changeset 70:57784d1138cf

HST raw
author ht
date Tue, 10 Jan 2012 15:44:27 -0500 (2012-01-10)
parents aa0dc69a46f8
children a7b110f838b7
files 7vtw/7vtw_20120110.txt
diffstat 1 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/7vtw/7vtw_20120110.txt	Tue Jan 10 15:44:27 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+7VT Windows Group, notes from 2012-01-10
+Caroline Evens, Emma Griffiths, Susie Harding, Henry S. Thompson
+If expand, look outside Central Edinburgh
+Fundraising c'ttee did a leaflet, but was laid down as too narrow in
+scope -- need us to actively seek out non-individual sources of
+We are B-listed.
+HST fussed about having 'safety'/'safe' as a big part of why we're
+doing this. ACTION CE to ask Ken Jobling why this is here
+Looking for approx. 90KGBP for windows (Hall and Meeting Room (library
+has been done)):  Make as energy-efficient as possible.
+Looking for panorama of the view for the inside of the leaflet -- John
+Fitzgerald was suggested as a possible photographer.
+Emma took us through some possible sources
+  * Historic Scotland have a fund for worship bldgs repair
+    * But it's administered by the Heritage Lottery Fund
+      Where does the money come from?
+      Website says "an application", funds from "one or the other or
+      both"
+    * EG will try to get to the bottom of this: ACTION EG
+How urgent is this?  The whole project has slipped, because we
+couldn't fund it ourselves when the cost came in at twice what we
+expected.  Might aim to finish by the end of the year.
+If much longer, need to let Trustees and Management C'ttee know, so
+they can in turn communicate with the builders from whom we have a
+But some of the windows are already leaking. . .
+HST asks about aiming higher?  Not really our call.
+SH agrees to convene, HST to take and circulate notes.
+EG will look at the _Directory of Quaker and Quaker-related
+grant-making trusts_ to see whether we can benefit.
+Sawley MH put a leaflet in the Friend. . .
+Possible steps:
+ * Leaflet for a) The Friend [National Appeal]
+               b) Constituent meetings
+ * Grants and stuff
+ * Constituent meeting fundraising activities?
+Cost of leaflet in the Friend?
+ACTION: HST to find out
+HST suggested that making explicit in the leaflet that we are
+expecting to raise XXX locally and are asking for the rest nationally
+would be a good tactic
+HST concerned that LM clerks need to be actively involved
+CE doesn't want to give the impression that we're asking for _more_
+money from LMs themselves as such
+SH suggested a cover letter in advance of the leaflet letting them
+know it's going national, asking for help, offering suggestions, etc.
+CE suggested we could add a line for 'additional contribution in light
+:-) of the window :-) of opportunity to help' for the Schedule letter
+(aiming for March).
+CE said we need a target for how much we can raise from grants, so we
+know how much we're looking to raise on a piece-by-piece basis.
+EG has located some other options, e.g. Glaziers Trust, from Funds for
+Historic Buildings at Historic Scotland: ACTION EG to scan these
+Should get the leaflet into the FH monthly mailing: ACTION HST to
+check cost/mechanism
+CE suggested we might circulate to non-Quaker bodies
+HST wondered about a press release: The Scotsman is hungry for
+content, every day
+"Still serving the old-town community after 145 years"
+HST thinks JP has a history of the building somewhere: ACTION HST to
+get this for EG
+CE reports that the MH Managers suggested we could contact the summer
+volunteers. . .
+CE begins to tabulate paras for the FAQ:
+ * History of the bldg., including statutory status: EG
+ * History of Q's [in Edinburgh]: CE
+ * Technical project info: CE
+ * Bldg use today (including EFF): CE
+ * Total cost and breakdown of funding sources in view: CE
+ * How to donate, Gift Aid, etc.: CE
+ * Fundraising suggestions: SH
+ * Fundraising status: HST [0]
+Use Googledocs for this?  ACTION HST to check about redlining, and
+produce trivial instructs.  One doc't per bullet
+SH asks about growing the group: consensus is, not yet, but co-opt
+people for specific tasks _ad lib_.
+ACTION HST to let Trustees know on 11-Jan that progress is progressing
+Date of next meeting: 7 Feb, same time, same place