1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
3 ;;; cmulisp.lisp --
5 ;;; This file is part of ILISP.
6 ;;; Version: 5.8
7 ;;;
8 ;;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Chris McConnell
9 ;;; 1993, 1994 Ivan Vasquez
10 ;;; 1994, 1995, 1996 Marco Antoniotti and Rick Busdiecker
11 ;;; 1996 Marco Antoniotti and Rick Campbell
12 ;;;
13 ;;; Other authors' names for which this Copyright notice also holds
14 ;;; may appear later in this file.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; Send mail to 'ilisp-request@naggum.no' to be included in the
17 ;;; ILISP mailing list. 'ilisp@naggum.no' is the general ILISP
18 ;;; mailing list were bugs and improvements are discussed.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; ILISP is freely redistributable under the terms found in the file
21 ;;; COPYING.
25 ;;;
26 ;;; Todd Kaufmann May 1990
27 ;;;
28 ;;; Make CMU CL run better within GNU inferior-lisp (by ccm).
29 ;;;
32 (in-package "ILISP")
34 ;;;% CMU CL does not define defun as a macro
35 (defun ilisp-compile (form package filename)
36 "Compile FORM in PACKAGE recording FILENAME as the source file."
37 (ilisp-errors
38 (ilisp-eval
39 (format nil "(funcall (compile nil '(lambda () ~A)))" form)
40 package filename)))
42 ;;;% Stream settings, when running connected to pipes.
43 ;;;
44 ;;; This fixes a problem when running piped: When CMU is running as a piped
45 ;;; process, *terminal-io* really is a terminal; ie, /dev/tty. This means an
46 ;;; error will cause lisp to stop and wait for input from /dev/tty, which it
47 ;;; won't be able to grab, and you'll have to restart your lisp. But we want
48 ;;; it to use the same input that the user is typing in, ie, the pipe (stdin).
49 ;;; This fixes that problem, which only occurs in the CMU cores of this year.
50 ;;;
52 (defvar *Fix-pipe-streams* T
53 "Set to Nil if you want them left alone. And tell me you don't get stuck.")
55 (when (and *Fix-pipe-streams*
56 (lisp::synonym-stream-p *terminal-io*)
57 (eq (lisp::synonym-stream-symbol *terminal-io*)
58 'SYSTEM::*TTY*))
59 (setf *terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream system::*stdin* system::*stdout*))
60 ;; *query-io* and *debug-io* are synonym streams to this, so this fixes
61 ;; everything.
62 )
64 ;;;% Debugger extensions
66 ;;;%% Implementation of a :pop command for CMU CL debugger
68 ;;;
69 ;;; Normally, errors which occur while in the debugger are just ignored, unless
70 ;;; the user issues the "flush" command, which toggles this behavior.
71 ;;;
72 (setq debug:*flush-debug-errors* nil) ;; allow multiple error levels.
74 ;;; This implementation of "POP" simply looks for the first restart that says
75 ;;; "Return to debug level n" or "Return to top level." and executes it.
76 ;;;
77 (debug::def-debug-command "POP" #+:new-compiler ()
78 ;; find the first "Return to ..." restart
79 (if (not (boundp 'debug::*debug-restarts*))
80 (error "You're not in the debugger; how can you call this!?")
81 (labels ((find-return-to (restart-list num)
82 (let ((first
83 (member-if
84 #'(lambda (restart)
85 (string= (funcall
86 (conditions::restart-report-function restart)
87 nil)
88 "Return to " :end1 10))
89 restart-list)))
90 (cond ((zerop num) (car first))
91 ((cdr first) (find-return-to (cdr first) (1- num)))))))
92 (let* ((level (debug::read-if-available 1))
93 (first-return-to (find-return-to
94 debug::*debug-restarts* (1- level))))
95 (if (null first-return-to)
96 (format *debug-io* "pop: ~d is too far" level)
97 (debug::invoke-restart-interactively first-return-to)
98 ))))
99 )
102 ;;;%% arglist/source-file utils.
104 (defun get-correct-fn-object (sym)
105 "Deduce how to get the \"right\" function object and return it."
106 (let ((fun (or (macro-function sym)
107 (and (fboundp sym) (symbol-function sym)))))
108 (cond (fun
109 (when (and (= (lisp::get-type fun) #.vm:closure-header-type)
110 (not (eval:interpreted-function-p fun)))
111 (setq fun (lisp::%closure-function fun)))
112 fun)
113 (t
114 (error "Unknown function ~a. Check package." sym)
115 nil))))
119 (export '(arglist source-file cmulisp-trace))
121 ;;;%% arglist - return arglist of function
123 (defun arglist (symbol package)
124 (ilisp-errors
125 (let* ((x (ilisp-find-symbol symbol package))
126 (fun (get-correct-fn-object x)))
127 (values
128 (cond ((eval:interpreted-function-p fun)
129 (eval:interpreted-function-arglist fun))
130 ((= (lisp::get-type fun)
131 #.vm:funcallable-instance-header-type)
132 ;; generic function / method
133 (pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist fun))
134 ((compiled-function-p fun)
135 (let ((string-or-nil
136 (#+CMU17 lisp::%function-arglist
137 #-CMU17 lisp::%function-header-arglist
138 fun)))
139 (if string-or-nil
140 (read-from-string string-or-nil)
141 "No argument info.")))
142 (t (error "Unknown type of function")))))))
145 ;;; source-file symbol package type --
146 ;;; New version provided by Richard Harris <rharris@chestnut.com> with
147 ;;; suggestions by Larry Hunter <hunter@work.nlm.nih.gov>.
149 (defun source-file (symbol package type)
150 (declare (ignore type))
151 (ilisp-errors
152 (let* ((x (ilisp-find-symbol symbol package))
153 (fun (get-correct-fn-object x)))
154 (when (and fun (not (eval:interpreted-function-p fun)))
155 ;; The hack above is necessary because CMUCL does not
156 ;; correctly record source file information when 'loading'
157 ;; a non compiled file.
158 ;; In this case we fall back on the TAGS machinery.
159 ;; (At least as I underestand the code).
160 ;; Marco Antoniotti 11/22/94.
161 (cond (#+CMU17 (pcl::generic-function-p fun)
162 #-CMU17
163 (= (lisp::get-type fun)
164 #.vm:funcallable-instance-header-type)
165 (dolist (method (pcl::generic-function-methods fun))
166 (print-simple-source-info
167 (or #+CMU17
168 (pcl::method-fast-function method)
169 (pcl::method-function method))))
170 t)
171 (t (print-simple-source-info fun)))))))
173 ;;; Old version. Left here for the time being.
174 ;(defun source-file (symbol package type)
175 ; (declare (ignore type))
176 ; (ilisp-errors
177 ; (let* ((x (ilisp-find-symbol symbol package))
178 ; (fun (get-correct-fn-object x)))
179 ; (when fun
180 ; (cond ((= (lisp::get-type fun)
181 ; #.vm:funcallable-instance-header-type)
182 ; ;; A PCL method! Uh boy!
183 ; (dolist (method (pcl::generic-function-methods fun))
184 ; (print-simple-source-info
185 ; (lisp::%closure-function (pcl::method-function method))))
186 ; t)
187 ; (t (print-simple-source-info fun)))))))
190 ;;; Patch suggested by Richard Harris <rharris@chestnut.com>
192 ;;; FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME takes a symbol or function object. It
193 ;;; returns a pathname for the file the function was defined in. If it was
194 ;;; not defined in some file, then nil is returned.
195 ;;;
196 ;;; FUN-DEFINED-FROM-PATHNAME is from hemlock/rompsite.lisp (cmucl17f),
197 ;;; with added read-time conditionalization to work in older versions
198 ;;; of cmucl. It may need a little bit more conditionalization for
199 ;;; some older versions of cmucl.
201 (defun fun-defined-from-pathname (function)
202 "Returns the file where FUNCTION is defined in (if the file can be found).
203 Takes a symbol or function and returns the pathname for the file the
204 function was defined in. If it was not defined in some file, nil is
205 returned."
206 (flet ((frob (code)
207 (let ((info #+CMU17 (kernel:%code-debug-info code)
208 #-CMU17 (kernel:code-debug-info code)))
209 (when info
210 (let ((sources (c::debug-info-source info)))
211 (when sources
212 (let ((source (car sources)))
213 (when (eq (c::debug-source-from source) :file)
214 (c::debug-source-name source)))))))))
215 (typecase function
216 (symbol (fun-defined-from-pathname (fdefinition function)))
217 #+CMU17
218 (kernel:byte-closure
219 (fun-defined-from-pathname
220 (kernel:byte-closure-function function)))
221 #+CMU17
222 (kernel:byte-function
223 (frob (c::byte-function-component function)))
224 (function
225 (frob (kernel:function-code-header
226 (kernel:%function-self function))))
227 (t nil))))
230 ;;; print-simple-source-info --
231 ;;; Patches suggested by Larry Hunter <hunter@work.nlm.nih.gov> and
232 ;;; Richard Harris <rharris@chestnut.com>
233 ;;; Nov 21, 1994.
235 (defun print-simple-source-info (fun)
236 (let ((path (fun-defined-from-pathname fun)))
237 (when (and path (probe-file path))
238 (print (namestring (truename path)))
239 t)))
242 ;;; Old version (semi patched). Left here for the time being.
243 ;(defun print-simple-source-info (fun)
244 ; (let ((info (#+CMU17
245 ; kernel:%code-debug-info
246 ; #-CMU17
247 ; kernel:code-debug-info
248 ; (kernel:function-code-header fun))))
249 ; (when info
250 ; (let ((sources (c::compiled-debug-info-source info)))
251 ; (when sources
252 ; (dolist (source sources)
253 ; (let ((name (c::debug-source-name source)))
254 ; (when (eq (c::debug-source-from source) :file)
255 ; ;; Patch suggested by
256 ; ;; hunter@work.nlm.nih.gov (Larry
257 ; ;; Hunter)
258 ; ;; (print (namestring name)) ; old
259 ; (print (truename name))
260 ; )))
261 ; t)))))
264 (defun cmulisp-trace (symbol package breakp)
265 "Trace SYMBOL in PACKAGE."
266 (ilisp-errors
267 (let ((real-symbol (ilisp-find-symbol symbol package)))
268 (setq breakp (read-from-string breakp))
269 (when real-symbol (eval `(trace ,real-symbol :break ,breakp))))))