378 (if vm-last-written-file
379 (format "Write text to file: (default %s) "
380 vm-last-written-file)
381 "Write text to file: ")
382 nil vm-last-written-file nil)
383 (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))
384 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
385 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
386 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
387 (vm-display nil nil '(vm-save-message-sans-headers)
388 '(vm-save-message-sans-headers))
389 (or count (setq count 1))
390 (setq file (expand-file-name file))
391 ;; Check and see if we are currently visiting the file
392 ;; that the user wants to save to.
393 (if (and (not vm-visit-when-saving) (vm-get-file-buffer file))
394 (error "File %s is being visited, cannot save." file))
395 (let ((mlist (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages count))
396 (m nil) file-buffer)
397 (cond ((and mlist (eq vm-visit-when-saving t))
398 (setq file-buffer (or (vm-get-file-buffer file)
399 (find-file-noselect file))))
400 ((and mlist vm-visit-when-saving)
401 (setq file-buffer (vm-get-file-buffer file))))
402 (save-excursion
403 (while mlist
404 (setq m (vm-real-message-of (car mlist)))
405 (set-buffer (vm-buffer-of m))
406 (vm-save-restriction
407 (widen)
408 (if (null file-buffer)
409 (write-region (vm-text-of m)
410 (vm-text-end-of m)
411 file t 'quiet)
412 (let ((start (vm-text-of m))
413 (end (vm-text-end-of m)))
414 (save-excursion
415 (set-buffer file-buffer)
416 (save-excursion
417 (let (buffer-read-only)
418 (vm-save-restriction
419 (widen)
420 (save-excursion
421 (goto-char (point-max))
422 (insert-buffer-substring
423 (vm-buffer-of m)
424 start end))))))))
425 (if (null (vm-written-flag m))
426 (vm-set-written-flag m t))
427 (vm-update-summary-and-mode-line)
428 (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))))
429 (if m
430 (if file-buffer
431 (message "Message%s written to buffer %s" (if (/= 1 count) "s" "")
432 (buffer-name file-buffer))
433 (message "Message%s written to %s" (if (/= 1 count) "s" "") file)))
434 (setq vm-last-written-file file)))
436 (defun vm-pipe-message-to-command (command prefix-arg)
437 "Run shell command with the some or all of the current message as input.
438 By default the entire message is used.
439 With one \\[universal-argument] the text portion of the message is used.
440 With two \\[universal-argument]'s the header portion of the message is used.
441 With three \\[universal-argument]'s the visible header portion of the message
442 plus the text portion is used.
444 When invoked on marked messages (via vm-next-command-uses-marks),
445 each marked message is successively piped to the shell command,
446 one message per command invocation.
448 Output, if any, is displayed. The message is not altered."
449 (interactive
450 ;; protect value of last-command
451 (let ((last-command last-command)
452 (this-command this-command))
453 (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
454 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
455 (list (read-string "Pipe to command: " vm-last-pipe-command)
456 current-prefix-arg)))
457 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
458 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
459 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
460 (setq vm-last-pipe-command command)
461 (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shell Command Output*"))
462 m
463 (pop-up-windows (and pop-up-windows (eq vm-mutable-windows t)))
464 ;; prefix arg doesn't have "normal" meaning here, so only call
465 ;; vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages if we're using marks.
466 (mlist (if (eq last-command 'vm-next-command-uses-marks)
467 (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages 0)
468 (list (car vm-message-pointer)))))
469 (set-buffer buffer)
470 (erase-buffer)
471 (while mlist
472 (setq m (vm-real-message-of (car mlist)))
473 (set-buffer (vm-buffer-of m))
474 (save-restriction
475 (widen)
476 (goto-char (vm-headers-of m))
477 (cond ((equal prefix-arg nil)
478 (narrow-to-region (point) (vm-text-end-of m)))
479 ((equal prefix-arg '(4))
480 (narrow-to-region (vm-text-of m)
481 (vm-text-end-of m)))
482 ((equal prefix-arg '(16))
483 (narrow-to-region (point) (vm-text-of m)))
484 ((equal prefix-arg '(64))
485 (narrow-to-region (vm-vheaders-of m) (vm-text-end-of m)))
486 (t (narrow-to-region (point) (vm-text-end-of m))))
487 (let ((pop-up-windows (and pop-up-windows (eq vm-mutable-windows t))))
488 (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
489 (or shell-file-name "sh")
490 nil buffer nil shell-command-switch command)))
491 (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))
492 (set-buffer buffer)
493 (if (not (zerop (buffer-size)))
494 (vm-display buffer t '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)
495 '(vm-pipe-message-to-command))
496 (vm-display nil nil '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)
497 '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)))))
499 (defun vm-print-message (count)
500 "Print the current message
501 Prefix arg N means print the current message and the next N - 1 messages.
502 Prefix arg -N means print the current message and the previous N - 1 messages.
504 The variable `vm-print-command' controls what command is run to
505 print the message, and `vm-print-command-switches' is a list of switches
506 to pass to the command.
508 When invoked on marked messages (via vm-next-command-uses-marks),
509 each marked message is printed, one message per vm-print-command invocation.
511 Output, if any, is displayed. The message is not altered."
512 (interactive "p")
513 (vm-follow-summary-cursor)
514 (vm-select-folder-buffer)
515 (vm-check-for-killed-summary)
516 (vm-error-if-folder-empty)
517 (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shell Command Output*"))
518 (command (mapconcat (function identity)
519 (nconc (list vm-print-command)
520 vm-print-command-switches)
521 " "))
522 (m nil)
523 (pop-up-windows (and pop-up-windows (eq vm-mutable-windows t)))
524 (mlist (vm-select-marked-or-prefixed-messages count)))
525 (set-buffer buffer)
526 (erase-buffer)
527 (while mlist
528 (setq m (vm-real-message-of (car mlist)))
529 (set-buffer (vm-buffer-of m))
530 (if (and vm-display-using-mime (vectorp (vm-mm-layout m)))
531 (let ((work-buffer nil))
532 (unwind-protect
533 (progn
534 (setq work-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*vm-work*"))
535 (set-buffer work-buffer)
536 (vm-insert-region-from-buffer
537 (vm-buffer-of m) (vm-vheaders-of m) (vm-text-of m))
538 (vm-decode-mime-encoded-words)
539 (goto-char (point-max))
540 (let ((vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types
541 '("text" "multipart"))
542 (vm-mime-internal-content-types
543 '("text" "multipart"))
544 (vm-mime-external-content-types-alist nil))
545 (vm-decode-mime-layout (vm-mm-layout m)))
546 (let ((pop-up-windows (and pop-up-windows
547 (eq vm-mutable-windows t))))
548 (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
549 (or shell-file-name "sh")
550 nil buffer nil
551 shell-command-switch command)))
552 (and work-buffer (kill-buffer work-buffer))))
553 (save-restriction
554 (widen)
555 (narrow-to-region (vm-vheaders-of m) (vm-text-end-of m))
556 (let ((pop-up-windows (and pop-up-windows
557 (eq vm-mutable-windows t))))
558 (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
559 (or shell-file-name "sh")
560 nil buffer nil
561 shell-command-switch command))))
562 (setq mlist (cdr mlist)))
563 (set-buffer buffer)
564 (if (not (zerop (buffer-size)))
565 (vm-display buffer t '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)
566 '(vm-pipe-message-to-command))
567 (vm-display nil nil '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)
568 '(vm-pipe-message-to-command)))))