Paragraph 19.57 from QF&P was read
-Present: Maureen Anderson, Alison Chalmers, Alan Davies, Andrew Farrar, Madeleine Harding, -Phil Lucas (AM Clerk, by invitation), Kerstin -Phillips, David Somervell, Henry Thompson, Mary Woodward
-Regrets: Cathy Bell, Anthony Buxton, Maeve Cunningham, Doreen Dodd, Janet Grimwade, John Harris, Marilyn Higgins, -Jean McAuslin, Rhoda Mackenzie, Laurie Naumann, Susan Reid, Rosemary Roberts, -Neil Turner
-David Somervell, Rosemary Roberts, Marilyn Higgins, Alison Chalmers were
-asked in autumn 2012 to produce a leaflet explaining to attenders the process of applying
-and being considered for Membership, with the aim of encouraging more
-applicants. At our meeting in April 2013 the result,
The 2008 revision of Quaker Faith and Practice updated the Membership -Chapter (11) to provide two new ways in to Membership in addition to -writing a letter to an Area Meeting Clerk and being 'visited' by two Friends -appointed by that Area Meeting: a Meeting for Clearness, or a series of -meetings with several Friends. These options had been canvassed a few years -before, but Area Meeting decided -at that time to stay with the letter+visit route.
-Here is the relevant paragraph (from
We were reminded that Membership in the Society is very precious. It is -important that AM has enough information to make a decision, and even the -existing process does not always provide this. There have been occasions when -very short reports were all that was available, and the applicant did not feel -well-treated by the process.
-The current Area Meeting leaflet for guidance for visitors and applicants was prepared -in the 1990s. The new leaflet, and in particular any change it implies to our -Membership process, will have to be seen and agreed by Area Meeting.
-We are particularly concerned to avoid the impression that the
-application process is primarily a
Participation in
Will an attender be clear from the description given what "the process" -is, in "at the end of this process"?
-A written application may be very short. A definite action is valuable
-Clarifying the way the methods fit into an overall process could and should be done
-Choice is good. Younger attenders question the whole concept of -Membership, and adding flexibility can help with this.
-That there should be a letter, perhaps a very short one, independently of which of three processes -is chosen should be made clear.
-Giving QF&P
Involving a Friend from outside the applicant's LM is a valuable -requirement, avoiding any possibility of a feeling of awkwardness if all -parties are already acquainted, as would otherwise be particulary likely in small LMs.
-Bullet 1 was not meant to be as specific as the discussion suggested, i.e.
-that it's about Meetings for Learning as the route towards the end in view,
-although that would be one possibility. It wasn't intended (only) as a generalisation of study
-groups, but as a way to get two experienced friends, perhaps one outside th
-LM, to meet. Sometimes we don't
The back page reads too much like a curriculum: Once you write down a -list, you're liable to becoming constrained by it.
-Issuing this leaflet does not mean AM does not need to consider lengthier -guidance for itself and those it asks to help with the reporting process.
-Is the cover illustration -necessary? Does it convey that attenders are too small/junior/insignificant? -Growth and development is a useful image.
We thank the sub-group for their hard work, and feel we are converging on
-a result. We would like the leaflet to give a clear picture to attenders of what
-the process of applying for Membership involves, and
We invite the sub-group to explore ways of changing the last 'page' help to lessen
-the sense that it's a set of exam questions. Possibilities include changing
Minor points: In
We ask the sub-group to prepare a new draft for our consideration, being -sensitive to the above guidance.
-We ask the Clerk of Elders and the Clerk of Overseers to write to the
-Clerk of Area Meeting asking that approval for the purchase of a number of
-copies of
Maureen Anderson introduced her concern that, particularly in the -context of our aim to encourage entry into Membership, it did not make sense to -require attenders to leave the room when membership matters were discussed.
-If there is a friend of the applicant in the room, they may be made to
-feel uncomfortable. When the report has less than positive aspects,
-particulary if the application is then turned down, the
Writing a report can be painful. Reading a
We agreed that the applicant themselves should still be asked to leave -(and not on their own, if possible), noting that we have recently changed our -practice as regards nominees leaving when their nomination is to be discussed.
-Our overall feeling was that attenders who attend Area Meeting are no -more or less likely than members to be upset, or break confidence.
-We ask the Clerks of Area Meeting Elders and Area Meeting Overseers to
-write to the Area Meeting Clerk recommending that Area Meeting agree to allow
-attenders (other than the applicant) to remain in the Meeting during discussion
-of membership matters. See
Postponed to a subsequent meeting
-We ask the Clerks to agree this after consultation with their respective groups.
-Paragraph 19.57 from QF&P was read
+Present: Maureen Anderson, Alison Chalmers, Alan Davies, Andrew Farrar, Madeleine Harding, +Phil Lucas (AM Clerk, by invitation), Kerstin +Phillips, David Somervell, Henry Thompson, Mary Woodward
+Regrets: Cathy Bell, Anthony Buxton, Maeve Cunningham, Doreen Dodd, Janet Grimwade, John Harris, Marilyn Higgins, +Jean McAuslin, Rhoda Mackenzie, Laurie Naumann, Susan Reid, Rosemary Roberts, +Neil Turner
+David Somervell, Rosemary Roberts, Marilyn Higgins, Alison Chalmers were
+asked in autumn 2012 to produce a leaflet explaining to attenders the process of applying
+and being considered for Membership, with the aim of encouraging more
+applicants. At our meeting in April 2013 the result,
The 2008 revision of Quaker Faith and Practice updated the Membership +Chapter (11) to provide two new ways in to Membership in addition to +writing a letter to an Area Meeting Clerk and being 'visited' by two Friends +appointed by that Area Meeting: a Meeting for Clearness, or a series of +meetings with several Friends. These options had been canvassed a few years +before, but Area Meeting decided +at that time to stay with the letter+visit route.
+Here is the relevant paragraph (from
We were reminded that Membership in the Society is very precious. It is +important that AM has enough information to make a decision, and even the +existing process does not always provide this. There have been occasions when +very short reports were all that was available, and the applicant did not feel +well-treated by the process.
+The current Area Meeting leaflet for guidance for visitors and applicants was prepared +in the 1990s. The new leaflet, and in particular any change it implies to our +Membership process, will have to be seen and agreed by Area Meeting.
+We are particularly concerned to avoid the impression that the
+application process is primarily a
Participation in
Will an attender be clear from the description given what "the process" +is, in "at the end of this process"?
+A written application may be very short. A definite action is valuable
+Clarifying the way the methods fit into an overall process could and should be done
+Choice is good. Younger attenders question the whole concept of +Membership, and adding flexibility can help with this.
+That there should be a letter, perhaps a very short one, independently of which of three processes +is chosen should be made clear.
+Giving QF&P
Involving a Friend from outside the applicant's LM is a valuable +requirement, avoiding any possibility of a feeling of awkwardness if all +parties are already acquainted, as would otherwise be particularly likely in small LMs.
+Bullet 1 was not meant to be as specific as the discussion suggested, i.e.
+that it's about Meetings for Learning as the route towards the end in view,
+although that would be one possibility. It wasn't intended (only) as a generalisation of study
+groups, but as a way to get two experienced friends, perhaps one outside the
+LM, to meet. Sometimes we don't
The back page reads too much like a curriculum: Once you write down a +list, you're liable to becoming constrained by it.
+Issuing this leaflet does not mean AM does not need to consider lengthier +guidance for itself and those it asks to help with the reporting process.
+Is the cover illustration +necessary? Does it convey that attenders are too small/junior/insignificant? +Growth and development is a useful image.
We thank the sub-group for their hard work, and feel we are converging on
+a result. We would like the leaflet to give a clear picture to attenders of what
+the process of applying for Membership involves, and
We invite the sub-group to explore ways of changing the last 'page' help to lessen
+the sense that it's a set of exam questions. Possibilities include changing
Minor points: In
We ask the sub-group to prepare a new draft for our consideration, being +sensitive to the above guidance.
+We ask the Clerk of Elders and the Clerk of Overseers to write to the
+Clerk of Area Meeting asking that approval for the purchase of a number of
+copies of
Maureen Anderson introduced her concern that, particularly in the +context of our aim to encourage entry into Membership, it did not make sense to +require attenders to leave the room when membership matters were discussed.
+If there is a friend of the applicant in the room, they may be made to
+feel uncomfortable. When the report has less than positive aspects,
+particularly if the application is then turned down, the
Writing a report can be painful. Reading a
We agreed that the applicant themselves should still be asked to leave +(and not on their own, if possible), noting that we have recently changed our +practice as regards nominees leaving when their nomination is to be discussed.
+Our overall feeling was that attenders who attend Area Meeting are no +more or less likely than members to be upset, or break confidence.
+We ask the Clerks of Area Meeting Elders and Area Meeting Overseers to
+write to the Area Meeting Clerk recommending that Area Meeting agree to allow
+attenders (other than the applicant) to remain in the Meeting during discussion
+of membership matters. See
Postponed to a subsequent meeting
+We ask the Clerks to agree this after consultation with their respective groups.