1 ;;; list-mode.el
2 ;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1996 Ben Wing.
5 ;; This file is part of XEmacs.
7 ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
10 ;; any later version.
12 ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
20 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 ;; Cleanup, merging with FSF by Ben Wing, January 1996
24 (defvar list-mode-extent nil)
25 (make-variable-buffer-local 'list-mode-extent)
27 (defvar list-mode-map nil
28 "Local map for buffers containing lists of items.")
29 (or list-mode-map
30 (let ((map (setq list-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap 'list-mode-map))))
31 (suppress-keymap map)
32 (define-key map 'button2up 'list-mode-item-mouse-selected)
33 (define-key map 'button2 'undefined)
34 (define-key map "\C-m" 'list-mode-item-keyboard-selected)
35 (substitute-key-definition 'forward-char 'next-list-mode-item map
36 global-map)
37 (substitute-key-definition 'backward-char 'previous-list-mode-item map
38 global-map)))
40 (defun list-mode ()
41 "Major mode for buffer containing lists of items."
42 (interactive)
43 (kill-all-local-variables)
44 (use-local-map list-mode-map)
45 (setq mode-name "List")
46 (setq major-mode 'list-mode)
47 (make-local-hook 'post-command-hook)
48 (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'set-list-mode-extent nil t)
49 (make-local-hook 'pre-command-hook)
50 (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'list-mode-extent-pre-hook nil t)
51 (make-local-variable 'next-line-add-newlines)
52 (setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
53 (setq list-mode-extent nil)
54 (set-specifier text-cursor-visible-p nil (current-buffer))
55 (setq buffer-read-only t)
56 (goto-char (point-min))
57 (run-hooks 'list-mode-hook))
59 ;; List mode is suitable only for specially formatted data.
60 (put 'list-mode 'mode-class 'special)
62 (defvar list-mode-extent-old-point nil
63 "The value of point when pre-command-hook is called.
64 Used to determine the direction of motion.")
65 (make-variable-buffer-local 'list-mode-extent-old-point)
67 (defun list-mode-extent-pre-hook ()
68 (setq list-mode-extent-old-point (point))
69 ;(setq atomic-extent-goto-char-p nil)
70 )
72 (defun set-list-mode-extent ()
73 "Move to the closest list item and set up the extent for it.
74 This is called from `post-command-hook'."
75 (cond ((get-char-property (point) 'list-mode-item))
76 ((and (> (point) (point-min))
77 (get-char-property (1- (point)) 'list-mode-item))
78 (goto-char (1- (point))))
79 (t
80 (let ((pos (point))
81 dirflag)
82 ;this fucks things up more than it helps.
83 ;atomic-extent-goto-char-p as currently defined is all broken,
84 ;since it will be triggered if the command *ever* runs goto-char!
85 ;(if atomic-extent-goto-char-p
86 ; (setq dirflag 1)
87 (if (and list-mode-extent-old-point
88 (> pos list-mode-extent-old-point))
89 (setq dirflag 1)
90 (setq dirflag -1))
91 (next-list-mode-item dirflag)
92 (or (get-char-property (point) 'list-mode-item)
93 (next-list-mode-item (- dirflag))))))
94 (or (and list-mode-extent
95 (eq (current-buffer) (extent-object list-mode-extent)))
96 (progn
97 (setq list-mode-extent (make-extent nil nil (current-buffer)))
98 (set-extent-face list-mode-extent 'list-mode-item-selected)))
99 (let ((ex (extent-at (point) nil 'list-mode-item nil 'at)))
100 (if ex
101 (progn
102 (set-extent-endpoints list-mode-extent
103 (extent-start-position ex)
104 (extent-end-position ex))
105 (auto-show-make-region-visible (extent-start-position ex)
106 (extent-end-position ex)))
107 (detach-extent list-mode-extent))))
109 (defun previous-list-mode-item (n)
110 "Move to the previous item in list-mode."
111 (interactive "p")
112 (next-list-mode-item (- n)))
114 (defun next-list-mode-item (n)
115 "Move to the next item in list-mode.
116 With prefix argument N, move N items (negative N means move backward)."
117 (interactive "p")
118 (while (and (> n 0) (not (eobp)))
119 (let ((prop (get-char-property (point) 'list-mode-item))
120 (end (point-max)))
121 ;; If in a completion, move to the end of it.
122 (if prop
123 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'list-mode-item
124 nil end)))
125 ;; Move to start of next one.
126 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point)
127 'list-mode-item nil end)))
128 (setq n (1- n)))
129 (while (and (< n 0) (not (bobp)))
130 (let ((prop (get-char-property (1- (point)) 'list-mode-item))
131 (end (point-min)))
132 ;; If in a completion, move to the start of it.
133 (if prop
134 (goto-char (previous-single-property-change
135 (point) 'list-mode-item nil end)))
136 ;; Move to end of the previous completion.
137 (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (point) 'list-mode-item
138 nil end))
139 ;; Move to the start of that one.
140 (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (point) 'list-mode-item nil
141 end)))
142 (setq n (1+ n))))
144 (defun list-mode-item-selected-1 (extent event)
145 (let ((func (extent-property extent 'list-mode-item-activate-callback))
146 (user-data (extent-property extent 'list-mode-item-user-data)))
147 (if func
148 (funcall func event extent user-data))))
150 ;; we could make these two be just one function, but we want to be
151 ;; able to refer to them in DOC strings.
153 (defun list-mode-item-keyboard-selected ()
154 (interactive)
155 (list-mode-item-selected-1 (extent-at (point) (current-buffer)
156 'list-mode-item nil 'at)
157 nil))
159 (defun list-mode-item-mouse-selected (event)
160 (interactive "e")
161 ;; #### sometimes event-closest-point returns nil.
162 (let ((point (event-closest-point event)))
163 (list-mode-item-selected-1 (extent-at point
164 (event-buffer event)
165 'list-mode-item nil 'at)
166 event)))
168 (defun add-list-mode-item (start end &optional buffer activate-callback
169 user-data)
170 "Add a new list item in list-mode, from START to END in BUFFER.
171 BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
172 This works by creating an extent for the span of text in question.
173 If ACTIVATE-CALLBACK is non-nil, it should be a function of three
174 arguments (EVENT EXTENT USER-DATA) that will be called when button2
175 is pressed on the extent. USER-DATA comes from the optional
176 USER-DATA argument."
177 (let ((extent (make-extent start end buffer)))
178 (set-extent-property extent 'list-mode-item t)
179 (set-extent-property extent 'start-open t)
180 (if activate-callback
181 (progn
182 (set-extent-property extent 'mouse-face 'highlight)
183 (set-extent-property extent 'list-mode-item-activate-callback
184 activate-callback)
185 (set-extent-property extent 'list-mode-item-user-data user-data)))
186 extent))
189 ;; Define the major mode for lists of completions.
192 (defvar completion-highlight-first-word-only nil
193 "*Completion will only highlight the first blank delimited word if t.
194 If the variable in not t or nil, the string is taken as a regexp to match for end
195 of highlight")
197 (defvar completion-setup-hook nil
198 "Normal hook run at the end of setting up the text of a completion buffer.")
200 ; Unnecessary FSFmacs crock. We frob the extents directly in
201 ; display-completion-list, so no "heuristics" like this are necessary.
202 ;(defvar completion-fixup-function nil
203 ; "A function to customize how completions are identified in completion lists.
204 ;`completion-setup-function' calls this function with no arguments
205 ;each time it has found what it thinks is one completion.
206 ;Point is at the end of the completion in the completion list buffer.
207 ;If this function moves point, it can alter the end of that completion.")
209 (defvar completion-default-help-string
210 '(concat
211 (if (device-on-window-system-p)
212 (substitute-command-keys
213 "Click \\<list-mode-map>\\[list-mode-item-mouse-selected] on a completion to select it.\n") "")
214 (substitute-command-keys
215 "Type \\<minibuffer-local-completion-map>\\[advertised-switch-to-completions] or \\[switch-to-completions] to move to this buffer, for keyboard selection.\n\n"))
216 "Form the evaluate to get a help string for completion lists.
217 This string is inserted at the beginning of the buffer.
218 See `display-completion-list'.")
220 (defun display-completion-list (completions &rest cl-keys)
221 "Display the list of completions, COMPLETIONS, using `standard-output'.
222 Each element may be just a symbol or string or may be a list of two
223 strings to be printed as if concatenated.
224 Frob a mousable extent onto each completion. This extent has properties
225 'mouse-face (so it highlights when the mouse passes over it) and
226 'list-mode-item (so it can be located).
228 Keywords:
229 :activate-callback (default is `default-choose-completion')
230 See `add-list-mode-item'.
231 :user-data
232 Value passed to activation callback.
233 :window-width
234 If non-nil, width to use in displaying the list, instead of the
235 actual window's width.
236 :help-string (default is the value of `completion-default-help-string')
237 Form to evaluate to get a string to insert at the beginning of
238 the completion list buffer. This is evaluated when that buffer
239 is the current buffer and after it has been put into
240 completion-list-mode.
241 :reference-buffer (default is the current buffer)
242 This specifies the value of `completion-reference-buffer' in
243 the completion buffer. This specifies the buffer (normally a
244 minibuffer) that `default-choose-completion' will insert the
245 completion into.
247 At the end, run the normal hook `completion-setup-hook'.
248 It can find the completion buffer in `standard-output'.
249 If `completion-highlight-first-word-only' is non-nil, then only the start
250 of the string is highlighted."
251 ;; #### I18N3 should set standard-output to be (temporarily)
252 ;; output-translating.
253 (cl-parsing-keywords
254 ((:activate-callback 'default-choose-completion)
255 :user-data
256 :reference-buffer
257 (:help-string completion-default-help-string)
258 :window-width)
259 ()
260 (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer))
261 (bufferp (bufferp standard-output)))
262 (if bufferp
263 (set-buffer standard-output))
264 (if (null completions)
265 (princ (gettext
266 "There are no possible completions of what you have typed."))
267 (let ((win-width
268 (or cl-window-width
269 (if bufferp
270 ;; This needs fixing for the case of windows
271 ;; that aren't the same width's the frame.
272 ;; Sadly, the window it will appear in is not known
273 ;; until after the text has been made.
275 ;; We have to use last-nonminibuf-frame here
276 ;; and not selected-frame because if a
277 ;; minibuffer-only frame is being used it will
278 ;; be the selected-frame at the point this is
279 ;; run. We keep the selected-frame call around
280 ;; just in case.
281 (frame-width (or (last-nonminibuf-frame)
282 (selected-frame)))
283 80))))
284 (let ((count 0)
285 (max-width 0))
286 ;; Find longest completion
287 (let ((tail completions))
288 (while tail
289 (let* ((elt (car tail))
290 (len (cond ((stringp elt)
291 (length elt))
292 ((and (consp elt)
293 (stringp (car elt))
294 (stringp (car (cdr elt))))
295 (+ (length (car elt))
296 (length (car (cdr elt)))))
297 (t
298 (signal 'wrong-type-argument
299 (list 'stringp elt))))))
300 (if (> len max-width)
301 (setq max-width len))
302 (setq count (1+ count)
303 tail (cdr tail)))))
305 (setq max-width (+ 2 max-width)) ; at least two chars between cols
306 (let ((rows (let ((cols (min (/ win-width max-width) count)))
307 (if (<= cols 1)
308 count
309 (progn
310 ;; re-space the columns
311 (setq max-width (/ win-width cols))
312 (if (/= (% count cols) 0) ; want ceiling...
313 (1+ (/ count cols))
314 (/ count cols)))))))
315 (princ (gettext "Possible completions are:"))
316 (let ((tail completions)
317 (r 0)
318 (regexp-string
319 (if (eq t
320 completion-highlight-first-word-only)
321 "[ \t]"
322 completion-highlight-first-word-only)))
323 (while (< r rows)
324 (terpri)
325 (let ((indent 0)
326 (column 0)
327 (tail2 tail))
328 (while tail2
329 (let ((elt (car tail2)))
330 (if (/= indent 0)
331 (if bufferp
332 (indent-to indent 2)
333 (while (progn (write-char ?\ )
334 (setq column (1+ column))
335 (< column indent)))))
336 (setq indent (+ indent max-width))
337 (let ((start (point))
338 end)
339 ;; Frob some mousable extents in there too!
340 (if (consp elt)
341 (progn
342 (princ (car elt))
343 (princ (car (cdr elt)))
344 (or bufferp
345 (setq column
346 (+ column
347 (length (car elt))
348 (length (car (cdr elt)))))))
349 (progn
350 (princ elt)
351 (or bufferp
352 (setq column (+ column (length
353 elt))))))
354 (add-list-mode-item
355 start
356 (progn
357 (setq end (point))
358 (or
359 (and completion-highlight-first-word-only
360 (goto-char start)
361 (re-search-forward regexp-string end t)
362 (match-beginning 0))
363 end))
364 nil cl-activate-callback cl-user-data)
365 (goto-char end)))
366 (setq tail2 (nthcdr rows tail2)))
367 (setq tail (cdr tail)
368 r (1+ r)))))))))
369 (if bufferp
370 (set-buffer old-buffer)))
371 (save-excursion
372 (let ((mainbuf (or cl-reference-buffer (current-buffer))))
373 (set-buffer standard-output)
374 (completion-list-mode)
375 (make-local-variable 'completion-reference-buffer)
376 (setq completion-reference-buffer mainbuf)
377 ;;; The value 0 is right in most cases, but not for file name completion.
378 ;;; so this has to be turned off.
379 ;;; (setq completion-base-size 0)
380 (goto-char (point-min))
381 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
382 (insert (eval cl-help-string)))
383 ;; unnecessary FSFmacs crock
384 ;;(forward-line 1)
385 ;;(while (re-search-forward "[^ \t\n]+\\( [^ \t\n]+\\)*" nil t)
386 ;; (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
387 ;; (end (point)))
388 ;; (if completion-fixup-function
389 ;; (funcall completion-fixup-function))
390 ;; (put-text-property beg (point) 'mouse-face 'highlight)
391 ;; (put-text-property beg (point) 'list-mode-item t)
392 ;; (goto-char end)))))
393 ))
394 (run-hooks 'completion-setup-hook)))
396 (defvar completion-display-completion-list-function 'display-completion-list
397 "Function to set up the list of completions in the completion buffer.
398 The function is called with one argument, the sorted list of completions.
399 Particular minibuffer interface functions (e.g. `read-file-name') may
400 want to change this. To do that, set a local value for this variable
401 in the minibuffer; that ensures that other minibuffer invocations will
402 not be affected.")
404 (defun minibuffer-completion-help ()
405 "Display a list of possible completions of the current minibuffer contents.
406 The list of completions is determined by calling `all-completions',
407 passing it the current minibuffer contents, the value of
408 `minibuffer-completion-table', and the value of
409 `minibuffer-completion-predicate'. The list is displayed by calling
410 the value of `completion-display-completion-list-function' on the sorted
411 list of completions, with the standard output set to the completion
412 buffer."
413 (interactive)
414 (message "Making completion list...")
415 (let ((completions (all-completions (buffer-string)
416 minibuffer-completion-table
417 minibuffer-completion-predicate)))
418 (message nil)
419 (if (null completions)
420 (progn
421 (ding nil 'no-completion)
422 (temp-minibuffer-message " [No completions]"))
423 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*"
424 (funcall completion-display-completion-list-function
425 (sort completions #'string-lessp))))))
427 (define-derived-mode completion-list-mode list-mode
428 "Completion List"
429 "Major mode for buffers showing lists of possible completions.
430 Type \\<completion-list-mode-map>\\[choose-completion] in the completion list\
431 to select the completion near point.
432 Use \\<completion-list-mode-map>\\[mouse-choose-completion] to select one\
433 with the mouse."
434 (make-local-variable 'completion-base-size)
435 (setq completion-base-size nil))
437 (let ((map completion-list-mode-map))
438 (define-key map "\e\e\e" 'delete-completion-window)
439 (define-key map "\C-g" 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
440 (define-key map "q" 'abort-recursive-edit)
441 (define-key map " " (lambda () (interactive)
442 (select-window (minibuffer-window))))
443 (define-key map "\t" (lambda () (interactive)
444 (select-window (minibuffer-window)))))
446 (defvar completion-reference-buffer nil
447 "Record the buffer that was current when the completion list was requested.
448 This is a local variable in the completion list buffer.
449 Initial value is nil to avoid some compiler warnings.")
451 (defvar completion-base-size nil
452 "Number of chars at beginning of minibuffer not involved in completion.
453 This is a local variable in the completion list buffer
454 but it talks about the buffer in `completion-reference-buffer'.
455 If this is nil, it means to compare text to determine which part
456 of the tail end of the buffer's text is involved in completion.")
458 (defun delete-completion-window ()
459 "Delete the completion list window.
460 Go to the window from which completion was requested."
461 (interactive)
462 (let ((buf completion-reference-buffer))
463 (delete-window (selected-window))
464 (if (get-buffer-window buf)
465 (select-window (get-buffer-window buf)))))
467 (defun completion-do-in-minibuffer ()
468 (interactive "_")
469 (save-excursion
470 (set-buffer (window-buffer (minibuffer-window)))
471 (call-interactively (key-binding (this-command-keys)))))
473 (defun default-choose-completion (event extent buffer)
474 "Click on an alternative in the `*Completions*' buffer to choose it."
475 (and (button-event-p event)
476 ;; Give temporary modes such as isearch a chance to turn off.
477 (run-hooks 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook))
478 (or buffer (setq buffer (symbol-value-in-buffer
479 'completion-reference-buffer
480 (or (and (button-event-p event)
481 (event-buffer event))
482 (current-buffer)))))
483 (save-selected-window
484 (and (button-event-p event)
485 (select-window (event-window event)))
486 (if (and (one-window-p t 'selected-frame)
487 (window-dedicated-p (selected-window)))
488 ;; This is a special buffer's frame
489 (iconify-frame (selected-frame))
490 (or (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
491 (bury-buffer))))
492 (choose-completion-string (extent-string extent)
493 buffer
494 completion-base-size))
496 ;; Delete the longest partial match for STRING
497 ;; that can be found before POINT.
498 (defun choose-completion-delete-max-match (string)
499 (let ((len (min (length string)
500 (- (point) (point-min)))))
501 (goto-char (- (point) (length string)))
502 (if completion-ignore-case
503 (setq string (downcase string)))
504 (while (and (> len 0)
505 (let ((tail (buffer-substring (point)
506 (+ (point) len))))
507 (if completion-ignore-case
508 (setq tail (downcase tail)))
509 (not (string= tail (substring string 0 len)))))
510 (setq len (1- len))
511 (forward-char 1))
512 (delete-char len)))
514 ;; Switch to BUFFER and insert the completion choice CHOICE.
515 ;; BASE-SIZE, if non-nil, says how many characters of BUFFER's text
516 ;; to keep. If it is nil, use choose-completion-delete-max-match instead.
517 (defun choose-completion-string (choice &optional buffer base-size)
518 (let ((buffer (or buffer completion-reference-buffer)))
519 ;; If BUFFER is a minibuffer, barf unless it's the currently
520 ;; active minibuffer.
521 (if (and (string-match "\\` \\*Minibuf-[0-9]+\\*\\'" (buffer-name buffer))
522 (or (not (active-minibuffer-window))
523 (not (equal buffer
524 (window-buffer (active-minibuffer-window))))))
525 (error "Minibuffer is not active for completion")
526 ;; Insert the completion into the buffer where completion was requested.
527 (set-buffer buffer)
528 (if base-size
529 (delete-region (+ base-size (point-min)) (point))
530 (choose-completion-delete-max-match choice))
531 (insert choice)
532 (remove-text-properties (- (point) (length choice)) (point)
533 '(highlight nil))
534 ;; Update point in the window that BUFFER is showing in.
535 (let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer t)))
536 (set-window-point window (point)))
537 ;; If completing for the minibuffer, exit it with this choice.
538 (and (equal buffer (window-buffer (minibuffer-window)))
539 minibuffer-completion-table
540 (exit-minibuffer)))))
542 (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [prior]
543 'switch-to-completions)
544 (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [prior]
545 'switch-to-completions)
546 (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map "\M-v"
547 'advertised-switch-to-completions)
548 (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map "\M-v"
549 'advertised-switch-to-completions)
551 (defalias 'advertised-switch-to-completions 'switch-to-completions)
552 (defun switch-to-completions ()
553 "Select the completion list window."
554 (interactive)
555 ;; Make sure we have a completions window.
556 (or (get-buffer-window "*Completions*")
557 (minibuffer-completion-help))
558 (if (not (get-buffer-window "*Completions*"))
559 nil
560 (select-window (get-buffer-window "*Completions*"))
561 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point-min) 'list-mode-item nil
562 (point-max)))))