
age author description
2021-02-15 Henry S. Thompson as sent to Sesame, Clerks
2020-11-23 Henry S. Thompson as sent to Alan
2020-11-23 Henry S. Thompson original rough
2020-08-25 Henry Thompson webinar 3
2020-08-22 Henry Thompson Tentative design for priority-to-newcomers
2020-08-16 Henry Thompson Module 1 materials
2020-06-14 Henry Thompson adding stuff late
2020-06-14 Henry Thompson x
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson Finis
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson question time
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson More on John
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson Luke, Acts and John
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson more Matthew
2020-02-22 Henry Thompson Mark and Matthew
2019-12-07 Henry Thompson complete
2019-12-07 Henry Thompson x