Mercurial > hg > rsof
accept salary edit7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
Minor edits from JN7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
consistent naming for publication7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from RF 2024-07-297 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
consistent naming7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
raw7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST agreed all changes7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST agree all changes, replied to one comment7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
One more comment re alarm management7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST accepted almost all, added one comment, re-circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from JP7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
with correct date7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
correct date of meeting7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
move to hiring from transition, version agreed at MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
hiring various7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
separate hiring from transition7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
with changes/comments done at MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from pandoc7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
convert to markdown7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
some queries/actions from MHMC 2024-07-167 months ago, by Henry Thompson
_ for italic, ** or __ for bold7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
for fixup of pandoc output7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
empty7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
merge7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
from Rachel7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
pandoc and minutes.el done7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
moved to own directory7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
fix date7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
actually as circulated, with Susie Harding removed7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as converted7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as circulated7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
initial7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
fix labelling7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST corrections and additions7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST version7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
filled in from raw7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
finished7 months ago, by Henry Thompson
agenda7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
final, I think7 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
updated by Rachel Fitz8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
new markdown8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
finished8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
empty8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
needs more captions8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
As circulated/uploaded8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
HST complete8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
XML valid8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
raw minutes.txt jammed in8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
as intended, plus post-meeting actions8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
final text version, shifting to XML8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
in progress8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
attendance, maybe8 months ago, by Henry Thompson
from agenda8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
preparing for MHMC 2024-06-248 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
deleted comments, as circulated8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson
HST cleaned up and accepted comments8 months ago, by Henry S Thompson