changeset 215:dd909b2db0ee

Two Kingdoms
author Henry S. Thompson <>
date Sat, 10 Jul 2021 19:18:46 +0100 (2021-07-10)
parents a8cd8c5f39ea
children d22798363116
files HeavenOnEarth/notes.txt
diffstat 1 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/HeavenOnEarth/notes.txt	Sat Jul 10 15:45:24 2021 +0100
+++ b/HeavenOnEarth/notes.txt	Sat Jul 10 19:18:46 2021 +0100
@@ -638,14 +638,176 @@
    for he knows that he cannot have both; for to be a friend to the
    world is the enemy of God."
-James Nayler _A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath and the
-Second Wisdom from Above_ 1653 [first single-authored publication]
+   James Nayler _A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath and the
+   Second Wisdom from Above_ 1653 [first single-authored publication]
   "God is against you... [7 times!]"
-  James Nayler ibid.
+   James Nayler ibid.
 [The Church [the bride of Christ] should remain silent so that Christ
  [the husband] can be heard]
-Paused at 20:37
+  "... he [a minister] began to accuse James [Nayler] for holding out
+   a light that doth convince of sin, 'which,' saith the priest, 'all
+   have not.' To which James said, 'Put out one in all this great
+   multitude that dare say he hath it not.' Saith the priest, 'These
+   are all Christians; but if a Turk or Indian were here he would deny
+   it.' James said, 'Thou goest far for a proof; but if a Turk were
+   here he would witness against thee.'"
+   James Nayler and George Fox _Saul's Errand to Damascus_ 1653
+   Ref. Fox "I called an Indian to us" to rebut the doctor while
+   visiting the Governor of Virginia
+   Journal
+   []
+SM: "When humans participate in the new humanity, they are brought back
+[from the Fallen state] into right relations with God and the rest of
+the creation.  They understand who _they_ are, what _their_ place is
+within the creation, and they understand how to use the rest of the
+creation as God intended." [quotes?]
+  "Now you shall see yourselves without this faith, perverse one to
+   another, fighting and brawling and devouring one another, sporting
+   and living in wantonness, fullness, gluttony, and abundance of
+   idleness, devourers of the just _and the creation_." [emphasis added]
+   James Nayler?Richard Farnworth _A Discovery of Faith_ 1653
+  "Now I was come up in spirit through the flaming sword [back into
+   Eden, past the guardian angels, courtesy of Christ in me], into the
+   paradise of God. All things were new; and all the creation gave
+   unto me another smell than before, beyond what words can utter. I
+   knew nothing but pureness, and innocency, and righteousness; being
+   renewed into the image of God by Christ Jesus, to the state of
+   Adam, which he was in before he fell. The creation was opened to
+   me; and it was showed me how all things had their names given them
+   according to their nature and virtue."  George Fox, op. cit.
+In the new humanity, Christ is the only true king
+Government is needed for a necessary holding action against evil when
+we are still Fallen, but their time is coming to an end as they will
+no longer be needed.
+  "And you rulers of the nation, take heed how you step into the
+   throne of Christ or exalt yourselves in his kingdom, and mind what
+   power you are entrusted with by the Lord, and be faithful in that
+   as the ministers of God, to whom you are to account.o You are to
+   punish sin in whom it is, without respect of persons: and if you be
+   faithful herein you will find work enough in the nation."
+   James Nayler _The Power and Glory of the Lord Shining out of the
+   North_ 1653
+  "There is no kingdom nor people can truly be said4 to be the
+   Lord's and his Christ's, but as they come to be guided and
+   governed by the law of his Spirit in their consciences, which
+   Spirit and anointinga all must wait for, even from the king that
+   sits on high to the least place of government in any people, that
+   with it all may know judgment and to do justice, which is of God
+   and not of men,"
+   James Nayler & Richard Hubberthorne _An Account from the Children
+   of Light_ 1660
+*The Waning* -- Things begin to soften
+  "I would not have any judge, that hereby we intend to destroy the
+   mutual relation, that either is betwixt prince and people, master
+   and servants, parents and children, nay not at all. We shall
+   evidence that our principle in these things hath no such tendency,
+   and that these natural relations are rather better established than
+   any ways hurt by it."
+   Robert Barclay _Apology_, Proposition 15 1678
+A pretty stark change from Nayler, possibly a necessary response to
+Likewise for women: the principle of spiritual equality is maintained,
+but its outward expression is reined in.  Separation of men's and
+women's business meeting.
+Quaker slave-holding, and particularly the situation in Barbados, also
+represents a stepping back from the outward implications of the claim
+to the spiritual equality of all humanity.
+"Fox affirmed the spiritual equality of slaves, while at the same time
+advocatinga  form of 'covenant slavery' which sought to ameliorate the
+worst excesses of the practice." SM
+Inward spiritual liberation [affirmed] became disconnected from
+outward social liberation [dampened].
+SM summary of pre- vs. post-1600 Quakerism:
+ pre: The new way has come, and we are living in it now, the vanguard
+      of the new order
+      The old ways remain, but are dying, [trouba not, one might say]
+ post: The new way is strongly resisted, rejected or ignored
+       The old ways begin to reassert themselves
+       [People don't talk about living a transformed life in the image
+        of God anymore?]
+[Perhaps the early Friends depended too much on Cromwell?  They never
+even tried to create a little bit of Heaven on Earth in a territorial
+sense, the way the Anabaptists did, of course with disasterous
+consequences, at Munster]
+[I can't help wondering to what extent it was possible to maintain,
+throughout the actions that make up most of 'ordinary' life, a sense
+of living a transformed life...  SM has immersed himself in Nayler's
+writings, do you get a sense of how his life seemed to him?  Was life
+in the image of God something that came and went, as it were?]
+BPD: Christine Trevitt (?) on how Quaker women's publications were
+pushed back in the 1670s because they were too enthusiastic/prophetic
+TPA: Exactly the same in the early Christian communities!
+When you give power to a collective, it tends to move in a kind of
+conservative direction [SM, about the loss of the 'mad' life in the
+Spirit of the 1st generation of early Friends]
+For example wrt slavery, the radical position of individuals comes up
+against the collective and gets booted out [ref. Benjamin Lay]
+===========SM Two Kingdoms===========
+Medieval Catholic Chrisendom: "Two Swords", that is kinds of using force:
+   The church can use (lethal) force to defend the faith;
+   The state can use (lethal) force to defend the social order.
+Reformation: Martin Luther talks about "Two Kingdom":
+  A Kingdom of the sword: the realm of public politics, the legitimate
+     authority of the state to use force;
+  A Kingdom of the Gospel: a personal, spiritual and inward realm,
+     ruled by the Gospel of Christ.
+Both ordained by God, both legitimate.
+One could operate in both, but respecting the relevant authority only
+in the relevant sphere.
+So you can, as it were, _ignore_ the teachings of Jesus in the public
+sphere, and this allows the church and the state to avoid conflict.
+But for the _radical_ wing of the Reformation the two kingdoms were
+  The temporal state
+  The eternal/heavenly state
+and they are in _conflict_.  And the Anabaptist expectation was that
+the temporal kingdoms were dying and the kingdom of Christ was coming.
+And this is the one the early Quakers adopted.
+When this didn't happen (for both groups), and the state fights back,
+what do groups do wrt the two kingdoms view?  You see yourselves as a
+"faithful remnant", managing your boundaries, and keeping yourselves
+as perserving the purity of their alternative vision, and so taking
+strict control of membership and members' behaviour, "in the meantime".