changeset 282:bcce2c4d80ce

remove all substance
author Henry Thompson <>
date Wed, 12 Jul 2023 10:35:58 +0100 (19 months ago)
parents 17fe6da702d1
children 408d8684da36
files MHMC/2023-07-13/agenda.xml
diffstat 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/MHMC/2023-07-13/agenda.xml	Tue Jul 11 22:30:21 2023 +0100
+++ b/MHMC/2023-07-13/agenda.xml	Wed Jul 12 10:35:58 2023 +0100
@@ -15,61 +15,41 @@
   <div><list type="1defn">
-   <item term="Present:">Miranda Girdlestone (MG), Jackie Noltingk (JN), John
-Phillips (JP), Laragh Quinney (LQ, via Zoom), Henry Thompson (HT)</item>
-   <item term="Prevented:">Sue Sierra (SS)</item>
-   <item term="Copies to:">Marilyn Higgins (MH), Neil Turner (NT)</item>
+   <item term="Present:"></item>
+   <item term="Prevented:"></item>
+   <item term="Copies to:">Marilyn Higgins (MH), Neil Turner (NT), David
+Sterratt (DS)</item>
   <div id="next">
    <title>Date and time of next meeting</title>
-      <p class="action" on="HT">Email membership for available weeks
-in September, then poll for date/time.</p>
   <div id="arising">
    <title>Matters arising</title>
       <div id="6a">
         <title><link href="">MHM_2023-04-20</link>
 6a bullet 3: Staffing</title>
-       <p class="action" on="MG">Lone worker lanyard alarms. Carried forward.</p>
       <div id="9c">
         <title><link href="">MHM_2023-04-20</link>
 9c: Fabric and maintenance</title>
-      <p class="action" on="MG">Installing LED lighting.  Carried forward.</p>
    <div id="p_3.2">
     <title><link href="&prev;#PAT">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 3.2 PAT Testing</title>
-    <p class="action" on="MG">Draft a proposal and send it, noting our agreement, to the Safety Officer of AM
-Trustees.  Carried forward.</p>
    <div id="p_6.2">
     <title><link href="&prev;#staff">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 6.2 Ongoing staffing issues</title>
-    <p>On HT: "Tell R&amp;L that they have to vacate."  <name>Done</name>, with a minimum of fuss.</p>
-    <p>On HT: "Ask DS for time at the next Affordability Group
-meeting (26 June 1200) for an informal chat with members of the MHC to discuss
-the flat(s)".  <name>Not done</name>, see <link href="#flats">below under 6
-Upper Bow Flats</link>.</p>
    <div id="p_8.2">
     <title><link href="&prev;#email">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 8.2 Email issues</title>
-    <p>On HT, MG: "Meet with Majk to explore options, e.g. multiple folders,
-multiple email addresses".  <name>Done</name>, but more work needed.</p>
-    <p class="action" on="HT">Draft a proposal for upgrading email handling.</p>
    <div id="p_9">
     <title><link href="&prev;#staffing">MHM_2023-06-06</link> 9. Fabric and Maintenance</title>
-    <p>On HT: "Put [F&amp;M specialist needed] on the agenda for next time."  <name>Done</name>, see <link href="#building">below under Fabric and Maintenance</link>.</p>
+   </div>
     <div id="p_9.2.1">
-     <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link></title>On HT: "Meet with DS to discuss state of networking in 7VT, possible remedial actions."</div>
-   </div>
-    </div>
+     <title><link href="&prev;#wifi2f">MHM_2023-06-06</link></title></div>
+  </div>
   <div id="convenor">
    <title>Convenor's report</title>
-   <p>HT still struggling to manage the multitude of Dropbox accounts, Google
-groups and GMail accounts involved in this job.</p>
-   <p class="action" on="HT">Make all relevent Dropbox accounts and Google
-groups use the MHMCC email address, i.e. <code></code>.</p>
-   <p>Miranda and I have agreed to have regular meetings </p>
   <div id="MGupdate">
    <title>Manager's update</title>
@@ -80,200 +60,54 @@
   <div id="VTAG">
    <title>Victoria Terrace affordability group update</title>
    <p><link href="">Notes from meeting 2023-06-26</link></p>
-   <p>See the above for details.  Some topics of interest to us:</p>
-      <list>
-        <item></item>
-        <item></item>
-      </list>
   <div id="staffing">
-      <div id="org">
-        <title>Moving to operation with one resident manager</title>
-       <p><link href="">Background paper</link> from MG</p>
-       <p>See above for details.  Key points:</p>
-       <list>
-        <item>Permanent part-time MH Assistant post not refilled, needs to be</item>
-        <item>Shift in Majk's role and hours</item>
-        <item>Two new casual staff</item>
-       </list>
-     <p>Taken together this will free MG to do BizDev.</p>
-     <p class="minute"><href name="MHMC_2023-06-06_1"/><name>Minute MHMC_2023-06-06_1</name> We ask Trustees to agree to the creation of a new  permanent
-          part-time MH Assistant job starting in September, to be
-          advertised widely.</p>
+      <div id="Assistant">
+        <title>Additional Meeting House Assistant</title>
-      <div id="flat">
-        <title>Ongoing staffing issues</title>
-        <p><name>Issue for decision:</name> Resident Assistant Warden
-post renewal</p>
-       <p class="action" on="HT">Ask DS for time at the next
-Affordability Group meeting (26 June 1200) for an informal chat with members of the MHC to discuss the
-            flat(s).</p>
-    </div>
+   <div id="casual">
+    <title>Additional casual staff</title>
+   </div>
   <div id="lettings">
    <title>Room hire &amp; marketing</title>
-      <div id="controversy">
-        <title>Controversial bookings: Common Knowledge</title>
-       <p>HT reported that following the cancellation of the Common Knowledge 13
-April booking on the subject of vaccination, we received
-concerned queries from several Friends about their meeting scheduled for 11 May,
-entitled "Censorsing Debate&mdash;Marie Mamulova &amp; Lisa Randall",
-about their struggle to have a meeting last year, in Portobello, about their concerns
-regarding teaching about trans-gender issues in schools.</p>
-        <p>After extensive consultation within this Committee, also
-involving AM
-Clerk and the Clerk of AM Trustees, agreement was reached
-in two stages:</p>
-<list type="enum">
- <item>Because there had been security problems with the original
-(Portobello) meeting, MG contacted the Community Policing unit and on 28 April HT and
-MG met with two police, who were reassuring both about the fact that
-they did keep an eye on potential sources of trouble in such cases,
-and that they would make sure local patrols were aware of the 11 May meeting
-if it went ahead.</item>
-<item> We asked for and
-received reassurance that the
-meeting would be focussed on freedom of speech and that a statement setting out our expectations could
-be made by the AM Clerk at the beginning of the meeting.</item>
- </list>
- <p>We then agreed to allow the meeting to go ahead, with the two
-Clerks in attendance.</p>
- <p>HT emailed the Friends who had expressed concern explaining our decision.</p>
-        <p>In the event there was no disturbance from protesters, but
-the Clerks did not feel that the agreement to avoid anti-transgender
-topics and rhetoric had been respected.</p>
-        <p>[Extracts from an email from AM Clerk]</p>
-        <display><p>I don't think we should offer further bookings to this group when gender issues are on the agenda (and possibly not at all). While the chair made a point of saying all are welcome in their meetings, I didn't feel particularly welcome and as discussion went on I felt anyone who was trans would have felt very uneasy indeed.</p>
-<p>I opened the meeting by reading the 2021 BYM minute to explain where Quakers are coming from and said that while we don't expect to agree with everything that is said in meetings on our premises, we do ask that those present understand and respect where Quakers are coming from.</p>
-<p>Particularly in discussion there was no evidence that this had made
-any impact. While there was no abuse of trans people, they were
-continually seen as 'other', pushing forward an ideology which had
-taken over corporate decision making in government and education. The
-speaker said LGBT 'is all about the T' these days; 'it's a belief
-system'; an audience member said it's a vicious ideology.</p></display>
-<p>Further email discussion concluded with clear agreement that
-although we try to be a <emph>broad</emph> church in terms of making
-our facilities available for hire to a wide range of groups, we are a
-church, this is our home, and we don't have to allow people to say
-whatever they like.  The amount of time and emotional strain it was
-taking from all of us was out of all proportion to the benefit.</p>
-<p>Accordingly HT drafted a short note to Richard Ennos for MG to
-send, cancelling the remaining (three) bookings. MG refunded the amount
-already paid for those.</p>
-<p>Ennos replied to the Office asking for an explanation, and AM Clerk
-provided the following:</p>
-<display><p>One audience member spoke of gender identity ideology as a 'vicious'
-ideology. This was unchallenged by anyone, and was in line with a
-general sense of antagonism towards the fact of trans identity. There
-was no moderation of the discussion, and no attempt to question things
-that were stated as fact.</p>
-<p>Our clerk, who had introduced the meeting by explaining where Quakers
-are coming from, felt that his contribution was ignored by those
-contributing to the discussion. Although it had been stated that
-anyone was welcome to the meeting, he felt that any trans person would
-have felt unwelcome and excluded by the tone of the discussion, which
-throughout showed that participants regarded trans identity as
-something alien.  On this basis, he felt that the group had not
-respected the terms on which the letting had been made.  We recognise
-that some disagree with how trans issues are addressed within the
-education system, and that you have the right to air this; but we
-don't feel that the approach taken by Common Knowledge shares our
-values of pluralism and kindness.</p>
-        <p>All mention of 7 Victoria Terrace has now been removed from
-Common Knowledge online publicity for future events, and we hope the
-matter is closed.</p>
-    </div>
       <div id="weddings">
         <title>Quaker weddings: Griffiths/Lawrence</title>
-       <p>Wedding planning going well.  They've quite likely
-    over-catered, but fridge issue sorted. Photographer will come early.
-    IT for overlow in the Hall is an issue but we can work with what we
-    have: Emma and Andy were aware of what the MH provided when they booked.
-    Additional purchase of AV equipment is <emph>not</emph> required, MG does not recommend it for AM.
-    With respect to numbers, looks like 80&ndash;90 from outside invitees, not much feedback from
-    local Friends, but usual suspects would be 20&ndash;30, so probably 100+.</p>
   <div id="IT">
-      <div id="split">
-        <title>Private and public networks</title>
-       <p>Done, thanks to DS.  Now two SSIDs: quaker (old
-pw) and quaker-office (new, staff-only).  Relevant instructions are
-in the 'WiFi' folder in the office filing cabinet, and on HT's
-personal machine at home.</p>
-    </div>
       <div id="email">
         <title>Email issues</title>
-       <p>There's too much email on too many diverse topics coming in
-to <code></code>.  Things get lost.</p>
-        <p class="action" on="HT, MG">Meet with Majk to explore
-options, e.g. multiple folders, multiple email addresses</p>
-   <p></p>
   <div id="building">
    <title>Fabric and maintenance</title>
-       <p>In the past responsibility for keeping track of this topic
-has been delegated to a member of the committee.</p>
-       <p class="action" on="HT">Put this on the agenda for next time.</p>
+   <div id="specialist">
+    <title>New committee member?</title>
+   </div>
       <div id="large">
         <title>Large projects on hold</title>
-       <p>Heat pump, courtyard, waiting on finance (see <link href="">MHMC
-minutes for 2023-04-20, item 9a</link>)</p>
       <div id="issues">
         <title>Ongoing issues</title>
         <div id="wifi2f">
           <title>Meeting room wifi</title>
-          <p>Still broken</p>
-          <p class="action" on="HT">Meet with DS to discuss state of
-networking in 7VT, possible remedial actions</p>
         <div id="glazing">
           <title>Glazing in flats</title>
-          <p>Status unclear, issues with both 3F2 and 4F</p>
-          <p class="action" on="MG">Prepare brief report for next meeting</p>
-        <div id="dialer">
-          <title>Emergency phone in lift</title>
-          <p>GSM dialler was installed in the lift on 2023-06-06,
-engineer said that it is <emph>not</emph> at risk from end of voice
-          <p>There is an issue with the (re)direction for
-calls from this phone, which currently is set up to dial MG, then SS.
-For obvious reasons, MG's work phone is set up to go to voicemail, but
-if that means the call is taken to have gone through, that's a
-          <p class="action" on="MG">Experiment further to determine
-what the facts are, contact engineer for advice if necessary</p>
+        <div id="alarm">
+          <title>Alarm callout phone</title>
-      <div id="carpets">
-        <title>Carpets</title>
-          <p>No decision yet on carpets. The impact of building changes / cafe could change
-decision to be made.  No action until after the Fringe at the earliest.</p>
-          <p class="action" on="MG">Send quotes to JN</p>
-    </div>
-      <div id="signs">
-        <title>Signage</title>
-       <p>MG invited quotes from two firms, both visited but no
-response from either.  We suppose they are either too busy or the job
-is too small.  MG will develop alternatives for us to review.</p>
-        <p class="action" on="MG">Bring a proposal to MHMC in due
-      </div>
   <div id="flats">
    <title>6 Upper Bow</title>
-   <p>Decision process for refurbishment, including discussion with VTAG</p>
-   <p>Request from Richard xxx for furniture from 3F2</p>
   <div id="woStaff">
    <title>Time without staff</title>
-   <p>HST and MG have agreed to meet regularly to share status updates.</p>
   <div class="appendix" id="actions">
    <title>Action items</title>