1 ;;!emacs
2 ;;
3 ;; FILE: wrolo.el V2 (Renamed from rolo.el in earlier versions to avoid
4 ;; load path conflicts with the rolo.el written by
5 ;; another author.)
6 ;; SUMMARY: Hierarchical, multi-file, easy to use rolodex system
7 ;; USAGE: GNU Emacs Lisp Library
8 ;; KEYWORDS: hypermedia, matching
9 ;;
10 ;; AUTHOR: Bob Weiner
11 ;;
12 ;; ORG: InfoDock Associates. We sell corporate support and development
13 ;; contracts for InfoDock, Emacs and XEmacs.
14 ;; E-mail: <info@infodock.com> Web: http://www.infodock.com
15 ;; Tel: +1 408-243-3300
16 ;;
17 ;; ORIG-DATE: 7-Jun-89 at 22:08:29
18 ;; LAST-MOD: 17-Feb-97 at 15:32:20 by Bob Weiner
19 ;;
20 ;; This file is part of Hyperbole.
21 ;; Available for use and distribution under the same terms as GNU Emacs.
22 ;;
23 ;; Copyright (C) 1989, '90, '91, '92, '95 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
24 ;; Copyright (C) 1996 InfoDock Associates
25 ;;
27 ;;
28 ;; The `put whatever you feel like into it' rolodex.
29 ;;
31 ;;
32 ;; 1. Multiple rolodex files with free text lookup. No structured
33 ;; fields are used.
34 ;;
35 ;; 2. Hierarchical rolodex entries as in:
36 ;; * Company
37 ;; ** Manager
38 ;; *** Underlings
39 ;;
40 ;; Searching for Manager turns up all Underlings. Searching for
41 ;; Company retrieves all listed employees.
42 ;;
43 ;; This hierarchical system has proved very effective for retrieving
44 ;; computer system administration problem reports by vendor name,
45 ;; problem number or by subject area, without having to resort to a
46 ;; database system, and also for extraction of relevant text
47 ;; sections from reports.
48 ;;
49 ;; 3. String and regular expression searching capabilities. Matches are
50 ;; found anywhere within entries, so entries may be of any format you
51 ;; like without the bother of fixed field restrictions.
52 ;; Ability to restrict number of matches or to report number of matches
53 ;; without displaying entries.
54 ;;
55 ;; 4. Smart addition, editing and sorting of entries by hierarchy level.
56 ;;
57 ;; 5. Support for Hyperbole buttons within rolodex entries.
58 ;;
59 ;; See "wrolo-logic.el" for logical search functions (and, or, not, xor).
60 ;; See "wrolo-menu.el" for menu handling functions. (If you received
61 ;; wrolo as part of Hyperbole, this file in unneeded and so not included.)
62 ;;
63 ;;
64 ;; SETUP:
65 ;;
66 ;; The variable 'rolo-file-list' is a list of files to search for
67 ;; matching rolodex entries. To add personal files to rolo-file-list,
68 ;; when you find these functions are useful for any sort of list lookup,
69 ;; add the following to your ~/.emacs file (substituting where you see
70 ;; <fileN>):
71 ;;
72 ;; (setq rolo-file-list (append rolo-file-list '("<file1>" "<file2>")))
73 ;;
74 ;; We recommend that entries in 'rolo-file-list' have ".otl" suffixes
75 ;; so that they do not conflict with file names that other rolodex
76 ;; programs might use and so that they are edited in 'outline-mode' by
77 ;; default. If you want the latter behavior, uncomment and add something
78 ;; like the following to one of your GNU Emacs initialization files:
79 ;;
80 ;; ;; Add to the list of suffixes that causes automatic mode invocation
81 ;; (setq auto-mode-alist
82 ;; (append '(("\\.otl$" . outline-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
83 ;;
84 ;; The buffers containing the rolodex files are not killed after a search
85 ;; on the assumption that another search is likely to follow within this
86 ;; Emacs session. You may wish to change this behavior with the following
87 ;; setting:
88 ;;
89 ;; (setq rolo-kill-buffers-after-use t)
90 ;;
91 ;; After an entry is killed, the modified rolodex file is automatically
92 ;; saved. If you would rather always save files yourself, use this
93 ;; setting:
94 ;;
95 ;; (setq rolo-save-buffers-after-use nil)
96 ;;
97 ;; When adding an entry from within a buffer containing a mail
98 ;; message, the rolodex add function will extract the sender's name
99 ;; and e-mail address and prompt you with the name as a default. If
100 ;; you accept it, it will enter the name and the email address using
101 ;; the format given by the 'rolo-email-format' variable. See its
102 ;; documentation if you want to change its value.
103 ;;
104 ;;
105 ;; If you use Hyperbole V2.3 or greater, then no other rolodex setup
106 ;; is necessary, simply select the "Rolo/" menu item from the top
107 ;; level Hyperbole menu. Otherwise, add the following to your
108 ;; "~/.emacs" file:
109 ;;
110 ;; (autoload 'rolo-menu "rolo-menu" "Load wrolo system." t)
111 ;; (global-set-key "\C-x4r" 'rolo-menu)
112 ;;
113 ;; And then simply invoke the rolodex menu with {C-x 4 r} after Emacs
114 ;; has read those lines in your init file.
115 ;;
116 ;;
118 ;;
119 ;; The rolo menu provides access to the following commands:
120 ;;
121 ;; Menu Item Function Description
122 ;; ====================================================================
123 ;; Add rolo-add Adds a rolodex entry
124 ;; Display rolo-display-matches Displays last matches again
125 ;; Edit rolo-edit Edits an existing rolodex entry
126 ;; Info Displays Rolodex manual entry
127 ;; Kill rolo-kill Removes an entry from the rolodex
128 ;; Order rolo-sort Sorts all levels in rolodex
129 ;; RegexFind rolo-grep Finds all entries containing
130 ;; a regular expression
131 ;; StringFind rolo-fgrep Finds all entries containing
132 ;; a string
133 ;; WordFind rolo-word Finds all entries containing
134 ;; a string of whole words
135 ;; Yank rolo-yank Inserts first matching rolodex
136 ;; entry at point
137 ;;
138 ;; For any of these commands that prompt you for a name, you may use the form
139 ;; parent/child to locate a child entry below a parent entry, e.g.
140 ;; from the example near the top, we could give Company/Manager/Underlings.
141 ;;
142 ;; Here is a snippet from our group rolodex file. The ';'s should be
143 ;; removed of course and the '*'s should begin at the start of the
144 ;; line. If a rolodex file begins with two separator lines whose
145 ;; first three characters are "===", then these lines and any text
146 ;; between them are prepended to the output buffer whenever any
147 ;; entries are retrieved from that file.
148 ;;
149 ;;=============================================================================
151 ;; <Last Name>, <First Name> <Co/Categ> W<Work #> H<Home #> P<Pager #>
152 ;; F<Fax #> M<Modem #> C<Cellular #>
153 ;; <Address> <Miscellaneous Info, Key Words>
154 ;;=============================================================================
155 ;;* EX594, Digital-Systems-Research
156 ;;** Weiner, Bob Motorola W2087 P7-7489
157 ;; FL19, L-1035
158 ;;
159 ;;
161 ;;
162 ;; Entries in rolodex files are separated by patterns matching
163 ;; 'rolo-entry-regexp'. Each entry may have any number of sub-entries
164 ;; which represent the next level down in the entry hierarchy.
165 ;; Sub-entries' separator patterns are always longer than their parents'.
166 ;; For example, if an entry began with '*' then its sub-entries would begin
167 ;; with '**' and so on. Blank lines in rolodex files will not end up where
168 ;; you want them if you use the rolo-sort commands; therefore, blank lines
169 ;; are not recommended. If you change the value of
170 ;; 'rolo-entry-regexp', you will have to modify 'rolo-sort'.
171 ;;
172 ;; The following additional functions are provided:
173 ;;
174 ;; 'rolo-sort-level' sorts a specific level of entries in a rolodex file;
175 ;; 'rolo-map-level' runs a user specified function on a specific level of
176 ;; entries in a rolodex file;
177 ;; 'rolo-fgrep-file', same as 'rolo-fgrep' but operates on a single file;
178 ;; 'rolo-grep-file', same as 'rolo-grep' but operates on a single file;
179 ;; 'rolo-display-matches', display last set of rolodex matches, if any;
180 ;; 'rolo-toggle-narrow-to-entry' toggles between display of current entry
181 ;; and display of all matching entries.
182 ;;
183 ;;
185 ;;
186 ;; 12/17/89
187 ;; Added internal 'rolo-shrink-window' function for use in
188 ;; compressing/uncompressing the rolo view window to/from a size just
189 ;; large enough for the selected entry. This is useful when a search
190 ;; turns up more entries than desired.
191 ;;
192 ;; 02/21/90
193 ;; Modified 'rolo-grep-file' and 'rolo-map-level' so they only set buffers
194 ;; read-only the first time they are read in. This way, if someone edits a
195 ;; rolodex file and then does a rolo-fgrep or other function, the buffer
196 ;; will not be back in read-only mode.
197 ;;
198 ;; 04/18/91
199 ;; Modified 'rolo-grep-file' to expand any hidden entries in rolo file
200 ;; before doing a search.
201 ;;
202 ;; 12/24/91
203 ;; Added Hyperbole button support.
204 ;;
205 ;; 12/30/91
206 ;; Added convenient support for entry add, edit, kill and yank.
207 ;;
208 ;; 01/10/91
209 ;; Fixed bug in rolo-to that ended search too early.
210 ;;
213 ;;; ************************************************************************
214 ;;; Other required Elisp libraries
215 ;;; ************************************************************************
217 (require 'hversion)
218 (require 'hmail)
220 ;;; ************************************************************************
221 ;;; Public variables
222 ;;; ************************************************************************
224 (defvar rolo-email-format "%s\t\t<%s>"
225 "Format string to use when adding an entry with e-mail addr from a mail msg.
226 It must contain a %s indicating where to put the entry name and a second
227 %s indicating where to put the e-mail address.")
229 (defvar rolo-file-list
230 (if hyperb:microcruft-os-p
231 '("c:/_rolodex.otl") '("~/.rolodex.otl"))
232 "*List of files containing rolodex entries.
233 The first file should be a user-specific rolodex file, typically in the home
234 directory. The second file is often a shared, group-specific rolodex file.
236 A rolo-file consists of:
237 (1) an optional header beginning with and ending with a line which matches
238 rolo-hdr-regexp;
239 (2) one or more rolodex entries which each begin with
240 rolo-entry-regexp and may be nested.")
242 (defvar rolo-highlight-face nil
243 "*Face used to highlight rolodex search matches.")
244 (if rolo-highlight-face
245 nil
246 (setq rolo-highlight-face
247 (cond (hyperb:emacs19-p
248 (if (fboundp 'make-face)
249 (progn (make-face 'rolo-highlight-face)
250 'rolo-highlight-face)))
251 (hyperb:epoch-p (make-style))
252 (t (if (fboundp 'make-face)
253 (face-name (make-face 'rolo-highlight-face))))))
254 (if (fboundp 'hproperty:set-item-highlight)
255 (hproperty:set-item-highlight)))
257 (defvar rolo-kill-buffers-after-use nil
258 "*Non-nil means kill rolodex file buffers after searching them for entries.
259 Only unmodified buffers are killed.")
261 (defvar rolo-save-buffers-after-use t
262 "*Non-nil means save rolodex file after an entry is killed.")
264 (defvar wrolo-yank-reformat-function nil
265 "*Value is a function of two arguments, START and END, invoked after a rolo-yank.
266 It should reformat the region given by the arguments to some preferred style.
267 Default value is nil, meaning no reformmating is done.")
269 ;;; ************************************************************************
270 ;;; Commands
271 ;;; ************************************************************************
273 ;;;###autoload
274 (defun rolo-add (name &optional file)
275 "Adds a new entry in personal rolodex for NAME.
276 Last name first is best, e.g. \"Smith, John\".
277 With prefix argument, prompts for optional FILE to add entry within.
278 NAME may be of the form: parent/child to insert child below a parent
279 entry which begins with the parent string."
280 (interactive
281 (progn
282 (or (fboundp 'mail-fetch-field) (require 'mail-utils))
283 (let* ((lst (rolo-name-and-email))
284 (name (car lst))
285 (email (car (cdr lst)))
286 (entry (read-string "Name to add to rolo: "
287 (or name email))))
288 (list (if (and email name
289 (string-match (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote entry)) name))
290 (format rolo-email-format entry email) entry)
291 current-prefix-arg))))
292 (if (or (not (stringp name)) (string= name ""))
293 (error "(rolo-add): Invalid name: '%s'" name))
294 (if (and (interactive-p) file)
295 (setq file (completing-read "File to add to: "
296 (mapcar 'list rolo-file-list))))
297 (if (null file) (setq file (car rolo-file-list)))
298 (cond ((and file (or (not (stringp file)) (string= file "")))
299 (error "(rolo-add): Invalid file: '%s'" file))
300 ((and (file-exists-p file) (not (file-readable-p file)))
301 (error "(rolo-add): File not readable: '%s'" file))
302 ((not (file-writable-p file))
303 (error "(rolo-add): File not writable: '%s'" file)))
304 (set-buffer (or (get-file-buffer file) (find-file-noselect file)))
305 (if (interactive-p) (message "Locating insertion point for '%s'..." name))
306 (let ((parent "") (level "") end)
307 (widen) (goto-char 1)
308 (while (setq end (string-match "/" name))
309 (setq parent (substring name 0 end)
310 name (substring name (min (1+ end) (length name))))
311 (if (re-search-forward
312 (concat "\\(" rolo-entry-regexp "\\)[ \t]*"
313 (regexp-quote parent)) nil t)
314 (setq level (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
315 (match-end 1)))
316 (error "(rolo-add): '%s' category not found in \"%s\"."
317 parent file)))
318 (narrow-to-region (point)
319 (progn (rolo-to-entry-end t level) (point)))
320 (goto-char (point-min))
321 (let* ((len (length name))
322 (name-level (concat level "*"))
323 (level-len (length name-level))
324 (entry "")
325 (entry-spc "")
326 (entry-level)
327 (match)
328 (again t))
329 (while (and again
330 (re-search-forward
331 (concat "\\(" rolo-entry-regexp "\\)\\([ \t]*\\)")
332 nil 'end))
333 (setq entry-level (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
334 (match-end 1)))
335 (if (/= (length entry-level) level-len)
336 (rolo-to-entry-end t entry-level)
337 (setq entry (buffer-substring (point) (+ (point) len))
338 entry-spc (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
339 (match-end 2)))
340 (cond ((string< entry name)
341 (rolo-to-entry-end t entry-level))
342 ((string< name entry)
343 (setq again nil) (beginning-of-line))
344 (t ;; found existing entry matching name
345 (setq again nil match t)))))
346 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
347 (if match
348 nil
349 (insert (or entry-level (concat level "*"))
350 (if (string= entry-spc "") " " entry-spc)
351 name "\n")
352 (backward-char 1))
353 ;; Rolo-to-buffer may move point from its desired location, so
354 ;; restore it.
355 (let ((opoint (point)))
356 (widen)
357 (rolo-to-buffer (current-buffer))
358 (goto-char opoint))
359 (if (interactive-p)
360 (message "Edit entry at point.")))))
362 ;;;###autoload
363 (defun rolo-display-matches (&optional display-buf return-to-buffer)
364 "Display optional DISPLAY-BUF buffer of previously found rolodex matches.
365 If DISPLAY-BUF is nil, use the value in 'rolo-display-buffer'.
366 Second arg RETURN-TO-BUFFER is the buffer to leave point within after the display."
367 (interactive)
368 (or display-buf (setq display-buf (get-buffer rolo-display-buffer)))
369 (if display-buf nil
370 (error "(rolo-display-matches): Search the rolodex first."))
371 ;; Save current window configuration if rolodex match buffer is not
372 ;; displayed in one of the windows already.
373 (or
374 ;; Handle both Emacs V18 and V19 versions of get-buffer-window.
375 (condition-case ()
376 (get-buffer-window display-buf (selected-frame))
377 (error (get-buffer-window display-buf)))
378 (setq *rolo-wconfig* (current-window-configuration)))
379 (rolo-to-buffer display-buf t)
380 (if (eq major-mode 'wrolo-mode) nil (wrolo-mode))
381 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
382 (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-create) (hproperty:but-create))
383 (rolo-shrink-window)
384 (goto-char (point-min))
385 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
386 (setq buffer-read-only t)
387 (run-hooks 'wrolo-display-hook)
388 ;; Leave point in match buffer unless a specific RETURN-TO-BUFFER has
389 ;; been specified. Use {q} to quit and restore display.
390 (if return-to-buffer (rolo-to-buffer return-to-buffer t)))
392 ;;;###autoload
393 (defun rolo-edit (&optional name file)
394 "Edits a rolodex entry given by optional NAME within 'rolo-file-list'.
395 With prefix argument, prompts for optional FILE to locate entry within.
396 With no NAME arg, simply displays FILE or first entry in 'rolo-file-list' in an
397 editable mode. NAME may be of the form: parent/child to edit child below a
398 parent entry which begins with the parent string."
399 (interactive "sName to edit in rolo: \nP")
400 (if (string-equal name "") (setq name nil))
401 (and name (not (stringp name))
402 (error "(rolo-edit): Invalid name: '%s'" name))
403 (if (and (interactive-p) current-prefix-arg)
404 (if (= (length rolo-file-list) 1)
405 (setq file (car rolo-file-list))
406 (setq file (completing-read "Entry's File: "
407 (mapcar 'list rolo-file-list)))))
408 (let ((found-point) (file-list (if file (list file) rolo-file-list)))
409 (or file (setq file (car file-list)))
410 (if (null name)
411 (progn (if (not (file-writable-p file))
412 (error "(rolo-edit): File not writable: '%s'" file))
413 (find-file-other-window file) (setq buffer-read-only nil))
414 (if (setq found-point (rolo-to name file-list))
415 (progn
416 (setq file buffer-file-name)
417 (if (file-writable-p file)
418 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
419 (message
420 "(rolo-edit): Entry found but file not writable: '%s'" file)
421 (beep))
422 (rolo-to-buffer (current-buffer)))
423 (message "(rolo-edit): '%s' not found." name)
424 (beep)
425 (rolo-to-buffer (or (get-file-buffer (car file-list))
426 (find-file-noselect (car file-list))))
427 (setq buffer-read-only nil))
428 (widen)
429 ;; Rolo-to-buffer may have moved point from its desired location, so
430 ;; restore it.
431 (if found-point (goto-char found-point)))))
433 (defun rolo-edit-entry ()
434 "Edit the source entry of the rolodex match buffer entry at point.
435 Returns entry name if found, else nil."
436 (interactive)
437 (let ((name (rolo-name-at)))
438 (if name (progn (rolo-edit name (hbut:key-src))
439 name))))
441 ;;;###autoload
442 (defun rolo-fgrep (string
443 &optional max-matches rolo-file count-only no-display)
444 "Display rolodex entries matching STRING.
445 To a maximum of optional prefix arg MAX-MATCHES, in file(s) from optional
446 ROLO-FILE or rolo-file-list. Default is to find all matching entries. Each
447 entry is displayed with all of its sub-entries. Optional COUNT-ONLY non-nil
448 means don't retrieve and don't display matching entries. Optional NO-DISPLAY
449 non-nil means retrieve entries but don't display.
451 Nil value of MAX-MATCHES means find all matches, t value means find all matches
452 but omit file headers, negative values mean find up to the inverse of that
453 number of entries and omit file headers.
455 Returns number of entries matched. See also documentation for the variable
456 rolo-file-list."
457 (interactive "sRolodex string to match: \nP")
458 (let ((total-matches (rolo-grep (regexp-quote string) max-matches
459 rolo-file count-only no-display)))
460 (if (interactive-p)
461 (message "%s matching entr%s found in rolodex."
462 (if (= total-matches 0) "No" total-matches)
463 (if (= total-matches 1) "y" "ies")))
464 total-matches))
466 ;;;###autoload
467 (defun rolo-grep (regexp &optional max-matches rolo-bufs count-only no-display)
468 "Display rolodex entries matching REGEXP.
469 To a maximum of prefix arg MAX-MATCHES, in buffer(s) from optional ROLO-BUFS or
470 rolo-file-list. Default is to find all matching entries. Each entry is
471 displayed with all of its sub-entries. Optional COUNT-ONLY non-nil means don't
472 retrieve and don't display matching entries. Optional NO-DISPLAY non-nil
473 means retrieve entries but don't display.
475 Nil value of MAX-MATCHES means find all matches, t value means find all matches
476 but omit file headers, negative values mean find up to the inverse of that
477 number of entries and omit file headers.
479 Returns number of entries matched. See also documentation for the variable
480 rolo-file-list."
481 (interactive "sRolodex regular expression to match: \nP")
482 (let ((rolo-file-list
483 (cond ((null rolo-bufs) rolo-file-list)
484 ((listp rolo-bufs) rolo-bufs)
485 ((list rolo-bufs))))
486 (display-buf (if count-only
487 nil
488 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create rolo-display-buffer))))
489 (total-matches 0)
490 (num-matched 0)
491 (inserting (or (eq max-matches t)
492 (and (integerp max-matches) (< max-matches 0))))
493 (file))
494 (if count-only nil
495 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
496 (or inserting (erase-buffer)))
497 (while (and (setq file (car rolo-file-list))
498 (or (not (integerp max-matches))
499 (< total-matches (max max-matches (- max-matches)))))
500 (setq rolo-file-list (cdr rolo-file-list)
501 num-matched (rolo-grep-file file regexp max-matches count-only)
502 total-matches (+ total-matches num-matched))
503 (if (integerp max-matches)
504 (setq max-matches
505 (if (>= max-matches 0)
506 (- max-matches num-matched)
507 (+ max-matches num-matched)))))
508 (if (or count-only no-display inserting (= total-matches 0))
509 nil
510 (rolo-display-matches display-buf))
511 (if (interactive-p)
512 (message "%s matching entr%s found in rolodex."
513 (if (= total-matches 0) "No" total-matches)
514 (if (= total-matches 1) "y" "ies")
515 ))
516 total-matches))
518 (defun rolo-isearch ()
519 "Interactively search forward for next occurrence of current match regexp.
520 Use this to add characters to further narrow the search."
521 (interactive)
522 (if (equal (buffer-name) rolo-display-buffer)
523 (execute-kbd-macro (concat "\e\C-s" rolo-match-regexp))
524 (error "(rolo-isearch): Use this command in the %s match buffer"
525 rolo-display-buffer)))
527 ;;;###autoload
528 (defun rolo-kill (name &optional file)
529 "Kills a rolodex entry given by NAME within 'rolo-file-list'.
530 With prefix argument, prompts for optional FILE to locate entry within.
531 NAME may be of the form: parent/child to kill child below a parent entry
532 which begins with the parent string.
533 Returns t if entry is killed, nil otherwise."
534 (interactive "sName to kill in rolo: \nP")
535 (if (or (not (stringp name)) (string= name ""))
536 (error "(rolo-kill): Invalid name: '%s'" name))
537 (if (and (interactive-p) current-prefix-arg)
538 (setq file (completing-read "Entry's File: "
539 (mapcar 'list rolo-file-list))))
540 (let ((file-list (if file (list file) rolo-file-list))
541 (killed))
542 (or file (setq file (car file-list)))
543 (if (rolo-to name file-list)
544 (progn
545 (setq file buffer-file-name)
546 (if (file-writable-p file)
547 (let ((kill-op
548 (function (lambda (start level)
549 (kill-region
550 start (rolo-to-entry-end t level))
551 (setq killed t)
552 (rolo-save-buffer)
553 (rolo-kill-buffer))))
554 start end level)
555 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
556 (re-search-backward rolo-entry-regexp nil t)
557 (setq end (match-end 0))
558 (beginning-of-line)
559 (setq start (point)
560 level (buffer-substring start end))
561 (goto-char end)
562 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
563 (if (interactive-p)
564 (let ((entry-line (buffer-substring
565 (point)
566 (min (+ (point) 60)
567 (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
568 (if (y-or-n-p (format "Kill `%s...' " entry-line))
569 (progn
570 (funcall kill-op start level)
571 (message "Killed"))
572 (message "Aborted")))
573 (funcall kill-op start level)))
574 (message
575 "(rolo-kill): Entry found but file not writable: '%s'" file)
576 (beep)))
577 (message "(rolo-kill): '%s' not found." name)
578 (beep))
579 killed))
581 (defun rolo-mail-to ()
582 "Start composing mail addressed to the first e-mail address at or after point."
583 (interactive)
584 (let ((opoint (point)) button)
585 (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n\r<>")
586 (if (and (re-search-forward mail-address-regexp nil t)
587 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
588 (setq button (ibut:at-p)))
589 (hui:hbut-act button)
590 (goto-char opoint)
591 (beep)
592 (message "(rolo-mail-to): Invalid buffer or no e-mail address found"))))
594 (defun rolo-next-match ()
595 "Move point forward to the start of the next rolodex search match."
596 (interactive)
597 (if (not (stringp rolo-match-regexp))
598 (error "(rolo-next-match): Invoke a rolodex search expression first"))
599 (let ((start (point))
600 (case-fold-search t))
601 (if (looking-at rolo-match-regexp)
602 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
603 (if (re-search-forward rolo-match-regexp nil t)
604 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
605 (goto-char start)
606 (error
607 "(rolo-next-match): No following matches for \"%s\"" rolo-match-regexp))))
609 (defun rolo-previous-match ()
610 "Move point back to the start of the previous rolodex search match."
611 (interactive)
612 (if (not (stringp rolo-match-regexp))
613 (error "(rolo-previous-match): Invoke a rolodex search expression first"))
614 (let ((case-fold-search t))
615 (if (re-search-backward rolo-match-regexp nil t)
616 nil
617 (error
618 "(rolo-previous-match): No prior matches for \"%s\"" rolo-match-regexp))))
620 (defun rolo-quit ()
621 "Quit from the rolodex match buffer and restore the prior frame display."
622 (interactive)
623 (bury-buffer)
624 (if (and *rolo-wconfig*
625 (if (fboundp 'window-configuration-p)
626 (window-configuration-p *rolo-wconfig*)
627 t))
628 (set-window-configuration *rolo-wconfig*)))
630 ;;;###autoload
631 (defun rolo-sort (&optional rolo-file)
632 "Sorts up to 14 levels of entries in ROLO-FILE (default is personal rolo).
633 Assumes entries are delimited by one or more '*'characters.
634 Returns list of number of groupings at each entry level."
635 (interactive
636 (list (let ((default "")
637 (file))
638 (setq file
639 (completing-read
640 (format "Sort rolo file (default %s): "
641 (file-name-nondirectory
642 (setq default
643 (if (and buffer-file-name
644 (memq
645 t (mapcar
646 (function
647 (lambda (file)
648 (equal buffer-file-name
649 (expand-file-name file))))
650 rolo-file-list)))
651 buffer-file-name
652 (car rolo-file-list)))))
653 (mapcar 'list rolo-file-list)))
654 (if (string= file "") default file))))
655 (if (or (not rolo-file) (equal rolo-file ""))
656 (setq rolo-file (car rolo-file-list)))
657 (if (not (and (stringp rolo-file) (file-readable-p rolo-file)))
658 (error "(rolo-sort): Invalid or unreadable file: %s" rolo-file))
659 (let ((level-regexp (regexp-quote "**************"))
660 (entries-per-level-list)
661 (n))
662 (while (not (equal level-regexp ""))
663 (setq n (rolo-sort-level rolo-file level-regexp))
664 (if (or (/= n 0) entries-per-level-list)
665 (setq entries-per-level-list
666 (append (list n) entries-per-level-list)))
667 (setq level-regexp (substring level-regexp 0 (- (length level-regexp) 2))))
668 entries-per-level-list))
670 (defun rolo-sort-level (rolo-file level-regexp &optional max-groupings)
671 "Sorts groupings of entries in ROLO-FILE at hierarchy level LEVEL-REGEXP.
672 To a maximum of optional MAX-GROUPINGS. Nil value of MAX-GROUPINGS means all
673 groupings at the given level. LEVEL-REGEXP should simply match the text of
674 any rolodex entry of the given level, not the beginning of a line (^); an
675 example, might be (regexp-quote \"**\") to match level two. Returns number
676 of groupings sorted."
677 (interactive "sRolodex file to sort: \nRegexp for level's entries: \nP")
678 (let ((sort-fold-case t))
679 (rolo-map-level
680 (function (lambda (start end) (sort-lines nil start end)))
681 rolo-file
682 level-regexp
683 max-groupings)))
685 (defun rolo-toggle-narrow-to-entry ()
686 "Toggle between display of current entry and display of all matched entries.
687 Useful when bound to a mouse key."
688 (interactive)
689 (if (rolo-narrowed-p)
690 (widen)
691 (if (or (looking-at rolo-entry-regexp)
692 (re-search-backward rolo-entry-regexp nil t))
693 (progn (forward-char)
694 (narrow-to-region (1- (point)) (rolo-display-to-entry-end)))))
695 (rolo-shrink-window)
696 (goto-char (point-min)))
698 (defun rolo-word (string
699 &optional max-matches rolo-file count-only no-display)
700 "Display rolodex entries with whole word matches for STRING.
701 To a maximum of optional prefix arg MAX-MATCHES, in file(s) from optional
702 ROLO-FILE or rolo-file-list. Default is to find all matching entries. Each
703 entry is displayed with all of its sub-entries. Optional COUNT-ONLY non-nil
704 means don't retrieve and don't display matching entries. Optional NO-DISPLAY
705 non-nil means retrieve entries but don't display.
707 Nil value of MAX-MATCHES means find all matches, t value means find all matches
708 but omit file headers, negative values mean find up to the inverse of that
709 number of entries and omit file headers.
711 Returns number of entries matched. See also documentation for the variable
712 rolo-file-list."
713 (interactive "sRolodex whole words to match: \nP")
714 (let ((total-matches (rolo-grep (format "\\b%s\\b" (regexp-quote string))
715 max-matches
716 rolo-file count-only no-display)))
717 (if (interactive-p)
718 (message "%s matching entr%s found in rolodex."
719 (if (= total-matches 0) "No" total-matches)
720 (if (= total-matches 1) "y" "ies")))
721 total-matches))
723 ;;;###autoload
724 (defun rolo-yank (name &optional regexp-p)
725 "Inserts at point the first rolodex entry matching NAME.
726 With optional prefix arg, REGEXP-P, treats NAME as a regular expression instead
727 of a string."
728 (interactive "sName to insert record for: \nP")
729 (let ((rolo-display-buffer (current-buffer))
730 (start (point))
731 found)
732 (save-excursion
733 (setq found (if regexp-p
734 (rolo-grep name -1)
735 (rolo-grep (regexp-quote name) -1))))
736 ;; Let user reformat the region just yanked.
737 (if (and (= found 1) (fboundp wrolo-yank-reformat-function))
738 (funcall wrolo-yank-reformat-function start (point)))
739 found))
741 ;;; ************************************************************************
742 ;;; Public functions
743 ;;; ************************************************************************
745 (defun rolo-fgrep-file (rolo-buf string &optional max-matches count-only)
746 "Retrieve entries in ROLO-BUF matching STRING to a maximum of optional MAX-MATCHES.
747 Nil value of MAX-MATCHES means find all matches, t value means find all matches
748 but omit file headers, negative values mean find up to the inverse of that
749 number of entries and omit file headers. Optional COUNT-ONLY non-nil
750 means don't retrieve matching entries.
751 Returns number of matching entries found."
752 (rolo-grep-file rolo-buf (regexp-quote string) max-matches count-only))
754 (defun rolo-grep-file (rolo-buf regexp &optional max-matches count-only)
755 "Retrieve entries in ROLO-BUF matching REGEXP to a maximum of optional MAX-MATCHES.
756 Nil value of MAX-MATCHES means find all matches, t value means find all matches
757 but omit file headers, negative values mean find up to the inverse of that
758 number of entries and omit file headers. Optional COUNT-ONLY non-nil
759 means don't retrieve matching entries.
760 Returns number of matching entries found."
761 ;;
762 ;; Save regexp as last rolodex search expression.
763 (setq rolo-match-regexp regexp)
764 ;;
765 (let ((new-buf-p) (actual-buf))
766 (if (and (or (null max-matches) (eq max-matches t) (integerp max-matches))
767 (or (setq actual-buf (rolo-buffer-exists-p rolo-buf))
768 (if (file-exists-p rolo-buf)
769 (setq actual-buf (find-file-noselect rolo-buf t)
770 new-buf-p t))))
771 (let ((hdr-pos) (num-found 0) (curr-entry-level)
772 (incl-hdr t))
773 (if max-matches
774 (cond ((eq max-matches t)
775 (setq incl-hdr nil max-matches nil))
776 ((< max-matches 0)
777 (setq incl-hdr nil
778 max-matches (- max-matches)))))
779 (set-buffer actual-buf)
780 (if new-buf-p (setq buffer-read-only t))
781 (save-excursion
782 (save-restriction
783 (widen)
784 (goto-char 1)
785 ;; Ensure no entries in outline mode are hidden.
786 ;; Uses 'show-all' function from outline.el.
787 (and (search-forward "\C-m" nil t)
788 (show-all))
789 (if (re-search-forward rolo-hdr-regexp nil t 2)
790 (progn (forward-line)
791 (setq hdr-pos (cons (point-min) (point)))))
792 (re-search-forward rolo-entry-regexp nil t)
793 (while (and (or (null max-matches) (< num-found max-matches))
794 (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
795 (re-search-backward rolo-entry-regexp nil t)
796 (let ((start (point))
797 (next-entry-exists))
798 (re-search-forward rolo-entry-regexp nil t)
799 (setq curr-entry-level (buffer-substring start (point)))
800 (rolo-to-entry-end t curr-entry-level)
801 (or count-only
802 (if (and (= num-found 0) incl-hdr)
803 (let* ((src (or (buffer-file-name actual-buf)
804 actual-buf))
805 (src-line
806 (format
807 (concat (if (boundp 'hbut:source-prefix)
808 hbut:source-prefix
809 "@loc> ")
810 "%s")
811 (prin1-to-string src))))
812 (set-buffer rolo-display-buffer)
813 (goto-char (point-max))
814 (if hdr-pos
815 (progn
816 (insert-buffer-substring
817 actual-buf (car hdr-pos) (cdr hdr-pos))
818 (insert src-line "\n\n"))
819 (insert (format rolo-hdr-format src-line)))
820 (set-buffer actual-buf))))
821 (setq num-found (1+ num-found))
822 (or count-only
823 (rolo-add-match rolo-display-buffer regexp start (point)))))))
824 (rolo-kill-buffer actual-buf)
825 num-found)
826 0)))
828 (defun rolo-map-level (func rolo-buf level-regexp &optional max-groupings)
829 "Perform FUNC on groupings of ROLO-BUF entries at level LEVEL-REGEXP,
830 to a maximum of optional argument MAX-GROUPINGS. Nil value of MAX-GROUPINGS
831 means all groupings at the given level. FUNC should take two arguments, the
832 start and the end of the region that it should manipulate. LEVEL-REGEXP
833 should simply match the text of any rolodex entry of the given level, not the
834 beginning of a line (^); an example, might be (regexp-quote \"**\") to match
835 level two. Returns number of groupings matched."
836 (let ((actual-buf))
837 (if (and (or (null max-groupings) (< 0 max-groupings))
838 (or (setq actual-buf (rolo-buffer-exists-p rolo-buf))
839 (if (file-exists-p rolo-buf)
840 (progn (setq actual-buf (find-file-noselect rolo-buf t))
841 t))))
842 (progn
843 (set-buffer actual-buf)
844 (let ((num-found 0)
845 (exact-level-regexp (concat "^\\(" level-regexp "\\)[ \t\n]"))
846 (outline-regexp rolo-entry-regexp)
847 (buffer-read-only)
848 (level-len))
849 ;; Load 'outline' library since its functions are used here.
850 (if (not (boundp 'outline-mode-map))
851 (load-library "outline"))
852 (goto-char (point-min))
853 ;; Pass buffer header if it exists
854 (if (re-search-forward rolo-hdr-regexp nil t 2)
855 (forward-line))
856 (while (and (or (null max-groupings) (< num-found max-groupings))
857 (re-search-forward exact-level-regexp nil t))
858 (setq num-found (1+ num-found))
859 (let* ((opoint (prog1 (point) (beginning-of-line)))
860 (grouping-start (point))
861 (start grouping-start)
862 (level-len (or level-len (- (1- opoint) start)))
863 (next-level-len)
864 (next-entry-exists)
865 (grouping-end)
866 (no-subtree))
867 (while (and (progn
868 (if (setq next-entry-exists
869 (re-search-forward
870 rolo-entry-regexp nil t 2))
871 (setq next-level-len
872 (- (point)
873 (progn (beginning-of-line)
874 (point)))
875 grouping-end
876 (< next-level-len level-len)
877 no-subtree
878 (<= next-level-len level-len))
879 (setq grouping-end t no-subtree t)
880 (goto-char (point-max)))
881 (let ((end (point)))
882 (goto-char start)
883 (hide-subtree) ; And hide multiple entry lines
884 ;; Move to start of next entry at equal
885 ;; or higher level.
886 (setq start
887 (if no-subtree
888 end
889 (if (re-search-forward
890 rolo-entry-regexp nil t)
891 (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
892 (point-max))))
893 ;; Remember last expression in 'progn'
894 ;; must always return non-nil.
895 (goto-char start)))
896 (not grouping-end)))
897 (let ((end (point)))
898 (goto-char grouping-start)
899 (funcall func grouping-start end)
900 (goto-char end))))
901 (show-all)
902 (rolo-kill-buffer actual-buf)
903 num-found))
904 0)))
906 ;;; ************************************************************************
907 ;;; Private functions
908 ;;; ************************************************************************
910 (defun rolo-add-match (rolo-matches-buffer regexp start end)
911 "Insert before point in ROLO-MATCHES-BUFFER an entry matching REGEXP from the current region between START to END."
912 (let ((rolo-buf (current-buffer))
913 opoint)
914 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create rolo-matches-buffer))
915 (setq opoint (point))
916 (insert-buffer-substring rolo-buf start end)
917 (rolo-highlight-matches regexp opoint (point))
918 (set-buffer rolo-buf)))
920 (defun rolo-buffer-exists-p (rolo-buf)
921 "Returns buffer given by ROLO-BUF or nil.
922 ROLO-BUF may be a file-name, buffer-name, or buffer."
923 (car (memq (get-buffer (or (and (stringp rolo-buf)
924 (get-file-buffer rolo-buf))
925 rolo-buf))
926 (buffer-list))))
928 (defun rolo-display-to-entry-end ()
929 "Go to end of current entry, ignoring sub-entries."
930 (if (re-search-forward (concat rolo-hdr-regexp "\\|"
931 rolo-entry-regexp) nil t)
932 (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
933 (goto-char (point-max))))
936 (defun rolo-format-name (name-str first last)
937 "Reverse order of NAME-STR field given my regexp match field FIRST and LAST."
938 (if (match-beginning last)
939 (concat (substring name-str (match-beginning last) (match-end last))
940 ", "
941 (substring name-str (match-beginning first) (match-end first)))))
943 (defun rolo-highlight-matches (regexp start end)
944 "Highlight matches for REGEXP in region from START to END."
945 (if (fboundp 'hproperty:but-add)
946 (let ((hproperty:but-emphasize-p))
947 (save-excursion
948 (goto-char start)
949 (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
950 (hproperty:but-add (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
951 (or rolo-highlight-face
952 hproperty:highlight-face)))))))
954 (defun rolo-kill-buffer (&optional rolo-buf)
955 "Kills optional ROLO-BUF if unchanged and 'rolo-kill-buffers-after-use' is t.
956 Default is current buffer."
957 (or rolo-buf (setq rolo-buf (current-buffer)))
958 (and rolo-kill-buffers-after-use (not (buffer-modified-p rolo-buf))
959 (kill-buffer rolo-buf)))
961 (defun rolo-name-and-email ()
962 "If point is in a mail message, returns list of (name email-addr) of sender.
963 Name is returned as 'last, first-and-middle'."
964 (let ((email) (name) (from))
965 (save-window-excursion
966 (if (or (hmail:lister-p) (hnews:lister-p))
967 (other-window 1))
968 (save-excursion
969 (save-restriction
970 (goto-char (point-min))
971 (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
972 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point)))
973 (setq email (mail-fetch-field "reply-to")
974 from (mail-fetch-field "from")))))
975 (if from
976 (cond
977 ;; Match: email, email (name), email "name"
978 ((string-match
979 (concat "^\\([^\"<>() \t\n]+\\)"
980 "\\([ \t]*[(\"][ \t]*\\([^\"()]+\\)[ \t]+"
981 "\\([^\" \t()]+\\)[ \t]*[)\"]\\)?[ \t]*$")
982 from)
983 (setq name (rolo-format-name from 3 4))
984 (or email (setq email (substring from (match-beginning 1)
985 (match-end 1)))))
986 ;; Match: <email>, name <email>, "name" <email>
987 ((string-match
988 (concat "^\\(\"?\\([^\"<>()\n]+\\)[ \t]+"
989 "\\([^\" \t()<>]+\\)\"?[ \t]+\\)?"
990 "<\\([^\"<>() \t\n]+\\)>[ \t]*$")
991 from)
992 (setq name (rolo-format-name from 2 3))
993 (or email (setq email (substring from (match-beginning 4)
994 (match-end 4)))))))
995 (if (or name email)
996 (list name email))))
998 (defun rolo-name-at ()
999 "If point is within an entry in 'rolo-display-buffer', returns entry, else nil."
1000 (if (string-equal (buffer-name) rolo-display-buffer)
1001 (save-excursion
1002 (if (or (looking-at rolo-entry-regexp)
1003 (progn (end-of-line)
1004 (re-search-backward rolo-entry-regexp nil t)))
1005 (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
1006 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1007 (if (or (looking-at "[^ \t\n\^M]+ ?, ?[^ \t\n\^M]+")
1008 (looking-at "\\( ?[^ \t\n\^M]+\\)+"))
1009 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0)
1010 (match-end 0))))))))
1012 (defun rolo-narrowed-p ()
1013 (or (/= (point-min) 1) (/= (1+ (buffer-size)) (point-max))))
1015 (defun rolo-save-buffer (&optional rolo-buf)
1016 "Saves optional ROLO-BUF if changed and 'rolo-save-buffers-after-use' is t.
1017 Default is current buffer. Used, for example, after a rolo entry is killed."
1018 (or rolo-buf (setq rolo-buf (current-buffer)))
1019 (and rolo-save-buffers-after-use (buffer-modified-p rolo-buf)
1020 (set-buffer rolo-buf) (save-buffer)))
1022 (defun rolo-shrink-window ()
1023 (let* ((lines (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
1024 (height (window-height))
1025 (window-min-height 2)
1026 (desired-shrinkage (1- (min (- height lines)))))
1027 (and (>= lines 0)
1028 (/= desired-shrinkage 0)
1029 (> (frame-height) (1+ height))
1030 (shrink-window
1031 (if (< desired-shrinkage 0)
1032 (max desired-shrinkage (- height (/ (frame-height) 2)))
1033 (min desired-shrinkage (- height window-min-height)))))))
1035 (defun rolo-to (name &optional file-list)
1036 "Moves point to entry for NAME within optional FILE-LIST.
1037 'rolo-file-list' is used as default when FILE-LIST is nil.
1038 Leaves point immediately after match for NAME within entry.
1039 Switches internal current buffer but does not alter the frame.
1040 Returns point where matching entry begins or nil if not found."
1041 (or file-list (setq file-list rolo-file-list))
1042 (let ((found) file)
1043 (while (and (not found) file-list)
1044 (setq file (car file-list)
1045 file-list (cdr file-list))
1046 (cond ((and file (or (not (stringp file)) (string= file "")))
1047 (error "(rolo-to): Invalid file: '%s'" file))
1048 ((and (file-exists-p file) (not (file-readable-p file)))
1049 (error "(rolo-to): File not readable: '%s'" file)))
1050 (set-buffer (or (get-file-buffer file) (find-file-noselect file)))
1051 (let ((case-fold-search t) (real-name name) (parent "") (level) end)
1052 (widen) (goto-char 1)
1053 (while (setq end (string-match "/" name))
1054 (setq level nil
1055 parent (substring name 0 end)
1056 name (substring name (min (1+ end) (length name))))
1057 (cond ((progn
1058 (while (and (not level) (search-forward parent nil t))
1059 (save-excursion
1060 (beginning-of-line)
1061 (if (looking-at
1062 (concat "\\(" rolo-entry-regexp "\\)[ \t]*"
1063 (regexp-quote parent)))
1064 (setq level (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
1065 (match-end 1))))))
1066 level))
1067 ((equal name real-name));; Try next file.
1068 (t;; Found parent but not child
1069 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
1070 (rolo-to-buffer (current-buffer))
1071 (error "(rolo-to): '%s' part of name not found in \"%s\"."
1072 parent file)))
1073 (if level
1074 (narrow-to-region (point)
1075 (save-excursion
1076 (rolo-to-entry-end t level) (point)))))
1077 (goto-char (point-min))
1078 (while (and (search-forward name nil t)
1079 (not (save-excursion
1080 (beginning-of-line)
1081 (setq found
1082 (if (looking-at
1083 (concat "\\(" rolo-entry-regexp
1084 "\\)[ \t]*"
1085 (regexp-quote name)))
1086 (point))))))))
1087 (or found (rolo-kill-buffer))) ;; conditionally kill
1088 (widen)
1089 found))
1091 (defun rolo-to-buffer (buffer &optional other-window-flag frame)
1092 "Pop to BUFFER."
1093 (cond (hyperb:lemacs-p
1094 (pop-to-buffer buffer other-window-flag
1095 ;; default is to use selected frame
1096 (or frame (selected-frame))))
1097 (t (pop-to-buffer buffer other-window-flag))))
1099 (defun rolo-to-entry-end (&optional include-sub-entries curr-entry-level)
1100 "Goes to end of whole entry if optional INCLUDE-SUB-ENTRIES is non-nil.
1101 CURR-ENTRY-LEVEL is a string whose length is the same as the last found entry
1102 header. If INCLUDE-SUB-ENTRIES is nil, CURR-ENTRY-LEVEL is not needed.
1103 Returns current point."
1104 (while (and (setq next-entry-exists
1105 (re-search-forward rolo-entry-regexp nil t))
1106 include-sub-entries
1107 (> (- (point) (save-excursion
1108 (beginning-of-line)
1109 (point)))
1110 (length curr-entry-level))))
1111 (if next-entry-exists
1112 (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
1113 (goto-char (point-max))))
1115 (defun wrolo-mode ()
1116 "Major mode for the rolodex match buffer.
1117 Calls the functions given by `wrolo-mode-hook'.
1118 \\{wrolo-mode-map}"
1119 (interactive)
1120 (setq major-mode 'wrolo-mode
1121 mode-name "Rolodex")
1122 (use-local-map wrolo-mode-map)
1123 ;;
1124 (set-syntax-table wrolo-mode-syntax-table)
1125 ;;
1126 ;; Loads menus under non-tty InfoDock, XEmacs or Emacs19; does nothing
1127 ;; otherwise.
1128 (and (not (featurep 'wrolo-menu)) hyperb:window-system
1129 (or hyperb:lemacs-p hyperb:emacs19-p) (require 'wrolo-menu))
1130 ;;
1131 (if (not (fboundp 'outline-minor-mode))
1132 nil
1133 (outline-minor-mode 1))
1134 (run-hooks 'wrolo-mode-hook))
1136 ;;; ************************************************************************
1137 ;;; Private variables
1138 ;;; ************************************************************************
1140 (defvar rolo-display-buffer "*Rolodex*"
1141 "Buffer used to display set of last matching rolodex entries.")
1143 (defvar rolo-entry-regexp "^\\*+"
1144 "Regular expression to match the beginning of a rolodex entry.
1145 This pattern must match the beginning of the line. Entries may be nested
1146 through the use of increasingly longer beginning patterns.")
1148 (defconst rolo-hdr-format
1149 (concat
1150 "======================================================================\n"
1151 "%s\n"
1152 "======================================================================\n")
1153 "Header to insert preceding a file's first rolodex entry match when
1154 file has none of its own. Used with one argument, the file name."
1155 )
1157 (defconst rolo-hdr-regexp "^==="
1158 "Regular expression to match the first and last lines of rolodex file headers.
1159 This header is inserted into rolo-display-buffer before any entries from the
1160 file are added.")
1162 (defconst rolo-match-regexp nil
1163 "Last regular expression used to search the rolodex.
1164 Nil before a search is done.
1165 String search expressions are converted to regular expressions.")
1167 (defvar *rolo-wconfig* nil
1168 "Saves frame's window configuration prior to a rolodex search.")
1170 (defvar wrolo-mode-syntax-table nil
1171 "Syntax table used while in wrolo match mode.")
1173 (if wrolo-mode-syntax-table
1174 ()
1175 (setq wrolo-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table))
1176 ;; Support syntactic selection of delimited e-mail addresses.
1177 (modify-syntax-entry ?< "(>" wrolo-mode-syntax-table)
1178 (modify-syntax-entry ?> ")<" wrolo-mode-syntax-table))
1180 (defvar wrolo-mode-map nil
1181 "Keymap for the rolodex match buffer.")
1183 (if wrolo-mode-map
1184 nil
1185 (setq wrolo-mode-map (make-keymap))
1186 (if (fboundp 'set-keymap-name)
1187 (set-keymap-name wrolo-mode-map 'wrolo-mode-map))
1188 (suppress-keymap wrolo-mode-map)
1189 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "<" 'beginning-of-buffer)
1190 (define-key wrolo-mode-map ">" 'end-of-buffer)
1191 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "." 'beginning-of-buffer)
1192 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "," 'end-of-buffer)
1193 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "?" 'describe-mode)
1194 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "\177" 'scroll-down)
1195 (define-key wrolo-mode-map " " 'scroll-up)
1196 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "a" 'show-all)
1197 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "b" 'outline-backward-same-level)
1198 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "e" 'rolo-edit-entry)
1199 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "f" 'outline-forward-same-level)
1200 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "h" 'hide-subtree)
1201 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "m" 'rolo-mail-to)
1202 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "n" 'outline-next-visible-heading)
1203 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "p" 'outline-previous-visible-heading)
1204 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "q" 'rolo-quit)
1205 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "r" 'rolo-previous-match)
1206 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "s" 'show-subtree)
1207 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "\M-s" 'rolo-isearch)
1208 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "t" 'hide-body)
1209 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "\C-i" 'rolo-next-match) ;; {TAB}
1210 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "\M-\C-i" 'rolo-previous-match) ;; {M-TAB}
1211 (define-key wrolo-mode-map "u" 'outline-up-heading)
1212 )
1214 (provide 'wrolo)