+ − 1 You are looking at the XEmacs tutorial. See end for copyrights and conditions.
+ − 2
+ − 3 XEmacs commands generally involve the CONTROL key (sometimes labeled
+ − 4 CTRL or CTL) or the META key. "META" is a traditional Emacs term; on
+ − 5 most keyboards, the key is labelled "Alt". (On Sun keyboards, the META
+ − 6 key is labelled with a diamond, and is *NOT* the Alt key, which also
+ − 7 exists.) On some TTY's, there is no META key; in this case, use ESC.
+ − 8 Rather than write out META or CONTROL each time we want you to prefix a
+ − 9 character, we'll use the following abbreviations:
+ − 10
+ − 11 C-<chr> means hold the CONTROL key while typing the character <chr>
+ − 12 Thus, C-f would be: hold the CONTROL key and type f.
+ − 13 M-<chr> means hold the META (i.e. Alt) key down while typing <chr>.
+ − 14 (See above for Sun keyboards and TTY's.)
+ − 15
+ − 16 Important note: to end the XEmacs session, type C-x C-c. (Two characters.)
+ − 17
+ − 18 To move to the next screen, type <Next> (often labeled PgDn). On TTY's,
+ − 19 you may not have such a key; use C-v instead. (Hold down the CONTROL key
+ − 20 while typing v.)
+ − 21
+ − 22 To move to the previous screen, type <Prior> (often labeled PgUp). On
+ − 23 TTY's, use M-v. (Remember, this means META + v; if you have no META or Alt
+ − 24 key that works, press and release ESC, then type v.)
+ − 25
+ − 26 The characters ">>" at the left margin indicate directions for you to
+ − 27 try using a command. For instance:
+ − 28
+ − 29 >> Try typing <Next> and then <Prior>, a few times. (Or C-v and M-v,
+ − 30 on TTY's.)
+ − 31
+ − 32 Note that there is an overlap of two lines when you move from screen to
+ − 33 screen; this provides some continuity so you can continue reading the text.
+ − 34
+ − 35 In general, every "cursor key" (the arrows and similar keys set off to the
+ − 36 right side of the keyboard) has an equivalent binding that uses only the
+ − 37 alphanumeric keys in combination with CONTROL and/or META, so that TTY
+ − 38 users can use XEmacs.
+ − 39
+ − 40 (In fact, in olden days, this "older way" was the only way to do things,
+ − 41 and you will still often see references to these keys as the "recommended"
+ − 42 way of doing things. We don't actually recommend that you use these older
+ − 43 bindings in preference to the more obvious cursor keys, since the cursor
+ − 44 keys are easier to remember and usually more convenient to use. However,
+ − 45 it's useful to know the older bindings, either in case you ever use a TTY
+ − 46 or so that you can make sense of references to them. From now on, we will
+ − 47 mention the TTY bindings in parentheses, and expect that TTY users will
+ − 48 subsitute them whenever we mention a cursor key.)
+ − 49
+ − 50 Now you may ask, what is a TTY? A TTY (or "TeleTYpe")is a text-only
+ − 51 connection, the kind you get when you use the "telnet" program to log into
+ − 52 a remote site. Up till 20 years ago or so, such text-only connections were
+ − 53 all that existed to communicate with a computer, usually via a "terminal"
+ − 54 (a combination keyboard and monochrome screen) connected directly to a
+ − 55 computer. Nowadays, such dedicated TTY's are increasingly rare, and most
+ − 56 people only run into them when using telnet. Emacs began in those olden
+ − 57 days, and it still carries some baggage from that time, but things have
+ − 58 greatly improved since then. Now, you are probably using XEmacs under MS
+ − 59 Windows or X Windows, collectively termed a "window system".
+ − 60
+ − 61
+ − 62 * SUMMARY
+ − 63 ---------
+ − 64
+ − 65 The following commands are useful for viewing screenfuls:
+ − 66
+ − 67 <Next> Move forward one screenful (C-v on TTY's)
+ − 68 <Prior> Move backward one screenful (M-v on TTY's)
+ − 69 C-l Clear frame and redisplay all the text,
+ − 70 moving the text around the cursor
+ − 71 to the center of the window.
+ − 72 (That's CONTROL-L, not CONTROL-1.)
+ − 73
+ − 74 >> Find the cursor, and note what text is near it.
+ − 75 Then type C-l.
+ − 76 Find the cursor again and notice that the same text
+ − 77 is near the cursor now.
+ − 78
+ − 79
+ − 81 ------------------
+ − 82
+ − 83 All aspects of computers have terminology associated with them, and until
+ − 84 you master the terminology, things can seem overwhelming. To add to this,
+ − 85 however, XEmacs has its own terminology, some of which of course includes
+ − 86 terms for concepts new to XEmacs. Some XEmacs terminology, however, is
+ − 87 just nonstandard terms for familiar objects and concepts. (This is because
+ − 88 Emacs began a long time ago, when many standard things in today's computers
+ − 89 didn't exist, and others that did exist had different names.)
+ − 90
+ − 91 To make things easier for you, the most common XEmacs terms that you will
+ − 92 find in this tutorial are defined here, even though some have already been
+ − 93 defined above and others aren't discussed in detail until later. This way,
+ − 94 if you come across an unfamiliar term, you know exactly where to look to
+ − 95 find the definition. Don't worry if you don't understand all the terms; if
+ − 96 you keep reading the tutorial, eventually all the terms will be explained
+ − 97 in detail.
+ − 98
+ − 99 Term Definition
+ − 100 --------------------------
+ − 101 C- A keystroke involving the CONTROL key. C-k is sometimes
+ − 102 indicated as CONTROL + k or (not in XEmacs) ^K, and means
+ − 103 to hold down the CONTROL key and hit the k key.
+ − 104 Info The name of XEmacs' online documentation, accessed through
+ − 105 C-h i.
+ − 106 M- A keystroke involving the META key. See META.
+ − 107 META An abstract name for a particular modifier key, which has
+ − 108 different correspondences depending on your keyboard. On
+ − 109 most keyboards, META is the Alt key, but on Sun keyboards it's
+ − 110 a key labelled with a diamond, and *NOT* the Alt key, which
+ − 111 also exists. META can also be simulated by pressing ESC before
+ − 112 the other key, but in reality this is just two separate keys,
+ − 113 not a modifier plus a key: If you want to do M-f M-f, normally
+ − 114 you can hold down (e.g.) Alt, hit f twice, and release the Alt,
+ − 115 but when using ESC as META, you'd have to type ESC f ESC f.
+ − 116 TTY A text-only connection to a computer, such as when you
+ − 117 telnet into a machine. See the previous section for more
+ − 118 explanation.
+ − 119 binding The command that's bound to a particular key sequence; you
+ − 120 can find out what the binding is and how the command works
+ − 121 using C-h k; it's also possible to change the bindings of
+ − 122 key sequences, but this isn't discussed in the tutorial
+ − 123 buffer A block of memory holding some text, such as the text of a
+ − 124 file, email message, list of files in a directory, etc. All
+ − 125 visible windows are always displaying the text of some buffer,
+ − 126 and more than one window can be displaying the same buffer.
+ − 127 In this case, each buffer has a different value for point
+ − 128 (see definition).
+ − 129 cursor A block or bar showing where in the text the current insertion
+ − 130 point is.
+ − 131 cursor key Any of the keys used for moving the cursor, such as the arrow
+ − 132 keys, <Next> and <Prior> (often labelled PgUp and PgDn),
+ − 133 <Home> and <End>, etc. Usually set off to the right of the
+ − 134 main part of the keyboard, often painted gray.
+ − 135 echo area A one-line area at the bottom of the frame where messages are
+ − 136 output. It shares the same space as the minibuffer, which
+ − 137 works because the minibuffer is not active most of the time
+ − 138 and is active only for short intervals. (Even then, if a
+ − 139 message needs to be displayed, the minibuffer will temporarily
+ − 140 disappear, the message will be displayed, and then the
+ − 141 minibuffer will appear again in a few seconds.)
+ − 142 frame Same as what's standardly called a "window" in a window system.
+ − 143 TTY's only have one visible frame, but it's possible to create
+ − 144 others and switch between them (sort of like if, in a window
+ − 145 system, all your windows were maximized to take up the whole
+ − 146 screen, so you could only see one at once).
+ − 147 isearch Incremental search. An Emacs invention that is a special,
+ − 148 extra-efficient way of searching. Each time you type a
+ − 149 character in a search string, XEmacs immediately finds the
+ − 150 next match for what you've typed so far. This way, you avoid
+ − 151 typing more keys than necessary to find what you're looking
+ − 152 for.
+ − 153 key sequence A sequence of one or more keystrokes that together make a
+ − 154 command. C-x C-f, C-x 5 0, C-l, and <Next> are all key
+ − 155 sequences. See also "binding".
+ − 156 keystroke A combination of a key and a modifier (e.g. CONTROL, SHIFT,
+ − 157 META).
+ − 158 kill Standardly known as "cut". Remove text and remember it, so
+ − 159 that it can be "yanked" (standardly, "pasted") later. Multiple
+ − 160 "kills" are remembered, not only the most recent, and can be
+ − 161 accessed using M-y. "kill" is also sometimes used in general
+ − 162 to refer to deleting anything other than text, e.g. buffers,
+ − 163 toolbar items, local variables, subprocesses, abbrevations,
+ − 164 or to terminating the XEmacs process.
+ − 165 minibuffer A small buffer (usually one line, but it may expand as
+ − 166 necessary) at the bottom of the frame, used when commands need
+ − 167 input such as file names.
+ − 168 modeline A status line, near the bottom of a window, showing the
+ − 169 current file being edited, the current mode, the line number,
+ − 170 etc. (If you split a frame into two windows, you get two
+ − 171 modelines.)
+ − 172 point The location in the text where the cursor is. (Technically,
+ − 173 the cursor is *BETWEEN* two text characters, not on one.
+ − 174 This is most obvious when you use the bar cursor.)
+ − 175 prefix argument An extra piece of information typed just before a command to
+ − 176 be executed, which changes how the command works. Prefix
+ − 177 arguments typically come in two types: Numeric arguments,
+ − 178 which specify repeat counts, screen lines to move to, etc.
+ − 179 are are specified using META plus a number before a command;
+ − 180 and flag arguments, which are just simple yes/no-type
+ − 181 indications to do something differently (e.g. put point at
+ − 182 the beginning of inserted text rather than at the end) and
+ − 183 are specified using C-u before the command.
+ − 184 recursive edit Used when you are in the middle of executing a long command
+ − 185 (e.g. a search and replace), and want to temporarily make
+ − 186 an edit to some text. Indicated with brackets around the
+ − 187 mode name. It's unlikely you'll use this much, if at all,
+ − 188 but it's useful to know how to get out if you accidentally
+ − 189 get into this mode: use ESC ESC.
+ − 190 screen The totality of everything that can be seen on the display.
+ − 191 Also used in some expressions: "on/off the screen" means
+ − 192 currently visible or invisible. A "screenful" is the amount
+ − 193 of text in a particular window that can be viewed at one time.
+ − 194 window Non-overlapping division of a frame, standardly called a
+ − 195 "pane". Most often, there is only one window in a frame, and
+ − 196 then the two terms become essentially synonymous. (Technically,
+ − 197 however, the window includes the modeline below it but not
+ − 198 the minibuffer.)
+ − 199 yank Standardly known as "paste". Insert text that was previously
+ − 200 removed and remembered, a process known as "killing", or more
+ − 201 standardly "cutting".
+ − 202
+ − 203
+ − 205 ----------------------
+ − 206
+ − 207 The first thing that you need to know is how to move around from place
+ − 208 to place in the text. You already know how to move forward and backward
+ − 209 one screen, but how do you move to a specific place within the text on
+ − 210 the screen?
+ − 211
+ − 212 There are several ways you can do this. The most basic way is to use
+ − 213 the arrow keys, which we refer to as <Left>, <Right>, <Up>, and <Down>.
+ − 214 Each of these commands moves the cursor one row or column in a
+ − 215 particular direction on the screen.
+ − 216
+ − 217 On a TTY, the arrow keys should, hopefully, work the same, but they
+ − 218 might not, since TTY's are easy to misconfigure. As mentioned above,
+ − 219 for all cursor-key bindings, there are equivalent alphanumeric ones. In
+ − 220 this case, the bindings are unfortunately not at all obvious, since they
+ − 221 were chosen mnemonically and not visually. Here is a table showing the
+ − 222 TTY bindings:
+ − 223
+ − 224 Previous line, C-p
+ − 225 :
+ − 226 :
+ − 227 Backward, C-b .... Current cursor position .... Forward, C-f
+ − 228 :
+ − 229 :
+ − 230 Next line, C-n
+ − 231
+ − 232 >> Move the cursor to the line in the middle of that diagram using <Down>
+ − 233 or <Up>. Then type C-l to see the whole diagram centered in the window.
+ − 234 (Remember, TTY users should substitute the appropriate bindings whenever
+ − 235 necessary. In this case, use C-n and C-p.)
+ − 236
+ − 237 Note the mnemonic significance of the TTY bindings: P for previous, N
+ − 238 for next, B for backward and F for forward. If you're on a TTY, you
+ − 239 really should spend some time now etching these cursor bindings into
+ − 240 your brain. These cursor positioning commands are the most fundamental
+ − 241 way to move around and you'll be using them ALL the time, so you will be
+ − 242 completely lost without them.
+ − 243
+ − 244 Even if you are on a window system and are not forced to learn these
+ − 245 bindings, you should try to memorize at least these four commands and in
+ − 246 particular their associated words, since variations on them show up in
+ − 247 many different keyboard commands, and knowing what they stand for can be
+ − 248 of tremendous help.
+ − 249
+ − 250
+ − 251 >> Do a few <Down>'s to bring the cursor down to this line.
+ − 252
+ − 253 >> Move into the line with <Right>'s and then up with <Up>'s.
+ − 254 See what <Up> does when the cursor is in the middle of the line.
+ − 255
+ − 256 The location of the cursor in the text is also called "point". You will
+ − 257 often see such references to "point" in the documentation, so remember
+ − 258 this term.
+ − 259
+ − 260 Each line of text ends with a Newline character, which serves to separate
+ − 261 it from the following line. The last line in your file ought to have a
+ − 262 Newline at the end. XEmacs does not normally require it to have one, but
+ − 263 you can change this -- see the menu entry "Options->Editing->Newline at End
+ − 264 of File...". (More on menu entries later.)
+ − 265
+ − 266 >> Try to <Left> at the beginning of a line. It should move to
+ − 267 the end of the previous line. This is because it moves back
+ − 268 across the Newline character.
+ − 269
+ − 270 <Right> can move across a Newline just like <Left>.
+ − 271
+ − 272 >> Do a few more <Left>'s, so you get a feel for where the cursor is.
+ − 273 Then do <Right>'s to return to the end of the line.
+ − 274 Then do one more <Right> to move to the following line.
+ − 275
+ − 276 When you move past the top or bottom of the window, the text beyond
+ − 277 the edge shifts onto the screen. This is called "scrolling". It
+ − 278 enables XEmacs to move the cursor to the specified place in the text
+ − 279 without moving it off the screen.
+ − 280
+ − 281 >> Try to move the cursor off the bottom of the window with <Down>, and
+ − 282 see what happens.
+ − 283
+ − 284 If moving by characters is too slow, you can move by words. C-<Right>
+ − 285 (CONTROL + right-arrow key) moves forward a word and C-<Left> moves back a
+ − 286 word. On TTY's, use M-f instead of C-<Right> and M-p instead of C-<Left>.
+ − 287
+ − 288 >> Type a few C-<Right>'s and C-<Left>'s.
+ − 289
+ − 290 When you are in the middle of a word, C-<Right> moves to the end of the
+ − 291 word. When you are in whitespace between words, C-<Right> moves to the
+ − 292 end of the following word. C-<Left> works likewise in the opposite
+ − 293 direction.
+ − 294
+ − 295 >> Type C-<Right> and C-<Left> a few times, interspersed with <Right>'s and
+ − 296 <Left>'s so that you can observe the action of C-<Right> and C-<Left>
+ − 297 from various places inside and between words.
+ − 298
+ − 299 Notice the parallel between <Right> and <Left> on the one hand, and
+ − 300 C-<Right> and C-<Left> on the other hand. Also notice the parallel
+ − 301 between C-f and C-p on the one hand, and M-f and M-p on the other hand.
+ − 302 XEmacs tries fairly hard to maintain parallelism in keyboard commands to
+ − 303 make them easier to remember, and generally adding CONTROL or META to an
+ − 304 operation makes it "more so". META goes beyond CONTROL, often making
+ − 305 the units of movement less basic in the process -- words vs. characters,
+ − 306 balanced parenthetical expressions vs. words, or sentences vs. lines.
+ − 307
+ − 308 Other important cursor motion commands are <Home> and <End> (beginning
+ − 309 and end of the line), and C-<Home> and C-<End> (beginning and end of the
+ − 310 whole text). Note again the parallelism just mentioned.
+ − 311
+ − 312 On TTY's, use C-a and C-e for beginning and end of line, and M-< and M->
+ − 313 for beginning and end of text. (If it helps, think of A as the first
+ − 314 letter of the alphabet, and E as standing for "end".) Note that the <
+ − 315 and > chars (Less-than and Greater-than) are above the comma and period
+ − 316 on most keyboards, so you'll have to use the SHIFT key in conjunction
+ − 317 with META. If you have no META, the order is very important: Type ESC
+ − 318 first, then type < or >.
+ − 319
+ − 320 >> Move the cursor to this line, then try <Home> and <End> a few times.
+ − 321
+ − 322 >> (Read this entire entry before doing anything!) Try C-<Home> now, to
+ − 323 move to the beginning of the tutorial. Then use <Next> repeatedly to
+ − 324 move back here.
+ − 325
+ − 326 >> Try all of these commands now a few times for practice.
+ − 327 These are the most often used commands.
+ − 328
+ − 329 Here is a summary of simple cursor-moving operations. Don't worry if you
+ − 330 can't remember everything; you can always move back to this table for
+ − 331 reference.
+ − 332
+ − 334
+ − 335 <Prior> (PgUp) Move backward a screen M-v
+ − 336 <Next> (PgDn) Move forward a screen C-v
+ − 337
+ − 338 <Left> Move backward a character C-b
+ − 339 <Right> Move forward a character C-f
+ − 340
+ − 341 C-<Left> Move backward a word M-b
+ − 342 C-<Right> Move forward a word M-f
+ − 343
+ − 344 <Up> Move to previous line C-p
+ − 345 <Down> Move to next line C-n
+ − 346
+ − 347 C-<Up> Move 6 lines up
+ − 348 C-<Down> Move 6 lines down
+ − 349
+ − 350 <Home> Move to beginning of line C-a
+ − 351 <End> Move to end of line C-e
+ − 352
+ − 353 C-<Home> Move to beginning of text M-<
+ − 354 C-<End> Move to end of text M->
+ − 355
+ − 356
+ − 358 ------------------
+ − 359
+ − 360 Most XEmacs commands accept a numeric argument; for most commands, this
+ − 361 serves as a repeat-count. The way you give a command a repeat count is
+ − 362 by holding down the META key while typing the digits. You really only
+ − 363 need to hold down META for the first digit; for this reason, an
+ − 364 alternative method is to simply hit the ESC key once, then type the
+ − 365 digits. (This latter method works on TTY's as well.) The numeric
+ − 366 argument is also called a "prefix argument", because you type the
+ − 367 argument before the command it applies to.
+ − 368
+ − 369 For instance, M-8 <Right> moves forward eight characters.
+ − 370
+ − 371 >> Try using <Down> or <Up> with a numeric argument, to move the cursor
+ − 372 to a line near this one with just one command.
+ − 373
+ − 374 Sometimes, commands use the term "prefix argument" to refer not to a
+ − 375 numeric argument, but to just a flag that makes the command do something
+ − 376 different if given. (We haven't encountered any such commands so far.)
+ − 377 For such commands, the flag is normally given by typing C-u before the
+ − 378 command, but generally you can also specify any numeric argument -- the
+ − 379 actual number makes no difference.
+ − 380
+ − 381
+ − 382 * SCROLLBARS
+ − 383 ------------
+ − 384
+ − 385 Unless you are on a TTY, there is probably a rectangular area called a
+ − 386 scroll bar at the right hand side of the XEmacs window. You can scroll the
+ − 387 text by manipulating the scrollbar with the mouse.
+ − 388
+ − 389 The scrollbar has a button in the middle of it, called a thumb. The
+ − 390 relative position of this thumb within the rectangle indicates where you
+ − 391 are within the file. As you scroll up or down with the cursor keys, the
+ − 392 thumb will follow.
+ − 393
+ − 394 >> Try holding down the left button on the thumb and moving the mouse up
+ − 395 and down. You'll see that the text scrolls up and down as you move the
+ − 396 mouse. (NOTE: Some scrollbars, such as the Athena scrollbars under X
+ − 397 Windows, work differently. On these, you will have to use the middle
+ − 398 button, not the left one.)
+ − 399
+ − 400 >> Try clicking the left button in the area above the thumb. This should
+ − 401 scroll the text up by a screenful. Similarly, clicking the button below
+ − 402 the thumb will scroll down by a screenful. (NOTE: Under Athena, things
+ − 403 work differently.) Holding the button down will cause the text to
+ − 404 repeatedly scroll by a screenful.
+ − 405
+ − 406 >> Most scrollbars have arrows at the top and bottom of the rectangle.
+ − 407 Clicking on these will scroll the text up or down by a line, and holding
+ − 408 the button down will cause the text to repeatedly scroll by a line.
+ − 409
+ − 410
+ − 411 * USING THE MENU
+ − 412 ----------------
+ − 413
+ − 414 Unless you are on a TTY, you will notice a menubar at the top of the
+ − 415 XEmacs frame. You can use this menubar to access all the most common
+ − 416 XEmacs commands, such as "open a file". You will find this easier at
+ − 417 first, because you don't need to remember the keystrokes necessary to
+ − 418 access any particular command. Once you are comfortable with XEmacs, it
+ − 419 will be easy to begin using the keyboard commands because each menu item
+ − 420 with a corresponding keyboard command has the command listed next to it.
+ − 421
+ − 422 Note that there are many items in the menubar that have no exact
+ − 423 keyboard equivalents. For example, the Buffers menu lists all of the
+ − 424 available buffers in most-recently used order. You can switch to any
+ − 425 buffer by simply findings its name in the Buffers menu and selecting it.
+ − 426
+ − 427 You can also configure XEmacs so that you can use the META key to access
+ − 428 menu items -- the "accelerator" functionality that is standard under MS
+ − 429 Windows. One easy way to do this in XEmacs is using the menu item
+ − 430 "Options->Menubars->Alt/Meta Selects Menu Items".
+ − 431
+ − 432 When this feature is on, you can select a menu or menu item using the
+ − 433 combination of META (i.e. Alt) plus the underlined letter of the menu item.
+ − 434 For example, to exit XEmacs, use M-f M-x. We currently don't turn this on
+ − 435 by default because it interferes with the traditional usage of META in
+ − 436 XEmacs. However, we may do this in the future: Only commands for which
+ − 437 there are top-level menus are shadowed by accelerator bindings, and for all
+ − 438 those commands, there are equivalents either using cursor keys or on the
+ − 439 menus.
+ − 440
+ − 441 When we mention a menu selection, it will be specified as just shown --
+ − 442 i.e. a string, with an arrow ("->") separating different submenus or items.
+ − 443 In this case, the menu entry just mentioned means "Click the Options menu
+ − 444 on the menubar, then the Menubars submenu, the the entry off of that
+ − 445 labeled "Alt/Meta Selects Menu Items". In general, XEmacs is highly
+ − 446 customizable, and one of the easiest ways to make such customizations is
+ − 447 through the Options menu.
+ − 448
+ − 449 IMPORTANT: If you want a change on the Options menu to last beyond the
+ − 450 current XEmacs session, use "Options->Save Options to Init File". This
+ − 451 way, it will be permanent. Otherwise, all Options changes made in the
+ − 452 current session will be lost.
+ − 453
+ − 454
+ − 456 ---------------------------------------------
+ − 457
+ − 458 If XEmacs stops responding to your commands, you can stop it safely by
+ − 459 typing C-g. You can use C-g to stop a command which is taking too
+ − 460 long to execute.
+ − 461
+ − 462 You can also use C-g to discard a numeric argument or the beginning of
+ − 463 a command that you do not want to finish.
+ − 464
+ − 465 >> Type M-100 to make a numeric arg of 100 (remember, this means hold
+ − 466 down META and type 100, or type ESC 1 0 0), then type C-g. Now type
+ − 467 <Right>. It should move just one character, because you canceled the
+ − 468 argument with C-g.
+ − 469
+ − 470 If XEmacs is in some strange mode and C-g isn't getting out of it, you
+ − 471 can use the all-purpose escape mechanism: ESC ESC. (On TTY's, you have
+ − 472 to use ESC ESC ESC. The reasons for this are a bit complicated.)
+ − 473
+ − 474 Hitting ESC ESC will get you out of almost any weird mode, including
+ − 475 selected text, split windows, the minibuffer, recursive edits, "stranded
+ − 476 minibuffer requests", and the like. If you have many problems at once,
+ − 477 each invokation of ESC ESC will get rid of one, so keep repeating until
+ − 478 everything's fixed. REMEMBER: ESC ESC does not work if XEmacs is hung
+ − 479 doing some time-consuming operation or running broken code. Use C-g for
+ − 480 that.
+ − 481
+ − 482
+ − 484 -------------------
+ − 485
+ − 486 Some XEmacs commands are "disabled" so that beginning users cannot use
+ − 487 them by accident.
+ − 488
+ − 489 If you type one of the disabled commands, XEmacs displays a message
+ − 490 saying what the command was, and asking you whether you want to go
+ − 491 ahead and execute the command.
+ − 492
+ − 493 If you really want to try the command, type <Space> in answer to the
+ − 494 question. Normally, if you do not want to execute the disabled
+ − 495 command, answer the question with "n".
+ − 496
+ − 497 >> Type `C-x n p' (which is a disabled command),
+ − 498 then type n to answer the question.
+ − 499
+ − 500
+ − 501 * "WINDOWS", I.E. PANES
+ − 502 -----------------------
+ − 503
+ − 504 XEmacs can have several panes (i.e. non-overlapping divisions of a window
+ − 505 or a TTY screen), each displaying its own text. For historical reasons,
+ − 506 these panes are called "windows", and what we normally think of as a
+ − 507 window is called a "frame". XEmacs can also have multiple "frames"; this
+ − 508 is described later. From now on, we omit the quotes around the XEmacs
+ − 509 terms, and if we need to use "window" in the standard sense, we will say
+ − 510 "window-system window".
+ − 511
+ − 512 At this stage it is better not to go too deeply into the techniques of
+ − 513 using multiple windows. But you do need to know how to get rid of extra
+ − 514 windows that may appear to display help or output from certain commands.
+ − 515 Most of the time, your cursor will be in the new window; if this is the
+ − 516 case, simply type q. Alternatively, you can type
+ − 517
+ − 518 C-x 0 Delete window.
+ − 519
+ − 520 That is, CONTROL-x followed by the digit 0. This command is unlike the
+ − 521 other commands you have learned in that it consists of two characters. It
+ − 522 starts with the character CONTROL-x. There is a whole series of commands
+ − 523 that start with CONTROL-x; many of them have to do with windows, files,
+ − 524 buffers, and related things. These commands are two, three or four
+ − 525 characters long.
+ − 526
+ − 527 >> Move the cursor to this line and type M-0 C-l.
+ − 528 (That's a zero, not an Oh.)
+ − 529 >> Type CONTROL-h k CONTROL-f.
+ − 530 See how this window shrinks, while a new one appears
+ − 531 to display documentation on the CONTROL-f command.
+ − 532
+ − 533 >> Type q and see the documentation listing window disappear.
+ − 534
+ − 535 (Remember that C-l redraws the frame. If you give a numeric argument to
+ − 536 this command, it means "redraw the frame and put the current line that
+ − 537 many lines from the top of the window." So M-0 C-l means "redraw the
+ − 538 frame, putting the current line at the top.")
+ − 539
+ − 540
+ − 542 ------------------------
+ − 543
+ − 544 If you want to insert text, just type the text. Characters which you can
+ − 545 see, such as A, 7, *, etc. are taken by XEmacs as text and inserted
+ − 546 immediately. Type <Return> (the carriage-return key) to insert a Newline
+ − 547 character.
+ − 548
+ − 549 You can delete the last character you typed by typing <Backspace>.
+ − 550 <Backspace> is a key on the keyboard, which may be labeled simply with a
+ − 551 left arrow sign.
+ − 552
+ − 553 (NOTE: On a few misconfigured TTY's, typing <Backspace> may try to invoke
+ − 554 the help system; the symptom of this is a line like "C-h (Type ? for
+ − 555 further options)" at the bottom of the frame. If this is the case, type
+ − 556 C-g to get out of this, and try using <Delete> from now on in place of
+ − 557 <Backspace>.)
+ − 558
+ − 559 More generally, <Backspace> deletes the character immediately before the
+ − 560 current cursor position.
+ − 561
+ − 562 >> Do this now--type a few characters, then delete them
+ − 563 by typing <Backspace> a few times. Don't worry about this file
+ − 564 being changed; you will not alter the master tutorial. This is
+ − 565 your personal copy of it.
+ − 566
+ − 567 When a line of text gets too big for one line on the window, the line of
+ − 568 text is "continued" onto a second window line. An arrow at the right
+ − 569 margin that hooks down and to the left (or a backslash ("\") on TTY's)
+ − 570 indicates a line which has been continued.
+ − 571
+ − 572 >> Insert text until you reach the right margin, and keep on inserting.
+ − 573 You'll see a continuation line appear.
+ − 574
+ − 575 >> Use <Backspace>s to delete the text until the line fits on one window
+ − 576 line again. The continuation line goes away.
+ − 577
+ − 578 You can delete a Newline character just like any other character.
+ − 579 Deleting the Newline character between two lines merges them into
+ − 580 one line. If the resulting combined line is too long to fit in the
+ − 581 window width, it will be displayed with a continuation line.
+ − 582
+ − 583 >> Move the cursor to the beginning of a line and type <Backspace>. This
+ − 584 merges that line with the previous line.
+ − 585
+ − 586 >> Type <Return> to reinsert the Newline you deleted.
+ − 587
+ − 588 Remember that most XEmacs commands can be given a repeat count;
+ − 589 this includes text characters. Repeating a text character inserts
+ − 590 it several times.
+ − 591
+ − 592 >> Try that now -- type M-8 * to insert ********.
+ − 593
+ − 594 You've now learned the most basic way of typing something in
+ − 595 XEmacs and correcting errors. You can delete by words or lines
+ − 596 as well. Here is a summary of the delete operations:
+ − 597
+ − 598 <Backspace> delete the character just before the cursor
+ − 599 <Delete> delete the next character after the cursor
+ − 600 C-d same as <Delete> but works on TTY's
+ − 601
+ − 602 M-<Backspace> cut ("kill") the word immediately before the cursor
+ − 603 M-<Delete> cut ("kill") the next word after the cursor
+ − 604 M-d same as M-<Delete> but works on TTY's
+ − 605
+ − 606 C-k cut ("kill") from the cursor position to end of line
+ − 607 M-k cut ("kill") to the end of the current sentence
+ − 608
+ − 609 Notice again the parallelism with no modifier vs. CONTROL vs. META that
+ − 610 was mentioned earlier -- although the parallels are not perfect.
+ − 611
+ − 612 (In the violent old days when Emacs first began, removing text that
+ − 613 could later be re-inserted was called "killing", and re-inserting was
+ − 614 called "yanking" -- evidently the designers of Emacs must have been
+ − 615 thinking of role-playing games, where killed characters could be easily
+ − 616 resurrected with the wave [yank?] of a magic wand. In the more genteel
+ − 617 [and realistic] times we live in, the preferred terms are "cut" and
+ − 618 "paste".)
+ − 619
+ − 620 You can also kill any part of the buffer with one uniform method. Under
+ − 621 window systems, the preferred method is to move to one end of that part,
+ − 622 hold the SHIFT key down, and use the cursor keys to move to the other
+ − 623 end. Then release the SHIFT key and type C-w. That kills all the text
+ − 624 between the two positions.
+ − 625
+ − 626 An alternative method, which also works on TTY's, is to move to one end of
+ − 627 the text, and type C-@ or C-<Space> (either one).
+ − 628 Move to the other end and type C-w.
+ − 629
+ − 630 >> Move the cursor to the A at the start of the previous paragraph.
+ − 631 >> Hold the SHIFT key down.
+ − 632 >> Move the cursor to the n in "end", on the third line of the
+ − 633 paragraph.
+ − 634 >> Release the SHIFT key and type C-w. This will kill the text starting
+ − 635 from the A, and ending just before the n.
+ − 636
+ − 637 Now try it the other way.
+ − 638
+ − 639 >> Type C-/ to undo the killing, or C-_ or C-x u on TTY's.
+ − 640 >> Move the cursor to the same A again.
+ − 641 >> Type C-<Space>. XEmacs should display a message "Mark set"
+ − 642 at the bottom of the frame.
+ − 643 >> Move the cursor to the n in "end", on the third line of the
+ − 644 paragraph.
+ − 645 >> Type C-w. You will get the same result as previously.
+ − 646
+ − 647 The difference between "killing" and "deleting" is that "killed" text
+ − 648 can be reinserted, whereas "deleted" things cannot be reinserted.
+ − 649 Reinsertion of killed text is called "yanking". Generally, the
+ − 650 commands that can remove a lot of text kill the text (they set up so
+ − 651 that you can yank the text), while the commands that remove just one
+ − 652 character, or just blank lines and spaces, do deletion (so you cannot
+ − 653 yank that text).
+ − 654
+ − 655 Normally, on a window system "killing" text stores it internally but
+ − 656 also puts it on the clipboard, just like Cut in a word processor, and
+ − 657 "yanking" takes text from the clipboard if available, just like Paste.
+ − 658 (This connection to the clipboard can be turned off from the Options
+ − 659 menu.) There are also menu items, "Edit->Cut" and "Edit->Paste", that
+ − 660 always connect with the clipboard, and equivalent Cut and Paste keys on
+ − 661 Sun keyboards.
+ − 662
+ − 663 >> Move the cursor to the beginning of a line which is not empty.
+ − 664 Then type C-k to kill the text on that line.
+ − 665 >> Type C-k a second time. You'll see that it kills the Newline
+ − 666 which follows that line.
+ − 667
+ − 668 Note that a single C-k kills the contents of the line, and a second
+ − 669 C-k kills the line itself, and makes all the other lines move up. C-k
+ − 670 treats a numeric argument specially: it kills that many lines AND
+ − 671 their contents. This is not mere repetition. M-2 C-k kills two
+ − 672 lines and their newlines; typing C-k twice would not do that.
+ − 673
+ − 674 Bringing back killed text is called "yanking". (Think of it as
+ − 675 yanking back, or pulling back, some text that was taken away.) You
+ − 676 can yank the killed text either at the same place where it was killed,
+ − 677 or at some other place in the buffer, or even in a different file.
+ − 678 You can yank the text several times, which makes multiple copies of
+ − 679 it.
+ − 680
+ − 681 The command for yanking is C-y. It reinserts the last killed text,
+ − 682 after the current cursor position.
+ − 683
+ − 684 >> Try it; type C-y to yank the text back.
+ − 685
+ − 686 If you do several C-k's in a row, all of the killed text is saved
+ − 687 together, so that one C-y will yank all of the lines at once.
+ − 688
+ − 689 >> Do this now, type C-k several times.
+ − 690
+ − 691 Now to retrieve that killed text:
+ − 692
+ − 693 >> Type C-y. Then move the cursor down a few lines and type C-y
+ − 694 again. You now see how to copy some text.
+ − 695
+ − 696 What do you do if you have some text you want to yank back, and then
+ − 697 you kill something else? C-y would yank the more recent kill. But
+ − 698 the previous text is not lost. You can get back to it using the M-y
+ − 699 command. After you have done C-y to get the most recent kill, typing
+ − 700 M-y replaces that yanked text with the previous kill. Typing M-y
+ − 701 again and again brings in earlier and earlier kills. When you have
+ − 702 reached the text you are looking for, you do not have to do anything to
+ − 703 keep it. Just go on with your editing, leaving the yanked text where
+ − 704 it is.
+ − 705
+ − 706 If you M-y enough times, you come back to the starting point (the most
+ − 707 recent kill).
+ − 708
+ − 709 >> Kill a line, move around, kill another line.
+ − 710 Then do C-y to get back the second killed line.
+ − 711 Then do M-y and it will be replaced by the first killed line.
+ − 712 Do more M-y's and see what you get. Keep doing them until
+ − 713 the second kill line comes back, and then a few more.
+ − 714 If you like, you can try giving M-y positive and negative
+ − 715 arguments.
+ − 716
+ − 717
+ − 718 * UNDO
+ − 719 ------
+ − 720
+ − 721 If you make a change to the text, and then decide that it was a mistake,
+ − 722 you can undo the change with the undo command, C-/. (On TTY's, use C-_,
+ − 723 i.e. CONTROL + underscore, which is normally above the minus sign;
+ − 724 i.e. you will have to hold the SHIFT key down, as in CONTROL + SHIFT +
+ − 725 minus. If that doesn't work, you can fall back to C-x u; but that has
+ − 726 the unfortunate property that it's difficult to execute several times in
+ − 727 a row.)
+ − 728
+ − 729 Normally, C-/ undoes the changes made by one command; if you repeat
+ − 730 the C-/ several times in a row, each repetition undoes one
+ − 731 additional command.
+ − 732
+ − 733 But there are two exceptions: commands that do not change the text do
+ − 734 not count (this includes cursor motion commands and scrolling
+ − 735 command), and self-inserting characters are usually handled in groups
+ − 736 of up to 20. (This is to reduce the number of C-/'s you have to
+ − 737 type to undo insertion of text.)
+ − 738
+ − 739 >> Kill this line with C-k, then type C-/ and it should reappear.
+ − 740
+ − 741 A numeric argument to C-/ acts as a repeat count.
+ − 742
+ − 743 If you change your mind and want to redo changes that you've undone,
+ − 744 issue any command other than Undo (usually people move the cursor), and
+ − 745 then start undoing again. This will undo your Undo changes; keep
+ − 746 hitting Undo, and you will eventually undo all the Undo's, and start
+ − 747 undoing your original changes. Essentially, XEmacs treats each Undo as
+ − 748 a further change, and records them for undoing just like regular
+ − 749 commands; but as long as you keeping issuing Undo commands directly
+ − 750 after previous ones, XEmacs remembers where you are in the Undo history
+ − 751 so it can keep undoing. Once you issue another command, XEmacs
+ − 752 "forgets" and resets its internal pointer to the end of the Undo
+ − 753 history. This may seem confusing, so try it out:
+ − 754
+ − 755 >> Type a line of text above this one.
+ − 756 >> Move to the end of the line you just typed, and hit <Backspace>
+ − 757 until you've deleted all characters.
+ − 758 >> Type C-/ a number of times to undo some of your deletions.
+ − 759 >> Move the cursor left.
+ − 760 >> Start typing C-/ again, and it will redo your deletions until there's
+ − 761 no text left, then it will start undoing the original deletions.
+ − 762 When all the text appears again, further C-/'s will undo the text you
+ − 763 originally typed, in groups of up to 20 (see above).
+ − 764
+ − 765 As you just saw, you can undo deletion of text just as you can undo
+ − 766 killing of text. The distinction between killing something and deleting
+ − 767 it affects whether you can yank it with C-y; it makes no difference for
+ − 768 undo.
+ − 769
+ − 770
+ − 772 -----------------
+ − 773
+ − 774 On window systems, XEmacs is fully integrated with the mouse. You can
+ − 775 position the text cursor by clicking the left button at the desired
+ − 776 location, and you can select text by dragging the left mouse button
+ − 777 across the text you want to select. (Or alternatively, click the left
+ − 778 mouse button at one end of the text, then move to the other end and use
+ − 779 Shift-click to select the text.)
+ − 780
+ − 781 The middle mouse button is commonly used to choose items that are
+ − 782 visible on the screen. For example, if you enter Info (the on-line
+ − 783 XEmacs documentation) using C-h i or the Help menu, you can follow a
+ − 784 highlighted link by clicking the middle mouse button on it. Similarly,
+ − 785 if you are typing a file name in (e.g. when prompted by "Find File") and
+ − 786 you hit <Tab> to show the possible completions, you can click the middle
+ − 787 mouse button on one of the completions to select it. If you have a
+ − 788 two-button mouse, such as some MS Windows systems, you can click both
+ − 789 buttons simultaneously to simulate the middle button.
+ − 790
+ − 791 The right mouse button brings up a popup menu, called a "context menu"
+ − 792 because the contents vary depending on what context you're in, such as
+ − 793 the mode of the window you click in or the text under the mouse. The
+ − 794 menu usually contains the commands most relevant to where you clicked,
+ − 795 so they're easier to access.
+ − 796
+ − 797 >> Press the right mouse button now.
+ − 798
+ − 799 Under X Windows, you may have to hold the button down in order to keep
+ − 800 the menu up.
+ − 801
+ − 802
+ − 803 * FILES
+ − 804 -------
+ − 805
+ − 806 In order to make the text you edit permanent, you must put it in a
+ − 807 file. Otherwise, it will go away when your invocation of XEmacs goes
+ − 808 away. In order to put your text in a file, you must "find" the file
+ − 809 before you enter the text. (This is also called "visiting" the file.)
+ − 810
+ − 811 Finding a file means that you see the contents of the file within
+ − 812 XEmacs. In many ways, it is as if you were editing the file itself.
+ − 813 However, the changes you make using XEmacs do not become permanent
+ − 814 until you "save" the file. This is so you can avoid leaving a
+ − 815 half-changed file on the system when you do not want to. Even when
+ − 816 you save, XEmacs leaves the original file under a changed name in case
+ − 817 you later decide that your changes were a mistake.
+ − 818
+ − 819 If you look near the bottom of the frame you will see a line that begins
+ − 820 and ends with dashes, and contains the string "XEmacs: TUTORIAL" or
+ − 821 something like that. This part of the frame normally shows the name of
+ − 822 the file that you are visiting. Right now, you are visiting a file called
+ − 823 "TUTORIAL" which is your personal scratch copy of the XEmacs tutorial.
+ − 824 When you find a file with XEmacs, that file's name will appear in that
+ − 825 precise spot.
+ − 826
+ − 827 One special thing about the command for finding a file is that you
+ − 828 have to say what file name you want. We say the command "reads an
+ − 829 argument from the terminal" (in this case, the argument is the name of
+ − 830 the file). After you type the command
+ − 831
+ − 832 C-x C-f Find a file
+ − 833
+ − 834 XEmacs asks you to type the file name. The file name you type appears
+ − 835 on the bottom line of the frame. The bottom line is called the
+ − 836 minibuffer when it is used for this sort of input. You can use
+ − 837 ordinary XEmacs editing commands to edit the file name.
+ − 838
+ − 839 While you are entering the file name (or any minibuffer input),
+ − 840 you can cancel the command with C-g.
+ − 841
+ − 842 >> Type C-x C-f, then type C-g. This cancels the minibuffer,
+ − 843 and also cancels the C-x C-f command that was using the
+ − 844 minibuffer. So you do not find any file.
+ − 845
+ − 846 When you have finished entering the file name, type <Return> to
+ − 847 terminate it. Then C-x C-f command goes to work, and finds the file
+ − 848 you chose. The minibuffer disappears when the C-x C-f command is
+ − 849 finished.
+ − 850
+ − 851 In a little while the file contents appear on the screen, and you can
+ − 852 edit the contents. When you wish to make your changes permanent,
+ − 853 type the command
+ − 854
+ − 855 C-x C-s Save the file
+ − 856
+ − 857 This copies the text within XEmacs into the file. The first time you
+ − 858 do this, XEmacs renames the original file to a new name so that it is
+ − 859 not lost. The new name is made by adding "~" to the end of the
+ − 860 original file's name.
+ − 861
+ − 862 When saving is finished, XEmacs displays the name of the file written.
+ − 863 You should save fairly often, so that you will not lose very much
+ − 864 work if the system should crash.
+ − 865
+ − 866 >> Type C-x C-s, saving your copy of the tutorial.
+ − 867 This should show "Wrote ...TUTORIAL" at the bottom of the frame.
+ − 868
+ − 869 NOTE: On some older TTY connections, typing C-s will freeze the screen
+ − 870 and you will see no further output from XEmacs. This indicates that an
+ − 871 operating system "feature" called "flow control" is intercepting the C-s
+ − 872 and not letting it get through to XEmacs. To unfreeze the screen, type
+ − 873 C-q. Then see the section "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" in
+ − 874 the XEmacs manual for advice on dealing with this "feature".
+ − 875
+ − 876 You can find an existing file, to view it or edit it. You can also
+ − 877 find a file which does not already exist. This is the way to create a
+ − 878 file with XEmacs: find the file, which will start out empty, and then
+ − 879 begin inserting the text for the file. When you ask to "save" the
+ − 880 file, XEmacs will really create the file with the text that you have
+ − 881 inserted. From then on, you can consider yourself to be editing an
+ − 882 already existing file.
+ − 883
+ − 884
+ − 885 * BUFFERS
+ − 886 ---------
+ − 887
+ − 888 If you find a second file with C-x C-f, the first file remains
+ − 889 inside XEmacs. You can switch back to it by finding it again with
+ − 890 C-x C-f. This way you can get quite a number of files inside XEmacs.
+ − 891
+ − 892 >> Create a file named "foo" by typing C-x C-f foo <Return>.
+ − 893 Then insert some text, edit it, and save "foo" by typing C-x C-s.
+ − 894 Finally, type C-x C-f TUTORIAL <Return>
+ − 895 to come back to the tutorial.
+ − 896
+ − 897 XEmacs stores each file's text inside an object called a "buffer".
+ − 898 Finding a file makes a new buffer inside XEmacs. To see a list of the
+ − 899 buffers that currently exist in your XEmacs job, type
+ − 900
+ − 901 C-x C-b List buffers
+ − 902
+ − 903 >> Try C-x C-b now.
+ − 904
+ − 905 See how each buffer has a name, and it may also have a file name
+ − 906 for the file whose contents it holds. Some buffers do not correspond
+ − 907 to files. For example, the buffer named "*Buffer List*" does
+ − 908 not have any file. It is the buffer which contains the buffer
+ − 909 list that was made by C-x C-b. ANY text you see in an XEmacs window
+ − 910 is always part of some buffer.
+ − 911
+ − 912 >> Type ESC ESC to get rid of the buffer list. (Remember, three ESC's
+ − 913 under TTY's.)
+ − 914
+ − 915 If you make changes to the text of one file, then find another file,
+ − 916 this does not save the first file. Its changes remain inside XEmacs,
+ − 917 in that file's buffer. The creation or editing of the second file's
+ − 918 buffer has no effect on the first file's buffer. This is very useful,
+ − 919 but it also means that you need a convenient way to save the first
+ − 920 file's buffer. It would be a nuisance to have to switch back to
+ − 921 it with C-x C-f in order to save it with C-x C-s. So we have
+ − 922
+ − 923 C-x s Save some buffers
+ − 924
+ − 925 C-x s asks you about each buffer which contains changes that you have
+ − 926 not saved. It asks you, for each such buffer, whether to save the
+ − 927 buffer.
+ − 928
+ − 929 >> Insert a line of text, then type C-x s.
+ − 930 It should ask you whether to save the buffer named TUTORIAL.
+ − 931 Answer yes to the question by typing "y".
+ − 932
+ − 933
+ − 935 ---------------------------
+ − 936
+ − 937 There are many, many more XEmacs commands than could possibly be put
+ − 938 on all the control and meta characters. XEmacs gets around this with
+ − 939 the X (eXtend) command. This comes in two flavors:
+ − 940
+ − 941 C-x Character eXtend. Followed by one character.
+ − 942 M-x Named command eXtend. Followed by a long name.
+ − 943
+ − 944 These are commands that are generally useful but used less than the
+ − 945 commands you have already learned about. You have already seen two of
+ − 946 them: the file commands C-x C-f to Find and C-x C-s to Save. Another
+ − 947 example is the command to end the XEmacs session--this is the command
+ − 948 C-x C-c. (Do not worry about losing changes you have made; C-x C-c
+ − 949 offers to save each changed file before it kills the XEmacs.)
+ − 950
+ − 951 If you have installed the sample init.el file (we highly recommend this,
+ − 952 once you've gotten some familiarity with XEmacs; see "Help->Samples->View
+ − 953 Sample init.el"), you will find that C-x C-c does not exit XEmacs, but
+ − 954 instead outputs a message. This is intentional, since C-x C-c is easy to
+ − 955 hit accidentally. Instead, use the "File->Exit XEmacs" menu item to exit.
+ − 956
+ − 957 If you are on a TTY, and you want to exit temporarily to execute a shell
+ − 958 command, you should use C-z instead of C-x C-c. Under TTY's, C-z
+ − 959 "suspends" XEmacs; that is, it returns to the shell but does not destroy
+ − 960 the XEmacs. In the most common shells, you can resume XEmacs with the
+ − 961 `fg' command or with `%xemacs'. (On systems which do not implement
+ − 962 suspending, C-z creates a subshell running under XEmacs to give you the
+ − 963 chance to run other programs and return to XEmacs afterward; it does not
+ − 964 truly "exit" from XEmacs. In this case, the shell command `exit' is the
+ − 965 usual way to get back to XEmacs from the subshell.)
+ − 966
+ − 967 There are many C-x commands. Here is a list of the ones you have learned:
+ − 968
+ − 969 C-x C-f Find file.
+ − 970 C-x C-s Save file.
+ − 971 C-x C-b List buffers.
+ − 972 C-x C-c Quit XEmacs.
+ − 973 C-x 0 Delete the current window.
+ − 974 C-x u Undo (TTY version).
+ − 975
+ − 976 Named eXtended commands are commands which are used even less
+ − 977 frequently, or commands which are used only in certain modes. An
+ − 978 example is the command replace-string, which globally replaces one
+ − 979 string with another. When you type M-x, XEmacs prompts you at the
+ − 980 bottom of the frame with M-x and you should type the name of the
+ − 981 command; in this case, "replace-string". Just type "repl s<Tab>" and
+ − 982 XEmacs will complete the name. (<Tab> is the Tab key, usually found
+ − 983 above the CapsLock or Shift key near the left edge of the keyboard.)
+ − 984 End the command name with <Return>.
+ − 985
+ − 986 The replace-string command requires two arguments--the string to be
+ − 987 replaced, and the string to replace it with. You must end each
+ − 988 argument with <Return>.
+ − 989
+ − 990 >> Move the cursor to the blank line two lines below this one.
+ − 991 Then type M-x repl s<Return>changed<Return>altered<Return>.
+ − 992
+ − 993 Notice how this line has changed: you've replaced
+ − 994 the word c-h-a-n-g-e-d with "altered" wherever it occurred,
+ − 995 after the initial position of the cursor.
+ − 996
+ − 997
+ − 998 * AUTO SAVE
+ − 999 -----------
+ − 1000
+ − 1001 When you have made changes in a file, but you have not saved them yet,
+ − 1002 they could be lost if your computer crashes. To protect you from this,
+ − 1003 XEmacs periodically writes an "auto save" file for each file that you
+ − 1004 are editing. The auto save file name has a # at the beginning and the
+ − 1005 end; for example, if your file is named "hello.c", its auto save file's
+ − 1006 name is usually "#hello.c#". When you save the file in the normal way,
+ − 1007 XEmacs deletes its auto save file.
+ − 1008
+ − 1009 If the computer crashes, you can recover your auto-saved editing by
+ − 1010 finding the file normally (the file you were editing, not the auto
+ − 1011 save file) and then typing M-x recover file<Return>. When it asks for
+ − 1012 confirmation, type yes<Return> to go ahead and recover the auto-save
+ − 1013 data.
+ − 1014
+ − 1015
+ − 1016 * ECHO AREA
+ − 1017 -----------
+ − 1018
+ − 1019 If XEmacs sees that you are typing multicharacter commands slowly, it
+ − 1020 shows them to you at the bottom of the frame in an area called the
+ − 1021 "echo area". The echo area contains the bottom line of the frame.
+ − 1022
+ − 1023
+ − 1024 * MODELINE
+ − 1025 ----------
+ − 1026
+ − 1027 The line immediately above the echo area it is called the "modeline".
+ − 1028 The mode line says something like this:
+ − 1029
+ − 1030 --**-XEmacs: TUTORIAL (Fundamental)--L670--58%----------------
+ − 1031
+ − 1032 This line gives useful information about the status of XEmacs and
+ − 1033 the text you are editing.
+ − 1034
+ − 1035 You already know what the filename means--it is the file you have
+ − 1036 found. -NN%-- indicates your current position in the text; it means
+ − 1037 that NN percent of the text is above the top of the window. If the
+ − 1038 top of the file is on the screen, it will say --Top-- instead of
+ − 1039 --00%--. If the bottom of the text is on the screen, it will say
+ − 1040 --Bot--. If you are looking at text so small that all of it fits on
+ − 1041 the screen, the mode line says --All--.
+ − 1042
+ − 1043 The L and digits indicate position in another way: they give the
+ − 1044 current line number of point.
+ − 1045
+ − 1046 The stars near the front mean that you have made changes to the text.
+ − 1047 Right after you visit or save a file, that part of the mode line shows
+ − 1048 no stars, just dashes.
+ − 1049
+ − 1050 The part of the mode line inside the parentheses is to tell you what
+ − 1051 editing modes you are in. The default mode is Fundamental which is
+ − 1052 what you are using now. It is an example of a "major mode".
+ − 1053
+ − 1054 XEmacs has many different major modes. Some of them are meant for
+ − 1055 editing different languages and/or kinds of text, such as Lisp mode,
+ − 1056 Text mode, etc. At any time one and only one major mode is active,
+ − 1057 and its name can always be found in the mode line just where
+ − 1058 "Fundamental" is now.
+ − 1059
+ − 1060 Each major mode makes a few commands behave differently. For example,
+ − 1061 there are commands for creating comments in a program, and since each
+ − 1062 programming language has a different idea of what a comment should
+ − 1063 look like, each major mode has to insert comments differently. Each
+ − 1064 major mode is the name of an extended command, which is how you can
+ − 1065 switch to that mode. For example, M-x fundamental-mode is a command to
+ − 1066 switch to Fundamental mode.
+ − 1067
+ − 1068 If you are going to be editing English text, such as this file, you
+ − 1069 should probably use Text Mode.
+ − 1070 >> Type M-x text-mode<Return>.
+ − 1071
+ − 1072 Don't worry, none of the XEmacs commands you have learned changes in
+ − 1073 any great way. But you can observe that C-<Right> and C-<Left> now treat
+ − 1074 apostrophes as part of words. Previously, in Fundamental mode,
+ − 1075 C-<Right> and C-<Left> treated apostrophes as word-separators.
+ − 1076
+ − 1077 Major modes usually make subtle changes like that one: most commands
+ − 1078 do "the same job" in each major mode, but they work a little bit
+ − 1079 differently.
+ − 1080
+ − 1081 To view documentation on your current major mode, type C-h m.
+ − 1082
+ − 1083 >> Use M-4 C-l to bring this line near the top of the window.
+ − 1084 >> Type C-h m, to see how Text mode differs from Fundamental mode.
+ − 1085 >> Type q to remove the documentation from the screen.
+ − 1086
+ − 1087 Major modes are called major because there are also minor modes.
+ − 1088 Minor modes are not alternatives to the major modes, just minor
+ − 1089 modifications of them. Each minor mode can be turned on or off by
+ − 1090 itself, independent of all other minor modes, and independent of your
+ − 1091 major mode. So you can use no minor modes, or one minor mode, or any
+ − 1092 combination of several minor modes.
+ − 1093
+ − 1094 One minor mode which is very useful, especially for editing English
+ − 1095 text, is Auto Fill mode. When this mode is on, XEmacs breaks the line
+ − 1096 in between words automatically whenever you insert text and make a
+ − 1097 line that is too wide.
+ − 1098
+ − 1099 You can turn Auto Fill mode on by doing M-x auto-fill-mode<Return>.
+ − 1100 When the mode is on, you can turn it off again by doing M-x
+ − 1101 auto-fill-mode<Return>. If the mode is off, this command turns it on,
+ − 1102 and if the mode is on, this command turns it off. We say that the
+ − 1103 command "toggles the mode".
+ − 1104
+ − 1105 >> Type M-x auto-fill-mode<Return> now. Then insert a line of "asdf "
+ − 1106 over again until you see it divide into two lines. You must put in
+ − 1107 spaces between them because Auto Fill breaks lines only at spaces.
+ − 1108
+ − 1109 The margin is usually set at 70 characters, but you can change it
+ − 1110 with the C-x f command. You should give the margin setting you want
+ − 1111 as a numeric argument.
+ − 1112
+ − 1113 >> Type C-x f with an argument of 20. (M-20 C-x f).
+ − 1114 Then type in some text and see XEmacs fill lines of 20
+ − 1115 characters with it. Then set the margin back to 70 using
+ − 1116 C-x f again.
+ − 1117
+ − 1118 If you make changes in the middle of a paragraph, Auto Fill mode
+ − 1119 does not re-fill it for you.
+ − 1120 To re-fill the paragraph, type M-q (META-q) with the cursor inside
+ − 1121 that paragraph.
+ − 1122
+ − 1123 >> Move the cursor into the previous paragraph and type M-q.
+ − 1124
+ − 1125
+ − 1126 * SEARCHING
+ − 1127 -----------
+ − 1128
+ − 1129 XEmacs can do searches for strings (these are groups of contiguous
+ − 1130 characters or words) either forward through the text or backward
+ − 1131 through it. Searching for a string is a cursor motion command;
+ − 1132 it moves the cursor to the next place where that string appears.
+ − 1133
+ − 1134 The XEmacs search command is different from the search commands
+ − 1135 of most editors, in that it is "incremental". This means that the
+ − 1136 search happens while you type in the string to search for.
+ − 1137
+ − 1138 The command to initiate a search is C-s for forward search, and C-r
+ − 1139 for reverse search. BUT WAIT! Don't try them now.
+ − 1140
+ − 1141 When you type C-s you'll notice that the string "I-search" appears as
+ − 1142 a prompt in the echo area. This tells you that XEmacs is in what is
+ − 1143 called an incremental search waiting for you to type the thing that
+ − 1144 you want to search for. <Return> terminates a search.
+ − 1145
+ − 1146 >> Now type C-s to start a search. SLOWLY, one letter at a time,
+ − 1147 type the word 'cursor', pausing after you type each
+ − 1148 character to notice what happens to the cursor.
+ − 1149 Now you have searched for "cursor", once.
+ − 1150 >> Type C-s again, to search for the next occurrence of "cursor".
+ − 1151 >> Now type <Backspace> four times and see how the cursor moves.
+ − 1152 >> Type <Return> to terminate the search.
+ − 1153
+ − 1154 Did you see what happened? XEmacs, in an incremental search, tries to
+ − 1155 go to the occurrence of the string that you've typed out so far,
+ − 1156 highlighting it for your convenience. To go to the next occurrence of
+ − 1157 'cursor' just type C-s again. If no such occurrence exists XEmacs
+ − 1158 beeps and tells you the search is currently "failing", C-g would also
+ − 1159 terminate the search.
+ − 1160
+ − 1161 NOTE: On some older TTY connections, typing C-s will freeze the screen
+ − 1162 and you will see no further output from XEmacs. This indicates that an
+ − 1163 operating system "feature" called "flow control" is intercepting the C-s
+ − 1164 and not letting it get through to XEmacs. To unfreeze the screen, type
+ − 1165 C-q. Then see the section "Spontaneous Entry to Incremental Search" in
+ − 1166 the XEmacs manual for advice on dealing with this "feature".
+ − 1167
+ − 1168 If you are in the middle of an incremental search and type <Backspace>,
+ − 1169 you'll notice that the last character in the search string is erased
+ − 1170 and the search backs up to the last place of the search. For
+ − 1171 instance, suppose you have typed "c", to search for the first
+ − 1172 occurrence of "c". Now if you type "u", the cursor will move
+ − 1173 to the first occurrence of "cu". Now type <Backspace>. This erases
+ − 1174 the "u" from the search string, and the cursor moves back to
+ − 1175 the first occurrence of "c".
+ − 1176
+ − 1177 If you are in the middle of a search and type a control or meta
+ − 1178 character (with a few exceptions--characters that are special in
+ − 1179 a search, such as C-s and C-r), the search is terminated.
+ − 1180
+ − 1181 The C-s starts a search that looks for any occurrence of the search
+ − 1182 string AFTER the current cursor position. If you want to search for
+ − 1183 something earlier in the text, type C-r instead. Everything that we
+ − 1184 have said about C-s also applies to C-r, except that the direction of
+ − 1185 the search is reversed.
+ − 1186
+ − 1187
+ − 1189 ---------------------------------
+ − 1190
+ − 1191 One of the nice features of XEmacs is that you can split the current
+ − 1192 frame (i.e. window-system window) into more than one pane, or "window"
+ − 1193 in XEmacs parlance.
+ − 1194
+ − 1195 >> Move the cursor to this line and type M-0 C-l (that's zero, not Oh,
+ − 1196 and CONTROL-L, not CONTROL-1).
+ − 1197
+ − 1198 >> Now type C-x 2 which splits the frame into two windows.
+ − 1199 Both windows display this tutorial. The cursor stays in the top window.
+ − 1200
+ − 1201 >> Type M-<Next> to scroll the bottom window.
+ − 1202 (C-M-v on TTY's. If you do not have a real META key, type ESC C-v.)
+ − 1203
+ − 1204 >> Type C-<Tab> to move the cursor to the bottom window. (Use C-x o -- "o"
+ − 1205 for "other" -- on TTY's.)
+ − 1206
+ − 1207 >> Use <Next> and <Prior> in the bottom window to scroll it.
+ − 1208 Keep reading these directions in the top window.
+ − 1209
+ − 1210 >> Type C-<Tab> again to move the cursor back to the top window.
+ − 1211 The cursor in the top window is just where it was before.
+ − 1212
+ − 1213 You can keep using C-<Tab> to switch between the windows. Each
+ − 1214 window has its own cursor position, but only one window actually
+ − 1215 shows the cursor. All the ordinary editing commands apply to the
+ − 1216 window that the cursor is in. We call this the "selected window".
+ − 1217
+ − 1218 If you have more than two windows, C-<Tab> cycles between them, and
+ − 1219 C-Sh-<Tab> (i.e. CONTROL-SHIFT-TAB) in the opposite direction. (There is
+ − 1220 no TTY equivalent for C-Sh-<Tab>.)
+ − 1221
+ − 1222 The commands M-<Prior> and M-<Next> are very useful when you are editing
+ − 1223 text in one window and using the other window just for reference. You
+ − 1224 can keep the cursor always in the window where you are editing, and
+ − 1225 scroll forward or back through the other window with these commands.
+ − 1226
+ − 1227 On TTY's, use C-M-v in place of M-<Next>, and there's no equivalent of
+ − 1228 M-<Prior>. C-M-v is an example of a CONTROL-META character. If you
+ − 1229 have a real META key, you can type C-M-v by holding down both CONTROL
+ − 1230 and META while typing v. It does not matter whether CONTROL or META
+ − 1231 "comes first," because both of these keys act by modifying the
+ − 1232 characters you type. If you do not have a real META key, and you use
+ − 1233 ESC instead, the order does matter: you must type ESC followed by
+ − 1234 CONTROL-v, because CONTROL-ESC v will not work. This is because ESC is
+ − 1235 a character in its own right, not a modifier key.
+ − 1236
+ − 1237 >> Type C-x 1 (in the top window) to get rid of the bottom window.
+ − 1238
+ − 1239 (If you had typed C-x 1 in the bottom window, that would get rid
+ − 1240 of the top one. Think of this command as "Keep just one
+ − 1241 window--the window I am already in.")
+ − 1242
+ − 1243 You do not have to display the same buffer in both windows. If you
+ − 1244 use C-x C-f to find a file in one window, the other window does not
+ − 1245 change. You can find a file in each window independently.
+ − 1246
+ − 1247 Here is another way to use two windows to display two different
+ − 1248 things:
+ − 1249
+ − 1250 >> Type C-x 4 f followed by the name of one of your files.
+ − 1251 End with <Return>. See the specified file appear in the bottom
+ − 1252 window. The cursor goes there, too.
+ − 1253
+ − 1254 >> Type C-<Tab> to go back to the top window, and C-x 1 to delete
+ − 1255 the bottom window.
+ − 1256
+ − 1257
+ − 1259 ------------------------------------------------
+ − 1260
+ − 1261 On window systems, you can also create multiple "frames", or
+ − 1262 window-system windows. These exist independently of each other at the
+ − 1263 top level, just like separate programs. (There is no support for the MS
+ − 1264 Windows feature called MDI, or Multiple Document Interface, where
+ − 1265 multiple overlapping child windows exist inside of a single top-level
+ − 1266 window.)
+ − 1267
+ − 1268 The commands for frames are similar to those for windows, but begin with
+ − 1269 "C-x 5".
+ − 1270
+ − 1271 >> Type C-x 5 2 to create a new frame.
+ − 1272
+ − 1273 >> Move the mouse into it, and click. (On X Windows, you may not need
+ − 1274 to click; this depends on the window manager.)
+ − 1275
+ − 1276 >> Scroll up or down. Note that, just like for XEmacs windows, two frames
+ − 1277 can be showing the same buffer but in different positions.
+ − 1278
+ − 1279 >> Type C-x 2. Note that each frame can have separate windows,
+ − 1280 independently of other frames.
+ − 1281
+ − 1282 >> Type C-x 5 o (or Alt-Tab under MS Windows) to go back to the first frame.
+ − 1283 (That's a small Oh, for "other".)
+ − 1284
+ − 1285 >> Type C-x 5 0 to kill the old frame. (That's a zero.)
+ − 1286
+ − 1287 >> Note that we're still here! XEmacs will not exit until all frames
+ − 1288 are deleted, no matter what order they were created in.
+ − 1289
+ − 1290 >> Type C-x 1 to get back to one window.
+ − 1291
+ − 1292 You can also use C-x 5 f to open a file in a new frame, just like C-x 4
+ − 1293 f opens a file in a new window in the same frame.
+ − 1294
+ − 1295
+ − 1297 --------------------------
+ − 1298
+ − 1299 Sometimes you will get into what is called a "recursive editing
+ − 1300 level". This is indicated by square brackets in the mode line,
+ − 1301 surrounding the parentheses around the major mode name. For
+ − 1302 example, you might see [(Fundamental)] instead of (Fundamental).
+ − 1303
+ − 1304 To get out of the recursive editing level, use the all-purpose escape
+ − 1305 mechanism mentioned earlier: ESC ESC. (Remember, it's ESC ESC ESC on
+ − 1306 TTY's.) You can also use it for eliminating extra windows, canceling a
+ − 1307 selection, and getting out of the minibuffer.
+ − 1308
+ − 1309 >> Type M-x to get into a minibuffer; then type ESC ESC to get out.
+ − 1310
+ − 1311 You cannot use C-g to get out of a recursive editing level. This is
+ − 1312 because C-g is used for canceling commands and arguments WITHIN the
+ − 1313 recursive editing level.
+ − 1314
+ − 1315
+ − 1317 -------------------
+ − 1318
+ − 1319 In this tutorial we have tried to supply just enough information to
+ − 1320 get you started using XEmacs. There is so much available in XEmacs that
+ − 1321 it would be impossible to explain it all here. However, you may want
+ − 1322 to learn more about XEmacs since it has many other useful features.
+ − 1323 XEmacs provides commands for reading documentation about XEmacs
+ − 1324 commands. These "help" commands all start with the character
+ − 1325 CONTROL-h, which is called "the Help character".
+ − 1326
+ − 1327 To use the Help features, type the C-h character, and then a
+ − 1328 character saying what kind of help you want. If you are REALLY lost,
+ − 1329 type C-h ? ? and XEmacs will tell you what kinds of help it can give.
+ − 1330 If you have typed C-h and decide you do not want any help, just
+ − 1331 type C-g to cancel it.
+ − 1332
+ − 1333 (Note for TTY users: Some sites change the meaning of the character C-h.
+ − 1334 They really should not do this as a blanket measure for all users, so you
+ − 1335 have grounds to complain to the system administrator. Meanwhile, if C-h
+ − 1336 does not display a message about help at the bottom of the frame, try
+ − 1337 typing the F1 key or M-? instead.)
+ − 1338
+ − 1339 The most basic HELP feature is C-h c. Type C-h, the character c, and
+ − 1340 a command character or sequence; then XEmacs displays a very brief
+ − 1341 description of the command.
+ − 1342
+ − 1343 >> Type C-h c <Up>.
+ − 1344 The message should be something like
+ − 1345
+ − 1346 up runs the command previous-line
+ − 1347
+ − 1348 This tells you the "name of the function". Function names are used
+ − 1349 mainly for customizing and extending XEmacs. But since function names
+ − 1350 are chosen to indicate what the command does, they can serve also as
+ − 1351 very brief documentation--sufficient to remind you of commands you
+ − 1352 have already learned.
+ − 1353
+ − 1354 Multi-character commands such as C-x C-s and <ESC>v are also allowed
+ − 1355 after C-h c.
+ − 1356
+ − 1357 To get more information about a command, use C-h k instead of C-h c.
+ − 1358
+ − 1359 >> Type C-h k <Up>.
+ − 1360
+ − 1361 This displays the documentation of the function, as well as its
+ − 1362 name, in an XEmacs window. When you are finished reading the
+ − 1363 output, type q to get rid of the help text.
+ − 1364
+ − 1365 Here are some other useful C-h options:
+ − 1366
+ − 1367 C-h f Describe a function. You type in the name of the
+ − 1368 function.
+ − 1369
+ − 1370 >> Try typing C-h f previous-line<Return>.
+ − 1371 This displays all the information XEmacs has about the
+ − 1372 function which implements the <Up> command.
+ − 1373
+ − 1374 A similar command C-h v displays the documentation of variables whose
+ − 1375 values you can set to customize XEmacs behavior. You need to type in
+ − 1376 the name of the variable when XEmacs prompts for it.
+ − 1377
+ − 1378 C-h a Hyper Apropos. Type in a keyword and XEmacs will list
+ − 1379 all the functions and variables whose names contain
+ − 1380 that keyword. For commands that can be invoked with
+ − 1381 META-x, an asterisk will be displayed to the left.
+ − 1382
+ − 1383 >> Type C-h a newline<Return>.
+ − 1384
+ − 1385 This displays a list of all functions and variables with "newline" in
+ − 1386 their names. Press <Return> or click the middle mouse button to find
+ − 1387 out more about a function or variable. Type `q' to exit hyper-apropos.
+ − 1388
+ − 1389 C-h i Read On-line Manuals (a.k.a. Info). This command puts
+ − 1390 you into a special buffer called `*info*' where you can
+ − 1391 read on-line manuals for the XEmacs packages installed
+ − 1392 on your system. Type m xemacs <Return> to read the
+ − 1393 XEmacs manual. If you have never before used Info, type
+ − 1394 ? and XEmacs will take you on a guided tour of Info mode
+ − 1395 facilities. Once you are through with this tutorial,
+ − 1396 you should consult the XEmacs Info manual as your
+ − 1397 primary documentation.
+ − 1398
+ − 1399 * CONCLUSION
+ − 1400 ------------
+ − 1401
+ − 1402 Remember, to exit XEmacs permanently use the menu item "File->Exit XEmacs",
+ − 1403 or type C-x C-c. On TTY's, to temporarily exit to a shell, so that you can
+ − 1404 come back in, use C-z.
+ − 1405
+ − 1406 This tutorial is meant to be understandable to all new users, so if you
+ − 1407 found something unclear, don't sit and blame yourself - complain!
+ − 1408
+ − 1409
+ − 1411 ----------------------------
+ − 1412
+ − 1413 Copyright (c) 1985, 1996 Free Software Foundation.
+ − 1414 Copyright (c) 2001 Ben Wing.
+ − 1415 This tutorial is synched with FSF 21.0.106.
+ − 1416
+ − 1417 This tutorial descends from a long line of Emacs tutorials starting with
+ − 1418 the one written by Stuart Cracraft for the original Emacs. Ben Wing
+ − 1419 updated the tutorial for X Windows. Martin Buchholz and Hrvoje Niksic
+ − 1420 added more corrections for XEmacs. Ben Wing later synched up to FSF
+ − 1421 21.0.105 and rehashed many sections to match the current XEmacs norms.
+ − 1422
+ − 1423 This version of the tutorial, like XEmacs, is copyrighted, and
+ − 1424 comes with permission to distribute copies on certain conditions:
+ − 1425
+ − 1426 Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies
+ − 1427 of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the
+ − 1428 copyright notice and permission notice are preserved,
+ − 1429 and that the distributor grants the recipient permission
+ − 1430 for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
+ − 1431
+ − 1432 Permission is granted to distribute modified versions
+ − 1433 of this document, or of portions of it,
+ − 1434 under the above conditions, provided also that they
+ − 1435 carry prominent notices stating who last altered them.
+ − 1436
+ − 1437 The conditions for copying XEmacs itself are more complex, but in the
+ − 1438 same spirit. Please read the file COPYING and then do give copies of
+ − 1439 XEmacs to your friends. Help stamp out software obstructionism
+ − 1440 ("ownership") by using, writing, and sharing free software!