changeset 159:172b0f3a4ccd

revised per version from Laura
author Henry Thompson <>
date Fri, 15 Mar 2019 19:37:33 +0000 (2019-03-15)
parents a7a34b7fa0ae
children fad00ec1fcce
files philip_20190224.html philip_20190224.pdf
diffstat 2 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-) [+]
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--- a/philip_20190224.html	Fri Mar 15 19:36:19 2019 +0000
+++ b/philip_20190224.html	Fri Mar 15 19:37:33 2019 +0000
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        .note {width: 20%; float: right; clear: right; margin-left: .5em}
-     </style><title>Visit with Philip Corrie-Hawes</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)"><div style="text-align: center" class="head"><h1>Visit with Philip Corrie-Hawes</h1><hr/><div class="byline">Philip Corrie-Hawes</div><div class="byline">Laura Pearson</div><div class="byline">Henry S. Thompson</div><div class="byline">24 Feb 2019</div><div class="copyright">Copyright &#169; 2019 <a href="">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div><div class="body"><div><h2>1.  Introduction</h2><p>At the request of Southeast Scotland Area Meeting, Laura and Henry met
-with Philip at his home to discuss his application for membership.  After a
-pleasant lunch prepared by Philip's husband [name here please, sorry for bad
-memory!], we settled in to worship, during which some excerpts from QF&amp;P
-11.1 were read.  Philip then shared with us his background and the ways in
-which his involvement
-with Friends had developed.</p></div><div><h2>2.  Philip's journey towards membership </h2><p>Philip went to to CofE schools, but let go of any
-idea of religion on leaving school.  He considered staunchly that he was an
-atheist, while recognising that that was a belief
-in itself.  He know sees that ever since then there's been a patter of moving towards faith, stepping back, looking
-for faith, something that was missing, not finding it, trying again.  Looking for a way to make
-a contribution to peoples lives, a key
-step came when he took a job as support worker in a mental
-health setting, after years in financial services.  But after 3 years or so he
-burned out, and realised that he had taken on more than he could manage.  Counselling helped him understand what he needed as an
-individual, and that he was a 'highly sensitive person' (HSP).  Digging deeper, looking back at
-how hiding his sexuality had meant always being on guard, wearing a mask,
-enabled Philip to look more deeply at his own unmet needs.  'Non-violent
-communication' (NVC), introduced by his new boss, also helped. HSP and NVC have helped Philip understand his yearning to contribute, to
-participate.  Realising this made sense of things he had done in the past
-without quite realising why, for example a year as a Samaritan, and time as a
-citizen advocate.</p><p>But there was still something missing.  Philip began, privately and
-tentatively, to explore faith. He recognised that because of the environment h
-grew up in he was culturally Christian, but he doesn't take Christian doctrine
-or the Bible
-literally.  The Bible has stories about how to live, without being
-historically true.  He began looking for a religious context that was consistent with
-that, <i>and</i> that wouldn't find his sexuality a problem.  He
-experimented with local churches, read about them extensively online,
-then contacted someone online asking them "This is me, a gay man, what can you say
-to me?"  First-time response was always positive, but beyond that there was usually some
-vagueness, along with some explicit negatives.  He had looked at Quakers quite early
-on, along with Humanism, Buddhism and meditation.  It took a long time to get to the point of
-attending a MfW, needed to be hopeful it was going to work, and would be OK
-with his husband.  He was supportive, and Philip got a positive response to an email to
-Laurie Naumann. </p><p>So, he went to his first Meeting for Worship in Kirkcaldy.  On the day it
-was good, supportive, "I felt quite held".  There was no quaking, but an
-atmosphere he could tap in to.  He was welcomed, and asked to introduce
-himself, which he wasn't expecting, but despite some anxiety he was able to do
-so.  Drove home smiling:  "I've found something I want to go back to".  That
-was two years ago, and he's been attending regularly since then. He feels that he's now reached the foundation of
-where he needs to be.  He's not done, but he has the basis for exploring
-further from
-what is now his spiritual home.</p><div><h4>2.1.  Where Philip is now</h4><p>He's very engaged with Friends in a practical sense:  he's the Central
-Fife LM treasurer, he goes to
-Area Meeting when he can, he's organising the new monthly MfW in Dunfermline. 
-Being in the meeting has become an important strand of what keeps him well.  He
-does still struggle to define simply what it is, what I get from it, but he's
-getting better at living with being unable to do that.  He feels fortunate that
-Britain Yearly Meeting
-is part of the 'liberal' Quaker tradition.  Sitting in silence
-<i>and</i> going regularly to the discussion groups are both part of
-what has become a very big piece of the jigsaw which makes him who he is.</p><p>He did feel the need need to check one last time, it seemed, about
-whether Quakers were the right answer for him, and so went to the local
-Episcopal service, and realised halfway through that this was not for him.  He
-is at home in the Meeting, with people who accept him for who he is.  All views
-are heard.  He doesn't feel any expectation to say something clever.  When ministry comes, it
-will be given to him.</p><p>For him, membership is an outward symbol of commitment, a pledge.
-It is a kind of label, but the symbolism of offering himself to this part of his
-life is in making a deeper commitment.  And, that he has something to offer,
-as he's already begun to do.</p><p>He sometimes regrets our inability as Quakers to broadcast what we have to offer more
-effectively.  You don't have to adhere to a set of rules, which is so
-refreshing.  He's loving that he's found a community he can be a
-part of and where he can feel safe.  What binds us together is the style of worship, the way we agree on
-business, viewing what people say without blame or criticism.</p><p>He couldn't fit himself to the mode of all the other churches he looked at,
-whereas Quakerism offered a place to just be, without signing a declaration
-that you believe certain things.</p></div><p>When asked about Meeting for Worship for Business, Philip noted that we
-didn't seek consensus, nor did we vote, but looked for where the spirit leads.  Not
-"this is right, this is wrong", but being in the moment, being led to take a
-particular path at this time.  We all take responsibility.</p><p>The visitors let Philip know that they were touched by the sense of
-journey from a base that he had expressed, and grateful that they had shared it
-with him.  We closed with a comfortable silence, in no doubt that Philips
-membership in our Society was already a reality, now ready for recognition by
-Area Meeting.</p></div></div></body></html>
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+     </style><title>
+Visit with Philip Corrie-Hawes
+</title></head><body style="font-family: DejaVu Sans, Arial; background: rgb(254,250,246)">
+<div style="text-align: center" class="head">
+Visit with Philip Corrie-Hawes
+<div class="byline">
+Philip Corrie-Hawes
+<div class="byline">
+Laura Pearson
+<div class="byline">
+Henry S. Thompson
+<div class="byline">
+24 February 2019
+<div class="copyright">Copyright &#xa9; 2019 <a href="">Henry S. Thompson</a>&#160;<a href="">CC-BY-SA</a></div></div>
+<div class="body">
+At the request of Southeast Scotland Area Meeting, Laura and Henry met
+with Philip at his home to discuss his application for
+membership. After a pleasant lunch prepared by Philip's husband Mark
+and some cuddles from their dog Fudge, we settled in to worship, during
+which some excerpts from QF&amp;P 11.1 were read. Philip then shared
+with us his background and the ways in which his involvement with
+Friends had developed.
+Philip's journey towards membership 
+Finding the Religious Society of Friends was the result of a process
+of seeking which Philip entered feeling that something was missing
+from his life.
+Philip went to CofE schools, but let go of any idea of religion on
+leaving school. He considered staunchly that he was an atheist, while
+recognising that that was a belief in itself. He now sees that ever
+since then there's been a pattern of moving towards faith, stepping
+back, looking for faith, or that something that was missing, not
+finding it and trying again. In looking for a way to make a
+contribution to peoples lives, a key step came when he took a job as
+support worker in a mental health setting, after years in financial
+services. But after 3 years or so he burned out, and realised that he
+had taken on more than he could manage. Counselling helped him
+understand that he was a 'highly sensitive person' (HSP) and with
+that he began a process of digging deeper to find himself. Through
+this project of self-exploration, he considered how hiding his
+sexuality had meant always being on guard, wearing a mask and not being his true
+self. This process enabled
+Philip to look more deeply at universal
+human needs and his own unmet needs. 'Non-violent
+communication' (NVC), introduced by his new boss, also helped.  An understanding of HSP and using
+NVC techniques have helped Philip understand his yearning for belonging, meaning and a place to contribute and
+participate. Realising this made sense of things he had done in the
+past without quite realising why, for example a year as a Samaritan,
+and time as a citizen advocate.
+But there was still something missing. Philip began, privately and
+tentatively, to explore faith. He recognised that because of the
+environment he grew up in he was culturally Christian, but he doesn't
+take Christian doctrine or the Bible literally. The Bible has stories
+about how to live, without being historically true. He began looking
+for a religious context that was consistent with that, while having at
+the back of his mind that even if he did seek fellowship he wouldn't
+be welcomed due to his sexuality. He experimented with local churches,
+firstly by reading about them extensively online, then contacting them
+through email, in particular asking for their opinion on gay
+marriage. First-time response was always positive, but beyond that
+there was usually some vagueness, along with some explicit
+negatives. He had looked at Quakers quite early on, along with
+Humanism, Buddhism and meditation. It took a long time to get to the
+point of attending a Meeting for Worship, as Philip felt he needed to be hopeful it
+was going to work, and also that it would be OK with his husband. Mark
+was unconditionally supportive of Philip's search, and on sending an
+enquiring email, Philip received a positive response from Laurie
+So, he went to his first Meeting for Worship in Kirkcaldy. Philip
+describes this as a "phenomenal experience". He found he understood
+the structure and felt the silence utterly fulfilling. He explains
+that he "felt quite
+held". There was no quaking, but an atmosphere he could tap in
+to. He was welcomed, and asked to introduce himself, which he wasn't
+expecting, but despite some anxiety he was able to do so. Philip reflected that he drove home
+smiling: "I've found something I want to go back to". That
+was two years ago, and he's been attending regularly since then. He
+feels that he's now reached the foundation of where he needs to
+be. He's not done, but he has the basis for exploring further from
+what is now his spiritual home.
+Where Philip is now
+He's very engaged with Friends in a practical sense: he's the Central
+Fife Local Meeting treasurer, he goes to Area Meeting when he can and he's
+organising the new monthly Meeting for Worship in Dunfermline. Being in the meeting
+has become an important strand of what keeps him well. He describes
+Quakerism as an anchor to come back to when he gets worried or things
+get too much "a way to reflect and re-energise". He does still
+struggle to define simply what it is that he gets from it, but he's
+getting better at living with being unable to do that. He feels
+fortunate that Britain Yearly Meeting is part of the 'liberal' Quaker
+tradition. Sitting in silence <i>and</i> going regularly to the
+discussion groups are both part of what has become a very big piece of
+the jigsaw which makes him who he is.
+He did feel the need need to check one last time, it seemed, about
+whether Quakers were the right answer for him, and so went to the
+local Episcopal service, and realised halfway through that this was
+not for him. He is at home in the Meeting, with people who accept him
+for who he is, and where all views are heard without judgement. He
+doesn't feel any expectation to say something clever. When ministry
+comes, it will be given to him.
+For him, membership is an outward symbol of commitment, a pledge. It
+is a kind of label, but the symbolism of offering himself to this part
+of his life is in making a deeper commitment. And a way of saying that
+he has something to willingly and lovingly offer to a community, as
+he's already begun to do.
+He sometimes regrets our inability as Quakers to broadcast what we
+have to offer more effectively. He's loving that he's found a
+community he can be a part of and where he can feel safe and where you
+don't have to adhere to a set of rules, which is so refreshing. He
+recognises that we can blunder and we're fallible but the intention is
+always to connect, however you describe it. What binds us together is
+the style of worship, the way we agree on business, viewing what
+people say without blame or criticism.
+He couldn't fit himself to the mode of all the other churches he
+looked at, whereas Quakerism offered a place to just be, without
+signing a declaration that you believe certain things.
+When asked about Meeting for Worship for Business, Philip noted that
+we didn't seek consensus, nor did we vote, but looked for where the
+spirit leads. Not "this is right, this is wrong", but being
+in the moment, being led to take a particular path at this time and
+where we all take responsibility.
+The visitors let Philip know that they were touched by the sense of a
+journey from a base that he had expressed. They were grateful that
+they had been able to share it with him. We closed with a comfortable
+silence, in no doubt that Philip's membership in our Society was
+already a reality, now ready for recognition by Area Meeting.
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