# HG changeset patch
# User Henry Thompson
MG to send August staff rota to HST
HST to send staff rota to RF, KM
HST to ask staff to think about this at all-hands on 25/6 DONE
We have had time without staff, which was taken up with a good threshing session.
Job Description is simple to update, key part of expectation management for new hire(s) is getting the Aims and Objectives right. Calling this a 'Manager' post carries an expectation of e.g. a 5-year - plan and a budget.
[The following will be removed before uploading/circulating outside MHMC]
[MG: MS was not the Assistant Meeting House Manager that MG needed -- -outstanding Meeting House Assistant, but - resisted attempts to get him to step up sooner.]
Tuesday 2 July, 5 p.m., at 7 Victoria Terrace